What color to choose for the room. How to visually make a long room square. Wall color combinations in the interior

You can completely update the look of your home. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to do a complete renovation - it is enough to change the textiles in the rooms: curtains, sofa cushions, rugs. This is especially easy to do if the color of the walls in your apartment is neutral - white, gray or beige. If the walls or furniture (or both) are bright, active colors, you will have to put more effort into creating a harmonious palette.

Let's look at each of the colors separately. What are the good things and what are the disadvantages? Where is it better to apply this or that shade in the interior of a home?

White color in the interior

White is associated with purity and freshness. It reflects light rays, increasing the illumination of the room and thereby visually expanding the space. That's why White color- a lifesaver for small rooms where there is little light, for example in a bathroom or in a room on the north side.

The only drawback of white (as, indeed, of all light colors) is its staining. Therefore, if you are not ready to take your carpet to the dry cleaner every six months, it’s better not to buy it!

Black color in the interior

If you really love black, then designers recommend combining it with a mirror surface - for example, using shiny panels or glossy tiles in the decoration. By absorbing light, it reduces space.

Gray color in the interior

A wonderful background for expensive interior items. Gray is calm and neutral, but individually it is a little boring, so you shouldn’t make it dominant in the interior of the room. But the gray background, especially light colors - perfect solution for those who love changes in the interior. After all, you can add a variety of color spots in warm tones to it, thereby completely changing the appearance of your home.

Red color in the interior

As a main color it is too active. Yes, it is associated with wealth, luxury and beauty. If you choose the right shades, you can perfectly decorate the hall, living room or kitchen. (Red color, by the way, increases appetite.) Use it more carefully in the nursery and bedroom, as color scheme These rooms should be soothing. If the interior is designed in cool colors, then a little red in the decoration will give it coziness.

Be careful with the color red in a room where older people live: this color has the ability to increase blood pressure.

Yellow color in the interior

If the room is located on the north side, then this great option. Yellow stimulates the process of cognition and develops intelligence, so it is also good for a children's room. Stencil painting looks great on a yellow wall, and a funny design can make your baby very happy.

Orange color in the interior

No less active than red. You should not decorate the walls of the room in bright orange color - very soon you will get so tired of them that you will have to do an unplanned redecorating. But in addition to other, calmer tones - why not? This color encourages communication, creates a trusting atmosphere and promotes the harmonization of relationships. Use it in areas where family gathers most often, such as the living room or dining room.

Brown color in the interior

Neutral color, but bright hues more favorable for perception than dark ones.

Brown color in the interior is best suited for furniture. Noble classic! Beige, peach and coffee with milk colors go well with it, especially if you complement the design with darker details.

Blue color in the interior

Designers love to use soft blues and cyan shades in bedroom decoration: this color relaxes and creates a feeling of peace. Visually, light shades of blue can make a space appear larger, which is why designers often choose them to decorate small spaces.

But in the kitchen, a dominant color in the form of blue or cyan is undesirable: these colors reduce appetite.

Purple color in the interior

The most mysterious color. It has many shades that affect people very differently.

There is one general rule for the color purple: in living spaces it is better to use light tones, since too dark shades of this color are tiring.

Green color in the interior

This natural color is good for the eyes and soul; it is associated with warmth and summer walks in the forest or garden. But you should know that shades of green can be both warm and cold, and this creates a completely different mood! It is believed that green color helps to concentrate attention, which is why it is often used in the design of a study room and children's room. Some designers consider pistachio and light green colors best for bedroom decoration.

But you should be careful when choosing accessories for this color: experts say that green color goes best with shades of... green.

➣ Useful advice. It is not advisable to use more than five colors in the interior of a room.

The principle of color compatibility

The combination of colors is a whole science. To make your life easier, you need to remember the main thing: bright, rich colors can be combined with black, white and gray without any problems. That is, if you want a bright detail in the interior, use a neutral background for it.

Another win-win option is to combine related colors. Combine different shades one color: for example, brown - from beige to chocolate. In a green interior, the color range can be from swamp greens to the color of young lettuce.

