Frame houses (70 photos). Frame houses - advantages

Outside Finnish house looks nice, but what does it look like? frame house inside? Thanks to the art of our designer, you can get acquainted with the interiors of a frame house according to the Optima-2 project.

First floor of Optima-2

The layout of the Optima is minimalistic - only the essentials: a mini vestibule, a living room, a toilet, a parent's bedroom, a kitchen and a storage room under the stairs. We can say that "Optima" is the largest mini-house among the projects of the DKMK plant.

Views of the Optima living room. From the vestibule: since here the guest just appears in the house, he immediately sees a natural picture of a cozy guest room, where he can sit down from the road, relax and chat with the owners of this lovely house. Everything you need - and nothing extra.

From the stairs we see an excellent place for quietly watching TV, reading literature or the press, and drinking a cup of aromatic tea. In addition, it is very convenient to wait for the arrival of friends and relatives here, setting the table right in the middle of the living room.

View from the window. This angle perfectly demonstrates the capabilities of the first floor. In the vestibule you can undress and take off your shoes. Immediately at the entrance there is a toilet, a staircase to the second floor, a storage room and a kitchen, from where delicious smells emanate.

This is what a kitchen might look like. It is small, but there is enough space for arrangement kitchen set and comfortable eating for dining table. Natural light from the window illuminates the kitchen so that you don’t have to spend extra money on electric lighting.

Unexpectedly spacious toilet on the first floor. Here you can not only cope with basic tasks, but there is also enough space to store all sorts of things.

The master bedroom is a place of relaxation. Surprisingly, this room perfectly accommodates both a double bed for relaxation and plasma TV on the wall, and mirrored suspended ceiling. And there is even great view to nature from the window. In a word, a secluded place for two loving hearts.

Second floor in the frame house "Optima-2"

Attic layout

Attic layout. Pay attention to the compact and thoughtful arrangement of the rooms. The sleeping places are isolated from the entrance and from each other. However, both have windows and access to the balcony, which is important for the development and health of children. The corridor connecting the rooms on the second floor is small and strictly functional. At the same time, it is well lit by a window on the stairs or a dormer window in the roof (in one of the variations of the project with a garage).

Below are views of the children's room. The room is very bright and original. There is a place for relaxation and for studying. At the same time, you can go out onto the balcony and admire the beauty of the natural landscape, or leave the balcony door open for fresh air.

Large bedroom. There is also plenty of space for activities, games and restful sleep. The designer placed a double bed here - for example, for an adult son and his wife, or a daughter and her husband. But it can perfectly accommodate two beds for schoolchildren of the same sex. A balcony is also available for viewing local sights and bringing fresh air into the room. If desired, here you can create a very artistic and unusual interior for children's creativity.

And finally, for dessert - a designer bathroom! Incredible! I just can’t believe that such a small piece of space perfectly accommodates a bathtub, a washbasin with a mirror, and washing machine. Notice how bright the room turned out - it truly is a decoration of the house! At the same time, both a child and a tall man can safely wash themselves here.

External and internal finishing of a frame house in most cases becomes a necessary measure that creates the integrity of the building and its solidity. After all, the method of constructing such systems is such that it requires the application of additional coating to the rafter structures.

The frame house has recently become a fairly popular design, used by modern builders in the construction of low-rise buildings.

General principles for carrying out work inside a frame house

What is frame construction? First of all, such objects involve the construction of support systems, on which all additional coverings will be installed. Similar frames are usually made of metal or wood. A huge advantage of this innovative method is the absence of almost all liquid processes. The entire design of such a house only involves creating a frame and then covering it with a variety of fillers.

External covering in most cases is created by fastening sheet materials to the vertical surfaces of the frame. This solution, combined with reliable fixation, can fully ensure the strength and solidity characteristics of the building.

Do-it-yourself interior decoration of a frame house is a more complex and painstaking task. All work on arranging such a room from the inside consists of organizing the following qualities and processes:

  • building insulation;
  • organization of monolithic wall covering;
  • formation of the interior.

