Sunberry (Blueberry Forte, Voronyashka, Sunny Berry). Sunberry (blueberry forte, crow, sunberry)

A long time ago, when the earth was flat and the trees were big, I lived in a standard Khrushchev two-room apartment. Quite a lot of water has flown under the bridge since then and luck smiled at me - I became the happy owner of a cozy country house. Cultural words cannot describe the joy and effort spent on its repair and arrangement relative to my perverted tastes. But, as they say, the result was worth it. Now my nest was fully in keeping with my beloved vintage style, with its distressed surfaces, rag rugs and elegantly damaged furniture. The most pleasant thing left is to put the yard and small garden in relative order.

I got to work, having first collected my thoughts and drawn up a “rough” project on a piece of paper.

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I would make an excellent landscape designer. All kinds of flower beds, paths, benches and stupid ceramic gnomes swarmed in my head. The peak of fantasy was the idea of ​​​​creating a garden fountain. Stop! - I thought. Just don’t panic, Lita, just don’t panic, otherwise at this rate the yard will turn into something like a garbage dump. Having collected my thoughts and drawn a rough “project” on a piece of paper, I set to work. Here I will plant lilies of the valley, and there - primroses, I will sow matthiola closer to the windows, and here I will arrange a lawn.

I sit quietly, rummaging in the ground. I suddenly hear from behind - “God help you, mistress.” She even jumped in surprise. I turn around - oh, yes, this is my neighbor, Uncle Tolya. Such a nice grandpa, knowledgeable. He helped me a lot with advice while I was setting up my little house. Well, he and I talked about this and that. Which berry bushes grow best in the shade, and how to plant pears correctly. And then he told me about the miracle berry. That, they say, there is such a wonderful berry, similar to blueberries, but different. Just a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. Very rare, but what else - everyone needs it. It heals the eyes, helps with stomach colic, removes all kinds of poisons from the body and rejuvenates them. And the jam made from it is to die for. Last year his son brought him a couple of seedlings from an exhibition of achievements National economy, so all information is only from personal experience.

A neighbor told me about the miracle berry, that it is similar to blueberries, but different.

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My eyes lit up from such information, my hands began to shake. I began to beg Uncle Tolya for at least one of the tiniest sprouts. He is a kind, sympathetic person, he could not refuse, and after a couple of minutes he brought me a whole armful of seedlings. To celebrate, I found them anywhere, watered them thoroughly, and set off to google detailed information about the miracle judo-berry on the World Wide Web.

Here's what I managed to find out. Miracle berry, aka sunberry, aka blueberry forte (not to be confused with a medical drug, to which, however, it has nothing to do). Brought out in 1905 by the American scientist (hmm, who else) Luther Burbank, who came up with the idea of ​​crossing African and European varieties of nightshades. Thanks to the characteristics of the “parents”, the sunberry received their best features: fertility, ease of care, large berries And taste properties. Annual, propagated by seeds, which are previously sown in the ground to produce seedlings. Mature plant is a spreading bush, up to 150 cm high. The stems are powerful, capable of supporting the weight of the crown, flowers and berries. The leaves are quite large and leathery. Miracle berry flowers resemble potato flowers. Round berries, the size of a large cherry, are collected in clusters of 10-15 pieces. Ripe berries are black in color. Sunberry is unpretentious, can tolerate even light frosts, blooms profusely and actively bears fruit until late autumn. The fruits are edible, have a pronounced blueberry aftertaste (probably this is what prompted the name blueberry forte), and are consumed both raw and processed. Suitable for jam, jam, compote, etc. have good healing properties.

A whole armful of seedlings was brought in a couple of minutes by the kindest man - Uncle Tolya.

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For several days I carefully monitored the sprouts, watered them every evening and imagined the shelves in the basement lined with dozens of jars of delicious jam, fragrant pies smelling like blueberries and a couple of dozen (hee hee) liters of excellent wine made from sunny berries. The sprouts took off well, grew stronger and started to grow intensive growth. My euphoria was interrupted - due to work, I had to leave for another city for 3 weeks. Leaving the house and household under the supervision of Uncle Tolya, I set out on the road with an aching heart. What I saw after returning, to put it mildly, plunged me into a state of shock.

It was getting dark. I drove into the yard and turned it on street lighting, walked up to the garden bed and... Huge bushes, half my height, with huge leaves, dotted with inconspicuous pale flowers, grew all over the garden bed. Some already had black berries. And this is without watering, in 30-degree heat! The miracle berry grew so large and shaded the garden bed that even weeds did not grow under it, and the flowers growing near it could have been thrown to hell - they were completely weakened, poor things. I took one berry, the blackest one, tasted it, spat it out in anger and, scratching my head, gave up on it all and went to bed. The morning will be wiser than the evening.

Bushes with huge leaves, dotted with inconspicuous pale flowers, grew all over the garden bed, and became half my height in height.

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One wise morning I went to Uncle Tolya to make a complaint, why, they say, you, an old goat, slipped me no beautiful flowers, no tasty berries. My neighbor had to zealously convince me: “You, Litochka, wait a minute with your claims. If you wait until the harvest is full, then you’ll say thank you. It’s just what a berry is – it should fill up. Why are you trying the green stuff? Well, that was it. We'll wait.

While I was waiting, I Googled more information. It turns out that the berry seems to be really useful. Contains pectins, selenium and anthocyanins, which purify the blood, slow down the aging process of the body and remove poisons from the body. Helps with stomach cramps, spasms and bladder diseases. Normalizes blood pressure, eliminates migraines, improves vision and memory, increases immunity and the body's adaptation to adverse factors. Raw berries have a mild laxative effect. Sunberry leaf juice is an excellent remedy for insomnia. Ointment from berries can heal abscesses, burns, and purulent wounds. Infusions of leaves and berries are used to gargle for sore throats, to remove worms, to treat fungal diseases, and dressings of fresh leaves and stems are an effective remedy against rheumatism, radiculitis and tumors.

Pectins, selenium and anthocyanins, which purify the blood, slow down the aging process and remove poisons from the body, are what the berry turns out to contain.

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As time went. My berries have turned black. We got drunk. I decided to go to the next tasting. While I was choosing the plumpest and ripest berry, I recognized the second version of the blueberry name. An accidentally crushed berry left a colorful dark purple stain on the skirt (why not blueberries?), which, as it turned out later, is not so easy to remove. Oh, my beautiful berry has finally been found! Ripe, pouring! The result simply shocked me. I did not feel any delicious taste, or even aftertaste. Ugh! Bitter and tart. Turning 180 degrees, I walked towards the laptop with a firm, confident gait.

The third stage of collecting information (may Google be with us!) informed me that since sunberry belongs to the nightshade family, the raw berries have a corresponding taste. And in general, it’s such a miracle that they can be eaten (many thanks to you, American scientists). After all, the fruits of most nightshades are very poisonous. Before doing anything with these miraculous berries, it is recommended to scald them with boiling water. This will help rid the berries of the nasty nightshade taste. When cooking jam and juices, it is advisable to add additional ingredients: lemons, oranges, sea buckthorn, a large amount of sugar (about half a kilo per 1 kg of berries).

I was pleased with the yield - almost a whole bucket from two bushes.

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I started picking berries only at the end of October, after the first frost. I was pleased with the yield - almost a whole bucket from two bushes. I made jam using the same Google advice. The taste of the jam is very similar to grapes, and the berries are just like raisins. The first tasting of sunberry pies was successfully held - my friends liked it, and so did I. I didn’t risk making wine from berries - you never know what’s in there. I threw some of it in the freezer; in winter it will be used for compotes. As for the healing properties, I can’t say anything definite. I didn’t recover from the migraine, I didn’t look any younger, and I didn’t see like a falcon either. But this is the case - I haven’t done detailed research on my own body about the healing properties of blueberries forte. But whether I will plant it next year - time will tell. It's a long winter, maybe I'll think about it.