Dynamics of contrasts

If you like to experiment, then you will definitely be interested in color contrasts. It is believed that they make the interior dynamic and give it some tension.

Classics of the genre" - White and black. To remove the touch of tradition and formality, enliven these “chess” with some bright, vibrant color. For example, sunny-colored curtains.

White color goes well with blue and red. The patriotic tricolor is a very stylish color unity.

Grey gorgeous in company with pale lilac, violet and crimson.

Friends of blue- yellow, sand and orange.

Yellow irresistible with green, blue and purple.

An interesting color contrast - dark green with brown and beige.

Very ladylike

Mirror, dressing table, a banquette or an ottoman - that's all you need to organize your personal area in the bedroom. This, in fact, can already be considered a boudoir - a ladies' office.

If there is a lot of space, it is better to replace the mirror with a trellis and complement the “boudoir” with an armchair and a floor lamp. In the trellis you will be able to see your beloved from all sides, and with the help of a chair and additional lighting you will get another place to relax.

In addition, the ladies' corner will add a little aristocratic chic to your home.

With windows facing north

If the room faces north and there is almost no light in it, then use white or very light wallpaper to decorate it.

A palette of yellow, soft orange color or beige-pink. Designers advise: using pastel shades, try to include bright splashes of colors in this range. Let's say add orange to sand or white. Or red - pure and deep.

The floor should also be light. Parquet is preferably golden yellow, with shine.

If linoleum, choose something very light - cream, light yellow, with a carpet or marble pattern.

Do you prefer carpet? A coating of frankly hot colors will be “on theme” - check out juicy orange, dark red, burgundy-brown, brick-red colors.

And the furniture should preferably be light. And in small quantities so as not to clutter up the space.

Lighting in such a room must be organized in such a way that the light is distributed evenly. That is, a single central chandelier is not suitable here. Light up your room with small wall sconces—even during the day. It’s good if these are matte white balls: the light will be soft and natural.

Or use lighting along the upper perimeter of the room (the same option when it is hidden under ceiling plinth and small lamps are aimed at the ceiling).

Another option is a lamp with a fabric lampshade. Choose a warm-colored fabric (shades of orange, red, yellow) - it will add coziness.

How to arrange furniture correctly

There are five main types of color combinations upholstered furniture, wallpaper and things indoors.

Monochrome. The sofa in such a room has the same color as the walls, but has a different shade. For example, these options: the walls are pale blue, and the sofa is blue. Or the wallpaper is beige and the furniture is brown.

Neutral. Both the walls and the sofa have a neutral, but different color scheme. For example, you can put a gray sofa against beige walls, and a black one against white walls.

Neutral sofa and colored interior. If the walls are colored and bright enough, the restrained colors of the sofa will allow you to maintain balance. Neutral sofas are white, black, gray and various shades of beige. These sofas will fit into any interior color.

Colored sofa and neutral interior. Here everything is the other way around. A colorful sofa becomes the only bright accent in a “colorless” interior. For example, a room can be painted in white and gray tones, and only a red sofa will dilute this color silence. The color of the sofa in the interior can also be supported by other things: match the colors of curtains, lamp shades or floor vases.

Combined. This is an interior for the most daring, a colorful sofa in in this case is introduced into a room of a different color. This is the case when, for example, there can be a blue sofa against the background of red walls, and an orange one against the background of green walls.

The main companions of the sofa are soft chairs. Their union can also be interestingly played out with the help of color.

Accent. The sofa is neutral, and the armchairs are bright. The walls of the room are usually also neutral. If, for example, the walls are beige, you can put a sand sofa, and next to it - red, green or blue armchairs. This combination looks impressive.

Neutral. Neutral-colored armchairs complement a sofa in another neutral color. For example, the sofa is black and the chairs are white.

Neutral armchairs and colored sofa. Unlike the first option, here the sofa has bright upholstery, and the armchairs have neutral upholstery. This combination is chosen so that the furniture does not seem tacky. If you add the same armchairs to a bright large sofa, you may end up with too much color. Neutral chairs allow you to avoid this.

