Bush chamomile perennial planting and care. Large garden chamomile perennial planting and care

Garden chamomile enjoys well-deserved popularity among gardeners. The elegant simplicity of this flower allowed it to become a decoration of flower beds and garden plots. Thanks to its unpretentiousness, the plant has rightfully received the love of novice gardeners, landscape designers and experienced flower growers.

Belongs to the Aster family and is widespread in South Africa, the Mediterranean, Eastern countries, America and Europe. Delicate flowers, looking like little suns, are loved by residents of almost all continents.

In addition to its decorative qualities and unpretentious content, chamomile is especially valuable for its medicinal properties. It has anti-inflammatory, soothing and antiseptic effects. Chamomile teas and decoction-based rinses are widely known and very popular.

Description of the flower

This is perennial herbaceous plant, the height of which, depending on the type, ranges from 10 to 30 cm. The yellow core of the flower is surrounded by delicate white petals. Daisies look great in bouquets. Flowers of this species can reach 15 cm in diameter and grow up to a meter in height.. Smooth leaves of rich green color. The flowering period is quite long, usually blooming from June to September. In autumn, the part of the bush that is above the ground dies, only to grow again the next year in the same place. The bush needs to be replanted once every 4-5 years.

Without proper garden care, chamomile can grow very large.

How to grow chamomile


Prefers well-lit areas; of course, it can grow in partial shade, but lack of light can lead to shredding of flowers. Optimal temperature for a flower 19-22°C, but can withstand much higher temperatures.


The flower needs regular watering, but remember that excess moisture is detrimental to the plant and can lead to the development of diseases and even death. Therefore, it is better to plant the flower in well-drained soils and avoid stagnation of moisture.

Top dressing

For all its unpretentiousness, the bush still needs feeding. Fertilizers are applied in early spring. The plant is fertilized ammonium nitrate. It is necessary to use one matchbox of fertilizer per 1 square. m. During the period of bud formation, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers can be applied. It is necessary to alternate mineral and organic fertilizers, since the plant loves fertile soils.

Before applying fertilizer, you must carefully inspect the plant. If the leaves are bright and dense, the plant does not need feeding. It should be remembered that excess fertilizer can negatively affect growth and development.

As a top dressing Wood ash works great, chicken droppings or humus.

Remember that chamomile prefers neutral soils. On acidic soils the flower does not feel well and may die.

Features of reproduction

The flower multiplies:

  • seeds
  • dividing the bush
  • seedlings.


When planting seeds for a flower bed, select sunny place. If necessary, soil acidity can be reduced by adding slaked soda or wood ash. The seeds are either not covered with soil at all, or are covered with a very thin layer. Planting is carried out at a temperature of +16-18°C. Seeds should be covered with film until germination and regular watering should be provided. After seed germination, it is necessary to thin out the plants. Between a group of 2-3 bushes leave a distance of 30-40 cm.

Dividing the bush

When propagating by dividing the bush, proceed as follows. In the spring the bush is dug up. Carefully, with your hands, so as not to damage the roots of the plant, an adult bush is divided into 2-3 parts, each of which is planted in a prepared hole. Fertilizer must be placed at the bottom of the hole. Can be used complex fertilizer for flowers. The fertilizer is covered with a layer of soil, after which the plant is planted in the hole. Don't forget to water the plant after planting.

Obtaining seedlings

To get faster flowering plant, you can plant it with seedlings. In March, the seeds are planted in cups with soil and covered with film until germination. A drainage layer is placed at the bottom of each cup to avoid water stagnation. It is also necessary to make a hole in the bottom of the cup to drain excess liquid. The first shoots appear 1-2 weeks after planting. Seedlings should be planted in the ground after warm weather sets in.

For improvement decorative properties plants It is necessary to regularly remove dried inflorescences, weed the area with daisies to get rid of weeds, and carefully loosen the soil.

For more lush flowering pinching young shoots.

