How to grow sorrel on a windowsill, prepare containers and seeds, plant and care for the plant. Growing sorrel: planting and further care

Sorrel is one of the earliest vegetable plants, which provide their vitamin greens in the spring. It is also valued for its high content of beneficial acids, proteins and microelements - iron and potassium. But you can surprise your family and pamper them with aromatic green borscht with fresh sorrel, even in the middle of a cold winter. This close relative rhubarb does not skimp on the harvest of greenery when planted for forcing in the cold season and will thank the caring hands of the gardener with a generous harvest.

Features of sorrel varieties for forcing

Rhizomes for forcing sorrel leaves are dug from the garden bed in the fall and buried in the cellar until planting. You can immediately send the planting material into boxes and pots, but until the day the forcing process begins, they are left outside in the open air, insulating the container only on the sides - with straw and leaves.

If you got the planting material from friends, you should clarify which variety of sorrel you got into your hands - spinach or sour. Spinach produces greens faster, and its leaves are several times more powerful than its sour counterpart. The peculiarity of the second one is that it is rich not only in apple and citric acid, but as they age, they accumulate oxalic acid, the abuse of which is harmful to health. Based on this, you should always remember that it is better to refrain from consuming such sorrel for those who suffer from kidney disease, intestinal inflammation, and disorders of salt metabolism in the body.

Technology of planting sorrel for forcing

It is recommended to take rhizomes for forcing from two-year-old plants; three-year-old plants are also used. To force sorrel, it is better to use bridge planting technology. This means that the planting material in your improvised bed in the box should be placed very tightly, side by side to each other, so that there is practically no free space between the rhizomes. This method is used not only to save space - with its help the leaves grow thicker and become more delicate in taste. Its delicate sourness will not spoil the taste of the salad; such products can be used as a filling for baked pies.

It is necessary to ensure a sufficient thickness of the soil layer in the boxes for forcing greens. For sorrel this figure is approximately 10-12 cm.

The advantage of sorrel is its undemandingness to sunlight. It will grow well in a dimly lit area of ​​the house. Therefore, it is not scary to leave it for forcing greenery on window sills and balconies that face the north side of your house or are shaded during the day by tall trees on the street. But after planting the rhizomes and watering the beds, the box needs to be sent to a dark place for a while.

Caring for sorrel plantings at home

For good growth Greenery plantings must provide certain conditions:
first of all, it is important to monitor the condition of the soil - the earth should not dry out;
What matters is the humidity and temperature of the air - it should not be dry, and the thermometer should not be allowed to fall below +18°C or rise above 20°C;
pay attention to the rate of leaf growth: when it is unreasonably low, it can be increased by applying fertilizers, for example, a weak urea solution.

How can you tell if a plant is developing normally? At favorable conditions The first harvest can be obtained two and a half to three weeks after planting the sorrel rhizomes. Inventories nutrients There is enough planting material for a growing season of about 2 months. At competent feeding From one planting, the green crop can be harvested at least 3 times. But after such productive work, the rhizome becomes depleted and loses strength, so it cannot be reused for forcing leaves.

Common sorrel (sour) belongs to the buckwheat family. IN natural conditions it is distributed on all continents. Sorrel - perennial herbaceous plant. Its leaves contain oxalic, citric and malic acids, vitamin C, and carotene.

The history of human use of sorrel goes back to ancient times. It was introduced into culture when it began to serve as food for humans. In the 12th century, it began to be grown in France, and in the 15th-17th centuries - in many countries of Western Europe. Currently, there are about 200 species of sorrel.

In the spring, when a person is especially lacking in vitamins, sorrel leaves, used in salads, for preparing cabbage soup, and as a filling for pies, help satisfy vitamin hunger. Sorrel has a pleasant taste and is quite popular among people as a food plant. It improves digestion and counteracts the development of putrefactive processes in the intestines. Young sorrel leaves are collected at the end of May before it blooms.

Sorrel helps increase the secretion of gastric juice, and therefore it is not recommended for people suffering from gastritis with high acidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers, kidney diseases, urolithiasis and gout. Don't get too carried away with sorrel and healthy people, since long-term daily consumption can cause irritation of the kidneys (due to the high content of oxalic acid).

