What can be planted with eggplants for proper crop rotation. Diseases of eggplant seedlings and their treatment. Video: when to plant eggplants in the ground in the Urals, Siberia and the Far East

Ecological garden: If a plant drops flowers or has no ovaries, there are several reasons for this. He's missing...

Problemthe absence of ovaries may beV improper cultivation seedlings.

Fill the pots with soil mixture, moisten and compact.Sprout the seeds and place one seed in each pot, place a 2-centimeter layer of soil on top. Compact.

Cover with film and place in a warm place.

Eggplants will sprout after 10 days at a temperature of 24 degrees. It is important that the temperature is not too high or too low. If it is more than 40 or less than 18 degrees Celsius, the seeds will die.

After germination, the seedlings are placed in a cool and bright place for a week. Then they are transferred to a warm place.

Fertilizing is carried out after the formation of a loop of seedlings.

The most likely reasons for the absence of an ovary

Why is there no ovary? Eggplants are capricious plants and may not form ovaries. for several reasons:

  • the land is too poor;
  • the weather is cold;
  • the bees did not pollinate;
  • It’s hot in the greenhouse – the temperature is above 40 degrees;
  • watering is carried out incorrectly;
  • lacks nutrients

Important! It is necessary to water the crop warm water, 2 times more often than peppers, 4 times more than tomatoes. Each bush should receive 2 liters of liquid daily, and spraying should be carried out.

Solutions to the problem

There is one way to fix the problem - grow eggplants correctly.

In the northwestern and central regions of Russia, crop cultivation can only be carried out in a tall greenhouse or other structure. In open ground there is practically no chance of getting fruit.

It is better to cultivate eggplants in a greenhouse separately from other crops. Planting with tomatoes is not the best option.

The average planting time is from May 15. Before planting in the greenhouse, you should prepare the soil - it should warm up to 16 degrees. For this purpose, a couple of buckets of humus and 100 grams of mineral fertilizers are added to the soil.

There should be a gap of about 27 centimeters between plants, and between rows it should reach 55 centimeters. It is prohibited to deepen the plantings!

In a greenhouse, vegetables react painfully to temperature changes. Therefore, the first priority should be to maintain optimal temperature in the building - about 25 degrees. Wrong set temperature is the main reason for the lack of ovary in eggplants.

Eggplants are needed regularly water under the root. This should be done 2 times a week. It is recommended to water in the afternoon, with water that has been warmed up in the sun and has already settled.

Top dressing done once every couple of weeks.

Loosening carried out as needed.

In the greenhouse you should carry out the formation of plants. It is necessary to eliminate non-fruiting and lower branches and diseased leaves. Also worth tie up the plant. To increase the setting rate, it is recommended to shake the stems daily.

Preventive measures

Eggplants will actively set fruit if you create for them optimal conditions. However, the flowers may still fall off. Which preventive measures what to do to help the plant?

Conduct a soil analysis. The plant does not develop well in marshy, compacted, cold soils. It is necessary to select soil that is moisture-permeable and rich in organic elements.

Plants cannot be planted after nightshades– potatoes, tomatoes, physalis.

In the same place Eggplants can be grown at intervals of 3 years.

Another reason for failure is seeds. They can be infected with viruses, so zoned varieties should be planted.

Poor setting is the result of poor pollination. In view of this, you should pollinate the crop yourself. Take a brush and brush it over the yellow anthers of the flower. Next, the pollen should be applied to the stigma of another flower. It is better to use pollen from a newly opened bud.

  • In a greenhouse, the plant may shed buds due to the soil drying out.The optimal air humidity is considered to be around 60%. If the soil moisture is excessive, the situation repeats itself - in this case, air access to the root system is difficult, as a result of which the flowers fall off. Therefore, it is important to water correctly! It is carried out every week, using 500 liters of water per 10 square meters. After watering, the greenhouse should be ventilated, and the next day the soil should be loosened and mulched.
  • After the fruits begin to appear, an infusion of weeds is added to the soil in a ratio of 1:5. Previously, organic matter should not be used - the flowers will fall off. You cannot fertilize with fertilizers containing chlorine and its derivatives.

