Comparison of stretch and suspended ceilings, which is better. Which is better and cheaper – suspended or suspended ceiling?

To decide which suspended or suspended ceiling to choose, you need to understand what both design options are, what features they have and, most importantly, how they differ.

Suspended and suspended ceilings - design features

A suspended ceiling refers to a system fixed to the main ceiling. Use the design for decorative finishing, increasing the level of acoustics with improved sound insulation, as well as for creating a hidden niche for masking cables, pipes and other elements of lighting equipment and communications.

A variety of materials are used for cladding ceilings, but most often - plasterboard. As a more expensive alternative, slats and tiles are allowed for finishing systems.

Tension fabrics are mounted on a frame made of aluminum or plastic profiles under the main ceiling. Most often, structures are made using PVC films; not so often, but there are fabric stretch ceilings.

To clearly understand which ceiling is better and why, it is worth studying comparative characteristics with analysis of the main parameters.

Installation - features and difficulties

It is possible to install suspended ceilings with your own hands only until the fabric is tensioned. At this stage, for high-quality execution, you will need a special gun that allows you to flawlessly stretch the material under the influence of a warm air flow.

During installation, suspended ceilings become a source of formation of huge amounts of debris and construction dust, which complicates the process. In order to carry out the work without compromising the general repair, furniture and other interior items must be protected with a special film.

Installing a standard tension fabric will require no more than four hours if the work is performed by specialists. The classic version of a plasterboard suspended ceiling will require at least two days to install.

Preparing for installation of a suspended ceiling

What you need to know about lost centimeters of height and backlighting

It is equally important to clarify suspended or suspended ceilings - which is better for small rooms where every centimeter of height is of key importance. In this regard, tension fabrics are a more acceptable option, since they will take up no more than 5 centimeters of height, while traditional suspended structures made of plasterboard or slats will make the height of the room less by 10-12 centimeters.

Both design options suggest the possibility of installing hidden lighting equipment. This can be spot lighting using:

  • plates;
  • "glasses";
  • rings, etc.

All these elements are simply mounted into the structure and can be easily removed for replacement or repair. When it comes to planning stylish lighting, both ceiling options offer equally wide possibilities. The only thing to take into account is the fact that it will be more difficult to get to devices mounted in suspended structures for repairs than to devices in PVC fabric or textile trim.

Which ceiling is easier to care for and maintain?

Fabric and polyvinyl chloride ceilings are low maintenance and can be easily cleaned with a dry brush or damp cloth. Plasterboard hanging structures can also be cleaned from dust with a dry brush and vacuum cleaner, and from time to time, wet cleaning. Serious dirt and greasy deposits from the surface of drywall can only be removed by re-painting.

In turn, structures based on aluminum or wooden slats can be cleaned and washed with ordinary soap solutions, using glass and dishwashing detergents and a solution containing ammonia to remove greasy deposits.

Thus, in terms of maintenance, both options for paintings will not cause concern.

Resistance to mechanical damage - which ceiling is stronger

Is there a difference between tension and suspended fabrics in terms of resistance to mechanical damage? If we talk about PVC ceilings, then yes - they are not resistant to damage of any kind due to the special structure of the film, which easily becomes unusable even when in contact with a bullet from a children's pistol. At the same time, the canvases are simply repaired with your own hands. Fabric finishing is more resistant to damage and is no less easy to repair.

Suspended structures based on plasterboard, wood or aluminum trim are more practical.

Resistance to fire and moisture - what to expect from canvases

It will also be useful to know how stretch ceilings differ from suspended ceilings in terms of fire resistance. Both design options have enough high level fire resistance. A fire in the room will damage the paintings, but will not completely destroy them. Although, if we compare film and fabric sheets with aluminum sheets, the former are more vulnerable in terms of fire resistance. At the same time, wooden slats and drywall used for finishing suspended ceilings, will withstand fire with the same degree of preservation as tension ones.