The implementation of all these processes allows you to create a magnificent object, which is not inferior in its basic qualities and characteristics to houses created using massive brick or concrete elements.

The importance of the insulation procedure

Organizing a warm and cozy property is a must, as these qualities set the tone and create the overall atmosphere of future homes. The finished structure must comply with all norms and standards that are responsible for the normal functioning of a person and his comfort. The insulation procedure fully guarantees the finished object all these necessary qualities. Completing this task consists of filling the frame with any thermal insulation material.

Today, the most used and popular products are polystyrene foam, mineral wool and polystyrene foam. Any of these materials fully satisfies the principles of such construction and can be used as its basis. As a rule, mineral wool is the main material used in this type of construction. However, its installation has a number of features that determine General characteristics insulation. The structure of this material is made in such a way that it is terribly afraid of exposure to moisture, which is detrimental to it. In the process of interaction with water or its derivatives, it becomes saturated and retains moisture, which inevitably leads to the formation of mold and rot. Having experienced such an influence, mineral wool completely loses its thermal insulation properties and fails. Therefore, the organization of optimal waterproofing qualities is a necessary condition for laying this material.

It is not so difficult to carry out such protection with your own hands - it is enough to lay two types of insulating membranes. To prevent moisture penetration from outside The mineral wool is covered with a waterproof membrane, which protects the material from moisture seeping under the surface of the outer layer of finishing. To insulate the house inside, a vapor barrier is used, which limits the impact of water vapor and condensation formed in the room.

Drywall for finishing interior surfaces

Whole and monolithic coating walls are organized by attaching any sheet materials to the internal surfaces of a frame filled with insulation. Cladding a house with plasterboard or using wooden lining is optimal solution, which will fully satisfy the need for creating a smooth and consistent surface. If wooden lining implies the orientation of the room towards a certain style, then the use of drywall allows you to experiment with the styles and directions of the rooms. Sheets of the product are attached directly to the frame elements by fixing them with special self-tapping screws, which ensure reliability and immobility of the installation. In special cases, it may be necessary to install additional lathing that will hold the products. Such a system, as a rule, is necessary to create any figured elements or broken lines of the wall plane.

The formed surface looks monolithic and strong. However, to completely complete the surface creation processes, it is necessary to seal the seams and joints of the material. To accomplish this task, a special mesh is used, which fastens the sheets together and prevents cracking at the joints of the products. A ball of putty is applied on top of a special mesh, which creates a smooth, integral surface structure.

Creating an interior to organize comfort and coziness in the room

The finished, smooth and monolithic surface, made by hand, can be used to decorate a room in any desired style and direction.

Creating a design in such conditions can be done with the involvement of specialists who, having a clean surface, will be able to recreate any chosen solution and finishing style. There is also the opportunity to do all the work to create the necessary interior with your own hands, which will significantly save material resources. In addition, such influence will allow you to independently choose this or that interaction and design direction, as well as carry out the necessary decoration and selection of color schemes.

External wall covering, depending on the selected interior model, can be done using traditional methods finishing, such as wallpaper or painting the surface. Or you can use more modern materials like structural plaster or liquid wallpaper. In any case, the interior decoration of the room is exactly the image that the owner of the house will have to observe for a long time. Therefore it optimal qualities comfort and practicality are extremely important for creating comfortable conditions people's residence.

Conclusion on the topic

All stages of creating a frame house are extremely important and responsible. However, the most significant of them can be called interior decoration premises. It is she who allows you to create those the necessary conditions practicality and comfort, which are so necessary for each of us in our own home. The process of insulating a building in combination with finishing walls allows you to create exactly those conditions without which life is impossible. Carrying out all the processes with your own hands allows you to feel the spirit of the object and give it the necessary design and direction, which will to some extent personify the preferences and character of the owner of the house.

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(projects, photos and prices will be discussed in more detail below) initially appeared as a result of the active development of the Canadian north, where the usual stone construction technologies were absolutely not suitable. On the one hand, the soil simply could not withstand such pressure, on the other, after delivery, the brick and other materials became almost “golden.” Frame technology made it possible to significantly simplify and reduce the cost of building residential buildings without losing comfort. Such houses are energy efficient, quick to build, relatively inexpensive and durable.

