Scandinavian houses. Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian projects. Scandinavian style houses

Projects of Scandinavian wooden houses can be considered examples rational organization internal space, in such a house you can ideally combine the desires and needs of the owners of traditional houses in Scandinavian style. Using modern construction and engineering technologies in tandem with original design solutions give the architects of the Design Workshop "DK-Dom" the opportunity to create a project for a comfortable and modern home in Scandinavian style.

Originality and comfort of Scandinavian houses from DK-Dom

The design workshop “DK-Dom” focuses its work on the creation of individual projects; the created projects of houses in the Scandinavian style are fundamentally different from those that we are used to seeing around us when traveling outside the metropolis. The Scandinavian house stands out for its unique façade design, functionality and carefully thought out layout to the smallest detail.

All created projects in our company vary depending on the degree of complexity - they can be small one-story houses in Scandinavian style, spacious two-story buildings with an attic or full second floor. As a rule, on the ground floor there is a space for relaxation - a living room, functional room– kitchen with dining room for dinners with family or friends. There are also other necessary premises For comfortable life- hallway, san. unit, boiler room, bedroom or office and utility room. The second floor is often designed as a space for relaxation - bedrooms, children's rooms, an additional bathroom. a unit with a bathroom and possibly a wardrobe.

The attractiveness of Scandinavian-style houses

  • In their shape, houses in the style of the inhabitants of northern countries resemble traditional Russian housing, since timber or rounded logs are more often used for the construction of these houses;
  • Naturally designed facades are very popular; Scandinavians believe that the natural color of wood is attractive and individual in itself;
  • A unique feature in such a house will be large windows or the presence of a panoramic terrace, these architectural elements caused by long winters and short daylight hours in northern countries in order to enjoy as much as possible natural light in their homes;
  • A fireplace or hearth in a spacious living room is an integral attribute of a Scandinavian home, which will create comfort and bring your family together for a pleasant time;

A house built in the Scandinavian style will guarantee a healthy atmosphere and comfortable life for you and your family.

One of the first questions that arises when you think about building a house is what will it be like? After all, you want the house to be not only beautiful, but also cozy and comfortable to live in.

Most likely, you will first try to draw your “ perfect layout" on one's own. But I’m more than sure that you will very quickly encounter a number of difficulties - how to “shove in what can’t be squeezed in”, how to arrange windows, doors... to make everything so that it is comfortable and beautiful and nothing superfluous.

It is no coincidence that people study to become architects and designers. Everything is not as simple as it seems. Therefore, in my opinion, the best way is to search for a “donor”, ​​a ready-made house project that best suits your desires and requirements.

You will type in Yandex or Google something like “ finished projects" or " standard projects"and you will consider many domestic projects. Perhaps you will find something, or perhaps you will be disappointed.

Why are Scandinavian projects better than Russian ones?

In short, Scandinavian houses are much more thoughtful, rational and comfortable to live in than the vast majority of domestic ones.

Russian projects are very specific. We do not have much experience in designing private houses. Village houses were always built “with their own minds,” without “conveniences” and other bourgeois excesses, and professional designers and architects were taught to build large buildings and apartment buildings.

Hence the specificity of domestic projects - the emphasis on catchy appearance, despite the fact that interior layouts often not thought out and made according to an “apartment” model, not taking into account the specifics country house and living in it.

The space is not used efficiently, there are no extremely useful (and often necessary) utility rooms, etc. But there are many useless halls and corridors. Which waste the space you will pay for during construction.

But behind spectacular facades this is often not noticeable. Understanding comes later, when the house is built, the money is spent, and you understand what should have been done differently.

Once I came across a project for a house of 250 square meters, of which, upon closer examination, about 100 square meters were halls and corridors. That is, in fact, wasted space. But if you take a more rational approach to the use of space, then instead of a house on 250 m2, it would be quite possible to build a house on 180 - with the same set and area of ​​premises that carry some useful function. But in order to make the planning rational, you need to really strain your brain. It is much easier to increase the area and insert a couple of corridors. After all, it is not the designer who will pay for these square meters during construction.