In terms of moisture resistance, PVC stretch ceilings are unrivaled. These canvases will not only not be damaged in a flood, but will also help prevent water from entering the room, holding up to 150 liters without the risk of rupture. A suspended ceiling will not cope with this task. Through it, water will penetrate into the room along the walls and through the canvas, damaging not only the finish, but also the contents of the room. The ability to retain water in such quantities is the main difference between a stretch ceiling and a suspended ceiling.

Service life - which ceiling is more practical and durable

Both design options are practical and serve for many years with careful use. The manufacturer provides a guarantee for suspended ceilings for up to 10 years with the need to carry out so-called restoration work as necessary.

Film and fabric ceilings can last up to 15 years, again with careful use and delicate care.

How do they behave during temperature changes?

Film ceilings are not able to withstand cold tests, so they cannot be installed in rooms without heating. Suspended structures finished with plasterboard, wood or aluminum are more resistant to temperature changes. For loggias and balconies the best option will be the installation of a ceiling based on aluminum panels.

A variety of textures and colors - about the decorative component

Both ceiling options are available in different options execution. Hanging plasterboard sheets can be painted in any color, select slats with imitation natural materials, experiment with shades of wooden elements for decoration. In turn, film ceilings provide an unlimited choice of possibilities for implementing the most striking design ideas. Fabric canvases are a little inferior to them in this regard, however, they will also bring the necessary freshness, creativity and a sense of style to the interior.

And last important point- What is cheaper - tension or suspended structures? It is difficult to give an exact answer here, given that the final cost is based on design features canvases:

  • number of levels;
  • finishing materials;
  • lighting equipment;
  • decorative elements, etc.

In addition, the price will depend on the quality finishing materials, installation, which you can order from specialists or do it yourself.

Remember the last time you saw a whitewashed ceiling? Covered with wallpaper is more common, but this finish is no longer popular at all. Wallpaper and whitewash were replaced by suspended and tensioned structures. Compared to their predecessors, they have many advantages, for example, presentable appearance. These two types of ceilings are different from each other. In this regard, the question arises, what is better to install - a suspended or suspended ceiling?

What is the difference between a suspended ceiling and a suspended ceiling? First of all, this is the installation method:

  1. To mount a suspended structure, it is necessary to assemble a base from metal profiles. Sheets of drywall (most often used) will be attached to them. The frame design has special hangers that allow you to adjust its height. Once the ceiling is ready, the drywall remains to be puttied and painted.
  2. For installation suspended ceilings baguettes are used, which are pre-installed along each wall. The main material is PVC fabric. It copes well with high humidity and even absorbs odors. Fabric is also used.

The difference between suspended and suspended ceilings lies in what tools, materials and devices are used during the work process.

For a suspended structure you need to prepare:

  1. several sheets of drywall;
  2. profile;
  3. guides;
  4. connectors for profiles;
  5. self-tapping screws;
  6. dowels

The list of what is needed to install a stretch ceiling looks like this:

Suspended ceiling mounting diagram

  1. shoulder blade;
  2. painting cord;
  3. holders;
  4. canvas;
  5. baguettes;
  6. fastening system;
  7. device for heating film.

Suspended and suspended ceilings have their own characteristics and difficulties in installation.

Comparative characteristics

How else can a suspended ceiling differ from a suspended ceiling? There are several options:

  • Tensile structures cannot be installed independently. To install them, you will have to turn to the help of specialists who have everything necessary tools and devices. You can also make hanging structures with your own hands. This may take a lot of time and effort. However, this is an opportunity to save on paying for the work of professionals.
  • The choice of stretch or suspended ceilings depends on the speed of installation. For the former, three to four hours will be enough, and for the latter, several days. The size of the structure plays a role here.
  • The two types of construction can also be distinguished by the height of the ceiling. Tension ones, unlike mounted ones, take up approximately 3-5 cm of height. Suspended structures require about 12 cm.
  • Another difference is the light sources. Covering wires and fixtures under canvas or sheets of drywall is quite simple. Any ceiling lamp it will be easy to replace if necessary. In the case of a suspended ceiling, the replacement process will look somewhat more complicated.
  • How do suspended ceilings differ from suspended ceilings in terms of maintenance? In the first case, it is enough to wipe the film with a damp cloth from time to time. In the second case, the finishing coating will sometimes have to be updated, for example, repainted.
  • PVC film is very easy to damage, and then the structure will have to be replaced with a new one. It's easier with a suspended ceiling. It is durable and not afraid of mechanical damage.
  • Are you choosing what is better for a private home – suspended or suspended ceilings? Both types have a fairly high level of fire resistance.
  • The service life of plasterboard ceilings is 10 years. Tensile structures will last a little longer - about 15 years.

