What is better to choose for furniture – MDF or chipboard? Which is better - MDF or chipboard for the kitchen: comparison, advantages and disadvantages

In modern furniture production applies wide range materials. The most common are laminated chipboard and MDF. Both types belong to fibreboards, that is, they are made from wood waste, but they differ significantly in their operational characteristics and properties, although their production technologies have some similarities.

Laminated chipboard - what is it?

Chipboard (chipboard) is compressed wood sawdust and shavings; formaldehyde resins are used as an impregnation and binding composition. The slab has a heterogeneous structure; the density, depending on the grade, is 300–600 kg/m3. For the production of furniture, types with high performance are used. More loose varieties are used for technical purposes or as packaging material.

Next, the chipboard is laminated - covered with a layer of melamine film under high pressure. The result is ready for use in furniture production laminated chipboard material(laminated chipboard).

The coating performs several functions:

  • prevents the release of formaldehyde, which is quite harmful to the human body;
  • protects the stove from external influences, moisture ingress;
  • gives the slab an attractive look appearance- for the manufacture of furniture laminated chipboard Laminating films of various colors, decors and textures are used.

There is an international classification of the environmental safety of laminated chipboard. High quality material used in the manufacture of household furniture must comply with class E1. When purchasing, check with the seller and ask to see certificates. Products of class E2 are completely prohibited in Europe and have significant restrictions on use in Russia.

MDF - what is it?

Decoding the abbreviation MDF (fine fraction) says a lot about the raw materials for making this tile material. First, wood waste is crushed to a homogeneous fine fraction, dried and compressed. The main binder is lignite, a natural substance found in wood. Formaldehyde is used in the production of MDF in small quantities, and additional processing of parts completely prevents their release.

The result is a material with a uniform and high density (600 - 800 kg/m3), a smooth and even surface, without harmful substances. chemical substances. As a protective and finishing layer on MDF, in contrast to chipboard, a variety of materials are applied: PVC film, wood veneer, enamel, plastic, etc.

What is the difference between laminated chipboard and MDF?

Each of the materials has found its application in furniture production due to its structural features and performance characteristics. Comparing the main indicators will help you understand the difference between MDF and laminated chipboard and make the right choice.

High strength is one of the main properties that must be possessed furniture materials. Dense MDF board is much stronger than chipboard and even solid wood. Products made from chipboard are also quite resistant to mechanical loads that may arise when furniture is used in living conditions. The main weak point of chipboard parts is the attachment points of hinges and fittings: due to the loose structure, gradual destruction of the material is possible.

Resistance to moisture and steam is especially important when choosing furniture for the kitchen or bathroom. Chipboard parts behave well in rooms with normal or slightly increased (in the kitchen) humidity, provided high-quality processing cuts and joints. Through unprotected or damaged surfaces, moisture easily penetrates into the chipboard, which leads to swelling, disruption of geometry and destruction of elements. MDF parts are much more resistant to high humidity and can even survive a flood.

When choosing materials for furniture, technological capabilities are important. Deep milling and drawings can be applied to a dense MDF board, which provides unlimited design space in the production of furniture facades and decorative elements. Laminated chipboard does not provide such opportunities - a loose surface cannot be processed efficiently with a milling machine. MDF bends quite easily - this allows you to make parts with streamlined shapes. Only straight furniture elements are produced from laminated chipboard.

In terms of environmental friendliness, MDF is close to natural wood; the absence of harmful substances allows this material to be used in any residential premises. The use of chipboard is limited in children's rooms and hospitals.

Cost is often a deciding factor when choosing furniture. MDF is 1.5–2 times more expensive than chipboard and is used for the manufacture of premium and luxury furniture. Economy segment products are almost always made from laminated chipboard.

The cost of MDF facades can vary significantly depending on the type of finishing material. The most economical coatings are PVC film and sheet plastic, higher on the price scale is enamel (painting), the most expensive finish is natural wood veneer.

What to choose for each room?

The advantages of MDF are obvious, but it is an expensive material. Furniture made entirely from MDF is rare. Manufacturers usually offer combined options. The cases in the vast majority of products on the market are made from laminated chipboard, and the facades are made from MDF, laminated chipboard or a combination of both. This approach allows you to use all the aesthetic advantages of MDF and prevent a significant increase in the cost of products.

