Astilbe planting and care in open ground, types and varieties, photos with names, propagation by cuttings. Secrets of successful planting of astilbe on the site. Advice from experienced gardeners on plant care

14.09.2017 6 824

Astilbe - planting and care open ground without any hassle!

Incredible astilbe, planting and caring for it in open ground, which is quite simple to care for, will delight owners with its beauty for a long time. But, you need to know when to plant your pet, in autumn or spring, and be able to select the most successful combination with other colors. landscape design and take into account many nuances. Below you will find a photo of the flower, and also learn how to care for your pet and how its wintering goes.

Astilbe - planting according to the rules

Astilbe - lush perennial flower, which will grow well in a shady garden. However, some varieties prefer to grow in the sun. As a rule, the beauty begins to bloom in early summer, then in the autumn the upper part dies off, but root system remains alive.

The pet is planted starting in the spring season, immediately after the frosts disappear and the soil thaws, and until mid-autumn, but always 5-6 weeks before the onset of persistent cold weather, since the plant must have time to get stronger. This crop can be grown from seeds and rhizomes.

When planting, the rhizome should not be too dry or elongated, curved and in no case crumpled. There should also be no rotten parts. The root should be firm and fresh. If growth buds appear on the rhizome, it is better to plant it in the ground immediately. Optimal time planting rhizomes in open ground - early to mid-May.

Before planting, the area needs to be dug up and weeds removed. It is important to fertilize the soil and for this you can use compost, manure or rotted peat. Dig small holes (25 cm deep at a distance of 30 centimeters). It is advisable to sprinkle the holes with a small amount of ash, which will protect the roots well from rot and various small pests living in the soil.

Water the planting holes well. Place the rhizome in the ground not too deep so that the buds are lightly sprinkled with soil. After this, sprinkle a small layer of peat chips or humus on top, which will retain moisture well and prevent the roots from withering in hot weather or freezing in the fall in case of unexpected cold weather.

Sowing of seeds begins in March. The process is quite complicated - first the flower is planted at home. Take a wide and tall container and place peat and sand in it in a 1:1 ratio. Some gardeners settle on a 3:1 ratio. Then a small layer of snow (up to 1 cm) is laid on top of the ground. The seeds are sown on this layer of snow. It will begin to melt and sink planting material in peat When the snow has melted, the container is placed on the upper section of the refrigerator. After the sprouts appear, transfer to a warm, bright place at room temperature. Watering is best done with a syringe, injecting water into the ground. There must be water room temperature. When the sprouts have leaves, they are planted in separate containers.

If you plant seeds directly into the soil, you must remember that they may not sprout. They need to be scattered on top of the ground and not sprinkled with anything. Planting time is February-March. The crops need to be sprinkled with a small amount of water; they will go into the ground on their own. But be careful not to drown too deeply.

The sprouts are not transplanted into the greenhouse until the ground warms up. After the young animals appear, they begin to weed the ground. Don't forget to water. In mid-late September, the plant is pruned and covered for the winter. Grown from seeds, astilbe will bloom only in the third year.

Where to plant astilbe?

The location you choose to plant will ensure that the plant will take root. The choice of location depends on the type of flower. The culture can easily do without sunlight and grows quite quickly in partial shade. Varieties such as Gloria or Weiss Pearl can take root well in the sun. High grades planted at a distance of half a meter. Low grades- 30 cm.

Outdoor care for beautiful flowering

Astilbe loves frequent watering. Its roots grow upward, where the soil dries out faster. The plant quickly withers due to lack of moisture, but at the same time you should not flood the plantings. Astilbe is very vulnerable after winter. It survives frosts well, but spring temperature fluctuations are destructive for it, so in the fall the plant and the soil between the bushes are covered with humus, peat, compost and covered with spruce branches.

How can you feed astilbe?

To prevent your green friend from dying, the soil must be fertilized every year. If using, use peat or compost. When covering with organic matter in the spring, do not forget to replace the layer with a fresh and nutritious one in the fall. In the spring, fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers will be good so that the crop actively begins to grow after winter (dissolve 15-20 grams of urea in 10 liters of water and water the plants). In mid-summer and autumn, the beauty can be fed with phosphorus-potassium supplements, which will allow the rhizomes to gain nutrition for the upcoming winter period. in combination with organic ones, they will allow you to grow incredibly beautiful astilbe in your summer cottage.

