Blog wooden house construction. How to protect a wooden house from fire

Wooden house construction has been rapidly gaining popularity in recent years. This is not surprising, since wood is rightly considered one of the highest quality building materials. Thanks to its use, it is ensured high level comfort of living and creation of a favorable microclimate in the home. However, the material also has some disadvantages. One of the most significant is flammability, the presence of which necessitates the development of a set of measures to ensure the fire safety of a wooden house.

Fire safety rules in wooden houses

The protection of wood from fire is given serious attention in various existing regulatory documents and currently existing building codes and regulations. This circumstance has a completely logical explanation - fulfilling these requirements is an important stage comprehensive work, thanks to which fire safety in wooden houses is achieved.

The requirements of regulatory documentation are especially relevant for private housing construction. It is no secret to anyone that in this area of ​​construction work is often carried out without a normally developed project, “by eye”. That's why the rules fire safety in wooden houses built in a similar way, must be observed even more strictly.

Primary requirements current standards, standards and rules related to the protection of buildings from fire for the construction of buildings made of wood are as follows:

  • For fire safety reasons, the distance between wooden houses must be at least 15 meters. In some very rare and clearly defined cases, a clearance of 6 meters is allowed;
  • distance from the building to the fence or other structure erected on the borders land plot the enclosing structure must be at least one and a half meters;
  • installation on a plot of land adjacent to the house, a fire-fighting post, which must be equipped with various means of extinguishing fire, in particular, a fire extinguisher;
  • The work project must include a set of measures aimed at ensuring the required level of safety and including:
  1. fire protection work on structures and building elements;
  2. compliance and mandatory conditions, which provide fire safety rules for wiring in a wooden house and other electrical work;
  3. carefully follow the instructions when installing and operating gas and other hazardous equipment.

An important element common system ensuring fire safety is the installation automatic alarm and fire extinguishing equipment.

Ways to improve fire safety

There are currently enough a large number of a variety of materials and systems designed to improve the level of fire protection of wooden buildings. Methods and technologies that are usually used at the construction stage have become widespread, mainly involving the use of the following materials, often called fire retardants:

  • impregnation. They are used in the processing of almost all main house structures made of wood. In most cases, they are applied before installing the element during preparatory work. Complex compositions whose action combines antiseptic and fire-fighting effects have become very popular;
  • decorative varnishes and paints. Finishing and protective coatings are usually applied after the frame is assembled. Their purpose is not only to protect structures from fire, but also to give them an attractive appearance, while maintaining the natural and stylish texture of wood. The principle of operation of most of these compositions is based on a sharp increase in the volume of the material (swelling) when exposed to high temperature. As a result, a protective layer is created between the fire and the wood.

The building materials market currently offers a wide range of fire retardants that are intended for use in private wooden housing construction. The choice of a specific composition depends on the requirements of the building owner and his financial capabilities. It is quite obvious that more quality materials In the vast majority of cases, they cost more.

The need to comply with fire safety requirements in private housing construction using wood as the main material is beyond any doubt. Of course, an approach that provides for the maximum possible protection of the building from such a dangerous and unpredictable factor as fire can be called quite expedient and competent. Not only the safety of the property in the house, but also, what is much more important, the lives and health of its inhabitants depends on the level and quality of fire prevention measures carried out.


How to protect wooden house from a fire? How to ensure fire safety? Let's try to answer these questions.

Fire safetyof any house depends not so much on the material from which it is built, but on the quality of work on its engineering support and, in particular, on the electrical supply. And it is proper electrical wiring in a wooden house that ensures its safety. If all rules for electrical wiring, fireplace installation and other fire safety standards are followed, and the building materials used are certified, then there is no reason to worry. European standards in construction public buildings provide precisely wooden beams, because their collapse in case of ignition occurs three times slower.

Wood ignition(solid logs or beams) in the presence of an open flame occurs at 250-300°C, spontaneous combustion of wood at 360-400°C. However, the self-ignition temperature decreases to 150-160° if the wood is heated regularly (for example, near constantly operating stoves, chimneys). The most fire hazards in a wooden house frame structures(partitions, interfloor ceilings). A draft is formed in the cavity of the frame structure, which contributes to the combustion of the flame. For the same reason frame houses more fire hazardous than wooden houses.

It is extremely important to comply with fire safety standards during construction and design wooden houses.

