How does the Buleryan stove work? “Buleryan on wood”: design features and principle of operation, installation rules and how to properly heat. Design features and principle of operation

Buleryan is an ideal stove for Russian conditions, created using the latest technologies, allowing you to live, work and grow anything in comfort at any time of the year. This heating device can be installed in any room, be it a residential building, cottage, greenhouse, garage or hangar. Buleryan will easily and quickly heat up the building and maintain the set temperature for a long time.

Buleryan stove - long-burning design

Boiler Buleryan works on any solid fuel(peat, firewood, sawdust, cardboard, paper, etc.), which makes it very practical and accessible to the population. It is not recommended to use coke, flammable liquids, or charcoal as fuel, as this can damage the boiler. This heating device is so safe to use that its installation is permitted even in fire hazardous areas such as garages and woodworking shops. Thanks to its unique design, the stove operates with incredibly high efficiency.

Principle of operation

Buleryan heats the room with streams of hot air, i.e. it works on the principle of a heater. Cold air is sucked into the oven through the lower pipes by convection. Since these same pipes pass through the firebox, the air instantly heats up to 120 degrees and comes out with force from the upper pipes. Hot air quickly spreads throughout the room in which this device is installed.

In the first compartment, the process of fuel combustion occurs with the subsequent release of furnace gases. The gas enters the upper chamber, where it burns out safely. Thanks to this, the Buleryan stove has a high efficiency (75-80%) and is completely environmentally safe, since all harmful gases are burned out inside it. A properly adjusted stove does not even emit smoke.

Fuel consumption is slow and economical. It is necessary to add fuel 2-3 times a day. A fully loaded firebox is capable of delivering heat evenly within 8-12 hours. The power regulator located on the door of the fuel chamber and the gasifier regulator located on the smoke pipe allow you to set the required temperature and control the process of heat release. The main part of the heat (90%) is released by streams of hot air through the upper pipes of the device, and only 10% is radiated by the stove itself. Therefore, its surface almost never gets hot.

Buleryan is a long-burning, volumetric stove, i.e. it is designed for a certain volume of the room in which it will be installed. The smallest stove from the Buleryan line is capable of produce 4.5 cubic meters hot air per minute. Heating devices this series have different standard sizes, depending on the thermal power and are designed for heating rooms with a volume of 100 to 1000 cubic meters. In terms of quality and efficiency, the Buleryan stove is far superior to traditional stoves and heaters that are expensive to install. Considering that the efficiency of a simple stove is only 3-7%, then using a Buleryan boiler will reduce your fuel costs by 10 times.

Furnace combustion modes:

  • intensive;
  • smoldering. This mode is the main one, since when the stove is used in intensive mode, the device wears out quickly and, as a result, the stove begins to consume fuel like an ordinary potbelly stove.


  • autonomy, i.e. complete independence from external power sources (gas, electricity); high efficiency - 80% efficiency, uniform heating of the room, work on one load for up to 12 hours;
  • large selection of models;
  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • since the fuel burns out almost completely, it is recommended to clean the device only for preventive purposes;
  • wide scope of application - private houses; cottages; country dachas; greenhouses; commercial, utility and industrial premises.


  • Absence hob, i.e. it is impossible to cook food on such a stove;
  • the Buleryan boiler requires constant loading, since it is completely devoid of inertia; when not in operation, it practically does not retain heat);
  • unpresentable appearance. Although, if desired, it can be stylized with stones or some other home accessories;
  • open combustion chamber. When the stove is operating, the air humidity in the room decreases, which can negatively affect people's well-being, so you should consider purchasing a humidifier.

Depending on the modification of the Buleryan stove, the price varies from 9,000 to 47,000.

The Buleryan boiler is made using latest technologies made of thick high-quality steel and is practically resistant to burning.


When choosing a room to install the Buleryan stove, you should take into account that this device needs V constant influx fresh air. The location is determined taking into account the most efficient heating of the building.

The stove is mounted on a stand, at least 20 cm high, made of non-flammable material (metal, brick, stone, etc.). A 0.5-0.7 m sheet of iron is placed on the floor near the fire door.