People from rural areas of the generation of the 40s and 50s will definitely remember their grandmother’s pies “with elderberry”. The black nightshade berry was eaten fresh, although it could not boast of taste qualities. But it grew on its own, requiring neither care nor space on the site.

Today doctors agree that this homely-looking and not so delicious berry quite useful. And its sister - bred a century ago by Luther Burbank from the large-fruited American nightshade and our small, but high-yielding and cold-resistant plant - is even recognized as a medicinal plant.

The berry is small, but the benefits are great

This plant is just a godsend for those who want to maintain their health and stay young longer!

General description of culture

Sunberry is annual plant. But it grows more than a meter tall. And it can produce 10 to 20 kg of fruit per bush! The black berries of the hybrid are large, the size of a cherry.

The plant blooms throughout the summer, from June until frost. Therefore, you can pick berries almost every day. Flowers collected in clusters, reminiscent of potatoes, look very beautiful next to green and already black berries.

As an adult, sunberry easily tolerates drought, heat and frost. Next year it is quite possible to get a lot of shoots from self-seeding in the old place. The gardener simply needs to select the strongest and tallest sprouts and remove the excess ones.

Growing sunberries

The seeds of this plant are very similar to tomatoes. They are quite small.

Seed treatment before planting

The disadvantage of sunberry is that it is very difficult to hatch the seeds. Therefore, first they need to be kept in a warm solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. Then carefully use a blade to make an incision in the place where the sprout usually appears on the seed.

Some gardeners offer a different method. They advise not to cut the seed shell, but only to make notches along the peel with a needle. And then the seeds are placed in a jar with coarse washed and calcined river sand. They should fill the container halfway. When vigorously shaking the jar, the integrity of the seed shells is broken, but the kernels remain intact.

This should be done very carefully so as not to damage the kernel inside the seed!

The operated seed is placed on a damp cloth, covered with film or glass and placed in a warm place so that it hatches. This process may be a little delayed if you compare sunberries with tomatoes and peppers.

Sunberry seeds are planted at the end of February so that the plant has time to produce a good harvest.

Growing seedlings

Sunberry is not much different in agricultural technology from tomatoes and peppers. You can even plant them in the same box with them. To obtain seedlings, neutral soil is required. Therefore, there is no need to add peat to the soil.

Expanded clay is poured onto the bottom of the box to ensure drainage. A layer of soil - about 10 centimeters - is poured on top of it. The hatched seed is placed in it to a depth of half a centimeter. The soil is moistened and covered with glass or polyethylene.

The mini-greenhouse needs to be ventilated regularly to prevent the soil from becoming moldy. Shoots will appear in three months. After the plants throw out the third true leaf, they are picked and placed in a well-lit, warm place.

Seedlings are not watered very often, but the soil should not be allowed to become “stony”.

Planting in open ground and caring for sunberries

Sunberries are planted together with tomatoes and peppers. Only the distance between the bushes should be at least 70 centimeters, as they grow very much.

During the summer, it is enough to feed the sunberry with mullein a couple of times and water it every other day or two - and very soon the gardener will be rewarded for his efforts!

Properties of blueberries. health berry. Doctor Khoroshev

Plants like “blueberry forte” do not exist in nature. There are forest blueberries that we all know (there are no cultivated forms or varieties yet), and there is a medical product from the category of biologically active additives (dietary supplements) called “blueberry forte”, which is made from the berries of the same blueberries.

We're talking about sunberries.- a hybrid plant from the nightshade family, which includes, by the way, tomatoes (tomatoes).

This plant was obtained in 1905 by the famous American breeder Luther Burbank from crossing two wild species of nightshade: the tall African one and the small-fruited creeping European one.

The scientist gave the new plant the name “sunberry,” which translates as “sunny berry.”

About ten years ago, sunberry finally reached Russia, where, out of ignorance, the plant began to be called American garden blueberry. It was credited with unheard of taste and medicinal properties.

Seeds were in great demand at unimaginable prices, so sellers of exotic goods initially had a real opportunity to make some money. True, this excitement did not last very long - our sunberry gardeners did not accept it. Now it seems the situation is repeating itself.

Now the “American garden blueberry” has become the fashionable “forte blueberry.” So what do we really have?

Sunberry - perennial herbaceous plant, which under conditions temperate climate grown as an annual, from seeds through seedlings. Externally, it is a powerful bush up to 2 meters high with black juicy berries the size of cherries, collected in clusters of 10-15 pieces.

Blueberry forte, sunberry, or sunberry, is popular in many countries. However, in our climate zone this plant is quite rare plant, despite its dietary and healing advantages. In Russia, this crop is known as voronyashka or blueberry forte.

From one bush you can collect about a bucket of berries. It blooms and ripens continuously until late autumn. The fruits (berries) are not poisonous, unlike black nightshade. The season of fresh berries can be extended by picking the bush in the fall and hanging it upside down in a warm room.

To prevent them from having a nightshade taste, the berries must first be doused with boiling water and allowed to stand for a few minutes, the water drained, and then processed. They make excellent jam and also a filling for pies.

The crop is annual (in our climatic conditions), so the seeds are prepared from the largest berries. They are sown at the same time as tomatoes.

Here's what they say about sunberry folk medicine:

Sunberry has healing power. Sunberry berries contain selenium, which slows down the aging process and prevents the development of cancer, as well as anthocyanins, which improve blood composition, and pectins, which remove poisons and toxins from the body. Its fruits have a beneficial effect on visual acuity, have a laxative, diuretic, anthelmintic and antiseptic effect.

Healing recipes with blueberries

Sunberries can be used to make Elixir of health.
The berries must be passed through a meat grinder and the juice squeezed out through cheesecloth. Dilute with water in a 1:1 ratio. 1.5 kg of honey is added to five liters of such diluted juice. The elixir is poured into jars and stored in the refrigerator or cellar.
Take 2 tablespoons before meals.

This remedy normalizes blood pressure, eliminates headaches, improves memory and visual acuity, increases endurance and the body's adaptive abilities to adverse factors, helps in the treatment of rheumatism, gout, stomach ulcers, hepatitis, bronchial asthma and varicose veins of the legs.

sunberry leaves used to treat eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea. For this:

100 grams of leaves are mixed with 2 egg whites, two tablespoons of ripe berry juice are added, mixed thoroughly and lotions are made.

Infusion of dried leaves helps with neuroses, headaches, gastritis, colitis, cystitis, hypertension, epilepsy (convulsions), neuralgia, bronchial asthma. Preparation of the infusion:

Pour 2 teaspoons of crushed leaves into 1.5 cups of boiling water, leave in a warm place for two hours, filter. Take one tablespoon 4 times a day before meals.

Chopped fresh berries, mixed with sour milk(1:1), applied to purulent wounds, abscesses, ulcers.

Sunberry juice diluted with water (1:3) and used to gargle for sore throat.

And finally, two recipes...

For headaches:
Chop the sunberry stems along with the leaves and berries and place in a saucepan. Pour in 3 liters of water and bring to a boil over low heat, then cool. Strain and wash your hair with this mixture, first every other day, then every two, three, and less often, until the headaches go away completely. You can wet a towel with this infusion and wrap your head. Walk until the towel is dry. The infusion is used fresh each time. In this case, it is useful to drink tea from sunberry flowers (3 grams of dried flowers per 500 ml of water).

For arterial hypertension(the same composition is also used from varicose veins leg veins):
Mix the juice from the leaves, stems and flowers of sunberry in equal parts with honey and take 2-3 tablespoons at night. This composition slightly excites, then calms, dilates blood vessels, removes salts, waste and uric acid from body tissues, lowers and stabilizes blood pressure. Take until the patient’s condition clearly improves.

It should be remembered, my friends, that any treatment can be carried out only after consultation with a doctor and under his supervision.

Sunberry (blueberry forte, crow, sunberry)

Family Solanaceae.