Multicolored. In a neutral interior there may be bright accents not one, but two colors: one of these accents will be the sofa, and the other will be the armchair. For example, in a gray living room, the sofa may be green and the armchairs may be yellow.

How to visually make a long room square

Space zoning. By using flooring, for example laminate different colors or combinations different coatings, can be “broken” long room.

Furnishings. There is no need to place furniture along the walls. This makes the room look even longer. Try to zone the room with furniture by installing a shelving unit or a small sofa perpendicular to the wall, but so that you can move freely around the room.

Wall and ceiling decor. The walls and ceiling in such rooms should be painted in light colors.

Textile. Long, floor-length curtains on a cornice fixed just under the ceiling will make the room shorter and the ceiling higher.

Lighting. A traditional chandelier in the center of the ceiling is not suitable here. Use local lighting in different areas using floor lamps, sconces, and table lamps.

How to choose the color of fabric for curtains

Which one to choose - plain or printed? It seems like you want it with a pattern, but won’t you get tired of it in a week or two? Natural or synthetic? It seems like you want cotton or linen, but washing and ironing...

Designers draw your attention primarily to plain fabrics.


they increase the space of the room, while printed fabrics (especially with large drawing) it is narrowed;

It’s easier to choose accessories for them (for example, tiebacks) and other decorative items (pillows, napkins, blankets);

they are more economical (there is no need to join the pattern, which means less fabric is required).

As for the material for curtains, the best choice would be a mixed fabric that contains natural fibers and is the most practical to care for.

How to choose the right color for a room? When creating a new interior, you will most likely want to radically change the color of the walls, floor and ceiling, add color accents. Make everything as beautiful as in some interior design magazine.
Regardless of which color in the interior is considered the favorite during the renovation period, first of all you need to take into account your own preferences color range. Fashion passes, but taste remains. In addition, in order to create a room design that is interesting and correct in terms of color combinations, the shape of the room, its size and lighting, you need to take into account some nuances.

Three main reference points will help you decide on the color of the room::

1. What color the walls should be is decided by the owner of the future room. Children, for example, choose warm, “cheerful” shades. If this is a living room, then the color is chosen neutral or taking into account the size of the room and its lighting.

2. The color of the room must be consistent with the future interior style.

** is presented only in soft pastel, very light colors.
** Style – natural shades of wood and stone.
** “Baroque” – rich burgundy, gold, blue, etc.

3. An object that will become the center of attention in the room can be fundamental when choosing a paint color for the walls (floor or ceiling). For example, you decided to create a design around an antique mirror (portrait or painting) framed in a dark green frame. Accordingly, all other colors will be repeated (different shades of the same color) in the design of the room.

How to choose wall paint color

Indoor color distribution:

  • 60-70% is the main color;
  • 20-30% - additional, second color;
  • 10% - color accents.

Basic painting (main) is done on the walls. And it is this color that we will see constantly. The most common recommendation is to choose neutral shades, or even white.

In this version, the walls seem to reflect everything else in the room: carpets, furniture, interior accessories. On neutral
With a light background on the walls, updating the interior is much easier: just change the color of the curtains, furniture covers, hang a new picture, change the lampshade on a lamp or lay a new tablecloth.

When choosing a base color, you must take into account the final result: visual increase or reducing the height and width of the room.

Pay attention to Itten's circle. It shows the combinations of the most harmonious combination of colors. Itten Johannes (1888-1967), a Swiss artist and teacher, developed schemes by which you can choose the most correct color for interior decoration.

(colors located at the vertices of a triangle (rectangle) combine well.

What color to choose for the floor and ceiling in a small room

Since it is easier to create an interior in large rooms, let’s look at how you can “expand” the walls in a small room using paint.