In autumn, the stems of the plant are cut off, and the area with daisies is covered for the winter with covering material or fallen leaves to avoid freezing of the plant.

Landscape design

Chamomile makes an excellent decoration garden beds. She looks great next to perennial phlox or delphiniums. Often landscape designers they drop her off at garden plots small clearings. This creates the effect of pristine and natural appearance of a delicate flower. Such flower meadows, located in different corners of the site, will not leave anyone indifferent.

It can be an excellent decoration for the shores of a small garden pond. Growing chamomile in a flowerpot on the terrace will certainly add charm to the surrounding landscape. It also grows well in flowerpots on the balcony.

Types of chamomile

Thanks to the high popularity and painstaking work of breeders, many different types daisies, each of which has its own decorative characteristics.

This is a common name that is used to decorate a garden plot or flower bed. Decorative chamomile does not have medicinal properties and differs in stem height and larger flowers. If you plant the plants at a distance of no more than 15 cm from each other, and regularly pinch the tops, you can get a very beautiful chamomile field effect.

Garden perennial

Nowadays it is not only popular in gardens white chamomile. Varieties with yellow, pink, red and lilac petals have been bred.

Terry perennial

This is very beautiful view decorative daisies. double flower distinguished by a large number of delicate petals. Externally, they are very similar to chrysanthemums.


The variety is distinguished by large flowers. Flowering lasts from June to early October. Princess is great for arranging bouquets. Cut flowers last more than a week in water, fully maintaining decorative qualities.

What could it be more beautiful than a garden, decorated with flowering plants. They fill the air around with a unique aroma, and the garden space with amazing beauty.. They give peace and tranquility. They allow you to take a break from the gray everyday life of city blocks and appreciate the creations of an unrivaled artist, whose name is Nature.

Large chamomile - perennial, winters well in open ground. Scientific name - cornflower. This amazing flower in its beauty and size. For all its simplicity, the large (giant) chamomile never ceases to amaze people who admire its beauty. For more than ten years now I have been growing nevberry in my garden plot. However, no one can pass by the giant daisy blooming on my property without stopping for a moment to admire the snow-white cloud of these amazing flowers.

Giant chamomile (nivyanika) is excellent for cutting. Cut at the beginning of flowering ("age" blooming flower daisies can be easily identified by the mass of open anthers on its yellow patch), it will stand in a vase for up to two weeks. You just need to change the water in the vase and refresh the cut on the flower trunks.

And this chamomile is called giant because, compared to the common garden chamomile, it is truly a giant. The size of a flower in a cornflower can reach 15 centimeters or more in diameter. The height of a large chamomile (Gagantica) depends on the age of planting. In the first year after planting, the height of the plant is on average 70-80 centimeters. At the same time, the flower trunks are very powerful; their thickness at the base can reach 1 centimeter.

In subsequent years of growing chamomile, the height of the flowers is up to one meter, but the trunks are already becoming thinner. This is caused by the thickening of the growing bush. If you grow chamomile in one place, without replanting, for several years, the bushes become very thick, the trunks become very thin (no more than 5 millimeters), the flower itself becomes smaller, although the height of the plants can be more than 1 meter.

In their gardens and personal plots, flower growers grow various varieties giant daisies. Varieties of cornflower differ in flowering time, shape and number of rows of petals. Some daisies have egg-shaped petals, while others have straight petals with rounded ends. One variety has only one row of petals, another has three.

The earliest daisies bloom for gardeners in our area at the end of May. The most late varieties Giant daisies bloom in the second half of July. I note that early varieties Chamomiles tend to bloom again in late summer and early autumn. True, this flowering is very poor and the flower itself is not as lush as when it first bloomed. Growing on your own personal plot With varieties of giant chamomile that vary in flowering time, you can enjoy its flowering throughout the summer.