On average, a bush lives for five years. After this time (or if necessary), it needs to be replanted. A shovel is used to separate a part from the bush. The damaged area is sprinkled with ash or crushed coal and replanted.

Due to excessive watering, the crop can be affected by root rot. In this case, you can water the plants with Hom or others that will be available (dilute according to the instructions).

Another danger for astilbe comes from various pests: if the leaves of the plant turn yellow and curl, then they need to be treated for pennies and leafhoppers. For this, it is better to use Mospilan, Rogor-S, Aktar and other drugs.

Another pest that attacks leaves is the strawberry nematode. In this case, the leaves become brown and covered with yellow specks. The root-knot nematode lives in the roots of the plant. In neglected form, the plant may die.

Winter pruning is usually carried out in several step-by-step stages. This is the only way the crop can survive the winter without loss. After the crop has bloomed, its dried flowers need to be cut off. If this is not done, the plant stems will begin to weaken. In autumn, the planting is cut off completely, then the rhizome is mulched with a fairly thick layer of organic matter. The thickness of the layer will depend on the growing region - in the Urals and Siberia it is advisable to make it thicker, but in the Kuban you can not mulch at all, but it is better to play it safe - nature has its own rules. If you didn’t prune it in the fall, then you need to do it in the spring, always before fresh shoots appear.

Astilbe in landscape design and popular varieties

This flower is not whimsical, coexists well and combines with other crops that love shade. Astilbe blooms with openwork peduncles. You can often see varieties with white and pinkish hues. Lilies of the valley, bergenia, irises and other plants with whole leaves will be an excellent addition to a flower bed with astilbes, so feel free to plant them nearby.

Landscape designers prefer to plant several flower beds with only these bushes, but different varieties, which differ in color and height.

They plant the beauty on alpine roller coaster or along lawns. It is necessary to place plants away from strong and powerful trees and lush shrubs, the root system of which can be destructive.

Astilbe has many varieties, among which are the following:

  • Arendsa – hybrid variety, can grow up to 1 meter in height, the peduncle looks like a pyramid with rounded flowers. Arendsa blooms in July and August, flowering lasts about forty days;
  • Brautschleier has whitish-yellow inflorescences, reaches 80 cm, begins flowering in early June;
  • The Feynel variety is well suited for cutting; its flowers are painted in a fiery crimson hue;
  • The shape of the flowers of the Gloria variety is diamond-shaped and they are painted white.

Beautiful astilbe will delight you with its flowering and look harmonious in a flowerbed with other plants only if you want it yourself. After all, in fact, the whole difficulty lies in free time and desire.

Astilbe- a herbaceous perennial, which in nature grows mainly in mountainous areas with a monsoon climate, at an altitude of up to 4800 m. The plant is characterized by hardiness and fairly high winter hardiness, therefore, in most climatic zones it normally tolerates the cold period and does not require careful preparation for winter.

Like most garden plants, astilbe needs especially careful care during the year of planting. In order for the bush to be healthy and strong, and to survive the coming winter well, you should not allow it to bloom. If you remove the flower stalks, all the plant’s energy will go to rooting and forming buds on the rhizome. In addition, until the astilbe has matured, the soil around it needs to be weeded. Over time, the bush will grow, crowd out the weeds, and there will be no need for weeding.

It is important to know that new buds form in the upper part of the rhizome, and the annual vertical growth is 3 - 5 cm. Therefore, when growing astilbe, it is recommended to use pre-winter mulching, which will help protect young buds, creating favorable conditions for wintering. In autumn, the bushes are sprinkled with crushed bark, well-decomposed compost or peat. If this is not done, the upper part of the rhizome with renewal buds is exposed, and young adventitious roots may freeze during the cold period. After wintering, such a plant remains weakened, its inflorescences become smaller, the duration and abundance of flowering, as well as the decorativeness of the leaves, decreases.

In the middle zone astilbe does not need winter shelter. Among shade-tolerant perennials, it occupies one of the leading places in cold resistance. Healthy mature plants tolerate winter quite well, so mulching is sufficient for them. The most dangerous are late spring frosts, which can damage the upper part of the rhizome. But, if during the growing season astilbes grew in favorable conditions, in the spring, regenerating from dormant buds, they practically do not lose their decorative effect.