Installation and operation of Buleryan requires a chimney with a height of 5 m, and for more powerful models - 7 m. The best option is the installation of a heat-insulating chimney. This is explained by the fact that when leaving the device, the gases have a low temperature, as a result of which condensation forms. Thermal insulation of the chimney easily and successfully copes with this problem. Homeowners often install chimney from of stainless steel with increased heat resistance.

The advantages of this material are as follows:

If a brick chimney is installed, the wall thickness should not be less than 12 cm. The diameter of the chimneys is 12-15 cm; it is not recommended to narrow it.

Distance from the device There must be at least 0.6 m to flammable furnishings.

By installing Buleryan at home (at the dacha, in the garage), you will not only save your money, but also free yourself from all further costs for its maintenance.

What is buleryan, as it turns out - it’s a stove long burning, air-convection heating. Sometimes using gas afterburning technologies. Happens to the boiler function, and sometimes to the cooking surface. Frankly speaking, subjective, but not without common sense Looks like this type of stove is not designed for indoors permanent residence. This stove will heat the air in the room quite efficiently and quickly. This could be a guest house, workshop, garage, office or admin. premises, greenhouse, etc..

The main advantage is that the entire volume of air quickly reaches required temperature. However this design the furnace has no thermal inertia. At a dacha in winter or in a hunting lodge in the mountains, such a property is not of great importance. In a permanent building, a powerful, massive coolant provides an even, correct microclimate without jumps and changes. Which has a positive effect both on the health of the owners and on the integrity and safety of the house itself, its components and structures. True, nowadays, new technologies and ideas make it possible to implement almost any solution. And with a conscious approach and understanding of some of the subtleties, such a heating device will fulfill any whim of the owner. In addition, heating using exclusively air convection will allow you to save a lot on materials and speed up the heating installation.

Operating principle of the furnace

It is worth knowing why “Buleryan” is interesting, the operating principle of which we will now consider. You might think that this is just a metal barrel with built-in pipes.

Buller or bullerjan, uses the now again popular fuel saving technology. Namely, pyrolysis.

True, how correct it would be to call a buller pyrolysis is debatable. Often, a buller is called pyrolysis, although this is only partly true. Since in pyrolysis boilers, primary air usually passes through the fuel, from top to bottom. The draft is forced and, accordingly, the design and equipment are different. In itself, this is the process of wood decomposition under the influence of temperature. For volatile hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and charcoal.

Video: Buleryan power calculation

Pyrolysis devices can be considered devices that burn pyrolysis gas in a secondary chamber. An isothermal process occurs in the primary chamber, with the release of heat and gases. Here we have similar processes, albeit not ideally executed. Therefore, I might have called our experimental subject a pyrolysis boiler, but I wouldn’t guarantee it one hundred percent and wouldn’t argue. Since combustion processes similar to those occurring in a buller partially occur in simple furnaces. It is located in the middle, between the potbelly stove and absolutely pyrolysis-oriented devices. The air is heated thanks to an impressive battery of pipe convectors. In which the air quickly warms up and circulates. Moreover, the air in the room is well mixed due to the speed with which it escapes from the exchangers.


Now, apparently, it’s worth clarifying what this wonderful barrel, hugged by pipes, consists of. Buleryan, the drawing of which, nevertheless, folk craftsmen were able to recreate, is not so complicated. This technologically advanced “potbelly stove” has incorporated some elements of different stoves: The main firebox, additional space for afterburning gases formed during the primary combustion (or rather, combustion-smoldering) of fuel.

Next, the main elements include the main heat exchange elements - arc-curved pipe sections. The main process of convection occurs in them. Pipes, as a rule, are immersed in the firebox with two-thirds of their diameter. At the same time, they are part of the walls of the firebox and are in direct contact with the heat of the flame. There are options for fireboxes with a grate, when they want to add protection against burnout to the walls of the heat exchanger.

The upper part of the firebox, separated by a horizontal plate from the lower part, allows the gases to be burned when additional heated air enters there. It comes through injectors. The location and place of insertion into the furnace may vary slightly.

The classic version of the buller has a door with a blower, equipped with an air supply regulator, a throttle and an ash pan. Options can be with conditional calibration of air supply, fireproof glass, eyes for controlling gas afterburning and other things. At the outlet, the chimney is necessarily equipped with a damper with a guaranteed open sector of a quarter section. This ensures reliable removal of carbon monoxide, except in cases of obvious emergency.