Reproduction, planting and replanting of large chamomile

The simplest and affordable way propagation of giant chamomile- dividing the bush. In order to grow really large daisies, so that the plants are strong and produce large flowers, you need plant daisies at least once every three years. If this is not done, the bushes thicken, the flowers become smaller, the stems stretch out and become thin. Old dying roots inhibit the growth of young roots, the middle of the bush becomes bare, and the bush grows in a ring. Dividing the bush also allows you to propagate the variety faster.

Preparing the soil for planting large chamomile

It is better to prepare the soil for planting giant chamomile in advance. Since chamomile is grown in one place for at least three years, it is very desirable to add organic matter for digging - at least 1 bucket of humus per 1 square meter. Besides nutrients deposit organic fertilizer also improves the structure of the soil and increases its moisture capacity. After all, over three years, the soil under the chamomile becomes very compacted, and oxygen access to the roots deteriorates. If there is not enough humus, it must be added to the furrows when planting flowers.

When digging up a site for planting cornflower, you should carefully select the roots of perennial weeds such as wheatgrass. Be sure to select cockchafer larvae from the soil if you come across them, since this pest really loves to feast on the juicy roots of the giant chamomile.

When is the best time to replant giant chamomile?

Best time for planting chamomile roots - after flowering, as soon as young shoots begin to grow. It is advisable that the weather is not too hot during seating. And it is best if the weather is cloudy and rainy for several days after planting. Such conditions make it easy for young sprouts to take root.

From my own experience, I know that it does not always coincide that the weather is favorable and the grower has time to prepare and transplant chamomile in the summer. Personally, I most often used warm September rainy days for this procedure. After all, in September there is already less to do in the garden and you can safely devote time to preparing the soil for growing chamomile and planting nevus bushes. It happened that I replanted chamomile at the beginning of October - it also took root perfectly. You should be guided by the following: the earlier the cornflower is planted, the more strong plants will go into winter and the easier they will survive the first wintering.

You can do planting giant chamomile And in early spring. In this case too - the sooner the better. There was a case when winter ended too early and in the second half of February I had the opportunity to plant daisies. By the time of flowering, these plants had taken root perfectly and formed a full-fledged large flower. Transplantation during March and the first half of April also gives good results. More late dates planting does not allow the plant to form a full-fledged flower. Nevertheless, planting chamomile even in May allows the plants to take root well, but the flower does not have time to gain strength at this time of planting. An interesting fact is that, regardless of the timing of planting and the degree of development of the plant, the giant chamomile blooms strictly at the time prescribed by nature.

How to plant large chamomile (niverberry)

It is convenient to plant cornflowers in furrows made with a glander (a hoe or a hoe, as you like). If humus was not introduced when digging the plantation, then it is introduced into the furrows during planting and mixed with the soil. The furrows are filled with water and chamomile roots are planted in them. Bushes should be divided as much as possible. I try to divide in such a way that each sprout that has at least one, even a very small root of its own, is separated. If it is not possible to separate a single sprout, then a group of sprouts that have a common root(s) should be separated.

When planting, the roots should be covered with earth so that after planting the planted row of sprouts ends up in a shallow groove - very convenient for saving water during the first waterings. Over time, the groove will be sprinkled, since new sprouts tend to rise slightly above the ground and can be covered with a little soil.

Garden chamomile (Chrysanthemum maximum) is a herbaceous perennial belonging to the genus Daisy and the Aster family. It is characterized by strong and elastic stems, the height of which, depending on the species, ranges from 30 to 100 cm.

The smooth, dark green leaves have a bipinnate shape and a light ornamentation. The flower of most species reaches a diameter of two to 15 cm and consists of a bright yellow center and flat white or yellowish petals with a delicate, sweetish aroma. Ripe fruits are very small achenes. Garden chamomile should not be confused with meadow, medicinal or Chinese chamomile, which can also often be found in garden plots.

