Room interiors using decorative stone. What is decorative stone? General characteristics of the material

As the most durable and reliable material, stone has been used for construction, probably since the appearance of the first people on Earth. The Egyptian pyramids, the Great Chinese Wall, megalithic structures of the Mayan civilization, ancient temples and medieval fortresses.

Just a hundred years ago stone houses Only wealthy owners could afford it - the rest were content with clay and wooden huts. Even now, despite the huge variety of building materials, the use of natural sandstone, granite, and marble in the interior is a sign of elitism.

However, imitations of natural stone look no worse, but they are more affordable, easier to process, and sometimes have better resistance to changes in humidity, temperature, and mechanical stress. More details about this type of finishing and methods of its application will be discussed in this article.

What is decorative stone?

Artificial stone has an external resemblance to natural stone, but it is not extracted from the depths, but is made by hand or industrially. The methods are similar to each other - the solution is poured into a mold (silicone, plastic, metal), dried, and sometimes heat treatment(firing), coating with various impregnations or glazes.

Depending on the composition of the raw materials, the product can be concrete, ceramic, gypsum, acrylic, or polyester. There is also the so-called liquid stone in the form of an unhardened mixture, as well as flexible - a kind of stone veneer in rolls or sheets.

For external work, frost-resistant slabs are used, with minimal porosity and rougher in appearance. The interior uses lightweight, thin elements. Their environmental friendliness largely depends on the binder and fillers.

Thus, cement, sand, gypsum and clay are not inferior natural stone, freely allowing air and moisture to pass through, but acrylic resins are safe only at low temperatures - placing them near a fireplace, oven and other heating appliances is not recommended. If already at +30°C a synthetic countertop, bathtub or sink exudes bad smell, it is better to avoid purchasing them, since this is often a sign of low-quality ingredients that are toxic to health.

Features of application

In one form or another, decorative stone can be seen anywhere: they decorate houses, apartments, offices, cafes, train stations and administrative buildings. In dry rooms, relief artificial sandstone, shell rock, cobblestone, slate are more common, and in humid and crowded rooms - smooth “polished” granite, marble, glazed brick tiles.

In the first case, the stone gives the interior a cozy and warm look, in the second - it resembles a seashore with its rounded pebbles, as well as turned boulders. From a practical point of view, this also makes sense, because glossy surface it is much easier to wash, and the matte roughness under the influence of water and steam takes on an unsightly appearance.

Decorative stone in the living room interior

The energy of a stone, even a decorative one, brings into the house a feeling of some stability, tranquility and peace. Perhaps, on a subconscious level, it is associated with the reliable walls of a fortress protecting from enemies or the constancy of one’s home.

This material is indispensable when facing an existing fireplace, since it best transfers the heat of the flame to the surrounding space. In apartments where it is not possible to arrange such romantic heating, electric imitations or simply niches with candles are often installed. In this case, both the portal itself and the wall can be lined with stone - completely or partially.

Sometimes stone is simply used to create interior accents, for example, to frame corners, arches, ledges, and columns. Next to such a noble addition it is worth using dim, natural shades, wood and leather textures, natural fabrics and furs, soft yellowish-white light. Green plants, especially climbing ones, look incredibly beautiful against the background of stone.

Imitation of sandstone cuts and raw granite is ideal for decorating a country-style living room or chalet. Plaster and light marble will help reproduce the classic atmosphere, but in a loft and minimalism it will be most appropriate stone tiles under the brick.

Decorative stone in the kitchen interior

The kitchen is exactly the place where stone cladding looks most natural. Firstly, it reminds us of real hearths and stoves, in which it has long been customary to cook food and bake bread. Secondly, this is the most fire-resistant finishing option.

Countertops made of artificial stone have confidently won everyone’s love thanks to their perfectly smooth surface, on which no traces of a knife or knife remain. hot dishes. In addition, they are very aesthetically pleasing - the unique pattern of polished stone creates the impression of luxury. Polymer sinks, window sills, and bar counters have the same advantages.