Buleryan in section

Chimney pipes must be equipped with thermal insulation, as this is decisively important for this type of stove. Original products, originally from Canada, are equipped with an economizer. It is mounted immediately after the first bend of the chimney, on its vertical part, and also participates in the afterburning of gas generation and oxidation products. Quite importantly, this increases efficiency and helps gases leave the chimney faster. Not to be confused with additional heat exchangers that are installed on the chimney to heat water or simply for additional heat and calories, in reserve. There are also so-called heat accumulators. The chimney, or rather its vertical part, must be of sufficient length, depending on your structure. On average it is about five meters. But you should not install the chimney lower; this length will not provide the required draft.

“Buleryan” drawing

The thickness is usually at least five millimeters. This is done when the pipes are already attached to each other, forming the skeleton of the furnace, and the partitions, if any, are welded in. Air input through injectors can be provided through the first pair of convectors, or through the front wall. Equipping them with dosing devices, like a simple air tap. The main thing is to supply a portion of fresh air to the “entrance” of the pyrolysis gases, into the afterburning chamber. Next, the structure is equipped with a rear wall, with an outlet for the chimney. You can equip it with a container for heating water. Therefore, when assembling Buleryan with your own hands, the drawings will have to be corrected. It is in this place that such a “gadget” will interfere least of all, in contrast to similar solutions directly on the chimney. Which it is advisable to make somewhat larger in cross-section than at the entrance to the blower.

Diagram of the Buleryan thermal chamber

Right there, at the exit, a valve with a cut out quarter, which was discussed above, is installed. It is advisable to leave a gap of at least a millimeter around the entire circumference of the valve. It will not allow it to jam when soot and other deposits build up, or when thermal expansion. The door, or rather the blower itself, is, on the contrary, equipped with a valve, similar to the throttle in a carburetor. That's what they call it - throttle. It should be able to tightly block the air flow if necessary.

From the inside, the door is covered by an additional metal plate, which serves as a heat shield. And along its perimeter and, accordingly, the perimeter of the loading hole, a gas seal is installed. Which is similar to two flanges with a skirt put together, but with a larger diameter. The gap can be sealed with non-flammable, soft material based on asbestos or modern fire-resistant material. The “potbelly stove” itself must have legs to be installed at a certain distance from the floor, usually twenty centimeters or more. Especially if the floor is made of flammable materials. Self-production Bullerjan, the matter is not entirely simple and will require special tools and capabilities. This task is not something that all craftsmen and craftsmen can handle.

Video: Long-burning stove made of two gas cylinders per 100 cubic meters.

Buleryan stove with water circuit

More than one person had the idea to create a Buleryan with a water circuit. Perhaps this idea has a right to life. Let not the entire combustion surface be heat exchange, as in conventional liquid boilers. This is compensated by a spacious firebox. And the heat exchange area turns out to be similar. Convector pipes are “implanted” into a liquid heating system and the boiler operates like a regular boiler. But additional improvements are needed here.

Since the heat capacity of water is much greater, it is necessary to ensure greater energy efficiency. This means more high temperatures. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the furnace surfaces from burning. Allow the stove to operate at elevated temperatures using high-calorie fuel. And here savings during smoldering and the need for high heat transfer for the water coolant come into conflict. The meaning of the pyrolysis chamber disappears when solid hydrocarbons are used. Therefore, such experiments can occur in the case of a certain calculation, or in the absence of strict requirements. You should not place the contour around the chimney. Cooling it with water will lead to accelerated contamination and increased moisture condensation on the internal walls. Such options exist, but the effectiveness of such a system is questionable. Rather, it turns out to be a homemade water boiler of a bizarre shape.

Buleryan furnace under development

Some “creators” want to make a buleryan during testing. How to do this and is it worth the candle? You immediately need to decide for what needs such a miracle will be used. This modification is acceptable in the case of household heating. premises, garages and others. Where the slight “aroma” of free mining is not scary and there is a well-functioning chimney. And in general there is good traction in the system. The waste is burned as fuel in two ways. One method is less complicated and costly. This is a trickling evaporator. Its device is very simple.

At the entrance to the firebox, a casing-pipe is mounted, which on the outside contains a bowl for burning oil. And on it, a small container with a reserve is mounted. The tap regulates the stream of waste, which, falling into the bowl, splashes, burns and evaporates. The internal part is a metal canopy-partition, similar to the upper partition of the furnace. Only gases bend around it at the far wall.