  • If a plant drops flowers or has no ovaries, there are several reasons for this. It lacks nutrients, has an unfavorable microclimate, and is watered incorrectly. What to do? Properly care for the crop starting from the seedling stage, selecting optimal living conditions for it. published

And planting seedlings in the ground.

Eggplant is a demanding crop when it comes to soil and nutritional conditions.. A high yield can be obtained only on light, structural soils, rich nutrients in a form easily accessible to plants. The best soils for it are chernozem, light loam, and sandy loam with a high content of organic matter. Eggplant grows poorly on heavy soils. The optimal reaction of the medium is neutral or close to neutral (pH 6.6-7.0). Eggplant responds well to the application of organic and mineral fertilizers.

This crop requires a lot of nitrogen for its development, so application doses nitrogen fertilizers tall. Nitrogen applied in fertilizing is better used for crop formation than nitrogen from the main fertilizer.

With a deficiency of this element, the increase in all vegetative organs plants slow down sharply. At the same time, excessive doses of nitrogen fertilizers slow down the formation of fruits. Phosphorus fertilizers promote root growth, the formation of generative organs, and accelerate fruit ripening. If there is a lack of phosphorus in the soil, eggplant growth stops. The plant becomes dwarf, the buds fall off, and the ovaries develop poorly. Eggplant needs phosphorus nutrition throughout the entire growing season. Potash fertilizers increase the plant's resistance to disease. With a lack of potassium, growth slows down; brown spots. Microelements in the form of molybdenum, boron, and copper salts are necessary for plants to grow, develop, and bear fruit.

Eggplant loves warmth throughout the growing season. In terms of heat requirements, it surpasses tomatoes and even peppers.

The minimum temperature for seed germination is +13°C, the optimal temperature is +20-26°C, at which seedlings appear on the 8-12th day. At temperatures of +10°C and below, eggplant seeds do not germinate. However, if they are hardened (maintained for 10-15 days at a temperature of +10°C, and then at elevated temperature+18-22°C), then vigorous shoots appear on the 3-7th day, the plants develop faster and produce significantly bigger harvest fruits The optimal temperature for plant growth and development is +20–30°C. At higher temperatures, plant growth stops, and at +13°C and below it stops, the plants gradually turn yellow and die.

During the first two weeks of growth, eggplants are very sensitive to low temperatures. Thus, when the temperature drops to +8-10°C, plant seedlings die within a few (3-5) days. Eggplants cannot tolerate prolonged frosts, even slight ones (-0.5°C). Eggplant is especially sensitive to low temperatures during the formation of buds and flowers. After planting the seedlings in open ground often the first flowers fall off as soon as the temperature drops below +15°C. At low temperature, especially at night, abscission of generative organs (flowers, ovaries) in medium- and late ripening varieties stronger than that of early ripening ones.

Eggplant is very demanding of moisture. The optimal relative humidity for eggplant is about 60%. Fruiting is a critical period in water consumption. With a lack of moisture, plants stop growing, their flowers and young ovaries fall off, the fruits do not reach normal size, take on an ugly shape, and their yield sharply decreases. Short-term dryness of the soil also causes the buds, flowers and ovaries to fall off. In cold, cloudy weather with excess moisture, plant development slows down and the fall of flowers and ovaries increases. Hot, dry weather also causes flowers and ovaries to fall off. In years with warm springs they suffer less from the effects high temperature in summer.

During the seedling period, eggplant consumes a lot of water. Having a large leaf surface, eggplant plants evaporate a significant amount of moisture and need frequent watering.

Plants need intensive sunlight. They belong to short-day or day-length-neutral forms. Particularly sensitive to short day eggplant in the initial growth period - from 10 days of age to flowering. A short day at this time significantly accelerates development. If a 12-hour day is observed during the period of growing seedlings, plant development can be accelerated by 10-35 days. After flowering, it can develop quickly even in long days. Insufficient illumination of plants retards growth, causes a delay in branching and the beginning of flowering. When grown in shaded areas, eggplant does not bear fruit.