Technology frame construction simple. The basis of the house is a power frame (Fig. 1), which is formed by powerful vertical wooden beams, which are interconnected by a system of strapping and spacers. The walls are sheathed outside and inside with wood, but most often with OSB panels, and high-quality, effective insulation is placed inside. To add attractiveness, the outside walls are lined with clapboard, siding, finished with plaster, sometimes lined with brick.

If we compare the prices of a frame house for permanent residence with a brick house of similar size (made of foam concrete), then the comparison will definitely be in favor of the former. IN construction companies square meter“turnkey” in a frame house starts from approximately 130-140 dollars, while in a brick house – from 300 dollars. There are several main factors to reduce costs:

  • cheap material - wood and insulation are cheaper than brick and cement
  • light foundation - a Finnish frame house can be installed on a screw foundation, which is 30% cheaper than a strip foundation
  • to build a frame house you will not need additional equipment (for example, a concrete mixer), as well as construction equipment
  • smaller wall thickness of a frame house - with the same external dimensions, the usable living area is larger

An important factor is the subsequent operating costs, the lion's share of which falls on heating. To create acceptable conditions in a frame house, you will need almost half as much fuel as for heating stone house.

Drawings and projects of frame houses: what will require attention

Choosing projects frame houses, you must proceed from the following:

  • number of residents – how many people will permanently live in the house. When deciding on the area of ​​the house, you should assume that each person should have about 20 m2 of usable space. For a family of 2-3 people, frame house projects up to 100 sq.m. are optimal. - after all, in addition to the convenience of accommodation, it should be taken into account that the house needs to be looked after, cleaned and, which is important based on current fuel prices, heated (and heating season– this is at least 5-6 months a year). Therefore, a small family (especially if it contains elderly people) should consider projects one-story houses– they are easier to construct and will cost less. But for a larger family (5-6 people), it makes sense to choose a project for a two-story frame house, which will make it possible to distribute living areas by floor, taking into account the age of the residents
  • plot size – of course, if the plot is large, then choosing the dimensions of the house and its placement is not so difficult. Another thing is when the house will be built on area 4-10 acres. In this case, both the area of ​​the site and its shape play a role. For example, on a plot of 6 acres (dimensions 30x20), a house of 10x12 meters will look quite organic. But on a plot with the same area, but dimensions 15x40, it will clearly be inappropriate - on the one hand, there will be a problem with complying with SNiP standards (location of the house from the road, neighbors, etc.), on the other hand, the house will actually abut against fence. Therefore, it is better to reduce the linear dimensions by choosing, for example, the 6x10 option, and to obtain the required area, consider frame house projects with attic or two-story house
  • number of storeys– the technology of frame house construction allows, in principle, the construction of three and even four-story houses, but in private housing construction the construction of such tall houses is not justified, primarily due to the sharp increase in the cost of the house, because to achieve the required strength it is necessary to use thick timber. That is why projects of frame houses with an attic are most in demand. In general, this fully reflects the general trends in the market - the largest number of orders falls on the segment of houses with an area of ​​100-130 m2, projects with a smaller area are mainly used as country houses

Advice! In a two-story house, you can divide the premises according to their demand, placing “common” rooms on the ground floor - kitchen, living room, dining room, giving the second floor to the personal space of the home owners - a bedroom, a children's room, perhaps an office.

  • seasonality of residence – permanent or seasonal, the thickness and composition of the insulation (“sandwich”), which will be laid in the space between the walls, will depend on this
  • climatic conditions - another factor influencing the choice of insulation
  • The choice of type of wall decoration will largely determine the style of the house – can be selected siding imitating rounded logs(Russian style) or brick (English cottage).

Advice! The cost of construction can be reduced if, instead of a garage, you limit yourself to carport. And in the case of a country house, this option is the most optimal.