** To visually expand the space, choose shades of sand, beige and yellow as the base coat.

** If you want to visually lengthen the room, then choose cold and light shades of blue, green, gray-blue.

Floor in a small room It should also be light, in the same color scheme as the walls, but darker. If the floor and ceiling are made of the same (very light) color, you will get the effect of the absence of a lower plane - everything will merge together, which is also not very good.
** as if it absorbs part of the space, and this cannot be allowed in a small room.

What color should the doors be?

Previously, the color of the doors matched the color of the floor. Currently this is not considered the most a good option. The door in the interior of the room should give the impression of being one with the wall. In this regard, you need to choose “closely related” shades to the base paint.

We choose the color of the walls taking into account the lighting of the room.

Basic room color you need to choose taking into account natural and artificial lighting. Eg, purple at artificial lighting may take on shades of black.

In rooms with large windows Facing south, walls in cool shades of blue, gray, and purple will look best. If you choose warm shades as the main color in this case, then in combination with bright solar lighting There may be a feeling of increased body temperature.

If the windows face the north side of the house, you need to choose warm colors, which create a more comfortable atmosphere.

Additional colors in the interior of the room

As stated above, they occupy 20-30%.

Basically, these will be colors from the same palette as the main color, but darker or lighter. Thanks to the additional color, even the most nondescript interior acquires its own unique identity.

Complementary color is the color of furniture, curtains, carpets, pillows.

If you are bored of living in one color, vary the shades and create a contrasting interior. From the experience of designers, a combination of contrasting tones looks extremely advantageous from the point of view of aesthetic perception, but it is very difficult to constantly be in such a room - general fatigue quickly sets in.

Another important point: An interior in contrasting colors is not suitable for small rooms. Therefore, we “dilute” the main and additional colors in a small room with color spots.

How to apply a color spot in the interior

The role of color spots is played by small objects that attract the eye.
It could be:

  1. Picture or ;
  2. flower pots or flower vases;
  3. curtain rods;
  4. photo frames and even books with bright covers;
  5. figurines and other interior decorations.

There must be at least three color spots. This means three (or more) items in the same color.

For example: green pillow on the sofa, large climbing flower on the wall, a photograph (painting or mirror) in a green frame, green patterns on the curtains or a green napkin on the table. This entire ensemble will create a color accent.

** If you make three color spots, then it will already look like random, disparate objects (green pillow, red flower pot, yellow curtains...).

The color of furniture in the interior.

And finally, a little about the color of the furniture. Bright upholstery on a sofa or armchair, in contrast to the main color on the walls, will be appropriate only in big room. Typically, such furniture acts as a separate design object in the room.

In a small room, a more rational approach is suitable: against the background light walls more dark furniture(3-4 tones darker, but in the same color scheme).

Let your home be filled with bright colors: joy, warmth and boundless happiness.

What can you achieve with the right color? What shades are suitable small room? What color combinations to choose for different rooms? What's fashionable in 2018?

The color of the walls in the apartment: the secret of choosing the right one

Home is a place where a person spends his free time, relaxes, and stores energy. When planning a renovation, you should prepare well, think about what result is needed, and how to achieve this result.

Why is it important?

How to create comfort and coziness in your home? Important detail to get the desired result - the right combination of wall colors in the apartment. Moreover, this detail carries not only an aesthetic meaning: correctly selected tones can visually correct the apartment’s shortcomings. For example:

  • visually move the walls and ceiling closer or closer;
  • add volume to small rooms.

Thoughtful color scheme:

  • will make dark rooms brighter;
  • will dim excess light and give a feeling of freshness.

Well, everyone knows about the emotional and physical impact of color on a person; it can invigorate, cool, tone, and influence the functioning of the body. Psychologists successfully use these properties in their work.

How to choose color combinations in an apartment

When choosing, you need to consider the following criteria:

  1. Lighting.
  2. Personal preferences.
  3. Combination of shades.

Lighting can be natural (sunlight and diffused light from the sky), artificial ( lighting) and influences perception. Sunlight enhances the color palette, making it brighter and more saturated. More suitable here dark finish, gray-blue tones are acceptable.

The closer the selected color is to natural light, the brighter the room will look. It is better to paint poorly lit rooms in warm colors to avoid the feeling of cold.

