There is no hot water circulation in the nine-story building. Natural circulation heating system: common water circuit diagrams

The construction of an autonomous gravity-type heating network is chosen if it is impractical, and sometimes impossible, to install a circulation pump or connect to a centralized power supply.

Such a system is cheaper to install and is completely independent of electricity. However, its performance largely depends on the accuracy of the design.

To ensure that the heating system natural circulation functioned smoothly, it is necessary to calculate its parameters, correctly install the components and reasonably select the water circuit design. We will help in resolving these issues.

We described the main principles of operation of the gravity system, provided advice on choosing a pipeline, and outlined the rules for assembling the circuit and placing working units. We paid special attention to the design and operation features of one- and two-pipe heating schemes.

The process of water movement in the heating circuit without the use of a circulation pump occurs due to natural physical laws.

Understanding the nature of these processes will allow you to competently deal with standard and non-standard cases.

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Maximum hydrostatic pressure difference

Basics physical property any coolant (water or antifreeze) that promotes its movement along the circuit during natural circulation - a decrease in density with increasing temperature.

Density hot water less than cold and therefore there is a difference in the hydrostatic pressure of the warm and cold column of liquid. Cold water, flowing to the heat exchanger, displaces hot water up the pipe.

The driving force of water in the circuit during natural circulation is the difference in hydrostatic pressure between the cold and hot columns of liquid

The heating circuit of a house can be divided into several fragments. Water is directed upward along the “hot” fragments, and downward along the “cold” fragments. The boundaries of the fragments are the upper and lower points of the heating system.

The main task when modeling water is to achieve the maximum possible difference between the pressure of the liquid column in the “hot” and “cold” fragments.

A classic element of the water circuit for natural circulation is the acceleration manifold (main riser) - a vertical pipe directed upward from the heat exchanger.

The acceleration manifold must have maximum temperature, so it is insulated along its entire length. Although, if the collector height is not large (as for one-story houses), then you can not carry out insulation, since the water in it will not have time to cool down.

Typically, the system is designed in such a way that the top point of the acceleration collector coincides with the top point of the entire circuit. An outlet or valve is installed there to bleed air if a membrane tank is used.

Then the length of the “hot” circuit fragment is the minimum possible, which leads to a decrease in heat loss in this area.

It is also desirable that the “hot” part of the circuit is not combined with a long-term section transporting cooled coolant. Ideally, the lowest point of the water circuit coincides with the low point of the heat exchanger placed in the heating device.

The lower the boiler is located in the heating system, the less hydrostatic pressure liquid column in the hot circuit fragment

The “cold” segment of the water circuit also has its own rules that increase fluid pressure:

  • the greater the heat loss in the “cold” section of the heating network, the lower the temperature of the water and the greater its density, therefore the operation of systems with natural circulation is possible only with significant heat transfer;
  • the greater the distance from the bottom point of the circuit to the radiator connection, those larger plot column of water with minimum temperature and maximum density.

To ensure compliance with this last rule, often the furnace or boiler is installed in the lowest point of the house, such as the basement. This placement of the boiler ensures the maximum possible distance between the lower level of the radiators and the point of entry of water into the heat exchanger.

However, the height between the lower and upper points of the water circuit during natural circulation should not be too high (in practice, no more than 10 meters). The furnace or boiler heats only the heat exchanger and the lower part of the acceleration manifold.

If this fragment is insignificant relative to the entire height of the water circuit, then the pressure drop in the “hot” fragment of the circuit will be insignificant and the circulation process will not start.

The use of natural circulation systems for two-story buildings is quite justified, but for larger buildings a circulation pump will be needed

Minimizing resistance to water movement

When designing a system with natural circulation, it is necessary to take into account the speed of movement of the coolant along the circuit.

Firstly, how faster speed, the faster the heat transfer will occur through the “boiler – heat exchanger – water circuit – heating radiators – room” system.

Secondly, the faster the speed of the liquid through the heat exchanger, the less likely it is to boil, which is especially important for stove heating.

Boiling water in the system can be very expensive - the cost of dismantling, repairing and reinstalling the heat exchanger requires a lot of time and money

With water heating with natural circulation, the speed depends on the following factors:

  • pressure difference between fragments of the contour at its lower point;
  • hydrodynamic resistance heating system.

Methods for ensuring maximum pressure difference were discussed above. The hydrodynamic resistance of a real system cannot be accurately calculated due to the complex mathematical model and the large number of input data, the accuracy of which is difficult to guarantee.

