How to choose bathroom furniture? Inexpensive bathroom furniture: layout options

What should it be the right furniture in the right bathroom? Material, shape, legs, ends and other nuances that need to be taken into account when choosing cabinets for the bathroom.

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1 What is "moidodyr"? This is the name for a special cabinet under the sink, the countertop of which already has the necessary hole. “Moidodyr” is a key part of the bathroom furnishings; it is the one you should choose first. The rest of the furniture: wall cabinets and mirrors, cabinets and pencil cases, are selected according to the “moidodyr”.

2 Is it possible to buy another sink in Moydodyr? Each “moydodyr” is designed for a specific sink. Converting a cabinet to fit another bowl will inevitably worsen the quality of the joints and, as a result, the performance of your furniture. Therefore, purchase the entire set at once. Or look for another one.

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Each “moidodyr” is designed for a specific sink.

3 Assembled or packaged? Manufacturers often supply bathroom furniture already assembled. This way they can guarantee increased moisture resistance and reliability of the entire structure. However, this is not always convenient, especially if you want to load the cabinet you like into the car immediately, rather than wait for delivery.

4 Chipboard, fibreboard or MDF? When choosing bathroom furniture, pay attention to the material from which it is made. Chipboard and fiberboard are cheaper than MDF, but are considered less moisture resistant (even with special impregnation). In addition, MDF allows you to design more complex shapes, which is why it is often used for the manufacture of convex facades. As a rule, furniture made of fiberboard and MDF is veneered or varnished. They also protect the ends of the slabs from moisture. The ends of chipboard furniture are protected with a PVC profile. Natural wood is used very rarely for the manufacture of bathroom furniture and only in expensive classic models.

5 With legs, plinth or hanging furniture? if you love perfect cleanliness and don’t tolerate dusty corners - avoid “moidholes” with a blind base. Small legs or a hanging version allow for more thorough cleaning.

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The ease of cleaning the bathroom depends on the type of furniture. Perfect optionhanging cabinet: cleaning the floor underneath will be a matter of seconds.

6 What to look for when choosing? When choosing furniture for the bathroom, carefully examine each cabinet. All edges furniture panels must be treated with a special moisture-resistant coating - otherwise furniture in unprotected places will quickly begin to deteriorate and swell. Look inside the cabinets - often manufacturers make several holes for shelves to provide different heights their installations. Unprotected holes must be protected from moisture using special plugs. If the manufacturer does not supply them with the cabinet, purchase and install them yourself. Or fill it with silicone sealant.

7 How to care? In most cases, bathroom furniture does not require special care. It is enough to periodically wipe the cabinets with a damp sponge or rag to keep them clean. Despite the fact that all bathroom furniture is labeled “moisture resistant” - avoid “watering” it with water - even a special coating will not withstand such treatment. Be sure to take care of good ventilation in the bathroom: condensation can damage any furniture before the end of its warranty period.

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It's no secret that the difficult operating conditions of bathroom furniture require compliance with special rules when choosing materials for facades and frames. Bathroom furniture should last a long time and not require any special care. Today we will talk about what materials are best for making bathroom furniture.

Standard requirements for bathroom furniture

In the first place, of course, is moisture resistance. The material must be moisture resistant, otherwise the furniture will very quickly become unusable.

The strength of the material is also important. High humidity and temperature changes negatively affect the life of bathroom furniture.

It is also worth adding that the material must be technologically advanced, since bathroom furniture most often needs to be compact.

Traditional materials

One of the most popular materials is metal. Metal furniture can be forged and stamped. Alas, regardless of the production method, over time such furniture will still begin to rust. Of course, the furniture can be repaired, but this will require stripping off the rust, priming and repainting. As you understand, this is a very long process.

Quite often you can find glass furniture in the bathroom. As a rule, only tempered glass is used. If it suddenly breaks (which is unlikely), the fragments from the furniture will be small and completely non-sharp. Of course, such furniture is injury-proof. But glass has one significant drawback- various stains form on its surface, even from ordinary clean water.

The most common materials are chipboard and MDF. They are used for mass production of furniture, because they have the best price and quality. Even moisture-resistant options have an affordable price. Maintenance of such materials is minimal, so it will not cause you much trouble. However, there are also disadvantages to such material. In more budget models, the edges can be isolated with plastic tape, so that moisture can penetrate into the material through the joints. Because of this, delamination and swelling of the array is possible. For more expensive models, the joints are painted in several layers.