IN folk medicine Sorrel is primarily used as an antiscorbutic remedy. It is also used to improve the function of the liver, gall bladder, stimulate digestive processes, as well as for skin itching and skin rashes.

Growing sorrel at home

IN room conditions Growing sorrel is not difficult; the following varieties grow best: Maikopsky, Altaisky, Odessky broadleaf.

Sorrel easily tolerates slight shading, so it can be grown on northern and northwestern windows. For normal growth and development, the room temperature can be from 5 to 20 °C.

Sorrel is propagated by seeds and rhizomes, harvested and planted in the fall (September) in boxes or pots.

The best soils for sowing sorrel seeds are acidic loams rich in humus. Slightly acidic soil can be used. Sow sorrel seeds in furrows to a depth of 0.8 - 1 cm. The distance between rows should be at least 6 - 7 cm.

The grooves are filled with finely sifted humus. Sowing sorrel seeds can be done throughout the year at intervals of 30 - 45 days.

Caring for sorrel is generally simple.. After the emergence of seedlings, they must be thinned out, leaving the plants at a distance of 3 - 5 cm from each other. Watering regularly, you must ensure that the substrate in the box is always wet. Fertilizer feeding is carried out 2-3 times a month.

It is best to use the plant for no more than 2-3 years; subsequently, excess oxalic acid accumulates in the leaves.

To force sorrel in winter, you can use rhizomes sold in markets or grown in garden plots. Sorrel is kicked out, like many others vegetable crops, in boxes at a temperature of 18-20 ° C.

Pests- sorrel leaf-eater, sawfly, rhubarb weevil. Among diseases, significant harm, including in indoor conditions, can be caused by false powdery mildew, powdery mildew and rust.

Good afternoon friends!

The perennial herbaceous plant sorrel has long and deservedly acquired a reputation as a healing plant, rich in phytonutrients beneficial to the human body. This garden medicine exhibits anti-inflammatory, antiscorbutic, restorative, digestive stimulating, hemostatic and tonic effects.

Before talking about how to grow sorrel on a windowsill I will briefly describe the composition of the plant and its beneficial properties.

Types and composition of sorrel

Although there are more than 200 varieties of sorrel known in the world, gardeners most often grow common (sour) sorrel, which is a member of the buckwheat family.

The shoots of the plant contain a whole complex of vitamins (B2, C, B1, carotenoids, thiamine, rutin, K, PP) and antioxidants, organic acids, including oxalic acid and its salts, dietary fiber, flavonoids, minerals(micro- and macroelements), glycosides. Sorrel root is rich in tannins, resins, ether compounds, calcium oxalate, and caffeic acid.

Benefits of sorrel

The leaves are successfully used as effective remedy with vitamin deficiency, especially in spring period. Sorrel is recommended to be included in the diet of patients suffering from anemia and cardiovascular diseases, since the components of the plant, especially phenolic substances and rutin, strengthen capillaries and exhibit anti-sclerotic properties.

Regular inclusion of sorrel in the menu, usually as the main ingredient in green borscht or vitamin-rich spring salad, improves appetite, enhances intestinal motility, activates digestive processes and helps the body effectively get rid of waste products, decay, toxins and accumulated toxic substances.

How to grow sorrel on a windowsill and care for the plant

It is not at all necessary to wait for the start of the next season to enjoy sorrel leaves and cook your favorite healthy dishes. IN winter time You can perfectly grow sorrel on a windowsill or glassed-in loggia.

Planting material

For forcing greens, rhizomes of a 2-4 year old plant with a large number of growth buds are used. Sorrel is also grown from seeds. The following varieties develop most harmoniously in apartment conditions: Maikopsky, Altaisky, Odessky broadleaf.

Lighting and temperature conditions

It is advisable to plant a mini-garden on the windowsill of a south-facing window. However, sorrel is one of the few types of leafy greens that tolerate shade well. Based on this, it can also be grown on the windowsills of northern (north-eastern, north-western) windows.

IN winter period, when daylight hours are already short, and most days are cloudy, so that the greenery does not stretch out too much, you can install additional lighting. To do this, it is enough to place fluorescent lamps at a height of 60 cm.

