What paint is better to paint the walls in the apartment. What paint is better to paint the walls in an apartment, and how to do it correctly

Every owner of an apartment or house strives to make their home cozy and beautiful. Some people decide to decorate the interior with my own hands and paint the walls of the rooms yourself. However, you cannot do without certain knowledge in this matter, otherwise you will only waste time and money.

How to paint walls correctly

Each type of paint requires compliance with certain application rules. In addition, the painting process will differ when choosing different painting tools. How to paint the walls in an apartment correctly? Consider a few important advice:

  1. The paint should be applied evenly. If you are using a brush, move it first in one direction, then in the opposite direction. During the work process, the surface of the wall must be periodically shaded, otherwise the paint will drip off. For the same reason, you should not apply several thick layers to the wall of the room or excessively dilute the coloring matter. The last stage of painting will be moving the brush from bottom to top.
  2. When using a product based on drying oil, you should use a hair brush and make the most gentle movements possible.
  3. The coloring agent must be applied in several layers. The walls of the apartment will have to be coated twice with water-based or other types of paints, since after the first treatment there will be stains.
  4. If you use two colors during the renovation process, after the initial painting, wait 2-3 days for the walls to dry. Next, you can glue masking tape to their surface and paint it with a second color.
  5. To ensure that the layer is even and not too thick, the brush is dipped halfway into the paint, and the roller is rolled in a flat tray.
  6. You should start painting the walls of the apartment with your own hands from the top of the window opening, smoothly moving to the main wall surfaces of the room. To make it more convenient for you, divide the area into small squares and paint them one by one. In this case, each subsequent zone can be painted only after the previous one has completely dried.
  7. If the walls have an uneven topography, you should not cover them with a thick layer of paint, otherwise it will begin to drain and become deformed.
  8. Use paper tape to create clear boundaries. In addition, it is used to avoid staining the floor or ceiling line in contact with the wall being treated.

Painting the walls in the apartment and the necessary tools

When choosing tools for painting apartment walls with your own hands, you should take into account the type of coating. What devices may be needed:

  1. Roller. Fur is used for textured coloring, foam rubber is used for smooth coloring.
  2. Tassels. They differ exclusively in quality and width. A good brush does not lose its bristles, so when choosing, you should tug on it.
  3. Spatulas made of plastic. These tools are needed to fill uneven surfaces. Using spatulas is convenient for applying large amounts of varnish.
  4. Cuvette. This is the name given to a small trough that is used to paint walls with a roller.
  5. Masking tape. Protects unpainted surfaces from accidental paint contact.
  6. Mixer for dyes. It is installed on a drill and helps to quickly prepare paint of any consistency and color.

Preparation stage

Before starting the main decorative works, the room must be prepared. To do this, remove dirt, eliminate unevenness and roughness from the walls using putty. After leveling, the surface of the walls is rubbed with sandpaper and wiped from dust. When the plaster has dried, a primer is applied, after which the wall is sanded again. It will be possible to paint the walls of the apartment only after the second layer of priming liquid has dried.

The color emulsion should be chosen based on the characteristics of its application and the purpose of the room being renovated. So, for the bathroom and kitchen, where the level of humidity is high, materials are selected that are different from those that can be used in the bedroom or living room. A universal option is water-based paint, which does not have a strong odor, does not contain highly toxic substances and is fireproof.

In addition to water-based paint, there is water-dispersion paint on sale, which contains other components. The main components of such a decorative substance do not dissolve in water and are present in the liquid without damaging its own structure. After painting, the water from such an emulsion evaporates, and the components remain on the surface of the walls, forming a durable film. Like a water-based, water-dispersed composition you can paint plastered, plasterboard, concrete, brick, wooden structures.

For living rooms, experts recommend using latex-based water-based compositions, which are considered the most environmentally friendly. To apply the water-based substance, it is better to use a brush with artificial bristles or a foam roller. For rooms with high humidity Only waterproof compounds are suitable: acrylic or polyvinyl acetate (glossy or matte). They can be applied with any brushes, foam or polyester rollers.

