What is better MDF or chipboard for furniture. Furniture made of chipboard or MDF: which is better to choose?

Fiberboard is a wood fiber board. It is obtained by hot pressing of a mass that includes wood dust, cellulose fibers, synthetic polymers, water and special additives. Fiberboard is used in furniture production, carriage building and construction.

Types of fiberboard are distinguished by characteristics that are associated with the use of slabs: bioresistant, fire-resistant, bituminous, hardboard (painted or lined slabs). The slabs are also divided according to the degree of density and degree of softness.

Characteristics of fiberboard: high moisture resistance, durability (service life up to 30 years), cost-effectiveness (this material is one of the most affordable).

Among the disadvantages of the material, the most important is its non-environmental friendliness. The resins that make up fiberboard cause some harm to human health. Therefore, it is forbidden to make children's furniture from this material.

Chipboard – chipboard. This composite material obtained by hot pressing of wood chips, special additives and resins of non-mineral origin. Chipboard is used for furniture production and construction.

Chipboard has its own classification according to the number of layers, the characteristics of the outer layer, water resistance, fire resistance and density.
The advantages of chipboard include fire safety and cost-effectiveness.

The disadvantages are, firstly, the resins included in the chipboard, which over time begin to release and harm human health. Secondly, chipboard does not hold fastening materials well. Over time, they become loose and practically cannot be fixed during repeated repairs. Thirdly, chipboard is easily subject to deformation due to its friability. Fourthly, chipboard is afraid of moisture. Fifthly, over time, this material takes on a sloppy appearance due to peeling of the edges of the ends of the slabs.

Differences between chipboard and fibreboard

Chipboard is made from shavings of low-value wood. Additional materials are synthetic resins. Fibreboard is made from wood dust and cellulose fibers. Additional materials– synthetic polymers, rosin and paraffin;
- fiberboard thickness from 2.5 to 12 mm, chipboard thickness can reach up to 25 mm;
- Fiberboard is more resistant to moisture, and chipboard can withstand heavy loads;
- prices for chipboard are significantly higher than for fiberboard;
- Chipboard is used in laying floors and in the production of furniture - structural elements; the scope of use of fiberboard is the production of furniture elements - drawers, shelves, racks, construction of partitions;
- the service life of chipboard is much shorter than fiberboard.

Chipboard and MDF are frequently used abbreviations. Let's try to figure out what they mean and, most importantly, how they differ from each other. After all, chipboard and MDF are considered the most popular materials used for the production of doors, cabinet furniture and other structures.


Chipboard– chipboard. It is formed by flat hot pressing of wood particles (sawdust and shavings), impregnated with a binder, mainly formaldehyde resins. Raw materials for chipboard production is low-value wood, both deciduous and coniferous. Chipboard is characterized by increased strength, water resistance, and excellent heat and sound insulation properties. It is used in the furniture industry, but due to the formaldehyde resins it contains, it is not recommended for the production of children's furniture.

MDF is a wood fiber board medium density, for the production of which very fine sawdust is used. Fiber boards are formed from waste wood or deforestation, which is crushed into small cubes, then treated with high-pressure steam and fed to the disks of a grinding machine. The rubbed material is sent for drying and subsequent gluing. Wood particles are glued together with paraffin or lignin, so MDF is exclusively environmentally friendly material. MDF is widely used for doors, furniture, laminate flooring and moldings. The surface of MDF boards is smooth, uniform, even, dense, and easy to process.


The most important difference between chipboard and MDF is their production technology. MDF, unlike chipboard, is made by dry pressing small wood chips under high pressure and temperature. For the production of chipboards, the hot pressing method is used. To form chipboard, low-value tree species are used, while for the production of MDF, wood offcuts or wood intended for felling are used.

Fine chips are glued together with paraffin or lignin, and in the production of chipboards, synthetic resins are used to glue chips. Thus, MDF, unlike particle boards, is considered an environmentally friendly material, which in its environmental characteristics is close to natural wood. During operation, chipboard releases formaldehyde (a rather toxic substance) into the air. Products made from fibreboards can be used in rooms with air humidity up to 80% ( wooden crafts– up to 60%).

Conclusions website

  1. MDF is produced by dry pressing of small chips under high temperature and pressure, chipboard by hot pressing.
  2. For the production of chipboard, low-value tree species are used, for the production of MDF, wood offcuts or wood intended for felling are used.
  3. MDF is an environmentally friendly material, and chipboard releases formaldehyde into the air during operation.
  4. MDF, unlike particle boards, can be used in rooms with high humidity(up to 80%).

Surely you have encountered the following problem: when choosing furniture, it is important for you to know what the “respected wardrobe” you like or, for example, a chair, bed or table is made of.

