Profile timber: review of the material and its classification

You probably know that the ancestors of all possible types of timber profiles were Finnish (with two tenons) and German (comb). But even despite the abundance of “intermediate” options, profiled “comb” timber and building materials with a Finnish profile continue to compete for the palm. In this article we will try to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of solid timber with a German profile, as well as houses built from such material.

Profiled timber “comb” – from theory to practice

To evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the beam profile we are considering, first let’s figure it out: for what purpose is it necessary to complicate something by changing the shape of the original beam? The main idea of ​​the technologist who came up with the “comb” profile was to reduce the thickness of the inter-crown seam as much as possible and eliminate the need to caulk the cracks between the beams. The shape of the comb was to ensure the tightest fit of the material when assembling the house. Ideally, walls built from such profiled timber should be almost monolithic. But this is only in theory; in practice, the situation is somewhat worse, as evidenced by not always flattering statements.

Pros and cons of the “comb”

Let’s proceed as follows: as the advantages of the “comb”, let’s take the information that marketers use to lure potential buyers - and there are all advantages and not a word about possible misunderstandings. By the way, all the advantages of such profiled timber from solid wood really take place, provided that its quality is not just good, but excellent. The fly in the ointment will be information from former developers who at one time chose profiled “comb” timber for the construction of a house - who else, if not them, should know about all the shortcomings of this building material.

Blowing through the walls is eliminated, the house retains heat better, and moisture physically cannot enter the space between the crowns.
– Wooden building materials are very capricious: they react to changes in humidity, the presence or absence of load. Therefore, it is impossible to fully predict their behavior. The timber can “turn out” when drying, and there is a high probability of cracks appearing between the crowns. Therefore, when it is necessary to use dowels, pins, etc. (more details in a separate article) to ensure a complete interlocking connection of the beams.
+ While living in wooden house You don’t have to worry about cracks appearing in the timber.
– Unfortunately, practice shows the opposite. Any array gives cracks. The only question is what size.
+ A house made of profiled timber does not require finishing work.
– If you intend to reside permanently in own home, then you will have to think about insulating its walls. Needless to say that after such work it will simply be impossible to neglect the finishing of the facade? And this is just one of the few reasons why in most cases finishing is carried out. Remember about the torsion of the timber due to its drying and the appearance of cracks between the crowns.
+ High speed construction and simplicity of the process.
– The described advantage is appropriate if the building materials are of really high quality and the builders are professionals in their field. By the word “quality” we mean that this is dry timber, which was stored in optimal conditions, under the word “professional” - builders will follow the technology, leaving no blind spots.

What you really can’t argue with is the environmental friendliness of profiled solid timber, whether it has a Finnish or a German profile.

  • Manufacturer. Choose only major market players. This can be an intermediary represented by the supplier, or the manufacturer itself. Beware of buying low-quality comb beams: today there are a lot of handicraft industries that are engaged in - do not trust them.
  • Humidity. Check the seller's words using a compact needle moisture meter. It is better to buy timber whose humidity does not exceed 20%. Make sure that the material is stored in appropriate conditions before and during construction.
  • There should be no cracks in the building material!

About prices for profiled timber (comb)

The cost of solid timber with a “comb” profile is slightly lower than for building materials with a Finnish lock. Material prices natural humidity start from 7500 rub. per cubic meter m., for dry – from 11,000 rubles. per cubic meter m. Much depends on the type of drying, % humidity, size and type of wood.

Northern technologies for building houses are optimally suited to the domestic climate. One of such countries is Finland. Finnish house designs made from profiled timber use building materials as the basis Russian production. The climate of this northern country is in many ways similar to ours. Therefore Finnish construction technologies can be adapted for Russia. Based on them, our specialists create houses that reliably protect their inhabitants from cold and noise. Functional and visually attractive wooden cottages are in great demand among Russians.

Features of Finnish timber house projects

Finnish house designs made from profiled timber have a number of specific characteristics:

  • Gable roof;
  • Open terrace;
  • A significant number of vestibules;
  • No need to build a massive foundation;
  • Low number of storeys.

Typically, such buildings are one-story or equipped with an attic. Despite their geometric simplicity, they are quite spacious inside. An integral element of the building is a terrace with a canopy. In Finnish houses there are no hallways, since the usable area begins directly from the threshold.

Finnish houses profiled timber creates a unique microclimate inside. This is due to the fact that construction material natural and not subject to any chemical treatment. Due to this, it fully preserves its inherent natural qualities and maintains the natural balance of oxygen and moisture.

Close attention is paid to the preparation process necessary materials for construction work. Finnish pine timber is an extremely durable material, which is due to the specific climate and technology of drying and subsequent sawing. Russian profiled timber is offered in standard length - 6 meters. Finnish materials are twice as long. The technology for producing timber has been continuously improved. All this made it possible to improve its technical parameters many times over.

The process of laying the beams itself is not particularly complicated. The elements are tied using dowels and tie rods. This invention belongs to the Finns, because in conditions local climate Metal fasteners showed a short service life. The client is offered a ready-to-assemble kit. The construction process itself takes a minimum of time and effort.

Finnish houses can be built using both regular and profiled timber. The second option is optimal due to its excellent performance parameters.

Advantages of Finnish house projects made of profiled timber

Residential buildings made from profiled timber according to a Finnish design are extremely reliable. The shrinkage of the building is minimal and equal to only 0.5%. Conduct construction works possible regardless of the season, all year round. The end result is a building with smooth walls, easily amenable decorative finishing in any way.

The range of advantages of this type of project is very wide:

A building made of profiled timber reliably retains heat inside in winter, and provides pleasant coolness in the summer heat. At the same time, wood remains the most environmentally friendly building material. Finnish house and profiled timber - perfect combination. It embodies a combination of advanced construction technologies and the traditions of Finnish architecture accumulated over centuries.

Profiled timber - optimal solution for the construction of houses Finnish technologies. This building material embodies the European level of quality. Finnish houses made of profiled timber organically combine comfort, durability and aesthetic appeal. The natural appearance of the tree will allow the newly built cottage to harmoniously fit into any surrounding landscape.

Individual modification of the Finnish timber house project

The development of a wooden house project is carried out taking into account the specific wishes of the customer. The planned area of ​​the future building and the required number of premises are taken into account for various purposes. Specialists strive to position the house on the site as successfully as possible. Factors such as cardinal directions, terrain slopes, and the presence of large trees and so on. Design wooden house blends harmoniously with the overall landscape.

Finnish houses made from profiled timber receive everything greater distribution. This technology has currently gained serious popularity among domestic developers. We offer clients interesting Finnish projects houses made of profiled timber with Russian character.

Today for construction wooden houses very often profile beams are used: comb, “Finnish” and beams with several teeth. What kind of material is this, why is it good and how does it differ from laminated veneer lumber?

Let's try to understand everything in detail.

So, first of all, let's look at what the difference is between.

Firstly, the name speaks for itself. Glued laminated timber is made from boards (lamellas) pressed and glued together, while profiled timber is essentially a solid log.

Secondly, glued laminated timber goes on sale already dried, while profiled timber dries for about a year after the construction of the house is completed.

Thirdly, the thermal insulation qualities of laminated veneer lumber are somewhat worse than those of its profiled counterpart. This is because a glued product has a layer of glue between the lamellas and this layer, by the way, tends to dry out in some cases, which, of course, reduces the thermal insulation characteristics of the wall.

In general, at first glance it may seem that glued products are better than profiled ones, but such a hasty and unambiguous conclusion cannot be made. The type of timber that should be used is influenced by many factors specific to a particular project. This includes the desired price of materials (profile wood is cheaper), the climatic conditions of the area where the object is located, and the purpose of the house.

Please also note that who made the material is of great importance.
In addition, the professionalism of the installers also plays an important role.
Perhaps they have a lot of experience in building houses from laminated veneer lumber, but they have never had to do anything from profile wood.
If in such a situation you build a house from profile beam, then most likely many mistakes will be made, and, you see, “blaming” the material for this will be somewhat illogical.
So what kind of timber to use depends only on the nuances of your specific situation.

We will return to the review of profiled logs.

Material properties

First of all, it is worth highlighting the fact that this material has a slightly different structure, the way it is connected to each other, and this to some extent affects its properties.

In particular, we are talking about the fact that timber profiles are different.

For example, a beam with “comb” type grooves is a log with many “teeth” located in the lower and upper planes. This is both bad and good at the same time.

Good - because no additional insulating tape is required between the logs, since due to large quantity teeth in the grooves, the possibility of cold air passing into the room is simply excluded.

But the bad thing is that such material is much harder to attach to each other. This is because after the logs are delivered to the site, they inevitably fall into conditions of changes in humidity and temperature, and accordingly lose their original shape.

That is, simply put, they become deformed and after that their teeth are very difficult to insert into the grooves of neighboring logs without using a sledgehammer. And using a sledgehammer can lead to cracks in the timber, which, of course, will reduce its thermal insulation qualities.

But if you do make a “comb”, it will turn out to be very durable and warm house or .

The second type of timber is the so-called “Finnish” profile. We can say that for construction this is the simplest and quick option. Because there are only two spikes here - at the edges, and accordingly, joining such logs is a very fast process. In addition, walls made of this profile practically do not shrink.

However, there are, of course, a couple of negative points:

  1. In order to connect such logs really tightly, you need not only to try very hard, but also to really understand this matter and be able to work with this particular material.
  2. A house made of this type of profile timber will not have good thermal insulation qualities unless a special inter-crown is placed between the logs.

It turns out that from the “Finnish” profile residential buildings it is quite possible to build, but it is very important not to forget about additional insulation.

The third profile option, which is often used when building houses from profile timber, is a “three or four tooth” beam. In fact, this is the most universal type of profile, since its tenons are wide enough not to deform during storage on site. That is, the material can be safely stored - it will be quite easy to install it.

As for thermal insulation characteristics, then, as a rule, for a not very harsh climate, a few Finnish profile spikes are enough to block the path of frost and wind. But if you live in northern regions, then, perhaps, it is better to use a “comb” beam.

As you can see, it is impossible to 100% correctly determine which timber profile is better - everything again depends on the nuances of the situation. It turns out that each type of material is good in its own way, but also has its drawbacks.

Advice: if you are planning to build a house with your own hands, but are not sure which type of material is best to choose, then at least play it safe and consult a professional about this.
It will not cost much, but the risk of making a wrong choice will be minimized.

Well, we’ve sorted out the types of timber, now let’s get down to it general overview properties of the material.


So, we can highlight the following advantages of this material and houses made from it:

  • This is 100% solid wood, the basis of which is such species as spruce, pine, Siberian larch or cedar. Wood processing is almost always performed using high-precision imported equipment.
    Thanks to this factor, the tenons fit very tightly into the grooves of adjacent logs, which, of course, gives the walls of the house high strength and eliminates the need to purchase numerous fasteners;

  • The structure of the profile beam does not contain any glue. This means that the strength of the product does not lose over time, and there will be no chemical fumes;

Please note that the absence adhesive compositions It also affects the internal microclimate in the room - in a positive direction.
Such houses made of profiled timber, or rather their walls, “breathe” very well, so to speak 100%, and all because their structure is completely natural and there are no artificial layers.
So if you want your house to be not only warm in winter, but also cool in summer, then a house made of profiled timber is really what you need.
If everything is done correctly, then on a hot day you won’t need any air conditioning!

  • Thanks to walls made of profile logs, heating costs are significantly reduced in winter period, it does not require any additional measures on insulation– curtain facades, “wet” and so on;
  • No standard exterior or interior finishing required interior walls . That is, the house will not need to be plastered, puttied, painted, wallpapered, etc. For what? After all, logs already have a magnificent appearance, agree;
  • There is no need to treat the timber with antiseptics, because this procedure is performed at the factory. Moreover, the effect from this is greater than from applying an antiseptic with your own hands, since the processing process at the factory takes place in an autoclave.
    This allows you to capture the maximum structure of the tree, and thanks to this it does not deteriorate for a very, very long time;

  • Relatively simple instructions assembling walls from profile timber. In fact, all that is required is to drive the tenons of each subsequent log into the grooves of the previous one as correctly and accurately as possible.

As you can see, it turns out that this type of timber is truly excellent material for building a house. Environmentally friendly indeed natural material, which is also easy to assemble and durable. And the price is relatively low, what else do you need?

You can use a calculator to calculate the amount of timber for construction:

Wall length


Wall width


Wall height


Section of timber

150x150 mm.

In principle, it can also be noted that almost all projects of houses made of profile timber do not provide for the design of buildings in the high-tech, modern, etc. styles. And this is understandable - after all, wood is wood, and such walls are only suitable for houses that claim to be environmentally friendly and natural.

So if you want to make a house in which stone or metal elements, then the profile log is clearly not the material you need.

But in general, it turns out that the material has many more advantages than disadvantages, so it is quite possible to use it.

Let's summarize.


We looked at how laminated veneer lumber differs from profiled timber, and also got acquainted with what types of profiles there are. In addition, we figured out the features of these logs. If you want to know more, then in the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

The specialists of the Vyatsky House company produce aluminum logs with a Finnish groove. The compound used is one of the most effective. The resulting log has better performance characteristics.

Production technology

After the log has been rounded, a recess is created on its lower part, and a spike is cut out on the upper part, formed by two parallel longitudinal grooves. After this treatment, the material has both a tenon and a groove. This compound has long been considered the most effective in terms of thermal insulation and wind protection.

Small spikes are also created in the groove of the log. This guarantees a tight fit of the jute insulation between the logs, which eliminates further caulking between the crowns in the wall.

Rounded log Finnish profile: main advantages

  1. Optimal protection against wind and cold penetration from outside.
  2. Uniform shrinkage of the house. It is ensured by the presence of special, hairpin or spring systems and a tight fit of the logs.
  3. Reducing the time and money spent on re-caulking. The inter-crown insulation is practically invisible.
  4. High rigidity of the log. The Finnish profile of rounded logs ensures maximum structural reliability. The house will last as long as possible.
  5. Easy to install. Even non-professionals can build a house using the presented rounded logs, design documentation and installation instructions. This is due to the fact that all the parts fit perfectly together. The tongue-and-groove system is as simple as possible to connect.

Of course, to create a log with the presented profile, special equipment is needed. We have it. Also, the specialists of the Vyatsky House company have the experience and necessary knowledge to cope with all the assigned tasks.

Your home kit will be created in no time! You can now order a rounded log with the most reliable profile. We will help you make the right choice!

House made of laminated timber

After completing the construction of a house made of laminated veneer lumber, the new owners are simply happy: warm, cozy, beautiful, modern. But for some of them, happiness does not last long: during the first real frost, it suddenly turns out that the corners of the log house, at best, smell cold, and at worst, they are covered with a thin layer of frost. Why is this happening? Let's try to figure out what technologies and insulation of joints are used in the construction of houses made of laminated veneer lumber. What can you do to prevent the corners of your house from freezing?

The ability of walls to save heat in houses not only made of logs, but also laminated veneer lumber is determined by the quality of the longitudinal connections of the crowns and corner notches. But if the corner cuts for both types of houses are the same: in the bowl (with the remainder) and in the paw (without the remainder), then laminated veneer lumber has a slightly different method of longitudinally mating the crowns. It became possible due to the timber being given a certain profile - tenons and grooves on the lower and upper surfaces. Taking into account the number and configuration of the latter, as well as the country of origin of their geometry, the profiles are conventionally divided into “Finnish” and “German”. How should such a beam be installed?

“Corner connections for low-rise buildings” describes in detail the dimensions of the above-mentioned bowls and how to cut them. But regarding the sealing of the areas where the elements adjoin each other, it is only recommended to provide gaps for installing gaskets that compensate for changes in the dimensions of the elements due to their shrinkage (shrinkage). Tape strips can be used as gaskets polymer materials, tow, foam or silicone sealants. That's all! In the absence of uniform rules, everyone is free to carry out compaction as they wish. Maybe this is where the reason for freezing corners lies? In this article we will try to show some of the used methods for sealing corner and longitudinal joints of laminated veneer lumber.

Glued laminated timber profiles: “Finnish” and “German”

The division of profiles into “Finnish” and “German” is arbitrary, but it is often used in construction practice. Both types of profiles, when properly executed, can guarantee high quality both wall and corner connections. However, it should be taken into account that the ventilation of walls and corners made of “Finnish” timber is largely determined by the correct installation of the elements and the laying of heat-insulating tapes.

In the “German” version, these factors only affect the ventilation of the corners, while the density of the longitudinal connection is determined mainly by the quality of the timber. As for the assembly options given in the article, the photo illustrates examples of connections of a high technical level and shows examples of the use of primitive technology.

“Finnish” profiles include complex geometry with insulation, for which thermal insulation is urgently needed, both for connecting bowls and longitudinal grooves. Along the edges of the lower beam there are connecting tenons, and at the upper beam there are grooves for them. The stepped groove located between the spikes is deeper in the middle and shallower at the edges.

A sealing tape is placed along its edges, and a wide synthetic fiber tape is placed in the middle. The groove is covered from the sides by the beveled edges of the upper beam. The connecting bowls are semicircular.

Variations of the “Finnish” profile and its connections

Center seal

Equipment for obtaining a complex profile, and especially bowls for it, costs a lot of money. To save on its purchase, many domestic and some Finnish companies produce a simplified profile with a seal only in the central groove, and the bowls are cut flat. This is the profile that is most common today.

Glued laminated timber - compaction in the center

Sealing on the sides

Another “economical” version of the profile from Finnish manufacturers, in which the seal is installed only above the spikes (assembly on sealant is also possible), thereby creating an almost wind-impenetrable obstacle. As in the previous version, the connecting bowls are made not semicircular, but flat (this is easier and cheaper).

Glued laminated timber - sealing on the sides

Bowl with windproof lock

Domestic manufacturers not only simplify the classical technology, but also creatively improve it: they have developed, for example, a complex wind lock that successfully prevents the joints from blowing, and additional insulation of the bowls eliminates the occurrence of cracks caused by changes in atmospheric humidity. Inter-crown seal - heat-insulating tape.

“German” profile for laminated veneer lumber

“German” profiles include products in which the geometry of deep grooves and ridges alone (without additional compaction) creates a longitudinal connection that is irresistible to cold and wind. At the same time, the number of ridges has been increased compared to the “Finnish” profile. Assembly should be made only from dry timber. The method of sealing the bowls depends on the size of the gaps in the connection.

"German" profile of laminated veneer lumber

Russian version of the “German” profile and its connections

Cutting bowls by hand

Some manufacturers, and even more so builders, simply do not have equipment for cutting bowls. In this case, builders cut out cups using a chainsaw and an ax, and then level their planes with the same chainsaw. In this case, there is no need to talk about the accuracy of the bowl’s manufacturing, and its sealing is achieved due to the insulation placed in the bowl.

Cutting bowls by hand when joining laminated veneer lumber

Assembly with sealant

Not trusting the accuracy of manufacturing the bowls and the profile of laminated timber promised by German equipment manufacturers, our builders coat not only the area in the bowl with sealant, but also the outer grooves of the timber. Instead of the latter, it would be better to treat the vertical surfaces of the bowls with the same sealant, because this is where the blown gap is formed.

Glued laminated timber - assembly with sealant

Reducing the number of spines

To save money and speed up the manufacturing process, domestic manufacturers of laminated veneer lumber create their own profile with more tenons than the “Finnish” one, but less than the “German” one. To reduce the airflow of the joints of such timber, one or two strips of any foam material are placed in them.

Glued laminated timber - reducing the number of tenons

Assembly with seal in bowl only

Large domestic manufacturers, who have no doubt about the quality of their own laminated veneer lumber with a “German” profile, always recommend sealing the connecting bowls during assembly. How? There is no consensus here. For example, some suggest doing this with flax-jute cloth, others with PSUL tape, etc.

Tyrolean lock for connecting “German” timber profiles into a claw

The configuration of the elements of the “Tyrolean castle” that recently appeared on the domestic market for connecting laminated timber in the corners is almost the same as when cutting logs “in an oblique paw”. Such locks are cut on specialized machines. Their geometry, combined with high precision manufacturing, makes it possible to increase both the strength of the joints and the wind and water resistance of the corners and do without seals.

Tyrolean castle

Simple Tyrolean castle

Unlike the “straight paw”, which is a rectangle in cross-section, the “oblique paw” has a trapezoidal cross-section. Its upper and lower planes are made with a slope, forming a “dovetail”, which significantly strengthens the connection. A simple Tyrolean lock can be sealed with PSUL tape, inserted into a rectangular groove on the side surface of the paws (the increase in price will be 0.5%).

Reinforced Tyrolean castle

To give the connection of logs made in an “oblique paw” greater strength, a tenon (“cut”) was cut out on the upper plane of the paw. In the family of “Tyrolean locks” there is also a variant of a reinforced connection: a tenon is cut on the side surface of the paw, and a groove is cut on the vertical surface of the beam, above the paw, for the tenon of the next beam (the price increase will be 8%).

Reinforced Tyrolean castle

Reinforced lock with spikes and seal

At the request of the customer, the Tyrolean castle can not only be strengthened, but also additionally sealed. To do this, a vertical groove of circular cross-section is milled on the side surfaces of the mating legs of the crowns from the inner corner, and a sealing harness made of polyethylene foam is inserted into it. At the same time, the energy consumption of the house is reduced by 10% (the increase in price will be 9%).

Lack of necessary regulatory documents and the optionality of fulfilling existing ones created conditions in the private sector for the flourishing of gangs of covens, which not only do not help to revive wooden house construction, but discredit new technologies. That is why the proverb “If it weren’t for the wedge and the moss, the carpenter would have died” is still alive, and the owners have to caulk the cracks in the wrong assembled houses from laminated veneer lumber. As for the assembly options given in the article, the photo shows methods for connecting corners to ensure they are airtight, as well as absolutely unacceptable connection options.