Therefore, in my opinion, it would be more correct to turn to foreign experience. And first of all to the experience of northern Europe and Scandinavia.

Why them?

Because in these countries they know how to count money, they love comfort, but at the same time they do not like to spend too much. The layouts of Finnish, Norwegian, and Swedish houses are extremely well thought out. And the climate and related features of the houses are closer to ours than, say, Spanish or Polish houses

All space is used very rationally. Appearance, layout - everything is balanced.

Can I make my own changes to the Scandinavian project?

It is possible, but very carefully. I repeat, most Scandinavian projects have already been thought out to the smallest detail. Therefore, an attempt to independently “redevelop” or change one thing to another may lead to you ending up with a completely different house. And it’s not a fact that it will be as comfortable and beautiful as in the original picture.

Therefore, ideally, you need to look for a project that suits you with minimal changes. Or be very aware of what you are doing and how it will look in reality.

Let me give you a small example. Below is a photo of the “donor” and its implementation with some façade changes.

It would seem like nothing at all. Windows without glazing; façade board cladding was replaced with siding; wide white windows were removed decorative elements, they made the porch a little smaller. It seems like a small thing. But in the end it turned out to be a different house. Not bad - but just different. Not the same as in the picture.

Where can I find a project for a Finnish or Scandinavian house?

There are only two options

Option one - find it in Scandinavia

In Finland and Scandinavia, standard construction is very common, which is carried out by both small firms and large concerns. Such companies usually have catalogs of manufactured houses.

Actually, your task is to study the websites of these companies, see what they offer and choose a Scandinavian or Finnish house for subsequent implementation. Although, to be honest, this cannot be called a project. Rather, it is the appearance and layout from which you can build. Since buying a ready-made project with all the documentation abroad is quite problematic. But having sketches in hand - the layout and appearance of the house, you can already make a “replica” of this house.

Not all sites have a Russian or English version. Moreover, this version may be “shortened”, so for completeness of information, it is better to look at the original site.

To make it easier to navigate sites, you can use Google's automatic translator ( - just enter the site address in the translation field.

Or use the tips given below in the text.

Option two - search on the Finnish House

We have been working towards this for a long time and have finally made our catalog of Scandinavian and Finnish house designs. Faced with the need to search for a suitable project on several dozen foreign sites, which were also constantly changing, we gradually began to drag projects from Scandinavian sites to ours. And now on Finnish house more than 2,500 Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish houses, with convenient search based on basic criteria. By the way, when viewing a project in our catalog, pay attention to the “description” tab, there is helpful information and a link to the original project.

  • projects of Finnish houses with a sauna - which one? Finnish house no sauna?
  • projects of Finnish houses with a garage - after creating the catalog, I was surprised to find that the Finns have quite a lot of such projects
  • projects of Finnish houses up to 100 m2 - small houses have their own charm, except for one thing, they turn out to be expensive to build
  • projects of Finnish houses made of laminated veneer lumber - by the way, such a house can always be made in a frame version 😉

If you haven’t found your option, try searching in the catalog itself using the search form in the sidebar.

If you like to work with primary sources, below you will find links to Finnish and Scandinavian sites that served as a source of projects for our catalog.

Finnish house designs

Everything related to houses has a root in Finnish talo- which is noticeable even from the names of the companies. For example, Omatalo is one of the largest concerns in Finland and Scandinavia.

Accordingly, on websites, look for sections related to talo in one way or another - usually the directory is hidden under the word talot (houses), talomallistomme, talopaketit, etc. as well as mallistot (collections). Hints: kerros - number of floors, Huoneistoala - living area, Kerrosala - total area.

And it doesn’t matter whether the company builds houses from laminated veneer lumber or frame houses; any project can be adapted to frame technology.