Sunberry is a new crop in our area and is still very rare, although its more than close relative - wild black nightshade - is very familiar to everyone as a weed. As a matter of fact, sunberry is a cultivated hybrid form this unpleasant weed, with the difference that its berries are not only not poisonous, but are even good for health - they have many healing properties, in addition, they are larger and more numerous.

Biological features
Sunberry is an annual herbaceous plant with a bush reaching 1.5 m in height. The stem is powerful, fleshy, tetrahedral, and forms a large number of stepsons. The leaves are the same as those of black nightshade. The flowers are white, star-shaped (like nightshade or potato), collected in an inflorescence-brush with an average of 10-20 pieces. It blooms until late autumn; as soon as some flowers begin to bear fruit, the next ones bloom. The berries are the same in shape as those of black nightshade (miniature black “tomatoes”), the size of a cherry (1.5-2 cm in diameter), and do not ripen simultaneously (until late autumn). At the moment of the most massive ripening, it seems that the bush is completely covered with them.

Sunberry is very unpretentious and bears fruit well in bad weather conditions, under which other berries do not ripen.

The value of culture
Sunberries can be eaten fresh, but not everyone likes their nightshade flavor, so they are much more often used for processing. This taste can be partially removed by pouring boiling water over the berries, leaving them for several minutes and draining the water. After this, they can be processed into juice (from which a special wine with healing properties is also prepared) or jam, which in Western countries is highly valued for its original taste.

Sunberry juice diluted 1:1 with honey (300 g of honey per 1 liter of juice) normalizes blood pressure, increases endurance, relieves or completely eliminates headaches, and is also useful for stomach ulcers, rheumatism, hepatitis and asthma. From juice mixed with raw eggs, make lotions to treat eczema, psoriasis and seborrhea.

The leaves and stems also have medicinal properties (however, do not forget that, like all nightshades, they are poisonous, and therefore their use requires great caution). An infusion of crushed dry leaves is taken for gastritis, colitis, cystitis, neurosis, hypertension, various convulsive conditions (including epilepsy), neuralgia, as a sedative, as well as for bronchial asthma and many skin diseases.
During the mass ripening of berries, the sunberry bush looks very original and decorative.
Ukraine does not yet have its own officially recognized sunberry varieties, and the range of imported ones is unpredictable. On sale, sunberry seeds are most often found under the name “blueberry forte”. You should only purchase them in trusted stores in the packaging of seed companies, since there have already been precedents when the seeds of ordinary wild black nightshade were given out for sunberries.

Selecting a location
For sunberries, it is better to allocate warm, wind-protected areas at an elevation with good lighting, sandy loam and loamy soils with a pH of about 6. Since sunberry is an annual, you can sow a couple of its bushes directly in vegetable beds. In this case, the best predecessors are cucumbers, onions and legumes; unacceptable - tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, potatoes (but sunberries can grow next to them).

Soil preparation
The soil is treated as for garden crops. Planting pit not done. At autumn processing soils are introduced organic fertilizers, in spring - mineral.

Reproduction methods
Sunberries are usually grown seedling method. They can be sown in boxes at the same time as tomatoes, from mid-February to March. Seeds germinate at room temperature. In seedling boxes it is necessary to ensure good drainage, water only warm water. After germination, the box is placed in a warmer place if possible. Seedlings require additional lighting.

After the seedlings have grown stronger, they need to be planted, preferably in separate cups. Seedlings are planted in the ground after the end of spring frosts, when 6-7 true leaves have already formed.

If you want to get your own seeds, it is better to select berries from clusters that ripen earlier than others (there is a chance of increasing early ripening).

Guess diagram
The usual pattern is 70 x 70 cm.

Sunberry is very unpretentious and requires minimal care. It should be watered only when long absence rains. Other activities are also carried out only as necessary. Fertilizing is desirable, but not necessary on fairly fertile soil. The only specific feature is that the stepsons can droop to the ground under the weight of ripe berries, this should not be allowed, so you need to place slingshots under such branches or tie them to stakes.

Although annual pruning as such is almost never carried out, a similar action - regular plucking of flowers and buds, carried out in the fall (it should begin about a month before the onset of a steady cold spell) - will increase the yield, since in this case new ones will not form. ovaries that will not have time to ripen anyway. But for those who have already started, that’s enough nutrients to form quickly and efficiently.

Features of harvesting and storage
The harvest can be harvested all summer as the berries ripen. The remainder of the crop is completely harvested after the onset of sustained cold weather. Fresh berries are not stored for a long time, but they can be ground with sugar or processed into juice.

Pests and diseases
Sunberry is practically not damaged by pests and even protects neighboring crops from them (an infusion of stems and leaves can even be used to control pests in the same way as an infusion of nightshade). Diseases are similar to those of garden nightshade crops, although in general sunberry is infected with them less frequently.

Sunberry (blueberry forte) - planting and care, propagation and use in video

Among the advantages of blueberries we can note its healing and dietary properties:

    Treats asthma, hepatitis, gout, rheumatism, stomach ulcers. Increases immunity. Improves vision, sleep, memory, appetite. Eliminates headaches. Normalizes blood pressure. Returns beauty and youth. During viral and colds, the berry is used, as it is rich in vitamin C. For sore throat, dilute the juice in water (1:3) and gargle at intervals of three hours.

Blueberry forte leaves:

    Reduce blood sugar. Increases acidity. They have a hemostatic and astringent effect. They have antimicrobial activity. They treat a runny nose, even the chronic form.

Sunberry is used in folk medicine:

    Increased immunity after illness or loss of strength. To do this, prepare the following composition: 1 cup each of honey and pine nuts, 3 cups of sunberry. Grind in a blender or meat grinder. Dosage: 1 tbsp. spoon before every meal. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator. Thyroid gland (iodine deficiency). Feijoa fruits and honey - one glass each, 2 tbsp. blueberries The paste is prepared and applied 2 times, before lunch and breakfast. Prevention of hypertension. This uses the stem of the blueberry, which should be cut off during flowering. Next, grind and squeeze out the juice. Then add 2 tbsp to 0.5 liters of liquid. l. honey. The cocktail is taken 1 tbsp. l. at lunch and in the morning. Abscesses, purulent wounds. A paste of berries is prepared, milk is added and applied to the affected area for 2 hours. Dandruff and oily scalp. For 100 ml of liquid add 100 ml of alcohol (40%), 200 g. blueberries and a bag of boric acid. Everything is ground in a blender and infused for 12 hours in a darkened area. 45 minutes before washing, rub your head with the mixture. For headaches. Brew the berries hot water(90 gr.) and leave for half a day. Use the infusion liquid as a lotion for 25 minutes.

Blueberries forte

Berries have some disadvantages:

    Promotes an allergic reaction. This may manifest as rashes or redness on the skin. Berries contain pectin, and if you overeat them, you can upset your stomach. Causes drowsiness. People need to be careful when driving a car - don’t eat before leaving. Not recommended for pregnant women, they contribute to uterine contractions.

Selecting a location

    Blueberry forte loves well-lit and warm places without drafts. Predecessors can be legumes, onions, cucumbers. Favorable for it are light soils and close groundwater (30–90 cm). Sunberry grows well in sandy soil and black soil. Blueberries do not tolerate proximity to cabbage. You can plant lettuce and green onions, to strengthen the soil. As soon as the bush takes root, the greenery is removed. Since her deadline is coming at this time.

Berry picking, berry calendar and beneficial properties of berries

Berry picking: berry calendar and beneficial properties of berries As a rule, the lingonberry picking season begins in August–September. Lingonberries have a sour taste with a bitterness that goes away only after frost; lingonberries are harvested until November. The beneficial properties of lingonberries are known to everyone, so when the lingonberries ripen, take the baskets into the forest.

Useful properties of lingonberries

Lingonberries are a valuable vitamin carrier; lingonberries contain a whole range of biologically active substances, organic acids, and sugars. After harvesting, lingonberries can be stored fresh for a month, as they contain benzoic acid. Lingonberries and their juice are taken for high blood pressure and are a good thirst quencher, laxative and antipyretic. Lingonberry juice has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, an antimicrobial and detoxifying effect, and helps with flu and acute respiratory diseases.