For a layman, the difference between materials in finished furniture is not always obvious. This can often be determined by its appearance - parts with milling and bends are made only from MDF.

For each room in the house, optimal recommended solutions can be identified for the selection of materials in accordance with operating conditions.

  • Living room, hallway. For cabinets, cabinets and other furniture in general rooms, you can choose facades from any material in accordance with your budget and individual appearance requirements. In order to save the family budget, laminated chipboard is also quite suitable.
  • Kitchen. Here the furniture is subjected to special loads, changes in temperature and humidity, and exposure to food contaminants. If finances allow, purchase a set with MDF facades.
  • Bathroom. Here it is definitely recommended to install furniture entirely (including the body) made of MDF. The low moisture resistance of chipboard automatically excludes the use of this material in rooms with high humidity.
  • Bedroom. It is better to prefer sets made of MDF. Furniture made from laminated chipboard is acceptable only if it is of very high quality, with careful processing of edges and joints.
  • Children's room. In terms of environmental indicators, undoubtedly better than MDF than laminated chipboard.

When choosing materials for furniture, it is necessary to proceed from the operating conditions of the products and financial capabilities. Cost is the only point in favor of chipboard. All other things being equal, MDF is the preferred material for the manufacture of furniture facades. Such products have all the advantages of natural wood, and in terms of strength and moisture resistance they even surpass natural wood, while being much cheaper. Wide choose finishing materials allows us to produce furniture according to the individual requirements of each customer.

When buying furniture for your home, you often face a difficult task: what is better to choose - chipboard or MDF. The slabs are very similar in appearance, the products made from them look approximately the same and at first glance there is no obvious difference. Meanwhile, there are very different differences: in terms of placement, durability and safety. And without having an idea about the features of each material, you will not be able to make the best choice.

But everything is not as difficult as it seems. In this article we will tell you how laminated chipboard differs from MDF, about the advantages and disadvantages of the finished product. And also, you will learn what should be taken into account without fail.

And for those who don’t have time to understand all the intricacies of furniture production, at the bottom of the page there is a picture hint “Chipboard or MDF: which is better?” It indicates the main differences between furniture made from these materials and the suitable area of ​​the apartment for placement.


Chipboard and MDF - what is the difference?

laminated chipboard

Laminated chipboard, or more correctly, of course, would be chipboard, as industrialists call it, but the name without the letter “t” has stuck among the people. It is produced from waste from the wood processing industry - sawdust, by hot pressing using a formaldehyde-based adhesive resin.

The chipboard is laminated with melamine film and cut into parts. Since the material absorbs moisture well and swells, the ends of the facades are sealed with an edge. This technology not only prevents water from getting inside, but also reduces the release of formaldehyde vapor to a safe minimum.

Russian GOST, adopted in 2010, obliges compliance with safety standards and allows the use of only laminated chipboards of emission class E1 and E0.5 in the furniture industry. Moreover, this standard allows us to produce chemically safe children's furniture. You can find out more about the current regulations.

Pros and cons of furniture made from chipboard:

  • Obvious advantage- this is the cheap price of the final product. Even with a modest budget, you can furnish your apartment quite decently.
  • Flaw- the possibility of moisture getting between the joints of the coating. It is necessary to remove water from problem areas in a timely manner.
  • And one more- the material is most vulnerable at the places where the fittings are attached. It is not advisable to frequently disassemble and reassemble furniture made from laminated chipboard. With constant screwing in and out of screws, the slab crumbles and the holes increase in diameter.


The Russian reading of the English abbreviation MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) translates as “fibreboard medium density"or, simply put, fiberboard. It is made from the same sawdust, but the smallest particles are used for production. The fundamental difference is in the composition of the glue. Natural resins are used for gluing fibers - lignin and paraffin.

The result is a more dense, durable and moisture-resistant material. Significantly superior to chipboard in terms of environmental friendliness. The plate bends well - you can give the products a curved shape. And the high density of the structure makes it possible to produce beautiful carved and framed facades.

Another difference:

The process of cladding MDF is significantly different from lamination. The finishing layer is applied to the already ready-made facades, which allows you to close both the front and side parts at the same time. There is no need to seal the ends with edging material.