How to care for eggplants in the garden

Caring for plants consists of maintaining the required air temperature, watering, fertilizing, protecting them from frost, pests and pathogens.

Eggplant is a short-day plant; it begins to flower when daylight hours no more than 14 hours. In the conditions of central Russia, eggplants begin to bloom only after the day begins to decrease. Reducing the length of the day to 10-12 hours (at high light intensity) allows you to speed up the onset of fruiting. In practice, daylight hours are reduced as follows: a frame is installed above the plants, which is covered with light-proof material. It is removed daily only for 10-12 hours (for example, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.). This procedure is carried out daily. Irregular darkening of plants will only cause harm.

Air temperature in sunny days should not exceed +24-28°C, and at night drop below +12-15°C. During frosts, plants in greenhouses are additionally covered (with hay, lutrasil, spunbond).

How to water eggplants correctly? Water the eggplants regularly, preventing the soil from drying out or becoming waterlogged. After watering, greenhouses must be ventilated. In protected soil conditions, fruit sometimes does not set well. In this case, artificial pollination is carried out. To do this, pollen is taken from the mature yellow anthers of a flower with a brush and applied to the stigma of another flower. The best pollen for pollination is the pollen of the opening flower.

When forming plants, select the 3 strongest shoots and tie each one separately to a trellis. Subsequently, all new shoots no longer than 5-8 cm are removed.

After the formation of 8-9 true leaves, side shoots and large buds appear. In addition to single large flowers, eggplants can form inflorescences of 2-3 flowers. They should not be deleted, because... they can form standard fruits.

The most remarkable thing about this crop is that eggplant requires a lot of light to form a good harvest. During daylight hours, shadows should only fall on the plants from clouds. Another slightest shading - from buildings and plants adjacent to the greenhouse - leads to a decrease in yield. Well, prolonged shading may completely deprive you of the opportunity to try your eggplants.

So, the eggplant sets fruit only when the flower is exposed to direct sunlight. Therefore, when forming a plant, it is necessary to remove the leaves that shade the flower.

With the beginning of fruiting, the doses of mineral fertilizers in fertilizing are doubled.

When do you start picking eggplants? Storing the eggplant harvest

Harvesting of fruits begins when they are in the phase of technical ripeness and reach the size and color characteristic of the variety. The fruits are collected regularly every 5-7 days, carefully cutting them with a knife or pruning shears along with the stalk. Fruit harvesting continues until the first frost.

Standard eggplant fruits must be fresh, clean, healthy, of typical shape and color for the variety, without mechanical damage, with a stalk. The pulp of the fruit should be juicy, elastic, without voids, the seed nest should have underdeveloped, white seeds. Fruits of an elongated shape must have a length of at least 10 cm, and fruits of other shapes must have a maximum transverse diameter of at least 5 cm.

The harvested fruits can be stored in a cool, dry place for a month.

Eggplants have been known to man since very ancient times. It is believed that the birthplace of this vegetable is Eastern India. It was there that eggplant grew wild. And its cultivation took place in Central Asia and China. In Russia, this vegetable gained fame at the beginning of the 17th century and immediately won the preference of our compatriots. Dishes made from it not only have an exquisite taste, but also bring to the human body tangible benefits. After all, these fruits contain a large amount of vitamins (B, C), phosphorus, sodium and many other micro- and macroelements.

Eggplant is a subtropical plant grown for its egg-shaped fruit. Fruits most often have purple color, however, there are varieties with white fruits.

This is probably why eggplant is one of the favorites in summer cottages. Growing eggplants has its own characteristics and secrets, but if you carefully follow all the tips for growing it, you can harvest own dacha good harvest!

Eggplant growing technology

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Choosing the right place to plant eggplants

When choosing a site at your dacha for growing eggplants, it is important to consider some points.

Seeds are sown on trays or in cups containing a compost-based nutrient mixture. At this time, the temperature is maintained at 21°C.