Lingonberry, boletus, lingonberry

When to pick crowberries

Crowberry (aka crowberry, also known as crowberry) is a plant of the tundra and the north. The crowberry ripens in August, and the crowberry is harvested in the fall, right up to frost. The crowberry leaves, similar to pine needles, remain on the plant even in winter, only they turn purple-black. The beneficial properties of crowberry berries are very diverse.

Useful properties of crowberry

Voronika is good at removing radionuclides from the body and helps improve immunity. Hypertension, migraines, insomnia, metabolic disorders and seizures can also be treated with crowberry juice. In the tundra, crowberries quench thirst with berries instead of water. Crowberry has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, wound-healing, astringent, anticonvulsant, antispasmodic and antioxidant properties. For long-term storage, just put it in a jar, fill it with water and put it in the basement. Crowberry can be stored in this form for up to a year or more. You can also freeze crowberries.

Crowberry, crowberry, crowberry, bearberry, bagnovka

When to pick blueberries

The harvest season for wild blueberries or gonobobel occurs in July, August and even September. The beneficial properties of blueberries will help everyone who picks blueberries - bluish-black berries with a strong bluish-gray bloom with greenish flesh.

Beneficial properties of blueberries

Blueberries have a number of unique properties: remove radionuclides, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize heart function, slow down the aging of nerve cells and the brain. Blueberries have antisclerotic, cardiotonic, hypotensive and anti-inflammatory effects. Effective for atherosclerosis, hypertension, capillary toxicosis and other diseases associated with insufficiency of blood capillaries. Blueberries are recommended for diabetics, as they promote tissue repair, enhance the effect of medications that lower blood sugar, and enhance metabolism.

Blueberry, gonobobel, blueberry, drunkard

When to pick strawberries

Wild strawberries ripen in June-July, in more northern regions Strawberries can be harvested even in August. ABOUT useful properties Oh, strawberries make legends. Strawberry is a berry that ranks first among all in terms of iron, vitamin E, folic acid and calcium.

Useful properties of strawberries

Strawberries are useful because they contain trace elements, sugars, pectins, acids, fiber, vitamins and essential oils. They not only improve appetite, but also help normalize digestion. Strawberries help restore strength, cure diarrhea in children and help with anemia. Strawberries have vitamin, anti-allergenic, choleretic and diuretic properties, and normalize metabolism. Thanks to the properties of strawberries, toxins and cholesterol are removed from the body. Strawberries are prepared for future use by drying, freezing or rubbing with sugar.

Wild strawberry, sunberry, drifting snow, berry

When to pick cranberries

Cranberries bloom in June, and the berries are harvested starting in September throughout the fall. Doctors have classified this berry as one of the healthiest foods for humans.

Beneficial properties of cranberries

Cranberries are an excellent antioxidant. Due to the high content of potassium salts and vitamin C, cranberries are very beneficial for the body during infectious and colds. Cranberry is considered a natural antibiotic due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Cranberries contain substances that prevent the formation of plaques and blood clots in blood vessels. Rich medicinal properties Cranberry is indicated for varicose veins, as it helps increase the strength and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries. Most of all, cranberries are useful in fresh form, which last for quite a long time due to the content of benzoic acid.

Cranberry, stonefly, crane fly, snowdrop

When to collect the prince

Princeberry berries ripen in July - August. Knyazhenika has a very pleasant taste - it is sweet, but with a sour aftertaste and a strong aroma, reminiscent of both pineapple and peach.

Useful properties of princesses

In addition to the fact that knyazhenika is tastier than regular raspberries, it is also useful as raspberries. Infusions and decoctions of princes in folk medicine are recommended as an antipyretic, for gargling when coughing, for catarrh of the upper respiratory tract and bronchial asthma. Princess berries quench thirst and act as an antipyretic; infusions of the berries are given to patients as a drink. Princes prepare delicious fruit tea from young leaves. Infusions of the leaves are used as a gargle for sore throats and coughs and as an astringent for diarrhea. Fresh leaves are applied to wounds to relieve inflammation and speed up healing.

Knyazhenika, polyanika, mamura

When to collect stone fruits

Drupes ripen in July - August. Drupes are collected until the end of September to enjoy the taste of the berry and its healing properties.

Useful properties of stone fruit

Due to the high content of vitamin C (about 150 mg%), tannins and pectin substances, organic acids, the juice from the fruit of the stone fruit is used as an antiscorbutic and protistocidal drug. Drupal juices are recommended for anemia and anemia. Drupe berry juice helps improve metabolism, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and remove toxins and cholesterol from the body. Infusions of stone fruit also help relieve pain in the heart area. Effective for cystitis and colds. Drupe berries have a pronounced antipyretic agent, therefore they are recommended as an inclusion in complex therapy for diseases accompanied by “high fever.”

Kostyanik, kostritsa, stone stone

When to collect redberry

Krasnika grows on Sakhalin, the south of Kamchatka and some other places. Redberry is harvested in August - September. The taste of redberry berries is unique: at first they seem sweet, later they seem sour, and when you completely chew them, they seem bitter and salty.

Useful properties of redberry

Fresh berries and redberry juice effectively reduce blood pressure in hypertension. It has been established that redberry berries are rich in P-active substances, which dilate blood vessels and strengthen their walls. Krasnika berries contain vitamin C, benzoin and others. organic acids, fiber, 7 essential amino acids, microelements (copper, cobalt, manganese, zinc and chromium). Krasnika is useful for colds; for headaches, the analgesic effect of Krasnika is manifested. Redberry berry juice and liquid extract are also used as a laxative. In addition to the berries, the redberry's young leaves are edible, and their taste is reminiscent of sorrel.

Krasnika, Klopovka

When to pick cloudberries

Cloudberries bloom in May - June, and cloudberries can be collected in July and August. From time immemorial in Rus', fresh and soaked cloudberries were served at the royal table as the most valuable berry of the North. In the North it is still called the Tsar’s berry.

Useful properties of cloudberries

Cloudberries contain 3 times more vitamin C than oranges. Cloudberries are superior to carrots in the content of provitamin A, which rejuvenates cell populations. The miracle cloudberry is a rich source of tocopherols, which accelerate the regeneration of damaged cells and participate in the most important processes of tissue metabolism. Since cloudberries contain a lot of potassium, they help protect against cancer and cardiovascular diseases. The fruits along with honey are good to give to weakened patients to strengthen them. One of the last requests of A.S. Pushkin was the desire to eat pickled cloudberries.

Cloudberry, gloshina, bugbear

When to pick blueberries

Blueberries are harvested from July to September. Blueberry - healing berry, it contains many vitamins and minerals. It tones and stimulates metabolic processes, has a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic, and diuretic effect.

Beneficial properties of blueberries

Blueberries can powerfully counteract aging and even rejuvenate the body. Eating blueberries improves blood supply to the retina of the eye, and as a result, regeneration of retinal tissue is accelerated. Blueberries are the richest source of so-called anthocyanidins, the most powerful of all natural antioxidants. Flavonoids found in blueberries can raise glutathione levels (a powerful protector of nerve tissue). It is suggested that just half a glass of blueberries a day can prevent Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. Blueberry extract has shown the ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Blueberries can lower blood cholesterol as well as some drugs and can be a powerful weapon in the fight against heart disease.

Blueberry, blueberry
Summer is a great time to relax and pick berries. To ensure that the beneficial properties of berries remain healing, let us recall one more simple rule for picking berries: collect berries away from highways, industrial enterprises, landfills and others. dangerous places. I hope our berry calendar has awakened in you the desire to immediately go into the forest to pick berries.

Tell me how to make cranberry juice?