And one more thing:

Furniture entirely made from MDF is practically never found on sale. The most common combination options are where the body is made of laminated chipboard and the facades are made of MDF.

Features of MDF furniture

  • Dignity- high moisture resistance of the slab and the absence of joints on the parts. This significantly increases the service life of MDF furniture in the bathroom, including the kitchen.
  • Main disadvantage- increased cost of production.


As you can see, furniture made from chipboard is quite decent a budget option, second only in durability in some cases.

In a dry room, in a bedroom or living room, it will not lose its qualities throughout its entire service life. And taking into account the strict Russian furniture standard, it can be used to furnish a children’s room without fear for the children’s health.

Manufacturers of kitchen and bathroom furniture take into account the aggressive environment of the room and use reliable methods for sealing laminated boards. As a result, cabinets and cabinets look great for quite a long period. But over time, they will still have to be replaced. Therefore, in conditions of increased dampness and temperature changes, MDF furniture will last much longer.

And finally, as promised:

Chipboard furniture or MDF: which is better for the kitchen, bedroom, nursery, bathroom and other residential premises.

You can make repairs in any room using special coatings yourself. The choice of covering depends on design solution, features of the room. Today, MDF panels for wall cladding are considered the easiest to install and at the same time aesthetically pleasing material, which compare favorably with PVC and chipboard products.

What are MDF panels

Very common wood material which is used for cladding - MDF panels for walls. It is made from natural, steam-treated fibers. Its usual name is fiberboard, but Medium Density Fiberboard is an improved version of it. New technologies are used in production, so the result is a more modern product with new properties. Its advantages include:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • aesthetics;
  • strength;
  • durability.

The new fibrous material is used for the production of furniture, flooring, and ceilings. The environmental friendliness of medium-density wood fiber products is due to the fact that during production, safe resins and plant lignin are used to bind fibers during dry pressing of wood fibers instead of toxic formaldehyde. Finished products can be additionally coated with varnishes, waterproof and fire-resistant mixtures.

What types of MDF wall panels are there?

Depending on the application, MDF wall panels have different thicknesses, designs and protective coatings. Most often, such products are used for interior works, cladding of door structures. For different rooms with different humidity and temperature, use cladding with special protective coatings, filling. To choose the right cladding, you need to know about the features of production and use of each type of fibrous material.

Solid pressed sheet

Solid pressed products - sheets with medium density, which are often used in cladding work office premises. Whole-pressed sheets are strips of fibrous material, smooth on both sides, that are attached to the frame using special clips (the main method). Sometimes glue is used for installation, but only in cases where the wall in the room is smooth and has no defects.


The material differs from solid pressed material by being treated with a special decorative varnish without color, which provides greater moisture resistance, durability and better aesthetic properties. However, even laminated cladding is not intended for use in damp areas or with prolonged contact with moisture. Laminated MDF is used both for cladding and doorways.

Moisture resistant

The resistance to non-standard environments of the bathroom, shower, and kitchen of this type of product is due to its increased strength. Moisture-resistant cladding is the most durable. In addition to moisture-proof properties, the sheets are soundproof and heat-retaining. The coating, often acrylic, is not destroyed by water, so moisture-resistant products can be used when decorating kitchens and bathrooms.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of MDF wall panels?

Medium-density fiberboards are chosen because this material is easy to install even with your own hands (without a specialist) and does not require pre-treatment of the surface. All that is needed is a fastening in the form of a frame on which the sheets are placed. Installation is simple and you can do it yourself. Correct calculation of the size and number of stripes is half the success. The main advantages of the material also include durability and cost-effectiveness. MDF panels for wall decoration have a number of disadvantages:

  1. The main disadvantage of fiber boards is the fear of moisture. The presence of a water-repellent coating does not mean that they are intended to come into contact with water.
  2. The thickness of MDF is less than a centimeter, and its strength is less than that of drywall.
  3. Appearance - this type of cladding is intended mainly for work areas, it is rarely used at home, more often for offices, and special water-repellent fiber-based sheets are used for kitchens and baths.
  4. Minimum Fire safety– fiber boards are highly flammable.