In general, when choosing decorative stone for the kitchen, it is advisable to choose products with high density, coated with glaze or varnish, since porous products (for example, concrete-sand) can accumulate moisture, dirt and odors. The tiles that will be used to cover the apron must be non-staining, easy to clean and not melt when heated.

Decorative stone in the bedroom interior

In combination with another natural finish, stonework will help create a relaxed atmosphere in the bedroom country house or a spacious loft. If you choose natural colors and embossed texture, it will fit well into a Mediterranean, rustic, ethnic interior. As an addition, beams on the ceiling are suitable, rough wooden furniture, linen textiles, as well as fluffy carpets on the floor.

It is better to avoid glossy imitations of stone in the bedroom - they look a little cold and can cause unsettling feelings. It is advisable to highlight sections of walls with stone cladding so that the room does not turn into a gloomy crypt.

Lamps stylized as antique metal lanterns, torches or kerosene lamps will look especially impressive.

Decorative stone in the interior of a nursery

Artificial stone can be a real boon for some design ideas for decorating a children's room. With it, ordinary walls can easily turn into the tower of a fairy-tale castle, a mysterious cave, a salt dungeon or an underwater kingdom.

An interesting effect can be achieved if you line the edges of photo wallpaper with a landscape with stone - the room will expand and gain perspective. You can also use imitation pebbles in children's decor: make beautiful mosaics and panels, frames for pictures or mirrors, paint them in the form of bugs and snails.

Decorative stone in the interior of the hallway and corridor

The hallway, decorated with decorative stone, is somewhat reminiscent of the cozy streets of ancient European cities. You can immediately feel the excellent taste of the owners of the house.

The masonry can decorate the walls entirely or in separate fragments, but in any case it will be an elegant design. Mirrors in wrought-iron frames, “street” lamps and benches, as well as a large clock with Roman numerals, like on town halls, will help to emphasize the beauty of the stone decoration in the corridor.

Decorative stone in the interior of a balcony and loggia

Decorating walls with decorative stone is perfect would be better suited for an insulated balcony or loggia and will give the interior a rich look. In these small areas you can create a cozy place for drinking tea, reading books, organizing a work corner or a mini-greenhouse.

To create a feeling of sophistication, you can use decorative stone in the interior.

Having a variety of textures, shapes and colors, it makes it possible to use it in design different rooms, for example, in the hallway, kitchen, bathroom or living room.

Even in ancient times, stone was used not only in construction, but also in interior decoration.

Nowadays, natural stone is an expensive, heavy material that has been successfully replaced by artificial stone. To decorate walls with decorative stone, you should choose only high-quality material.

About the advantages of decorative stone

  • Rich appearance;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • not afraid of corrosion, fungus and mold;
  • easy to care for; easy to install;
  • It has different shades; durable, heat-resistant and frost-resistant;
  • inexpensive.

Currently, decorative stone in the interior of an apartment can be used in almost all rooms of modern housing.

To make sure that the stone looks good in a modern interior, you can look at photos of decorative stone in the interior of completely different rooms.

Hallway stone

No one will argue that guests get their first impression of your home when they enter the hallway. Artificial stone will tell about the sophistication of the owners right from the doorstep.

When planning to use decorative stone in the hallway, it is worth remembering its small size and inaccessibility to natural light.

Therefore, you need to choose here bright hues. If you settled on dark shades, add additional lighting to the hallway.

And, besides, best option- This is a partial finish. The stone can be used to decorate mirrors, arches, and the wall behind the hanger. Remember that the room will become sophisticated if you avoid oversaturation.

Living room stone

Here they receive guests or arrange cozy home gatherings. Usually the living room is the largest room in terms of area. Therefore, the stone can be used to highlight zones.

The stone is used to decorate the wall near the table, shelving area, and its heat resistance allows it to decorate the fireplace and the area in front of it.