However, there are general rules, compliance with which will reduce the resistance of the heating circuit.

The main reasons for reducing the speed of water movement are the resistance of the pipe walls and the presence of narrowings due to the presence of fittings or shut-off valves. At low flow rates, there is virtually no wall resistance.

The exception is long and thin pipes, typical for heating with. As a rule, separate circuits with forced circulation are allocated for it.

When choosing types of pipes for a natural circulation circuit, you will have to take into account the presence of technical restrictions when installing the system. Therefore, it is undesirable to use them with natural water circulation because they are connected with fittings with a significantly smaller internal diameter.

Fittings of metal-plastic pipes somewhat narrow the internal diameter and are a serious obstacle to the path of water when weak pressure (+)

Rules for the selection and installation of pipes

The slope of the return line is usually made in the direction of movement of the chilled water. Then the lowest point of the circuit will coincide with the entrance of the return pipe to the heat generator.

The most common combination of supply and return pipe slope direction for removal air jams from a water circuit with natural circulation

With a small area in the natural circulation circuit, it is necessary to prevent air from entering the narrow and horizontal pipes of this heating system. It is necessary to install an air removal device in front of the heated floor.

Single-pipe and two-pipe heating schemes

When developing a heating scheme for a house with natural water circulation, it is possible to design one or several separate circuits. They may differ significantly from each other. Regardless of the length, number of radiators and other parameters, they are made according to a single-pipe or two-pipe scheme.

Circuit using one line

A heating system using the same pipe for sequential supply of water to the radiators is called single-pipe. The simplest single-pipe option is heating metal pipes without using radiators.

This is the cheapest and least problematic way to heat a house when choosing natural coolant circulation. The only significant minus is appearance bulky pipes.

With the most economical heating radiators, hot water flows sequentially through each device. A minimum number of pipes and shut-off valves is required here.

It cools down as it passes, so subsequent radiators receive colder water, which must be taken into account when calculating the number of sections.

A simple one-pipe circuit (above) requires a minimum number of installation work and invested funds. The more complex and expensive option below allows you to turn off radiators without stopping the entire system

The most effective way connecting heating appliances to a single-pipe network is considered a diagonal option.

According to this scheme of heating circuits with a natural circulation type, hot water enters the radiator from above, and after cooling it is discharged through the pipe located below. When passing in this way, heated water gives off the maximum amount of heat.

When both the inlet and outlet pipes are connected to the battery at the bottom, the heat transfer is significantly reduced, because the heated coolant has to travel the longest possible path. Due to significant cooling, batteries with a large number of sections are not used in such circuits.

“Leningradka” is characterized by impressive heat losses, which must be taken into account when calculating the system. Its advantage is that when using shut-off valves on the inlet and outlet pipes, devices can be selectively turned off for repairs without stopping the heating cycle (+)

Heating circuits with similar connection of radiators are called ““. Despite the noted heat losses, they are preferred in the arrangement of residential heating systems, which is due to the more aesthetic appearance of the pipeline.

A significant disadvantage of single-pipe networks is the inability to turn off one of the heating sections without stopping the circulation of water throughout the entire circuit.

Therefore, they usually use a modernization of the classic circuit with the “” installation to bypass the radiator using a branch with two ball valves or a three-way valve. This allows you to regulate the water supply to the radiator, even turning it off completely.

For two or more storey buildings, variants of a single-pipe scheme with vertical risers are used. In this case, the distribution of hot water is more uniform than with horizontal risers. In addition, vertical risers are shorter and fit better into the interior of the house.

A single-pipe scheme with vertical wiring is successfully used when heating two-story rooms using natural circulation. An option has been presented with the ability to disable the upper radiators

Option using a return pipe

When one pipe is used to supply hot water to radiators, and the second to drain cooled water to a boiler or furnace, this heating scheme is called a two-pipe heating system. In the presence of heating radiators, such a system is used more often than a single-pipe system.

It is more expensive, as it requires the installation of an additional pipe, but has a number of significant advantages:

  • more uniform temperature distribution coolant supplied to the radiators;
  • easier to calculate dependence of radiator parameters on the area of ​​the heated room and the required temperature values;
  • more efficient heat control to each radiator.

Depending on the direction of movement of cooled water relative to hot water, they are divided into associated and dead-end. In associated circuits, the movement of cooled water occurs in the same direction as hot water, so the cycle length for the entire circuit is the same.