Garden chamomile: the birthplace of the plant and options for use in garden decoration

The countries of the Mediterranean, South Africa and East Asia are considered the birthplace of modern large garden chamomile, where it grows in natural conditions. In our country it is grown as ornamental plant in the gardens. Due to its unpretentiousness, discreet beauty and long flowering, it has found wide application in landscape design. It is used to decorate flower beds, mixborders, lawns and borders.

The flower is especially suitable for areas decorated in rustic style. In this case, they are planted near the porch of the house, around tall trees and in the recreation area. In flowerbeds and lawns they are combined with mint, lemon balm, yarrow and calendula. They also look great against the backdrop of tall decorative poppies and surrounded by marigolds.

Chamomile: characteristics of plant species

Decorative garden chamomile counts a large number of varietal varieties. The most common of them include:

  • North Star. This is a very common and popular variety among gardeners. A branched, strong bush grows up to seventy centimeters in height. The flowers are quite large, flowering lasts from early summer until autumn;
  • Garden princess. The most common chamomile found in garden plots. Its dense and elastic shoots reach up to thirty-five centimeters in height. Large inflorescences reach ten centimeters in diameter. This variety begins to bloom in mid-July and continues until early October;

  • Silver Princess. This variety is a low-growing plant; it reaches a height of no more than thirty centimeters. Moreover, the plant has fairly large flowers that begin to bloom in July. Blooms this type before the onset of frost;
  • Alaska. This is the largest-flowered garden daisy, up to ninety centimeters high. Its flowers reach twelve centimeters in diameter. This is a drought-resistant variety brief flowering which begins towards the end of summer;

  • Winner. The height of this varietal variety ranges from fifty to ninety centimeters, and the flowers reach a diameter of eight to twelve centimeters. Flowering begins in June and ends in August;
  • Aglaya. A very beautiful variety, the bushes of which grow up to eighty centimeters. Large double flowers have a chrysanthemum-like shape; around the bright yellow center there are several rows of narrow petals of different lengths, dissected at the ends. Bloom of this variety lasts from the beginning of summer until the onset of autumn;
  • Maiden's chamomile Solar ball. This bushy, low-growing varietal variety is not like ordinary garden daisies. It is compact, the height of the bush reaches no more than thirty centimeters. Its small flowers, up to two centimeters in diameter, look like air cushions and are completely colored in bright yellow. Flowering continues throughout the summer.

Garden chamomile: technology for planting and care in open ground

Regardless of what type and color of garden chamomile, the rules for caring for it are the same. They are not difficult and even beginners in gardening can do them. The the flower is unpretentious, but if you pay a little attention to it, its development will go much faster, and the flowering will be much more abundant.

Site selection

To plant garden chamomile, you should choose a fairly sunny area with well-drained sandy soil with neutral acidity. If the soil is very acidic, then autumn period should be included in it dolomite flour and slaked lime.

Features of growing garden chamomile (video)


Before planting, you need to dig up the selected area well and fill it with humus at the rate of one bucket per square meter. After this, you need to dig it up again and make shallow holes at intervals of about thirty centimeters. Pour one glass of ash into each and plant seedlings. P Water the sediment and mulch it with peat or sawdust. The gaps between the holes should be filled with ammonium nitrate, twenty grams per square meter. This will allow the plants to quickly gain green mass.

Watering and fertilizing

Since garden chamomile is quite large plant, loving moisture, then watering should be regular and plentiful. But The soil should not be over-moistened, which leads to rotting of the root system.

Fertilizing is of great importance for the proper development of the plant. The first time it is carried out during the formation of buds using complex mineral fertilizers. Then it is repeated every two weeks in order to obtain large inflorescences.

Weeding and bush formation

Garden chamomile does not tolerate proximity to weeds, so it requires regular weeding and loosening, which will ensure air flow to the roots. In order for the bush to have a neat shape and the inflorescences to be large, secondary stepsons should be regularly removed, which are formed in the axils of the leaves.