The bar counter and walls in the TV area can also be decorated with artificial stone. A varied range of colors makes it possible to create smooth color transitions or create contrasting accents, giving the room a unique look.

Stone in the kitchen

Using decorative stone, you can transform a room beyond recognition. This material is quite practical, easy to clean, it is not afraid of temperature changes and is quite moisture resistant.

With it you can do work area, or all the walls, giving the kitchen the appearance of a medieval room.

Door openings, niches, part of the wall are trimmed with stone, dining area. But it is worth remembering that the stone must be combined with the furniture and match the size of the room; if the kitchen is small, take a small stone; if the kitchen is spacious, take a large one.

Stone in the bedroom

Warm colors are suitable for this room. The best option there will be a white decorative stone in the interior. They can be used to decorate the headboard area. Stone panels will look good here.

And of course the stone goes well with natural wood. If a dark-colored stone is chosen, then it is better to combine it with light-colored furniture.

Bathroom stone

This room requires high-quality finishing materials. If you use artificially made marble or granite, which have water-repellent properties, you can turn your bathroom into a spa.

The elements of this building material are made without visible seams, so it looks more aesthetically pleasing than ordinary tiles. Playing around in the bathroom marine theme, you can use artificially created pebbles. Rough large stone goes well with wood elements.

Any room has its own atmosphere, but they should all ultimately become part of the overall ensemble of the entire home.

Photo of decorative stone in the interior

The interior of the living room should always be at least a little oriented towards guests, even the name of this room speaks about this. Therefore, there should always be something special in its design, something that could impress friends and acquaintances who came to visit you. At the same time, its interior should not be completely strict and official; on the contrary, the room should be conducive to free communication. Stone in the interior of the living room would be the most suitable option as such an accent, because its presence not only ennobles the interior, but also makes it very comfortable, both for the family permanently living in the house and for visiting guests.

Stone is a natural material, so its presence in the interior of any apartment is always perceived positively. Moreover, the stone creates the impression of reliability and fundamentality.

Let's take a closer look at the features of using stone in the interior of the living room. How and what can be decorated with it in the interior of a given room.

Stone in the living room interior

There are various ideas for using this material in the interior; there are no strict rules and places for decoration. But there are generally accepted standards, in which one or another method of decorating the living room interior is most often used, using natural or artificial stone.

Since today it is fashionable to make arches instead of doors in the passages to the kitchen and living room, for the purpose of even greater decoration they are decorated with artificial stone. The result of such decoration of an arch in the living room may be different, depending on the type of artificial stone and the method of its installation. Using it, you can lay out various compositions in the arch, from simulating the entrance to a cave to the entrance to a dilapidated building. Most often, they use one of the types of artificial stone that imitates rock or brickwork.

The design technique of a living room with a brick wall is very widely used. At the same time, the brick can be visually aged, which is good for styles such as loft.

In addition to brick, any other type of artificial stone can be used. It should be noted that if your living room is poorly lit, the windows face north, or there are other reasons for this, it is better to use light-colored artificial stone in its interior.

In the interior of the living room, part of the wall can also be decorated - one object can be highlighted with it. Most often, stone is used to create a TV area in the living room.

A niche for a TV or any other object can be quite successfully decorated with stone. For example, in a niche made of plasterboard with a stone back wall, various kinds of antique vases, figurines, etc. will look very impressive. And the included built-in lighting in a niche with such souvenirs will further decorate the interior of the living room.

A composition of stone with wall painting will look very impressive. Greek and country themes are very popular. Such a wall panel in the living room interior will definitely not go unnoticed. After all, the technology of wall painting is one of the types of wall art. The result is genuine works of art on the walls.

If your living room has an aquarium built into the wall, then the closer wall planes can also be “dressed” in stone. By doing this, you will enhance the feeling of the presence of nature in your home; two natural elements - stone and water - will best contribute to calm and relaxation.

