Asparagus - care for lush greenery at home. Proper care of asparagus at home

If asparagus has just recently appeared at home, its care and propagation may raise many questions. Should you place a pot with a flower on the sunniest windowsill or move it deep into the room? How often should you water your tropical guest, and is there a need for feeding? And most importantly, what to do if the plant gets sick? You will find all the answers on this topic on our website in the article on caring for asparagus; here we will also talk about the main methods of propagating this crop.

Old plants react most calmly to dividing a bush.

Opinions experienced flower growers There is usually a split on how asparagus propagates best. Some prefer to painstakingly germinate seeds and rejoice at the green sprouts that have hatched, while others, without wasting time, divide adult plants during the next transplant and immediately receive new full-fledged bushes without unnecessary fuss. It’s hard to say which option is more effective, because a lot also depends on the variety of asparagus.

For example, the pinnate species, as well as the popular Meyer and Sprenger asparagus, germinate remarkably from seeds. They quickly sprout, develop roots and gain growth, turning into beautiful greenery before our eyes. By dividing the rhizome, it is recommended to propagate only those varieties that are able to easily recover from such procedures and continue intensive growth. Old plants react most calmly to dividing a bush. In addition, this way they can be rejuvenated.

Video about growing asparagus from seeds

Propagation of asparagus by cuttings is considered the most ineffective option, since in most cases they do not take root. However, you can experiment with rooting asparagus stems, following a standard technology similar to:

With regular spraying and ventilation, after a month and a half, the stem cuttings should take root well. If everything went well, they will need to be transplanted into suitable size flower pots with universal soil mixture.

The most ineffective option is the propagation of asparagus by cuttings.

This option is good because it is suitable for any time of year. However, if you intend to achieve the best results, plan sowing for the end of February-March, otherwise during the period with shortened daylight hours you will need to organize additional artificial lighting sprouted shoots.

Planting material can be purchased at a flower shop or prepared independently from berries ripened on adult asparagus. Typically, seeds retain good germination for several years if stored in a dry place.

Before sowing, soak the seeds for two days in warm water, so they will “wake up” faster. There is no need for additional growth stimulants.

The substrate can also be bought ready-made, universal, or mixed at home with leaf or greenhouse soil, humus and sand in equal parts. Decorative asparagus seeds are sown immediately, without germination, in a box with prepared soil, placed in the top layer of soil and sprinkled with moist soil on top. Then the seedlings are covered with glass, providing them with mini-greenhouse conditions. It is better to choose darkened glass, since the seedlings do not need sunlight.

Before sowing, soak the seeds for two days in warm water, this will help them “wake up” faster.

Optimal conditions for germination of asparagus from seeds:

  • comfortable temperature (about +21+23 degrees),
  • regular spraying with settled water from a spray bottle,
  • ventilation

With proper care, the seeds will sprout within a month. When the thin stems stretch up to 10 cm, they will need to be carefully picked into separate small pots, and after four months transplanted into larger pots with drainage and nutritious soil mixture.

When transplanting ornamental asparagus, take into account that this tropical crop root system develops very intensively, displacing the soil, so do not fill the pot with soil to the very top - leave a free distance to the edges.

We divide an adult bush without harm to the plant

Whether it is Meyer's, Sprenger's, sickle-shaped or pinnate asparagus, propagation by dividing the rhizome must be done very carefully: An overseas guest reacts too painfully to such procedures. The bush is divided in the spring, when the overgrown plant is next transferred to a larger container.

Video about asparagus from seeds and picking

The flower is carefully removed from the pot, the soil is shaken off the roots and all old, bare stems are carefully removed. Next, the bush along with the rhizome is divided into several parts, planting each in separate pot with moistened soil mixture.

The resulting new bushes are first kept in a dark place at a temperature of +15 degrees, so that it is easier for them to recover, and are periodically watered. After a month, the plants will be strong enough, then it will be possible to move them closer to the light: on the windowsill or next to the window, depending on how this type asparagus perceives sunlight.

- an unpretentious creation of nature, feeling equally comfortable indoors and outdoors open ground. Regardless of geographic latitude and climate zone, it feels good, is adapted to any conditions and is equally popular among flower lovers.

The tropical guest asparagus has long taken root in apartments and country houses. It is used for landscaping rooms, terraces, winter gardens and creating interesting flower palettes.


If you just recently acquired it, you are probably interested in how to organize proper care for it and how does it reproduce at home? What temperature regime will be optimal for it and how many times a week should it be watered? Is it necessary to spray the leaves? When is it better to plant it - in autumn or spring, can it be propagated by cuttings and is it necessary to fertilize?

We will try to answer these and other questions, as well as consider which asparagus propagation is the simplest and most acceptable at home.

Care and maintenance at home: what a flower likes and what it doesn’t

Green branches can be 20 centimeters or more in length, thanks to the dense small leaves they appear fluffy. The pot is placed on the window, placed in a hanging pot, and the picky green miracle perfectly decorates any corner of the house or country terrace.