If the neighbors from above flood it with water, the PVC sheet will not deteriorate and will even be able to withstand some amount of water. A specialist will help you remove it.

Drywall sheets are afraid of moisture. Therefore, most likely, they will deteriorate when flooded.

You can also add to this list the ability to resist temperature changes, appearance and price.

Advantages and disadvantages

Studying their advantages and disadvantages will help you figure out which is better – a suspended or suspended ceiling.


The list of advantages of a tension structure is quite impressive:

  • Easy installation. There is no need to carry out any special preparation, for example, leveling the ceiling surface.
  • There is no construction waste during the work process.
  • Quite a long service life.
  • When the building shrinks, nothing will happen to the structure.
  • PVC film is safe for humans and does not attract dust.
  • Resists fire well.
  • Condensation does not appear on the film, so it can be used in a nursery or where there is high humidity.
  • A stretch ceiling is an opportunity to show all your imagination.

There are much fewer disadvantages:

  • The canvas may sag due to errors made during the installation process.
  • The film is not durable. It is very easy to damage it with one careless movement.


What can you say about a suspended ceiling? It has the following advantages:

  1. Under it you can hide all the necessary communications.
  2. Provides good air ventilation and protects from extraneous sounds.
  3. If one of the parts of the structure is damaged, it can be easily restored by replacing it with a new one.
  4. Mold and mildew do not form on drywall.
  5. The material is environmentally friendly and absolutely safe even for small children.
  6. This ceiling has a very attractive appearance.

The design also has disadvantages:

  1. Takes up about 12 cm of room height.
  2. Low resistance to high humidity. If a suspended ceiling is installed, for example, in a bathroom, it is pre-treated with special solutions that give it water-repellent properties.
  3. During the work process, a lot of construction waste appears. In addition, you will have to work with putty, primer solutions and coloring compounds.
  4. It will be difficult to make a smooth surface without professional skills.

Which ceiling is better to choose: suspended or suspended? There is no clear answer. Everything is determined by the specific room and the preferences of its owner. Before making a choice, it is necessary to carefully study all the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of one and the other design.

It is worth remembering that they differ in many ways. This includes the installation method, resistance to mechanical damage and moisture, service life and much more. Considering all these features will help prevent mistakes.

The world of new products simply forces us to pay at least a little attention to modern design ideas, considered fashionable today. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to devote much time to everything new, but get at least a general idea of ​​the most modern versions room decoration is quite realistic. Nowadays, various suspended and suspended ceilings are widely used for arranging ceilings.

On a note: Sometimes they don’t see the difference between them and simply confuse one with the other. By paying a little more attention to this issue, you can discover very interesting things.

First, look carefully at the photos of the suspended and suspended ceilings presented below and evaluate their external differences, and then we will emphasize the differences between them in other aspects. This is also interesting because only in comparison can the most advantageous advantages of these design solutions be revealed.

