Wallpaper for a small kitchen. How to choose wallpaper for a small kitchen according to modern trends

They can serve as a background for a set and accessories, or they can become the main decoration of the room, because the variety of colors and textures of this material for wall decoration is simply amazing. Wallpaper for the kitchen can be used in very unusual combinations.

For the kitchen in classic style plain wallpaper is suitable

Wallpaper for wall and ceiling design

Plain wallpaper with a fine texture is considered traditional for the kitchen. They will serve as an excellent backdrop for furniture. Suitable for kitchens with original bright furniture or an unusual kitchen apron.

If you use inserts of wallpaper that contrast in color or pattern, you will decorate the kitchen and make it unusual. You can dilute the monochrome kitchen interior with coatings with a bright graphic pattern. If you have chosen a minimalist style for your kitchen, bright wallpaper will look advantageous.

An accent wall is an excellent option for functional zoning of the kitchen.

The general rule: if the pattern on the wallpaper is bright and catchy, it should be balanced with simple and laconic furniture. If you want to experiment with wall designs, furniture should be in light shades or white with a minimum amount of fittings and a smooth facade.

Ceiling wallpaper has become a successful addition to the interior of this kitchen

If you want to draw attention to a piece of furniture, you can use bright wallpaper in the corresponding part of the wall. Wallpaper with a catchy pattern looks good as a background for open wall shelves.

You can dilute the monochrome kitchen interior with coatings with a bright graphic pattern.

There are wallpapers on sale with a 3D image function. The drawing appears and disappears due to the contrast of textures and the play of light. If you cover one of the walls with them, you will create the effect of a “living” space. At all, accent wall– an excellent option for functional zoning of the kitchen. You can decorate the dining area with bright wallpaper, and cover the remaining walls with plain wallpaper or paint it.

A well-chosen combination of two types of wallpaper makes the kitchen interior interesting, at the same time diluting the rich red color

Combining wallpaper in the kitchen

If you want to buy wallpaper for the kitchen with a catchy pattern, but don’t want it to be too colorful, you can make a panel: cover the lower part of the wall with plain wallpaper or paint it with paint that matches the color. Then there will be no visual overload of the space.

The interior of this kitchen uses a common technique - creating panels of wallpaper with vertical stripes.

Want to create the illusion of high ceilings? Pay attention to the striped wallpaper. Vertical stripes visually raise the ceiling, and horizontal ones lower it a little, but move the walls apart.

It is advisable that the color of the wallpaper be supported by the color of accessories, textiles or fittings. It's a win-win. This kitchen looks harmonious. And if you use wallpaper with a calm pattern, arrange bright accents decorative elements. You can use wall panels for the kitchen, paintings or clocks.

Combining wallpaper with the same pattern on different backgrounds can give a stylish, attractive result.

Photos of kitchen wallpaper with a pattern

Rarely does anyone choose photo wallpaper for the kitchen. Everyone is accustomed to thinking that this is “not fashionable for a long time.” And in vain. Photo wallpaper can become the main accent in the kitchen interior. Thanks to them, you can expand the space and create an amazing illusion. The main thing when choosing photo wallpaper is to adhere to general rule: If the image on them is bright and multi-colored, the background should be calm. This applies not only to walls, but also to kitchen furniture.

Wallpaper for the kitchen with macro images of fruits and vegetables attracts with its brightness and suitable theme.

Interesting option wallpaper for the kitchen - imitation of various surfaces and textures: ceramic tiles, stone, wood, bamboo, fabric. The wallpaper imitates the material well and is much cheaper. If you use imitation coatings wisely, you will achieve an unusual and interesting effect.

Black and white photo wallpaper with an original plot will fit perfectly into bright interior

You can choose wallpaper for the kitchen with thematic designs. Or you can make borders with drawings, leaving the background covering neutral. Choose an image based on the style of your kitchen. For example, for a kitchen in a country style, rustic sketches are suitable, and for a kitchen in a classic style it is better to choose a border with an embossed ornament or still life. Coffee motifs and gastronomic inscriptions look great in a cafe-style interior. A modern style kitchen requires geometric patterns on wallpaper or abstraction.

Wallpaper for the kitchen with a floral pattern, on the one hand, is discreet and modest, and on the other, unobtrusive and sweet

Unusual wallpaper solutions for the kitchen with a twist

You can make an apron for the kitchen from beautiful wallpaper. It will be beautiful and inexpensive. Wallpaper with themed kitchen designs, wallpaper imitating various textures and materials, wallpaper with enlarged flowers, fruits or vegetables, as well as wallpaper with city views are perfect. It’s easy to make such an apron for the kitchen with your own hands. Just select a piece of wallpaper that matches the color and size, stick it on the wall, and attach tempered glass or plexiglass on top.