But, for example, crescent asparagus in nature grows to a height of up to fifteen meters; when grown artificially, its size is much more modest - no more than four meters.

It is better to place the flower on the windowsill of an eastern or western window, but if this is not possible, place it a little further from the “south” window. Near batteries and heating devices the plant will not be comfortable.

Caring for a flower cannot be called difficult, so novice gardeners will enjoy growing it. The average temperature at which asparagus will be comfortable is 22C; in winter it is taken to a cool room with a temperature of 14-15C. Humidity should be moderate, the pot should not be placed in direct sunlight, otherwise the pet will die.

Water frequently, but a little at a time, preventing the soil from drying out; for this purpose, its humidity is controlled daily. No need to spray cold water, this can only be done on hot days, although a shower will help wash away dust and refresh the plant. Moss and expanded clay will help maintain humidity in the pan, but excess water must be poured out of it.

From spring to late summer, asparagus is fertilized with complex mineral fertilizers no more than once every two weeks, it is recommended to alternate them with organic ones. Later they don’t stop feeding, they just do it less often. In winter, one feeding per month is enough. The soil should be loose, slightly acidic.

Because of rapid growth Asparagus needs to be replanted once a year in the spring, otherwise the fast-growing roots will be cramped in the old pot. Bare branches can be cut off; they will not grow, but new shoots will soon appear.

Aphids and spider mite- formidable enemies of the plant. If protective equipment gets on the leaves, it can get sick and die.

Caring for a flower in summer includes a warm shower and frequent exposure of the flower pots to fresh air. When taking it out into the garden or onto the balcony, remember that the plant must be placed in the shade or partial shade, and under no circumstances in a draft. Protect the flower from stress and gradually accustom it to new conditions.

Helpful information! Having bought a plant, as they say, “from hand,” do not be too lazy to replant it, and the sooner the better. This way you will protect him from possible pests located in the ground and you will be sure that the soil in which it grows contains all the minerals and trace elements necessary for growth.

Which breeding method to choose?

It is difficult to say which method is the most effective and acceptable at home. Even among experienced flower growers there is no consensus on this matter. Some recommend propagating the plant using seeds, others – by dividing the bush. Those who choose the first method need to stock up on time and patience, since adherents of another planting method will receive lush, full-fledged plants much faster. Each method has its own disadvantages and advantages; you also need to take into account the type of flower.

At home, it is recommended to propagate pinnate, crescent, garden and other asparagus by seeds, but there are varieties, including old plants, that quickly recover after dividing the bush, and even rejuvenate.

Propagation by cuttings

Propagating asparagus by cuttings at home is difficult and troublesome. If you still want to succeed, use the same algorithm of actions as when planting rose cuttings:

  1. Cuttings need to be prepared in early spring.
  2. Planting material is installed in small containers filled with river sand (wet).
  3. The containers are covered with film or glass and left in a warm, dark place.

A month or two and your cuttings will take root, but do not forget to ventilate and spray them regularly. If the roots have appeared, they are transplanted into flower pots with universal soil for flowers.

Features of propagation by seeds

Seeds can be sown regardless of the time of year, but there are not very many people who want to grow flowers this way. To avoid unnecessary costs for additional lighting of sprouted seedlings at home, they are planted in late winter - early spring.

When the plant fades, reddish berries appear on it. You can pick the berries yourself or purchase them at a flower shop. Seed material gives good results not only in the first year, but also several years later, but only if stored in a dry place.

In order for the seeds to “wake up” faster, they need to be soaked for twenty hours in warm water; there is no need to add any growth stimulants.

Leaf or greenhouse soil, humus and sand, taken in equal quantities, or universal soil from a flower shop will be the best medium for seed germination. The seeds are not sown deeply, the soil is slightly moistened, and the container is covered with glass or film. It is better to take tinted glass, or move the mini-greenhouse away from sunlight. Do not forget to regularly spray and ventilate the seedlings to prevent mold from appearing.

  • make sure that the air temperature is within 21C - 23C;
  • spray only with settled water using a spray bottle;
  • ventilate the seedlings often.

Were you able to organize home care correctly? This means that sprouts will appear in a month. When their height is approximately ten centimeters, the sprouts are planted in separate small pots, where they grow for three to five months. Then they need to be transplanted into large pots, where there is drainage and special soil has been prepared.

The root system of the plant grows in size very quickly, so do not fill the soil to the edge of the pot; over time it will begin to rise and fill all the empty space.

We divide an adult bush into several small ones

This is the simplest and therefore the most popular method of reproduction. It would seem that the procedure, which at first glance is painful for the plant, not only does not cause harm, but on the contrary, is useful.

Crescent asparagus, Meyer, and other varieties are propagated at home by dividing the rhizome into two and sometimes four parts, but this must be done very carefully.

To ensure thorough care, in the spring the plants are transplanted into a larger pot. Taking into account the peculiarities of the root system of an overseas guest, it is better to use the transshipment method, as it allows minimal trauma to the root. It is at this time that it is best to divide the root into several parts.