How to choose MDF panels for the kitchen and other rooms

Manufacturers of wall cladding, for example, such as Kronostar, Omis, Rico, have a wide range of products with different designs. Release material under white brick, ash, wenge, wood chips and other designs. For example, Kronostar produces fiber sheets different coatings, wood or tile surface, for covering ceilings and walls different rooms.

Before making a choice, you need to familiarize yourself with the range of medium-density fiberboards. They are produced with the following types of coatings:

  • paper;
  • lamination;
  • veneered;
  • special water-repellent.

Depending on the type and interior of the room, its humidity and lighting, the type of finishing is chosen. For example, cladding with a special water-repellent coating is suitable for bathrooms; the same sheets can be installed in the kitchen. Glossy lining is more often used for office spaces, corridors and living rooms, as it has greater density and better aesthetic properties.

Where to buy and how much do wall panels cost?

You can purchase slabs at any hardware store or order them by studying catalogs on specialized websites on the Internet. Often when selling they provide accompanying services: measure and cut the material to your order. The price of fiber boards is not the highest, ranging from 120 rubles. for 4 m2 up to 1000 rubles and more for the same area. The cost depends on the manufacturer of the material, special coating and decor.

Installation of wall panels

How to attach MDF panels to the wall? Fiberboards are mounted on a frame, usually wooden. The beams of the structure are located at a distance of 40-50 cm. It is important that the sheathing is attached evenly, otherwise the cladding may become wavy. To install the frame correctly, you need to periodically check the structure with a level. Installation of MDF panels is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. After processing the walls, the frame or sheathing is installed.
  2. The plates themselves are attached, starting from the corner of the room, using self-tapping screws.
  3. The first sheet is mounted from the corner, the rest are attached using special staples, which fasten the material together.
  4. Each subsequent strip is placed on a bracket and attached to the previous one. It is important to connect them tightly at the joints so that the facing of the room has an even appearance. If necessary, the sheets are cut to required sizes.
  5. Installation is carried out at a certain distance from the floor. Leave space for the baseboard. Corners are processed using a flexible corner. All components for installation can be purchased from the same manufacturer.

Video: Wall decoration with MDF panels

Modern materials used in furniture production are very diverse and make it possible to create furniture of varying quality and appearance. The most common materials today are chipboard and MDF. Let's figure out what their differences are and what is best for you when choosing furniture.

Chipboard is a chipboard. Sheet material for the production of which small wood particles are mixed with a binder (resin) and hot pressed.

Laminated chipboard is laminated chipboard, the surface of which is lined with a special film of thermosetting polymers. At first this film looks like plain paper, which is impregnated with melamine resin, then by pressing the film is “tightly” connected to the surface of the chipboard. Thanks to this cladding, the appearance of chipboard is greatly improved, reliability, wear resistance, and resistance to chemical influences, moisture, and low temperatures increase. Since the coating limits the evaporation of harmful vapors of substances contained in chipboard, chipboard with lamination is more environmentally friendly for others.

There are many options for slab covering structures. Chipboard can be smooth or embossed, that is, imitation of the structure of the board on the surface various materials: wood, shagreen, etc. It is also possible to have a huge number color options: various types of wood, all kinds of background textures, metallic colors and just different colors. Thanks to its ease of processing and a huge range of products, laminated chipboard has become almost the main material in furniture production.

MDF (fine fraction) is a board material produced by dry pressing of fine wood chips at high blood pressure and temperature.

This material arose thanks to the improvement of technologies in the manufacture of fiberboard. MDF does not use additional synthetic binders. Acts as a binder natural material lignin, which is part of wood. Therefore, MDF is an environmentally friendly material.

During the production process, MDF can be given special properties: fire resistance, biostability, water resistance. MDF is used in the production of cabinet, kitchen and office furniture, as well as non-standard furniture, commercial equipment, and doors.

MDF is also a high-tech material. Its surface is very easy to process, and MDF parts can be given the most varied and unusual shapes. MDF is easily painted and laminated, laminated, can be molded, and is suitable for veneering with thin veneer, imitation printing, coating with varnishes and enamels. And MDF with frequent milling grooves bends well. It also has a high level of noise absorption and sound insulation, and also has excellent thermal insulation properties.