In dead-end circuits, cooled water moves towards hot water, so for different radiators the lengths of coolant circulation cycles differ. Since the speed in the system is low, the heating time can vary significantly. Those radiators whose water cycle cycle length is shorter will heat up faster.

When choosing dead-end and associated heating schemes, they proceed primarily from the convenience of installing the return pipe

There are two types of location of the liner relative to the heating radiators: upper and lower. With the top connection, the pipe supplying hot water is located above the heating radiators, and with the bottom connection, it is below.

With a bottom connection, it is possible to remove air through radiators and there is no need to run pipes from above, which is good from the point of view of room design.

However, without an acceleration manifold, the pressure drop will be much less than when using the top line. That's why bottom eyeliner When heating premises according to the principle of natural circulation, they are practically not used.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Organization of a single-pipe circuit based on an electric boiler for a small house:

Operation of a two-pipe system for a single-story wooden house based on a long-burning solid fuel boiler:

The use of natural circulation during the movement of water in the heating circuit requires accurate calculations and technically competent installation work. If these conditions are met, the heating system will efficiently heat the premises of a private house and relieve the owners from pump noise and dependence on electricity.

Hot water supply (HW) networks have much in common with cold water supply networks. The hot water supply network comes with lower and upper wiring. The hot water supply network can be dead-end and looped, but, unlike cold water supply networks, looping the network is necessary to maintain a high water temperature.

Simple (dead-end) hot water networks are used in small low-rise buildings, in household premises industrial buildings and in buildings with stable hot water consumption (baths, laundries).

Schemes of hot water supply networks with a circulation pipeline should be used in residential buildings, hotels, dormitories, medical institutions, sanatoriums and rest homes, in preschool institutions, as well as in all cases where uneven and short-term water withdrawal is possible.

Typically, a hot water supply network consists of horizontal supply lines and vertical distribution pipelines-risers, from which apartment distribution lines are arranged. Hot water supply risers are laid as close to the appliances as possible.

Figure 1. Diagram with the upper distribution of the supply line: 1 - water heater; 2 - supply riser; 3 - distribution risers; 4 - circulation network

In addition, hot water supply networks are divided into two-pipe (with looped risers) and single-pipe (with dead-end risers).

Let's consider some of the large number of possible hot water supply network schemes.

When the lines are routed from the top, the prefabricated circulation pipeline is closed in the form of a ring. The circulation of water in the pipeline ring in the absence of water intake is carried out under the influence of gravitational pressure that arises in the system due to the difference in the density of cooled and hot water. The water cooled in the risers falls down into the water heater and displaces water with a higher temperature from it. Thus, continuous water exchange occurs in the system.

Dead-end network diagram(Fig. 2) has the lowest metal consumption, but due to significant cooling and irrational discharge of cooled water, it is used in residential buildings up to 4 floors high, if the risers are not equipped with a heated towel rail and the length of the main pipes is small.

Figure 2. Dead-end hot water supply circuit: 1 - water heater; 2 – distribution risers

If the length of the main pipes is large and the height of the risers is limited, use circuit with looped supply and circulation lines with installation of a circulation pump on them (Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Scheme with looped main pipelines: 1 - water heater; 2 - distribution risers; 3 - diaphragm (additional hydraulic resistance); 4 - circulation pump; 5 - check valve

The most widespread two-pipe scheme(Fig. 4), in which circulation through risers and lines is carried out using a pump that takes water from the return line and supplies it to the water heater. A system with one-sided connection of water points to the supply riser and installation of heated towel rails on the return riser is the most common version of such a scheme. The two-pipe scheme turned out to be reliable in operation and convenient for consumers, but it is characterized by high metal consumption.

Figure 4. Two-pipe hot water supply scheme: 1 - water heater; 2 - supply line; 3 - circulation line; 4 - circulation pump; 5 - supply riser; 6 - circulation riser; 7 - water intake; 8 - heated towel rails

To reduce metal consumption, in recent years they have begun to use a scheme in which several supply risers are combined by a jumper with one circulation riser(Fig. 5).

Figure 5. Scheme with one connecting circulation riser: 1 - water heater; 2 - supply line; 3 - circulation line; 4 - circulation pump; 5 - water risers; 6 - circulation riser; 7 - check valve

Recently appeared diagrams of a single-pipe hot water supply system with one idle supply riser per group of water risers(Fig. 6). The idle riser is isolated and installed in pairs with one water riser or in a sectional unit consisting of 2-3 looped water risers. The main purpose of the idle riser is to transport hot water from the main to the upper lintel and then to the water risers. In each riser, independent additional circulation occurs due to the gravitational pressure that arises in the circuit of the sectional unit due to the cooling of water in the water risers. The idle riser helps the correct distribution of flows within the sectional unit.