The plant is cold-resistant, so in the room where it is grown, the temperature can fluctuate from +5°C to +20°C. If you have a glazed balcony where there is no frost (although greens can withstand frosts down to -7°C), then containers with sorrel can be placed there.

Soil and planting container

The most favorable for plant development is slightly acidic, loamy, fertile soil. Sorrel grows well in well-drained peat soil. The soil mixture (if it meets these characteristics) can be brought from your site and calcined in the oven for about an hour (to be sure to get rid of the pathogenic bacteria living in it). Or you can use a purchased universal slightly acidic substrate.

Any container is suitable for growing sorrel. It is best to put together a wooden box, in accordance with the size of the window sill or the space allocated on the loggia, but you can also use plastic containers, as well as flower pots from the most different materials. Place expanded clay or pebbles at the bottom of the planting container to create a drainage layer. It is desirable that the containers have holes to drain excess moisture.

Planting and care

Seeds are sown to a depth of about 0.8-1.1 cm, pouring them into the grooves. The optimal distance between rows is at least 7 cm, so you create for the development of plants good conditions. The recesses with seeds should be sprinkled on top with sifted ready-made substrate or humus. Sowing of sorrel can be done every month all year round (in different containers). This will give you the opportunity to constantly cut new crops.

Some time after the emergence of seedlings, it is advisable to thin them out, leaving the shoots at a distance of about 4 cm from one another. Sorrel loves moisture, so make sure that the soil is always moist. Periodically loosen the soil with a fork or toothpick.

Fertilizing is carried out with any universal complex fertilizer intended for indoor flowers, 1-2 times a month, diluting the solution in accordance with the instructions.

Forcing greens from the rhizome is carried out in boxes at a temperature of +17-+20°C. The root is planted in the planting container prepared as described above, the soil is abundantly moistened and periodically fed.


After you have succeeded grow sorrel on the windowsill, and the leaves have reached a height of 8-10 cm, they can be carefully cut with scissors, along with the petioles, being careful not to damage the growth buds. It is recommended to use the leaves immediately after collection, adding them to dishes - this way they are preserved. greatest number active biological components. See you!

Growing sorrel at home in winter is an excellent way to replenish the lack of vitamins in the body at this time of year. There are two ways to do this.

Sorrel is a fairly popular plant among people. It not only has a pleasant taste, but also has medicinal properties: improves digestion and counteracts the development of putrefactive processes in the intestines.
To grow sorrel indoors, it is best to use the Maykop, Altai and Odessa broadleaf varieties.

General requirements for growing sorrel The plant tolerates shading well, so for growing sorrel at home, you can use windows facing north or northwest, but it grows better on eastern windows.

The plant is also not picky about temperature; it feels good in the range from 5 to 20 degrees. The soil for planting must be slightly acidic, rich in humus. Sorrel grows well in ready-made purchased soil for begonias.

Growing sorrel from rhizomes
To grow sorrel at home, it is good to use rhizomes. In this case, the plant must grow in the garden for 3 years. They need to be dug out of the ground in the fall and stored in the cellar until planting.
Around mid-December, the roots need to be pulled out and shortened by 10 cm, then planted in boxes with prepared soil to a depth of 15 cm, close to each other. For the first week after planting, keep the roots at a temperature of 10 - 12 degrees, then increase it to 20 degrees.
The first thing after planting is to water the plants well. After rooting, watering should be carried out if necessary. After about a month, the sorrel will grow leaves that are ready to eat.

Growing sorrel from seeds
If you haven’t dug up sorrel roots in advance, it doesn’t matter, you can grow it from seeds, but first check them for germination. To do this, pour water into the bottom of the saucer and pour seeds into it, leave them for a couple of days, use the sprouted seeds for sowing.
The seeds should be sown in the furrows to a depth of about 1 cm, the distance between the furrows should be 6 - 7 cm. After sowing, fill the furrows with humus. If you sow sorrel at intervals of 30–40 days, you can all year round receive his harvest.
When seedlings appear, the plants should be thinned out so that the distance between them is about 5 cm. The sorrel should be watered regularly so that the soil in the box is always moist. I recommend using coffee grounds or drunken tea as fertilizing - sprinkle them on the soil twice a month.
This simple care will provide you with a harvest of succulent leaves until spring.