  1. In past years, potatoes, tomatoes, and peppers should not have grown on it - the harvest in this case will only decrease, since vegetables from the nightshade family (eggplants are also one of them) tend to remove useful macro- and microelements from the soil. This rule does not apply only to potatoes; they can grow in the same area for several years in a row. But eggplants are quite finicky to grow and will not be able to grow normally in such soil. It is best if cucumbers, peas or cabbage grew in front of them.
  2. The best location for the growing site is the south side (after all, eggplant is heat-loving vegetable crop), protected from the winds (strong gusts of wind, especially from the north, will only be harmful).

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Preparing the soil mixture and sowing seeds

When the seedlings become large enough, they are planted one by one into peat pots with a diameter of 7-8 cm.

Eggplants are grown through seedlings. It is better to sow eggplants at the end of February. Before sowing seeds, you need to prepare a soil mixture for eggplants. This is done as follows. You need to take 2 parts of humus, one part each of turf and sand. The sand must be washed thoroughly hot water, and also steam for 15 minutes (since it is possible that it may become infected with various diseases, for example, “black leg”). For one bucket of this mixture you need to add 60 g of superphosphate and 2 tablespoons of ash. Mix the resulting soil mixture well.

To germinate eggplant seeds, place them in water for 4 minutes. The temperature of the liquid should be between 40-50°C. After the specified time, the water is drained, and the eggplant seeds are wrapped in damp cloth and left for 5 days at 25°C. When 50% of the seeds have sprouts, they can be planted in the prepared soil mixture, having first dried them to a free-flowing state. Since eggplants do not take transplantation very well, it is better to plant them in separate pots from the very beginning; if this is not possible, you can plant the seeds in boxes no lower than 12 cm high. Eggplant seeds should be planted in boxes at a depth of 0.5 cm, at a distance of 10 cm in one row. It is also necessary to maintain a distance of 10 cm between rows.

In April-May, pre-watered eggplant seedlings are planted in film bags with a nutrient mixture and watered again.

After sowing germinated eggplant seeds, the boxes (or pots) should be covered with film on top (since eggplants are heat-loving plants and for them successful cultivation you need to create a certain microclimate). When the first shoots appear, the film will need to be removed and the containers with seedlings moved to the most illuminated place. It is worth noting that after the first shoots appear, you should not water the eggplants. This should be done after 2-3 days, and then every 5 days to prevent the soil from drying out.

Don't lose sight of the fact that, in addition to soil moisture, these vegetables love dry air and do not tolerate drafts. Therefore, when ventilating the room, it is better to remove the boxes with seedlings to another place.

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How to plant seedlings in open ground

According to observations experienced summer residents, in order to grow a good harvest of eggplants, it is better to plant seedlings in open ground 70-80 days from the date of sowing (that is, from the end of May to the first half of June). Before landing you should pay attention to root system

seedlings: it should be well developed, and 5-7 leaves should already grow on one bush.

There is one more point about preparing seedlings for planting in open ground. Before planting, seedlings need to be hardened off, that is, place boxes with seedlings in a place with a temperature of 15-17°C during the day, and 10-14°C at night. This procedure is necessary so that the plants get used to various temperature changes. It is carried out a week before planting eggplants in open ground. Scheme for planting eggplant seedlings in open ground. Before planting, add the full amount to the soil. mineral fertilizer

at the rate of 40-70 g per 1 m2.

Preparing the land for growing eggplants should begin at the end of summer (possibly at the beginning of autumn). In dry weather, the soil needs to be dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet. In the spring, the ground that has dried out after the snow melts needs to be leveled with a rake.

  • And before planting the plants, add the following fertilizers to the soil (their quantity is indicated for application per 1 sq.m of land):
  • ammonium nitrate - 40 g;
  • superphosphate - 60 g;

potassium chloride - 30 g.

Planting eggplants is carried out as follows. Before planting eggplants in the ground, pre-dug holes need to be filled with 2 liters of water. After this, the plants are planted in moist soil to a depth of 1 cm, covering the sides with dry soil to avoid crust formation. The depth and width of the holes for planting eggplants should be sufficient to accommodate their root system. Plants should be planted in the ground, spaced at a distance of 30 to 35 cm from each other. If you plant eggplants more densely, grow It won't work. For 1 sq. There should be no more than 6 seedlings per meter, and the distance between rows should be at least 60-65 cm.