What is important to consider:

Treatment of wood with fire-fighting compounds

Fire retardant treatment wooden structures It is produced by applying a special composition to the surface of a log or timber. Fire protection protective covering During combustion and heat, wood produces inert gases, thereby protecting it from the effects of fire, forming a layer of foam with heat-insulating properties.

Fire retardant impregnating compounds should be used for elements protected from direct contact with water. Impregnated exposed parts engineering structures must be protected with a special varnish.

When constructing wooden houses, it is advisable to treat at least rafter system, floor beams, places in contact with the most fire hazardous objects (stove, fireplace, electrical wiring). It is also recommended to treat frame partitions and interfloor ceilings, because the presence of voids in structures contributes to the spread of fire in the event of a fire. Voids in structures, especially air gaps, cause drafts and mutual heating, leading to fire. Therefore, for greater safety of your wooden house, experts advise using hollow-core solid structures.

It is also possible to treat all the walls of a wooden house with fire-retardant impregnating compounds, but this will be quite expensive. Do not forget that the main advantage of a wooden house, such as constant air exchange through the pores of the wood, will become significantly less after such treatment.

Electronic fire safety systems in a wooden house

Installation of fire safety systems is not mandatory and is carried out at the request of the homeowner. However, even in these conditions, the installation of fire protection systems, taking into account the requirements of the relevant SNiPs, ensures them maximum efficiency. Numerous cases from our practice indicate that a timely signal about a fire allows us to prevent the devastating consequences of a fire, the price of which is not comparable to the minimum cost of installing a fire protection system. Moreover, installing the simplest and cheapest smoke detectors in electrical distribution cabinets can prevent fires before they start. And according to statistics, the cause of the overwhelming number of household fires is electrical wiring.

In a country house, fire sensors are usually installed in technical and fire-hazardous rooms: boiler room, electrical room, garage, stairwells, second light, near the sauna, etc.

The user of an electronic fire alarm system must understand that the effectiveness of the system is ensured by the mandatory availability of working primary fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguishers various types, box with sand, shovel, etc.) provided for by fire safety rules.

Fire automatics

There are many types of automatic fire extinguishing systems: sprinkler, deluge, gas, etc. However, all these systems have industrial applications and, for a number of reasons, are not very suitable for everyday use.

The most acceptable means of automatic fire extinguishing household use are powder fire extinguishing modules. Compared to other types of autonomous fire extinguishers, powder modules are characterized by low price, ease of maintenance, and environmental safety. In addition, most powder fire extinguishing modules can operate both in electric start mode (based on signals from fire sensors) and in self-start mode (when the critical temperature is exceeded). Such modules are usually installed in technical and fire-hazardous rooms: boiler room, electrical room, garage, etc.

Powder fire extinguishing modules, complete with an electronic control unit, can be separated into a separate automatic fire extinguishing system, which in turn can also be an integral part of the system security and fire alarm system, if the control panel has control outputs for automatic fire extinguishing systems.

Fire insurance for wooden houses

Insurance companies accept wooden houses for insurance provided that the following fire safety requirements are met: double insulated wire must be provided for the wiring; It is prohibited to use fireplaces or stoves that have cracks or faulty doors; To protect floors, walls and partitions from fire, insulation is required. In addition, heating and electrical projects will be required by companies that have the appropriate permits for these activities.

Traditionally, country wooden houses are insured against the following types of risks: fire, lightning strike, explosion, fall aircraft, bay, natural disasters, burglary, robbery and robbery, broken glass, falling trees, poles, collision Vehicle. A full package of insurance for a wooden house will cost the client approximately 0.55% to 0.66% of the market value of the property, but damage from a possible fire is slightly cheaper.

From the point of view of fire danger, a private stone house is very similar to an apartment. However, in addition to the interior of the house (the fire load of which is 50 kg/1 sq.m.), frame structures, floors and ceilings, which are often made of wood, can also burn in it.

With a wooden house, I think everything is clear - it is completely defenseless against fire. If there is a fire, it will burn to the ground. However, from the point of view of the insurance company, if the foundation and furnaces with pipes remain, then their cost is deducted from the insurance amount (and this is up to 30% of the total cost). To get the maximum amount of insurance, you need to manage to keep the original policy (the insurer will not consider any other documents) and by the time the insurance company appraisers arrive, at least the chimney pipes should be on the ground.