Old specimens become less resistant to negative weather factors. In the fourth or fifth year after planting, the viability of astilbe decreases. The rhizome, which grows vertically, is gradually exposed, and even hilling with mulching will not be able to protect it from damage by snowless frosts. If it was not possible to rejuvenate old specimens in the fall, they will have to be insulated with a light cover. To do this, you can choose one of traditional ways, used for clematis, hydrangeas and other plants that require shelter. In the fall, after pruning the bush, a light metal or wooden frame. The space inside the frame is filled with leaves, and spunbond or lutrasil is stretched over it. To protect against moisture, the entire structure is covered with polyethylene film, which
pressed to the ground with bricks. Any other shelter option that provides protection from frost and prevents water from entering the bushes, which often causes plant death during cold periods, is also suitable.

The main factor required for normal development astilbe means timely and sufficient moisture. When growing it, regular watering is the most important agrotechnical practice. Therefore, plants that have survived a dry and hot summer will go into winter weakened. It is recommended to insulate them, especially in those regions characterized by frosts without snow or frequent alternation of frosts and thaws.

For healthy specimens, preparation for winter consists of several simple operations. Aboveground part plants die off during the cold season, so with the onset of autumn frosts, astilbes are cut back to soil level. The base of the bush is hilled to a height of 3 - 4 cm so that the young buds are not exposed. Then the rhizome is mulched with peat or humus. This is enough for a safe winter, since all types and varieties of astilbe are winter-hardy and do not require more careful protection.

As an additional food in autumn period It is recommended to use potassium and phosphorus fertilizers, which increase the frost resistance of plants. The application rate is 20 - 25 grams of active ingredient per bush. Astilbe prefers fertile soils rich in humus. Therefore, for its abundant flowering next year, as well as for more highly decorative leaves, you can add organic fertilizer. It decomposes slowly, turning into accessible forms that the plant will begin to use with the onset of the growing season.

Astilbe valued by gardeners for its unpretentiousness and ease of care. When preparing for the cold period, you should remember the main rule: the more strong plant goes into winter, the better it will endure it.

Astilbe is an amazing plant that is gaining more and more space due to its beauty in gardens and flower beds of gardeners. One of the undeniable advantages is the abundance of varieties. The shrub does not require continuous active care. But still, this does not mean that astilbe does not require care in the fall, preparation for winter, pruning or additional shelter. Beginning gardeners are concerned about the question of whether it is necessary to make a full cut or cover the plant, and whether it is frost-resistant. All this must be known before planting the bush. With this information, you can avoid problems in the future and organize proper timely care.

Astilbe is a plant that lives for a couple of decades. It is hardy and survives cold well. Therefore, there is often a desire to do nothing at all. But in the first year the bush needs special care. To make it stronger, the flower stalks are immediately cut off. Then all the beneficial substances will not go to flowering, but will go to the development of roots. The soil must be loosened to ensure regular air exchange and watered. All weeds are removed near young plants, but the grown ones later push them out.

Shrubs that are 5-6 years old also require care. By this time, the roots are already actively growing, and their sensitivity to cold increases. Therefore, the soil around the bush is not only mulched, but also covered with non-woven material.


Overgrown bushes are replanted in the fall by division. For shrubs older than 5 years, this is especially important.

The glossy shine of the leaves of this flower formed the basis of the name. If we literally translate the name “astilbe” from Greek, we get “very shiny.” It is winter hardy unpretentious plant deserves the attention of both gardeners and professional landscape designers.

This plant is perennial and has a rhizome. During the winter, the vegetative part dies off, and the rhizomes remain in the ground. This perennial came to us from the countries of East Asia; it is found both in Japan and in North America in deciduous forests, along rivers and in places where water accumulates. Can withstand temperatures down to -37 degrees Celsius. Different kinds have different heights peduncle and leaf width. The bush looks beautiful and unusual partly thanks to its leaf, which deserves special attention. Due to the pinnateness of the leaves (there are double- and triple-pinnate), the plant acquires an extraordinary charm. Astilbe flowers are collected in panicles; the length of the peduncle itself depends on the species. The timing and duration of flowering also depends on the species. Some varieties bloom in June and are considered early, others are mid-flowering and bloom in July, the following are late and bloom in August. The colors of the inflorescences are varied: white, pink, red and purple. The fruits are capsules that contain up to 20 thousand seeds. During flowering, this perennial is especially good. According to their shape, astilbe inflorescences are: pyramidal, paniculate, rhombic and drooping. This feature is also taken into account by designers when designing flower beds, edgings and flower beds.