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How to water eggplants correctly

When the plants reach a height of 25-30 cm, their apical growth points are removed. This accelerates the formation of 3-4 side shoots.

You should immediately take into account that eggplants love abundant and regular watering. Plants need to be watered with warm water (24 - 25°C), otherwise their growth will slow down. The first watering of eggplants should be done 2-3 days after planting, and the next one - 3-4 days later.

After this, you need to water the plants, adhering to the following scheme. Before flowering, eggplants need to be watered once a week. Approximate volume of water per 1 sq. m - 10-12 l. During the flowering and fruiting period - every 4-5 days with the same amount of water. If you water plants less frequently, but increase the amount of water, this will lead to excessive waterlogging of the soil, which is harmful for the fruit.

Eggplant is the most heat-loving and demanding crop from the nightshade family. Therefore, its cultivation is carried out mainly through seedlings. For normal growth, eggplants need short daylight hours. This vegetable does not tolerate temperature changes. If it is too high or low, it will cause the buds to fall off. That's why best temperature The temperature for growing eggplant is 25 degrees Celsius. It is important to approach the issue of plant picking with particular caution, since the roots do not tolerate transplantation well.

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    Choosing the right variety

    To grow strong seedlings You need to choose the right type of eggplant. When buying seeds, you should pay attention to the following important points:

    • The packaging must contain complete information about the manufacturer.
    • Seed generation - this is indicated by the F1 icon. First generation seeds will be resistant to temperature fluctuations, pests and diseases.
    • Number of seeds in one package.
    • Collection date.
    • Pre-treatment of seeds.

    There is a misconception that eggplants can only be grown in Middle lane or Moscow region. However, this is not true. Modern breeders have been able to develop varieties that produce good yields in colder regions.

    The best varieties of eggplant depending on the growing region:

    Depending on the color, shape, weight of the fruit, the following varieties of vegetables are distinguished:

    • White color: White, Lolita, Snow, Swan.
    • Yellow color, ovoid shape: Golden egg.
    • White and lilac stripes: Sailor.
    • Brown color: Albatross, Station wagon 6.
    • Orange color: Afghan early.
    • Long-fruited varieties: Pelican, Long purple, Maria, Nautilus, Banana.
    • Pear-shaped: Hippopotamus, Vikar, Albatross.
    • Round fruits: Black Moon, Sancho Panzo.
    • Small weight (up to 60 g): Afghan early.
    • Giants (about 1 kg): Black Beauty.

    Landing dates

    The time for planting seeds for seedlings at home begins in February or early March. However, the exact sowing date primarily depends on the cultivation region:


    Sowing seeds for seedlings (date)

    Emergence (days)

    Age of plants (from planting seeds to planting in open ground, days)

    Planting in open ground, date


    Central Black Earth Region of Russia

    Requires shelter in bad weather

    Middle lane

    Planting in the greenhouse until 05.06

    Ural, Siberia

    When grown in a greenhouse, the sowing date is 10.02–18. 02

    Far East

    When cultivated in greenhouse conditions the planting date may be shifted by 10–12 days

    Seed preparation

    To properly prepare seeds for planting, you need to go through several stages:

    1. 1. First they need to be warmed up in water or a thermos. This is necessary in order to accelerate ripening and awaken the seeds from biological dormancy. They need to be wrapped in a gauze bundle and placed in water at a temperature of 40–50 degrees for 3–5 minutes.
    2. 2. Seeds must be disinfected. For this purpose, they are dipped into a gauze bag in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate and left for 15–20 minutes. After this, the seeds must be washed under running water. Instead of manganese, you can use the drugs Fitosporin-M, Alirin-B, Gamair SP, Trichodermin, Albit. In this case, they do not need to be washed, but dried immediately until they flow.
    3. 3. Before sowing the seeds, they must be treated with growth stimulants Epin, Ideal, Zirconi) and fertilizers Microvit, Cytovit. After treatment, the seedlings do not need to be washed. They must dry until they flow.
    4. 4. The last stage in preparation for sowing seeds is their hardening. For one week, the prepared seeds should be kept at a temperature of 18 to 22 degrees during the daytime, and at night transferred to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, where it is maintained temperature regime within 2–3 degrees Celsius.