Having shaken off the root, remove the bare stems and damaged areas, separate the bush and root and plant each plant in a separate pot. The soil mixture should be slightly moistened so that the plant does not become wet. Excess moisture can lead to root rot and death of the entire plant.

New bushes are not exposed to the sun; they are recommended to be in shade and partial shade, at an optimal temperature of 15C. Caring for them should consist of regular, but not abundant watering with water at room temperature. After two weeks, complementary foods are introduced. If the plant is planted correctly and you have provided proper care for it, then in a month it will take root, and the flowerpot with the flower is placed on permanent place. Whether it will be a north or east window, or a table by a window with diffused light - depends on the type of plant and its preferences. Further care behind the bushes should be the same as behind an adult plant.

Grow crescent and other asparagus at home, and let caring for this cute and delicate plant give you a lot of pleasant moments and pleasure.

How to properly grow asparagus from seeds at home? Growing asparagus from seeds is easy and exciting process. By choosing a bag with the desired seeds, you can get chic decoration for an apartment or house. So, propagation of asparagus at home by seeds. Conditions for planting and growing. Step-by-step photo instructions with detailed explanations using a personal, successful example.

Asparagus from seeds at home

How is asparagus propagated at home? This can be growing from seeds, rooting cuttings and dividing the bush. The last method is the simplest, but asparagus does not tolerate disruption of the root system, and therefore, after dividing the bush, the plant needs a rehabilitation period. Propagation by cuttings is useful if the asparagus is very sick and there is no way to save the plant completely. Growing from seeds is the most exciting way.

Seed selection. Growing asparagus from seeds starts with choosing seed material. So, best option- these are seeds that have just been removed from the bush. They are the freshest and guarantee 100 percent germination. But not everyone has the opportunity to take asparagus seeds from a bush, and therefore most gardeners go to the store. Regardless of the type of plant chosen, the seed packaging period should not exceed a year. Otherwise, the germination rate of the seed drops significantly.

So how to choose seeds? Perfect option- remove seeds from the bush. If you buy asparagus seeds in a store, then their packaging period should not exceed a year. What types of asparagus are best to grow from seeds at home? These are asparagus pinnate, Meyer, Sprenger. They are easy to care for. You can, of course, choose any other type that is adapted for home grown. Experimenting is always interesting.

Soil selection. At the flower shop, I turned my attention to Sprenger asparagus seeds. The plant in the picture attracted me with its magnificent forms, but the main thing is the timing of packaging the seeds. Since it was March 2, 2017, the asparagus seeds were packaged in 2016, which indicates the acceptable freshness of the seed. Slightly acidic soil (pH = 6.5-7) for decorative deciduous plants was purchased at the store. It consisted of peat, leaf humus, and sand. This soil is moisture-absorbing and allows air to pass well to the roots of plants.

So, asparagus seeds can be sown in slightly acidic soil for decorative deciduous plants, in ordinary peat tablets, or in a mixture of peat and river sand. All of them allow air to pass well to the roots of plants. However, you need to remember that peat tablets retain moisture for a very long time, and therefore they need to be watered less often.

Do I need to soak asparagus seeds before planting? Before planting asparagus seeds in the ground, I soaked them in water at room temperature for about 1 day. The seeds have a very dense shell, which makes forcing out shoots more difficult. Soaking softens the dense shell and significantly reduces the time it takes for the first shoots to appear. Many forums say that you need to soak in warm water. But throughout the day it is difficult to maintain the temperature in a glass with seeds at +35...+38 degrees. Therefore, I recommend placing the glass with soaked seeds in a warm place.

So, growing asparagus from seeds will significantly speed up the pre-soaking of the seed by about 1 day.

When is the best time to plant asparagus seeds? Experts recommend starting to grow asparagus from seeds at home in February-March. Why is that? Asparagus is a light-loving plant. By the time the first shoots appear from seeds planted in February-March, spring will be in full swing. Length daylight hours will be sufficient for the full development of young shoots. However, asparagus seeds can be planted as early as December-February, provided artificial lighting is available. Without her young plant, without receiving a sufficient level of light rays, it will develop weakly. The asparagus will stretch. At that time, I did not yet have artificial lighting, and therefore I postponed the planting of asparagus seeds to the beginning of March.

So, it is better to plant asparagus seeds in February-March. However, if there is artificial lighting, then this can be done in December-January.

How to plant asparagus seeds? It is best to plant asparagus seeds in a greenhouse. Constantly high level air humidity will only speed up the time of appearance of the first shoots. For a greenhouse, you can buy special, factory-made cells with a transparent lid. Can be planted in food trays, which are then covered with transparent plastic wrap or a lid. Since I had only one bag of seeds, in order to save space and money, I used a regular plastic bottle as a greenhouse. I cut it according to the following scheme: I measured 10 cm from the bottom of the bottle and made a cut. Next, from the neck and down, I measured 15 cm and also made a cut. This way, only the middle part of the bottle is thrown out. In the lower part, which serves as a container for soil, I made drainage holes. The upper part of the bottle with the neck and stopper served as the lid of the greenhouse.