Sorrel is one of the earliest vegetable plants that produce their vitamin greens in the spring. It is also valued for its high content of beneficial acids, proteins and microelements - iron and potassium. But you can surprise your family and pamper them with aromatic green borscht with fresh sorrel, even in the middle of a cold winter. This close relative of rhubarb does not skimp on the harvest of greenery when planted for forcing in the cold season and will thank the caring hands of the gardener with a generous harvest.

Features of sorrel varieties for forcing

Rhizomes for forcing sorrel leaves are dug from the garden bed in the fall and buried in the cellar until planting. You can immediately send the planting material into boxes and pots, but until the day the forcing process begins, they are left outside in the open air, insulating the container only on the sides - with straw and leaves.

If you got the planting material from friends, you should clarify which variety of sorrel you got into your hands - spinach or sour. Spinach produces greens faster, and its leaves are several times more powerful than its sour counterpart. The peculiarity of the second is that it is rich not only in malic and citric acid, but as it ages, it accumulates oxalic acid, the abuse of which is harmful to health. Based on this, you should always remember that it is better to refrain from consuming such sorrel for those who suffer from kidney disease, intestinal inflammation, and disorders of salt metabolism in the body.

Technology of planting sorrel for forcing

It is recommended to take rhizomes for forcing from two-year-old plants; three-year-old plants are also used. To force sorrel, it is better to use bridge planting technology. This means that the planting material in your improvised bed in the box should be placed very tightly, side by side to each other, so that there is practically no free space between the rhizomes. This method is used not only to save space - with its help the leaves grow thicker and become more delicate in taste. Its delicate sourness will not spoil the taste of the salad; such products can be used as a filling for baked pies.

It is necessary to ensure a sufficient thickness of the soil layer in the boxes for forcing greens. For sorrel this figure is approximately 10-12 cm.

The advantage of sorrel is its undemandingness to sunlight. It will grow well in a dimly lit area of ​​the house. Therefore, it is not scary to leave it for forcing greenery on window sills and balconies that face the north side of your house or are shaded during the day by tall trees on the street. But after planting the rhizomes and watering the beds, the box needs to be sent to a dark place for a while.

Caring for sorrel plantings at home

For good green growth, plantings must provide certain conditions:

First of all, it is important to monitor the condition of the soil - the earth should not dry out;

The humidity and temperature of the air matter - it should not be dry, and the thermometer should not be allowed to fall below +18°C or rise above 20°C;

Pay attention to the rate of leaf growth: when it is unreasonably low, it can be increased by applying fertilizers, for example, a weak urea solution.

How can you tell if a plant is developing normally? Under favorable conditions, the first harvest can be obtained two and a half to three weeks after planting the sorrel rhizomes. The reserves of nutrients in the planting material are sufficient for the growing season for about 2 months. With proper feeding, you can harvest greenery from one planting at least 3 times. But after such productive work, the rhizome becomes depleted and loses strength, so it cannot be reused for forcing leaves.

Many people grow sorrel at home. You can also follow the example of our grandmothers and arrange a garden bed on the windowsill. Sorrel will always be at hand, besides, green plants produce oxygen and purify the air.

During the germination period, the plant requires sunlight, but subsequently it tolerates shade well and even needs it. To plant sorrel, you should choose a bright and well-ventilated room. IN in this case This is a window sill, so there will definitely be no problems with ventilation. Experts recommend growing plants on windowsills that face west or east.

First you need to purchase soil. You can buy it or just dig it up at your dacha. When purchasing, make sure that the soil is intended specifically for garden plants, not for flowers. You will also need one or more seedling boxes. Plastic or wooden options with holes at the bottom. Please note that they must fit on the windowsill. Place small pebbles at the bottom of the box, then add coarse sand and soil directly.

Sorrel, which grows for three years, is ideal for planting. In October, dig the roots out of the ground and store them in a cool, dry place until planting. In December, take the roots and shorten them by 10-12 cm. Then carefully plant them in boxes with prepared soil to a depth of 15-17 cm. To prevent the rosettes of leaves from growing too much, plant them tightly to each other.

For a week, keep the temperature in the range of 10-12°C, then increase it to 18-20°C. During the first time after planting, water the roots well. Subsequently, water the sorrel as the soil dries out. After 30-35 days, the plant will be ready for consumption. If you properly care for sorrel, you can harvest three harvests in a row before April!