Artificial lighting also matters. For example, in low light, shades darken and look grayish.

It is important to remember the right combination. It will help to understand such a complex issue color circle, you can purchase it at any hardware store.

Shades used:

  • contrasting or complementary, in a circle they are located opposite each other;
  • those adjacent to contrasting ones are separately complementary;
  • those next to each other.

The last option will present the most calm and elegant combination.

Another, no less important criterion is personal preference. You have to like the color. One way to determine your preferences is to look in your wardrobe. Or use the Internet to find suitable interior options and decide whether it’s suitable or not. If yes, then you can download the image and feel free to take it to the store and choose a similar one.

To understand how comfortable the selected shade feels, you can use ready-made interiors, often offered by hardware stores.

Another design tip is to paint several sheets of paper in selected colors and hang them on the walls. By repeatedly passing by them during the day, a person understands what emotions they evoke in him and which one he likes best.

Combination options in the interior of a small apartment

A competent approach to creating an interior will help make even a small apartment cozy.

Some techniques will help to visually increase the area:

  1. Light color of the walls, cold shades make the walls move away.
  2. Light blue and green are visually removed.
  3. It is not recommended to use dark paints.
  4. If you paint the walls and ceiling the same color using different shades, then the eye will not cling to the boundaries, and the room will seem more spacious.
  5. It is better to avoid bright contrasting tones.

Ideas for a large apartment and house

The large space allows for creative scope; the entire palette can be used, of course, with an eye to the main criteria. Suitable here: bright colors, rich dark, bold contrasts or, on the contrary, black and white or gray interior. The basic rule is to take into account the purpose of the premises, lighting, the correct combination of shades and their distribution in the room.

Choosing different color palettes for different rooms of the house

There is no need to paint the entire apartment one color, even using its shades. This is due to several important points:

  1. Influence on the subconscious. Each color carries information that affects people on an emotional and physiological level. And in each room it will be perceived differently.
  2. Perception. Each person has an individual perception of color. It depends on mood, well-being, others external factors and can change in any direction.
  3. Color assignment. Sometimes people want to be in a calm environment, to relax. Other times you need to cheer up and concentrate. The shades of the palette used in accordance with the purpose of the room will help you achieve the desired result.
  4. You may get bored or dislike the same background.

Proper use color palette will help make each room individual.

In the living room, hallway

The living room is a room with many functions. It is intended for spending free time, meeting with friends, and doing household chores. Accordingly, the color decoration of the walls should also be universal.

By general rule Warm shades are suitable for walls in rooms with dark lighting; colder and muted shades are suitable for light rooms.

You should choose paints based on the size of the room and the height of the flows: light colors will visually enlarge the room and the darker it is, the lighter the chosen shade will be. Gray-green, cream, light yellow are good choices.

To visually adjust the shape of a room, you need to take into account the following qualities of colors:

  • bring closer - white, red, orange, brown, yellow, pink;
  • moving away - black, gray, blue, light blue, violet.

Favorite by many, green is neutral. The combination of green and brown is popular.

It is best to decorate a small corridor space using light colors. White, beige, light tones of green are suitable. To visually shorten the length of the corridor, you can make the end opposite the entrance darker.

In the bedroom

In a room intended for relaxation, the use of bright or contrasting colors is not recommended. It is better to use shades of the same spectrum. It can be one main tone and two additional ones, or one color and one or two of its shades.

Green, golden beige, light yellow, white are good colors for decorating a bedroom.

In the nursery

Choosing the color of the walls for a child’s room should take into account the character and temperament of the child. No matter how much you want to decorate the nursery brightly, you must not forget about psychological impact colors on the fragile child's psyche. Using the zoning method is suitable, since a child’s room is a bedroom, a living room, and a playroom. Or choose one of the soothing tones: green, blue, blue. Preference should be given to their light shades.

Exciting and exciting colors include: red, bright yellow, orange. If you really want to use any of them, it is better to choose muted tones. Or dilute it well, for example, with white.