Garden chamomile can grow in one place for up to five years. But, usually, in the third year of growth, the bushes become too dense, and their inner part begins to die off. In order to maintain effective and decorative look plants, it should be replanted at this moment. It is advisable to do this in the autumn, after flowering has ended. To replant, you need to choose a cloudy day, dig up a garden chamomile bush and separate well-developed young shoots from it and plant them in a prepared area.

Preparing for winter

At the end of autumn you need to prepare garden chamomile for wintering. To do this, you need to cut off the entire above-ground part of the plant and mulch the area. After this, it should be covered with dry leaves and covered with spruce branches. In winter, you can additionally cover the plantings with snow.

How to plant chamomile (video)

Methods and technology for propagating chamomile in the garden

Garden chamomile is propagated by dividing the bush and by seed. But in order to grow a full-fledged plant, you need to know how to do it correctly.

Propagation by seeds

Garden chamomile seeds can be sown directly into the ground in the spring. But, in this case, you will have to wait a very long time for the formation of a full-fledged adult plant, almost until the onset of autumn. That's why most often the seeds are used to grow seedlings.

To obtain seedlings, you need to prepare planting boxes with a good layer of drainage and nutritious soil. The seeds should be evenly distributed over its surface, sprinkled with a small layer of sand and carefully watered. Plantings should be covered with polyethylene and sent to a shaded room with an air temperature of twenty to twenty-five degrees. After the seedlings appear, the shelter should be removed, and after the formation of the third leaf on them, the seedlings should be picked into separate small pots. Seedlings should be planted in open ground only after the spring frosts have ended.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

Reproduction by dividing the bush is more effective way propagation of garden chamomile, as it allows you to get an adult flowering plant in a short time. To do this, in mid-spring or early autumn, you should select a well-developed large bush and carefully dig it out. After this you need to clean root system from excess soil, inspect it and remove dried and rotten roots. Divide the rhizome into several parts and plant them in separate holes, into which a little mineral fertilizer and ash should be added before planting.

There are several types of plants that are very similar in type to garden chamomile, but have colored petals:

  • Feverfew or in other words Persian (Dalmatian) chamomile (Pyretrum parthenium). The plant is unpretentious perennial, growing from fifty to one hundred centimeters in height. On strong long peduncles there are flowers with a diameter of six to twelve centimeters, having a bright yellow center surrounded by red petals. Currently there are many hybrid forms plants with simple, semi-double and double inflorescences of pink, crimson, burgundy and yellow colors. Pyrethrum maidens blooms in June and continues throughout the summer;
  • Erigeron or small petal (Erigeron). This perennial plant reaches a height of sixty to eighty centimeters. Its flowers are very similar to daisies and are characterized by a yellow center and narrow, densely spaced petals in blue, lilac, lilac, violet, red and pink. The diameter of the flower basket reaches five centimeters. Blossom this plant begins in early summer and continues until mid-August.

These plants can be harmoniously combined with garden daisies in various garden compositions. In addition, they have similar conditions of detention and care rules.

Why is the greatest cornflower confused with chamomile?

There are other flowers that inexperienced gardeners mistake for garden chamomile. They are called nivyanik, or leucanthemum(Leucanthemum). This is due to the great external similarity of bushes and flowers. But if it is carried out Comparative characteristics plants, you can see some differences. Nielberry flowers are larger and more powerful than those of garden chamomile. In contrast to its thin, delicate, bright green leaves, cornflower foliage is dark green, very dense and tough, and has a solid crenate shape. Chamomile bushes branch quite strongly, and there are several flowers on each shoot. In Nielberry, one shoot corresponds to one flower.

How chamomile reproduces (video)

Growing and caring for garden chamomile is not particularly difficult, and its discreet beauty allows you to refresh any garden landscape. In addition, they look great cut, combining perfectly with most other garden flowers. Bouquets made from it can decorate a room for up to ten days, maintaining their original appearance.