The main sources of fire danger can be divided into 2 types:

1. The danger of fire is visible, well understood by the person (of course, when sober), and precautions can be taken. If a fire occurs, you can try to put out the fire:

a) Heating systems, stoves, fireplaces, boilers, etc. are faulty or operating at excessive levels;

b) Other sources of open fire in the form of a smoldering cigarette, a lit match, a gas stove burner or a kerosene kerosene stove (lantern, lamp);

c) Heat from electric heating devices;

d) Sparks from welding machines, problems with wiring, spontaneous combustion of substances and materials.

2. They are random and unforeseen.

a) Manifestations emergency work electrical appliances and devices (including those caused by the miracles of selelectro);

b) Natural phenomena such as lightning Type 1 ignition sources can lead to a fire only in case of extreme negligence, inattention and complete absence Suitable extinguishing agents are on hand.

A type 2 ignition source cannot be 100% excluded by any electrical means. Of course, correctly executed electrical wiring, RCD, etc. significantly reduce the risk, but do not eliminate it. How many of us are psychologically prepared for a TV or refrigerator fire? But we are running out of time, seconds are counting. If you can’t do anything with the fire in a minute, it’s better to leave, saving yourself.

WITH natural phenomena Usually it’s not great either, even the usual lightning rods for the city in holiday villages, villages, etc. usually not.

Speaking about the sources of fire, one cannot fail to mention criminal cases. The happiness of owning a House in the Village can turn into a big disaster if you don’t find the right format for communicating with your neighbors, in other words, you don’t position yourself correctly. The solution to this problem goes far beyond the issue of fire safety. Those who are thinking about purchasing can be advised to remember the ancient principle that says that like should come with like.

It is necessary to discard false stereotypes (this is Vladimir Rus' or a beautiful village church, etc.), calmly collect information about the village and its inhabitants. If some kind of conflict is already taking place, you need to be clear about the seriousness of the threat. You and your entire family could really be stabbed, poisoned, or burned alive in your house. If it is not possible to leave, you can only rely on your own attentiveness and caution.

Here are some general notes about the possibility of arson:

a) early spring and autumn are the period of exacerbation of many mental illnesses,

b) listen carefully to the children’s chatter (they can put everything out in plain text, the use of expressions like you are bad or incorrect, parents’ ban on communication should also be alarming)

c) extreme attention to detail - a burnt-out lantern near the house, strong wind from a neighbor’s house, absence of dogs on the street, signs of damage on logs and boards outside the house, etc.

d) the house is vulnerable to arson through vents in the foundation, joints between logs, places covered with short horizontal boards, kerosene or alcohol is often used for arson, less often a Molotov cocktail, sometimes thugs can simply throw a torch out the window

d) after the fire (if you managed to survive), be prepared to face severe pressure from firefighters, police, neighbors and all residents of the village, no one needs problems, everyone is comfortable blaming everything on you

Features of fire development

As with a fire in an apartment, during the first 10 minutes (of course, this is the average time), the fire spreads linearly along the combustible material. At this time, smoke fills the room, the flame is almost invisible; the temperature inside the room increases to 250-300°C, that is, to the ignition temperature of most combustible materials. After this, the fire enters the phase of volumetric development.

This phase is characterized by the instantaneous spread of flame throughout the room and in its various directions, depending on the combustible load of the room. If an entirely wooden house is burning, the flame at this time emits a characteristic low-frequency hum, and the fire may have a bright red or crimson color.

After another 10 minutes, the glazing is destroyed and the flow of fresh air increases, which sharply accelerates the development of the fire, which moves into the next phase: the temperature inside the room rises to 900°C, the burnout rate becomes maximum.

At 20-25 minutes from the start of the fire, the wooden structures of the house frame flare up. Thermal insulation materials type URSA begin to melt and spread out into puddles of molten glass. In old log houses (over 50 years old) the fire gets inside the rotted logs and it becomes impossible to put it out. It looks something like this: firefighters pour water on a wall engulfed in fire, the visible fire disappears, and thick smoke continues to come out of the cracks in the logs. As soon as they switch to another wall, the fire breaks out to the surface again.

Brick house with wooden floors burns for several hours, and entirely wooden for up to 12 hours.

The main threats to human life in a house fire

The main danger to human life in a country house is a fire at night, when a person is fast asleep. The likelihood of this event increases many times over if, in order to maintain a normal temperature in the house for life, it is necessary to heat stoves, boilers, etc. around the clock.