To get a liter of fruit drink, you will need 800 ml of boiling water, 125 g of cranberries and 3 tbsp. spoons of honey or granulated sugar. Wash the berries and mash them with a wooden masher. Then put the cranberry mass in cheesecloth, folded in several layers, and use it to squeeze out the juice. Pour hot water over the cake, boil for 5-10 minutes and strain through a strainer or cheesecloth. Mix the resulting broth with the prepared juice, add honey or sugar and cool it. That's all - the delicious drink is ready! Just don’t forget that the dishes for cranberry juice should be enamel, glass or stainless steel. Aluminum pans can oxidize and will healthy drink harmful.
Lisa Chernikina
Andrey Shalygin PhD, DBA, Chief Editor National Explorer

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Blueberries: benefits and harm.

Regardless of processing methods or fresh form, it contains a huge amount of vitamins and various microelements. It’s not for nothing that our ancestors called it “rejuvenating”.

Blueberries, beneficial properties

Benefits of blueberries Blueberries contain a lot of:

  • carbohydrates
  • potassium
  • magnesium
  • phosphorus
  • organic acids
  • gland
  • vitamins: A, C, B1, B6, PP.
  1. This berry has antiseptic and antibacterial properties by nature. Thanks to these properties, its fruits and a decoction of the leaves are successfully used in the treatment of colds and throat diseases, and cough.
  2. The beneficial substances of blueberries help destroy putrefactive residues of digestion. As a result, the intestinal microflora improves. The stomach is getting healthier. Colitis goes away
  3. Problems with bowel movements are treated with fresh berries, diarrhea with dried ones
  4. Anti-inflammatory properties successfully fight rheumatism, gallbladder and liver problems
  5. The berry helps lower blood sugar in diabetes mellitus, normalizes the functioning of organs and glands
  6. Pectins contained in blueberries remove toxins, promoting rejuvenation and healing of the body.
  7. Helps improve immunity, strengthen the muscles of the heart and blood vessels
  8. Low-calorie properties, with high useful composition, very effective in dietary nutrition for weight loss
  9. Copes well with pancreatic diseases, preventing diabetes mellitus
  10. Harmonizes the menstrual cycle
  11. Its use in problems of the genitourinary system is also effective

Antioxidants in blueberries

Benefits of blueberries The most important component of this forest beauty is antioxidants. By acting on cells of poor quality formation, anthocyanins (antioxidants) prevent cancer. The highest content of these absorbents is in this berry “goddess”, although their presence has also been determined in apples, red grape varieties, and red cabbage

Blueberries for pregnant women

Benefits of blueberries - tea for pregnant women against colds The life-giving power of this plant is very useful for pregnant women:

  • improves hematopoiesis
  • prevents anemia
  • fights viruses instead of medications
  • stimulates immune catagenesis
  • succinic acid gives elasticity to blood vessels

This healing source of health is especially important for pregnant women. It should be taken very carefully. Starting with the minimum dose. Gradually increasing the rate. Since vitamins are cumulative in nature, this should be taken into account when taking them.

  • For rinsing with sore throat and stomatitis: Mix half a glass of juice with the same amount of water
  • For a cold: We drink tea made from leaves or dried blueberries.
  • Prevention of hemorrhoids is a natural juice taken daily
  • Compresses made from infusion of green blueberry shoots help treatment of skin diseases
  • Fresh berries will help with stomach ulcer
  • Stop diarrhea n You can use dried blueberries or berry jelly

Blueberries during breastfeeding

The benefits of blueberries during breastfeeding When breastfeeding, blueberries are recommended in the same way as for pregnant women.

  • With the help of mother's milk, the baby is saturated with all the necessary vitamins
  • From 7 months you can add several berries to purees or liquids for feeding your baby
  • After a year, the little one can safely be given half a mug of the product

Vitamins blueberry Forte - instructions for use

The video will tell you in detail how to use vitamins.

Video: Blueberry Forte with lutein

Blueberries for vision: reviews from doctors

Is it true that blueberries are so good for vision? Let's see what Dr. Kosov thinks.

Video: Blueberries and visual acuity

Benefits of blueberries for skin

Benefits of blueberries Thanks to the rich composition of blueberries, cosmetologists idolize this berry. They advise all ladies who want to maintain their youth for as long as possible. And for those who want to always seem fresh and well-groomed.

The life-giving elixir of this fruit promotes:

  • anti-inflammatory and antibacterial processes
  • narrowing pores
  • strengthening the circulatory system
  • saturation of the epidermis with moisture
  • anti-aging protection
  • combating the first signs of skin aging

It is the life-giving elixir of vitamins and microelements, pectins, tannins and various acids (malic, citric, lactic, succinic, quinic) that provides extraordinary beneficial results to the epidermis.

Procedure for cleansing

  • Whisk a handful of clean berries and a little thick yogurt
  • Apply to skin for 20 minutes

Nourishing treatment

  • Mash a handful of fruits with a small amount of any purified sunflower oil
  • Apply to the epidermis
  • Clean with clean water after a quarter of an hour

Very effective product for caring for the area around the eyes

  • 5-7 berries, mixed with the same number of drops of aloe vera
  • put it on your eyes for half an hour
  • wash off with water

The mask removes swelling and bruises under the eyes very well.

Video: Blueberry face mask.

Benefits of blueberries for hair

Benefits of blueberries for hair

Except miraculous properties shrub in cosmetology for caring for the epidermis of the face, the berry brings no less benefits for creating beautiful and healthy hair.

Whipped berry mask used regularly:

  • strengthens and nourishes curls
  • makes hair vibrant and healthy
  • gets rid of dandruff
  • relieves inflammation from the head

Due to its color, it produces a darkish coloring effect, and therefore is not recommended for blondes.

Contraindications for the use of blueberries

  1. Availability:
    urolithiasis - oxalaturia
    pancreatic diseases
    allergies to some components, plants
  2. Excessive use of it contributes to constipation
  3. Has the peculiarity of attracting harmful substances to itself in environmentally polluted places

What are the benefits of blueberry tincture?

The benefits of blueberries. What are the benefits of blueberry tincture? The tincture from the foliage has the same specificity as the fruit.

The main advantage of this elixir is that it is in this form that this miracle berry effectively acts in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.


  • Take a good handful of crushed dry leaves or fruits
  • Pour into an iron mug with boiled water
  • Simmer on a low flame for up to half an hour
  • Strain
  • We take a coffee mug, 3 to 4 doses per day

Wild berries are miraculous.

But unfortunately, her ability to absorb hazardous elements in gas-filled places, requires caution:

  • we collect the plant ourselves, in proven, clean places
  • If this is not possible, we buy it in pharmacies from trusted suppliers.

Video: Blueberries - beneficial properties.

Sunberryamazing plant. Translated from English “sunberry9raquo; means sunny berry. But botanically, it is just a nightshade hybrid. But what! Sunberry has a strong and fast growth, abundant flowering, and then abundant fruiting.

Useful properties of sunberry

Sunberry berries contain substances similar to adrenal hormones. They relieve inflammation in arthritis, pneumonia, enterocolitis, myocarditis. A set of biologically active substances has anticonvulsant, sedative and diuretic effects. In addition, sunberries contain a unique amount of pectin. Coloring substances - anthocyanins have a positive effect on blood composition. Sunberry berries also have an anti-cancer effect and slow down the aging process of the body.

Growing sunberries

Growing this plant is not at all difficult. An overseas guest can easily tolerate even the capricious northwestern climate with its short and often cool summers. Caring for sunberries is the same as caring for tomatoes. Seeds are usually sown for seedlings in March. The seedlings grow quickly and within a month reach a height of 35 cm.

Sunberry plants are very moisture-loving and require abundant daily watering. In May, some of the seedlings can be transplanted into a greenhouse, and the rest of the plants (after the threat of frost - approximately June 8-10) - into sunny places in open ground. In the future, the sunberry only needs frequent watering, including fertilizing (slurry or fermented herbal infusion).

In the fall, if early frosts occur, bushes in open ground should be covered with spunbond or any other material at night. Sunberry seeds remain viable for several years. Sunberries are not damaged by pests and diseases.