Growing astilbe

Cultivation does not deliver special troubles. A rather unpretentious plant that loves shaded places with constantly moist soil. Planting time: end of March - May. Before planting, you need to dig up the soil, remove the weeds and add compost or humus to it, at the rate of 2 buckets of fertilizer per 1 m2. It is best to plant astilbe on the north side of the house, in the shade. Some varieties, however, have adapted to live in sunny places. Flowering in such varieties is abundant, but short. Astilbe will bloom longer if it grows in the shade: under the canopy of trees and shrubs, near a pool is generally an ideal place, because astilbe loves moisture. Suitable for planting loamy soil with acidity pH 5.5-6.5.

Planting and subsequent care

The permissible distance between astilbe bushes is 30 cm. The depth of the planting hole is 20-30 cm. It is best in landing hole add a tablespoon mineral fertilizers, then plant the astilbe so that the buds are covered with soil no more than 4-5 cm. After which it is necessary to compact the soil and mulch with peat or humus. Then water generously. The peculiarity of this perennial is the death of the lower part of the rhizome due to its growth in the upper part. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the plant does not dry out and is always hilled. Mulching helps retain moisture, also protects the rhizomes from overheating and frees the gardener from constant loosening. If the summer has been dry, watering should be done twice a day. Without replanting, astilbe can grow in the same place for up to 7 years, but only if the following actions are performed: watering, timely application of fertilizers and mulching. With this care, she can reach the age of 20 years.

Scheme and procedure for applying fertilizers: in spring - nitrogen fertilizer or humus, in mid-June we add potassium fertilizers, and before the end of flowering, we add phosphorus fertilizers. After applying fertilizers, the soil must be loosened.


To rejuvenate astilbe bushes, it is necessary to divide the rhizomes and transplant the divisions to new places. You can replant in the summer, but not at the time of flowering. If the division is planted in its original place, then it will be necessary to dig up and add peat or humus and only then plant. Pruning of astilbe begins in the fall, before wintering. The astilbe must be cut flush with the ground and then mulched. The rhizomes must be divided so that there is at least one bud on the division; this is done so that the astilbe blooms next year. It would be a good idea to cover the cuttings that have just been transplanted with spruce branches for the winter in order to protect the plant from frost. This will also give confidence that in the spring the plant will not die from temperature changes.

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Astilbe propagation

Astilbe reproduces in three ways: division of the rhizome, seeds and germinating buds.

The most common method of propagating astilbe is by dividing the rhizome. Each division must be at least 5 cm long and have from one to three growth buds. It is good if this division has adventitious roots. If you want to see this bush bloom in the fall, then you need to divide it in the spring. Astilbe can be replanted in different time year, the main thing is to ensure abundant watering for several days after transplantation.

“Species” specimens are propagated by seeds. The seeds are very small, they set well, but do not always ripen. If the seeds have managed to ripen, then in September they will need to be shaken out of the inflorescences. Having prepared boxes with a nutritious mixture of sand and peat in advance, sowing can begin in March. The seeds germinate 3-4 weeks after sowing and grow quite slowly. Only at the end of the year will you be able to see a small rosette of leaves. If the astilbes do not interfere with each other’s growth, then is it necessary to replant them this season? Of course not. Better to replant next spring to a pre-prepared place. Plants grown from seeds will bloom only in the third year.

And finally, the third method: propagation by renewal buds. This method can be used in early spring, cutting out a growth bud with part of the rhizome. This method is also called “heel” propagation. You can keep the queen cell for propagation. 1/3 of the mass of the entire bush can be divided without harm to it. They are rooted in greenhouses in soil similar to the soil for sowing seeds, spreading it in a layer of 5-7 cm on ordinary fertile soil. Plant on permanent place astilbe better in spring next year. It will bloom the same year.