There is another option - to germinate the seeds in the soil. Be sure to check them for quality before planting. To do this, take a saucer and pour water onto the bottom. Put a pinch of seeds there. Place the saucer in a warm place and after two days see whether sprouts have appeared or not. Moisten the soil and place sorrel seeds in small holes to a depth of 1 cm. The distance between the beds should be about 6-7 cm.

To fertilize sorrel, use the following composition. Take 30 g of nitrate solution, 40 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium chloride. Dilute these ingredients in 10 liters of water. Use 0.5 liters at a time. Coffee grounds, a decoction of onion peels or drunken tea are also suitable as fertilizers. Feed the sorrel with fertilizers twice a month.

Now you know how to grow sorrel on a windowsill. Don't forget to water and fertilize the plant regularly. With proper care, sorrel will grow very well and quickly!

Growing greens on the windowsill ordinary apartment allows without special labor provide its inhabitants with fresh vitamins all year round. Many housewives are fond of growing herbs on the windowsill. If it is not possible to collect crops from a summer cottage, this method of gardening may well help out lovers of fresh parsley and dill.

Juicy onion on the windowsill

Growing onions on a windowsill is extremely easy. Experienced gardeners they do this in two ways:

  • traditionally in the ground;
  • hydroponics method.

Owners of small window sills, planting bulbs in the ground, can wisely use the space by arranging vertical beds. To do this, you need to take an empty plastic water bottle and cut holes in it in a circle. Next, you need to fill the bottle with soil in layers and lay out the bulbs in rows so that their heads stick out from the holes made. If the ground in such a structure is replaced mineral wool, then the beds will turn from traditional to hydroponic. When working with mineral wool, do not forget about rubber gloves, which will help protect your hands during planting.

How to grow onions for greens on a windowsill. Photo

How to choose onions on the windowsill

When starting planting, it is necessary to carefully select planting material. Bulbs should be dense, round in shape, with a shiny husk and without signs of rotting. Their root cup should be well developed. Preference is best given to bulbs that have begun to sprout.

If sprouted bulbs cannot be found, experts recommend making a careful cut at the top of the bulb parallel to the root cup. Before planting in the ground, the bulb can be soaked briefly in water.

Rules of care

Growing onions on a windowsill requires knowing some little secrets. Onions produce green feathers well when temperature from 18 to 20 degrees above zero. Raising the temperature to 24 degrees will speed up this process, and if it reaches a level of 30 degrees, green growth will stop.

Growing onions on a windowsill for greens. Photo

With the growing method using hydroponics When the bulbs are in water, care must be taken to ensure that they do not begin to rot. To do this, you can lift the body of the onion above the liquid using a cardboard or plastic circle with a hole in the center. In addition, to prevent the development of putrefaction, a 4% solution can be periodically added to the water. hydrogen peroxide or faint pink solution manganese.

Contrary to popular belief, you should not place onions in a window close to the light immediately after planting. For the first 10 days it should be in a dark, cool place. During this period, the formation of the root system occurs. Subsequently, the onion gratefully receives a large amount of light. If natural light not enough, can be used backlight, having built it from fluorescent lamps.

Juicy onions on greens on the windowsill. Photo

Green salad on the windowsill

Juicy green salad leaves are an indispensable addition to many vegetable and meat dishes. This plant is popular among lovers of tasty and healthy food. That is why many gardeners are wondering how to grow lettuce on the windowsill of their apartment. Experts recommend using such lettuce varieties as Odessa, Rand Credo, and Lol Rossa for this purpose.

Growing lettuce on a windowsill. Photo

You can grow this plant in a pot of soil throughout the year. The salad produces lush greens, but quickly fades away, releasing arrows. Having harvested once, the bush must be destroyed and a new plant planted in its place.

Secrets of planting and care

Before planting, lettuce seeds should be soaked in a slightly pink solution for several hours. potassium permanganate. After this, they need to be planted half a centimeter into the ground. It is better to immediately use a fairly large container, since lettuce does not like transplanting. But what he really loves is a large amount of light and moisture. In conditions of excessive dryness and poor lighting, the leaves of the plant become weak and pale. The salad should not only be watered, but also generously sprayed. In winter, the plant needs lighting.