    To speed up the emergence of seedlings, seeds can be germinated. To do this, place a damp cloth with seedlings on a saucer. They should be covered with the same damp cloth on top and placed in a warm place without lighting. Before sowing, the seeds should be dried on a dry cloth.

    Soil preparation

    The soil for eggplant seedlings should be light, neutral acidity, permeable to air and water, saturated nutrients, do not contain bacteria, viruses and pests.

    You can use a composition of humus (2 parts), turf soil (2 parts) and sand (1 part). A suitable mixture consists of humus (1 part), turf or leaf soil (2 parts) and sand (1 part).

    The soil must be disinfected. To do this, you can warm up, calcinate, steam, or freeze. After this, the soil is mixed with one of the preparations (Baikal EM-1, Trichodermin, Planriz), the task of which is to promote the proliferation of beneficial microflora and the destruction of bacteria and fungi.

    Technology of planting seeds for seedlings

    Eggplants are quite difficult to transplant, so the plants are grown without picking. The best containers are peat pots, from which you do not need to remove the sprouts, since the eggplants must be planted in the hole directly with the pot. This will help avoid damage to the root system.

    Before planting the seeds, water the soil moderately. In each pot you need to plant 1-2 seeds to a depth of 1 to 2 cm. Sprinkle them with a 1 cm layer of soil on top.

    Peat pots should be placed in a common box, covered with glass on top and placed in a warm, dark place. This way the temperature will be maintained within 26 degrees.

    If the seeds are germinated, they will begin to sprout on the 5th day. Otherwise, the first shoots will appear on the 10th day.

    Afterwards, you need to lower the temperature to 16 degrees, while placing the seedlings on the lightest windowsill. Such conditions must be maintained for 6–7 days in order for the plants to form a strong root system.

    Immediately after the first shoots appear, you should water them with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

    During the first 10 days, watering is carried out once a week. In the process of moistening the plants, you must ensure that water does not fall on the leaves of the seedlings. Otherwise, it may be affected by fungal diseases.

    During the period of growing seedlings, it is necessary to turn the plants 180 degrees every 2-3 days. This is necessary to ensure uniform illumination.

    Planting seedlings

    Before planting plants in a greenhouse or polycarbonate greenhouse, the soil must be fertilized using organic fertilizers, since eggplants grow well in nutritious soils.

    Seedlings must be hardened off 14 days before planting outside. To do this, if the air temperature does not drop below 15 degrees, the seedlings should be taken out to the balcony, thus accustoming them to open ground conditions.

    During the hardening period, plants should not be allowed to be exposed to drafts, as this can destroy them.

    To transplant into open ground, seedlings must meet the following requirements:

    • Plants should be between 90 and 100 days old.
    • The height of the seedlings is from 15 to 25 cm.
    • It must have a sufficient amount of green mass.
    • Flower buds are not yet laid, but are ready to hatch.
    • Plants are not affected by diseases or pests.

    At the very beginning, the seedlings need to be watered. Optimal scheme planting eggplant - 40x50 cm. Do not deepen the pots with seedlings too much. The depth of the hole should be 2 cm greater than the container with the plant. It is advisable not to plant eggplants next to potatoes, tomatoes, and peppers.

    After planting, it is necessary to mulch. For this purpose, you can use wet newspapers folded 10 times. They must be covered with straw on top.

    Features of care after disembarkation

    Eggplants are very afraid of cold weather. Therefore, at first you need to stretch the film over the plants on wire arches.

    Put away protective covering It will be possible in mid-June, when warm weather sets in. However, even after this, it is important to monitor the night temperature and, if necessary, cover the plants.

    For the first 2 weeks, you need to lightly loosen the soil. This will encourage air to enter the soil. During the summer, you should regularly loosen the soil, especially after rain.