They also practice a more mechanized and technological method. It is also more complex. Requires the installation of an industrial or homemade nozzle at the inlet of the furnace for burning waste. In addition, the mining must be applied under some pressure. In addition, it must be cleaned so as not to clog the nozzle. On average, users report consumption at two liters per hour. With free supplies and accompanying conditions, this option has the right to life.

Buleryan with hob

Someone may be wondering: “Is it worth buying or making buleryan with hob or even a hotplate? The determining factor here is the user’s readiness and ability to bring all elements of the stove, and most importantly the chimney, to compliance with the design parameters. If the chimney is high enough and thermally insulated. There will be no long horizontal sections, the wood is dry, and the stove itself is made correctly. Having a hob with a burner will only be a plus. Smoke can come through the burner when lighting in a cold room in the cold with damp wood. If the chimney system does not meet the requirements.

Unfortunately, often, missing or not understanding one, but important point, people are quick to criticize the entire idea or product. A hob may be present, but it is necessary to make some changes to the design in advance. At a minimum, the length of the plate separating the main firebox from the secondary firebox should be shorter. This will open up more space for the heat coming from the primary chamber. Accordingly, the burner should be placed above this gap. In the factory version, all the subtleties are already taken into account.

In total, your task is to provide traction. And at the moment of opening the burner, cover the vent and, if necessary, open the damper on the pipe. For those who have lived in the village and used a stove, no questions will arise at all. The city dweller will need to adapt a little. Nothing can be done without this. Is it possible to live in smart home with remote control.

How to install Buleryan

If you have decided on the drawings of this stove, its configuration, or in general, welded it yourself. It's time to clarify how to install Buleryan. As has been said more than once, buleryan warms the air. This means that its installation location must allow it to heat the room or rooms as efficiently as possible.

Naturally, the center of the room will be best place. But I think that not everyone will make such sacrifices. The exit can be special air ducts, with the help of which warm air can be distributed throughout the premises. This is especially true when large area or heating several rooms. When installing the oven on a floor made of flammable materials, it should be protected sheet metal on non-combustible insulation 15 mm thick. or arrange a fire-safe podium, 15-30 cm high. In any case, it must be protected from possible sparks and coals, within a radius of half a meter from the ash pit or ash pit. The distance from the combustion door to the opposite wall is at least 1250 mm. To wooden, unplastered walls, at least 1 m, plastered 0.7 m.

Chimney device

When installing a chimney indoors, please note that:

  • No more than two storeys.
  • The distance to unplastered wood walls is at least 0.7 m.
  • Distance of thermally insulated pipe, up to wooden wall, not less than 0.25 m, subject to maximum heating of the outer layer, up to 90 degrees.
  • The height of the pipe should reach a length of 5-7 meters (depending on the power).
  • When conducting metal pipe through the ceiling, cutting with fireproof materials is required insulating materials, at a distance of 0.5 m.
  • The chimney must consist of a minimum number of segments, hermetically connected. Horizontal sections are undesirable.
    The outer part of the chimney must be insulated.

It is necessary to organize the possibility of easy cleaning and draining of condensate.

And the top point of the pipe must protrude above the ridge or roof, based on the standards, by at least 0.5 m. Good thermal insulation of the pipe is extremely important for this type of stove. Increased formation of resinous substances, soot and condensation, as a result of poor insulation, can cause overgrowth of the chimney lumen and other “smoked” delights. The use of resinous wood, raw fuel, and the burning of industrial and household waste are especially fraught. As a result, the desire to clean, as they say “burn off” the soot, can result in a soot fire. And these are temperatures over a thousand degrees. Such experiments are very dangerous and often lead to fires.

Video: Buleryan combustion adjustment

How to properly drown buleryan

Well, now that almost everything is known, let’s briefly talk about how to properly drown buleryan. First, it is advisable to put dry fuel into the firebox in the amount necessary to warm up the chimney and form coals. Moreover, it is advisable not to clean out old coals and ash at all, leaving a layer that will slightly cover the metal, protecting it from burning out. Open the chimney damper completely, and the ash pan, based on the required ignition speed and other factors, dryness of the wood, windy weather.