For convenience, you can compare the main properties of laminated chipboard and MDF in the table:

Indexlaminated chipboardMDF
Surface: LaminatedMany processing methods - painted, coated with plastic or film, laminated, etc.
Possibility of fine processing: Absent (cannot do deep milling, complex shaped parts) MDF parts can be given the most varied and unusual shapes.
Strength: Resistance to various mechanical damages High strength of the material (superior to natural wood)
Environmental resistance: Greater thermal resistance Great resistance to moisture, fungi and microorganisms, and high temperature steam
Colors and textures: Wide variety of colors and textures
Price: AverageHigh
Environmental friendliness: AverageEnvironmentally friendly material
Flaw: Inability to produce curved facades Standardization of façade sizes (expensive custom-made sizes)

Here are a few more terms that are useful to know when choosing furniture:

Fiberboard - fibreboard - a sheet material that is made by hot pressing a mass of wood fibers formed into a carpet. These fibers are obtained by steaming and grinding wood raw materials. They are individual tissue cells, their fragments or groups of wood cells. The raw materials are sawmill and woodworking waste, technological chips and firewood. To improve the performance properties, strengthening substances (for example, synthetic resins), water repellents (paraffin, ceresin), antiseptics, etc. are added to the mass. Structural elements of furniture, back walls and shelves of cabinets and cabinets, bottom shelves of sofas, drawers, etc. are made from fiberboard. headboards, partitions. They are also used in the manufacture of bent-laminated parts with outer layers of sliced ​​veneer of valuable species.

MELAMINE is a decorative coating that is resistant to water and mechanical damage.

PVC - polyvinyl chloride, a synthetic material obtained from natural products: petroleum products and ordinary table salt. It has high strength, is economical, and is universal in use. Recognized as environmentally friendly.

TEXTURE - the nature of the surface of any material, due to its internal structure, structure. Texture is perceived visually and tactilely. A longitudinal section of a tree shows its fibrous structure, and a transverse section shows its growth pattern in the form of annual rings. Texture is determined by objective physical and chemical properties material and this, to a large extent, differs from texture, which largely depends on the individuality of the artist creating it.

TEXTURE - the nature of the surface. The texture is felt visually and tactilely. The perception of texture depends on the characteristics of nature, on lighting, and in many ways differs individually from the texture of the same surface. In a figurative sense, texture is an individual handwriting. Thanks to the harmony of colors and the fact that each of them correctly correlates with the overall tone, the correct image of the material is obtained.

FACADE - front part of furniture, cabinet doors. Often, sets from the same factory differ from each other only in the design of the facades, but the cabinet bodies are the same.

ACCESSORIES - handles, latches, locking mechanisms and other devices that ensure the opening of the sashes, their fixation in any position or locking.

VENEER is a thin section (sheet) of natural wood. Of course, natural wood and furniture made of wood (solid wood) are very beautiful, but, like any material, they have their drawbacks. The array is expensive, subject to changes in linear dimensions when different humidity, even if it was previously thoroughly dried and varnished. Finishing furniture parts or surfaces with veneer is a way to make it cheaper and more accessible, while maintaining the attractiveness and nobility of the natural material.

As a rule, the operating conditions of kitchen furniture are rougher than any other: high humidity, temperature changes, frequent opening and closing, shock, exposure to active reagents (boiling water, oils, household chemicals).

Therefore, the materials from which the furniture is made must withstand all these influences and at the same time retain their original appearance for many years.

Naturally, before arranging a kitchen space, every owner thinks “what is better for the kitchen: chipboard or MDF?” To make a rational choice, you need to know how a particular material is made and what advantages and disadvantages it has. This is exactly what we will talk about in our article.


Chipboard is made from wood sawdust and shavings impregnated with formaldehyde resins, which act as a binder. The use of chipboard is quite extensive: the construction of roofs and partitions, interior design, and the creation of cabinet furniture.

Used for the production of kitchen furniture special type this material, which is characterized by increased moisture resistance (indicated by the letter “B”).

When making waterproof chipboards, a paraffin emulsion or molten paraffin is added to the chip mass immediately before pressing. This is what subsequently makes the material resistant to moisture.

But this material has one significant disadvantage - the release of harmful human body formaldehyde.