Light wallpaper with bright small patterns is an excellent choice for a kitchen apron

You can decorate furniture using wallpaper. If your plans do not yet include replacing the furniture, you can cover it with wallpaper and varnish, and your set will look much more interesting. Wallpaper can transform a countertop or dining table. If you cut from suitable wallpaper workpiece according to the size of the table and cover it with glass or plexiglass.

Using wallpaper you can also decorate kitchen furniture, making it unusual and unique.

You can wallpaper open shelves or racks. So, the most ordinary and inexpensive white shelving can be covered with wallpaper from the inside. It is not necessary to use wallpaper from one roll; you can take small fragments from different rolls. But it is desirable that the selected fragments be in the same color scheme.

You can also decorate other pieces of kitchen furniture with wallpaper, updating their appearance from time to time.

The right wallpaper for a small kitchen

Choosing wisely finishing material for walls, you can visually expand the space. When buying wallpaper for a small kitchen, pay attention to light shades - blue, green, light yellow. Pale pink and peach tones are also suitable. You should also choose the right texture and pattern on the canvases.

Blue wallpaper in the kitchen visually expands the space and improves the quality of natural light

Do you want to visually expand the room? Choose wallpaper with horizontal stripes. Want to create the illusion of a high ceiling? Cover your kitchen with vertical striped wallpaper.

Avoid bright designs and patterns that catch your eye. Such a design can eat up space and visually reduce an already small area. The best option wallpaper for a small kitchen - plain light with an original texture.

They will help create the illusion of space in a small kitchen light wallpaper on the walls

Remember that not all wallpapers are suitable for kitchen walls, even if the color scheme is perfect. When buying finishing materials, remember that the kitchen has high humidity and a constant risk of contamination. Pay attention to washable and super-washable wallpaper, which European manufacturers produce specifically for finishing kitchens. This is wallpaper, the canvases of which are covered with rubberized vinyl, so the material has water-repellent and dirt-repellent properties.

Pay attention to washable and super-washable wallpaper, which European manufacturers produce specifically for finishing kitchens

With paintable wallpaper you can realize your own bold ideas. design ideas

It is not recommended to choose wallpaper for a small kitchen with vertical lines along its entire length. They will make the room seem even smaller than it is. If the kitchen is not located on the sunny side, choose wallpaper in warm colors, and if it is on the sunny side, pay attention to cool shades. If you do not want to glue plain wallpaper, it is better that the pattern on it is small.

If the kitchen contains a lot of interior details ( wall cabinets with partially open shelves, shelving, table and chairs), avoid contrasting colors so as not to create a feeling of chaos.

An original pattern on wallpaper can become an important decorative element of the interior.

Ideally, the wallpaper for a small kitchen will meet several important requirements. They must be cleanable (the mark on the label looks like three waves and a brush), fire resistant (flame on the label). Such wallpapers are durable and safe. This or paper wallpaper with special impregnation, or vinyl wallpaper.

Beautiful wallpaper for the kitchen in pictures

For creating interesting effects you can use wallpaper with different textures that imitate fabric, cork or regular wood, bamboo

The easiest way to draw attention to a kitchen wall is with wallpaper with an interesting pattern.

The combination of wallpaper in the kitchen-dining room creates the impression of elegant luxury in a classic style

Kitchen motifs on the wallpaper emphasize their purpose and contribute to the creation harmonious interior

Embossed wallpaper for painting has great decorative possibilities; you can carry out bold design experiments with it

Wallpaper with bright large flowers on a light background creates an uncharacteristic look in the kitchen. decorative composition

You can designate the dining area wall panels with an intricate pattern

If you want to experiment with wall design, the furniture should be light shades or white with a minimum amount of fittings and a smooth facade

Wallpaper for a country-style kitchen looks original, but such a pattern can quickly get boring

Tea, coffee, chocolate?! - this wallpaper design leaves no doubt that we are talking about the kitchen

Such wallpapers are already in themselves decorative element, which should not be blocked by bulky and pretentious furniture

It is desirable that the color of the wallpaper matches or harmonizes with the color of accessories, textiles or fittings

You can decorate the dining area with bright wallpaper, and cover the remaining walls with plain wallpaper or paint it.