    To water plants, you should use water heated by the sun. It is important to ensure that the soil is always slightly moist.

    Over the entire summer, it is necessary to carry out three feedings: the first - 10 days after planting the seedlings in the ground, the second - after 20 days, and the third - at the beginning of fruiting.

    It is necessary to carefully remove weeds and carefully ensure that pests and seedling diseases do not appear on the plants.

    To get a higher yield of eggplants, they need to be hilled.

    Diseases and pests

    Eggplant yield largely depends on the presence of pests and diseases of seedlings:




    Ways to fight

    Black spot

    Brown and black spots appear on the leaves

    High humidity, dense soil, dense plantings

    Check drainage in containers, reduce soil density. If necessary, defuse the planting and treat with fungicides

    Downy and true powdery mildew

    The leaves dry out and wither. This leads to the death of seedlings

    High humidity, sudden temperature changes

    Use the drug Fitosporin, Topaz, colloidal sulfur. You should reduce watering, regularly ventilate greenhouse shelters, but avoid drafts


    A small membrane forms in the root system of plants, which prevents normal plant nutrition

    Excessive moisture

    Use the drug Trichodermin. If there is no effect, the plant will need to be removed

    Apical rot

    The disease rarely affects plants, however, it can repeatedly attack fruits at different stages of growth.

    Potassium deficiency

    Apply potash fertilizers

    Tobacco mosaic

    Leaves, shoots, flowers and fruits are affected

    Transmitted through soil

    The disease has no cure. In case of severe infection, plants must be eliminated. For the purpose of prevention, plant debris should be carefully removed from the garden.

    Gray rot

    Gray coating on leaves and shoots, reminiscent of mold

    The disease is transmitted through plant debris

    As prophylactic it is necessary to fumigate the soil

    White rot

    A grayish coating appears on the stems, nutrition is disrupted, as a result of which the plant dies

    Watering cold water, excessive watering, cold weather when planting seedlings in the ground

    Clean plants from infected parts. Sprinkle with crushed chalk or wood ash. Water moderately with warm water

    Late blight

    Leaves are covered with rust-colored spots

    Fog, long cold spells, sudden temperature changes

    Infected seedlings are removed. The remaining plants need to be processed copper sulfate and Bordeaux mixture. The procedure is carried out in the evening hours

    Spider mite

    Insects feed on plant sap, the leaves are covered in a spider web, which leads to the death of eggplants

    Hot, dry air

    Spray with water in hot weather. Carefully remove plant remains from last season


    High temperature and high humidity

    Use the drugs Iskra-bio, Aktara, Fitoferm and Confidor. It is important to consider that treatment with these agents can only be carried out once. Their use in the greenhouse is not allowed.

    The leaves curl and the plant dies. Pests are dangerous for both young seedlings and adult specimens

    Pests feed on plant juices. Another reason is garden ants that feed on honeydew secreted by aphids

    The following products are used: Strela, Karbofos, Propoxur, Keltan. The use of these drugs during flowering or fruiting is not allowed

    If the plant looks unhealthy, then you should not rush to use strong pesticides. Often seedling diseases are caused by agricultural technology errors.

Usually we don’t think much when using eggplants when preparing dishes, whether they will bring harm or benefit to our body. Many people like the “little blue ones” fried as a cold appetizer or a hot dish; others prefer to bake eggplants in the oven, stew them, or cook eggplant caviar. Those who are watching their weight try to eat eggplants only when they are boiled, because these vegetables absorb a lot of oil when fried, which significantly reduces the usefulness of eggplants.

Vitamin composition of eggplants

So, are eggplants healthy, and what are they? healing properties? Can these harmless-looking purple vegetables cause harm to our body? Let's take a closer look at what eggplants are - their properties and composition, as well as possible contraindications for consumption.

The beneficial properties of eggplant will come in handy during dietary nutrition.

Like other vegetables from the garden, eggplants are not deprived of vitamins. They contain B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and relieve insomnia. The amount of vitamin C in one eggplant is enough to prevent flu and colds. In addition, “little blue” contains vitamin PP, which makes it easier for smokers to quit cigarettes, as well as numerous micro- and macroelements: potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese.