The yield for an annual is very high: from 5 bushes - a bucket of berries. By the way, during flowering, the plants, covered with white lace of rather large flowers, are very decorative. And covered with black fruits, they attract the attention of all passers-by, striking the eye with such unusual fertility. Strong shoots of sunberry reach two meters in height. By autumn, from the ground to the top, they are covered with black, cherry-sized shiny berries, which fully ripen at the end of September, as evidenced by their softening. But there is no need to rush to harvest sunberries - when overripe, they only wilt slightly, but never rot or dry out. When fresh, they are not very good: without the slightest sourness.

Sunberry blanks

If you plan to make jam from sunberries, then try adding one lemon minced through a meat grinder to 5 kg of berries, the taste will be amazing. In addition, sunberry jam hardens into an elastic, dense mass, thanks to the presence large quantity pectins. It’s even better to rub the steamed fruits through a sieve to free them from seeds and tough skin, and then boil them with lemon. The result is a wonderful dark raspberry jelly.

It turns out delicious sunberry jam with gooseberries, red rowan, barberry, cranberries, lingonberries, red currants. Considering its rich biochemical composition, it is better to cook jam for five minutes so that the biologically active substances are not destroyed and the healing value of the crop is not lost. Be sure to try growing sunberries in your own garden!

Comments on “Sunberry: growing care and recipes”

Yozhin 6 September 2013 21:48
Rare disgusting! The taste is disgusting, the aftertaste is disgusting!
Often sold under the name Blueberry Forte. Don't fall for the tricks of scammers! And it’s not worth close to blueberries - NIGHTLIGHT (tomato).

Marina 22 September 2014 13:56
I absolutely disagree with Yozhin. This miracle berry is very useful to eat for cancer patients, people with low immunity and so-called neoplasms. Just don’t buy any nonsense from pharmacies and other healers, you need to eat natural food. Grow sunberry yourself in your garden; in mid-September it has a delicate taste and pleasant aroma. You should eat it fresh on an empty stomach, about 5 teaspoons. Eat black berry, it is the most medicinal, the green berry is not suitable for food, wait until it turns black. Keeps great fresh in the refrigerator. I have been using this berry for 4 years, my tumors have disappeared and are not forming anymore.
For those who do not have the opportunity to grow berries in the garden, I recommend growing them on a balcony or windowsill in pots. The bush is not as large as in open ground, but bears fruit even in winter.

Nadezhda 21 February 2015 15:36
I really liked the taste of these berries! Now I will sow the seeds for seedlings. I hope to reap the first harvest by the fall.

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Canadian blueberry forte – useful plant in the garden

Blueberries from Canada, or sunberries, were bred by breeders not so long ago, but are already known for a lot of useful properties. This annual is completely different in appearance from the one of the same name. forest plant. It can be grown in the garden by collecting big harvests large black berries.

Crossing familiar plants gives unusual options in the world of flora. Such unusual specimens include blueberries forte, so named for the raven color of the berries, which taste similar to nightshade. And the parents of the plant are creeping nightshade species of European and African origin.

External features of blueberries forte

The nightshade family has many representatives that grow in our gardens - potatoes. tomatoes. eggplants. Sunberry does not look like them: thick herbaceous stem As it grows, it forms many strong stepsons, reaching a height of up to one and a half meters. During the growing season, the branches are covered with small white flowers.

Then large berries appear in their place, which as they ripen acquire a rich black color.

No wonder the plant was called blueberry forte, crowberry. In terms of productivity, the fruit bush is superior to many - from one tree you can collect a bucket of aromatic, delicious berries.

The sunberry plant contains best qualities Solanaceae species: unpretentiousness, resistance to frost and disease, benefits for human health.

Plant propagation methods, planting rules

If you wish, you can grow a wonderful plant in your garden. It is planted with seeds or seedlings. But sowing blueberry seeds directly into open ground will not always give a positive result, so the seedling method is usually used:

  • Work on planting seedlings begins with preparing blueberry seeds. They have a thick shell, so it must be pierced with a needle. After this, the seed material is placed in a jar with coarse river sand, previously calcined and washed. Vigorous shaking of the container will cause the plant seed to free itself from its durable outer clothing.
  • The seeds are washed in a solution of potassium permanganate, keeping it in it for several minutes.
  • They begin to sow them at the same time as tomatoes - in late February - mid-March.
  • A drainage layer is placed in the containers, then filled with soil. The soil should not contain peat, as it acidifies the substrate, which Canadian blueberries do not like.
  • In order for healthy seedlings to appear, it is necessary to water warm water, ensure the air temperature is not lower than eighteen degrees, sufficient lighting.
  • The appearance of seedlings indicates that the temperature can be increased and additional lighting can be provided for the seedlings.
  • Picking of seedlings occurs after two or three leaves appear on the stem.
  • And after the threat of night frosts ceases, the seedlings will be able to migrate to permanent place in the garden.

Sunberry is not without reason called the sunny berry, because for better fruiting She needs open, well-lit areas of the territory. When planting bushes, the optimal distance between them will be seventy centimeters. At first, it is advisable to cover the young plants with a plastic cap at night.

Like tomato bushes, sunberry trees need support. It can be dug in advance next to the seedlings. After such simple manipulations, you can breathe freely: the plant will delight abundant flowering and fruiting.

The unpretentiousness of blueberries forte does not mean that attention should not be paid to them. Here are some rules for caring for the plant:

  1. Sunberry is indifferent to watering. It doesn't require a lot of moisture. Bushes should be watered moderately, even during dry summers.
  2. You can feed the plant if it grows on poor soils. If the soil fertility is high, fertilization is not required.
  3. The weakness of the bush's stems requires supports and tying, otherwise, weighed down with berries, they will fall to the ground and rot.
  4. Once a month, excess shoots are trimmed. This is similar to the nightshade plant.

Ripe berries are harvested at the end of September. They retain their quality and freshness for a long time. Many gardeners note that growing blueberry bushes is easy, and the harvest is excellent.

Useful properties of sunberry

Even if not everyone likes the taste of the Canadian blueberry, its medicinal properties are highly valued:

  • The benefits of black berries for normalizing the digestive tract are invaluable. Having a mild laxative and diuretic effect, they help cleanse the body of waste and toxins.
  • It is useful for people with hypertension to use ground sunberries as food.
  • Mixed with honey, they will help restore strength and strengthen the immune system. To do this, take a teaspoon of berry-honey mass before meals.
  • Juice from the berries, diluted with boiled water, should be used to gargle a sore throat.
  • Blueberry forte leaves along with lungwort leaves are dried, then a tablespoon is brewed in a glass of boiling water. The drug helps with coughs and sore throats. After rinsing the mouth and throat, the symptoms of the disease decrease.
  • Crushed berries mixed with milk are applied to purulent wounds and abscesses.

The consumption of black fruits is contraindicated for allergy sufferers and pregnant women. The nightshade product has a negative effect on coordination of movements and speed of reaction. Therefore, it is better not to drive after using it.

The usefulness of the plant has been proven by scientists and put into practice.

The blueberry forte plant is just beginning to conquer garden plots and will be a discovery for many. The berries are not only interesting for their unique taste, but also have many beneficial properties.

More information can be found in the video:

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Blueberry forte or sunny berry

This is how my blueberry forte grew! Not all of it has fit into the frame yet.

My neighboring summer residents have been growing blueberries for several years. I looked at these berries with skepticism and chuckled, saying, wolfberry grow or inedible nightshade. Friends persistently praised blueberries, they said they were healthy and tasty. Well, I begged some seedlings from a friend. I planted it and thought, come what may, let it grow. I planted it in the shade. And it grows and grows, has grown enormously. It began to bloom and berries appeared. They turned a little black and started tasting the berries to see how they tasted. At first it was grass, no taste. But now in September the berry taste has already begun to appear. There are a lot of berries, ripe ones right there, brown ones on a branch nearby, and other branches are blooming. All in all, an amazing plant.