For many years. It is unpretentious and does not require complex care. However, you should not neglect the following guidelines, since insufficient or irregular care can lead to dire consequences.

First of all, when caring for a large garden chamomile, you need to take into account three “golden” rules:

  • avoid overwatering;
  • prevent the expansion of weeds;
  • Don’t forget to loosen the soil regularly.

Nevertheless, in plant care there are a number of special cases related to reproduction, preparation for winter “rest” and the prevention of fungal infections. What does a gardener who grows or decides to grow a large garden chamomile need to know so that the plant feels comfortable?

Morphological description

Large (giant) garden chamomile is a perennial herbaceous bush plant belonging to the Asteraceae (Asteraceae) family. Its peculiarity is large inflorescences, mainly with snow-white petals and a yellow core.

Often a large garden chamomile is called nevus. From a botanical point of view, this name is incorrect: daisy belongs to the same family, however, chamomile flowers are slightly smaller, and the leaves are thinner and more delicate, not whole.

Garden chamomile is a branched plant with many inflorescences on one bush. The buds are large, dense, pronounced. The stem is elastic and strong. Healthy plant can bloom all summer. In many cases, the morphology of garden chamomile is associated with belonging to one or another variety.

Popular types and varieties of large garden chamomile.

A giant of his own the stem reaches 90 cm in height, and the diameter of the opened bud is more than 15 cm. Frost-resistant, easily tolerates drought. But for the most spectacular flowering, regular watering is necessary.

In addition to its aesthetic qualities, cornflower is known for its healing qualities. Most often used for cutting. Belongs to this variety Terry chamomile- characterized by an abundance of petals filling the core. Himself large variety– cornflower – double chamomile practically not inferior, reaching 70 cm in height.

North Star

A favorite among gardeners, it is distinguished by its resistance to drought, its size (stem length is 60-70 cm) and the shining whiteness of its inflorescences. It is not recommended to plant seedlings in shady corners of the garden. Planting seedlings is possible in spring or autumn, however, flowering occurs only in the second year.


Sun-loving perennial with lush white inflorescences. It reaches a height of no more than 35 cm with a diameter of the opened bud up to 10 cm. Unlike the Northern Star, the Princess prefers moist soil. The flowering period is the longest: from July to mid-October.


Large-flowered plant reaching 90 cm in height. The diameter of the inflorescence is up to 12 cm. It is planted, as a rule, in the fall and will delight you with flowering the following summer. The variety is unpretentious, tolerates drought and, like its “botanical brothers,” loves sunlight.

Colored varieties

Thanks to experiments, there are more than 100 breeders multi-colored species, among which the most popular are:

  1. Pyrethrum rosea or Persian chamomile has a lot of varieties, differing in the richness of the color of the petals. Often grown for cutting, harmonizing in a bouquet with other field plants. For Persian chamomile, both a lack and an excess of moisture are detrimental. Feels comfortable in the shade. The flowering period lasts all summer.
  2. Red pyrethrum looks like pink, which often leads to confusion. Its peculiarity is its large bright red inflorescences, which is why it is sometimes called meat-red pyrethrum.
  3. Yellow doronicum- characterized by the bright yellow color of the petals. Flowering occurs early - in the second half of March. During this period, the plant reaches 70 cm in height. Yellow doronicum multiplies quickly, without requiring specific care. Tolerates frosts. It is unpretentious to lighting and blooms longer in shady corners of the garden.
  4. Separately, it is worth mentioning the blue chamomile, which is distinguished by the dark blue color of the inflorescences. This annual plant, reaching 60 cm in height. It is best known for its use in medicine and cosmetology for the preparation of essential oil.
  5. (or orange petal) is a perennial herbaceous plant with narrow bright orange petals. Sun-loving variety, grows quickly. Used to decorate flower beds, less often for cutting.

Photo gallery: variety of colors of colored chamomile

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive big harvest With large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to obtain the desired result.