Video about beneficial features eggplant

Thanks to folic acid Eggplants are recommended to be included in the diet of pregnant women. In addition, these not very popular vegetables contain a lot of iron, which is necessary during pregnancy and anemia. And due to manganese and zinc, adding eggplant to food can improve your condition after a stroke.

Separately, it is worth noting the substance that is found in the eggplant skin - nazunin. This item plant origin provides protection to nerve cells and has powerful antioxidant properties, so eggplants can be used as an excellent preventative against cancer and for additional nutrition of the brain.

The beneficial properties of eggplant will come in handy when dietary nutrition, because one hundred grams of this vegetable contains only 23 kilocalories! Of course, fried eggplants are not taken into account, but boiled or baked, you can safely eat them without fear for your figure. Moreover, eggplants help the digestion process thanks to fiber, and also effectively break down fat, helping to lower cholesterol levels in the body. In return, the body receives healthy unsaturated fatty acids.

Eggplants help the digestion process thanks to their fiber and also effectively break down fat.

It is better to buy young fruits of rich lilac or dark purple color. Brown and gray-green color indicates that the vegetable is already overripe - there will be no benefit from it. Also make sure that there are no scratches or dents on the skin of the vegetable.

Vegetables against diseases - what are the benefits of eggplants

If you previously had a cool attitude towards the “little blue ones”, we recommend that you reconsider your attitude and include eggplant in your diet - medicinal properties it will help you significantly improve your health and quickly cope with existing diseases.

Here is a list of health problems for which eggplants will be especially beneficial:

  • anemia,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • diabetes,
  • gout,
  • cardiac ischemia,
  • liver and kidney diseases,
  • problems with blood vessels,
  • gastrointestinal diseases,
  • constipation,
  • metabolic disease,
  • insomnia,
  • constant stress.

The benefits of eggplants for the blood are great: they lower the level of sugar and bad cholesterol in the blood

Even one tablespoon of stewed eggplant per day will benefit your kidneys and liver, improve digestion and have a mild diuretic effect.

The benefits of eggplants for the blood are great: they lower the level of sugar and bad cholesterol in the blood, increase hemoglobin, promote the production of red blood cells, thereby improving the composition of the blood, in addition, they keep blood pressure at the desired level.

In the East, where eggplants themselves come from, they are considered a vegetable of longevity. In addition to its healing effects on the body, this vegetable is valued by Eastern women for its ability to have a rejuvenating effect, improve skin color, smooth out wrinkles and give skin elasticity.

Overripe eggplants are dangerous to eat.

Who are eggplants contraindicated for?

Despite all the listed medicinal properties, eggplants are not so harmless - the benefits and harms depend on the method of their preparation, as well as on the degree of ripeness of the vegetable. So, fried eggplants will not bring any benefit to the body, since the fiber in them is destroyed, and the pulp is saturated with toxins released from vegetable oil when frying. In addition, the calorie content of fried eggplants, completely soaked in oil, increases significantly compared to boiled or oven-baked eggplants. Such fatty foods will be especially harmful for people who have gastrointestinal pathologies.

Overripe eggplants are dangerous to eat due to the fact that they accumulate solanine– a toxic substance that can lead to poisoning (colic, diarrhea, vomiting, convulsions and confusion may occur). Overripe vegetables can be identified not only by the brown color of the peel, but also by a large number seeds and a stale-looking stalk. Therefore, you should choose only young, firm, almost black eggplants for consumption. To avoid poisoning, it is recommended that before using any eggplants, cut them into slices and leave them in water with added salt for half an hour - this will also eliminate the bitterness inherent in some varieties.

White eggplants contain practically no solanine and are in no way inferior in taste to their purple “brothers”.

Eggplants have contraindications for consumption in cases of gastritis, indigestion and stomach ulcers. And for those who suffer from diabetes mellitus, you should not get too carried away with eggplants due to the fact that they contain very few carbohydrates - such a diet can lead to hypoglycemia.