Kitchen wallpaper with themed patterns is well suited for decorating kitchens and dining rooms

Wallpaper in a small kitchen should visually increase the space. An important role in the arrangement of the kitchen should be given to wall coverings. Wallpaper affects not only the interior of the room, but also determines the important functions of the kitchen, especially if space is limited. Therefore they right choice very important and has its own characteristics.

First you need to consider what wallpaper you need to choose for the kitchen. This room has high humidity and the possibility of contamination, so the wallpaper must meet a number of rules.

Basic requirements for wall coverings in the kitchen:

  • Moisture resistant;
  • Resistant to dirt;
  • Sufficiently durable to mechanical stress;
  • The coating must be resistant to sunlight;
  • Availability of fireproof impregnation.

The above parameters are determined by the type of wall covering. You need to buy washable wallpaper with a dense structure. There is a wide choice of such options.

Wallpaper for the kitchen must be moisture-resistant and durable enough

Optimal wallpaper for a small kitchen:

  • Vinyl - have good appearance and easy to care for;
  • Paper with moisture-resistant impregnation;
  • Fiberglass wallpaper is durable and environmentally friendly;
  • Liquid with a varnish coating - hide wall imperfections and meet all the requirements for kitchen wallpaper.

Moreover, some types can be re-painted, which is very beneficial if you are tired of the design. You can paint liquid and glass wallpaper. At the same time, liquid ones can create entire paintings on the wall.

The first rule when space is limited is that the wallpaper should be light.

It is also necessary to take into account the desired color accents, room style and financial capabilities. But the most important thing when choosing wallpaper is the size of the room. The dimensions of a small room in Khrushchev are 180 by 200.

What wallpaper to choose for a small kitchen: photos of interior solutions

Today there is a wide selection of wall coverings on the market. different types and design, so choosing a decent option for a room with limited space will not be difficult.

For a small kitchen, wallpaper in light shades is best.

  1. For small rooms it is customary to use only light shades. But at the same time, you should not decorate the room in pure white. This is not comfortable for household members and is fraught with constant contamination. You can make small dark accents in the form of patterns on the wallpaper.
  2. Drawings on the wall covering should be small. Avoid vertical stripes and large patterns.
  3. For small room A horizontal stripe will do. It will make the room wider, but lower.
  4. A popular design trick is to cover long walls dark shades of wallpaper, and use light shades for the end part.
  5. The texture of the wallpaper should match the material of manufacture kitchen set. At the same time, it should be convex, not smooth. This will create differences in volume, which will visually enlarge the room.
  6. A shiny surface of the wall covering is welcome. This will help to visually increase the distance between opposite walls thanks to the reflective surface.

Don't forget about the lighting of the room. Cool shades are suitable for light kitchens. Warmer colors should be chosen for a room with limited light sources. This simple rules, which will help you make profitable use of space.

How to choose wallpaper for a small kitchen: photos of stylish ideas

The choice of plain wallpaper is always relevant, especially for small apartment, which you don’t want to clutter. But in some cases you can save space by combining wallpaper.

The combination of wallpaper looks very stylish in a small kitchen.

You can use the following ideas:

  1. Combination of two colors. The base color should be light and soft. In this case, it is necessary to add bright accents using rich shades.
  2. Emphasis. When decorating a kitchen, one of the walls can be highlighted in a different color. Moreover, for small space It would be better to highlight only part of the wall. For example, near the dining table.
  3. Adding dynamics. You can add bright accents in the form of baseboards or textured wallpaper to the light shades of the wall covering.

For a small apartment, you should not choose more than two colors when decorating. This option will clutter up the space. As an exception, the third color can be used to decorate small accents. The same rule applies to patterns and textures.

Wallpaper that expands the space in the kitchen interior: color scheme

Choosing the right wallpaper to expand the space is very important. The main nuances of choice include the color of the wall covering. Previously, it was stipulated that wallpaper should be in light shades.

The basic colors in the interior are black and white. They go with almost any shade.

A small pattern and horizontal stripes are allowed. It is better if the strip is not very wide. In this case, the color of the furniture should be slightly darker than the tone of the surfaces.

For a small kitchen you can choose any color palette

Basic color combinations:

  • Black is combined with red, yellow, green shades;
  • White will look great with red and blue colors;
  • White and black style will add severity to the interior;
  • The beige palette combines well with white, blue and brown tones;
  • Brown is combined with pink, cream, blue;
  • Purple tone will suit basic colors, shades of pink and gray;
  • Green combines with light tones of brown, yellow and beige, as well as black;
  • Blue shades can be combined with yellow, green, orange, red;
  • Red looks good against blue, black, green, yellow and white;
  • Yellow should be combined with gray, black, light blue and blue;
  • Gray tone suits bright shades red, pink, orange;
  • The orange tint is combined with blue-blue colors, as well as with purple;

You can choose any color palette for a small apartment. It all depends on the desires and preferences of the home owner. There are small restrictions, but even within them there is a wide selection of colors.