When the first “dose” is about two-thirds burned, quite a bit of heat will be generated. You can make a basic stash of large ones, but I highly recommend dry firewood. It is important to understand that slow burning or smoldering occurs within 500 - 650 degrees. This means that damp firewood, resinous wood, waste containing chemicals and adhesives will all leave deposits and moisture on the walls of the chimney at an accelerated pace. Also, do not use coal or coke. The air that acts as a coolant will not have time to remove all the energy from the surfaces of the exchanger. And most of it will fly down the chimney. Moreover, elevated temperature gases in the chimney will increase the risk of soot burning, and the metal of the firebox will burn through.

Buleryan stove convection air flow diagram

So, the heated chimney will ensure ignition and further combustion in the desired mode. And this is most likely an economy mode. Maximum economical, buller works with the vent and damper closed. The combustion process will begin to include the effect of afterburning of pyrolysis gases. If we reduce the access of air through the ash pan, the gases formed due to a lack of oxygen in the main firebox will additionally burn in the upper chamber, separated by a partition. At the inlet, hot air is sucked in through the injectors.

With its help, the gases will release more energy during slow smoldering of wood. From below, under the stove, colder air is picked up by the draft created by the already heated flow in the convector pipes and “shoots” upward. Convection processes cause air masses to circulate in the room, which ensures high speed warming up, which is why the buller is valuable. It is worth noting that, due to its special design, the temperature of the outer surfaces of the oven remains quite low. This reduces the fire hazard and burns are much less likely. To do this, you need to “look” for a hotter place.

Guidelines for using Buleryan:

Is it possible to warm yourself with one log for a week? Of course you can! In any case, according to a humorous legend, Canadian Jews came up with the Buleryan long-burning stove for this purpose. Buller stoves, invented in Canada, allow you to heat a room using a small amount of fuel, which allows you to achieve maximum efficiency at minimal cost, this explains their popularity around the world, including the CIS countries.

Design and operating features of Buleryan stoves

This metal structure, with an open firebox, compact, and similar to a drum, inside of which there is a large number of hollow tubes. Tubes in Buleryan stove designs necessary for continuous, forced convection, which helps to quickly warm up the room. High efficiency(more than 80%) is ensured through complete use of fuel, thanks to complete combustion ejectors, where gases rising from the lower loading chamber are completely burned. In general, the operating principle of the furnace is comparable to the operating principle of a gas generator. It must be taken into account that Buleryan stoves have high aerodynamic resistance, which requires careful consideration of the installation of the chimney.

Design and principle of operation of Buleryanov.

What to heat and where to install a Buleryan stove

The Buller stove can be heated with any type of fuel, with the exception of coal (coking and stone), gas and flammable liquids. Wood, pellets, peat, cardboard and other paper waste are burned in buleryans with maximum and long-lasting heat output. The oven warms up the room in less than 30 minutes and can maintain a comfortable temperature for up to 12 hours.

Installation of the Buleryan stove

These devices can be installed in any room; they are suitable for heating:

  • country houses (cottages, dachas, small boarding houses and hotels);
  • outbuildings (garages, workshops, etc.);
  • greenhouses, winter gardens, greenhouses;
  • various agricultural buildings (grains, farms, hangars).

They take up little space, do not require cleaning and special care, since due to complete combustion of fuel, there is simply nothing to clean.

Installation rules:

    • rules must be followed fire safety— installing the stove close to the wall is not allowed! The size of the distance to the wall is selected depending on the material from which the wall is made. If the wall is made of wood and is not plastered, the device must be placed at a distance of at least 1 m. Distance to brick wall- 30 cm.
    • The base for buleryan must also be non-flammable. It could be like brickwork as well as a metal structure made of square or round pipes.
    • To prevent burning coals from falling onto the floor, metal sheets are mounted on the floor in front of the firebox.