Figure 6. Sectional single-pipe hot water supply diagram: 1 - supply line; 2 - circulation line; 3 - idle supply riser; 4 - water riser; 5 - ring jumper; 6 - shut-off valves; 7 - heated towel rail.

Heating system for a private home - there are several options technological schemes, consisting mainly of a heating element (boiler, furnace), piping, shut-off valves and heating radiators. The method of heating a room itself is quite simple. In the boiler, the water heats up and begins to move through the pipes, acting according to purely physical laws, moving upward. In this case, the cooled water is pushed out hot, going down, flowing into the boiler. This is the water movement cycle of the heating system. Today, often, to simplify the scheme and increase the efficiency of its operation, circulation pumps are installed in the system, which are responsible for such a criterion as the recirculation of hot water in a private house.

Block with recirculation system

The pumps themselves create a slight pressure inside the heating system, which creates the movement of hot water. The speed is small, but it dramatically increases the efficiency of heat transfer, because hot water is thus evenly distributed across all radiators. Therefore, the temperature in all rooms of a private house is almost the same.

Attention! Circulation pumps must be installed on the return line near the heating boiler. This is done for the purpose that the pump design contains various kinds seals and cuffs responsible for the tightness of the connections of its parts. Sealing elements are usually made of rubber, which quickly fails under the influence of high temperatures. And the return water temperature is the lowest in the heating system of a private house.

Why is it necessary to consider double-circuit heating in order to understand the recirculation and circulation of hot water in a private home? The thing is that dual-circuit heating is a system that serves both heating and hot water supply. To make it clear what we are talking about, it is necessary to examine in detail the diagram in the photo below.

Diagram of a double-circuit boiler

The diagram clearly shows that two hot water pipelines depart from the boiler at once. One supplies it with heating, the second with hot water supply. Therefore, in the boiler itself there are two heat exchangers, which correspond to two different circuits. Not the most effective option, because in order to get hot water, for example, in a bathroom located on the second floor of a private house, you will have to drain a fairly large volume of water, which has cooled and is located in the pipe leading to the bathroom.

There is another technological wiring, it is also double-circuit, but in its circuit a water tank is installed, which is called a boiler. The heating boiler itself has a conventional heating technology with one heat exchanger, that is, it is single-circuit. One hot water pipe comes out of it, which connects to the heat exchanger (coil) of the boiler. That is, passing through this structure, the coolant heats the water inside the tank, providing a private house hot water for household needs. From the boiler it goes further into the heating system.

There is a scheme where the coolant is distributed over two circuits. That is, part of its volume goes directly into heating, the other part is used to heat the boiler. The photo below shows this technology.

Two separate circuits

It is clear that in this scheme we can only talk about recirculation in heating. But again, it is not the most efficient for the same reason, meaning the supply of hot water to consumers. The scheme proposed below is considered the most effective. It clearly defines the contours through which the coolant will pass and return back to the boiler or boiler. This applies to both the heating circuit and DHW.

An effective scheme for recirculating water in the heating and water supply system

DHW recirculation

In it, the circulation system of hot water supply is clearly visible. Please note that the coolant, passing through the boiler heat exchanger, returns back to the heating boiler. The hot water itself from the boiler circulates constantly through the hot water supply pipeline. It does not stand still, which ensures its constant presence inside the supply pipes. As it passes through them, it cools down. But when you turn on the mixer or tap, water immediately falls on them.

Of course, it should be noted that this is the most expensive option. double-circuit heating, because it has a large pipe distribution. But it is effective in that you don’t have to drain cold water, that is, pour money down the drain. Moreover, only the initial cash investment will be large, which will quickly pay off.

Types of boilers

There are several points that determine the efficiency of both heating and hot water supply.

  • It is clear that hot water will not move through the pipework itself, taking into account its recirculation. Therefore, a pump must be installed in this circuit. As mentioned above, its location is on the return circuit next to the boiler.
  • But it is not necessary to install a pump in the heating system. If you construct the piping correctly, taking into account the angle of inclination of both the supply and return circuits, the coolant will move by gravity. Although a pump would be useful here in terms of uniform distribution of coolant throughout all heating radiators.