According to environmental standards, chipboard is divided into two classes:

  1. E1 is more environmentally friendly. The formaldehyde emission rate of chipboards of this class is lower. In addition, furniture manufacturers are fighting in various ways to reduce this mark to a minimum.

Note! The most stringent requirements for the release of formaldehyde from chipboard are in Japan. It is reasonable to conclude that furniture made from this material from Japanese manufacturers is much safer.

  1. E2 – less environmentally friendly. The formaldehyde emission rate of chipboards of this class is higher than that of the previous one. This is probably why this material is prohibited from being used for children's premises.

To choose between MDF or chipboard kitchen you need to know the pros and cons of each material.

So, the advantages of chipboards:

  • Moisture resistance;
  • Strength;
  • Ease of machining (good for sawing, planing, drilling);
  • Excellent hold of screws and nails that hold the structure together;
  • Also easy to glue and paint;
  • In some physical and mechanical qualities they even surpass natural wood (they are more fire resistant, have good sound and heat insulation properties);
  • The price of chipboard products is quite low.


  • The presence of formaldehyde resins that are harmful to health;
  • This material is characterized by high hardness, which does not allow fine processing (for example, deep milling or shaped elements);
  • Despite its hardness, this material is friable, and even after grinding its surface is not ideal. For this reason for decorative finishing kitchen furniture made from chipboard uses plastic, veneer, acrylic, fake diamond(that is, those materials that are thick and can hide irregularities). Therefore, such furniture can only be smooth.

Laminated chipboard

What is better for the kitchen: laminated chipboard or MDF? Let's understand further. Laminated chipboard (LDSP), as you already understood from the name, is ordinary chipboard boards lined with special paper-resin films.

The film is made from paper of a certain texture (usually imitating tree species): the paper is impregnated with melamine resin, which makes it hard and fragile; then the film is securely connected to the surface of the chipboard in one of the following ways:

  1. Laminating – first applied to the base plate adhesive composition, then the film is applied and glued. Over time, the film begins to peel off along the edges and corners.
  2. Lamination – decorative coating(film) is bonded to the base plate under the influence of pressure and temperature. This method of manufacturing laminated chipboard is considered the most reliable, durable, but also the most expensive.

In order to figure out what is better than MDF or laminated chipboard for the kitchen, let's highlight the pros and cons of laminated chipboard.


  • Moisture and heat resistance;
  • Good resistance to mechanical damage;
  • Wide selection of colors and textures;
  • Imitation of beautiful and noble tree species.


  • As mentioned above, the presence of harmful resins in base boards;
  • The hardness of the material, which does not allow for fine processing.

Note! As a rule, instructions are attached to each product, whether it is made of chipboard, laminated chipboard or MDF. It describes in detail how to assemble furniture with your own hands, how to operate it, and how to care for it.


Fiberboard (MDF or MDF) is made from fine wood chips. Chipboard and MDF shavings can be compared to products: where the former are passed through a meat grinder, and the latter are crushed with a mixer. The shavings are held together by paraffin and lignin.

Thus, the content of harmful formaldehyde resins in MDF boards is negligible and comparable to the release of the same resins natural wood. So, answering the question “is a kitchen made of MDF or chipboard?”, we can conclude that MDF boards are more environmentally friendly.

In addition, thanks to their fine and uniform structure, MDF boards are twice as strong as chipboards, and are also more resistant to moisture and fire.

This material has found wide application both in construction (walls, ceilings, floors are made from it) and in furniture production.


  • High environmental friendliness;
  • Excellent resistance to moisture, temperature changes, mechanical stress;
  • Long service life;
  • MDF boards lend themselves perfectly to the finest processing, which is why they are a favorite material modern designers. Carved kitchen facades, volumetric panels, pilasters, cornices - all this is MDF;
  • Favorable ratio between hardness and thickness (MDF boards can be from 4 to 22 mm);
  • The surface of this material is flat, smooth, uniform and dense, which makes subsequent external processing of the slabs very easy;
  • MDF, perhaps, has all the advantages of wood, but is cheaper and lasts longer.


  • There is only one big minus here - the unorganized production of the material in Russia. This means that the price of kitchen furniture from MDF will be much higher.

Attention! Very soon this shortage will no longer exist: the United Panel Group company will open the production of MDF boards in our country in just six months.