Reasons for the popularity of stoves

      • ease of installation and maintenance;
      • versatility of use: they can be installed in any type of residential, warehouse, work premises;
      • complete energy independence: the furnace can be heated with any suitable type of fuel, without resorting to the use of gas, petrochemicals, or electricity;
      • ability to maintain up to 12 hours optimal temperature on one fuel tab;
      • a large selection of modifications, allowing you to purchase a device with the power required for a specific room;
      • unpretentiousness to the type of fuel;
      • The stoves have passed the necessary certification at the Fire Safety Research Institute under the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Disadvantages of Buleryan stoves

      • When using Buleryan stoves, due to the open combustion chamber, the air humidity in the room is sharply reduced. This can have a negative impact on the well-being of people prone to colds, so it makes sense to purchase a humidifier.
      • They cannot be used to cook food, they are only intended for heating rooms, so you need to think about an appropriate appliance for your culinary needs.
      • Chimney pipes must be insulated; there are even special heat-resistant double pipes with cotton insulation. If this is neglected, the likelihood of a fire increases sharply.

Price of Buleryan stoves (Buller)

Model of heating stove Braneran (Bulleryan) Power, kWt Price in rub.
AOT-6 type 00 with glass 6 10500
With water heating Aquaten AOTV-14 type 02 10 25000
AOT-6 type 00 6 8900
AOT-6 type 00 with plate 6 10200
Canadian woman with stove 4 9750
AOT-6 type 00 with glass plate 6 10500
AOT-8 type 005 8 13500
AOT-6 type 00 with 2 burners 7 16570
AOT-11 type 01 11 12650
AOT-6 type 00 with 2 burners with glass 7 12780
Furnace with water heating circuit Aquaten AOTV-06 type 00 6 16850
AOT-11 type 01 with glass 11 21900
AOT-08 type 005 with 2 burners 8 19750
AOT-14 type 02 18 34570
AOT-08 type 005 with 2 burners and glass 8 12980
AOT-14 type 02 with glass 18 27650
With water heating circuit Aquaten AOTV-11 type 01 11 14500
AOT-16 type 03 27 28000
With water heating circuit Aqua-Breneran (Bulleryan) 27 35000
AOT-19 type 04 35 37000
With water heating circuit Breneran Aquaten AOTV-16 type 03 41 44500
With water heating circuit Breneran Aquaten AOTV-19 type 04 50 46800

The stove is capable of maintaining warmth and comfort in the house in all weather conditions. Many of the owners of houses and summer cottages know how important it is to find the optimal heating method. The Buleryan stove will help heat homes in heating season, it can easily withstand even the harsh Canadian climate. Owners one-story houses, industrial premises prefer this method air heating. The unit is considered the most reliable, economical, and easy to operate.

What is a Buleryan stove

History says that the device was developed by technologists, and it was intended for mobile teams of lumberjacks. The Buleryan stove is a convection-type solid fuel device for autonomous heating. The Bulerjan stove is produced in Germany. There is also a Russian analogue - the Breneran oven. There is no functional difference, their structure is identical. There are variations of the stove with a hob for cooking, which makes it even more comfortable for home use. The device is suitable for heating residential private houses, bathhouses, and garages.


The wide, sealed firebox door has a blower (throttle) to regulate power. The chamber has curved walls in which batteries of pipes are placed at 2/3 of the diameter (pipes can be round or square). This Buleryan device provides high heat transfer in smoldering mode. At the bottom of the firebox there is a tray in the form of a grate made of cast iron or steel. The upper partition has holes.

The space above the upper partition is an afterburning chamber in smoldering mode. Flue gases from this cavity exit into the horizontal zone of the chimney - the hog. The chimney for buleryan has a damper; it is installed where the pipes turn upward. This smoke choke can control the combustion mode. The fumes always fly out through the pipe and do not enter the room due to the fact that the throttle and damper are not able to block the draft.

The heater economizer is located above the damper. This vertical section has good thermal insulation, designed for combustion of flue gases. In the economizer, the gas flares up and forms a plug - the intensity of the flame in the firebox subsides. When the plug cools down and slips through, the combustion intensifies again. The presence of an economizer increases the efficiency of the stove to 80%; without it, this figure does not exceed 65%. Using diagrams and drawings, you can make a stove from a cylinder yourself.

The stove can operate in two modes: kindling and gasification. The operating principle of Buleryan depends directly on the mode. In the first mode, the oven quickly heats up to maximum temperature with a minimum amount of fuel. The room is heated quickly, because the stove is capable of producing 4 cubic meters of hot air per minute. In gasification mode, the air is heated evenly, and solid fuel smoldering. In this case, the maximum amount of fuel is added, and the damper is closed to a minimum. In this mode, the oven can operate for up to 12 hours.