How to paint walls

Before painting, the walls must be perfectly leveled, so the surface preparation is carried out very carefully. Correct technique for applying dye:

  1. After applying the primer and eliminating minor defects, control painting is carried out: liquid paint is applied using a roller, which must first be diluted with color. In this case, the shade is selected as close as possible to the original, but its saturation should be very weak.
  2. If after the initial treatment small flaws appear, they are eliminated with putty, the walls are again cleaned and primed.
  3. The outer and inner corners of the room should be painted first, starting work near the window.
  4. Using a brush, you need to paint surfaces that cannot be treated with a roller: corners, radiators, baseboards, etc. Floor plinth It is better to paint with a varnish composition, batteries - with a special heat-resistant one.
  5. It is necessary to paint all flat surfaces with a roller, removing excess enamel by running the tool along the paint grid.
  6. When painting, movements should be made from top to bottom, then from left to right and again from top to bottom.

How to beautifully paint walls

A rich palette of modern coloring compositions provides the opportunity to create a creative home design. To bring your bold ideas to life, you can use different shades. You can create unique tones using a special dye - tint, which gives the base color the desired shade. If you decide to paint a room with a composition based on a water emulsion, you need to add color slowly, stirring the mixture thoroughly.

How to paint the walls in an apartment with your own hands? In order for the shade to be the same everywhere, you must determine exactly how much dye will be needed for a specific amount of work, otherwise the color saturation on different parts of the walls will differ. The decorative water-based composition should be applied in several layers (optimally 2-3). The first layer is diluted, making it minimally bright, the rest are left saturated.

If you wish, you can use textured paints– relatively new decorative material. With their help you can get not a smooth, but a relief surface. The basis of textured compositions are: sand, mineral fibers, water-based acrylic dispersion. Such substances help create a unique decor for walls, creating the effect of their three-dimensionality and volume.

If you have artistic skills, you can decorate the room with patterns. As a rule, such work is carried out in the kitchen or bathroom, however, by choosing a suitable design, you can decorate the walls and living spaces. There are several different techniques for applying patterns:

  • the effect of Venetian plaster (for this, use a rag lightly dipped in paint of a contrasting color with the main color);
  • three-dimensional paintings are applied using a sprayer;
  • stencils are used to create unusual patterns on walls (you can buy them in hardware stores or make them yourself);
  • the picture is applied using a simple pencil, and later painted with a brush.


Almost every person wants to keep their home beautiful and comfortable. Moreover, if a person makes repairs to his home himself. Naturally, adding to your interior is quite easy; you can decorate your room with a new vase or a beautiful blanket. But it is much more difficult to paint the walls in an apartment. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to cope without special knowledge in this area. Or the option of completely redoing your work over a long period of time is possible. If you don’t know how to properly paint the walls in an apartment, then the portal’s article will definitely help you with this.

Tips and recommendations necessary for painting walls in an apartment

First of all, we will try to clean the walls of old materials. Indeed, painting unprepared walls in this case is not recommended. The work of painting walls is quite long, painstaking and takes more than one day. It follows that to carry out this work you will need to spend a lot of your time and effort. This in turn requires a lot of attention. In the event that the work of painting the walls in the apartment was carried out with a deviation from certain standards and was of rather poor quality, then the result of your work will appear before your eyes as follows: the walls, as a rule, will appear uneven, with various depressions and dents. All sorts of stains and cracks will also be visible on them. And in order to achieve excellent results in your work, you should resort to some existing requirements and rules.

Carrying out work to prepare new walls for painting

If you decide to paint the walls in your apartment with your own hands, then you should be concerned about the question of how to paint the walls in your apartment with your own hands. To paint a wall, first of all you need to prepare it for it. If the surface of the wall has not been previously painted, then you simply need to wipe it with a damp cloth, removing all dust and dirt. And with the help of putty, the surface of the wall will need to be leveled, thus eliminating various irregularities from it. Next, we again carry out wet cleaning of the surface. If this work is not carried out, then the millet paint applied to the wall will simply peel off from it.

Carrying out work to prepare for painting old walls

If the surface of the walls was previously painted or covered with wallpaper, then it will be necessary to prepare them by first removing all old paint. To perform this work, you should use a regular spatula or a special metal brush.

If the wall is covered with old wallpaper, then it will also need to be removed, after which the surface will be completely cleared of any glue residue. If this procedure cannot be carried out in full, then the walls are usually painted over the existing old layer. But in in this case Be sure to apply a special primer to the wall surface.

There may be various oil stains or mold on the surface of old walls. Before you start painting them, you need to try to remove all stains using various chemicals. And those pieces of plaster that fall off the surface must also be removed, and the resulting unevenness must be carefully sealed with a layer of plaster.