Which wallpaper to choose for a small kitchen (video)

Date: 05/25/2017

Ordinary paper wallpaper is not the most suitable material for kitchen walls, but thanks to their availability and popularity, they hold a leading position in the building materials market. Manufacturers annually update their range, including paintable fiberglass and moisture-resistant (washable) wallpaper for small kitchens and spacious rooms. Depending on the choice, with them it is easy to visually expand and zone the room, create unique design and a welcoming atmosphere.

Wallpaper for kitchen decoration allows you to create any desired atmosphere in the house, as they are very diverse.

When you get acquainted with the assortment of catalogs, your eyes literally run wild - you want to buy almost a dozen colors. But when choosing, you have to rely on certain principles.

    • The style of the room (country, retro, techno, historical styles and classics). With an eclectic interior or without reference to style decision the choice is expanding.

The selection of wallpaper is carried out taking into account the overall style of the room. In case of eclectic general design the choice becomes very wide.

    • The level of illumination of a small kitchen is preferably warm on the northern side, while on the southern side it is cold and more restrained. In addition, the cooking area should have enough daylight and artificial light.

An additional parameter when choosing wallpaper is the illumination of the room. For example, in a north-facing kitchen, warm colors would be appropriate.

    • General harmony of design. If the facade of the kitchen unit is bright and impressive, choose discreet background wallpaper. With an unpretentious atmosphere and not new furniture, you need a bright, memorable design that attracts the main attention. But it is enough to update the facades and countertops of the built-in furniture, change the curtains - the kitchen will be updated.

The pattern on the wallpaper should be in harmony with the surrounding interior.

  • The choice of color and pattern of the walls can be done arbitrarily; if the ceiling and kitchen furniture are white, then the overall palette should be warm, cold or pastel.

The white color of the interior allows you to choose wallpaper from a very wide range of colors.

    • wallpaper pattern with imitation of plates and other utensils;

One of fashion trends in 2017 - images of kitchen utensils on the wallpaper.

    • ethnic ornaments;

An ethnic pattern on the wallpaper will bring originality to the room.

    • wildlife theme - eco style or country;

Eco-style in wallpaper design is becoming increasingly popular.

  • 3D photo wallpaper, optical illusions, images of metropolises of ancient European streets, large prints of fruits and flowers.

Be a little closer to the elements environment Wallpaper with imitation of natural materials, such as wood, will help.

Advice. Along with wallpaper, use vinyl wall stickers on different themes. Subject drawings will enliven the emotional background, and single fragments will help hide defects and stains on kitchen wallpaper.

Vinyl wallpaper stickers - good way not only add liveliness to the interior, but also hide some defects.

From a practicality point of view, the following are not suitable for finishing a kitchen:

  • simple paper wallpaper - they absorb moisture, grease, odors;
  • textured wallpaper - becomes clogged with suspended matter of grease and dust; when cleaning, some fragments are torn off;
  • wallpaper with a pattern that does not promote appetite.

Please note: for those who like to frequently change their decor, repaint or re-glue walls and rearrange furniture, the choice in favor of inexpensive modern paper wallpaper is obvious.

If the decor in the room constantly changes, paper wallpaper will be a good choice.

In families where small children often draw on the walls, it is better to use an alternative - rolls of fiberglass for painting; the color is renewed as it gets dirty. But they need good ventilation and heating to prevent condensation from settling.

If there are small children living in the room who like to draw on the wallpaper, replace traditional version fiberglass can become paintable.

Washable wallpaper for the kitchen: photo review of 2017 collections

Waterproof or still in demand by consumers, so manufacturers are constantly updating catalogs.

In the kitchen, waterproof wallpapers, which are resistant to the constant presence of moisture in the house, are becoming especially relevant.

Ethnic motifs and eco-style with floral patterns lead in sales volumes. Schematic images of flowers, trees, birds and almost photographic drawings look different. But both of them are not suitable for the background or decor of a small kitchen; too large fragments visually narrow the room. But interior designers widely use them for decoration. dining area.

In a medium or large kitchen, a pattern on the wallpaper close to the photograph is appropriate.