Also read my
http://www.finnlamelli.fi rus/models talomallisto
http://www.aatelitalo.fi Hirsitalot.627.html Hirsihuvilat.628.html catalog.html

Hints - husen (house) planritningar (layout), Vära hus (choose a house)

CompanyCatalog page_id=36
http://www. start php

Norwegian house projects

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Various changes are constantly taking place in the construction industry - new technologies are emerging, effective tools and durable materials are being created, and the constant exchange of experience allows the use of technologies that have long proven their effectiveness in other regions. One of the striking examples is Scandinavian houses, the projects of which are offered by many contracting organizations. Such buildings have already firmly occupied their niche in the market - they are distinguished by their natural beauty and attractiveness, therefore they look good in our realities.

Scandinavian houses are modern in all respects, because when designing, much attention is paid to ergonomics, energy saving, and environmental friendliness. Designers use various techniques to rationally use free space. Ease of use, reliability and durability come first, which is why such housing is quickly gaining popularity among various categories of people.

Scandinavian houses are reliable, comfortable and durable

Features of the Scandinavian style

Despite the apparent simplicity of the facade at first glance, Scandinavian-style houses hide a whole range of the latest techniques for rational use of space and energy saving technologies. Typical Scandinavian houses have several main features.

    Strict rectangular or square shapes;

    Low number of storeys;

    Simple design without bright colors;

    Equipped attic or attic, glazed terrace;

    Large windows letting in a lot of daylight;

    Gable roof.

Scandinavian houses fit well into the natural landscape; they literally become part of the surrounding nature. You can often find structures finished on the outside with unplaned boards, which, in addition to being aesthetic, also serve as additional protection for the facade from wind and precipitation. For the construction of Scandinavian houses, natural materials are used - natural wood.

One more distinctive feature A Scandinavian home is the rational use of interior space. It visually increases thanks to proper zoning without the use of partitions when correct design interior

Wood scandinavian house in traditional style

IN construction industry For a long time now there have been frame houses built according to Scandinavian technology. But since in different countries construction technology has been honed in its own way, then in the proposals of developers you can find house kits for prefabricated frame construction from the American or Canadian, Finnish, Norwegian, etc. There are no significant and fundamental differences between them, because similar technologies are used. Usually, a lot depends on the specific company that is engaged in construction and design design, but all of these are Scandinavian houses one way or another.

Types of frame house kits

In America at home frame technology They are building entire villages. They purchase land, carry out communications, import house kits, and sometimes parts of future houses are made right on the building site. After assembly, frame houses are put up for sale en masse. Americans are already buying more often ready-made houses than order their construction.

In Europe, the situation regarding the construction frame houses slightly different - “samostroy” is more popular here, but not spontaneously, as in Russia, but systematically, with the involvement professional designers, designers and other specialists required in construction areas. In Europe, most often ready-made panels for frame house brought to the construction site and then assembled.

Photo of a Scandinavian house project built according to a Norwegian design

In Russia, the traditions of private construction are somewhat different. With us, the owners themselves often take on the design and design selection tasks. This is wrong unless you have an architectural and design background. It is clear that every person wants to build a house the way he sees it, but without specialized knowledge it is almost impossible to at least “link” together premises made from different building materials. Qualified specialists know all such nuances, plus, they will definitely take into account all your wishes and ideas regarding the design, construction and decoration of a frame house using Scandinavian technology.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

There is no clear line between approaches to the production of frames, but they can be divided into four groups:

    consisting of pre-prepared parts, which are then simply assembled on the construction site;

    consisting of parts of minimal readiness (without finishing);

    consisting of partially finished modules that are installed on a finished foundation;

    consisting of fully completed blocks.

Thus, on construction site Either ready-made blocks are delivered that are simply assembled together, or individual parts. Subsequently, specialists are engaged in assembly.

This is what the initial stage of building a Scandinavian house looks like

The higher the degree of readiness of the frame house parts, the faster the construction is carried out directly on site. However, prefabricated blocks are much more difficult to transport and will require the use of heavy machinery for assembly. Therefore, most often, minimally completed modules are used, from which the frame is assembled, and after that specialists do the finishing.