Furniture sellers will, of course, answer you. But finding out what the advantages and disadvantages of a particular material or processing technology is will be more difficult. Stores are especially reluctant to talk about shortcomings.

Let's try to understand the differences, pros and cons of materials. So...

Fiberboard - wood fiber boards.

Fiberboard is a sheet material made by hot pressing a mass of wood fibers formed into a carpet. These fibers are obtained by steaming and grinding wood raw materials. They are individual tissue cells, their fragments or groups of wood cells.

The raw materials are sawmill and woodworking waste, technological chips and firewood. To improve the performance properties, strengthening substances (for example, synthetic resins), water repellents (paraffin, ceresin), antiseptics, etc. are added to the mass. The formation of a carpet can be carried out in an aqueous environment to obtain slabs of one-sided smoothness ( wet method production) or in an air environment to obtain slabs of double-sided smoothness (dry method).

Chipboard - chipboard

Oh, who among us doesn’t know chipboard! Who hasn’t said in disappointment: “Well, this is deespe...” But - to the point. Chipboard is made from sawdust and shavings impregnated with a binder, namely formaldehyde resins. This is the most common material for cabinet furniture, interior design, construction (roofs, partitions, etc.).

Pros: water resistance, strength, ease of processing. Chipboard “holds” nails and screws holding the structure together well. Another advantage of chipboard is that it has low price. That is why chipboard is the most widely used material for economy class furniture; Most office furniture is made from chipboard.

Used for kitchens and baths special type Chipboard - with increased moisture resistance.

Cons: the presence of those very formaldehyde resins that hold wood particles together. The fact is that chipboard releases a certain amount of formaldehyde into the air - not the most useful product, it should be noted. But it's not all that scary. There are two types of chipboard: E1 and E2. E1 is more environmentally friendly; its formaldehyde emission rate is noticeably lower. But E2 is prohibited from being used in the production of children's furniture: draw your own conclusions. The most environmentally friendly are chipboards made in Austria and Germany.

Chipboard is a very hard material that does not allow fine processing (deep milling, all kinds of shaped parts).


The abbreviation MDF is a tracing paper from the English abbreviation MDF - Medium Density Fiberboard (medium density particle board). The development of MDF was the result of improving the technologies used in the manufacture of fiberboard (fibreboard). Features of the MDF production technology are that this material is made from dried wood fibers, treated with binders, and formed into a plate, followed by hot pressing (density 700-870 kg/m3)

The production technology eliminates the use of epoxy resins and phenol that are harmful to health. It is worth especially noting that the main binding element of the fibers is lignin, which is released when wood is heated. Thus, the environmental friendliness of MDF is achieved due to the fact that the main binding agent is not synthetic, but natural material.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each of the listed materials has its own purpose. Let's look at the pros and cons of each of them.


Fiberboard is a very resistant material to various changes in humidity. The back walls of most cabinets, the bottoms of drawers, these sheets that are rough to the touch are fiberboard. (The most expensive furniture uses plywood instead of fiberboard, but its performance properties are not much better).

Plus: low price with high durability.

Minus: small range of uses.


Pros: water resistance, strength, ease of processing. Chipboard “holds” nails and screws holding the structure together well. Chipboard lends itself well to mechanical processing (sawing, planing, drilling, milling), and is easy to glue and paint. Another advantage of chipboard is its low price. That is why chipboard is the most widely used material for economy class furniture; Most office furniture is made from chipboard.

In some physical and mechanical properties, chipboards are superior to natural wood. In particular, they swell less from moisture; less flammable; do not warp in case of uneven changes in humidity; have good heat and sound insulation properties; more biostable.

Minuses: the presence of those very formaldehyde resins that hold wood particles together. The fact is that chipboard releases a certain amount of formaldehyde into the air - not the most healthy product, it should be noted. But it's not all that scary. There are two types of chipboard: E1 and E2. E1 is more environmentally friendly; its formaldehyde emission rate is noticeably lower. But E2 is prohibited from being used in the production of children's furniture: draw your own conclusions. The most environmentally friendly are chipboards made in Austria and Germany.


Pros: This type of semi-finished product is highly environmentally friendly, and also has excellent characteristics of compactness, fiber adhesion, and consistency of geometric dimensions over a long period of time.

The strongest point is the extremely favorable ratio between hardness and thickness: MDF sheets can be from 4 to 22 mm. Lately they have begun to appear door blocks with boxes and trim made of MDF, covered with valuable wood veneer. The surface of MDF is flat, smooth, uniform, dense, all this makes external processing of the boards extremely simple.

The use of this material in the manufacture interior doors allows the latter to acquire the properties of excellent planarity of the surfaces of the canvas, surface hardness and impact resistance.

This material is widely used for the manufacture of veneered and laminated trims, extensions, box racks, canvases for painting and various linings for entrance doors.