What colors work in several small rooms

Decorating small rooms comes down to the desire to visually enlarge the space. You can choose your favorite color, but from this point of view, its light shades are more suitable, helping to create a similar optical effect. Saturated tones or contrasting spots will lead to the opposite result.

In 2018, designers recommend:

  1. Rich muted tones of blue and green.
  2. Powdery tones – powdery beige, pale pink. The combination with black looks impressive.
  3. Coffee.
  4. Bright floral.
  5. Pumpkin and yellow.
  6. Combination of orange and black.

Comfort and coziness are an area of ​​a person’s internal state, something that cannot be put into a framework, because people are individual. Design advice contains a lot useful information to create a harmonious space around and it must be used. However main secret in what a person should like.

When choosing paint for the walls in your apartment, it is better to pay attention to your favorite colors, and then adjust the shades to suit your needs. necessary conditions, use the entire spectrum, and then the result will definitely please you.

Useful video

Painting everything pink is not a good design decision.

Professional interior designers and decorators shared the most important principles creation beautiful interior in the house.

Mistake #1: white ceiling

It is the largest surface in the house and has the greatest impact on the entire atmosphere. Traditional white ceilings arose solely out of poverty: lime was always the most affordable dye.

But pure white contains a gray tint that makes the room visually lower. Choose cream shades for painting the ceiling. And entrust painting of the ceilings to professionals: unevenness on the ceiling is especially noticeable and spoils the overall impression of the renovation.

A good solution would be to purchase suspended ceiling, this will save you the hassle of leveling it.

Mistake #2: Literally matching colors

How to choose the color of the walls in the apartment? It is very tempting to choose paint in the store that exactly matches the color of the upholstery of your furniture. Don't do this: the room will become dull and small. The color of the walls should be slightly darker than the upholstery if we are talking about pastel and cream colors. And much lighter if you have dark furniture.

Mistake #3: making everything bright

You will curse this decision after just a week of living in a freshly renovated room. It will ripple in your eyes. Never paint all walls only in bright colors. How to choose wall paint color? If you want a rich look, leave a few splashes of color in gray or white against a bright background.

These can be columns, arches, inserts, doors and door jambs - you need calm colors to alternate with variegation.

Mistake #4: Making everything neutral

The other extreme is to wash out all the colors in a safe range. It will be too boring. What wall color should I choose? Be sure to add some bright color accents.

Mistake #5: Changing Color Schemes from Room to Room

High-tech bathroom, hippie bedroom, neutral classic living room and cartoon children's room. You will simply get seasick from living in such a house. It’s understandable that you want to try everything, but you have to live with it later. What wall color should I choose for the kitchen and other rooms? Plan your renovation so that you don’t get the impression that each individual room came into this house for a visit by accident.

Mistake #6: painting everything the same way

Again about extremes. The style should be consistent, but you should change the shades a little more or a little less warm from room to room. The entire interior in the same colors creates a motion sickness effect no worse than the psychedelic variety.

Mistake #7: forget about texture

The texture of the finish is very important. A slightly more or slightly less rough surface, from small unevenness to a “broken eggshell” texture, significantly changes the impression of the interior.

Dark colors tend to look flatter, so opt for a textured finish for them.

Mistake #8: Choosing a one-dimensional shade

The simpler and shallower the color you choose to paint your walls, the more your room will look like a fence around a transformer box.

Mistake #9: Too many details and illustrations

When you look at the wallpaper for the children's room with a thousand dalmatians, you like it in the store. Now mentally imagine that there will be 100,000 of them in the room, all over the walls. This will really merge into a monotonous ornament.

The same applies to wallpaper for adults. A good choice, is to buy wallpaper without small patterns that would have meaning in themselves, just with an abstract, unobtrusive ornament. And give all the drawings a narrow border strip.

Mistake #10: Adding a border in the wrong place

The rule is simple: the higher you run the horizontal line along the wall, the more pressure the ceiling will put on you. And you will feel like a dwarf. Ideal level- at the level of your groin. And vice versa - try to put the color dividing line at eye level and you will feel like a drowner every time you enter the room.

