We build houses from sand-lime brick. Building a house from sand-lime brick with your own hands. Restrictions on use

The thickness of the walls is calculated taking into account the features local climate, changes in humidity and temperature conditions. A favorable microclimate is maintained in the room, as a team of specialists follows all technological processes.

What is the difference between a standard and individual plan made of sand-lime brick without insulation?

  • Brick options, which do not have insulation, are designed with thicker walls. In this case, it is irrational to lay one brick, since the walls will freeze in winter.
  • The outside of the mansions can be finished decorative facades or ennobled at your discretion and planned budget.
  • Specialists of IC "Intel Group" take into account all the wishes of clients and implement them if they do not contradict general technology construction.

You can order warmer ones from us, the cost of which is minimal. The construction time depends on the square footage, timeliness of payment, if you decide to pay in stages. A legally binding agreement is concluded with each client, which details the responsibilities of the parties. IC "Intel Group", in turn, undertakes to deliver the facility on strictly designated dates and to carry out high-quality installation in compliance with the technology. That is why absolutely all houses are covered by a guarantee!

Look standard house made of sand-lime brick without insulation or framed in the catalog on the website. The price depends on the configuration and changes made, therefore it is indicated solely as reference information. If you are interested in the exact cost, we are waiting for you in our office for consultation on all issues.

When the question arises about material for building a house, you have to compare many options. Sand-lime brick remains popular, the pros and cons of which have already been well studied in practice. In what parameters does this material outperform the others, and in what respects does it lag behind?

Sand-lime brick is produced by mixing quartz sand, water and air lime.

Sand-lime brick is a mixture of quartz sand, water and air lime. Using the semi-dry pressing method, this mass is transformed into a finished product.


Sand-lime brick has advantages, thanks to which many future home owners choose this material to build their homes.

  1. Strength. Due to the high density of sand-lime brick, it is a very durable material. This makes the building itself strong and safe.
  2. Price. An important point for any person is the cost of material for construction. After all, building a house is a very expensive undertaking, and it’s always nice to save on something. Therefore, sand-lime brick, which has a lower (20-25%) cost than ceramic bricks, often wins in this parameter.
  3. Safety. Sand-lime brick, unlike some modern materials for construction, is completely safe for human health. The natural materials included in its composition do not emit any radiation and also prevent the formation of fungus on the surface of the walls.
  4. Masonry. The process of laying sand-lime bricks has the same technology as working with ordinary bricks. That is, this does not require any special skills. The only difference is the slightly greater weight of this material.
  5. Soundproofing. Compared to ordinary brick, silicate brick has a higher density, which means increased sound insulation. This parameter can be very important for some people who want to maintain peace and quiet in their home. This parameter is especially relevant when building a house near highways, railways and other places of high noise.
  6. Colors. If previously sand-lime brick was exclusively white, then now Newest technologies its production can give this material different colors and shades. Thanks to this, you have the opportunity to make your home beautiful and unusual. This parameter is important for people who value aesthetics in construction.

As can be seen from the listed advantages, sand-lime brick has whole line characteristics by which it is superior to other materials for building a house. Thus, people for whom important parameters are: safety, reliability, good sound insulation, lower cost and beautiful appearance future home.


Like any other building material, silicate has some disadvantages that may lead to choosing other options for building a house.

  1. High thermal conductivity. This disadvantage influences the need for additional insulation of walls built of silicate. Otherwise, the heat from the house will easily escape outside. Therefore, walls made from the material in question require additional financial costs, extra time, and labor costs.
  2. Good moisture absorption. Since silicate absorbs moisture well, it cannot be used as widely as some other materials in construction. Thus, designs for houses made of sand-lime brick necessarily include the construction of areas of the house where there is increased contact with water, namely the foundation and plinth, from other building materials. Otherwise, these areas become prone to rapid destruction. Increased moisture absorption also threatens faster destruction of bricks in winter period when water that gets into the material changes its state of aggregation and significantly reduces the strength of the product.
  3. Heaviness. Silicate has more weight than, for example, its ceramic counterpart (by about a third). For this reason, its transportation is more difficult. In addition, the construction of a stronger and more massive foundation is required, capable of withstanding the pressure of the gravity of silicate walls.
  4. In addition to these disadvantages, silicate cannot be used in the construction of chimneys, stoves and fireboxes, since it does not withstand high temperatures well.