Buleryan with water circuit

The presented unit can be used for water heating, then the heat exchanger will contain liquid, not air. The Buleryan boiler has the same efficiency as gas devices for heating. The Buleryan stove with a water circuit is relevant in dachas and industrial premises. Main features of aqua-buleryan:

  1. The surface of the stove with a water circuit does not get very hot, so it can be installed indoors small size.
  2. The boiler can be used provided natural circulation coolant.
  3. For most models, a concrete base-stand is made for installation.
  4. Inside the casing is combustion chamber. The pipes containing the liquid fit tightly around the chamber, which results in rapid heating.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros of Buleryan:

  • The air warms up quickly and is distributed through air ducts.
  • The room warms up evenly.
  • Ease of operation and installation, minimal fuel consumption.
  • High efficiency of furnaces.
  • The oven can operate at full capacity for up to 12 hours.
  • The oven body heats up less than other types of ovens.

Cons of Buleryan:

  • An insulated pipe is required.
  • Fire safety requirements complicate the location. There must be at least 1 meter from the body to the wall.
  • Condensation from soot, water and tar forms on the pipes. When burning bad smell gets into the room.

The advantages and disadvantages of Buleryan indicate that an effective device needs to be monitored. Pipes must be cleaned of condensate at least once a year. The placement features of a convection type oven will not cause any particular difficulties during installation. Thanks to the fast heating of the room and the low price, many are ready to buy a Buleryan stove. The Canadian stove is an inexpensive option and fits into any interior.

How to properly drown Buleryan

The manufacturer recommends using linden or poplar firewood, peat briquettes, cardboard or shavings as fuel. The moisture content of firewood should not exceed 25%. Intense combustion is not a priority operating mode; it is only relevant for quick warming up. At the first stage, the air is heated to 120°C and the room is intensively heated. After the start of smoldering, the body of the structure cools down to 55°C, and air comes out of the batteries at a temperature of up to 70°C. You should not try to increase the combustion temperature with coal or coke; this will not only harm the metal, but will also reduce efficiency.

Heating with Buleryan should be carried out according to the instructions:

  1. We light the stove using flammable fuel: cardboard, paper, wood chips. The volume of the bookmark should be enough for 15-20 minutes. The fuel should turn into coals 2-3 minutes before the room is completely warmed up, this requires skill.
  2. When burning, you need to close the door, but the throttle and gate remain open.
  3. Firewood is laid on the coals until it stops. You can also put whole logs.
  4. We set the throttle to the desired position, and the gate must be closed all the way.

From my own experience I know that even the simplest purchase heating stove can cause a serious blow to the budget common man. Having studied the many available stove designs, I decided to give preference to Buleryan. A homemade modification of a well-known foreign heating stove has taken root perfectly in my garage.

Do-it-yourself Buleryan stove - drawings and assembly diagram

First, I prepared everything I needed to assemble the buleryan with my own hands. First of all, I took out from the pantry a drill with a set of drills for all occasions, a grinder with discs from the kit, welding machine, clamps and other little things.

I had to tinker with the materials. In order for the Buleryan to be truly reliable and of high quality, I decided to make it from heat-resistant boiler steel. This material is capable of ensuring truly long-term and reliable operation of the heating unit. Find the material mentioned in your household or buy it in a specialized store.

I also used 4mm thick steel sheet. A sheet measuring 100x200 cm was enough for me. Additionally, I needed a little (40x70 cm) 6 mm steel sheet, about 4 meters of pipe with a diameter of 11 cm, about 10 m of profiled pipe measuring 57x4 mm. In addition, I bought handles, hinges and latches for arranging the doors, prepared pieces of 35-centimeter pipe and, in general, several metal blanks just in case.

Homemade buleryan: a detailed guide

First I bent the 57mm pipe. To do this, I used a special tool - a pipe bender. I cut the pipe to 120 cm, and then bent it with a 225 mm radius.

As a result, I ended up with 8 pipes. According to the design of the buleryan, I installed 4 pipes on each side, arranging them staggered. As a result, the depth of the heating unit was 45.6 cm.

Then I made a "T" bend. I will then install it behind the Buleryan. This design will simultaneously remove smoke and collect condensation. Test it at the end. If everything is done correctly, the smoke will go up, and the condensed moisture will flow down.