Minus: the only one is the unestablished production of MDF in Russia.

The choice is yours.

Repair who hasn’t encountered it? Almost everyone in their life has done renovations in their own apartment or helped a friend. IN modern world range building materials diverse. Every year more and more advanced ones appear.

Correct prioritization helps you choose the right one: in which room the renovation is being carried out, what characteristics the material should have, design solutions and, of course, cost. As a result of repair and construction work, materials made from natural wood - MDF, chipboard and laminated chipboard - have become most popular.

Before proceeding to compare these materials, it is necessary to understand their essence.

MDF boards are tiny sawdust glued together using dry pressing. This material is very often used to make furniture. It has a number of positive characteristics:

  • Environmental friendliness
  • Homogeneous structure
  • Strength
  • Resistance to deformation
  • Moisture resistance

Disadvantages include exposure to high temperatures and high cost.

To make chipboard, wood particles and a non-mineral binder are used. Under the action of a hot press, the chips are compacted and acquire a stable structure.

The advantages of this material are low cost, strength and moisture resistance. Among the disadvantages, the negative impact of the formaldehyde resins included in the composition on humans is usually highlighted.

At its core, it is a chipboard board, additionally treated with melamine films. The advantages of this material are strength “thanks to the additional layer”, low cost, wide selection color range, ease of processing. Disadvantages did not go unnoticed. These include the difficulty in making curly cuts and low moisture resistance.

The two materials presented have many of the same characteristics. The cost of both satisfies market demands and is affordable to the average buyer. Strength indicators are at a good level. So what is the difference between chipboard and laminated chipboard, which is better?

The first difference is durability. When exposed to harsh and critical conditions, the laminated surface of the board allows it to retain its original shape to a greater extent.

The second difference is the breadth of choice design solutions. Laminated chipboard can have different textures, glossy or matte, and also has a variety of colors.

The third difference is resistance to high temperatures. The chipboard board does not reach the laminated chipboard indicator for this property.

The fourth difference is the increased moisture resistance. Thanks to the additional coating of the laminated board with a specific varnish, the scope of use increases “it is possible to install furniture made from this material in the bathroom.”

It’s difficult to say laminated chipboard or chipboard, which is better. Both options are widely used in the construction and furniture industries. If we take into account only the main characteristics, then laminated chipboard is superior in a small part.

These two materials are leaders in use in furniture production. Everyone occupies their specific place. Exposing comparison of laminated chipboard and MDF, you need to remember their characteristics. Being soft and easy to process, MDF allows you to produce carved parts that can decorate any interior. Wardrobe fronts, headboards, carved elements - everything is made from MDF.

Laminated chipboard is a material that has the ability to transfer high temperatures and a good indicator of moisture resistance. Often in the furniture industry it is used for the manufacture of kitchen sets and bathroom furniture. The cost characteristics of this material are very attractive. Wide choose color shades laminated film allows you to use this material for the manufacture of various furniture. It will easily fit into any interior.

Differences between laminated chipboard and MDF

  • Material Density. MDF is soft and is used in the furniture industry to make carved elements.
  • Price. Laminated chipboard is an accessible material and allows you to produce budget options furniture.
  • Environmental friendliness. MDV does not contain harmful components, unlike laminated chipboard.
  • Design. LDSP has wide range color solutions.

Bedroom furniture. The place where a person spends most of his life. An important aspect therefore safety will serve. Based on this, preference is often given to chipboard material. As already mentioned, the cost solution to this issue will go beyond the average. Great solution A combination of several materials can serve. This will save money and give the bedroom an interesting designer look.

Furniture for kitchen. The second place where we spend a lot of time in the apartment is the kitchen.

The environment should be pleasing to the eye. But when choosing material to create kitchen set two nuances need to be taken into account. One of the disadvantages of MDV is its instability to temperature influences. And high temperatures in the kitchen are a daily occurrence. On the other hand, laminated chipboard is afraid of moisture. In this regard, the use of this material in the manufacture of furniture under the sink becomes unacceptable.

An optimized solution and careful planning of all the necessary cabinets will allow you to choose The best decision in the choice of material. Currently, the furniture industry has learned to adapt to the shortcomings of the material. In this regard, chipboard with increased moisture resistance has appeared on the building materials market. During its manufacture, paraffin emulsion is added to the chips, thanks to which the chipboard acquires enhanced properties.

Furniture for children's room. For children, safety and environmental friendliness of the material are the main properties that are taken into account when choosing furniture. If you can still be creative and combine things in the bedroom, then you shouldn’t skimp on things for your child. It is preferable to choose MDF. But still, if the cost does not allow, you need to take the time to study safety certificates and select best option. According to environmental standards, there are two classes of chipboard:

  • E1 – highly environmentally friendly. The emission rate of harmful substances for this type of chipboard is minimal. Manufacturers are trying to reduce this mark to zero every year.
  • E2 – less environmentally friendly. The degree of formaldehyde emission from chipboards of this class is higher than the previous one. Elements made from this type of material are prohibited from being used in children's rooms.