Attention! The disadvantage of this system is that it belongs to the category of “energy-dependent”. It consists of elements operating from the network electric current. This means a pump. If the electricity is turned off, the DHW circuit immediately stops working in efficient mode. That is, the water inside the pipes from the boiler to the consumers will begin to cool and will have to be drained into the sewer.

And a few more very important points.

  • The pumps that are used to pump water into the hot water supply are not the same equipment used in heating networks.
  • It is not intended to increase the pressure of the water leaving the faucets. It simply creates a slight pressure to move hot water around the circuit.
  • A heated towel rail can be connected to the DHW system. This is better than connecting it to heating, because the latter only works in winter, but hot water supply is available all year round.
  • Today, manufacturers offer boilers in which heating elements are installed. A good model that can work offline.

DHW pump

So, when dealing with water recycling in a private home, everyone should understand that this applies not only to the heating system. To get an effectively working DHW network, it is necessary to take care of the recirculation of water in it. This is very clearly visible in the above diagrams. Moreover, today it is possible to use boilers as separate heating elements. That is, they can be used instead of heating boilers, turning off the latter in the summer.

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The provision of water is very important for the normal functioning of many construction projects. Water supply system apartment building represented by a central water supply line, intra-house pipe distribution and pipe distribution for water supply to the apartment.

It is very difficult to establish water supply multi-storey building with numerous consumers. Each apartment in the house should be considered as a separate object for providing water: pipes of various diameters form a single structure with rather complex wiring. It is for this reason that water supply to a multi-storey building is considered very difficult.

The system is a whole complex of pumping equipment with installed filters and metering devices, as well as shut-off and control valves and apartment-by-apartment pipe distribution.

Pressure regulators will be mandatory in this scheme. The water that enters the apartments first goes through several stages of purification to remove mechanical impurities. Water is also often disinfected using chlorination.

Central water supply and water supply system

Most convenient for people who live in apartment buildings, the water supply from the central water supply is considered. This system involves supplying high-quality water under good pressure. Central water supply is carried out through a water supply system, which is available in all cities and villages. As a rule, water enters pumping stations from surface reservoirs that are located far from sources of pollution.

The central water supply system has three components:

  • water intake structures;
  • cleaning stations;
  • distribution network.

Water flows from the pumping station into a specific reservoir. There it goes through numerous stages of purification and only then enters the distribution network to supply water to the necessary facilities.

The water supply system functions normally if the pipes are laid out in a high-quality and correct manner. System pressure also plays a big role.

For a large number of users, the central water supply system may have a well, which is arranged using a special water intake tower. It is best to use an artesian well: water is drawn from great depths, the quality of the water is high.

But this method of collecting water is considered quite expensive. It is usually used to provide water to an apartment cottage.

Diagram and design of the water supply system of an apartment building

Water supply system with water tower

Such a system has several main elements: a caisson, a main tank for water intake and a pumping station.

Working principle of a water tower

A caisson is a metal container located at a depth of 2-2.5 m above the well itself. A pipe is installed in it to drain water from the well. A concrete ring caisson is considered less airtight, since very often it is flooded by incoming groundwater.

Through pumping station and the caisson water enters the storage tank. It is equipped with an automatic float valve. It turns on the pump when the water in such a container drops and does not reach a certain level.

The total pressure in the system directly depends on the volume storage tank or tank. Even if disconnected electrical energy, water will flow into the apartments steadily. But until the water level in the tank drops and, accordingly, the pressure decreases.

Water tower design diagram

Types of pipes used for water supply

Steel pipes

Today, steel pipes have practically ceased to be used. Over a fairly long period of time, such materials for plumbing have used up their resources. In addition, the price of steel pipes is quite high.

Installation steel pipes is also expensive and takes a lot of effort and time. The disadvantage of such a system is that condensate accumulates heavily on it, which can destroy the pipe material. Rust and plaque will gradually form inside the steel pipe, which reduces the volume of the pipe. Thus, throughput is also reduced.

Copper pipes

The most important advantage of using copper pipes is their service life, which reaches 50 years. Steel pipes are quite expensive, and not everyone can afford them. The advantage of steel pipes is that rust does not form on them. In addition, copper has bactericidal properties.

Copper pipe wiring

Metal-plastic pipes

Metals are extremely popular today. plastic pipes. They are quite practical and considered reliable. Installation of metal-plastic water supply is very simple. All you need is a special tool. The pipes are joined using fittings. The pipe can withstand significant mechanical and physical loads.

Metal-plastic pipes

Apartment water supply schemes

Stability of everything household equipment which is connected to the water supply directly depends on how competently the installation of the water supply system is carried out.

The water supply scheme must provide the apartment with water from the central water supply to all necessary supply points. For some equipment it will be necessary to ensure constant water pressure in the pipes. At the moment, water supply for an apartment can be done in several ways: a series connection scheme, a collector and a mixed system.

Scheme of sequential water supply for an apartment

The simplest and most practical way to supply water to an apartment is considered to be a sequential connection scheme. This is an affordable option in terms of price and implementation engineering communications. This scheme is usually found in residential buildings.

According to this scheme, installation of main pipelines with hot and cold water is carried out in parallel. Each equipment in such a system is connected using tees. It is for this reason that the serial connection circuit is often called a tee circuit.

A daisy-chain scheme implies the presence of a common backbone for a large number of users. From such central pipe Wiring is also done using tees. The main pipe has a fairly large diameter and plays the role of an elongated collector.

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Septic tanks for home and garden

Consistent piping in the apartment

Such a water supply system is currently considered not only widespread, but also the most ideal for use in ordinary apartment, which has one bathroom and no a large number of household appliances that operate on the basis of water supply.

The sequential circuit has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • significant pipe savings;
  • simplicity and ease of the project;
  • reducing the cost of laying water pipes.


  1. Pressure drop at the end points of the water supply if several open devices are used simultaneously.
  2. No possibility of selective shutdown (if one of the pipes breaks, it will be necessary to completely shut down the apartment).
  3. Difficulty in determining the location of the leak.
  4. Lack of free access to all distribution tees of the system.
  5. In the event of an accident, it will be necessary to disturb the finishing layer on the surface of the floor or wall.

Piping throughout the apartment should be carried out only by highly qualified specialists. Only then will the likelihood that the pipe will start to leak be small, and the pressure in the system will be normal.

Collector circuit

Due to the fact that at the moment a large number of devices that operate from water supply are used in the apartment, their operation may be disrupted, since the pressure in common system is greatly reduced. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to select a collector connection circuit.

Installation of such a water supply system is considered expensive and quite complex. Initially, pressure drop in the system is already eliminated, and it is for this reason that all points of the plumbing equipment can be used at the same time.

This is due to the fact that a separate pipe is laid to each such water supply point. It can be simply blocked if necessary. With this type of connection, the main pipe has no branches, which ensures the safety of using the water supply system. The likelihood of leaks will also be significantly reduced, since the collector pipe runs parallel to the main water supply pipe and has only one connection with it.

Apartment water supply collector diagram

The advantages of such a system:

  • due to the small number of connections - system reliability;
  • adjusting the operation of a separate plumbing fixture;
  • ease of maintenance and repair of the entire system;
  • hidden installation of pipes, which will not spoil the interior.

Sewerage in the apartment

Water supply and sewerage systems at home play a big role in ensuring normal human life. Only specialists will be able to correctly calculate everything and install engineering structures of this type. The entire installation process must be carried out according to a previously developed scheme. Correct installation of sewer pipes will eliminate all possibilities of leakage and deformation of wastewater drainage. Often, the installation of sewage waste in an apartment involves turning off the water supply through the riser. The work is carried out quite quickly and with very high quality.

Advice. If sewer pipes are being laid in an apartment for the first time, then it would be better not to change the usual location of all plumbing fixtures.

It would be better to use old scheme. In this case, it is recommended to sketch out an approximate work plan on paper and clearly measure the distance between the sink, toilet, bathtub and other equipment that operates from the water supply. It will also be necessary to determine the location of the clamps and the central sewer pipe. A slope is considered mandatory when laying sewers. Don't forget about quality material in this process.

Before laying or replacing a sewer system in an apartment, it is necessary to assess the condition of the common sewer riser.

Sewage and water supply risers in the apartment

If the common sewer pipe does not have external signs corrosion, then you don’t have to change it. If replacement is necessary, then this must be done very carefully due to the fact that a damaged pipe can very easily become deformed, and then the entire riser will have to be replaced.

It happens that sewer pipes in an apartment are laid for the purpose that more equipment has appeared that operates from the water supply. For example, dishwasher or washing machine. Another option for laying sewer pipes as an additional structure can be when it is necessary to connect additional plumbing equipment.

Sewage system diagram in an apartment

Necessary equipment for installation of high-quality sewerage:

  • pipes;
  • components;
  • compositions for fixation and sealing;
  • tools;
  • fitting;
  • devices.

When installing a new sewer riser, it will be necessary to take into account the fact that plastic pipes for water drainage will not be able to withstand the compressive loads of a piece of cast iron pipe that may be on top of the riser. A special replacement fragment will need to be attached to such a pipe in order to ensure tight and strong fixation of the junction of the pipes from different materials. To ensure the tightness of such connections, cuff adapters are used, which are made for such combinations (“cast iron-plastic”, “plastic-cast iron”).

Dismantling sewerage in an apartment

Replacing an old sewer pipe with a new one has many nuances that must be taken into account in this process. Initially, it is necessary to determine the places in the pipe that are most vulnerable to deformation. You also need to disconnect all existing connections from the pipe and remove all debris. All this is needed to ensure more convenient work.

Then, near the riser, the tap is turned off, which supplies water to the apartment. If the replacement will take a long time, then it is best to completely disconnect the entire riser from the water supply. At the very last moment, it is necessary to carefully dismantle the cast iron sewer pipes. All this can be done using adjustable wrenches or other tools.

Mount new pipe it needs to be fully equipped with various adapters and couplings, since then it will not be possible to do it efficiently. All connections must be sealed with sealant to protect the riser from leaking.

Correct installation plastic sewer

Advice. All fittings or collars must be clean. Silicone grease should be intended specifically for connecting sewer pipes.

Hot water supply

Hot water supply in an apartment is a whole system of pipelines and various devices that are used to heat cold water and distribute hot consumers. In some cases, special pipes are used in bathrooms or toilets to heat such rooms in the apartment. They have the additional function of dryers.

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Heating of an apartment building

Standard layout of a home's hot and cold water supply system

All hot water supply systems can be divided according to several criteria:

According to the radius of action, hot water supply systems are divided into local and central.

Local hot water systems

Local hot water supply systems are installed for a group of small objects or one building. In this case, the water is heated directly by the consumer himself. Water is heated using gas or electric flow-type boilers.

Such systems require regular Maintenance and are used only if it is not possible to use a centralized hot water supply.

Local hot water system

Advantages of local hot water systems:

  • autonomous work;
  • ease of repair;
  • small heat loss.

Central hot water systems

The emergence of central systems for supplying hot water to an apartment is due to the elimination of regional and local boiler houses, as well as heat supply systems. As for convenience, central hot water supply systems will be much more practical.

Scheme of centralized hot water supply for an apartment building

All this depends on the fact that there is no need to install appropriate equipment for heating cold water and additional wiring. Also, such a hot water supply system has its disadvantages. Pipes need to be constantly maintained and repaired, but local utility services Rarely can fulfill customer requests. There are also large differences in water pressure in the system and insufficient temperature, which cannot be said about local water supply systems.

To heat water and supply it to the consumer, centralized systems can use open or closed heating networks. Open heating networks provide for mixing network water with already heated in special equipment. After this, the water is supplied to consumers. Closed heating networks provide for heating water through surfaces. The coolant (superheated water or steam) and the heated water do not come into contact in any way.

Open heating networks are considered more rational, but the quality of the supplied water in the section may deteriorate significantly temperature regime. Such systems are very rarely found at the moment.

Closed circuit home heating and water supply

Hot water supply in an apartment can be provided in several ways:

  1. Heating of water in the boiler room and subsequent supply to the consumer.
  2. Water is heated at special points located in neighborhoods or areas.
  3. Water is heated using special equipment that is installed in the basement of a multi-story building.
  4. Water is heated in the consumer's apartment.

Hot water supply can be circulating. In this case, water constantly moves through the pipes and provides not only the supply of hot water, but also heating. The water is constantly heated. There is also a dead-end hot water supply. In this case, the water is not used immediately and may simply cool down over time. It is for this reason that special containers are installed in the apartment to heat and maintain water temperature.

As for saving, it will be rational to use customized systems providing hot water to the apartment. For centralized hot water supply, the user must pay a monthly fee.

Diagram of a boiler for heating water

If it is possible to use a boiler to supply hot water to the apartment, then this will be the most economical option, since payment for water is made according to the cold water meter. The consumer provides hot water independently.

Currently, hot water supply is an integral part of the lives of most people on the planet. No apartment or residential building can live without it. Arranging a hot water supply system is a complex process; moreover, there are several types of connecting systems. In this article we will look at all hot water supply systems, calculations and types of water heaters.

Regardless of the type of hot water supply, a set of equipment is connected, which are designed to heat water and distribute it to various water intake points. In this equipment, water is heated to the required temperature, after which it is supplied to the house and through the pipeline using a pump. There are open and closed system hot water supply.

Open system

Open DHW system characterized by the presence of coolant circulating in the system. Hot water comes directly from the central heating system. The quality of tap water and heating equipment no different. The result is that people use coolant.

The open system is so named because hot water is supplied from the open taps of the heating system. DHW scheme multi-storey building involves the use open type. For private homes this type is too expensive.

You should know that the cost savings of an open system occur due to the no need for water heating devices to heat the liquid.

Features of open hot water supply

During installation open DHW the principle of operation must be taken into account. There are two types of open hot water supply depending on the type of circulation and transportation of coolant to the radiators. There are open systems with natural circulation and those using pumping equipment for these purposes.

Natural circulation is carried out in this way: an open system eliminates the presence of excess pressure, so at the highest point it corresponds to atmospheric pressure, and at the lowest point it is slightly higher due to the hydrostatic action of the liquid column. Thanks to the low pressure, natural circulation of the coolant occurs.

The principle of natural circulation is quite simple, due to the different temperatures of the coolant and, accordingly, different densities and masses, cooled water with a low temperature and greater mass displaces hot water with less mass. This simply explains the existence of a gravity system, which is also called gravitational. The main advantage of such a system is absolute energy independence, if parallel heating boilers do not use electricity.

It is important to know! Gravity pipelines are made with a large slope and diameter.

If natural circulation is not possible, use pump equipment, which increases the rate of coolant flow through the pipeline and reduces the time it takes to warm up the room. Circulation pump produces coolant movement at a speed of 0.3 - 0.7 m/s.

Advantages and disadvantages of an open system

Open hot water supply is still relevant, thanks primarily to energy independence and other advantages:

  1. Easy to fill open hot water and vent. No need for control high pressure and release additional air, since the release is carried out automatically when filling through an open expansion tank.
  2. Easy to recharge. Because there is no need to monitor the maximum pressure. It is also possible to add water to the tank even with a bucket.
  3. The system functions properly, regardless of leaks, since the operating pressure is not high and the presence of such problems does not affect it.

Among the disadvantages is the need to control the water level in the tank and its constant replenishment.

Closed hot water system

The closed system is based on the following principle: cold drinking water is taken from the central water supply and heated in an additional heat exchanger. After heating, it is supplied to water intake points.

A closed system implies separate operation of the coolant and hot water; it is also distinguished by the presence of a return and supply pipeline, which are used for circular circulation of water. Such a system will ensure normal pressure even when using a shower and sink at the same time. Among the advantages of the system, the ease of regulating the temperature of hot liquid is also noted.

DHW can be circulation or dead-end. A dead-end system consists only of water supply pipes, the method of connecting which is the same as in the first case.

The advantage of a closed hot water supply is the reduction of costs by ensuring a stable temperature. It is possible to install a heated towel rail. A closed hot water system requires water heaters, the types of which we will consider below.

Types of water heaters

All water heaters are classified as follows:

  1. Flow devices. Such heaters heat water continuously, leaving no reserve. Since water has a high heat capacity, constant heating requires increased energy consumption. In addition to this factor, the flow-through heater must be immediately brought into working condition: when turned on, supply hot water, and when turned off, stop heating. To traditional flow heaters include a gas water heater.
  2. Storage devices. They are characterized by slow heating of a certain volume of water, which often consumes 1 kW/hour. Hot liquid is used as needed. Storage heaters They operate instantly after opening the tap, but the power is much less. Among the disadvantages of such devices, large sizes are also noted; the larger the volume, the larger the device.

Calculation and recirculation of hot water supply

The calculation of hot water supply systems depends on the following factors: the number of consumers, the approximate frequency of shower use, the number of bathrooms with hot water supply, some specifications plumbing equipment, required water temperature. By calculating all these indicators, you can determine the required daily volume of hot water.

Water recirculation in a hot water supply system ensures that liquid is returned from a distant water intake point. It is necessary when the distance from the heater to the farthest water intake point is more than 3 meters. Recirculation is used using a boiler, and if it is not possible to use it, it is started directly through the boiler.

The hot water supply system can be of two types, which are used depending on the specified parameters. IN open system a heating boiler is used, and in a closed one - a water heater. In some cases, it is necessary to additionally organize water recycling. Before installing and purchasing equipment, it is important to calculate the hot water supply.