Plants often lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase productivity by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get a good one harvest even on low-fertility soils and in unfavorable climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Growing on site

There are several ways to grow garden chamomile. Which method to choose depends on what time of year the planting takes place.

Seedling growing method

  1. a depression of up to 30 cm is made in the ground;
  2. Fertilizer is placed in the hole: compost or organomineral mixture;
  3. There is no need to remove old soil from the roots to avoid damage;
  4. The soil must be irrigated after planting.

Flowering should begin next year, but much depends on the characteristics of the variety.

Dividing the bush

It is better to plant by dividing the bush in the first half of autumn once every 2-3 years. Planting a flower is necessary for more spectacular flowering, which fades as the bush grows.

  1. the rhizome is divided into parts with several growth points;
  2. the planting site should be slightly larger in size than the rhizome of the plant being planted;
  3. It is advisable to pre-fertilize the hole and straighten the root;
  4. After planting, the soil is compacted and watered.

Flowering occurs the following year.

If chamomile is grown for cutting and for forming bouquets, the most in a suitable way growing is division.

Growing from seeds

Tips for growing large chamomile with seeds:

  • To collect seeds, you need to wait until the flower stalks ripen (the petals should dry out and the baskets should turn brown).
  • Cut and dry the inflorescences.
  • Dry the seeds and remove debris from them.
  • It is recommended to store seeds in a paper bag with an air hole.

Sowing period is autumn and spring.

Sow chamomile as follows:

  • seeds are sown to a depth of no more than 2 cm;
  • distance between rows – 20 cm;
  • It is recommended to mulch the beds.

How to plant a large garden chamomile in the garden?

Preparing the soil and choosing a planting site:

When and how to plant?

  • Sowing of seeds takes place at the end of May - end of July.
  • To grow seedlings, seeds are sown in March in specially prepared pots with drainage (or ordinary plastic cups, but we must not forget to make a hole from the bottom).
  • Planting by dividing the rhizome is carried out in September - early October.
  • Seedlings are planted in May.

When is the best time to replant garden chamomile?

The plant takes root well, but for more spectacular flowering when transplanting, place it in a hole mineral supplements or compost.

Stories from our readers!
“I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together, they yielded more than usual. And they did not suffer from late blight, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer actually gives more intensive growth garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Nowadays you can’t grow a normal harvest without fertilizer, and this fertilizing increases the amount of vegetables, so I’m very pleased with the result.”

Caring for large garden chamomile

Watering and fertilizing

The plant needs regular, but not excessive watering. We must not forget to mulch or drain the soil. Both organic and mineral are suitable.

Mandatory feeding:

  • nitrophoska– 2 tbsp. l. fertilizers/10 liters of water (composition for May feeding);
  • superphosphate or potassium sulfate - 1 tbsp. l/10 l of water.

Care after flowering and preparation for winter

After flowering ends, the plant also requires watering and loosening of the root soil. We must not forget to destroy the weed. With the end of flowering, new leaves appear in place of dead leaves, so the plant requires regular fertilization. Well suited for this: fresh mullein or an infusion of bird droppings.

As a rule, large garden chamomile can withstand frosts in open ground, but it is better not to risk it and cover the garden bed with leaves before the snow falls.

Bush pruning and rejuvenation

To strengthen the rhizome and form new growth, it is not recommended to leave the stems standing - they must be cut off. After the chamomile has bloomed, all aboveground part plants are cut to 10-15 cm from the ground.

Bush rejuvenation is pruning of part of the root system, performed 5 years after planting, and then repeated after 3 years.

How is rejuvenation performed:

  1. the rhizome is divided in half, one part of the root system is removed;
  2. In place of the removed part of the rhizome, compost and new fertile soil are laid.

During subsequent rejuvenation, the older part of the rhizome is removed.