Sprinkle in the same way with existing cracks and irregularities on the wall. After the work on leveling the walls has been carried out, you need to start priming them. This is necessary primarily in order to strengthen its surface. Next, the wall must be thoroughly plastered and primed again. You can paint the wall only after it has completely dried.

Applying paint to the wall surface

The surface of the wall has undergone complete preliminary preparation, then you can safely begin painting it. To properly paint the surface of the walls, you should follow some rules:

Apply paint to the surface of the walls very carefully and evenly. The brush should move first in one direction and then in the other. When painting walls, you should lightly shade the paint, otherwise it will simply flow down the wall, creating unsightly stains and drops. It is also not recommended to paint walls in very thick layers or use too thin and diluted paint solution.

When painting is complete, the brush should move from bottom to top.

When using substances containing drying oil to paint walls, you need to use a hair brush.

To paint a very large area of ​​walls, it will be necessary to divide the surface to be painted into several zones. The best option there will be seams or corners in these areas. In order to paint the surface of the door, you also need to divide it into several zones. In the case of using paint with drying oil, these works can be carried out immediately, without dividing the surface into sections. If unevenness occurs during painting, you should not apply a huge amount of paint on them, otherwise its upper layers will be uneven and begin to wrinkle. If the wall has unclear boundaries (for example, if the surface of the ceiling is not yet finished), then to save paint, you should use paper tape. With its help you can achieve clear painting of walls.

How to choose wall paint

Above we talked about how to paint the walls in an apartment. Now we will talk about how to choose the right paint for such a case. The choice of paint should be based on its purpose and methods of application. It is necessary to take into account the fact that all rooms in the apartment have their own special climate zone. So, in the kitchen or bathroom there may be high humidity, unlike the hallway or bedroom. Based on this, we can draw the following conclusion: the paint for each room should be different. The most optimal and versatile option in this case is water-based paint. This choice is not random. It can be easily explained for the following reasons:

  1. The paint lacks sharp and unpleasant odor.
  2. This substance is an environmentally friendly product.
  3. Water-based paint is non-toxic.
  4. Water-based paint is completely fireproof.

In most specialized stores you can easily purchase water-based paint. Unlike a suspension with the same composition, it contains binders. Its composition, as a rule, includes substances such as copolymers, styrene and polyarylates. They are unable to completely dissolve in water, but are present in it without destroying their internal structure. After painting surfaces with such a liquid, the water base evaporates, and all its constituent substances remain on the walls. Thus, a fairly durable color film is obtained.

Water-based paint can be used in any room, and even in those rooms where there is high humidity, for example: in the kitchen or bathroom, since after painting the film is not exposed external influence water on it. Emulsion on water based can also be used for painting various products from plasterboard, concrete and wooden surfaces, and brick structures. But there is one exception - metal. As a rule, it is better not to apply emulsion to it. Otherwise it will quickly become covered with rust. Painting wall surfaces with water-based paint is quite simple. An exceptional feature in this work is the painting of surfaces with a glossy top layer with emulsion. If you paint it with emulsion, then large, ugly stains will remain on the wall.

Color for water-based paint

When painting the surface, you can use emulsion paint. Thanks to the use of water-based paint, you can easily learn how to create beautiful and unique design in your interior. In this case, it will be necessary to use different tones. To select the desired shade, we need a dye called color. It is thanks to him that it turns out beautiful colour. If you want to get a bright and rich color, you will need to add more color to the emulsion. It should be added to the substance carefully, constantly stirring the mixture as you work. In order to achieve uniform color over the entire surface (especially when using white tones), you will need to determine the required volume of paint, for the simple reason that the entire area of ​​the wall to be painted must contain a layer with the same concentration of color. Otherwise, in certain areas of the wall surface the color intensity will be higher than in other areas.

Application of water-based paint occurs in several layers. To save coloring matter, the first layer can be slightly diluted with water. Subsequent layers are applied as usual. It is better not to dilute subsequent layers.

Painting walls with a roller

To paint the wall surface, it is best to use a special roller, equipped with or without a long handle. Before you start painting walls, you should familiarize yourself with how the roller works. The roller has a roller, a handle and a so-called “fur coat”. The last element has the property of absorbing paint. Thanks to the fur coat, there is a more equal distribution of the dye over the surface being painted. Rollers that have a “fur coat” without seams are more convenient to use. These tools last much longer and are very easy to use. As a rule, the roller consists of a variety of materials.