There is another method - propagation by green cuttings in early spring, but it is not effective enough and therefore is rarely used.

Pests and diseases

Basically, all types of astilbe are resistant to diseases. Among the pests, the plant can be affected by slobbering pennies and strawberry or root-knot nematodes, but quite rarely.

In the axils of the leaves you can find foamy secretions in which the larvae of the slobbering frog develop. They feed on leaves, thereby weakening the development and growth of flower stalks.

Strawberry nematode is very dangerous, as it affects the buds and leaves, and it is not easy to get rid of it. Complete elimination of infected plants is necessary. The root-knot nematode lives in the roots. It can be combated by removing the affected roots.

Slobbery Penny
Root nematode

Sick plants can be immediately recognized by their appearance. They develop poorly and bloom unevenly.

The use of astilbe in garden design

Astilbe has long won the respect of landscape designers and amateur gardeners. This beautiful plant can be planted either in groups or individually. It will grow best near ponds or in moist, semi-shaded areas.

Excellent classic partners for astilbe are hosts, ferns, and irises. But astilbe will also go well with other plants. For example, with bergenia, tiarella cordifolia, blood-red geranium, paniculata phlox, heuchera, which you can learn more about. They also look great next to astilbe and complement it with doronicum, various primroses, gravilate, iberis, and swimsuit. If you plant low-growing perennials in the foreground: saxifrage, saxifrage, jasmine, creeping tenacious, navelworm, then the picture will acquire an unforgettable charm. Some types of sedum (white and false) will also look good in the foreground.

Astilbe borders are an idea of ​​amateur gardeners from Vilnius. It's quite original and doesn't cause much trouble. Astilbe can become a decoration not only for your garden. Its flower stalks are well suited for cutting, and dried inflorescences can be used to make winter bouquets.

As noted above, the timing of flowering depends on the type of astilbe. If you apply this quality in flower beds, you can achieve almost long lasting continuous flowering due to selection different varieties. Plants should be positioned so that there are tall ones in the background and low ones in the foreground. different terms flowering. Astilbe does not lose its decorative effect even after flowering. Its openwork leaf decorates the flowerbed until frost. After flowering, seed pods are formed, and they will also decorate the garden with their unusual shape and color. The panicles do not need to be trimmed before winter; they decorate the flowerbed in winter period and they look quite original.

Astilbe. Preparing for winter

Preparation for winter of astilbe begins in the fall. If the plant was planted this season, then it should not be ignored under any circumstances. After working on it this year, you will receive abundant flowering in the next one. In the first year, it is necessary to cut off all the inflorescences before flowering so that the astilbe can form renewal buds on the rhizomes, then this will have a positive effect on rooting. To prevent the formation of a soil crust and the appearance of weeds, it is necessary to weed the young seedlings. Over time, the rhizomes will grow and prevent the emergence of weeds.

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After the first frost, you need to cut the plant back to the ground. The above-ground part will still die off in the winter. It is better to hill up the stumps and mulch them, thereby preventing the rhizomes from freezing in winter. Peat, tree bark or compost are suitable for mulch. Careful preparation for winter requires young plants (one-year-olds) and those older than 5 years. This is the most critical time for astilbe, since with age it rises, thereby growing rhizomes, and exposes them on the surface. The soil becomes not a reliable enough shelter, and the plant may freeze.

It would also be a good idea to feed the plant. Potassium-phosphorus fertilizers will help astilbe prepare for the cold period. They need to be paid in August. Organic fertilizers have a prolonged effect. After application in the fall, they will begin to act only in the spring, which is what is required. Hilling with rotted manure in late autumn will serve as additional insulation in winter and nutrition in spring.

If you do not plan to replant the astilbe after it is 5 years old, then it is advisable to play it safe and make additional efforts to prepare for winter. To do this, you will need to make a shelter by placing planks around it and cover the structure with covering material. Astilbe - quite frost-resistant plant. If the planting site is chosen in the south, and in general the location of the site does not allow it to be planted on the shady sides, then such reinforced shelter will not be required.