Wallpaper with delicate watercolor patterns also occupy a large segment in catalogs. They add elegance to a small kitchen. A slightly blurred pattern is very practical; stains and stains are not so noticeable on it, which is important for a kitchen where a lot of cooking is done often. And this solution is also great for the cooking unit of a studio apartment without partitions or walls. Their color harmonizes well with the residential area.

A simple watercolor drawing can fit perfectly into kitchen interior.

Light washable wallpaper in pastel colors is the ideal solution for a small room. This is an excellent background for bright furniture and dishes. If the entire design is well thought out, then the kitchen seems brighter and more spacious. Plain rolled materials discreet shades are good for those who like to experiment with the style of a small room. Whatever the filling, the base can remain the same.

White wallpaper against a bright surrounding will give a feeling of space and light.

Small floral patterns on the walls are a favorite of most housewives. Such walls are suitable for a retro style. In interiors such as Country and Provence, floral patterns on wallpaper are also practiced. This decision is also often reached in large families, where 2-3 generations live peacefully, and each has their own preferences. The kitchen is a neutral area where everyone gathers to eat together, and the colors of the wallpaper should be unobtrusive.

Floral design in the kitchen is a classic for many generations. It is used in styles such as country, Provence and retro.

Lovers of extravagant interiors often choose original techniques visual expansion space. These are glossy stretch ceiling and photo wallpaper on the entire solid wall. A drawing with a 3D effect will create the illusion of continuation of space when the plot is appropriate:

  • depicts a staircase or corridor;
  • forest landscape or well-kept garden with landscape design;
  • city ​​blocks from a bird's eye view or with steps “starting” in the kitchen.

Due to the 3D effect, the illusion of continuation of space is created.

Wallpaper with a pattern in a catalog or on an exhibition stand in a store looks a little different than it will on the walls. Before purchasing, you should unroll the roll and look at the material a little from a distance.

When purchasing the required number of rolls, add 1-2 more to them in stock, especially if you have to customize the design. If you made a mistake with the quantity, and it is not possible to buy more from the same batch, leave space on a solid wall in the dining area, where you can make original decor.

The effect will be unexpected when gluing striped wallpaper diagonally.

A unique effect can be achieved by gluing straight wallpaper diagonally. This technique can be used in almost any room.

The remains of any rolls can be used in the form of silhouette decor or for patchwork-style panels.

For panels in the patchwork style, leftovers from any drawings will be useful.

Do not overdo it with bright colors and glossy textures - this tires the visual nerve and overloads the emotional background.

Kitchen design can be bold and unexpected. But if you have to spend a lot of time cooking here, this option may cause a subconscious desire to leave. The environment should be as comfortable as possible, and the surfaces should be practical and do not require complex maintenance.

Practicality and comfort are the main criteria for creating a kitchen interior.

Tile, washable wallpaper and plastic panels, easy to clean, does not have to be applied to all walls. The corner in the eating area is decorated with any material. To prevent soot and fine fat suspension from settling on them, use a powerful hood.

A powerful extractor will protect the wallpaper from contamination by dust and grease particles.

For lovers of textured surfaces, experts do not recommend textured wallpaper, which quickly becomes covered with a sticky coating. It is better to use washable ones instead decorative panels and photo wallpapers with the illusion of volume. They are widely represented in the 2016-2017 luxury wallpaper collections.

Decorative panels should be chosen that are smooth and easily washable in order to be able to keep the walls tidy.

Harmony is the basis of any kitchen design.

Video: fashionable wallpaper for the kitchen 2017. Ideas, trends, colors and design styles.

50 photo ideas for choosing kitchen wallpaper in the spirit of modern trends:

There are many options for wall decoration, and the larger the room, the more choices you have. In a small kitchen you have to save every centimeter, so choose wallpaper for wall decoration - a practical and decoratively attractive option. But here, too, there are several nuances, because not every wallpaper for a small kitchen can satisfy all needs: last a long time, visually enlarge the room, and be designer-attractive. We will deal with the rules of choice and types of finishing.

Five selection criteria

First of all, you will look not at the appearance of the wallpaper, but at whether it suits the kitchen space. Let's see which criteria will be decisive.