Another good material- it's plastic. He is absolutely not afraid of water and does not cause trouble when leaving. But furniture made of high-quality plastic is quite expensive and is most often found in imported collections. But the products from ordinary plastic They break and get scratched pretty quickly.

Materials for bathroom furniture frames

Most often, chipboard with a laminated coating is used for these purposes, but veneer coating is used less often. To protect the ends from moisture penetration, a PVC edge or special plastic - ABS - is used. The edge or plastic is attached to a special hot melt adhesive.

But for frames it is still better to use MDF. It better withstands the aggressive effects of steam and water to which bathroom furniture is exposed every day. The ends of the furniture must be reliably protected with PVC edges. It is best if the ends are well painted in several layers. Veneer, laminate or even paintwork can be used to finish the frames.

Facade materials

It is customary to use MDF for facades. This material is a plate medium density. It has good moisture resistance. Another advantage is the ease of processing, thanks to which the manufacturer can give the facade elements some interesting and intricate shape. The MDF facade can be diluted with splashes of tinted glass.

Veneer finishes can be used to protect bathroom furniture. However, a suitable option is to cover the furniture surface with several layers of primer and glossy enamel. Of course, there is also the option of facades made of fiberboard, but they are not so practical and of high quality.

Non-traditional materials

This category includes granite and marble. It is customary to make countertops for bathroom furniture from them. This countertop is much more practical and will last longer than one made from conventional materials. These countertops are incredibly easy to clean - just wipe them lightly with a soft, damp cloth. But, as always, there are also disadvantages - such a tabletop is quite expensive and difficult to install.

Color solutions

Most often, from a domestic manufacturer you can find traditional color solutions- furniture in white, blue and other light shades. But if you want something bright and juicy, then you will have to make furniture to order or order it from some foreign online stores.

At first, choosing bathroom furniture may seem like a difficult and confusing task. After all, ordering in an online store differs from a regular purchase, when we are limited by time and not such a large assortment. In the online store, in addition to a huge selection of models, there is a unique opportunity to carefully weigh the pros and cons, calculate and provide for everything before the smallest details. We will help you understand all the characteristics so that the selection and purchasing process will only be a pleasure.

Choosing the composition

The first thing you should decide is what do you plan to put in your bathroom? Someone is looking for a set with many items that can accommodate everything they need, which will be the basis for the design of the room. On the contrary, someone strives for minimalism and, of all the furniture, he only needs a mirror-cabinet above the sink and an inconspicuous lamp. What can we offer when we talk about bath furniture?

The basis

Every bathroom must have three things: a sink, what is under it, i.e. what it stands on and what is above it, i.e. mirror. The rest is a space of unlimited possibilities.

If there is no need for storage space under the sink, then it can be hung on, placed or, or installed on a countertop or. This makes cleaning easier and is popular in public bathrooms and in areas where sanitation is a priority over storage convenience. In addition, such minimalistic solutions are ideal for ultra-modern bathrooms in the style.

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However, today bathroom furniture represents such a variety of beautiful, comfortable cabinets equipped with a wide variety of pleasant additions that most buyers immediately choose a set.

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Above the sink are usually placed, which may not have anything as part of the set or may be equipped with,. Often you can choose a ready-made one with a built-in lamp, or you can independently select each detail separately.

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We are planning installation

It is very important to decide how your furniture will be installed? Most people choose, it saves cleaning time, you don’t have to clean out hard-to-reach dust from behind the legs, and the process of washing the floor, which is not blocked by unnecessary objects, is much simpler. However, it is more stable, you do not have to rely on the strength of the walls and fastenings, you can store even heavy objects without fear and lean with all your weight without fear.

We take measurements and draw a diagram

It is best to arm yourself with a pen and a piece of paper, measure the walls in the places where you plan to install your purchases and arrange the furniture based on the dimensions given to you.

Let us clarify using the numbers indicated on our website: if you choose floor mounting of a cabinet and sink with legs or floor mounting of a set with legs, then the height of the structure will be indicated taking into account the legs supplied in the kit. The width and depth are indicated taking into account the widest part of the furniture, most often these are the protruding parts of the sink.

Choosing a sink

The sink can set the style of the set, or it can modestly perform its function without being conspicuous. What it will be is up to you to decide.


The first step is to choose the material. Most a budget option– . Earthenware sinks are unpretentious, easy to clean, suitable for almost any interior, if the glaze that covers such a sink is of proper quality, it will retain its attractive appearance. appearance many years. similar in characteristics to earthenware, it is also easy to clean, beautiful and versatile, but due to its less porous structure, it almost does not absorb dirt and odors and will last longer than earthenware products.