Advantages of suspended ceiling structures

We will try not to miss anything when describing the pros and cons of suspended ceilings, and then we will provide a similar comparison of suspended ceiling structures. So what can we say about the advisability of installing a suspended ceiling at home? Let us note why such a design deserves attention:

  • this ceiling perfectly masks all possible communication systems. Moreover, there are no particular difficulties for their maintenance even after the work is completely completed. If, for example, it is necessary to service electrical wires, this can be done through the holes for spot lighting devices;
  • the design serves as a good solution when you need to hide rough unevenness in the ceiling base. It happens that in old-style houses it is not possible to finish the ceiling with putty due to the high probability of the old plaster peeling off under the weight of the new material. In such a situation, a suspended structure will be very helpful;
  • It is possible to replace individual fastening elements. However, this may require frequent removal of the coatings;
  • the product is durable if you follow the rules of care;
  • the ceiling has excellent aesthetic characteristics;
  • performs well noise and heat insulation functions. In addition, a fairly powerful layer of additional thermal insulation material, For example, mineral wool, thickness 10 cm;
  • most of the materials used for the construction of suspended ceilings consist of natural components that are absolutely safe for health;
  • The work of installing a suspended structure can be handled by a person who does not have too much experience in carrying out such work.

Disadvantages of suspended ceilings

Along with the advantages, we note the not so significant, but still disadvantages of suspended structures:

  • they cannot be called cheap, since the technology includes a whole range of works using various materials. This includes installation of a frame, installation of a lighting system, several stages of surface finishing, and other minor work;
  • upon completion of work, the height of the room can be reduced by 10-20 cm;
  • lack of installation experience sometimes leads to the fact that tile joints become noticeable, and if they are attached according to the wrong pattern, then continuous transverse or longitudinal cracks may appear;
  • work is associated with the appearance of a certain amount of dust and debris, especially at the stage of surface grinding before painting, which forces workers to use special protective devices, for example, respirators;
  • suspended ceilings, especially those made of plasterboard, are very afraid of water. A slab saturated with moisture gradually sags and even if it does not come off completely, it becomes severely deformed. Returning a wet coating to its original position is almost impossible.

Advantages of using suspended ceilings

Against the background of the description of suspended ceilings, it is also interesting to get acquainted with why stretch ceilings are preferred. When thinking about what to choose, a suspended or suspended ceiling, we note the positive aspects of using suspended structures:

  • Stretch ceilings provide designers with many opportunities for modeling and experimentation. There are a huge number of design options using them, because the number of shades of stretched fabrics has long exceeded 100 pieces;
  • like a suspended ceiling, a suspended ceiling perfectly hides under its cover serious flaws in the base surface and all utility lines;
  • the level of heat and noise insulation is slightly increased;
  • there are no obvious dangers when performing the work;
  • Elastic fabrics cope well with moisture. They are not only able to retain their properties when it hits the ceiling surface, but they can accumulate water on the coating and sag under its weight, preventing it from flowing further down and flooding the entire room. The accumulated moisture is then carefully drained and, after some manipulations, the canvas returns to its original position;
  • Maintenance of the tensioned covering does not cause any difficulties and requires minimal effort. In most cases, all issues can be resolved with a soft, clean rag or sponge soaked in soapy water;
  • the tension fabric does not contribute to the formation of condensation;
  • work on installing a suspended structure is one of the cleanest of all types of construction and finishing work with minimal, if not even complete absence waste;
  • the coating is easily dismantled. If desired, after a few years a new sheet of a different color can be installed on the same supporting profile. If the chosen shade did not meet your expectations or another “change of scenery” is planned, this is really a huge plus;
  • the coating is environmentally friendly and does not support combustion;
  • canvases, especially those made of polyvinyl chloride film (PVC), are especially durable. The normal warranty period provided by the manufacturer is 10 years.

Disadvantages of suspended ceiling structures

Photos of stretch or suspended ceilings do not make it possible to give a correct and complete assessment of their shortcomings, so we are forced to resort to analysis of such experience. Do suspended ceilings really have any disadvantages? It turns out there is. Here are the most common ones:

  • The service life of a stretch ceiling depends on external temperatures. When the temperature goes beyond the range of 0℃ -+60℃, there is a high probability of destruction of the canvas. At negative temperatures it cracks, which is why its installation in rooms not equipped with a heating system is not recommended;
  • PVC ceilings are very sensitive to sharp objects. It is easy to pierce the canvas, but completely eliminating such a defect is very problematic;
  • Although a suspended ceiling is not cheap, the cost of a stretch ceiling is even higher. Its price increases significantly when using branded European-style canvases: French, German, Italian.