For supporting high humidity air, which is necessary for the successful germination of seed, the latter must be sown in greenhouses.

Germination temperature. The optimal temperature range is between +20...+23 degrees with constantly high air humidity. However, at home it is difficult to achieve such a constant temperature, and therefore I acted according to the following scheme: I placed the greenhouse with asparagus seeds on the third (highest) shelf of the shelf. It is located on my kitchen window. The average daily temperature there is +21 degrees. Temperatures are higher during the day as it works gas stove. At night - lower, somewhere around +18 degrees.

So, the optimal temperature for growing asparagus from seeds is +20...+23 degrees with constantly high air humidity.

Photo instructions for growing asparagus from seeds at home. Personal experience...

Let's start directly planting and germinating asparagus seeds at home. The landing took place on March 3, 2017. I enjoyed the first shoots within a month.

Step 1. Having opened the bag, I discovered that the seeds were quite large. Great!!! It will be easier to plant. Also, the dense shell on the grains did not escape my attention. So that's why you need to soak it!!! While in water, the shell will soften somewhat and it will be easier for the seed embryo to break through it.

Step 2. Direct soaking. I took a regular plastic cup. I placed the seed there and poured settled water at room temperature. You cannot fill the grains with water completely, but only up to half. This ensures a regular supply of air to the seed embryo and prevents it from suffocating. The seeds were mixed periodically. The soaking lasted for a day.

Step 3. Landing in the ground. We pour soil for decorative foliage plants into a pre-prepared greenhouse from a plastic bottle. Even young asparagus has a fairly developed root system, and therefore there should be a lot of soil in the greenhouse, which contributes to the full development of seedlings. We moisten the soil and spread the asparagus seeds. Cover the greenhouse.

My observations, mistakes and success

So, I put the greenhouse with asparagus seeds on the shelf. It is located on the kitchen window. At that time it was the only place where average daily temperature stayed within +21 degrees. I was sure that for successful seed germination it was enough just to ventilate the greenhouse twice a day and maintain a constant level of soil moisture.

However, problems started after 1 week. The seeds began to become moldy. And this is not surprising. After all, for its development in the greenhouse there were more than favorable conditions: high temperature and humidity, presence of sunlight. But the main thing is asparagus seeds uncovered with soil.

On various forums they advised:

1. Spill the soil with manganese solution. It will kill the mold. My thoughts on this: the manganese solution may harm future seedlings.

2. Growing asparagus from seeds should take place in the dark. My thoughts: it was possible, of course, to make a greenhouse out of a dark plastic bottle, for example, a dark brown kvass bottle. But there was already a greenhouse and it was transparent. I didn’t want to make a new one and transfer the seeds there. A dark place in an apartment with constant high temperature(+21...+23 degrees) I didn’t have, so I decided to just cover the seeds with soil.

So, I covered the seeds with a 1 cm layer of soil, moistened the latter with water from a spray bottle, covered the greenhouse with a lid and returned it to its original place, hoping for the best. After 2 days I dug up one grain, although this is not allowed, and I was pleasantly surprised. There was no mold, and the seeds were already quite swollen.

The first asparagus emerged 18 days after planting, which really made me happy. I open the greenhouse in the morning for another ventilation, and there a small, then confident, asparagus sprout can be seen above the ground. 1 month after planting the seeds, I already had three asparagus, but initially there were 11 seeds. I did not risk digging up the remaining grains in the soil. This could damage both existing seedlings and sprouts that have not yet made their way from underground to the sun. I just continued to take care of the plants.

Soon I got a phytolamp. I placed the greenhouse on a shelf with artificial lighting. Taking this factor into account, my asparagus grew under artificial lighting for 12 hours, at a temperature of +23 degrees, with regular watering. I didn't add any fertilizer. I didn’t remove the greenhouse until my very first asparagus rested against its arch and began to bend a little. At that time, out of 11 seeds, 7 asparagus sprouted.

Asparagus from seeds - home care

How to care for asparagus? Optimal conditions for successful cultivation asparagus - a lot of bright, diffused light, moderate air humidity plus spraying. Depending on the temperature, spraying is carried out 1-2 times a day. Optimal temperature content +20...+23 degrees. The higher the temperature, the more often spraying is carried out. Fertilizers are applied every week. These are complex, mineral fertilizers with mandatory microadditives.

So, my seeded asparagus plants were on the window on the west side of the house all spring and summer. The plant was shaded from direct sunlight by a simple, light curtain, which was hung on a shelf on the side window glass. The photo below shows asparagus on June 25, that is, 3 months and 21 days have passed since the seeds were planted.

In summer, it was difficult to keep the temperature in a comfortable range for asparagus +20...+23 degrees, since the temperature outside the window rose to +35 degrees. Unfavorable temperatures were compensated by frequent spraying. So, I sprayed home asparagus at least 2 times a day before sunrise and after sunset. You cannot spray flowers at noon, since water droplets on the leaves, like lenses, can accumulate the sun's rays, which will cause burns on the plant.