I started looking for a description of this plant. It is called Sunberry, or sunny berry, blueberry forte. I searched on the Internet, there are different responses, some call it a weed, some praise it, more praise is given to sunberry jam. I'll try to make jam.

sunny berry, blueberry forte

Description: powerful plant. The fruits are large, shiny, collected in a cluster.

Parts used: fruits and leaves.

Cultivation: unpretentious, frost- and drought-resistant plant. Very productive.

Application: due to its numerous beneficial properties, sunberry is extremely popular in many countries. Nowadays, sunberry grass, berries and seeds are officially recognized by the pharmacopoeias of England and France. USA, Germany, Turkey, China, India and other countries. In Russia, this plant is actively used in folk medicine. Sunberry reduces the permeability of vascular walls. This property is determined by the presence of anthocyanins and vitamins in this plant, especially P (rutin, quercetin). These substances also protect from destruction ascorbic acid, which is involved in the synthesis of collagen - the basis of the walls of blood vessels, which eliminates the main cause of angina pectoris and atherosclerosis. This makes it possible to prescribe its drugs for any manifestations of bleeding, hemorrhagic syndromes of various origins - after radiation therapy, for varicose veins, arthritis and arthrosis.

Berry extract reduces eye fatigue and increases visual acuity. It is useful for rheumatism, osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis, asthma, improves blood composition, digestion, memory, sleep, appetite, general well-being, appearance, restores beauty and youth, strength and health. Due to their high pectin content, sunberries improve intestinal motility and promote bowel movements.
Sunberries are one of the richest sources of plant-based antioxidants. They actively combat symptoms of aging such as loss of memory and muscle strength, blurred vision and poor coordination.
According to many years of observations, this miracle berry heals neuroses, headaches and joint pain, gastritis, colitis, cystitis, hypertension, angina pectoris, diabetes, seizures, varicose veins, seborrhea, eczema, etc.

Sunberry leaves are also beneficial. They have high antimicrobial activity, an astringent and hemostatic effect, increase the acidity of gastric juice, weaken spasms of the smooth muscles of the intestines and urinary tract, and reduce blood sugar, which is especially important for patients with diabetes.

berry jam: well-ripened soft berries are dipped in boiling syrup (for 1 kg of berries - 1 kg of sugar and 1 tbsp. water). Cook for five minutes, remove from heat and leave for 4-5 hours. Repeat this two more times until the berries are completely cooked. During the last cooking, add the zest and (or) juice of one or two lemons or a little citric acid. Vanillin or leaves can be added to the jam for flavor. herbs(peppermint, anise lofanta, coriander, thyme, hyssop).

The juice of the berries is diluted with water 1:3 and used to gargle for sore throat.

Features of planting and growing sunberries

In recent years, in addition to traditional plants, personal plots Exotic crops are becoming increasingly common. This seems to be becoming a fashion trend. A measure of the modernity and seriousness of the hobby of gardening. Among the diversity exotic plants, which have managed to establish themselves in temperate latitudes, I would like to dwell on the rather new one, which has not yet received wide publicity, Sunberry.

Description of the berry

Sunberry (Galbrey)– hybrid perennial the nightshade family. This bush was obtained by crossing the African nightshade and the European small-fruited creeping nightshade. It reaches a height of one and a half meters. More often it grows up to 90 cm. Very fruitful. Sunberry - translated from English as sunny berry. Named so by its creator, American gardener and breeder Luther Burbank (1849 - 1926).

This hybrid is valued primarily for its fruits. Sunberry berries are large and black in color. It is thanks to this this plant also called blueberry forte or Canadian blueberry. The fruits can reach the size of a cherry. Collected in brushes of 10-15 pieces. Contains vitamin C and carotene. Saturated with elements such as iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, manganese, copper, zinc, nickel, chromium, silver, and this is almost the complete complex of trace elements necessary for a person.

Did you know?Sunberry nightshade is a relative of tomatoes and potatoes. They belong to one family, which has 90 genera and at least two and a half thousand species.

Canadian blueberries are quite high in calories - they contain up to 220 kcal per 100 g of berries. The reason for this is the high content of nutrients: proteins, fats, fructose and glucose. The following active compounds are present: anthocyanins, bioflavonoids, tannins, chlorophyll.

Sunberry nightshade fruits have healing properties, can be used in the prevention and treatment of joint diseases, improve blood composition, digestion, and appetite. Increases visual acuity.

Often, due to the consonance of the name, people think that the composition of the medical drug “Blueberry Forte” includes Canadian blueberries. However, it is not. Apart from the name, the medical product and blueberry forte have nothing in common. Although eating sunberry nightshade fruits also has a beneficial effect on human vision. Check out others too fruit bushes: serviceberry, goji, grapes, raspberries, currants, sea buckthorn and rose hips.

Conditions for successful growth

Blueberry forte is an unpretentious plant. Grows easily in middle lane as an annual plant. Tolerates autumn frosts. The fruits have time to ripen. Galbry grows on almost any soil. You don’t have to thin out or stepchild. However, it is recommended to tie up the stepsons to avoid the berries touching the ground. It begins to bloom from the beginning of summer until the first frost. However, the plant also has its own preferences.

Site selection

The requirements for the site are quite simple. This can be any part of the garden or garden. Closed or open. It is advisable that there is no strong wind in the selected area. The plant responds well to shading. However, this reduces the yield. The berries grow small and have a tart taste. Galbri can also be planted between rows of other crops (except for other nightshades: potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant and peppers). In the latter case, the plant will grow and develop poorly.

Canadian blueberries cannot be planted within city limits. This is due to the fact that the plant pulls all the heavy metals from the soil. For example, zinc, arsenic, cadmium, manganese.

Ideal soil for planting

The composition of the soil is not particularly important. However, the same soil that is suitable for growing zucchini and cucumbers is suitable for sunberry. This means that adding organic matter would be optimal. The soil should be light and rich in humus. Can be planted in areas where tomatoes, potatoes, corn or legumes previously grew. Adding sand and ash to the soil is very beneficial for galbri.

Important!Sunberry does not like acidic soil.

How to grow sunberry seedlings from seeds

Blueberries forte are easy to grow. It is enough to buy seeds at a garden store or get them from fruits grown in your garden. If you want to “breed” Canadian blueberries from fruits from your own plot, you should take into account some conditions.

Seed preparation

The seeds are extracted from ripe black berries. Use the largest berries from the most prolific and early clusters. Seeds can also be purchased at a specialty store. Nightshade seeds are very similar to tomato seeds.

Sowing scheme

It is optimal to plant galbry seedlings in open ground. Seeds take a long time to germinate, up to three months. Before planting, it is better to treat the seeds, soak them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes, then rinse them in a running water cold water and place in a damp cloth or gauze for 2-3 days. Make sure that the shadow does not dry out. It is better to sow in February or early March. Sowed in a container with nutritious soil(plastic cups can also be used) to a depth of 3-5 mm. Before planting, make sure the container has enough holes for drainage. Seedlings germinate at room temperature and moderate humidity. It is better to water with warm water.

Seedling care

The container with seedlings should be moved to a warm, well-lit place. It is better to plant them in separate containers (cups). It is better to place seedlings in a room with windows facing south. It is better if the containers with seedlings are placed on the windowsill. Galbry is very light-loving. It is recommended to spray the seedlings 1-2 times a day with a spray bottle. There should be enough moisture. However, make sure there is good drainage. Excessive moisture can harm young roots. At good conditions seedlings grow quickly.

Did you know?The sunny berry has no officially named varieties. Consider this fact when purchasing seeds. Do this only in specialized places.

Planting sunberries in open ground and further care

The timing of transplanting blueberry forte seedlings into open ground coincides with the time of planting tomato seedlings, namely the end of May - the beginning of June. U young plant 5-7 leaves should just appear. It is better to choose a place at the rate of 70 by 70 cm for each bush. There should be about half a meter between the rows. Don’t forget, sunberry grows up to one and a half meters - it’s a rather sprawling bush. In addition, free access to the plant when picking berries is necessary.