In whose favor is the choice?

It seems that the advantages and disadvantages of suspended and suspended ceilings listed in the list are quite enough to decide and make a more objective choice. As seen ideal option for finishing the ceiling, like 1000 years ago, is not among those proposed. But to summarize, we can draw several conclusions:

  1. Aesthetic side of design. An elastic ceiling, unlike others, provides more color and stylistic possibilities. All kinds of drawings and photo printed images can be applied to it. This design is suitable for those who love simplicity, executed with taste.
  2. The design is cheaper than the tension one, but it is a little more difficult to maintain. It may need to be repainted in a few years.
  3. Although a suspended ceiling is mechanically stronger than a stretched one, it is not resistant to moisture. This problem ceases to be such if there is reliable roof or prosperous neighbors.

So, suspended or suspended ceiling? As popular wisdom says: “For every product there is a merchant”!

Video on the topic

Today, manufacturers offer a lot of options for transforming the ceiling space. Methods vary in cost, practicality, aesthetics and other indicators. How to understand the variety of technologies and what is better: a suspended or suspended ceiling? Let's try to determine the main indicators and differences. And they are both types finishing have a lot.

What is the difference between a suspended ceiling and a suspended ceiling?

First, what both designs have in common is the absence of a stage of careful leveling of the base. In both cases, it is assumed that the frame will be arranged, and now about the differences.

Hanging system

Suspended ceilings are mounted on a pre-constructed metal profile frame. Cladding elements, which can be slats, cassette or slab materials, are attached to the structure. Most often, sheathing is done with sheets of plasterboard - a lightweight and practical material that is affordable. To form the frame, long guide profiles, moldings, and hangers (height adjusting) are used.

When using plasterboard, the surface is puttied and decorated; when using other materials, the finishing corresponds to the characteristics of the product. When analyzing what the difference is between suspended and suspended ceilings, it is important to understand - profile hanging frame allows you to create any shapes: single-, multi-tiered, straight, curved. In addition, cassette layout helps to combine various decorative techniques, but requires special care in marking to avoid bends and cracks.

Worth knowing! In conditions home use the frame can be made from wooden beam, slats. Cheap materials reduce the cost of cladding, but they can only be installed in dry rooms with pre-treatment of the wood with protective compounds.

Tension system

For suspended ceilings, a special baguette is installed around the perimeter of the room, where the panel is secured using a harpoon, wedge or cam method. Fabric or PVC film is used as the surface. Fabric ceilings can be matte, textured, film ceilings can be matte or glossy.

The detailed difference between a suspended ceiling and a suspended ceiling is in the frame design. Tensioners do not require bulky elements, the minimum height for attaching baguettes is 4-5 cm. This is enough to hide unevenness in the ceiling space and attach lamps. During the stretching process, the fabric warms up to +60..65C, is fastened, and when cooled, takes on a perfectly even shape. The coatings are resistant to moisture, easy to maintain, but susceptible to temperature changes.

As in the case of suspended ceilings, suspended ceilings offer single- and multi-tier installation, and the use of baguettes of various lengths explains the possibility of designing various shapes and compositions.

Having figured out what tension is and suspended ceiling, what is the difference in designs, what to choose? Professionals offer the following recommendations:

Stretch ceilings are better:

  • for low-height rooms;
  • for under-roof spaces where there is a high probability of leakage.

Suspended ceilings are better:

  • for rooms with temperature fluctuations: country houses, loggias, balconies;
  • in case of providing free access to the ceiling space;
  • on a limited budget.

Important! Choosing more cheap option, only suspended structures should not be considered. Today, companies offer inexpensive stretch ceilings that differ high quality and can last 10-15 years without renovation or repair.

Which ceiling is cheaper

And yet, what won’t cost so much? Considering the options, we note that the ceiling made of gypsum plasterboard sheets wooden frame estimated from 3-4 $/1m2. When choosing cassette or slab cladding, the price increases by another 2-3 $/1m2. If the frame is made of metal profiles, the cost of the ceiling will reach $5-6/1m2. The calculation is taken for ordinary single-level structures without curved sections.