So, how to care for asparagus at home in the summer? Shading from direct sunlight is required, but the flower cannot be placed in partial shade, otherwise the “leaves” on the stem will not open. Mandatory spraying at least 2 times a day. It is difficult to maintain the temperature in the required range in the summer, and therefore I did not pay attention to this factor, I simply sprayed and watered the flowers more often than in spring or autumn.

I watered the asparagus very often, but not because it was necessary, but because the soil in the greenhouse dried out very quickly. You need to remember that asparagus at home does not like either waterlogging or prolonged drying of the soil. Watering was carried out as soon as the top layer of soil dried out. Fertilizers were applied every week throughout the spring and throughout the summer, but the concentration of fertilizer was reduced by half the recommended amount. I have this principle: less is better, but more often.

I did not replant the asparagus from the greenhouse until the roots of the plants had entwined the entire earthen lump provided to them. Fortunately, the development of roots could be observed through the transparent walls of the bottle greenhouse. Even when the roots of the asparagus occupied the entire earthen ball, I did not dare to disturb their root system, and therefore simply transferred all the shoots into a small pot at once.

So, the transplant took place on September 2. At that time, my asparagus seedlings were 5 months old. The photo below shows my asparagus shoots after transshipment.

The asparagus liked the transplant and, despite the reduction in daylight hours (it was autumn after all), they began to grow intensively. This went on for 2 months.

How to care for asparagus in autumn and winter? In the autumn winter period Asparagus enters a dormant period. This is not so much due to a decrease in temperature as to a reduction in the length of daylight hours. But if you have artificial lighting at your disposal, then the asparagus will not go into retirement, but will grow all winter. Although I have a phytolamp, there was no place under it for asparagus, and therefore I sent my plants to rest.

In autumn and winter I kept asparagus at a temperature of +14...+16 degrees. This was the temperature I had on the windowsill on the west side of the house. Watering was carried out as the soil dried out. At such a low temperature, the soil must dry thoroughly before the next watering. I did not feed or spray the asparagus. The plants were really asleep. From December to February, only 3 new branches grew.

Asparagus - transplanting at home

The first full-fledged transplant of asparagus from seeds was in February, that is, a little passed from the moment of planting the seeds to the first transplant. less than a year. Let me remind you that the seeds were planted on March 3, 2017, and transferred to a larger pot on September 2, 2017.

So, asparagus, like any other indoor plant, is best replanted at the beginning growing season. This is February-March. I had the transplant in February. To replant asparagus, I took slightly acidic soil with the addition of coconut fiber. The last component increases the air permeability of the soil, which is important for the successful cultivation of this indoor plant. The pots were prepared in advance. The volume of each pot was approximately 0.5 liters. But in addition to these pots, I also prepared several plastic cups, having previously made drainage holes in their bottom. The main rule for replanting asparagus: the volume of the pot should be commensurate with the size of the root system. How can this be explained in practice? Everything is very simple: if the roots of a plant are placed in an empty pot, then the distance from the walls of the pot to the outer roots should not exceed 1 cm.

So, the soil and pots are ready, let's start replanting the asparagus. The night before I watered the plants. During replanting, the plant roots will be damaged. Abundant watering the day before will help the plants maintain normal turgor in the stems until the roots recover.

We remove the asparagus from the pot and divide the bush into parts. There should be as many bushes as there are tubers. By dividing the asparagus bush into parts according to the number of tubers, you can perform not only transplantation, but also propagation.

After transplanting, my asparagus went to the window on the east side of the house. Feeding in the first month after transplantation is strictly prohibited. Water as the soil dries. There was no artificial lighting or spraying. At the beginning of March, each transplanted flower began to send out new branches. Propagation of asparagus by seeds followed by replanting and dividing the bush was successful.

Asparagus belongs to perennial plants, are grown as in room conditions as well as in open ground. The plant genus numbers more than 200 various types. Some species are eaten. There are subshrubs or vines.

Types of asparagus

  • Cirrus (plumosus)
  • Sprenger (sprengeri)
  • Racemosus
  • Crescent (falcatus)
  • Meyer (meyeri)

Care and cultivation of asparagus

The plant is not picky about growing conditions, but grows best at medium room temperature approximately 15-20 degrees. IN summer time support optimal humidity air, by spraying the plant itself and the air around the plant, the pots are placed on a tray with water or wet pebbles. The plant is sprayed both in winter and summer. The flower is kept in a bright place, protected from direct sunlight or in light shade. In summer, the plant can be taken out into the fresh air, while providing protection from drafts and rain. During the growing season, asparagus is watered sparingly as the soil dries. In winter, watering is reduced. Every two weeks from March to September the plant is fed with organic or complex mineral fertilizers. Young plants are transferred to larger pots annually in the spring, adult plants are replanted every 2-3 years. For cultivation, a substrate is used from a mixture of turf and leaf soil, sand and humus. It is best to set aside a spacious place for the plant and not place it too close to other plants, since asparagus does not like contact with other plants. From time to time, the plant is pruned (except for asparagus pinnate). Old shoots are pruned to stimulate the growth of new shoots and to rejuvenate the plant.