  1. In the kitchen you will regularly carry out wet cleaning; grease, water, and steam will constantly get on the walls, so you should choose moisture-resistant wallpaper. Such models can withstand cleaning with a damp sponge, and you can easily remove a small stain with a napkin or cloth without damaging their appearance. If you want to choose the most reliable option, take a closer look at washable wallpaper. They will withstand cleaning with chemical substances. There are also super-washable models that can even withstand wiping the walls with a brush.
  2. Choose high-density models. This indicator is directly related to the durability of the coating. The higher the density of the model, the fewer pores it has, which means that dirt will not accumulate on the walls.
  3. Vapor permeability is another important indicator that is responsible for the rapid drying of walls. If the wallpaper has this characteristic, a pleasant microclimate without foreign odors will always reign in the kitchen.
  4. Light resistance - wallpaper must be resistant to fading. If the material loses its attractiveness under the influence of sunlight and turns yellow, the kitchen interior will very quickly lose its newness and luster. In addition, the yellowness of the coating will not allow you to rearrange the furniture without changing the finish.
  5. Look at the wallpaper markings. If you see the “wave” icon, this means that the wallpaper can be wiped with a sponge and it will transfer high humidity. The “wave with brush” icon indicates that this model is super washable.

If you are a creative person and know that you tend to change the interior, choose wallpaper for painting. Such collections will allow you to change your general style kitchens. The only thing worth remembering is that such wallpaper must withstand several paintings. This parameter will be indicated on the packaging.

Choosing the type of wallpaper - solving the main problem

In addition to design and general characteristics Each type of wallpaper has its own characteristics. Some are easier to glue, others will surprise you with their variety color solutions, and still others are not suitable for your premises at all. Which wallpaper to choose for the kitchen and how does each type differ from the other?

  • Paper models. This is the kind of wallpaper you shouldn’t take into your kitchen. Why? They have low density and do not tolerate temperature changes and moisture. You can use paper wallpaper to cover a bedroom where you do not cook food, there is no chance of grease and steam getting in, but they are not suitable for the kitchen. Yes, such finishing will not cost much, but be prepared for the fact that the original appearance of paper wallpaper will be lost after a few months.
  • Natural wallpaper. The most attractive from a design point of view, because such models can be made of linen, silk, bamboo and even velvet. But their characteristics do not fit into the kitchen space. Natural wallpaper absorbs odors and does not tolerate moisture and, accordingly, wet cleaning. Their only advantage is their original appearance.
  • Non-woven models. What's good about this type of wallpaper is how easy it is to hang it. It is enough to coat the wall with glue and you can lay wallpaper. Using non-woven wallpaper you can hide uneven walls, as their texture is dense and durable. This coating is suitable for a kitchen where you plan to wet-clean the walls infrequently, since the wallpaper, although it can withstand high humidity, can lose its beauty under the influence of cleaning agents and constant friction.
  • Vinyl wallpapers. For a small kitchen, you can safely choose this option. With the help of vinyl wallpaper you can hide the unevenness and roughness of the walls, because they are not as light as standard paper and have a durable base. This type of coating is distinguished by its durability and interesting design solutions- With vinyl wallpaper the kitchen can be transformed and be made in a classic style, or in an oriental or Provence style. Variety of models and color range will allow you to implement any solution. The only caveat is that for the kitchen you should choose those models that have a special impregnation against mold and mildew.
  • Fiberglass models. A relative novelty in the world of wall coverings. Such wallpaper is made from special glass, the fibers of which are processed under high temperature(about 1000 degrees). Using fiberglass wallpaper you can create the perfect effect flat wall- They hide roughness perfectly. Also, such wallpapers are environmentally friendly and reliable - they do not absorb dirt or odors, they are difficult to scratch or damage when cleaning even with chemical powders. Another advantage of fiberglass wallpaper is the possibility of painting. If you get tired of your kitchen interior, you can simply repaint the walls. As for the disadvantages, it is worth noting the high cost.

Another option for covering walls in a small kitchen is liquid wallpaper. They hide minor imperfections well, absorb moisture and have a wide variety of decorative solutions. True, such wallpaper will be difficult to maintain - it will be almost impossible to wash off grease, stains or dirt.

Choosing a color and pattern - expanding the space

If we have figured out what wallpaper to choose for a small kitchen in terms of material, then with decorative issues the task is difficult. You will want to create the kitchen space as spacious and free as possible, and the decoration of the walls will most directly affect both the appearance and size of the kitchen. The main rule of any designer who works with small spaces is to observe minimalism in everything. This also applies to wallpaper. The simpler and lighter they are, the wider and freer the space will appear. There are several other factors that influence this coating on the atmosphere of the kitchen.