Closet. This piece of furniture is used in almost every room. Furniture specialists have already found best option. Often, figured cutting and curved cuts are made from MDF, the internal filling remains with chipboard and laminated chipboard. Facades are, of course, preferred in their manufacture by MDF. They can be refined with a pattern or winding lines.

Bathroom furniture. If you rely on the properties of the material, then it would be preferable to use MDF. It has a high degree of moisture resistance. But as mentioned above, paraffin-impregnated chipboard is suitable for making an economical option. If price plays an important role when choosing a material, you can consider this option.

Construction. These materials are used not only in the furniture industry.

Thanks to their properties, they have found their niche in the construction industry. Having a good structure, chipboard perfectly withstands the effects of screws, nails and bolts. It is often used in the manufacture of partitions. The ease of processing of MDF has made this material necessary for the installation of ventilation facades and roof elements.

Progress does not stand still. New technologies and materials are constantly filling the construction and furniture materials. Wood boards excellent alternative solution natural wood. With their characteristics, they make it possible to make furniture of high quality and accessible to everyone. Undoubtedly natural wood looks noble and expensive, but also requires special care. Very often there is simply not enough time and money for this. A competent approach to choosing a material will allow you to choose one that will satisfy all the required requests and will not disappoint during operation.

For potential buyers, the variety of products sometimes has its downsides. For example, tile materials look beautiful and durable, but it is completely unknown how they will serve in practice. Comparison of laminated chipboard or MDF facades is a prime example of this. Both materials have a lot of similarities, but significant differences in the internal structure very soon manifest themselves in practice. You can suffer greatly if you buy cheap furniture for a room with a difficult microclimate. Also important nuance is the environmental friendliness of the slabs, many are willing to pay extra for a guarantee that the furniture will not emit harmful substances into the air. To make the right decision, let’s consider the production technology of facades, their composition, advantages, and hidden disadvantages.

Furniture facades made of laminated chipboard

Sawdust and shavings used to go into the firebox, but soon they learned how to turn this waste into excellent tile material for the production of facades, shelves, roofs. In the States, chipboard has been made for over 70 years, and in our country production started later, but now the amount of furniture made from this material exceeds products made from natural wood. To keep the sawdust together, a binder based on formaldehyde resin is used, which is a rather harmful component. This factor is of utmost importance when determining which is better: laminated chipboard or MDF.

It is necessary to distinguish between class E1 and E2 chipboard, because your safety depends on it. E1 class products have much fewer harmful additives; Japanese and European manufacturers try to reduce the amount of formaldehyde to a minimum. Class E2 is attractive due to its low cost, but it is better not to use it in a residential area.

The most attractive variety of this material is laminated chipboard, covered with a laminated film, which is made from special paper and melamine resins. The protective layer increases the strength of the slabs and greatly improves them decorative look. The film can be either smooth or with an embossed texture, which allows you to imitate wood of various species. The main advantage of such products is their low cost; a budget kitchen with a facade made of chipboard will always be more affordable than a furniture set made of wood or MDF.

Furniture facades made of MDF

Invention of dry pressing technology high blood pressure and high temperatures made it possible to produce an amazing material for - a finely dispersed fraction of wood. The binding component here is paraffin and lignin, which makes MDF safer than its competitor. The structure of this material is more uniform, and its strength is twice as high as that of laminated chipboard. MDF behaves better in a humid environment and is more resistant to fire. In addition to furniture facades, this material is used for the production of ceilings, floors, wall panels. If you need to make luxury furniture, then it is better to take MDF; this material is much easier to process, which allows you to imitate wood much more accurately. If you see carved backs or doors, then it is far from certain that this is a cabinet made of oak or pine.

What is better MDF or chipboard for the kitchen?

It was not for nothing that we took the kitchen for comparison, because this is where there are many harmful factors that can ruin the facade of the furniture - humidity, dust, steam, dirt, high temperatures, the possibility of mechanical damage to the coating. If the owner prioritizes durability and practicality, then it is better to buy furniture made from MDF. In addition, you will have a wider choice of facade colors and textures. Such products are environmentally friendly and can be used even in preschool institutions.

But in the question of which kitchens are better from MDF or laminated chipboard, a person’s ability to pay decides a lot. The main advantage of particle boards is their availability, which competitors cannot yet boast of. That is why very often modern furniture produced in a combined way, when the facade is made of MDF, and some internal parts and the body are made of laminated chipboard. This method reduces the cost of economy-class products and makes it possible to increase their decorativeness and strength.