Asparagus is propagated by dividing the bush, cuttings or seeds. Reproduction by dividing the bush is carried out at any time of the year. When dividing, each separated part must have at least one shoot. Cuttings are carried out from March to June. Cuttings are taken from last year's and older shoots. Cuttings are rooted in water. Sowing seeds is carried out at any time of the year. Before planting, asparagus seeds are soaked in warm water for about 2 days (with changes of water). The soaked seeds are planted in a light substrate without being particularly deep, but only lightly sprinkled with soil. After planting, the seeds are watered slightly and covered with glass or film. Seeds are germinated in a bright room at a temperature of 25-27 degrees with daily ventilation (remove film or glass).

Diseases and pests

May be affected by gray mold. Sometimes the plant may suffer from spider mites, aphids, and scale insects.

On a note

When treating asparagus with drugs against diseases and pests, you should check the tolerance of the drug to the plant. For this purpose not a large number of The drug is applied to a small area of ​​the plant and the reaction is observed.

Planting Asparagus

In fact, growing a plant yourself is not difficult, if you take into account certain nuances. Experts recommend not to forget to replant asparagus in a container with different soil after purchasing it. Otherwise, the plant will be cramped and its growth may be stunted. This is explained by the fact that the plants in the store are in small containers. An important reason for replanting asparagus may be that the pot may contain more than one such plant. It is important to immediately plant them separately in different containers.

Meyer's asparagus photo

Asparagus photo

When buying asparagus at the market, the soil in the pot may be poor in nutrients. In some cases, it may contain pests. But, if the plant appears healthy outwardly and the container is suitable, it can be left as is. It is better to transplant in spring period. That's when it starts to enter the phase active growth.

Soil composition for planting asparagus. In the process of planting a plant, universal soil is used. Its basis is humus. This composition is bought in a store. Suitable soil you can cook it yourself. You need to take a portion of river sand and add a portion of leaf soil to it. Mix the ingredients and add two parts of humus to them. Then you can start planting.

Caring for Asparagus at home

It is worth noting that during the period of active growth, it is not recommended to feed the plants. Asparagus does well in well-lit areas, but does not tolerate exposure to direct sunlight. It cannot be said that it grows worse in partial shade. Fresh air has a positive effect on its growth. This means that it can be taken to the country house or placed on a loggia or balcony. You cannot expose asparagus to the air suddenly and irrevocably. You need to do this in stages, gradually accustoming him to changing conditions.

Watering. The flower is quite moisture-loving. During the active growing season, we must not forget about regular watering. Drying out the soil leads to disease or even death of the flower. It is also recommended not to forget to spray the plant. It is necessary to increase the frequency of spraying in winter, when heating radiators are operating. With the arrival of cold weather, the amount of watering needs to be reduced.

Temperature requirements. It is important not to forget that heat negatively affects the condition of asparagus. In hot, sweltering heat, asparagus stems begin to become bare and dry out. Ignoring such signals, the plant is doomed to death. Ideal temperature conditions for asparagus it is +25 ̊ C. In the cold season, asparagus feels great at +13-17 ̊ C.

Asparagus propagation

Plant propagation occurs by various methods. The most common method is root division. Asparagus reproduces well by cuttings and sowing seeds. It germinates well and produces viable shoots. They buy it both at the flower shop and at the market. Asparagus is sown in February - March, using small containers with moist universal soil. Cover the seeds slightly with soil. The container must be covered with plastic wrap and placed in a lighted place for germination. If excess condensation occurs, the polyethylene is opened slightly. When shoots appear, we get rid of the polyethylene. The first sprouts of asparagus appear after a month. The soil must be kept moist throughout the entire period. When the sprouts reach 10 cm, they are picked.

Diseases and pests

Asparagus rarely gets sick. But, in case of sunburn or improper care, it drops the leaves that have already turned yellow.

Affordable and easy propagation of asparagus or asparagus at home

In this case, it is important to provide the plant comfortable conditions and water regularly. Most dangerous enemy asparagus is considered to be spider mites, scale insects and thrips.

If there are few pests, you can prepare a soap solution with which to spray the asparagus. If you find large areas with pests, it is better to purchase modern insecticides.

Asparagus photo

Asparagus flower photo

Asparagus photo

Asparagus pinnate photo

Plant asparagus very popular among gardeners. Asparagus is used much more often than other plants for landscaping loggias and balconies. Asparagus sprigs are also used to create bouquets. And young shoots can be eaten. So unique asparagus! Care and reproduction this plant is the topic of this article.

There are a large number of asparagus species in nature.. Some are herbs, others are shrubs. Of course, it is impossible to grow all types of asparagus at home, since it will be very difficult for them to create necessary conditions. But still, those species that grow in our climate zone will be quite enough for you.