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There are many fans of sinks made from, thanks to its noble appearance and practical qualities. This material consists of a mixture of polyester resin with a filler, most often marble chips or quartz sand. It is also characterized by low porosity, which means that contaminants will not accumulate on the surface. Such shells have very long term service and are unpretentious in care, despite the fact that in appearance not everyone will be able to distinguish artificial stone from natural one.

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Sink location

There are many options for placing a sink on a cabinet or countertop. It can cover the entire upper surface of the cabinet and already include the tabletop, it can cut into a wooden or marble surface and even simply be placed on it like a vase.

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Housing material

MDF or chipboard?

The most common material options are and. Both are made from wood chips, but using different technologies. MDF is considered much more environmentally friendly and durable than chipboard; it is easier to process, which is why furniture of the most complex shapes is made from MDF.

MDF is more moisture resistant than chipboard, but manufacturers of the latter compensate for this deficiency with polymer and paraffin additives in the composition, as well as by laminating the boards. It is believed that chipboard holds fasteners and screws worse due to its looser structure.

When choosing one of these two materials, the main guideline should be the amount you plan to spend on furniture. If your priority is to save money, then you will get the maximum savings by purchasing a set of chipboard; this material is inexpensive and very popular in Russia. If you have the opportunity to buy more expensive furniture, it is better to go with MDF.

Noble classics

For all their advantages, MDF and chipboard most often lose out in the quality and durability of furniture made from.

The wood from which bathroom furniture is made is pre-dried and processed by special means, protecting the material from moisture and mold, this significantly increases the cost of the production process, but the result is worth it.

Wooden furniture is environmentally friendly, looks great in almost any interior, is resistant to mechanical damage, reliable, durable and beautiful, has a service life wooden furniture counted in decades. It is made from trees different breeds, differing in some properties and appearance, but the basic qualities remain unchanged for all.

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Housing coating

Glossy or matte?

It is best to choose the coating of the facade or body in two steps. First you need to decide which one you like better, matte or glossy. the coating will visually enlarge the space and make it lighter, and will be more practical in terms of water marks, fingers and other inevitable consequences of use.

Veneer, film or enamel?

The second step is to directly select the material with which the body and facade will be covered.

To make it easier to find the right thing among thousands of little things, there is a special “”. It is located in drawers and divides them into several sectors, which are often specially shaped and sized to fit the most frequently stored items in bathrooms.

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If the bathroom has recently been renovated, then it is most advisable to purchase a set - ready set furniture, which in style will best match the walls, floor and ceiling, incl. taking into account color range. However, when correct selection Individual pieces of furniture can be updated selectively. The main thing is to adhere to consistency in terms of color and design solutions. But matching the style is not the only requirement for furniture. Therefore, when choosing, you should pay attention to the performance characteristics.

Material of manufacture

A distinctive feature of the described room is high humidity; Therefore, close attention must be paid to the material from which the bathroom furniture is made. As practice shows, high humidity All manufacturers of both expensive and budget products try to take into account. What should you give preference to?

Of the budget options, perhaps the most widespread is plastic - a lightweight material that has a huge variety of shades, shapes and is inexpensive. But the disadvantages are also quite significant: plastic objects break easily, and there is always a risk of cracks and breaks in the event of heavy load or careless handling.

Chipboard is another budget option for a material that is gradually disappearing from sale. Products made from such boards absorb moisture and do not last long. The only advantage is low cost. A logical and higher quality continuation of chipboard is considered new material– MDF. These are pressed boards that are treated with moisture-resistant compounds followed by lining (for example, melamine). Typically, a set of furniture is not entirely made from MDF, but is combined with other materials; for example, with the same chipboard, wood. If the entire set is completely assembled from MDF, the price will be too high.

Wood is rarely used to make bathroom furniture, because... It darkens during use. You have to resort to treating the wood with various chemicals that increase moisture resistance. As a result, the main advantage wooden products– environmental safety is reduced to zero. Metal, stone, and glass are often used as the main material. In the first case, stainless chrome steel and aluminum are used. In the second - marble, granite, sometimes artificial stone and unbreakable glass.

Nuances when purchasing

When purchasing furniture of this type, first of all pay attention to the surface; The slightest cracks or scratches should be absent. In terms of practicality, it is advisable to purchase furniture with legs (cabinets, bedside tables). This will prevent mold from appearing and make cleaning easier.