Decorative stone photo

Decorative stone in the living room interior can be used to decorate the fireplace. Because real fireplace with chimney in apartment building it is almost impossible to install, today they are used for this purpose electric models. And to make such a fireplace in the living room look like a real one, the wall around it can be lined with artificial stone. Thanks to what is different variants With this coating, the fireplace can be decorated to match any of the modern styles. For example, a fireplace in an Art Nouveau style interior is best decorated with decorative stones imitating fragments of rocks, cliffs, or stones imitating formation rocks.

Stone fireplace in the interior photo

For Provence and country style, it would be appropriate to use a decorative oval stone.

Natural stone photo

For Scandinavian style best suited imitation painted, in White color brickwork.

If you are the owner of a country house, then you probably have a fireplace in the living room, in this case You can decorate it with stone even more effectively, because with the help of this material you can also line a chimney. If the living room is large and if there are still high ceilings. Then the stone stones will look truly grandiose and even luxurious.

Stone in the interior of the living room can also serve as sculptures, if, for example, you place a natural stone of a bizarre shape, carved by the forces of nature. It will also be quite attractive to your guests, plus it will be a great topic of conversation.

The stone copes well with the task of aesthetic interior design. It creates a unique and very favorable atmosphere.

Stone in the interior of the living room photo

A person is designed in such a way that he will always strive to achieve comfort and coziness in his home or apartment. Nowadays, people treat this issue with particular trepidation: they equip their homes with all kinds of amenities and, of course, try to create a warm, sincere atmosphere.

How to achieve the desired result? Stylize and decorate the interior so that it is pleasant to relax in silence after a hard day at work, spend time watching TV with your family, or invite a noisy group of friends on the weekend. There are many possible answers to this question. But the most original of them will be the use of artificial stone.

The use of decorative artificial stone in the interior

Stone is a unique decorative element in the interior. It ennobles any room, creates an elegant, chic look, fits harmoniously into both classic and modern style rooms. Thanks to the wide color spectrum and varied texture, decorative stone in the interior will become a unique highlight, adding sophistication and charm. In addition, stone is an environmentally friendly and wear-resistant material with antistatic properties. Which makes it not only aesthetically attractive, but also multifunctional.

Finishing surfaces with decorative stone in the kitchen is the right decision. Since it does not contain harmful substances, does not attract dust, does not absorb fat, is resistant to moisture, and prevents the appearance of mold. In addition, it is easy to care for - it can be processed detergent or rub with a rag or brush. Decorating the walls with decorative stone in the kitchen will not only be for you beautiful decoration, but will also save you from many everyday problems.

The fireplace is rightfully considered a symbol home comfort. In essence, this is a modern home. It keeps warm, brings peace and balance to the house. Decorative stone and fireplace – best combination For interior decoration interior Only in this case is a stone used that can withstand high temperatures and increasing heat transfer. In addition, the fireplace takes on a chic, royal appearance. This stone will be a great addition to natural or electric fireplaces.

A lamp made of stone is a unique piece of furniture, if only because dust does not accumulate on it. Is it worth talking about the aesthetic appearance of such a lamp? Undoubtedly, it will become a magnificent final element of any interior composition.

Decor radius walls and semicircular surfaces with stone - an innovation in interior design. Such an author's solution will emphasize the originality of the room. Despite the recent discovery of this method of decoration, it has become incredibly popular among aesthetes and connoisseurs of refined taste.

You can use decorative stone in the interior of the hallway, namely in the stylization of mirrors. A mirror is the most mysterious and enigmatic piece of furniture. It has its own character and a certain aura. The use of artificial stone will help to harmoniously and softly fill a mirror surface of any shape with elegance.

The decoration of arches and wall corners is popular. Stone arches serve as excellent protection for corners from scratches and chips. The arches are completely trimmed with stone, sometimes partially or decorated with rare inserts. The simplicity of this decoration is that the elements of the stone covering are arranged in pieces, creating the impression of an ancient destroyed ornament. By selecting different colors stone, you will bring a piece of modernity into the interior.