There are several indoor asparagus: Meyer's asparagus, pinnate asparagus, Sprenger's asparagus, sickle asparagus and asparagus officinalis. All these plants differ from each other in the type of leaves and how they form bushes. But all asparagus are easy to care for.

Asparagus: care

Indoor asparagus is unpretentious and grows very quickly.

Features of caring for elegant “Asparagus” (asparagus) at home

New plants are easily accepted. But certain conditions should still be created for asparagus. First, remember that asparagus does not like hot air. Ideal temperature content for it is 15-18°C. At the same time, make sure that in summer the temperature does not rise above 25°C. In winter, when asparagus is in a dormant period, it is better to lower the temperature slightly, but not less than 10°C. The minimum temperature that asparagus can tolerate is 7-8°C.

Proper lighting is important for asparagus. Asparagus prefer brightly lit places. They also adapt well to partial shade. Not all types of asparagus can grow in direct sunlight - only Sprenger's asparagus. It is better to shade other types of plants. If your windows face west or east, then you can safely place asparagus on the windowsill. If the windows face south, then it is better to move the plant a little deeper into the room.

If in winter you decide to leave asparagus in the room, then do not place it near a radiator or any other heating device. Not only will the air in this place be too warm, it will also be excessively dry. Because of this, asparagus leaves may turn yellow.

By the way, asparagus loves high humidity.

To achieve such conditions, asparagus can either be sprayed frequently, or simply place the pot in a pan of water. If you choose the second option, then make sure that there are pebbles or expanded clay in the tray. These materials prevent water from evaporating too quickly.

Asparagus loves plenty of watering.. In summer, it is recommended to water the flower 2-3 times a week. But in winter it is advisable to reduce watering. Try to keep the soil slightly moist. This will be quite enough for the plant.

Along with watering, try to feed the plant. Like all other plants, asparagus should be fed in the summer during its active growth period. For asparagus, one feeding once a week will be enough.

Like any other flower, asparagus can bloom, after which small fruits are formed in which the seeds ripen. Asparagus flowers are small, white. But when growing asparagus at home, the plant blooms very rarely.

Asparagus: reproduction

Asparagus grows very quickly, so it can be propagated by dividing the bush. You can divide the bush while replanting the plant.

It should be noted that asparagus is replanted only in the spring, when the roots of the plant literally push the flower out of the pot. Since mature asparagus trees grow so quickly, they can be replanted every year. But young plants can be replanted every 2-3 years.

Also very effective method propagation of this plant is by seeds. Seeds are sown in the ground in any month. Make sure the top layer of soil never dries out. To do this, cover the container with seeds plastic bag. If you planted asparagus seeds during a period with short daylight hours, you will have to organize additional lighting so that the sprouts do not stretch.

Useful tips, educational articles for summer residents and gardeners. Planting, care, harvesting. Of course, there is a lot of information about flowers, berries, and mushrooms. On the pages of the site "Useful"

Caring for sickle asparagus at home

Crescent asparagus migrated to us from tropical forests and has become a worthy decoration for any interior. The flower got its name from its crescent-shaped leaves, which, if handled carelessly, can injure your hands and tear curtains. This is an evergreen vine, which in nature is capable of producing lashes up to 15 m. Care at home allows you to grow more modest specimens with branches up to 4 m. It tolerates pruning very well and forms a lush bush. Its thin shoots have small hooks that allow it to cling to support. Taking advantage of this, in a greenhouse or winter garden you can create a green wall with asparagus. During flowering, asparagus is very decorated with fragrant white brushes.

The crescent type of asparagus is great for indoors and does not require frequent watering.

Caring for sickle asparagus

  1. Lighting. The plant loves diffused light. Open sun rays are contraindicated for him, but he will also feel bad in the shade. It may lose its rich green color.
  2. Temperature. During the period of active growth, asparagus requires a temperature of about +25°. Ventilate the room regularly to bring in fresh air.

    Asparagus care at home, transplantation and propagation

    By winter at +10°, provide him with peace.

  3. Watering. This flower does not like the soil to dry out, so provide moderate watering from spring to autumn. Make sure that the lump of earth is moist, but not very wet. To be sure, drain excess water from the pan. During the dormant period, less moisture is required. It is enough so that the plant simply does not dry out. Use warm and settled water. The presence of chlorine is unacceptable.
  4. Air humidity. Like a true resident of the tropics, asparagus loves humidity. Spray it regularly, avoiding dryness environment. With this procedure you will also rid the asparagus of dust.
  5. The soil. The easiest way to purchase soil for foliage plants is at department stores. If this is not possible, then prepare a mixture of fertilized soil and sand yourself.
  6. Transfer. Crescent asparagus, unlike its counterparts, grows very quickly. Therefore, prepare a large pot with good drainage. It is better to replant in early spring for young bushes every year, and for adults - once every 3-4 years. Asparagus has a very powerful root system, which can be trimmed when placed in a new pot. If you miss the time of replanting, the pressure of the roots may cause the pot to burst. Rotten and diseased roots should also be removed.
  7. Reproduction. This procedure should be performed in the spring.