Features of the construction of frame houses using Finnish technology

Many consumers, and even construction companies, prefer Finnish technology construction of frame houses in the Scandinavian style. Despite almost similar technology to others, the Finnish one differs in the design features of some structural elements.

Foundation. An insulated Swedish stove is used as the base. It is a platform made of dense polystyrene, which serves as insulation, reinforcement, electric underfloor heating and concrete screed. Communications are made in advance. The heat-protective sides at the ends are made of the same insulation. To build such a foundation, you will need a pit with a layer of crushed stone and sand. The technology for constructing such a foundation is more expensive than others, but also provides a guarantee of results.

The main advantage of such a foundation is the presence of a finished heated subfloor; the owner will no longer have to install heating radiators in the house. The stove acts as a good heat accumulator; even if the heating is turned off, the positive temperature will remain in the house for several days.

The disadvantage of an insulated slab is the complexity of the installation in areas with a significant slope.

Sheathing interior walls insulation

Roof. The roof truss system of a Scandinavian house is a structure assembled from trusses, which are cut from laminated veneer lumber and then assembled. Depending on the project being implemented, they can have many configurations.

Trusses are such a rigid, durable structure that they are even used for attics. Here they include attic walls and ceilings. This allows you not to worry about the walls “moving apart” under the pressure of the roof.

The rafter elements are monolithically sewn with the beams of interfloor and attic floors.

As roofing material When constructing frame houses using Finnish technology in America, only soft tiles. In Europe, metal tiles can be used, natural, soft, composite tiles, standing seam roofs.

Frame. The main material for assembling frames, according to the Finnish technology of building houses in the Scandinavian style, is dry edged wooden boards; sometimes glued laminated timber is used. In some cases, LVL timber is used - a material similar to plywood, but with parallel veneer fibers instead of transverse ones.

A distinctive feature of a frame house built using Finnish technology is the presence of a transom insert. This is a board “recessed” under top harness(V vertical racks). Serves as an additional strapping that rigidly secures the racks. Usually the crossbar is made from LVL timber, but sometimes an ordinary board is used.

By strengthening the frame with a crossbar, there is no need to make double strapping and reinforce it with horizontal inserts above the window openings (headers).

Video description

Video review of a Scandinavian house built according to a Finnish design:

Wind protection and external wall cladding

Frame houses in the Scandinavian style are sheathed on the outside with soft slabs with good vapor permeability. Americans usually use OSB3 insulation boards, but according to Finnish and Norwegian technology, such material is used only from the inside of the house.

There are a few constructive solutions, allowing the skin to perform its tasks most fully:

    strengthening corners with plywood bevels (thanks to fasteners made of plywood, important joints of elements are strengthened, then the wind protection is fixed;

    drywall for exterior finishing provides additional rigidity, serves as partial vapor-permeable insulation and wind protection, but despite the budget, it is practically not used in Russia;

    MDVP with water-repellent properties is a soft wood-fiber board, compared to plasterboard, it is lighter but stronger.

MDVP increases the sound insulation properties of walls, gives the frame additional rigidity, additionally strengthens and protects from wind. In Russia, this material is popular directly as wind protection during the construction of frame houses.

According to the Norwegian technology for building Scandinavian-style houses, the outside walls need not be additionally sheathed at all, but there must be a ventilated gap on the facade.

Exterior wall cladding for a Scandinavian style house project

Facade finishing

Scandinavian houses can be faced with any material, but the Finns prefer to use boards of different configurations with dense body paint in 2-3 layers. The boards for façade cladding are processed relatively roughly and are nailed without “sweating.” Sometimes the walls of a Scandinavian house are plastered. But in any case, facades are made predominantly ventilated.

In Russia the situation is completely different. If wood is used as cladding for external walls, it is well processed and does not exclude the application of special compounds that preserve the wood texture. The boards are fastened so that nails and screws are not visible. In addition to boards, plasters, mainly polymer, and even vinyl siding, despite the fact that in Scandinavian frame construction it is practically not used. But brick cladding is most popular in Russia.

A common mistake is the distrust of Russians in the organization of ventilation products. Due to their absence, the facade is not ventilated, which leads to a decrease in thermal insulation characteristics walls This occurs due to the moistening of the insulation; as a result, the service life of the frame is significantly reduced.

Wall insulation

Northern European builders lay a layer of mineral wool 50 cm thick, and for walls from 25 to 30 cm. The vapor barrier most often is ordinary polyethylene film, but sometimes special patented developments are used.

The inside of the wall pie of a Scandinavian house using Finnish technology, from the frame inwards, looks like this:

    racks with insulation;

    a vapor barrier layer, which is necessary to protect the walls from moisture and does not allow increasing the thermal conductivity of the insulation due to moisture;

    internal transverse lathing with insulation (many horizontal cavities created in the space between the transverse slats are filled with insulating material;

    material for interior cladding.

This scheme is general, applied according to Finnish technology. But the composition of the wall sandwich frame houses is not related to geographic characteristics and in most cases depends on the manufacturer of parts and modules.

Video description

Stages of insulation of frame houses using Finnish construction technology on video:

Windows of a Scandinavian house

Particular attention is paid to windows, because they must not only fit general style, but also technically suitable for a frame structure. In this regard, popular in Russia plastic windows don't always fit.

According to the Finnish technology for constructing a frame house in the Scandinavian style, two wooden frames are installed for each window opening. In this case, the inner frame is always equipped with double glazing, while the outer frame can only have one. Sometimes with outside install an aluminum frame.

Panoramic windows are one of the features of the Scandinavian style


Before starting construction of a new Scandinavian house, a detailed project is drawn up, which takes into account all the details, including communications. For this, specialists are brought in to make the necessary calculations, and the builders strictly follow the plan when constructing the cottage.

Heating. Most often in Scandinavian houses they install electric heating. As a rule, there is a heated floor on the ground floor; radiators or electric convectors are installed in the attic. Scandinavian countries have flexible tariffs for electricity supply, unlike Russia, so cases of gasification of a frame house are not uncommon in our country.

Electricity. Electrical wiring lines are hidden in the cavities between the frame and the inner lining, and the wires are not packaged in steel or corrugated tubes. As for safety, its main emphasis is on accurate calculation of the electrical network, wire cross-section and proper installation. Therefore, even small frame house provided by a variety of controllers and autonomous units. Thanks to this approach, the risk of a fire due to a bad socket or overheating of the wire is reduced to a minimum.

Ventilation. Ventilation schemes can be completely different and depend on cost. Someone chooses full-fledged ventilation systems with recuperators, others prefer valves installed directly into the wall and working in conjunction with forced exhaust hoods.

Connection of communications during the construction of houses using Finnish technology


Scandinavian houses are perfect for Russian conditions. Modern materials, used in construction, a competent approach to the design and construction of a frame house provide comfort at any time of the year. If you want to live in a Scandinavian home, professional architects and designers are ready to offer you a variety of ready-made solutions Finnish, Swedish and German “frameworks”, thought out to the smallest detail. They are completely ready for implementation taking into account your wishes.

Scandinavian house with an attic - fits perfectly into the surrounding landscape

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The SVDom company presents thoughtful projects of beautiful wooden houses. The Scandinavian style is popular among Russians and came to us from the northern countries: Norway, Sweden, Denmark. Our customers increasingly prefer it, as it really captivates with its brevity and solidity.

Features of the Scandinavian style

House projects may have their own differences in design, but they all have common features. The main one is minimalism, which is expressed in the correct geometry of forms. The laconism of the design is leveled out large windows, sometimes even panoramic. Subtle colors, a modest facade - the building seems to merge with the environment without dominating it. However, despite the apparent simplicity of the style, even a small Scandinavian house is different high functionality and convenience for all-season living. Glued laminated timber would be an ideal solution as a building material. It has enough advantages to give preference to it:

  • wooden house fits well into environment, especially if there is a forest, garden or pond nearby. Such buildings captivate with their external simplicity and constructiveness, the absence of complex details in the exterior and interior, which is what the Scandinavian style implies;
  • Glued laminated timber is already impregnated in production with special compounds that prevent rotting and the appearance of fungus. Thanks to this, the house and other buildings in the Scandinavian style will retain their appearance for a long time;
  • Another feature of the Scandinavian style is environmental friendliness. Glued laminated timber - absolutely natural material, the compositions and impregnations used are non-toxic, their safety is confirmed by certificates.