Saunas, swimming pools, winter gardens

In this perspective, the color of artificial stones is of great importance. By choosing a shade of stone for a pool, you can emphasize the depth of blue and lightness blue flowers. Warm beige tones are suitable for a sauna, and winter garden– gray or brown stone. If you want to add grandeur and luxury, you need to finish the stairs with stone and “build” the columns. Such a solution will always be original and presentable. In addition, lining stairwells in a house where there are children is simply necessary. Because it is safe and repels dust and dirt.

Every year the use of decorative stone is becoming more widely used. For example, the design of kindergartens and schools. Stone adds harmony and charm to every interior, so it will always match fashion trends. On our website you can see examples of the use of decorative stone in the interior, photos of which are posted at the bottom of the page. As well as a catalog with finishing options and attractive affordable prices. Our company guarantees highest quality work performed. And our highly qualified specialists will help you choose the type and color scheme stone, which will be the first step towards creating your home masterpiece.

50 photos of new decorative stones for the interior

A new fashionable finishing material is artificial stone. Its use is relevant both for public institutions and for home interior. Artificial stone for interior decoration is widespread due to its high decorative qualities and ease of installation.

Features of the material

At first, artificial stone was available only to public institutions, then, thanks to high competition, decorating with it became available to the private sector. For interior decoration, gypsum, acrylic, and quartz stones are produced.

Gypsum is an environmentally friendly, inexpensive material that creates additional noise and heat insulation. Gypsum stone lightweight, easy to install, but very fragile. Maybe home production, in the presence of special forms. To do this, gypsum dough is mixed with the addition of colorant, poured into a mold and dried for three days. But such a process is long and not always expedient, especially since the price of the material is affordable.

Acrylic - differs from the previous one in that it is not afraid of moisture, does not absorb dust, dirt, is not afraid of impacts, has a smooth surface that is afraid of abrasive cleaning agents. Also lightweight, environmentally friendly, non-flammable material. This type of finish is more expensive.

Quartz is the most durable, practical, but expensive. Its advantage is its resistance to temperature changes, that is, it can be used in a sauna or kitchen stove. A unique natural pattern is obtained thanks to the use of marble, granite and quartz chips in the manufacture. Visually, the two materials differ slightly, but by touch you can distinguish plastic from stone.

Decorative stone for interior wall decoration is available in various designs. Imitation of brick, marble, sandstone, granite, bassoon is possible. The use of natural material may not only be unaffordable, but also impractical due to loss of space and installation features. Natural material- heavy, irregular in shape, voluminous, difficult to lay out or glue. But its cost is much higher than imitation.

A special type is flexible stone. It is a thin strip natural stone glued to the fabric base using polymers and sand chips. Decorative properties superior to competitors due to the variety of color combinations. The following advantages: lightness, flexibility, strength, non-flammability, heat resistance, ease of installation.

Installation features

Finishing walls to look like stone requires preliminary preparation of the surface: cleaning of protrusions, greasy stains, leveling, priming with concrete contact.

Leveling the surface is possible using drywall or plaster. The use of plasterboard allows you to create intricate designs that, when combined with decorative stone, create unique interior. This design solution is only permissible for spacious rooms. Artificial stone does not require a perfectly flat surface for gluing, so you can skip the step of puttying the walls after plastering. Such preparation will cost much less.

To install decorative stone, tile adhesive is required. Using a notched trowel, apply the mixture to the prepared surface and finishing material, the elements are set by level and aligned one by one. The presence of a painting mesh between the layers improves adhesion and strength of the structure. You need to pay attention to the recommended types of masonry when purchasing material at stands with samples.

Seams between elements can be various widths or completely absent, depending on personal wishes and design features. The presence of seams is insignificant, but it saves material consumption; in case of strong contrast, they can be covered with tiled grout to match. Detailed video instructions at the link

Interior use

Today, artificial stone looks organically in any interior of an apartment, it could be a bedroom, kitchen, hall, corridor. The designer's imagination is limitless, introducing a fashionable novelty into a project of any style.

In the kitchen

Artificial stone in the kitchen interior is not uncommon, but rather a pattern. It can decorate a doorway, wall, corners or serve as an apron. If you want to make an apron from this material, you need to choose correct view: gypsum is not suitable for this, it absorbs moisture too well, even in its processed form.

Therefore, it is worth choosing an acrylic or quartz analogue. Acrylic stone becomes soft when heated, so in the area of ​​the stove it must be covered with heat-resistant glass. The surface can be glossy or matte, any desired color. It looks especially impressive when the tabletop and apron are made of the same material; this solution allows you to remove boundaries and expand the space. The advantage of acrylic stone is its lightness, integrity, ease of change of shape, susceptibility to cutting and drilling.

Quartz stone is not afraid of either moisture or temperature. It is impact resistant and can be used for cutting. Can be made in the form of a large whole sheet or any other sizes. The colors and shapes of the products are very diverse. Due to its unique characteristics, such an apron does not require protection.

In the corridor

Artificial stone in the interior of the hallway is a very modern type of decoration. If such a design is unavailable, they resort to using stone-look wallpaper, but the effect of such a replacement is not at all the same. All types of stone are suitable for hallway design. But the use of acrylic and quartz alloys may not be advisable due to the high cost of the material.

The hallway, where the entire entrance part is finished with artificial stone, divides the corridor into zones. But correctly selected tones blur clear boundaries and create a smooth transition without cutting up the space, without visually reducing the area.

Finishing only the door with stone is relevant for smaller rooms. This design solution does not require special costs, but brings an element of luxury and modernity. This option looks very organic.

You can decorate the rest of the doors, mirror, and arch in the same way. The result will be a corridor in the same style. And the combination of brown, yellow flowers, usage decorative plaster suitable texture, as in the photo, gives an additional feeling of majesty.

In the bedroom

Using artificial stone for a bedroom interior may seem strange. This is a cold material that does not correspond to the warmth and comfort of this special room. But decorating one wall can create the necessary contrast, emphasizing the tenderness of the interior or the severity and charisma of the owner. You need to play with the presence of decorative stone wisely, otherwise you will end up with scraps rather than a complete interior.

This is so very cozy bedroom with artificial stone decor. Dim beige color, yellow lighting, simplicity in form create a classic room with a very calm and cozy atmosphere.

A similar, but more minimalist option, emphasizing the rigor and concentration of the owner only on the most important things. This is evidenced by the shape of the artificial stone and color combination in the interior.

Artificial stone in the interior of an apartment is appropriate for the grunge style, but you need to be able to choose the right shape and color of the finish.

In the hall

A modern hall in grunge or loft style is not possible without decorating it with artificial stone. To maintain the style, appropriate interior items and wallpaper are used.

But even in classic style You can correctly fit a decorative stone. The combination of colors makes the interior holistic and nothing seems out of place here. Even minimal decoration with stone gives the room a special character.

The loft style is perfectly complemented by wall decor that matches the carpet and the wall nearby. This results in a selection of recreation and communication areas from the total area. Brown color to avoid sadness it is diluted bright accents and is complemented by the light background of the rest of the room.

In this version, a black wall made of decorative stone complements the style of a minimalist, but modern interior and creates a background for comfortable TV viewing. This extravagant design creates a cinematic atmosphere.


A huge variety of interesting design solutions has already been brought to life, and how many unusual desires lie within every consumer. The manufacturer comes up with more and more modern interesting materials interior decoration. The use of artificial stone for interior wall decoration quickly spread and became very relevant due to the desire to stand out and the promotion of naturalism. Originality and individuality are always in fashion - when choosing the design of your home, you should not be afraid to experiment with your fantasies.