After planting the seeds in the ground, the container must be covered with cellophane and not opened until the sprouts hatch. This usually happens within 3-4 days. Optimal temperature for plant growth is 18-20 degrees Celsius. Heat negatively affects the harvest because it accelerates the plant's shoots.

Parsley on the windowsill. Growing

It is difficult to imagine what plant could compete with parsley in popularity. Almost no dish of Russian cuisine can do without this greenery. Knowing how to grow parsley on a windowsill, you can have fresh branches of this useful plant on your table all year round.

Parsley on greens on the windowsill. Photo

How to plant correctly

Growing parsley at home is not particularly difficult. This plant is very grateful and very picky. You can plant it:

  • seeds in spring;
  • root crops throughout the year.

Planting parsley with root vegetables

The root crops of the plant should be planted in a container at a distance of at least a centimeter from each other. At the same time, they need to be covered with earth so that the tops stick out on the surface. Drainage It is not necessary to use it in such a planting. The earth needs to be tamped down well and generously water.

Parsley on the windowsill. Photo

Green shoots will appear within a couple of days after planting. From this point on, the plant must be provided with sufficient light. The first harvest can be harvested in about two weeks. Experts recommend periodically rotating the container with the plant around its axis so that the growing bush forms symmetrically.

Planting parsley seeds

Unlike growing using root crops, the seeds will germinate and produce the first harvest no earlier than a month after planting. However, please its owner lush greenery such a plant will last much longer.

Caring for parsley on the windowsill

Optimal for growing greens temperature are 12-18 degrees Celsius, but parsley easily tolerates significant drops to 5 degrees Celsius and even lower. The heat causes the plant to stretch upward, and its leaves become lighter.

Growing parsley on a windowsill. Photo

Parsley, as a moisture-loving plant, needs to be generously water water room temperature. However, in winter, the amount of watering should be reduced. To maintain high yields of bushes, it is recommended to fertilize them once every 2-3 weeks. A teaspoon is suitable as a top dressing agrolife or one cap Rostorma two parts water.

Dill on the windowsill

Growing dill on a windowsill can be done all year round. True, depending on the time of planting, it requires different levels of care. Greens grown between May and September cause the least trouble. At this time of year, dill receives a sufficient amount of light and heat. But in winter, the delicate greenery of this plant must be carefully illuminated and kept at a comfortable temperature.

Growing dill on a windowsill. Photo

Planting dill seeds

Any gardener knows how to grow dill on a windowsill. Before planting, the seeds must be soaked in an intense pink solution of potassium permanganate to awaken vitality in them. Dill, like parsley, can be planted with picking and without her. Be sure to add a layer to the bottom of the container. drainage. After planting the seeds in the ground, it is recommended to cover the container with film to create a greenhouse effect and speed up the emergence of seedlings.

Dill crops grow best when temperature 15-18 degrees Celsius, but are not afraid of temperatures dropping to 8 degrees, so they grow well in winter on glazed loggias.

Dill loves moisture, so it needs to be watered abundantly in the summer, during high temperatures. In winter, the intensity of watering should be reduced.

The first harvest can be harvested a month and a half after planting.

Sorrel on the windowsill

Growing sorrel at home is not only simple, but also very useful, since this plant actively releases oxygen. Sorrel is a very popular herb among housewives, so many of them know how to grow sorrel on a windowsill.

How to plant

How to care for sorrel on the windowsill

For the first week, it is recommended to keep the plant at temperature+ 10 degrees, then it can be increased to 20. Immediately after planting, the soil must be thoroughly moistened; as the greenery grows, watering must be done as needed.

As fertilizers When growing sorrel, you can use a decoction of onion peels, coffee grounds or tea.

Greenery on the windowsill. Photo

At an early stage of ripening, sorrel requires a lot of light. An adult plant easily tolerates dark places. The first harvest can be harvested in a month. Experienced gardeners claim that with quality care, they harvest three harvests in a row from December to April.

Growing basil on a windowsill

Any variety of this plant is perfect for growing basil in pots on a windowsill. The keys to success are:

  • sunny place;
  • warm;
  • fertile soil;
  • abundant watering;
  • presence of drainage.