Building a house from timber is really a good choice, whatever style you choose. However, in the case of Scandinavian, this material is ideal.

Turnkey projects from the company "SVDom"

In the catalog you will find photos and characteristics of houses with Scandinavian-style architecture. We tried to take into account the needs of different groups of customers and present standard options from laminated veneer lumber to suit any request:

  • small houses up to 200 m2. The Scandinavian style in them is especially authentic, as they say laconic lines facades and plenty of glazing in the photo;
  • one- and two-story wooden houses. It is worth noting that even compact one-story buildings are highly functional; you will never feel cramped;
  • options with different extensions and functional elements: garage, terrace and even a swimming pool.

To buy your favorite Scandinavian-style option and start construction soon, use the functions of the site or come to our office. If you haven't found what you were looking for, our specialists will take the most suitable ones as a basis. suitable house and will make individual adjustments according to your requirements. Upon completion of the work, the design will be fully thought out, the necessary calculations will be made - you will receive a complete plan for the future structure made of timber.

By developing ready-made house projects in the Scandinavian style, our company focuses primarily on traditions wooden house construction Finland and Sweden. The catalog contains many examples of log cottages, since there, like here, wood is the most common material. The desire of many customers to build a northern type house is explained by the similarity of climate, tastes, and habits of residents of neighboring countries.

Characteristic features, projects and photos of Scandinavian style houses

With all the variety of architecture and decoration of the cottages presented in the photo in the catalog, it is easy to notice common features. This is a calm, discreet facade design, simple lines, modest colors, close to the surrounding nature. They are devoid of external pathos, functional and comfortable for life.

Projects of Scandinavian houses and cottages made of timber or logs are typical; their style can be described as ethnic. It has the following features:

    The house fits naturally into the surrounding landscape. Trees, stones - all elements of “wild nature” are tried to be preserved unchanged.

    The building has a simple shape and is built on 1-2 floors. The wood is tinted using impregnation, preserving the natural pattern.

    The basement of the building is faced with rough natural stone, or use artificial imitations.

    A minimum of decor in the finishing, but at the same time the highest accuracy and thoroughness in the finishing of each element.

    Large panoramic windows- "paintings".

    Also modern projects one-story houses in the Scandinavian style they provide a beautiful terrace.

Sunny color - reflects fashion trend, which was started by the Norwegians. Bright colors make it easier to survive the harsh and long northern winters. The roofs of houses are usually gable, with a slight angle of inclination.

Scandinavian houses: interesting projects

Among the projects we offer, there are small Scandinavian houses up to 100 square meters. m, and two-story ones - with a full range of amenities: garage, bathhouse, swimming pool. They can be used for construction country cottage and summer country house. Despite their external simplicity, they are all distinguished by the special elegance characteristic of Finnish and Norwegian buildings.

Project No. 57-22 project No. 11-16

Currently, buildings are erected not only from wood, but also from stone: brick, concrete. So, project No. 57-22 - 2-storey Vacation home, built from foam blocks, contains all the elements of style. The finishing uses plaster and decorative rock. There is a sauna inside - an integral attribute of the lifestyle in the harsh northern climate.

Photo No. 70-61 shows the house project frame type in Scandinavian style. It is built on a reinforced concrete strip foundation and has a mansard roof. Floors are erected on wooden beams. The architecture and design of the original cottage No. 11-16 reflect the "Northern Art Nouveau" influences embodied in the log structure.

Price ready architectural solution insignificant in comparison with the total costs of building a house, despite the fact that technically competent construction ensures that there are no problems during the future operation of the house.