Stretch ceilings are priced from $4/1m2 for film and from $11/1m2 for fabric. When facing with panels, taking into account the curvilinearity of the structure, the cost increases by at least 2-3 times, and the use of fabrics with an original pattern, texture or texture will increase the price by another 6-7 times.

The cost of the service also depends on the region, complexity of the work and materials used.

Advice! Suspended ceiling structures are available for execution with my own hands. The technology is not complicated, but requires patience and accuracy of calculations.

Comparison of stretch and suspended ceilings

When assessing the difference between a suspended ceiling and a suspended ceiling, you cannot ignore your own capabilities, technological and operational parameters, and room area. Both options are attractive in the final design, but there are nuances that you should be aware of.

So, what are the similarities and differences between suspended ceilings and suspended ceilings:

  1. The service life of both structures is from 10 years, but the suspended ones require finishing.
  2. Both options are multifunctional, but it is cheaper to make hanging-type shaped structures.
  3. The options are equally convenient for installing additional lighting.
  4. Suspended ceiling structures take up a lot of height.
  5. The differences relate to installation speed, price, and working conditions.
  6. Film ceilings can withstand moisture, but gypsum plasterboard sheets cannot.
  7. Drywall easily tolerates temperature fluctuations, but fabric and film can be deformed.

And now more about some aspects of the decor.

Installation speed

The most important criterion for the efficiency of work is complexity. When arranging a tension cloth, you need a gun, experience, self-installation the decor is not suitable. But the work technology is simpler: there is no need to remove furniture from the premises, and the work takes 2-3 times less time.

Plasterboard structures are available for DIY installation, but careful preparation of the room will be required. As for time, all work will take at least 3-5 days. How more complex design, the longer it will take to install.

What is the difference between suspended and suspended ceilings?

  1. There is virtually no debris when installing the sheets– the master needs access to the walls. In small-format spaces, work takes 2-8 hours, in large spaces no more than 24 hours.
  2. Stretched fabrics subtract up to 5 cm in height, hanging up to 12 cm. Large space It will be useful in case of significant defects in the base, the need to hide wires or other structures under the casing.


As for this aspect, cleaning the film stretch ceiling is quick and easy - a damp cloth is enough to collect dust. But fabric panels do not tolerate moisture well - here it is better to do it with dry cleaning, for example, with a vacuum cleaner. However, in case of local contamination, washing with a soapy solution followed by drying is allowed. It is absolutely forbidden to rub or stretch the fabric and film.

Unlike fabric gypsum board structures coated with waterproof paint, vinyl wallpaper, are not afraid of moisture, although it is not recommended to wet them too much. The gypsum board sheet itself absorbs water, but with proper cladding it easily tolerates changes in humidity. If there are cassettes or PVC tiles on the ceiling, maintenance is generally simple: rinse, dry and you can continue to admire the cleanliness.

But where stretch ceilings differ from suspended ceilings is in renovation: sheets and cassettes can/should be tinted, panels do not require any restoration work. And, of course, film sheets protect housing from leaks from above, but only if there are no punctures or cracks.

Life time

It should be noted that stretch and suspended ceilings differ little in their service life. The period of use depends on changes in humidity and climate changes. GCRs withstand temperatures, but are susceptible to moisture; the panels are deformed at low thermometer readings, but are not afraid of water.

The service duration comparison is as follows:

  • warranty on tensile structures for 10-15 years, without the need for repairs;
  • Warranty for suspended structures up to 10 years with local restoration.

Advice! Masters offer to choose for warm rooms tension fabrics, for unheated, seasonal premises - suspended. But it all depends on the owner’s choice of what he prefers: cheaper and independently or expensive but practical materials.