Possible problems when growing asparagus.

There are 3 methods of reproduction:

  1. Cuttings. Place the cut cuttings in damp sand and cover with film. Make sure they don't dry out. To do this, spray them regularly. The roots may appear in a month or two. Then transplant the cuttings into individual pots. You can germinate the roots by placing them in a glass of water.
  2. Rhizome division. This method is suitable for old bushes with strong roots. Cut back old growth to lighten the load on the plant. Divide the parent root into parts with sprouts and plant in new pots. At a temperature of +15°, keep them in a dark place for a month.
  3. Propagation by seeds is used less frequently, although it does not present any difficulties. In spring, sow asparagus seeds in damp sand, cover the container with film or glass and place in a bright place. Don't forget about moisture and regular ventilation. Expect shoots in about a month. When the sprouts reach 8 cm, pick.

Like any plant, asparagus can get sick. Inspect the plant regularly to begin insecticide treatment on time. To prevent disease in other houseplants, isolate affected asparagus.

If asparagus has just recently appeared at home, its care and propagation may raise many questions. Should you place a pot with a flower on the sunniest windowsill or move it deep into the room? How often should you water your tropical guest, and is there a need for feeding? And most importantly, what to do if the plant gets sick? You will find all the answers on this topic on our website in the article on caring for asparagus; here we will also talk about the main methods of propagating this crop.

Experienced gardeners are usually divided on how asparagus propagates best. Some prefer to painstakingly germinate seeds and rejoice at the green sprouts that have hatched, while others, without wasting time, divide adult plants during the next transplant and immediately receive new full-fledged bushes without unnecessary fuss. It’s hard to say which option is more effective, because a lot also depends on the variety of asparagus.

For example, the pinnate species, as well as the popular Meyer and Sprenger asparagus, germinate remarkably from seeds. They quickly sprout, develop roots and gain growth, turning into beautiful greenery before our eyes. By dividing the rhizomes, it is recommended to propagate only those varieties that can easily recover from such procedures and continue intensive growth. Old plants react most calmly to dividing a bush. In addition, this way they can be rejuvenated.

Propagation of asparagus by cuttings is considered the most ineffective option, since in most cases they do not take root. However, you can experiment with rooting asparagus stems, following a standard technology similar to rooting rose cuttings:

  • prepare stem cuttings in early spring,
  • fill plastic cups with wet river sand and place the cuttings in the middle,
  • Cover the cups with glass jars or plastic bottles and place in a warm place.

With regular spraying and ventilation, after a month and a half, the stem cuttings should take root well. If everything went well, they will need to be transplanted into suitable-sized flower pots with a universal soil mixture.


Video tips for growing asparagus from seeds

This option is good because it is suitable for any time of year. However, if you intend to achieve the best results, plan sowing for the end of February-March, otherwise during the period with shortened daylight hours you will need to organize additional artificial lighting for the sprouted seedlings.

Planting material can be purchased at a flower shop or prepared independently from berries ripened on adult asparagus. Typically, seeds retain good germination for several years if stored in a dry place.

Before sowing, soak the seeds for two days in warm water, so they will “wake up” faster. There is no need for additional growth stimulants.

The substrate can also be bought ready-made, universal, or mixed at home with leaf or greenhouse soil, humus and sand in equal parts. Decorative asparagus seeds are sown immediately, without germination, in a box with prepared soil, placed in the top layer of soil and sprinkled with moist soil on top. Then the seedlings are covered with glass, providing them with mini-greenhouse conditions. It is better to choose darkened glass, since the seedlings do not need sunlight.

Optimal conditions for germination of asparagus from seeds:

  • comfortable temperature (about +21+23 degrees),
  • regular spraying with settled water from a spray bottle,
  • ventilation

With proper care, the seeds will sprout within a month. When the thin stems stretch up to 10 cm, they will need to be carefully picked into separate small pots, and after four months transplanted into larger pots with drainage and nutritious soil mixture.

When replanting decorative asparagus, take into account that the root system of this tropical crop develops very intensively, displacing the soil, so do not fill the pot with soil to the very top - leave a free distance to the edges.


Whether it is Meyer's, Sprenger's, sickle-shaped or pinnate asparagus, propagation by dividing the rhizome must be done very carefully: An overseas guest reacts too painfully to such procedures. The bush is divided in the spring, when the overgrown plant is next transferred to a larger container.

The flower is carefully removed from the pot, the soil is shaken off the roots and all old, bare stems are carefully removed. Next, the bush along with the rhizome is divided into several parts, each planted in a separate pot with moistened soil mixture.

The resulting new bushes are first kept in a dark place at a temperature of +15 degrees, so that it is easier for them to recover, and are periodically watered. After a month, the plants will be strong enough, then it will be possible to move them closer to the light: on the windowsill or next to the window, depending on how this type of asparagus perceives sunlight.