The fire that starts fills the entire house with carbon monoxide, closed doors no problem for him. Carbon monoxide colorless and odorless, waking up on time in this situation is simply a miracle. At the first stage of a fire, the flame usually emits a characteristic low-frequency hum, hard to hear, but with awareness and a great desire to live, it can awaken a sleeping person.

Psychological lack of readiness to act in case of fire. Imagine that in the situation described above you were lucky and woke up. That's only half the battle. Most likely, you will have a headache, your heart rate will increase, and thoughts will be hard to toss and turn in your head. You will, struggling with almost mystical horror, frantically try to analyze the reasons for your condition. You come to the conclusion that this is not a dream or a sudden heart attack and go to inspect the house. If you walk without turning on the light, you may not notice the smoke in the room. Entering the room where the fire has started, you can see the entire wall of your house, along which a muted glow shimmers from crimson to bright red. The pulsation of color and brightness occurs under a rhythmic, low-frequency hum, inducing a state of trance. It is difficult to take your eyes off, it is difficult to concentrate on what and how to do for your salvation. Contemplation can take away several precious moments from you. If you didn’t think to hold your breath out of amazement, then most likely this will be the last thing you see in this life.

Possible overestimation of one's strength and underestimation of the danger during extinguishing, together with the realization that everything is lost, with virtually no possibility of restoration, can lead the owner of a house to death in a fire. Waiting for help from firefighters, especially in rural areas, is almost hopeless. At best, they will be able to save only part of the house, and the neighbors’ houses, of course. You've probably seen these charred skeletons of roofless houses more than once. Restoring such a house is not much easier than building a new one. Neighbors with buckets and hooks will only help to save part of the property; they will not be able to put out the fire that has broken out.

Inability to leave a burning room. Typically leave Vacation home easier than an apartment in multi-storey building. A real threat to life arises only if there are bars or shutters on the windows, even just a window small size with removed handles may serve poorly in a fire. Outbuildings: baths, saunas, sheds, stables, etc. can also turn out to be a trap for humans.


Unlike a city apartment, where after a fire the owner still has walls and a roof over his head, a country house, especially wooden type hut, burns completely.

The situation can be corrected by making wooden structures completely non-flammable. To do this, all wooden parts of the house must be treated with a fire retardant compound. Preparations based on fire retardants (trademark ASFOR) do not change the structure of the wood, do not leave streaks, and are harmless to humans after drying. When applied to fresh lining, they give it a faint yellowish tint, like tanned wood. Of course, it is better to do this during the construction stage, but it can be done after.

You can do this in stages. For example, buy a canister once a quarter, start treating it from the space near the stove, then the attic, then the bathhouse, etc.

Autonomous smoke detector type IP212-07SI, powered by a KRONA battery, will give a signal in time (with a power of up to 85 dB) at the earliest stage of smoke occurrence.

Most effective means To extinguish a fire detected at an early stage, a fire extinguisher is located in an accessible place. If the house has two floors and complex system stairs, such as spiral ones, it is better to have a fire extinguisher on each floor. It is useful to have several fire extinguishers: carbon dioxide and powder. A universal powder fire extinguisher is well suited for extinguishing fires over a large area. The powder fire extinguisher remains operational in deep negative temperatures, which makes it possible to store it in unheated rooms such as a canopy. A carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is convenient for extinguishing small fires, live electrical appliances, etc. As a result of its use, no traces of the fire extinguishing agent remain. For effective use, it is advisable to store carbon dioxide fire extinguishers at positive temperatures.

Given the large, flammable load, especially in all-wooden houses, it is advisable to have a large-capacity powder fire extinguisher. The presence of an industrial, insulating self-rescuer (SPI-20 or SPI-50) in the household significantly increases the likelihood of surviving and maintaining health in the event of a fire.

It is good to use a self-rescuer during fire extinguishing. The self-rescuer is universal; it can be used by a person wearing glasses or a beard, and the regenerative cartridge provides the possibility of normal breathing for more than 20 minutes.

Fire safety is one of the key requirements for any kind of architecture. This is especially true when it comes to wood. This requirement reveals itself already at the stage of drawing up the design of the future house, and manifests itself with renewed vigor at the moment when, moving into a newly built house, we begin to most directly feel and correlate our safety with the security of our home.

So what can and what needs to be done today in order to protect your home from fire?

Wooden house

Today we can see how the demand for . This is largely due to the trend towards environmentally friendly and natural materials.

Many people are attracted by the comfort and elegance of wooden architecture. Others fall under the spell of her plastic sophistication. Anyway, wooden architecture Along with all its advantages, it also has obvious weaknesses arising from the very nature of the material.

Regardless of whether you are building a house according to individual project and whether you come face to face with this issue at a very early stage, or purchase an already built house, fire safety always remains a pressing issue.

Automatic fire extinguishing system

However, detectors with their sound warning will not help if a fire occurs when the owners are not home. For such cases there are automated systems extinguishing.
This is a complex system that includes various sensors, transmitting a fire notification signal through the processor to extinguishing devices - sprinklers and irrigators. These devices, in turn, use a foam composition to eliminate the fire that has arisen.

Nevertheless, despite the fact that at the moment such systems are far from new and there are a huge variety of them, almost all of them are adapted for functioning in industrial buildings. The inconvenience of foam fire extinguishing at home is obvious - such compositions cause significant damage to furniture and household items. In residential premises, extinguishing systems based on powders seem to be more common.

Fire protection means for wooden houses

Today we have a fairly extensive selection of tools at our disposal. fire protection architectural structures. They can be divided into two broad categories: structural method and chemical protection.

In the first case, we are talking about compliance with certain design standards. Thus, the primary condition for fire safety is the location of wooden structures and flammable substances and materials on safe distance from open fire sources and heating devices. The constructive method to a certain extent insists on the use of laminated veneer lumber and cement mortar– when plastering premises. Both materials are highly resistant to fire.

Chemical protection wooden building consists in the use of special refractory compounds for treating house walls. The mechanism of the fire-fighting effect of such impregnations is that on the wood treated with them, when exposed to fire, a protective film is formed that does not burn, but melts. As a result of melting, the refractory coating swells, forming air cushion between themselves and the tree. This “buffer” prevents the wood from heating up quickly and igniting, so the fire can be stopped at the initial stage.

Precautionary measures

When building a wooden house, one of the first concerns in connection with fire safety should be the thought of an adequate gas and electrical supply, ventilation system and ovens.

It is extremely important to pay due attention to the issue of choosing building materials that meet fire resistance requirements. For example, following high safety standards, it is necessary to prefer beams made of wood that has been treated in advance with a special fire-resistant compound.

By the way, it is a widely known fact that wooden beams do not collapse in a fire as quickly as, say, concrete beams.

Fire-fighting compounds

To protect wooden structures from fire, special compounds are used today, which should be used to impregnate the wood with some regularity. They prevent fire by forming inert gases that protect wood when exposed to open fire, turning into a heat-insulating mixture when heated.
In addition, as an additional fire retardant, special paints and insulation materials that have fire-preventing properties are often used.

Electronic fire safety system

We must not forget that the main means of protection against fire are preventive measures. Today these are, first of all, various sensors that record the level of smoke or fire spread.

The purpose of such devices is to notify the owners of the house about the danger that has arisen, and to promptly signal a fire to the rescue service. The most common type of fire detector today is a smoke detector, a compact, easy-to-use and inexpensive device. When detecting smoke in a room, the detector emits a sound signal.

There are two types of smoke detectors: photoelectric and ionization. And if an ionization detector is capable of catching the smallest particles of smoke, then a photoelectric detector is more sensitive to fire. It is believed that the best way protecting your home from fire combines both types of detectors. Such a device is called a multisensor detector.

What to do in case of a fire in the house

Actually, despite all the preventive measures, fires start one way or another. In such cases, you should not rely on amateur efforts, but call the fire department. However, while waiting for rescuers, you should not waste time, but try to localize (if not completely eliminate) the source of the fire. To do this, it is absolutely necessary to have one or more fire extinguishers in a wooden house.

Important – informing children

It is extremely important, if children live in the house, to teach them how to behave and react correctly in the event of a fire. As often happens, kids can behave unpredictably, for example, when they get scared, they hide instead of leaving the room together. Find it possible to explain to your child not only that matches are not a toy, but also the basic procedure to follow in the event of a fire.

Be that as it may, it is impossible to foresee everything when trying to protect your home from the danger of fire. That is why – especially in the case of a wooden building – it is absolutely necessary to insure the house. It must be remembered that in order to avoid problems with the insurance company, first of all you should make sure of the quality of the insulation, the absence of cracks and other defects of stoves or fireplaces, and also carefully treat all wooden elements of the house’s structure with a refractory compound.

Got a new building? New house– this is simply excellent! However, it is made of wood, which, of course, makes it very attractive, but fire safety must also be at its best. Are there any means by which you can independently protect your home from fire? Let's talk about fire safety of a wooden house.

Frame houses

Wooden houses from panels, or in other words - frame houses, are also made of wood and pose an even greater threat of spontaneous combustion than wooden ones. How to protect yourself in this case? The only right decision would be to carefully check all the documentation for the house, or to participate in the construction of this facility in order to carefully monitor compliance with all standards.

Wood processing compounds

The main step in the fight to make a room “non-flammable” is treating the wood with special compounds. Enough means have been developed for such purposes; some of them are used to treat wood, some of them are impregnated. The work of the compositions is to envelop the wood and create on it protective film. This film, at the moment of contact with open fire, does not allow it to catch fire. wooden beam, and also releases inert gases, which also prevent fire.

A variety of materials with fire-retardant properties are also commercially available. They are the ones that need to be used in the construction of a wooden house.

All parts located in the house and in contact with a possible source of fire must be treated with a fire-resistant compound. The same composition must be used to cover all partitions in the house, load-bearing beams and interfloor ceilings. It is important to remember that any structures that form tunnels (chimneys, ventilation shafts) create air draft and can spread the flame in a matter of minutes. Architects advise against reproducing in wooden houses similar structures. If you have the finances, the best fire prevention is to cover all surfaces with a fire retardant. All construction supermarkets offer a wide range similar means. Another advantage of this treatment will be thermal insulation. As you know, wood “breathes” through the pores in the fibers. This is what leads to the penetration of cold air from the street into the house and warm air from the house outside.

Electronics will help in the fight against fire

An excellent method of fighting fire for your property is fire alarm. Of course, its installation will cost a pretty penny, but if you compare this cost with possible losses, then the benefit from the installation is still great. We also note that you should not save on installation. If the decision is made in favor of an alarm system, then you need to install the best one and according to all the rules, otherwise the saying “the miser pays twice” may come true.

If we consider real cases of fires in houses where there was a fire alarm, you can see statistics of quick extinguishing and, as a result, better safety of the property of the owners of the houses.

As you know, the greatest fire hazards are objects with open flames (stoves, fireplaces) and electrical wiring. If possible, it is better to install at least the most basic smoke detection sensor in such places. Even the most modest device will be able to notify the start of a fire and even prevent the outbreak of fire.

It is better to place sensors of the electronic alarm system in all possible places of fire: next to the heating boiler, gas stove, fireplace, stove, closet with wiring, in the garage and so on.

Of course, we should not forget about standard fire safety rules and fire extinguishing means. Every home should have basic fire extinguishing supplies: a bucket, a fire extinguisher, a shovel.

Fire extinguishing automation

There are various systems automatic control for the environment:

  1. Gas automation system;
  2. Splinker automation;
  3. Deluge automation.

These systems work well in industrial buildings, on large areas, but are not very suitable for residential buildings. The powder automatic control system has gained wide popularity among consumers. The main advantages of this system are: affordable price, environmental safety, ease of operation. For the most part, such an installation operates at the command of the main fire safety system or as an independent unit, provided that an external temperature limiter is installed in it (if the temperature in the room exceeds the set threshold, powder release will be triggered).

Any powder installation combined with an electronic fire extinguishing system is automatic system fire extinguishing Currently, automatic tracking systems are actively used in conjunction with fire safety systems. Such complexes are called "smart", which is why houses equipped with these systems are called " smart houses"If a fire occurs in such a house, the systems begin to work together and can independently extinguish the fire.


A wooden house requires mandatory insurance. However, not a single one Insurance Company will not insure your home without a thorough fire safety inspection. The following will be subject to inspection:

  1. Electric wires;
  2. Fireplaces and stoves, for cracks;
  3. Draft in fireplaces, stoves and wooden structures;
  4. All surfaces in the house should be treated with fire-retardant compounds;
  5. Projects of gas ducts, electrical wiring, heating systems Houses.

Insurance usually includes many risk factors: fire various kinds, flooding, explosions, robberies and so on. Insurance costs about half a percent of the cost of the building. Most often, uninsured houses, in the event of disasters, bring losses to their owners approximately equal to this amount, or even more.

Video with fire safety rules for wooden houses