Advantages and disadvantages

The easiest way to see the difference is by dividing the structures by type of work and practical characteristics:

OptionsTension fabricsSuspended structures
Work speed2-24 hours2-4 days
Loss of room height3-5 cm12-15 cm
Arrangement of lightingMaybeMaybe
CareDepending on the materialDepending on the cladding
Resistance to damageWeakHigh
Fire resistanceHighHigh
Moisture resistanceHighAverage

The owner decides what to choose, but you should remember: today there are new materials for cladding suspended ceilings on sale. Plasterboard sheets are far from the only sheet products that can be used to repair irregularities.

Today, when updating the ceiling, the use of paint or whitewash is not required. New technologies have replaced outdated ones, and the installation is in great demand. These types of modern ceiling coverings will add zest to any interior. In our article we will answer the question: suspended and suspended ceilings - the difference between them.

Both surface design options will help hide unevenness and defects in the base.

Suspended and suspended ceilings can include several levels. Due to this, you can realize your design ideas as fully as possible. Both coatings allow you to choose how to illuminate the room. So, you can replace the traditional central light with spotlights located in different areas of the room. Of course, you can hide the wiring running along the wall. Another important advantage of ceilings is their excellent insulation from street noise.

Suspended ceilings and their installation

Having talked about the similarities, let's consider the difference between suspended ceilings and suspended ceilings. And the first thing that can be highlighted is the material from which they are made. In the first case, we are talking about a frame covered with a special PVC film. The suspended covering is represented by plasterboard or mineral panels. A suspended ceiling is quite difficult to install, and the work will require special knowledge and skills.

Materials and tools:

The assembly of suspended ceilings begins with markings along the entire perimeter of the room. In this case, it is necessary to use a hydraulic level. Then, following the marks, attach the UD profile guides. Next, the CD profiles are installed. The elements are installed in the main frame, located around the perimeter of the room. Insert the profiles into the hangers and then secure them with self-tapping screws. Plasterboard sheets will be fixed in a checkerboard pattern. Install jumpers from sections of CD profiles between the supporting profiles. The spacing of their location should be strictly 50 cm. To secure the jumpers to the supporting profile, use single-level connectors.

The next stage of installation of suspended ceilings is covering the frame with plasterboard material. Fix the sheets exactly in a checkerboard pattern. In other words, they should be located parallel to the supporting profiles and across the longitudinal ones. When installing plasterboard sheets Make sure that there is a small gap between the joints. Upon completion of the work, you can seal them with reinforced paper. Finally, the finished coating is completely puttied. The final touch in transforming the interior of a room is wallpapering or painting the ceiling.

Stretch ceiling and its installation

The installation of suspended ceilings is significantly different from the installation of suspended coverings. Main role they play here professional quality. Under these conditions, it is quite difficult to carry out the work independently. We recommend that you contact experienced specialists and entrust this matter to them. If you wish, you can always find photos and videos on this topic to control the installation work.

Materials and tools:

Installation of a stretch ceiling, detailed in the video:

Stretch or suspended ceiling: pros and cons

Let's figure out what advantages and disadvantages stretch and plasterboard ceilings have.

  1. Elimination of various defects (irregularities and cracks) - both coatings perform these operations equally effectively.
  2. Safety of use - the winner is stretch ceilings that can withstand weight large quantity water in case of flooding from above. Plasterboard ceilings will become unusable, but damaged areas of the canvas can be easily replaced with new ones.
  3. An assortment of colors and new textures - both types of ceilings have in their arsenal everything necessary to create real masterpieces. However, suspended ceilings are inferior in operational reliability, since PVC film not difficult to damage. In this regard, it is best to give preference to plasterboard sheets.
  4. Speed installation work– undoubtedly higher for suspended ceilings. The canopy covering is much more difficult to install.

Thus, we explained what a suspended ceiling is. Note that both finishing options have their pros and cons (read: ""). Ultimately, only you can choose the model of your future ceiling. Don't forget about harmony with the interior, and then you will bring new design touches to the ordinary room of your home. If you suddenly cannot complete all the work yourself, then be sure to contact a specialist. They will install a stretch or suspended ceiling in a short time. Happy renovation!