It is not recommended to buy furniture with an excess of decor - carved elements will cause a lot of trouble when cleaning, and besides, the frills look bad in the bathroom. And one more thing - accessories. It must be metal; plastic is fragile and short-lived.

Most often, it cannot boast of an abundance of free space, so the furniture here must be chosen to be compact. Nothing here should irritate or distract. When buying a bathroom set, you don’t need to skimp - it should be of a color and design that can create a feeling in the room. cozy atmosphere promoting relaxation.

With time chromed metal does not lose its appearance, but beautiful at first glance painted or gilded plastic begins to darken after a few months, the paint begins to peel off, mixers and taps lose their presentable appearance.

The cabinet under the sink should not only have an excellent aesthetic appearance. It should also be roomy. An abundance of open shelves is undesirable - you will often have to tinker with them, clean them, wipe off dust, and all the contents of the shelves will be visible. If the floor in the bath is heated, then it is better to choose bedside tables and cabinets with legs.

Any cracks or chips on sinks are unacceptable. When lightly tapped, they should produce a melodic ringing sound, but if the sound is dull, this indicates cracks that are hidden from view.

You should not buy a set made of wood for your bathroom. The exception is if your room is large, it has ventilation. But even here, choose a set made of MDF with a waterproof coating. Of course, chipboard is cheaper, but it cannot withstand significant loads. Plastic is not afraid of water, but it is easy to scratch, cracks often appear, and the coating peels off.

Detected paint smudges are also a sign of bad things. Good manufacturer will make sure that it is his headsets that are purchased, he will not allow any little things to appear that will negatively affect his reputation.

A bathroom in which the set has acrylic coating. Even if this kit costs more, it is not afraid of dirt, moisture, or anything else. household chemicals, which is usually abundant in this room. Acrylic is a material created for kitchens and bathrooms.

Video on the topic

Quite often consumers, when choosing furniture set in the bath, they wonder what material it should be made of in order to last as long as possible. Of course, the most important criterion when choosing a material for such furniture will be moisture resistance, but, unfortunately, this is too general a parameter, for example, plastic and glass are not afraid of moisture, but this does not mean that it will make the highest quality furniture.

First of all, it is necessary to clarify that although the bath is very small room, it is more than saturated with interior items, and each of them is made from its own material. For example, now a sink with a cabinet is an integral attribute of any bathroom; it is clear that the sink is made of faience, less often glass or metal, but the cabinet and countertop can be made of anything. The best option this is a table top from artificial stone and a cabinet made of chipboard with a special water-repellent coating and moisture-proof impregnation. Quite often, the countertop and sink are one whole, and the base of the cabinet is already attached to them. Also, the latest fashion trends are aimed at bringing back to life the good old moidodyr, of course a more modern and improved model. This product, made of high-quality material, can replace a good half of the entire bathroom set, and buying a sink for the bathroom is not at all difficult, just call us or place an order through the website.

Despite the fact that chipboard and MDF, which are so popular and from which most furniture is made, are coated and impregnated with special protective components, still, with constant contact with water and steam, they begin to gradually collapse, swell and deflate, which leads to complete unusability furniture in general.

Increasingly, in the construction of bathroom furniture, veneer has begun to be used, which exactly emits natural wood, at the same time has good protective qualities and is much cheaper. Furniture from natural wood most suitable for the bathroom, although not cheap option. True, not any wood is suitable for the production of such a set; moreover, it must be well and properly dried, and then impregnated with special anti-corrosion and strengthening solutions. In addition to its excellent physical and mechanical properties, wood is easy to process, thanks to which it can be used to make not just furniture, but real works of art of any size, color and texture. For example, wooden cabinets with a 60 cm sink will fit into any bathroom, and their reliability and aesthetic appearance will delight even the most sophisticated and capricious client.

It is recommended to make countertops from the most durable and moisture-repellent material, since they experience the greatest loads during their entire service life. Countertops made of artificial stone, which are not afraid of moisture and physical influences, look great. And of course, we shouldn’t forget about materials such as glass, which, although it is a relatively fragile material, tolerates humid conditions excellently, is not afraid of temperature changes, and most importantly thanks to modern methods processing allows you to create products of any shape. An equally effective material, which is used more as an element rather than as the main material for creating bathroom furniture, can be considered stainless metal. Polished to a high shine, it looks effective anywhere, be it simple legs under furniture or shaped hooks and fastenings for towels and bathrobes.