Diseases and pests

At improper care large garden chamomile is susceptible to fungal infections:

They are used to prevent infections. In case of severe damage, it is better to remove the plant.

Timely weeding and loosening of the soil will help reduce the risk of pest damage, as well as preventative treatment insecticides.

Large garden chamomile in landscape design

The large garden chamomile is famous in floristry and serves as a flower bed, where it combines well with other garden flowers. Goes well with unpretentious wildflowers such as poppies, cornflowers, .

Nivyanik goes well in one composition with flowers such as. In addition, the plant feels comfortable on the Moorish lawn. Low growing varieties decorate borders. Sometimes I grow garden chamomile in decorative flowerpots on terraces.

The success of this plant in modern landscape design lies in its long flowering time and friendliness towards others. garden plants, with which group plantings are formed.

Large chamomile in garden design
  1. According to the modern dream book, if you dream large flowers daisies– a joyful event will happen soon, and weaving a wreath of daisies means happiness with a loved one.
  2. Large garden chamomile is a real find for florists: does not fade in a bouquet for up to 10 days.
  3. Chamomile is a symbol of light, purity and fidelity, therefore, it was no coincidence that she was chosen as the subject of fortune telling; For these purposes, since ancient times, the largest inflorescences have been selected, which established the plant as the most valued by lovers.
  4. Garden chamomile, like chamomile, easily relieves inflammation, has an antibacterial and sedative effect, and is also used to prepare teas and decoctions.


Large garden chamomile - simple, but very beautiful and delicate flower. Care will not require much effort. The main thing is to choose appropriate place for a sun-loving flower and follow simple care rules. Then the snow-white beauty will delight abundant flowering all summer!

Garden daisies are one of the most versatile plants.

They can be planted on flower lawns in parks, in flower beds in front of the house, on summer cottage and in the garden among the trees.

Everywhere they look very beautiful and gentle.

Growing garden daisies Usually two colors: blue and white.

They grow in a large bush and are constantly interchanged. That is, during the summer and autumn, new buds and inflorescences appear in places that have faded.

The duration of the bush's stay in one place is 3-4 years. Then it is better to plant them and transplant them to another place so that the plants do not degenerate.

Daisies overwinter well under the snow and do not require separate cover. They are very unpretentious to the soil and do not suffer too much from weeds.

Watering should be moderate and not very frequent - 2 times a week in hot weather. If the summer is rainy enough, then additional watering they practically don't need it.

Chamomiles can grow well both in the sun and in the shade. This does not in any way affect the quality of flowering.

You can plant cornflowers by seeds, rhizomes or cuttings. Seeds can be planted directly into the ground in the fall or spring. Shoots appear on the 20th day and grow quickly.

But with such sowing, the plants bloom only in the second year. You can plant daisies and seedlings.

Then they need to be sown with seeds in March-April, in good soil and grow until the planting time that you determine in your region.

In this case, the plant may bloom in the first year of planting. You can plant seedlings immediately after spring April frosts, when their recurrence is reduced to zero.

After planting, the seedlings can be lightly fed. You also need to plant nevus in spring or autumn, before or after the start of flowering.

The rhizomes are divided into small parts, trying to ensure that each section of the main root intended for transplantation has a sufficient number of lobe-shaped small roots.

Such “divisions” should be planted shallowly, but try to cover the rhizome. Such plantings also grow very well.

There is another way to propagate these flowers - cuttings. For planting, a rosette of small shoots is separated, which is planted in mid-summer with a piece rhizomes.

The planted “rosette” is sprinkled with loose soil and left to germinate. Daisies are very beautiful in lawns, flower beds, and gardens.

But there is a special variety of dwarf daisies intended for borders. These flowers are good not only for stationary cultivation, but also for cutting for bouquets.

Personally, I really love daisies both in flower beds and in bouquets and constantly grow them in my summer cottage.

But precisely because they are very unpretentious, I boldly plant them between the trees in the garden. It turns out to be a good design!