When choosing a project, you should clearly understand the differences between frame and frame-panel houses(their projects are often proposed together). Using “classical” Canadian technology, a frame house is assembled from materials directly on the site, including the installation of insulation. While frame-panel (frame-panel) houses are manufactured according to a standard design, ready-made, factory-produced panels (sandwich panels) are brought to the site, from which the house is assembled. Such houses are built faster, but at the same time they have minimal opportunities for making individual adjustments to the project, in addition, a construction crane may be required.

Having decided on the basic requirements for the house, the future developer will have to decide which project to choose: individual or standard. Each option has its own advantages:

  • individual – it will be so unique and unrepeatable, in which all your wishes and requirements will be taken into account. But on the other hand, this project is much more expensive; it will require considerable time both for development and for approval by various authorities. average cost individual project fluctuates around 10% of the total construction cost
  • typical– first of all, this project has already gone through the entire multi-stage approval system. In addition, it is much cheaper - the cost finished project ranges from 300 to 1000 dollars. Important point for those who are short of time - by purchasing standard project, the main work can be completed within one season.

In addition, the standard project can be adjusted to suit your requirements. For example, in Fig. 2-7 shows the functional and beautiful house, V elegant facades which displays classic traditional motifs.

This cottage with a garage and an attic with a total area of ​​116.5 m2 with dimensions of 13.2 x 9.5 m and a height of 8.3 m. The house is designed for permanent residence families of 4-6 people. The foundation is strip (as an option, depending on the soil, screw piles can be installed). Walls - wooden frame made of timber 200 x 50 mm, pitch - 580 mm. Insulation – mineral basalt wool (thickness may vary depending on climatic region). Roofing –

Feb 11/12

Frame houses– environmental housing solution in the shortest possible time

Today, more and more people dream of living in a place that is more environmentally friendly than in megacities filled with exhaust fumes. This is why construction is so in demand country houses, cottages, dachas. One solution for housing outside the city is frame houses- This is modern house construction using Canadian technology. It was in Canada, a country rich in forests, that such houses began to be built, after which the technology spread to America and Europe. Today, in our country, houses built on a frame basis are becoming increasingly popular. After all, the main advantage of designing and constructing a frame or frame-panel house, following this technology - relatively affordable investments and costs, compared to brick or concrete building corresponding area.

It can be a compact one-story house with a simplified layout without a garage or basement, a classic cottage or two-storey house, with more rational planning, garage and basement, or landscaped country house. Besides, frame houses reliable and warm, aesthetic and very beautiful.

Frame houses - advantages

The peculiarity of frame houses is the strength and durability of wood. And due to the smaller thickness of the walls, space savings increase. The water-repellent qualities of the insulation system of a frame house increase the durability of the house for many decades. Frame structures are characterized as environmentally friendly, which is very important in the current conditions of environmental pollution.

The walls of a Canadian house, with an average thickness of 20 cm, fully satisfy regulatory requirements, regarding high heat conservation. Due to many new technologies in construction, it has been achieved high quality building materials used. The system is also successfully used for frame houses air heating, which allows you to regulate the internal microclimate of your home. Frame construction, using ideal materials for walls and floor surfaces, makes it possible for high-quality finishing works. Frame houses are easily modernized and are not subject to obsolescence.

Construction time for a frame house

A frame building can be erected at any time of the year, literally in 5-6 months, by selecting an excellent team of experienced builders. These deadlines are determined by the fact that concrete works are required only when constructing the foundation, and a set of panels for such a house can be made in a few days. Assembly frame house will take about a week. Also, already from the very beginning, frame walls provide fast and high-quality implementation interior finishing work, since plasterboard sheets are attached to the inside of the frame.

Frame house construction technology

A frame building is a fairly strong and stable structure. The foundation underneath, due to the light weight of the house itself, is most often lightweight and does not require conventional concreting. The structure itself has a layered protective structure, or, as is commonly called, consists of sandwich panels.

The wooden frame is constructed from dry coniferous wood, which is sheathed on the outside with any finishing material and a wind-resistant membrane film, which simultaneously performs a ventilation function, allowing the wood and insulation to remain dry.

The inner sides of the frame are lined with insulation and vapor barrier film. Then the usual installation of windows and doors takes place. Interior partitions can be made of frame slabs or tongue-and-groove gypsum.