Let's look at some types of these devices

Roller equipped with a base made of polyacrylic and nylon. This tool contains a light shade and has colored stripes. It has increased strength and is more resistant to aggressive chemicals, which are contained in the paint. This type of roller can be used for painting nitrocellulose and epoxy dyes.

The velor and polyester roller is quite durable and flexible and can absorb paint well. It is suitable for alkyd and oil based paints. In most cases, this roller is used for finishing.

To paint the surface of the walls, you first need to decide on the size of the roller. If the wall area is large enough, then the roller should have a large working surface. To make painting the walls more convenient and faster, a rectangular container is used for the roller. Thanks to its small walls, it is much more convenient to dip the roller into the paint, and due to the ribbed surface of the bottom, excess paint is easily brushed off the tool.

Technique for applying paint to the wall surface

If you want to make your walls more interesting in design, you can use adhesive tape when painting them. The technology for applying paint to the surface of walls consists of the following sequence:

First, onto a surface equal to an area of ​​approximately 1 sq.m. 3 strips of paint are applied. Next, using a roller, they need to be distributed over the entire surface. Before doing this, the tool must be thoroughly wrung out. If your plans are to paint a wall using several colors, or to create certain transitions on the surface consisting of different paint tones, then in this case you will need to use the following steps:

  • First of all, mark the boundaries for future stripes on the wall using a pencil, and then paper tape is glued to them. The tape should be applied in such a way that all the stripes are painted over. If the tape does not fit tightly to the wall, the result will be unsightly stains.
  • To obtain beautiful and straight stripes, you will need to use a colorless varnish. It is applied to the seam located between the wall surface and the tape.
  • In order to decide on the right paint tone, you need to choose it more carefully. It is worth considering the color combination in your interior. Also, after painting the walls, you should not immediately remove the border between colors marked with masking tape. Wait until the paint is completely dry.

Kitchen and bathroom painting

Drawing in the bathroom. In order to paint the surface of the walls in the bathroom, you must perform the following steps:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to prime the walls with a special waterproof substance.
  2. After priming, the surface is leveled using putty.
  3. A special impregnation with excellent water-resistant properties is applied to the leveled wall.

Today there are two popular ways to beautifully change the interior design of any room - painting or gluing the walls and ceilings. Recently, many consumers are choosing the first option. But before you paint the walls in your apartment on your own, you need to familiarize yourself with the subtleties and nuances of this process, so that later you can enjoy the cozy interior yourself.

The seemingly simple process of painting walls has many subtleties and nuances.

Advantages and disadvantages of painting walls

Each renovation, partial or complete, changes the design of the apartment, and only painting allows you to realize the most interesting solutions. This finishing method differs from others in the following advantages:

  1. A large selection of shades and textures includes thousands of options, one of which will definitely suit the existing interior design of an apartment or house. In addition, any color can be created to your liking.
  2. Simplicity - you don’t have to deal with complex selection of joints, which allows you to paint the walls yourself and evenly, and any defect can be easily eliminated by touching up the paint.
  3. Complex design elements in a room - ledges, arches - are much easier to paint than to cover with wallpaper.
  4. Compared to wallpaper, paint is highly wear-resistant; it is not afraid of fading, changes in humidity and temperature.
  5. Easy care - properly painted surfaces do not give streaks, stains, cracks, and are easy to clean, which cannot be said about wallpaper, even washable ones.
  6. You can order finishing both inside and outside the building to professional craftsmen who will carry out the work according to the client’s personal project, taking into account his requirements and wishes. In this case, the interior design of the room will be unique.
  7. Painting walls in one room or in an entire apartment is much faster than wallpapering if you suddenly have an irresistible desire to change a boring interior design.

Like any job, painting walls with your own hands also has its difficulties:

  • For good result interior walls require careful preparation;

Before painting the walls, you must carefully prepare
  • Although the paint is resistant to accidental damage, it cannot withstand impacts from sharp objects;
  • Only glossy paint does not have the ability to absorb dust from the environment.

Competent choice of coloring material

Advantages and unpleasant nuances are characteristic of all types of paints, but they all differ according to the following criteria:

  • drying time;
  • environmental friendliness (this factor is especially important for residential interior spaces);
  • resistance to changes in temperature, humidity, and external environment;
  • paint consumption depending on the size of the surface being treated;
  • the base on which the coloring liquid will be placed.

The answer to the question: how to paint walls correctly lies in the variety of paints. For walls they should be of higher quality than for ceilings. Some are intended for indoor use only, others are used outdoors. There are paints only for rooms with a dry microclimate. If such conditions do not exist, you should choose other options for painting the walls.

Note! Before you begin the coloring process, it is important.

Methods of applying coloring material

An important factor when painting walls is the choice of color, which can influence people and completely transform the interior decor and interior design as a whole.

Modern decorative paints, applied in different ways, using different technologies allow you to create interesting design interior with unique effects. When using a spray gun with a nozzle with a large outlet, you can get an imitation of mosaic, leather, wood, watercolor, antique, color - metallic with gilding, bronze, silver.

When using a template, you can imitate a wall covered with wallpaper. To achieve a mother-of-pearl effect, translucent paint is used. In this case, the angle of view, lighting, color of the base and the tool used in the work are taken into account.

Tool selection

High-quality painting of walls with your own hands depends on how the work is performed. Only the right tools can achieve excellent results:

  1. Spray gun. It increases work productivity (painting speed is several times higher), even with liquid paints. The device covers the surface evenly and beautifully, there are no streaks, it is possible to reach hard-to-reach places, especially in uneven areas such as stucco, which are much more difficult to paint with a brush. To work with a spray gun when using several colors of paint, you need to prepare film, adhesive tape, masking tape, and a cloth for filtering. The advantage of a paint sprayer is that it can be used to apply fillers, primers, base paints, varnishes and even adhesives to walls.

    The use of a spray gun significantly reduces work time and allows you to achieve even painting without streaks or streaks.

  2. Roller. In terms of effectiveness, this is the second method, and also very simple. To avoid leaving marks, it is better to choose a roller with short pile without seams, foam rubber or natural fur. This will allow you to apply the paint evenly, but errors in the putty may be noticeable. For oil paint A tool covered with velor is required. It is more often used for finishing or varnishing. A base made of fabric, polyacrylic, nylon (materials resistant to aggressive paint components) is used for epoxy, polyurethane, nitrocellulose paints. The roller is reliable and durable, and its size depends on the surface being painted. For ease of handling, a pallet is required.
  3. Brush. This is the least effective method performing painting work. The bristles leave marks and hairs, but it is the brush that is needed where the roller does not fit. A hair brush is ideal for drying oil-based paint.
  4. Preparatory work

    Before applying paint to the walls, careful preparation is necessary:

    Water-based paint is distinguished by its versatility. It is ideal for all rooms - hallway, living room, kitchen, nursery, bedroom.

    With the help of water-based, adhesive and other paints, everyone can create their own personal original design interior

Today, wall decoration using painting is very popular. This method is considered budget-friendly and easy to create the comfort of your own interior. Before carrying out finishing work, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the technique of painting indoor walls in order to enjoy the results in the future.

Where to begin?

When starting to paint the walls in an apartment with your own hands, you need to take into account some nuances and recommendations from experts:

  • The first step is to measure the area to be painted. This is necessary in order not to make a mistake with the purchased amount of paint.
  • It is necessary to properly prepare the base for painting using a special technology.
  • The paint is applied in a thin layer, otherwise it may swell.

Paint selection

It must meet certain requirements, which include:

  • Safety.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Optimal time drying.
  • Acceptable price.

The choice of paint depends on the type of original surface and where the paint is applied. After all, moisture-resistant paint is suitable for the bathroom. For the kitchen, it is better to use paint with wear-resistant qualities, since the wall surface is subject to constant contamination. For the hallway and corridor you need a variety that is resistant to abrasion.

Very popular among buyers:


Oil paints are products based on drying oil. The advantages of this type of paint are high wear resistance and moisture resistance. It is recommended to use this material in bathrooms and kitchens. The service life can last more than seven years, but this is only possible with proper care.

The only drawback of oil paint is the unpleasant, pungent odor, which will take a long time to dissipate.


The composition of water-based paints is based on polyvinyl acetate emulsion. This finish has a number of advantages: it is an environmentally friendly product that is safe to use, has a variety of different color shades, ease of use, quick drying of painted areas. This painting of walls is recommended in apartments and houses where there are small children or people with allergies. There is one drawback: use is possible at a temperature of +5 degrees.

According to inherent qualities water-based paints are divided into:


Some types of this paint are suitable for painting ceramic tiles in bathrooms, composition coloring material allows you to wipe the walls with a wet cloth. Due to its composition, this material can be used for painting MDF, brick, wood, and glass.


The silicone coating has good breathability. This material can be washed with special detergents.

This coating can be applied to the wall with minor defects (up to 2 mm), hiding all irregularities.


Latex materials are the most moisture resistant. After painting and drying, surfaces are not exposed to water and remain unchanged. The only drawback of this product is bad smell while painting.


Mineral water-based varieties are wear-resistant to dirt. It is convenient to apply this composition on the surfaces of walls made of brick, concrete, or plaster. Available in the composition slaked lime and cement help better adhesion of paint to the working surface.

Colors and design

A large number of color solutions allow you to realize creative thoughts, creating a unique interior in the apartment. Chameleon paints containing mother-of-pearl create unusual effects in different lighting conditions. From the outside, you might think that the walls are covered with silk fabric. They produce coloring materials with a velvet effect; they contain solid colored particles various materials(sand, shells, minerals, stones). After applying such a product to the surface, the effect of a velor fabric is created.

To improve decoration, manufacturers add sparkles from a variety of decorations, allowing them to achieve originality and magic in the interior.

As for color solutions, the possibilities of coloring compositions are unlimited. They comply with the specific style of the room, the general background, or contrast with it. White paint is the most popular: this color is universal, with it you can highlight any area of ​​the room, giving it uniqueness, filling the space with light. This shade is especially valuable in stylistic interiors abounding in wood. In such a space, it is impossible to do without highlighting the planes, otherwise the texture of the wood will lose its expressiveness. In this case, white paint is appropriate to highlight the ceiling.

The most valuable shades of paint today are natural ones, close to the beige-brown range. They allow you to refine the texture of a wooden floor. For bathroom walls you should use blue, sea, and sand shades. Great solution The accent area will be decorated using a simple design using paints. At the same time, the shades of the material can be different: by adding color, today you can choose the ideal tone.

Quantity calculation

  • First of all, measure the area of ​​the surface to be painted (it is recommended to measure along with window and door openings, thereby making a reserve).
  • The accuracy of the calculation depends on the number of layers of paint applied.
  • Multiply the length by the width of the area, then relate it to the indicated consumption on the packaging of the paint itself. Usually the manufacturer indicates how many square meters. m. work surface The volume of one jar is enough.
  • To the resulting consumption, another 15% of material is added for unforeseen expenses. This will eliminate the shortcoming (it is not always possible to perfectly select the missing material).

Surface preparation

Preparing walls for painting is an excellent opportunity to eliminate all defects and uneven surfaces of the walls. Before the beginning finishing works it is necessary to empty the room of furniture and decorative items. The furniture is taken out of the room or covered with a special film. The floors are covered with newspapers or cardboard.

All decorative items on the walls must be removed to prevent paint splashes.

The surface of the walls should be cleaned of various contaminants with a stiff brush (dirt, dust, plaster solutions). Existing cracks and crevices are carefully sealed with putty or gypsum mixture using a spatula, after which these areas are leveled with sandpaper until glossy. If the surface has an old coating of paint, it must be scraped off. The wallpaper can be removed by first moistening it with water. If the wallpaper is firmly glued without any loose elements, you don’t have to remove it and paint directly on it. After removing the wallpaper, the wall must be washed with water detergent. Waterproof wallpaper is much more difficult to remove: to wet it, you need to make an incision in a certain place to pour water.

Before painting, it is necessary to treat the surface with a primer. This will ensure better adhesion of the paint to the surface. It is necessary to apply 1-2 layers of primer over the entire area to be painted, avoiding the appearance of matte marks. This applies not only to concrete planes, but also to plasterboard walls.

If the wall is in good condition without flaws, you can simply wash and vacuum it. Painting the wall should begin after the primer has completely dried (time can vary from 2 hours to a day). The final step in preparing the walls is to disconnect the electricity from the network.

Painting technology

For interior painting of apartment walls, water-based paint is mainly used.

It meets all the necessary quality indicators, differing:

  • short drying time;
  • security;
  • variety of shades;
  • ease of use.

Before painting you should stock up on the essentials:

  • paint;
  • masking tape;
  • protective gloves and glasses;
  • brush and roller;
  • tray for coloring material.

Before applying the coloring composition to the walls, it is necessary to add color to the finishing material. It is better to dilute all the paint, otherwise you will not be able to create the same color in all containers. In prepared dishes, using a mixer or by hand, dilute the paint with water (if it is thick) to obtain a uniform consistency, then add colors in small portions. Gradual addition of color will allow you to choose the desired shade as accurately as possible to the desired one.

If it is necessary to tint small plot walls or apply multi-colored stripes; use masking tape for even separation. To glue it evenly, use a level (laser or alcohol). The height of the adhesive depends on individual tastes and preferences. The masking tape must be glued firmly without air pockets, otherwise the paint will bleed and the line will turn out uneven.

It is recommended to start painting walls with doorways or windows with a small roller. When applying oil paint, it is better to use various brushes with natural bristles. To avoid staining the door materials, it is better to paint the surface along the edges with a small brush. To obtain smooth lines in the area of ​​electrical appliances, use small brushes. After applying paint to problem areas and corners of the room, you can move on to the rest of the wall surfaces.

Painting the walls is done with a large roller. Try to apply the coloring material in an even layer, avoiding drips and drips. The roller movement should be vertical. Once the gaps appear, it's time to dip the roller in paint. To speed up the painting process, it is recommended to use a large roller with a paint tray. The tray needs to be filled one-third full with the coloring material, otherwise you won’t be able to dip the roller. This is necessary so that the paint does not extend beyond the tray. In order for it to be evenly distributed over the roller, you should move it back and forth over the paint, and then with the same movement along outside tray.

Applying a second coat of paint is possible only after the previous one has completely dried. Otherwise, the painting of the walls will be uneven, differing in gaps. All resulting defects during painting are corrected with a roller. After checking the coloring for uniformity and uniformity, you can begin to remove the mounting tape. This must be done before the layers of paint material dry. Typically, the drying time for paint is 24 hours, but it may vary depending on temperature regime room and type of paint. During curing, avoid getting dust and dirt on the painted surfaces.

Before applying paint raw materials to the required surfaces, it is recommended to test the products. Test the paint on a small area of ​​the wall. If, after the paint has completely dried, you are pleased with the result, you can apply the product to the entire surface of the walls. To quickly neutralize unpleasant odors, pour distilled vinegar into a bowl.

Paint cans and painting tools should be stored outside the living area. If this is not possible, you should wrap the material in plastic bag and tie it up. Wall painting should be done strictly in a ventilated area. For this purpose, you need to open all windows and doors.

You can use a fan that is directed towards the window, creating a draft in the apartment.

Before painting the bathroom walls, it is necessary to treat the surfaces with a special antiseptic to prevent the formation of mold and mildew in the future. Do not apply the paint too thickly, otherwise it will spread and waves will appear after drying. If defects and unevenness in the first layer of paint are found, they can be puttied, cleaned, and then painted. Rust is removed from the surface of the walls hot water, after which the plane is treated with copper sulfate.

You can achieve amazing effects by applying paint to walls in a variety of ways. Let's look at the most popular interior ideas that you can create with your own hands.


You can use a combination different shades. The main thing is that the colors are combined with each other. When using barely noticeable transitions, it is better to take one color as a basis, using several of its shades, or paint the surface with two compatible shades (for example, beige and light gray). Gradient coloring is very popular, which is a smooth transition from light to darker shades, or a transition from one color to another (for example, blue and red, white and black, green and yellow). Gradient coloring will look completely different when used with curved lines and patterns.


Creating defined boundaries on the walls looks fashionable, sophisticated and elegant. Borders also allow you to separate large room to individual areas. It often turns out that the boundaries are uneven. To hide imperfections, decorated elements (panels, borders, stripes) are used. This coloring is suitable for any room. If you apply decor in the form of a shiny strip, you will get an original minimalist or hi-tech style.

Modern market finishing materials offers a lot of options final finishing walls for every taste and budget. Some people prefer to cover the walls with wallpaper, others prefer to decorate the interior decorative tiles or wall panels from PVC. But the most popular method of finishing walls in an apartment is painting them.

Paint is a very high quality and relatively inexpensive material. In addition, there is a fairly wide selection of different colors and shades. The paint does not fade or fade over time, it is easy to wash, and if desired, you can always easily repaint it in a different color.

How to prepare walls for painting?

First of all, you need to understand that no wall defects can be masked by painting. Therefore, in order to get a beautiful and high-quality result, you should pay attention to careful preparation of the walls.

First, the walls need to be cleaned of the previous coating (if there was any). Plastered walls are examined for the presence of all kinds of defects and internal cavities. If there are any, the walls are freed from the old layer of plaster and puttied again.

Next, the surface of the wall is primed. To ensure good adhesion of the primer to the wall surface, it is recommended to use a high penetration primer. To disinfect walls and remove mold spores, it is advisable to use a primer with an antibacterial composition. This is especially true for rooms with high humidity. The primed surface is left to dry for 5-6 hours.

After priming, you can begin leveling the walls. To do this, the walls are puttied. The most commonly used putty is gypsum-based. The dry mixture, which is prepared immediately before use, is cheaper. The putty is applied with a special tool – a spatula. After puttying, the walls are thoroughly dried. It is recommended to allow at least a day for this to avoid the appearance of surface defects during further processing.

The final stage of preparing walls for painting includes covering the wall with a special putty called satengypsum. This is a very finely ground putty. It is applied in a layer of 1-2 mm, after which it is also dried. The wall is smoothened using fine-grained sandpaper.

What influences the choice of paint?

Now that you have prepared the walls, you can start painting them. What paints are used to decorate walls? It all depends on the functions that the room performs.

For example, it is better to treat rooms with high humidity with moisture-resistant paint. More suitable for kitchens durable paints, able to withstand frequent wet cleaning and have good wear resistance. And for residential premises, especially bedrooms and children's rooms, it is important to use environmentally friendly and moisture-permeable paint. If the walls are not processed perfectly, then it is better to use matte paint to hide minor defects.

For people prone to allergic and pulmonary diseases, as well as for children, it is recommended to use special paint with high environmental safety. Manufacturers usually mark such paint with special marks.

Types of paints

Water-based paint– the undisputed leader in wall coverings. It is an aqueous suspension of pigments. It is easy to apply, dries quickly and is completely non-toxic. Thanks to its moisture permeability, it allows the walls to “breathe”. In addition, walls coated with water-based emulsion can be easily cleaned with a sponge and detergents.

Acrylic paint– elastic, waterproof and has a large selection of colors. In addition, it has high abrasion resistance. Dries quickly upon application and does not leave an unpleasant odor. Walls painted with this paint take on a beautiful matte appearance.

Latex paint– usually used for painting wallpaper, as it has great abrasion resistance. Unfortunately, it is moisture-proof, so the walls stop “breathing”, which adversely affects the ecological climate of housing. Recommended for use in special rooms where frequent washing of walls is required.

Silicone paint– considered one of the best interior coatings. This paint is very flexible, which allows you to hide minor imperfections in the walls. It has good vapor permeability, which makes it environmentally friendly. In addition, it contains antibacterial components that protect walls from mold. It can be applied to any surface.

Oil paint is only suitable for well-ventilated areas due to its specific odor. Depending on the consistency, it is either ready for use or needs to be diluted with drying oil.

Application rules

Please note that after drying, the paint may slightly change its shade, so first test the selected paint on a small area of ​​the wall or a piece of wallpaper to be painted. Wait for it to dry completely and evaluate the result. Also note how the resulting shade looks when artificial lighting and at dusk. This way you can definitely understand whether it is right for you.

Before painting the walls, cover the surface masking tape− to indicate the boundaries of the surface to be painted. This tape will protect areas that you do not plan to paint from accidental paint.

The surface should be painted from top to bottom, using diagonal movements. When making parallel vertical movements, the surface may be painted unevenly, which will be visible when drying.

You should not cover the entire surface with the tool, but do it gradually, in sections. Having finished one section, move on to another.

Painting the walls should start from the window, that is, in the direction in which the sun's rays fall.

The joints of the wall with the ceiling, floor, corners and other hard-to-reach places should be painted with a brush. The surfaces themselves are applied with a roller.

If you are new to the renovation business, then start painting the wall that will be filled with furniture or curtains as much as possible. This way you will get your hands on it and practice before painting the surface that is “in plain sight”.

Do not be upset if immediately after painting the wall looks unpresentable; stains, stains and unevenness are visible on it. If you did everything correctly, then as it dries, all these “defects” will gradually disappear and the color will even out.

Savostyanova Natalia