Mistake #11, the last one: always stick to one color scheme

Conservatism, of course, is good, but why should you renovate if the house remains the same year after year?

Many people, after purchasing their apartment or building a house, thought about how to decorate their home. And very often in the process of thinking and choosing this or that material it becomes difficult because of the color issue that has arisen. So let's try a little to understand the use of color in the interior.

In a world where all people perceive it visually, color affects the brain as a catalyst for an emotional outburst. Have you ever noticed that when you find yourself in a new place, very pronounced objects always come into your field of vision? How do you notice a woman in a red coat walking in a gray crowd down the street?

Many brands and companies use the psychology of color in creating their logos, which are subsequently stored in memory. What color comes to mind when you hear the name Coca-Cola? I think everyone will unanimously answer - red. Also pay attention to how our imagination works: hot coffee or tea served in a blue cup seems hungrier than in an orange one, for example.

The spectrum is very large and if you dwell on each of them it will take a lot of time, so let’s consider the most basic ones. There are three types of segments:

Primary (red, yellow, blue);

Secondary (orange, purple, green);

Tertiary (red-orange, yellow-orange, green-orange, blue-green, blue-violet, red-violet).

When white is added to any of the 12 colors of the spectrum, tones are created. For example, pink is a tone of red. Being in a red room gives the impression that time is passing faster, while being in a pink room has a calming effect. When you add black or gray to any color in the spectrum, tints are created.

Red- aggressive and saturated color, a red object seems bright or hot.

Blue- cold.

Shades orange the colors create a comfortable feeling of warmth. Very similar to an evening sunset in summer on the seashore.

Green- calming color.

Light tones of color create a feeling of lightness and peace. Associations with light curtains that flutter in the early morning wind.

Dark colors and shades create an impression of drama and privacy.

Color - character traits

Red- a dynamic person who loves power, lives for today. A person who loves red is very emotional, admires life, but can get bored very easily, for no reason.

Pink- dreamy, sweet, romantic and loves to dream.

Yellow- inquisitive, unpredictable, optimistic.

Blue- trusting people who love order and privacy.

Grey- the color of observant people who do not really like to make decisions on their own.

Green- a person who respects safety and silence, always spends a lot of effort and energy on other people, wants to change the world for the better.

Brown- self-confident people, practical.

Purple- the color of a person who is liked by many, but at the same time is always hidden from everyone and is mysterious, distrustful.

Orange- loves life and the diversity of people’s activities, sociable.

Red color encourages action and attracts people's gaze. This is a very emotional color, which also increases the feeling of hunger. So if you want to use red in the kitchen, consider whether you are prepared for your guests to eat twice as much. This color should be used in rooms where you will not have to stay for a long time, since the presence of red in the bedroom can lead to insomnia.

Yellow color fills the room with sun and warmth, but not in large quantities, since an abundance of yellow can lead to emotional stress. The color of joy and happiness, but in small quantities.

Orange has stimulating properties, creates the impression of friendliness and a feeling of warmth.

Green, depending on the shade, can evoke a feeling of calm, peace or newness and growth. So dark green is associated with wisdom and experience, and light green with spring and new growth.

Blue color will give the room spaciousness and lightness. This color inspires trust and predisposition; if you want your guests to trust you and tell you all their secrets with ease, then paint the guest room blue.

Purple- noble and rich color. In ancient times, the production of this color was very difficult and only rich people could afford to use it. This feeling remains to this day.

Pink- the most democratic and calming color. Considered the most feminine color, it calms and predisposes to tenderness.

Brown- a warm, cozy color, it is associated with the earth, trees, fireplace and home.

Grey- the color of wisdom, success, prosperity and conservatism. It is often believed that gray is the color of “high-tech” because gray is the color of progress and new technologies.

White- the color of purity and innocence. The color of truce and security.

Black- the color of elegance and conservatism, a symbol of grief. When the color is black, the object seems heavier and more voluminous.