It is advisable to use vapor barrier membranes for the roof structure to prevent leakage.

Frame technology involves mounting all internal communications inside the walls.

At exterior decoration frame structure, you can use many different variations to suit your taste, which will allow your nest to achieve an extraordinary appearance.

The interior of a frame house is a dream come true

In the interior arrangement of any frame house there reigns what is loved by many - an abundance of wood, animal skins, a pastel “rainbow” of colors and a variety of natural decorative ornaments. In such a house there is a place for picturesque paintings, interesting rugs on, green vegetation. The floor in such a house, of course, will be wooden, or is allowed.

Disadvantages of frame buildings

Due to the fact that such houses consist practically of wood and drywall, their Fire safety much lower than that of brick buildings. Therefore, it is very important to take into account all fire safety measures.

Another drawback is the tree’s susceptibility to all kinds of pests - larvae, bark beetles, mold. To avoid this, it is necessary to treat the wood by special means- this will help the building last longer, because the service life of frame houses is already shorter than brick ones.

When choosing a type of building such as a frame house for your country house, it is important to remember that the quality of the finished structure depends on which specialists you entrust its construction. Give preference to teams that actually have experience in frame house construction, and then very soon you will be living in a cozy and beautiful house.

Technologies for the construction of residential buildings do not stand still. Especially when it comes to methods that come to us from abroad. Of course, not all of them can be implemented in Russian reality. This takes into account climatic features, the specifics of geology, the financial capabilities of our fellow citizens.

Frame houses have long become popular in private construction in many Western countries. They are also being built in Russia.

Preparation for construction

Regardless of which technology for constructing frame houses you choose - Finnish or Canadian - you should resolve several organizational issues.

First, you should choose the right location for your new home. It is advisable to choose a dry, well-ventilated place. After all, a tree, no matter how well it is protected, is afraid of moisture.

Secondly, preparation of communications is important. It is necessary to resolve this issue in advance so that you do not have to drill additional holes in the foundation.

Thirdly, it is important for the future owner to understand how the new building will be used - year-round or seasonally as a country house. The degree of thermal insulation required and the corresponding costs depend on this.

Foundation arrangement

When choosing the most suitable foundation, many factors must be taken into account - the size of the building, the geological structure of the construction site, the height of the groundwater and the characteristics of the wind load. As a rule, such houses are built with no more than two storeys, and therefore an overly powerful foundation is not required.

Here, it is sufficient to construct a strip, columnar or block-concrete type that can easily withstand the planned loads. To reduce the cost of construction, you can limit yourself to using screw piles.

The technology of a frame house assumes that the immediate laying of the foundation is preceded by the construction of a trench or drilling of wells where the piles will be installed. After this, a sand cushion is poured. It is also important to install the formwork and secure the reinforcement.

Wherein strip foundation must be compacted. Before it hardens, rods up to 0.5 m high must be installed into the concrete. Then the surface must be leveled, for which cement mortar is used.

Carrying out the lower harness

The next stage of the construction work is the arrangement of the lower trim. For this, wooden beams with a cross section of 150x150 mm are taken. Work should be carried out no earlier than 7-10 days after pouring concrete. The bars themselves must be treated with an antiseptic.

You need to additionally place roofing felt underneath. Experts recommend using at least two layers of it. This way you can create effective waterproofing protection.

To secure the beams, it is proposed to use anchor-type bolts with pre-drilled holes up to 100 mm. It is also permissible to use oblique nails and foundation studs. The connection is also created along the length and in the corners. Fastening is done with nails.

In the lower part, using nails, fastening to the beams is carried out. This will create a rough base for the floor. A vapor barrier material must be attached to it.

It is recommended to choose a membrane-type material. The space between the joists should not be empty. Mineral wool or polystyrene foam is added to it as insulation. After this, you need to lay an edged board measuring 40x15 mm

Arrangement of the building frame

To create the skeleton of a frame structure, use vertical racks. To secure them, use crossbars in combination with strapping horizontal type. The main material will be hardwood, such as larch or oak.

The size of the racks is selected in accordance with the characteristics of the planned room. The tongue-and-groove technology with adjustment without creating gaps is suitable for connection and fastening.

It is also acceptable to use metal profile, which will be somewhat more expensive, but will reduce the load on the foundation. Also, in the latter case, you will need a welding machine.

The size of the racks, the distance between them, as well as the characteristics of the cladding material are determined by the level of the planned load. The most popular solution is to use racks with a cross section of 150x50 mm. The openings require the installation of double timber of the same section. The racks are attached to the bottom frame using temporary braces.

The most effective thermal insulation indicators are ensured by tight fastening of the insulation, which makes frame houses comfortable to live in. Therefore, the recommended distance between posts is 600 mm.

Fastening top harness made using grooves. Nails are used. It is advisable to take them in quantities of at least two pieces per fastener with a penetration of 100-120 mm into the wood. For final installation, permanent-type bevels are suitable.

Wall equipment

When arranging the walls of a frame house, it is important to choose the right insulation and correctly carry out all the related work. For cladding external walls, lining made of wood, log or plastic siding is suitable. The more time you plan to live in such a house during the year, the better and more powerful the insulation should be.

So, for year-round use, you will need to use a material that will create protection of at least 150 mm in thickness. Construction for real warm home in cold winter conditions, installation of additional sheathing using 50x50 mm timber will help. In this case, it is necessary to lay a second layer of insulation.

Elimination of voids is carried out by pressing. Insulation material is placed in cracks and empty spaces. But if you fasten the insulation on top and waterproofing film, then you can create powerful protection against moisture. A sheathing of slats is attached to the top of this structure and a ventilated façade is installed.

Installation of ceiling structure

When arranging the ceiling, it is attached to the floor beams. They must first be firmly fixed. For these purposes, appropriate grooves are used. The use of steel brackets is acceptable.

The ceilings are fixed on the beam of the upper frame. Thanks to this, your one-story house gains additional strength.

And here interior partitions must be equipped with support beams, after which a ceiling panel with a vapor barrier membrane laid on top is attached.

The vapor barrier material lying on top of the shield must be placed onto the beams. In this case, mineral wool or polystyrene foam must be laid strictly level.

Insulation will be more effective since three layers are formed:

  • insulating material;
  • vapor barrier;
  • plank flooring.

Roof arrangement and roofing installation

Turnkey frame houses are built by many contractors. But at the final stage, you yourself must decide on the type of roof. It is necessary to clarify the angle of inclination, the number of slopes, and the features of the cladding.

If you choose gable structure roof, you can additionally equip the attic or attic. To avoid water accumulation, it is necessary to focus on a slope of 28-50 degrees. If this interval is exceeded, the roof's resistance to winds decreases.

When building a roof, you should choose the right rafter section. This is important for better insulation. Therefore, it is recommended to take boards measuring 50x150 mm with a length of at least 6 m. The edges of the beams are knocked down, for example, at an angle of 50 degrees, in the shape of the letter “L”.

Work should be carried out on the ground. You can also introduce additional fastening by nailing an additional strip to the rafters. The structure rises to the top and is secured with 200 mm nails. Rafters for the entire roof are made in a similar way. The pitch of their placement is 700-800 mm.

When carrying out work, you can be guided by photos of frame houses. In particular, the lathing is attached to the rafters with a pitch of 100 mm between the boards. In this case, it is necessary to extend the overhangs by 350-500 mm beyond the wall level.

A vapor barrier is laid on top of the sheathing. Glassine can be used as such a material. It is attached with a stapler. A lighter sheathing is fixed on top in increments of up to 60 mm.

Mineral wool is pressed into the space between the sheathing and covered with a vapor barrier and then with roofing felt. Mounted on top roofing material– tiles, corrugated sheets or metal tiles.

Frame houses are easy to use and do not require significant investment of money and time during construction. Construction can be completed in one season. However, it is still recommended to involve experienced specialists in the work. This way you can avoid mistakes and carry out installation as quickly and efficiently as possible.