Watering and fertilizing the plant

Sunberry nightshade is unpretentious to watering. However, make sure that the soil does not dry out too much. In dry summers it is better to water regularly. This should be done either early in the morning (5-6 am) or in the evening (19-20 pm). The water should be warm, not lower than 23°C.

Blueberries forte do not require special feeding. Can show quite good results, growing on ordinary soil. However, to guarantee positive results, it is better to fertilize the plant at least twice a season with mullein. You can dissolve the fertilizer in water and water it under the root.

Soil care and tying

As such, soil care is very simple. You just need to weed as needed and loosen the soil between the rows. The frequency of loosening is about once every two weeks. This procedure will allow the soil to be saturated with oxygen, and, therefore, the nightshade root system will develop better. Weeding removes unwanted weeds. Perform soil cultivation operations carefully. The depth of loosening is within 6-8 cm. It is best to loosen the day after rain or watering. To do this, you can use a regular squeegee.

Don't damage the roots. This can lead to crop losses.

Straight bushes don’t even need to be tied up. If you want to save the harvest, it is better to tie up the plant. To do this, it is enough to use slingshots or some other supports. The fact is that there can be a lot of berries and the stepson branches cannot support the weight of the fruit and tend to the ground. The berries should not touch the soil.
Among the nightshades there are also such ornamental plants, like petunia, calibrachoa, sweet tobacco and nightshade.

Harvesting and harvesting

About a month before harvest (September - October), it is advisable to tear off the buds and new stepsons. This is done with the aim that the plant directs all its forces to the development of the fruit, and not to flowering and shoots.

Harvesting is best done after the first frost. This is somewhere around the end of October - beginning of November. From the cold, blueberries forte lose their astringency, become sweeter and more pleasant to taste. They ripen in batches. Therefore, the collection will take several approaches at intervals of several days. Moreover, fertility will increase each time.

Did you know?Canadian blueberries do not rot on the bush. Therefore, do not rush to collect them in September and early October. Let them hang until frost. They will wilt a little, but the taste will improve.

Sunberry berries do not have a long shelf life. The easiest and most convenient way to store is to freeze the berries in freezer. In addition to simplicity, this method will also improve the taste of the sunny berry.

You can grind the fruits of nightshade forte with sugar or squeeze the juice out of them.

For fresh consumption, it is better to scald the berries with boiling water. They will become sweeter.

A reliable and tasty way to store sunberries - make jam or compote from the berries. The jam is prepared as follows: washed galbri berries are placed in the refrigerator overnight, after which they are placed in boiling syrup and cooked for five minutes. Then remove from heat and leave for 4-5 hours. Then put it back on the fire and cook for five minutes. This procedure is done 2-3 times. With the last cooking, add to the broth lemon juice and 2-3 sprigs of mint, lofant leaves or other spices for scent.

To make jam you will need: one kilogram of ripe Canadian nightshade berries, one kilogram of sugar, a glass of water, juice from two lemons and spices to taste.

You can also make jam. Mix peeled and pitted sunberries with sugar and ginger. Cook for ten minutes, stirring constantly. Add lemon juice, remove from heat and pour into a jar. Place the jar of jam in a pan of hot water for 10 minutes. The water level in the pan should not reach the lid by 1-2 cm. After 10 minutes, remove the jar of jam and cool.

To make jam you will need: one glass of nightshade berries, one third of a glass of sugar, a teaspoon of finely grated ginger and the juice of half a lemon.

Important!Pregnant women, people with allergies and those who plan to drive a vehicle should not eat blueberry forte fruits.Be careful when caring for your sunberry. The stem, leaves and roots contain poisonous alkaloids. Only ripe (black) berries are eaten.

It’s safe to say about blueberry forte that this is exactly the kind of plant that needs minimal care. It is extremely resistant to diseases and is not afraid of temperature changes. Tolerates frost well. This type nightshade is very different from the representatives of the family we are used to. However, if you understand its benefits and harms, it can become one of the favorite plants of gardening lovers.

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Sunberry: benefits, cultivation, care, recipes

People from rural areas of the generation of the 40s and 50s will definitely remember their grandmother’s pies “with elderberry”. The black nightshade berry was eaten fresh, although it could not boast of taste qualities. But it grew on its own, requiring neither care nor space on the site.

Today, doctors agree that this inconspicuous-looking and not so tasty berry is quite healthy. And its sister - bred a century ago by Luther Burbank from the large-fruited American nightshade and our small, but high-yielding and cold-resistant plant - is even recognized as a medicinal plant.

The berry is small, but the benefits are great

This plant is just a godsend for those who want to maintain their health and stay young longer!

General description of culture

Sunberry is an annual plant. But it grows more than a meter tall. And it can produce 10 to 20 kg of fruit per bush! The black berries of the hybrid are large, the size of a cherry.

The plant blooms throughout the summer, from June until frost. Therefore, you can pick berries almost every day. Flowers collected in clusters, reminiscent of potatoes, look very beautiful next to green and already black berries.

As an adult, sunberry easily tolerates drought, heat and frost. Next year it is quite possible to get a lot of shoots from self-seeding in the old place. The gardener simply needs to select the strongest and tallest sprouts and remove the excess ones.

Growing sunberries

The seeds of this plant are very similar to tomatoes. They are quite small.

Seed treatment before planting

The disadvantage of sunberry is that it is very difficult to hatch the seeds. Therefore, first they need to be kept in a warm solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. Then carefully use a blade to make an incision in the place where the sprout usually appears on the seed.

Some gardeners offer a different method. They advise not to cut the seed shell, but only to make notches along the peel with a needle. And then the seeds are placed in a jar with coarse washed and calcined river sand. They should fill the container halfway. When vigorously shaking the jar, the integrity of the seed shells is broken, but the kernels remain intact.

This should be done very carefully so as not to damage the kernel inside the seed!

The operated seed is placed on a damp cloth, covered with film or glass and placed in a warm place so that it hatches. This process may be a little delayed if you compare sunberries with tomatoes and peppers.

Sunberry seeds are planted at the end of February so that the plant has time to produce a good harvest.

Growing seedlings

Sunberry is not much different in agricultural technology from tomatoes and peppers. You can even plant them in the same box with them. To obtain seedlings, neutral soil is required. Therefore, there is no need to add peat to the soil.

Expanded clay is poured onto the bottom of the box to ensure drainage. A layer of soil - about 10 centimeters - is poured on top of it. The hatched seed is placed in it to a depth of half a centimeter. The soil is moistened and covered with glass or polyethylene.

The mini-greenhouse needs to be ventilated regularly to prevent the soil from becoming moldy. Shoots will appear in three months. After the plants throw out the third true leaf, they are picked and placed in a well-lit, warm place.

Seedlings are not watered very often, but the soil should not be allowed to become “stony”.

Planting in open ground and caring for sunberries

Sunberries are planted together with tomatoes and peppers. Only the distance between the bushes should be at least 70 centimeters, as they grow very much.

During the summer, it is enough to feed the sunberry with mullein a couple of times and water it every other day or two - and very soon the gardener will be rewarded for his efforts!

Preparation recipes

Sunberry fruits are not very tasty fresh, but they are simply amazing in the form of jam. And the wine it makes is delicious.

It is important to remember that to preserve the beneficial properties, black nightshade fruits should be cooked for no more than 5 minutes! And to improve the taste you need to put lemon in the jam.

Preparing nightshade raisins

The berries are dipped in boiling sugar syrup for 2 minutes. Then they are taken out with a slotted spoon and feasted on. You can put these “raisins” in pies, decorate cakes and pastries with them, ice cream, and add them to porridge (non-dairy).

Sunberry medicinal jam recipe

300 g of sugar are poured onto 1 kg of berries, put on fire and brought to a boil. Sliced ​​or ground lemon in a meat grinder is also added there. Boil the jam for 5 minutes and pour into jars. Store in the refrigerator, as it will ferment at normal room temperature.

You should consume 5 tablespoons daily, with tea or spread on a bun.