More and more often in dachas and personal plots can be found beautiful bush, which literally catches the eye with a lush scattering of simple flowers different shades lilac, purple, red, white and cream. This is why it attracts summer residents and landscape designers because it retains its decorative qualities until the onset of cold weather. What kind of bush is this? This is astilbe, a native of Asia, which can also be found in the northern parts of the American continent. Despite the fact that this shrub easily tolerates cold, you still need to know how to prepare astilbe for winter. What are the features of caring for it in the fall? We have already discussed growing astilbe in the garden earlier, but what needs to be done in the fall for an astilbe bush, what preparation for winter the plant consists of has not yet been said. It's time to pay attention to this.

Astilbe - care on the eve of winter

When to prune a plant?

Since there are many varieties of astilbe that bloom at different times, it cannot be said in general terms that this shrub is pruned after flowering has ended. Some plants bloom already at the end of June, while others - with the onset of cold weather. After flowering, only the flower stalks are removed. Summer residents and owners of homestead territories are in no hurry to prune, since the shrub is beautiful even without its variegated inflorescences. Its spreading leaves of unusual shape continue to delight the eye until the beginning of October.

Astilbe is pruned when the leaves of the bush begin to darken and dry out. In this form, the plant already loses its decorative qualities. How is astilbe pruned for the winter? To remove the above-ground part of the bush, you will need a pruning shears; any gardener has one in their arsenal. Before starting work, it is necessary to disinfect the tool to avoid infection of the bush various diseases. Prepare a solution of manganese: several crystals of the substance per liter of water. Treat the blades of the pruning shears on all sides. After cutting off the branches of one plant, process the tool again. So prune all the bushes.

Remove shoots, leaving young buds. They are always located slightly above the rhizome. To prevent them from being left bare, the astilbe must be hilled up. After loosening the soil around each bush, make a small mound about 4 centimeters high.

Mulching astilbe

Mulching of astilbe is carried out after pruning and hilling the plant. It is necessary to protect the root system and new buds of the bush. Mulch is a kind of blanket that covers the plant, serving as protection from cold, evaporation of residual moisture and the proliferation of weeds. Thanks to mulching, the soil at the roots remains loose, which allows it to breathe, protecting the roots not only from cold, but also from rotting. Despite its amazing endurance, astilbe needs such protection in autumn and winter, especially if we are talking about a one-year-old shrub or a four-year-old plant. During this period, the astilbe root system is either still too weak or already outdated, and therefore requires special attention.

Gardeners can use various means as mulch - peat or rotted manure, as well as sawdust or bark.

How do you fertilize astilbe in the fall?

In order for the plant to please you with its beauty in the spring, you need to add fertilizer to the soil layer for the winter. Astilbe will respond with gratitude if you use it as a top dressing potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. For each individual plant, 20 grams of this substance is enough. So that the soil is enriched by spring nutrients, it is recommended to use humus. Decomposing very slowly, such fertilizer will enrich the soil just in time for the onset of the plant's growing season. But if the soil on your site is rich in organic matter, you don’t have to do this.

Is it necessary to cover astilbe for the winter?

If astilbe has already settled well in your area by winter, which is located in middle lane, then you don’t have to worry about shelter for the plant. It is classified as cold-resistant, so it can withstand cold winters. Mulching will be quite enough. However, if the plant is planted in northern regions, it is better to make a shelter for the winter. It is also necessary for plants that were planted more than four years ago. With age, their roots become exposed, and the bushes themselves lose vitality. Such astilbes can die in frost conditions that are not accompanied by snowfall.

How to make a shelter? Some gardeners use sawdust as a “blanket”, others prefer hay or dry leaves, which are abundant in every garden in the fall. When covering the soil, the main thing is to follow one rule - to use only materials given by nature. They do an excellent job of retaining heat and preventing excess moisture from penetrating into the soil. And these are exactly the conditions under which you can be sure that the beautiful astilbe will survive safely winter cold. Some gardeners cover shrubs using polyethylene. But, since it is not a breathable material, a greenhouse effect is created underneath it. Such conditions are unacceptable for astilbe - its roots can rot in winter.

Owners of their personal plots love and appreciate astilbe for its beauty and unpretentiousness. If you have this plant in your dacha, then you should know that a healthy and strong plant will definitely survive the winter if you create suitable conditions for this. Only young and old astilbe bushes require special attention. Take care of them as described in this article, and in the spring you will receive a reward for your efforts - once again enjoy their charm and beauty.