Growing greenery on a windowsill. Photo

Rules for planting basil

Many housewives deprived of garden plots would like to know how to grow basil on the windowsill of their own apartment. This is extremely useful plant reproduces in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • vegetatively, using cuttings.

Basil planted seeds, will require more effort, but will please the owner much longer than plants grown from cuttings.

To propagate basil vegetatively, you need to take several of its branches, bought in a store or market, and put them in water. After 7-10 days they will produce roots, after which the shoots can be planted in the ground. Two weeks after planting, the plant will be suitable for consumption.

When planting seeds you should:

Rules of care

  1. Basil is very sensitive to light, so you need to find the brightest place for it.
  2. This plant feels good at a temperature of 20-25 degrees Celsius and can hardly tolerate any, even slight, drop in temperature.
  3. Basil needs regular watering. In addition, he likes to be sprayed with water every day.

When harvesting, you must first cut off the side shoots. In this case, the plant will grow rapidly.

Rosemary on the windowsill

Rosemary is loved by gardeners for its beauty and benefits. It is an exquisite spice, delicately fragrant ornamental plant, as well as raw materials for the preparation of medicines.

Rosemary is not easy to grow on a windowsill, but the results are worth the effort. In order to successfully cope with this task, you need to follow the recommendations of experts who explain how to grow rosemary on an ordinary windowsill.

Despite the wide variety of varieties of rosemary, you can only grow them at home fragrant rosemary.

Rosemary on herbs on the windowsill. Photo

Landing conditions

  1. It is recommended to grow rosemary in spacious pots, since this plant has a branched root system.
  2. Planting rules require an expanded clay cushion and slightly alkaline soils.
  3. Rosemary needs constant feeding. The soil needs to be fertilized every 14 days in the summer and at least once in the winter.
  4. The plant needs to be provided with sufficient light and a comfortable air temperature.
  5. The plant does not tolerate excess moisture, so it is better to underwater it than to overwater it. With a lack of moisture, rosemary leaves turn yellow, and with too much moisture, the roots begin to rot.

Growing rosemary from seeds on a windowsill

Rosemary can be grown from seeds, but this is not easy, since the seeds of this plant have poor germination. Spring or autumn are suitable for planting seeds. Before planting, the seeds should be wrapped in wet gauze and leave for a couple of days. After this, they need to be placed in well-moistened soil and covered with a film of polyethylene, making several punctures in it.

You will have to wait from two to four weeks for germination, regularly watering soil. If the seedlings do not germinate after a month, you need to repeat the planting procedure again. When the seedlings reach approximately 9 centimeters in height and acquire three leaves, you can pick. During the entire growth period of the plant, it must be replanted into increasingly larger pots.

Propagation by cuttings

Having cut off mature plant, you can get shoots for him further reproduction. In this case, you need to cut off the shoots from the top of the rosemary and make sure that they have a woody stem structure.

You need to remove the lower leaves from the cuttings and place them in a container with a damp mixture of peat and sand or simply in water. After roots have formed, the sprouts can be transplanted into ceramic flowerpots.

Rosemary flowers

In order for the plant to bloom, it must be placed in a colder environment. The air temperature can be about 10-15 degrees Celsius. During this period, the plant does not need to be watered and the leaves should not be picked off.

Flowers and the top parts of annual plants can be used for food.

Spinach on the windowsill. Growing and care

Growing spinach on a windowsill is not difficult. This annual plant is very popular among chefs. Its juicy leaves are added to salads, first and second courses.

Many housewives know how to grow spinach on a windowsill. This plant is very unpretentious and lends itself well to cultivation throughout the year.

Growing greens on a windowsill. Photo

Sowing spinach

Spinach is grown from seeds. Before planting, they need to be placed overnight in a container with warm water to soak the hard shell and then put it into the solution potassium permanganate for a few hours.

Spinach on the windowsill. Growing and care

When planting in a pot, you need to add a layer to its bottom. expanded clay, then put a layer of earth. Seeds can be planted to a depth of one and a half centimeters. While waiting for the shoots to appear, the pot should be covered with cellophane.

Features of caring for spinach on the windowsill

The first greens after sowing can be harvested around the end of 3 or 4 weeks. But after a month and a half, the plant becomes unsuitable for use.

During the cold season human body most acutely feels the lack of vitamins and microelements present in herbs and vegetables. Those who miss fresh juicy leaves in the winter months or dream of serving delicious green cabbage soup for lunch simply need a homemade sorrel bed, which, by the way, is not at all difficult to organize at home.

Location and conditions of detention

For arranging a sorrel “bed” in a city apartment, the window sills on the western and eastern sides are best suited. The culture needs bright sunlight only during the germination period; later it feels comfortable in the shade and partial shade.

In conditions of short daylight hours, characteristic of cloudy autumn-winter period, it is recommended to equip window sills with additional lighting devices (phytolamps or fluorescent lamps). Optimal height suspension of additional lighting devices - about 55-60 cm above the plantings.

Since sorrel is a cold-resistant crop, the temperature in the room where it grows can vary from +4° C to +20° C, which allows it to be successfully cultivated on a glazed loggia or veranda.

Selection of planting container and substrate preparation

A wide variety of containers are used for planting sorrel: flower pots, wooden boxes, plastic containers. Basic requirements - the container for planting must be equipped with drainage holes and have a depth sufficient for the full development of the root system (at least 20 cm).

Soil mixture for planting can be purchased at a specialty store or dug up from the garden bed. summer cottage. Sorrel does not make any serious demands on the soil, but prefers loam and sandy loam with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. When using garden soil before planting, it must be subjected to heat treatment- scald with boiling water or fry for 40-50 minutes in a hot oven to prevent the development of soil pests and pathogenic bacteria. Purchased soil does not need disinfection.

Growing sorrel from seeds

You can propagate sorrel by seed throughout the year, sowing it in different containers, which will ensure a continuous supply of fresh herbs. When choosing planting material It is recommended to pay attention to such varieties of sorrel as Maikopsky, Odessky, Shirokolistny, Altai - they have proven themselves excellent in home cultivation. Sowing work is carried out in several stages:

The prepared substrate is poured into the planting container, after which it is lightly compacted with your hands.
. Longitudinal furrows are formed on the soil surface at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.
. Sorrel seeds are sown at intervals of 5-7 cm, covering the crops with a thin layer of soil.
. The surface of the “bed” is generously moistened with a spray bottle.
. To speed up the emergence of seedlings, the container with crops can be covered with cling film.

After the first shoots appear, the shelter is removed, and at the stage of formation of the 3-4th leaf, the seedlings must be thinned out, leaving at least 10 cm of free space between the seedlings, necessary for their proper growth.

Distillation from rhizomes

If sorrel has been growing in a garden bed for a long time, you can organize a “plantation” at home by forcing it from the rhizome, which is carried out as follows:

In the second ten days of October, sorrel rhizomes are dug up, selecting for this bushes that have reached the age of 2-3 years.
. Before planting, the roots are shortened to 10-12 cm.
. In a container filled with moist soil, rhizomes are planted to a depth of 16-17 cm every 10-15 cm.
. In the first 7 days, the box with plantings is kept in a cool place at a temperature of +10-12° C, moistening the soil daily, after which it is brought into a warm place.

After 25-30 days, the sorrel greens will be ready for cutting. When planting in December until early April, you can harvest 3-4 times.

Watering - the surface layer of soil should always be slightly moist; it should not be allowed to dry out. Since the crop is very moisture-loving, insufficient watering will negatively affect the quality of the greens - it will be rough and too sour.
. Loosening - useful procedure, preventing the formation of a dense dry crust on the surface of the substrate. Free access of oxygen to the root system stimulates the growth and filling of leaves.
. Top dressing - for the procedure you can use any complex fertilizer for indoor plants, which is diluted in accordance with the instructions and applied for planting 1-2 times a month.

Thanks to proper care, sorrel quickly increases its vegetative mass, which brings the harvest closer.

Features of harvesting

You can collect sorrel when the leaves grow to 5-7 cm. It is recommended to carry out the procedure before directly consuming the greens. Leaves are cut with sharp scissors or carefully torn off by hand, being careful not to damage the growth buds. The collected greens are used as a base for vitamin salads, added to the filling for baked goods, and traditional sorrel cabbage soup is also prepared from it. Due to the high content of useful substances in sorrel, its presence in the diet is perfect solution problems of vitamin deficiency in winter.