A crane was installed underneath. A very convenient thing. As condensation accumulates, simply turn the tap and all the moisture will go away. I tried to keep the tap constantly open, but it’s better not to do this - unnecessary draft appears.

A damper was installed in the outlet to regulate the draft, as well as the intensity of combustion in the buleryan.

I fixed a similar, but now blind, damper on the vent of the front door.

To attach the dampers, I attached a spring to their axis. It presses the valves in the pipe more tightly and better secures them in the desired position. In general, the dampers “move” 90 degrees.

I took a 350x4 pipe and cut two 4-centimeter pieces from it. I cut one piece and stretched it, turning it outward. I inserted a shredder measuring 4x4 cm into the gap. As a result, I got 2 rings with diameters of 35 and about 36 cm. That is, one ring should fit calmly but tightly into the second.

The second ring is on the front wall of the buleryan.

I welded the rings into the places allocated for them. I took the larger one for the door. I made a third ring from the tavern - the inner ring for the door. As a result, it stuck inside the ring on the stove door and its wall. I sealed the gap between the rings on the door with asbestos cord.

The door should close as tightly as possible - this is necessary for normal gas generation. Of course, convection pipes can also cope well with this, however, after testing the design a lot, I realized that it is the tight door in combination with the dosed and controlled air supply that makes gas generation more efficient. Therefore, it is better to spend a little more time and properly seal the door.

A heat shield was welded to the door using spacers. Then I welded a corner to the screen. Thanks to the corner, a more uniform air distribution will be ensured. Additionally, the corner will not allow firewood to pass into the lid during closing.

After that, I made slits in the first pair of pipes and inserted injection tubes there. I used tubes with a diameter of 1.4 cm. The length was 15 cm. In my opinion, this is the most best option. The installed tubes will be in constant communication with the firebox through convection pipes, thereby ensuring combustion.

Then I welded the frame from steel pipes. Don't forget: you inserted the injection tubes into the first pipes. The following pipes are on their own.

Then I made a partition from a thick (I think it was about 6 mm) sheet of metal. If possible, use the thickest metal possible. It will get very hot in the combustion compartment and, if it is not thick enough, will burn out extremely quickly. It is best to make a partition according to a pattern - it’s more convenient. Make the pattern itself from thick cardboard to size.

I'm assembling the skeleton of the stove. Installed a partition

Then I welded the space between the convection pipes. I also used patterns. First I made them from thick cardboard, and then cut them out of heat-resistant metal.

Made a castle. The design is simple: the eccentric is grabbed by a hinge attached to the wall of the oven, and while turning it presses the door against the body.

Making such a castle yourself is not very easy, but it is possible. You have to use a router and lathe. The design itself, as I already said, is extremely simple. At the same time, the lock is very effective.

I made the loops from cutters. You can use any suitable similar blank.

Then I mounted the air injector to the top of the front face of the case. In fact, it allows you to further regulate the combustion in the firebox of a homemade buleryan. The injector will open and close by turning the hole in the tubes.

I welded the legs to the buleryan.

I installed the chimney and loaded a test batch of firewood.

Buleryan flooded. Everything went great.

At this point the stove is ready. I’ll say in advance: in practice everything is a little more difficult than in words. But you can get a stove with an efficiency of 75-80% at minimal financial costs. Such a buleryan will be able to heat almost any space - from a barn to a living room.

After using this stove for a while, I decided to improve it. If you want, you can do the same as me.

The design features of the stove in question are such that it can initially distribute oxygen efficiently and evenly within itself. The tubes at the bottom draw in cold oxygen, and the heated air is discharged from those installed at the top. If you wish, you can provide forced circulation oxygen.

I took tubes of a suitable diameter and welded adapters from them to the holes of the stove pipe located below. I plugged the adapter at one end.

The other side was connected to the fan.

I decided to use “snail” fan models. To ensure their operation, in my case, a 90-watt motor at 2800 rpm was enough.

The results are excellent - after modification, Buleryan began to work even more efficiently.

I’m also thinking about connecting corrugated cables to the upper outlets and spreading them in different directions - we’ll get a full-fledged heating system.

You can customize the instructions in your own way. I will be happy to read your suggestions and maybe even put something into practice.

My instructions will help you assemble a reliable, efficient, durable and productive stove with your own hands.