  • A small pattern on the wallpaper will visually create a feeling of airiness and lightness of space, but large patterns, especially dark shades, will create a cluttered effect in a small kitchen.
  • Visually, the room will become wider if you use models with patterns in the form of continuous intersecting stripes. This pattern is similar to the pattern of a Scottish kilt.
  • If you have low ceilings, choose wallpaper with a vertical pattern. It will “raise” the ceiling. A horizontal pattern will make the kitchen room wider, but is suitable for rooms with a high ceiling.
  • Diagonal lines will add dynamics. If furniture set made in soothing colors, in a small kitchen you can use wallpaper with diagonal lines - they will create a color balance.
  • Add steam to the room square meters You can use plain wallpaper in blue, silver and light shades of blue.
  • The optimal solution for a color combination for a small room is to use one color, but in different shades for different zones.

You can combine plain wallpaper with patterns with patterns. For example, choose plain wallpaper blue color for the wall near the window and free wall, and for the working and dining areas, look for beige or white models with a blue pattern. You should not choose aggressive red, rich blue and black colors for a small kitchen.

The gluing process is no less important than the choice of wallpaper. It is clear that you need to prepare the walls, remove the old coating and, if necessary, repair uneven areas and holes. The walls also need to be primed so that the wallpaper lies as evenly as possible and does not come apart after drying. Pay attention to such moments as well.

The kitchen is an important space for every family, where people eat, prepare food, and communicate casually. It is important to make this place as comfortable and cozy as possible for the people living in the house. Cabinets, pencil cases, tiles, skins, Appliances occupy most of the wall surface.

Design modern kitchen with mosaic wallpaper

But, nevertheless, original or traditional, bright or made in muted colors, wallpaper is a very important part of the kitchen interior. What wallpaper for the kitchen came into fashion in 2016? Which ones have been trending for a long time? Which ones are suitable for decorating your kitchen?

The kitchen is an important space for every family, where people eat, prepare food, and communicate casually

Wallpaper with a classic pattern looks great in modern interior. A somewhat eclectic combination with minimalist furniture gives the kitchen space an exclusive look. Washable wallpaper can even be used as an apron over the stove, after protecting it with a special coating.

Small kitchen with original wallpaper with small patterns

Advice:Do you want to add width to a narrow elongated kitchen? Cover long walls with dark wallpaper and short walls with light wallpaper.


Design of a small kitchen with wallpaper with large flowers

You probably know about the basic rule for choosing wallpaper for small rooms: how smaller room, the more light colors. This means that you should not select in general dark wallpaper to the kitchen, even if you really want to. The wallpaper may look great on display in a store, but a dark wall will narrow the room and make it gloomy. An exception is a contrasting combination of dark ornaments or other motifs on a light background. But do not forget about practicality: white wallpaper as an apron, near the sink and stove is absolutely inappropriate.

Spacious kitchen design with floral wallpaper

Advice:Follow the correct combination of color and texture of wallpaper with kitchen furniture. Glossy furniture requires matte wallpaper to match it, and vice versa.

Floral ornaments and fantasy patterns are a steady trend in recent years in fashion in general and in kitchen design in particular. A small floral pattern in pastel colors is something that will fit perfectly into the decor of a small kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building. The drawing should be small and fractional.

Small kitchen decorated with wallpaper in a warm sand tone

Advice:When evaluating wallpaper, unfold it a few meters. A wide picture from a distance may look very different than from an arm's length away.

Floral ornaments and fantasy patterns are a steady trend in recent years in fashion in general and in kitchen design in particular.

Photo wallpaper

A large object: an architectural view or a full-wall landscape in a small kitchen may or may not look advantageous. Photo wallpaper can only be pasted on the accent wall opposite working area. There is not enough space, and this wall will not be completely free. There is usually a dining table right next to it, making it difficult to enjoy the scenery. But if you don’t eat in the kitchen, but only cook, then why not.

Small kitchen design with wallpaper in noble purple color

Advice:Do not overload the kitchen interior: focus either on the walls or on furniture elements. If the kitchen facade is laconic, then bright textured wallpaper is appropriate. If your kitchen is in bright colors, then you need to be more modest with the choice of wallpaper.

Interior design for a small and bright kitchen

Fractional or large transverse stripes are a popular motif in kitchen decoration. But in a small kitchen space Neither a transverse nor a longitudinal strip will do. It will only narrow the room or flatten it visually. Fans of stripes can use them only on one accent wall across or opposite the workplace. You can also use striped wallpaper, just to top it off, dividing the space into upper and lower parts. If you want to stick striped wallpaper in a small kitchen, no matter what, then use a material with a subtle, subtle pattern.