Thus, the considered construction material It also has a number of disadvantages. They can scare away those people who value warmth and do not want to face additional problems in the form of insulating the house and transporting heavy material.

Assessing all the positive and negative aspects of sand-lime brick, we can say that it is impossible to build a house entirely from this material.

Its use is only possible for the construction of walls. At the same time, they turn out to be quite durable, reliable, well protected from external noise, but not too warm. Therefore, when planning to build a house made of sand-lime brick, you need to be prepared for the need to build thicker walls or organize additional insulation.

The best option would be to combine silicate and ordinary bricks, which will save some money and reduce silicate consumption. This type will be indispensable during the construction interior walls and partitions, for which strength and sound insulation are important characteristics. And here external walls, which must be warm, it is better to make them combined.

To build a house, it is better to involve specialists who already have experience in laying bricks. Otherwise, the complex and labor-intensive process of working with silicate will not have good result. Although this type The building material is very smooth and its laying does not require additional skills and special materials that are used when working with a ceramic analogue, it is still not an easy task.

Considering the safety of silicate, it can be used in the construction of buildings and structures for any purpose. Due to its increased strength, it is successfully used in the construction high-rise buildings. A decent appearance does not require additional exterior finishing. The disadvantages of sand-lime brick, however, prevent it from being fully used in construction in very wet areas and in aggressive environments.

When building a house, silicate is not an ideal and universal material, since it has a number of disadvantages. However, it is almost impossible to find a building material that does not have disadvantages. Necessary when comparing advantages and disadvantages various options pay attention to their materiality and importance for a particular structure. If strength, stability and health safety are of great importance for the future home, then sand-lime brick will be the best choice.

The final choice of material for building a house depends on how wide the financial capabilities of the future owner of the structure are and what characteristics of the building interest him in the first place.

When I started building my house from sand-lime brick (wall thickness approximately 55 cm), I had no idea about the thermal conductivity of this material and other properties. Everyone built it that way. Now, having read the literature regarding only thermal conductivity, I have come to conclusions that are stunning to me. I'll try to tell you without going into deep technical details. For each region of residence there is a specific GOST. This is the resistance coefficient of enclosing structures. So for my Saratov region it is approximately 3.5. Having made simple calculations (you can easily find them on the Internet), the resistance coefficient of the enclosing structures of my wall, 2 silicate bricks thick, is only 0.67.

So, if you comply with all GOST standards for insulation, and it is correct from this point of view to build a house from sand-lime brick, the wall thickness should be more than 2.5 m.

Agree, what should be the efficiency of home heating in order to ensure normal temperature inside the house, if essentially with the thickness brick wall, 55 cm thick, we drown to a greater extent environment than the interior space of the room.

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Sand-lime brick began to be used not so long ago. It was developed at the end of the 19th century and has been widely used since the middle of the last century. This period allows us to form a definite opinion about the building material, because at the moment we have been able to identify all the pros and cons of sand-lime brick.

What is special about sand-lime brick?

The compositional features of sand-lime brick bring it closer to natural limestone. Limestone has been actively used in the construction of buildings for centuries, but the use of limestone is associated with some difficulties. Firstly, natural material not cheap. Secondly, it is difficult and expensive to deliver it over long distances, because construction is carried out not only in those regions where this material is mined.

Sand-lime brick is made from lime-sand mortar; for many years this mortar was used for masonry. During the operation of such structures, it became clear that this solution becomes vulnerable to water over time. As a result, it destroys walls built using lime-sand mortar. But the same drawback is inherent in modern cement mortar, in which this property is even more pronounced. Concrete solutions, widely used today, serve even less as a masonry binder than lime-sand.

Production of sand-lime bricks

Manufacturing sand-lime bricks requires special equipment and large production capacity. Therefore, there are no small enterprises producing this building material. The manufacturing process itself is quite simple.

Main stages of production

  1. A certain amount of lime, sand, special additives necessary to give the mixture certain qualities is poured in, everything is mixed, and water is added.
  2. The prepared mixture is distributed into molds and pressed.
  3. Products undergo autoclaving (treatment with “hot” steam, that is, having a temperature of over 100°C - this is higher than the boiling point).
  4. The finished bricks are unloaded and undergo quality control.

Produced in a similar way gas silicate blocks, therefore, if they have the necessary autoclaves, industrial enterprises produce the entire line of similar products.

Types of sand-lime bricks

The production of this material is carried out in accordance with GOST 379-79. Therefore, the characteristics of sand-lime bricks in many respects coincide with the characteristics of conventional ceramic bricks. In accordance with them, product brands are distinguished:

  • strength M 125, M 150;
  • frost resistance - F15, F25, F35;
  • by thermal conductivity – 0.38 – 0.70 W/m*°С.

Strength shows how well a material can withstand loads, internal resistance, and deformation. Traditionally, strength is designated as a certain number and the letter “M”. The numbers indicate the level of load that a certain area of ​​the material can withstand. For bricks, this is a square centimeter.

Under frost resistance understand the ability of materials, when saturated with moisture, to withstand cycles of freezing and thawing without losing their inherent properties. The main units of measurement are cycles or F. Frost resistance has a letter designation - Mrz.

Among the varieties of sand-lime brick, it is necessary to note hollow and solid. Unlike standard ceramic products, the holes in sand-lime bricks are in the shape of a cylinder; they are located in the central part of the block. As is known, in ceramic bricks, holes fill almost the entire internal space; their shape varies. Besides standard sizes silicate products can be made to order. To do this, you need to find a manufacturer who uses custom molds, because changing the settings of standard extrusion presses is very difficult. But such an order can only be placed for a large or medium batch.

Advantages of sand-lime brick

These products have several undeniable advantages.

  1. Low cost. Low prices are associated with low production costs. Firstly, inexpensive raw materials are used. Both sand and lime are not very expensive. Secondly, when using steam from thermal power plants, production costs are significantly reduced. After all, steam from thermal power plants one way or another needs cooling, which is carried out in cooling towers. Unlike ceramic bricks, which are made from clay that has been aged for at least 3 years and then crushed, the raw material for silicate does not require special preparation. Energy costs for the production of silicate products are also lower than for the production of ceramic products, this is due to savings on drying. As a result, structures made of silicate are always cheaper than those made of other materials, including concrete with similar load-bearing properties.

  2. Environmentally friendly. The material does not contain any components harmful to health. Radioactive radiation is minimal, it is less than other natural and artificial materials. Therefore, these products can be used for the construction of buildings for any purpose.

  3. Compatible with any masonry mortars. Silicate perfectly accepts conventional cement-lime mortars, polymer adhesives and other binders.

  4. Aesthetics. The natural color of silicate products is white. If desired, it can be changed to any other. Dyeing technologies allow you to radically change the color of products. Pigments introduced into the base substance give a certain color to the entire product, and not just to the layers located closer to the surface.

  5. High geometric accuracy. The bricks are made strictly in accordance with the given shapes, they have a flat surface and clear right angles, so masonry work is not difficult to carry out.

  6. Good strength. The strength indicators of such material vary from 75 to 200 kg/cm². Therefore, it is possible to build both load-bearing walls and interior partitions from such material.

Practical and high-quality sand-lime brick is a material suitable for construction multi-storey buildings. If construction technologies are followed and the correct grade of strength is selected, a ten-story building made of sand-lime brick (SBC) will last for decades, delighting residents with its comfort and warmth. In addition, manufacturers offer a large assortment of SC varieties indicated for arranging load-bearing walls, internal partitions, self-supporting structures, the shape of the bars can also be varied, but there are some restrictions. Everything is worth talking about in more detail.

Sand-lime brick: production features

Its structure is almost identical to natural limestone. Today, plasticizers and other components are added to the composition to increase the moisture resistance of the material and strengthen its fragility.

Important! Brick production requires special equipment, so brick can be considered the least counterfeit building material.

Production stages:

  1. Preparation of a mixture including sand, limestone, additives and water;
  2. Forming and pressing the mass. Important point– the blanks remain in the molds until the last stage, therefore they retain ideal proportions;
  3. Autoclave treatment involves “acute steaming” at a temperature of 100 C and a pressure much higher than atmospheric;
  4. The blanks are inspected and ready for sale.

The production process is similar to the production of foam and gas silicate blocks, so manufacturers often offer a full range of products.

Markings and material types

When choosing to build a house from sand-lime brick, you need to have a good understanding of the types of products. It is worth noting that in terms of frost resistance and density, SK is identical to ceramic, that is, the qualities are extremely high.

Important! All material characteristics are regulated by GOST379-79.

The standard indicators of the finished product are:

  • Strength - grades M125, M150;
  • Frost resistance – F15, F25, F35;
  • Thermal conductivity – 0.38-0.70 W/m.

Frost resistance means the ability of a material, in a state of complete water saturation, to withstand cycles of thawing and freezing without loss. high quality.

Strength is an indicator of a material’s ability to resist internal and external deformations. The digital designation of the parameter shows the maximum permissible load per 1m2.

There are also different types of bricks: solid and hollow. Unlike ceramics, silicates are equipped with cylindrical holes located in the center of the bar. It is important that manufacturers often produce SCs in the shape required by the customer. The parties can be either medium or large.

Important! Production technology requires the use of equipment, the readjustment of which takes long time, so if you are offered a small batch, then build good house Such sand-lime brick will not work - it is counterfeit, made with manufacturing violations.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

When deciding to build a residential building from SK, you need to familiarize yourself with the positive and negative qualities of the product. The advantages include the following indicators:

  • Increased load-bearing capacity. With the strength and density of over 1500 kg/m3, which the bars have, you can be completely confident in the reliability of the structure. This class can withstand pressure up to 30 MPa, so hurricane winds, storms or mechanical damage are not a problem.
  • The durability of the material is also extremely high. Moreover, even the appearance will remain unchanged, with a slight change in color. Qualitative characteristics remain ideal until the end of use of the building.

Important! SK facing elements meet higher requirements than the material intended for internal partitions.

  • Resistance to fungi and mold. The lime contained in the material does not require additional antiseptic treatment, therefore, in a house if it is built from limestone, there will never even be the smell of mold.

Important! Lime compounds are a natural component, therefore sand-lime brick belongs to the category of environmentally friendly materials. Artificial compounds (additives, plasticizers) make up no more than 0.3-0.7% of the total specific gravity.

  • A house built from SC accepts and allows any type of finishing: vinyl panels, siding - whatever the owner wants.
  • Economy. The material is at least 20% cheaper than ceramic brick, while the variety of shapes and textures allows you to implement the designs of any sand-lime brick houses. Color solutions are presented in yellow color, and the houses are made of white brick, photos of which are often found in the best magazines, look extremely noble and “rich.”

But with all the advantages, the material has a number of disadvantages:

  1. The main disadvantage is the ability of the SC to accept water. The indicator reaches 11%, so the bars cannot be used when arranging foundations or cladding plinths.

Advice! Provided there is very good waterproofing and low groundwater levels, sand-lime brick can be used for cladding the base, but the strength characteristics deteriorate over time, which will lead to the destruction of the structure ahead of schedule minimal use.

  1. Increased thermal conductivity requires good insulation. Moreover, insulation is needed in any region, since the property of thermal conductivity guarantees rapid cooling and heating of the building.
  2. Although the product is fireproof and non-flammable, it does not tolerate excessive high temperature and begins to crumble.
  3. Massiveness is another disadvantage of sand-lime brick. This means that you won’t be able to save on the foundation.

To make a choice, you should take into account the factor of evenness of the elements. Thanks to the production process, in which the blanks are released from the mold only at the very end, texture and geometric evenness are preserved in the finished form. Increased performance properties do not affect the cost - it remains low regardless of the type and grade of material.

Important! The use of SK for lining and arrangement of furnaces is strictly prohibited. In a few years, such a structure will collapse, which can cause not only expensive repairs of the entire structure, but also a fire with the complete destruction of the house.

Technological features of building a house made of sand-lime brick

If there is an order, bricklaying is not difficult even for a novice builder. However, you will have to be patient and attentive. The geometric shapes help to achieve a tight fit, but with the slightest carelessness, the dignity of the material will be lost. To carry out the work you will need cement mortar made of cement, water and sand, although many builders use a clay composition.

Important! The masonry mixture must be very thick, since the blocks have increased mass.

A trowel, a hammer for straightening the masonry and a plumb line with a horizontal level will not hurt. Each row needs to be checked for vertical and horizontal alignment. As for the features of the building, they are as follows:

  1. Most often, a combination of sand-lime brick and ceramic masonry is used. SC for carriers wall panels and partitions, ceramics for cladding. This option significantly increases the strength and service life of the house, while reducing the cost of construction.

Important! The combination is beneficial in terms of using the high qualities of both materials: internal partitions are rarely exposed to moisture, but must be extremely durable. The cladding often experiences the aggressiveness of the external environment, so excellent strength and resistance to water, snow and other phenomena is required.

  1. SK masonry, as shown in the video, is similar to regular masonry brickwork, but the first row is laid on a carefully waterproofed base without mortar, all the others are laid on a cement or clay composition with a layer of at least 30 mm.
  2. Laying is recommended using the “press-on” method, which increases labor intensity, but guarantees strength. To achieve filling of the joints, apply the mixture to the brick in a layer of 1 cm, and then remove the excess.
  3. Be sure to wet the silicate before laying so that it does not draw water out of the mixture until it sets.
  4. The thickness of the wall depends on the number of floors of the building and insulation requirements. The standard is considered to be one and a half bricks for low-rise buildings, while for more substantial buildings a double layer is required.
  5. Additional reinforcement will provide the required strength of the structure. You can use wire by laying it in every third row.

Important! If the insulation parameters require few double bricks, laying is done in two and a half, however, with careful insulation, such laying is unprofitable.

How to insulate a house outside and inside

To insulate a house made of sand-lime brick, you can use almost any materials. The peculiarity of the application is that the external method is used for cladding, which has many advantages:

  • Conditions for condensation, that is, the “dew point” remains outside;
  • The vapor permeability of SC is reduced, so choosing insulation material is much easier than for any other building material;
  • Finishing only the outside, as shown in the video, does not reduce the usable area of ​​the premises inside;
  • The insulation solution has little effect on the facade of the building, since beauty flaws can be covered up with any cladding.

There is no advice on choosing a material, since all indicators depend only on the requirements for insulation: if we are building a house in a warm climate, the lightest option is used; in colder latitudes, the shortcomings of the thermal conductivity of the insulating material need to be leveled out good insulation. An advantage for choosing thermal insulation is the low vapor permeability of sand-lime brick.

Important! Considered objectively, this point rather refers to the disadvantages, because of which the material is not recommended to be used in a humid climate, but for insulation, the disadvantages of permeability turn into advantages.