Small kitchen design with dark wallpaper

Advice:Wallpaper is often matched to existing furniture and curtains. At the very least, try to combine only warm or only cold tones with each other.

Fans of stripes can use them only on one accent wall across or opposite the workplace


Provence or country are styles for women who love to cook and spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Calm, pleasing to the eye bright hues, romantic print, small flowers, birds and butterflies in combination with an unobtrusive check - this is what distinguishes Provence from other kitchen decorating styles. Also your choice is beige, sand and wheat tones, matting, imitation of untreated boards and antique tiles, plaster.

Kitchen interior in warm green with mosaic wallpaper

Advice:Never combine wallpaper from different price categories. This may result in unpleasant surprises over time. Buy companion wallpapers from a single collection, always from the same manufacturer. Cover the joints between combined wallpapers with moldings.

Classic wallpaper option for a small kitchen

Practicality and durability under harsh operating conditions are the first rule for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen. High humidity, drops of grease, soot and other contaminants will quickly damage wallpaper that is unsuitable in properties or of poor quality. What is popular this season, in 2016, as a material for wallpaper?

Interior of a small kitchen with photo wallpaper on the wall

  • Paper wallpaper will never lose all their fans thanks to the low price. But in a small kitchen they last no more than a year: stains and greasy drops quickly render them unusable. If you don't mind updating your kitchen interior every year, then paper wallpaper is your natural choice.

Advice:The most neutral option is low-contrast patterns with tones flowing into each other. These will never get boring and will be “like family” in the interior of any kitchen.

Practicality and durability under harsh operating conditions - the first rule for choosing wallpaper for the kitchen

Advice:If kitchen windows face dimly lit northern or western sides, then choose warm shades: apricot, grass colors, peach, orange, cinnamon and others. If the windows face south and are well lit, then the best choice– cold blue, silver, gray, light blue.

Advice: Kitchen apron from wallpaper? It's possible! Moreover, this is a great idea. To wallpaper over work surface slabs last a long time, choose one made from durable, washable non-woven fabric and invest in a durable tempered glass screen protector.

Vinyl wallpaper does not absorb kitchen odors like cork or bamboo.

Wallpaper for the kitchen: what's fashionable in 2016?

  • Imitation of decorative plates. This is a new original feature of wallpaper fashion. The plates seem to hang in the air, instead of standing on a shelf. Although plates as a motif are appropriate in 2016 in the living room, in the kitchen they look most organic: they correspond to the style.
  • Large motifs in bright colors. Images of flowers and objects on a contrasting background in the design of walls in the kitchen are especially fashionable now. It looks original and lively. It is believed that this trend will continue for a long time.

    Small kitchen decor with light, practical wallpaper

  • Wall stickers. The fashion for stickers depicting objects, patterns and animals is spreading like a hurricane. Posters and stickers are placed on the walls, refrigerator and furniture. They allow you to completely change and revitalize your kitchen interior in a matter of minutes.
  • Oriental motives. Wallpaper in ethnic style, namely Japanese or Chinese, is extremely popular in the design of kitchens this year. Wallpaper with hieroglyphs, oriental engravings or calligraphy, with everyday scenes and is so picturesque that it no longer requires any accentuating additions.

    Modern fashionable kitchen with rustic wallpaper

  • Wildlife theme. Trees growing from floor to ceiling, floral and foliage patterns and small motifs on wallpaper are a long-lasting trend. Such motifs are highlighted by an unobtrusive background in natural tones. You can use direct association and choose wallpaper with juicy ripe fruits for your kitchen. Or you can opt for a leafy pattern that is not related to the kitchen theme.

    Small kitchen decor with light floral wallpaper

  • 3D wallpaper. They are manufactured using a special volumetric technology. Appropriate place for them - a well-lit accent wall, as free as possible from furniture. 3D wallpaper looks impressive, and you will certainly amaze your guests with it.
  • Imitation of natural materials. On wallpaper in this natural style you will see unpainted boards, raw concrete, brickwork, skin surface. Non-standard wallpapers that imitate other materials periodically come into fashion, and this year they are at their peak.

    Wallpaper design with a pattern for a small kitchen

Correct selection of washable practical wallpaper It will make even a small kitchen cozy and stylish. The 2016 season offers plenty for this great ideas. Don't be afraid to experiment with kitchen decoration and be on trend!

Wallpaper for the kitchen photo 2016 for a small kitchen

ABOUT kitchen fights for small kitchens 45 photo ideas: