Grow large onions. Onions for greens from seeds. Onion care

Onions are a very healthy vegetable. Therefore, it can often be found in gardens in our country. But to get excellent harvest, it is necessary to adhere to certain agricultural techniques when growing it. This article will be devoted to this issue.

Before you begin to study the features of growing onions, you need to understand what they are. Onions, like all other varieties of this crop, are a spicy-aromatic herbaceous plant. This vegetable has been known to people since ancient times. Afghanistan and Central Asia are considered the birthplace of onions. Before our era, it was actively grown in Egypt, Ancient Greece and India.

Gardeners grow it depending on climatic features growing area, as a three-year or two-year plant. For example, in the southern regions you can get large bulbs within a year, and in places with short summers - within two to three years.

This onion got its name because of the similarity of its underground part with a turnip. Its bulb serves as a thickening of the stem, where the buds of future leaves and bulbs are formed. It has slightly branched roots, the length of which does not exceed 40 cm. Because of this, to grow this crop you need well-moistened fertile soil. Sandy loam and loamy soils. And for the formation of a tasty and developed above-ground part, the area on which it is grown onion, should be well lit. In the shade, the plantings will be inconspicuous and underdeveloped.

The aboveground part of this garden crops has the appearance of feathers (herbaceous mass). They are characterized by a dark green color and a lanceolate or linear shape. During the flowering period, the plant throws out a spherical inflorescence formed from white flowers between the feathers. After flowering is completed, wrinkled and black seeds form on it.

Onions are considered a cold-resistant crop. Its seeds can germinate at a temperature of + 3-5 degrees.

Both underground and aboveground part vegetable. Different varieties feathers and bulbs have their own specific taste. They contain a large number of useful elements (vitamins, folic acid, essential oils etc.)

In order for the onion harvest to be plentiful and tasty, it is necessary to follow certain rules of agricultural technology, especially when growing seeds and sets.

Video “Onion secrets”

Details about planting onions on the site are described in the video.

Features of cultivation

The main feature of growing onions is that they can be planted almost everywhere. Of course, not every place will be able to get an excellent harvest due to certain climatic conditions. But, if agricultural technology was carried out strictly, then a positive result will be guaranteed. In principle, agricultural technology for this cultivated plant It’s not that complicated and even a novice gardener can handle it quite well. At the same time, you need to know that growing onions (seeds or sets) should not be done on nitrogenous or acidic soil.

Growing onions consists of the following stages:

  • the first year - sow seeds;
  • the second year - planting seedlings. It is obtained from seeds sprouted in the first year;
  • third year - planting mature onions for seeds.

At the same time, agricultural technology will not differ much here from growing other vegetables. The differences will be only in the characteristics of cultivation different varieties onions.

In onion agricultural technology, soil preparation is important. The land must meet the following requirements:

  • be hydrated;
  • have a neutral acidity level. To do this, the soil must be treated with wood ash;
  • rich in organic fertilizers. Humus should be used as fertilizer. It is added to the soil on the basis that for one square meter It takes about five kilograms of fertilizer.

Excellent precursors for this vegetable are cabbage, tomatoes and cucumbers.

Before planting seeds or sowing in the ground, it must be well dug up, loosened and leveled. If possible, it is recommended to also apply mineral fertilizers that do not contain nitrogen.

Growing onions can occur in two ways:

  • sowing seeds (nigella);
  • planting seedlings.

Let's look at both options in more detail.

Nigella refers to onion seeds that have been stored for no more than two years after harvesting. They need to be planted in the first half of May, before the soil has time to dry out. Planting nigella is carried out as follows:

  • on the beds we form even furrows with a depth of 3-4 cm. The distance between them should be approximately 5 cm;
  • rows of beds should be spaced 10 cm apart from each other;
  • After sowing the seeds, cover them with a small layer of soil on top and water them well.

It should be remembered that nigella takes a long time to germinate. Therefore, to speed up it is necessary to use mineral fertilizers (saltpeter solution, etc.). You should also regularly clear the beds of weeds and water them. The formation of sets from seeds ends around the beginning of September. During this period, the seedlings can already be collected.

We dealt with the nigella. Now let's consider the further fate of the sets in the process of growing onions. The onion sets dug up in the first year of cultivation must be sorted out thoroughly, leaving only healthy onions. After this, they are sorted by size. When sorting is completed, the planting material is heated. To do this, the sets can be placed close heating devices for a few days. It is then placed in hot water, and then the same amount of time in the cold. Such manipulations will prevent the onion from shooting as it grows. After this, the sets must be placed in nutrient solution. To prepare it, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of nitrophoska in 10 liters of water. Then planting material wrap in cotton cloth and place in water for 10 hours.

Planting of seedlings is carried out in May, at a temperature of + 10 degrees and above.

At the beginning of the bed, larger specimens of the set should be planted, and then their size should gradually decrease. Planting seedlings is carried out as follows:

  • we form grooves 3 cm deep in the beds;
  • there should be a distance of about 20 cm between the furrows;
  • water them with water and plant the seedlings;
  • the distance between the bulbs should be approximately 10 cm;
  • Cover the planting material with earth on top. Its thickness should not exceed 2 cm.

When planting the set is completed, it needs the following care:

  • At the beginning of the growing season, the vegetable needs abundant watering. At this time, watering is carried out twice a week. During the ripening period of the bulbs, watering is reduced. Two weeks before harvest, watering is stopped altogether. The only exception is hot and dry weather;
  • loosening and removing weeds. It is carried out periodically depending on the need. It is especially important to loosen after watering;
  • when the bulbs reach larger sizes, you need to rake some soil away from the plant;
  • feeding The first time it is carried out a couple of weeks after planting the seeds. To do this, the manure mass is mixed with water. Fertilizers are then applied after three weeks.

To make growing onions easy and without problems, you need not only to follow all agrotechnical requirements, but also to carry out preventive measures to prevent diseases and the appearance of insect pests.

Disease and pest control

Even if all agrotechnical practices are followed, the onion harvest can be spoiled by pathogenic microflora or pests. Onions may start to hurt due to improper care, both in the greenhouse and in open ground.

The most common diseases of this crop are:

  • gray rot of the neck. The most dangerous disease, in which the cervical scales are damaged;
  • peronosporosis (powdery mildew). The disease is caused by a pathogenic fungus. Here the bulbs stop developing and change shape. In this case, a yellow coating forms on the feathers;
  • Fusarium This disease is characterized by softening of the bottom of the bulb and death of the root system. The tops become yellow;
  • jaundice. This viral disease. In the presence of such a disease, the feathers of the onion and its bulb become spotted.
  • onion moth;
  • root mite;
  • onion fly.

To prevent the occurrence of both diseases and pests, preventive measures must be taken when growing onions. To do this, plantings need to be treated with a solution copper sulfate(a teaspoon of powder per 10 liters of water). It is recommended to treat plants with this solution when the feathers are more than 12 cm high. You can also treat plants with tobacco dust or ash every 20 days.


The timing of harvesting onions depends on weather conditions and climatic characteristics of the region where this crop is grown. Typically, this vegetable ripens from mid-July to September. The ripeness of onions can be determined by the following characteristics:

  • new leaves do not appear;
  • the feathers turned yellow;
  • the tops lay on the bed;
  • the neck at its base became soft and acquired a characteristic shade.

Remember that onions must be harvested on time, otherwise the root system of the bulbs will begin to grow back.

This will negatively affect the shelf life of the crop.

  • The harvest must be completed before the nights become cold. The cleaning process itself looks like this:
  • together with the tops, the onion is removed from the ground;
  • ventilate it in the sun;
  • then cut off the roots and leaves;

The bulbs are dried again in a heated room.

As you can see, onions have simple agrotechnical cultivation features. The main thing is proper care and timely prevention of diseases and insect pests. By following all the instructions given above, you will definitely get an excellent onion harvest.

Video “Onion harvest”

This video reveals the secrets of growing onions in the garden.

Some gardeners want to save money and grow turnip onions from seeds, others don’t want to bother with seedlings and plant sets.

Although the second option is more expensive, growing onions from sets does not cause much trouble and saves a lot of time. Let's learn how to grow turnip onions in one season using a vegetative method - from small onions grown with your own hands or purchased in a store.

Growing onions from sets

Preparing beds for growing onions

To know how to grow large onions from sets, it is important to provide them suitable conditions in terms of soil.

Onions produce good yields in sunny, non-acidic soils where no onion crops have been grown for the last 3 years. If the soil is acidic, two years before planting we alkalize it with slaked lime or dolomite flour at the rate of 200 grams per m².

In the fall, we clear the area of ​​weeds, dig it to a depth of 30 cm and add half a bucket of compost or humus per m² plus mineral fertilizers (superphosphate in granules and urea - 30 grams each and nitroammophoska - 15 grams per m²).

In the spring we flavor the soil with nitroammophoska in the same amount.

Preparing seedlings for planting in the ground

A couple of weeks before planting sets for growing onions without seedlings, we make the following preparation:

  • We sort the planting material into fractions, discard spoiled and dried onions, throw away dry husks and other debris.

Onions larger than 3 cm in size are set aside: it is better to plant them on a feather, because they often go into the arrow and do not produce normal bulbs.

  • We warm up the sets for seven hours at a temperature of forty degrees.
  • Disinfect the onions in a one percent solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour.
  • Soak the seeds, washed, for an hour clean water, in a solution of Fitosporin, Gamair or another product.

Having found out how to prepare the sets for planting, we will learn how to properly grow onions in open ground.

Sevok is planted in beds earlier than other crops, as it is not afraid of frost down to -3 degrees.

The time for planting seedlings occurs at a time when the ten-centimeter layer of soil warms up to 10 degrees, and the daytime air temperature is at least 3 degrees Celsius.

We plant the seedlings in the ridges as follows:

  • Having leveled the beds, we cut grooves with row spacing of 15-30 cm, depending on the variety.
  • We plant onions every 10-15 cm: the more space, the larger the bulb. The tail of the onion should not sink into the ground.
  • We carefully water the plantings so as not to wash away the soil.

The first shoots will appear in 7-12 days. Having figured out how to plant onions in ridges, we will learn how to grow onions from sets.

Caring for young onions

How to grow onions correctly? By properly caring for onion plantings. The technology for growing onions consists of the following care:

  • Weeding and loosening. We try not to neglect the plantings and regularly rid the beds of weeds. After watering and rain, loosen the soil to avoid crust formation.

When loosening the soil, we do not allow the bulbs to hill up, and we loosen only superficially, otherwise we will damage the delicate roots.

  • Watering. Growing onions without seedlings is not complete without timely watering. The soil should be moist, but not swampy. We water the onion once every two weeks (if it’s dry and hot - once every 7 days).

A month before harvesting, we stop watering the onion - just loosen and loosen it, exposing a third of the onion.

  • Top dressing. Do you want to know how to grow large onions from sets? Feeding will help. 20 days after emergence, we feed the onion with a urea solution of 20 grams of product per 10 liters of water: this amount is enough for 10 m of ridge. After fertilizing, water the sprouts with clean water.

The second time, after another 20 days, we fertilize the soil potassium-phosphorus fertilizer: nitroammophoska at the rate of 2 tbsp. per ten-liter bucket or superphosphate (30 grams) and potassium salt (10 grams).

We do not feed onions with nitrogen!

Having mastered the technology regarding how to grow onions from sets, we harvest the finished crop after lodging and yellowing of the tops.

After growing onion sets from the onion sets, choose a fine day and pull the bulbs out of the ridges. If the weather promises to be sunny, we dry the onions directly on the ridges. In other cases, we scatter the harvest in a dry, ventilated area and dry it for 10-14 days.

After drying, we sort and cut off the tops, leaving five-centimeter petioles, trim the roots and put the crop away for storage in a dry place.

Now you know everything about growing onions vegetatively in open ground. Buy high-quality seedlings, taking a good look at the bulbs so as not to accidentally purchase frozen planting material, and grow large, healthy onions!

Onions are a common vegetable in home gardening because it has wide range application, easy to grow and takes up little space. In addition, onions have a short growing season, which means that you can start harvesting in the spring, after which it can be dried and stored until winter use.


Part 1

Preparing for landing

    Select the type of onion you will grow. Like most fruits and vegetables? onions have many varieties that have various properties. Onions primarily come in three colors: white, yellow, and red/purple—each with its own distinct flavor. Additionally, onions are divided into two groups: onions short day and onions have a long day. Long day onions are so called because they begin to sprout when the length daylight hours is 14-16 hours (late spring/summer), while short-day onions begin to germinate when the day length is 10-12 hours (winter, early spring).

    Decide how you will plant onions. In general, there are two common ways to grow onions: seedlings (onion sets) or seeds. Gardeners often prefer to grow onion sets because they are more resilient and withstand weather conditions better than seeds. However, if you have the opportunity and desire to grow onions from seeds at home and then transplant them outside, you can easily do this.

    • You can, of course, try to grow onions from seedlings/cuttings, but this is not always a successful method and is much more labor-intensive than growing from seeds or sets.
    • Visit your local nurseries for recommendations on seeds and sets that are successfully grown in your area.
  1. Know when to grow. Onions can sometimes be difficult to grow if they are planted in wrong time. If you plant onions in cold weather in the spring, they may die or use up all their energy flowering rather than growing bulbs. If you are sowing seeds, start 6 weeks before planting outside. Onions can be planted outside in late March or early April, or when the temperature does not drop below -11°C.

    Choose the perfect location. Onions are not too picky about conditions, but there are still some preferences. Choose a fairly spacious place, fully illuminated by the sun. Onions will grow big if you give them enough space, so remember that the more space you give them, the large bulbs You'll get. Do not plant onions where they may be shaded by more large plants or trees.

    • Onions grow well in raised beds, so if you can't find one for them suitable place in the garden, you can build a separate raised bed for your onions.
  2. Prepare the soil. Although it requires a little preparation, if you have the opportunity to prepare the soil of your site a few months before planting, you will get best harvest. If possible, begin tilling the soil by adding manure in the fall. If your soil is rocky or sandy or clayey, add some good garden soil to balance it out. Additionally, measure the pH level of your soil and add appropriate amendments to bring it to 6-7.5.

    • The pH must be tested and adjusted to the required value at least a month before planting, so that all additives have time to take effect, preparing the basis for successful onion growth.

    Part 2

    Planting Your Onions
    1. Prepare the soil. When you're ready to plant, dig up the soil to a depth of about 6 inches and add a light amount (1 cup per 6 feet) of phosphate fertilizer. Use a 10-20-10 or 0-20-0 mixture to further stimulate the growth of your onions. At the same time, do not forget to remove any weeds that may be present in your area that you are preparing for planting.

      Dig holes. Plant onions so that there is no more than one inch of soil above the bulb; if you plant it too deep, the onion's growth will be stunted and weakened. Space the bulbs 10-15cm apart and the seeds 2.5-5cm apart. Once your onions start to grow, you can replant them by spacing the bulbs further to increase their size.

      Plant onions. Place the seeds in the holes you dug and cover them with 1-2 cm of soil. Using your hands or feet, compact the soil on top of the bulbs; they grow better in dense rather than loose soil. Finish the planting with a little watering and you'll be ready to watch them grow!

      • Onion seedlings require more water than seeds or sets, so if you plant them, give them a little more moisture.
    2. Maintain your garden with onions. Onions are a relatively delicate plant; they have a fragile root system that is easily damaged and injured by weeds or loosening the soil. Use a hoe to cut the above-ground portions of emerging weeds instead of pulling them out; By pulling out weeds, you can damage the roots of the onion and impair its growth. Provide your onions with about an inch of water per week, plus additional nutrition in the form of nitrogen fertilizer once a month. A month after planting, place a layer of mulch between plants to retain moisture and prevent weeds.

      • If you want your onions to taste sweeter, water them more.
      • If any of your bulbs start to bloom, pull them out. These bulbs have gone ‘in color’ and will no longer grow or improve their taste.
    3. Harvest the onion harvest. The onions are fully ripe when the tops are golden yellow; At this time, bend the tops so that they lie horizontally on the ground. This manipulation will cause the onion to move nutrients into the bulb rather than continuing to funnel them into leaf growth. After 24 hours, the tops should be dry and the onions will be ready for harvesting. Dig the onion out of the soil and trim off the tops and roots about an inch from the bulb. Leave the onions to dry in the sun for a day or two, then store them in a dry place in the house for 2-4 weeks to continue drying them.

    • To start planting onions in the garden earlier, plant the sets in containers filled with moist soil mixture two weeks before you plant them on the site. Keep containers around the house so the bulbs can hatch and start growing. root system by the time you are ready to plant them in the ground.
    • To prevent disease and infestations, try planting radishes near your onions


    • Although onions are relatively pest-resistant, they can sometimes still fall prey to larvae that eat the bulbs. Insecticidal soap, if used as directed, can solve this problem.
    • Different onion varieties require different day lengths, corresponding to warmer or colder climates. When purchasing sets or seeds, make sure you buy a variety that can be grown in your area.

When asked how to grow good harvest onions, the main attention should be paid not only to the rules of care, which are quite simple, but also to the preparation of the soil and the choice of planting method. Today, many people use onion sets for planting, but you can also sow the seeds yourself, although this method is more complex and labor-intensive. Let's consider both methods of growing onions, planting rules, fertilizers, and weeding.

When planting onions, the main attention should be paid not only to the rules of care, but also to soil preparation, as well as the choice of planting method.

Planting seeds and onion sets on the site

They grow onions from sets, which are valuable seed material. You can receive good harvest and from seeds that are planted a year earlier. How to prepare them for planting?

Seeds are planted slightly wet or dry, and they must be soaked for two to nine days, observing room temperature. You can soak them under other conditions; it will only take eight hours. The water should have a temperature of up to +40 degrees.

Onions should be sown in autumn or spring, it all depends on the readiness of the soil. The width of each bed should be 1 m. Per square meter. m of soil usually requires 9-10 g of seeds; after planting, they are covered with a layer of humus 1-1.5 cm thick. After this, the planting site is mulched with leaf soil or peat.

It is necessary that the soil in the onion beds be loose, nutritious and moderately moist.

To grow onion sets, small onions up to two centimes in size are used. Before planting, they must be sorted out, all diseased and dried out ones must be separated, only strong, healthy sets can be used. To prevent fungal diseases, before planting, it is recommended to warm the bulbs to a temperature of 40-42 degrees for eight hours ten to fifteen days before planting.

The set is planted in early May in already warmed soil, usually it is trimmed a little, then soaked in water mixed with slurry in a ratio of 6:1 for 12-24 hours. Furrows are drawn in the bed, into which the seedlings are planted; the distance between individual furrows should be approximately 20 cm. The planting depth depends on the soil moisture; the beds are sprinkled with humus on top.

If the seedlings are planted before winter, then it is necessary to choose a place for the beds so that they are not flooded by melted snow in the spring. The soil is also sprinkled with humus, ash, and mineral fertilizers; planting should begin in September-October. In this case, the planting depth will be 3-4 cm, the distance between rows will be 20 cm, between individual bulbs - 4-5 cm. The beds must be mulched with humus or peat compost with a layer of 2-2.5 cm, dry leaves will also do.

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Rules of care

Particular attention should be paid to watering the plant. It is water that has a huge influence on the formation of leaves and roots.

They grow onions without unnecessary difficulties, special and complex rules there is no care for it. In the first 2-3 weeks it is necessary Special attention pay attention to watering the plants, since it is water that matters in the formation of roots and leaves. After each watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil so that moisture penetrates well into it.

As for soil fertilizers, the issue is more complicated. Many experts believe that if you fertilize the soil before sowing, then further fertilization is not necessary. On the other hand, during the growing season it is very difficult to do without fertilizing; onions may stop developing correctly. Therefore, we can recommend applying fertilizers moderately: during the preparation of the substrate for planting onion sets and during cultivation in three parts (we will talk about this separately).

When onions grow, the top layer of soil should be kept in a loose state, a depth of 4-5 cm is sufficient. At the same time, loosening allows you to get rid of weeds, which can adversely affect the development of plants.

As they grow, it is necessary to thin out the onions; do this evenly, so that there is a distance of 8-10 cm between individual plants.

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Weeding onions

When growing, great attention must be paid to the cleanliness of the beds, that is, carry out weeding on time and remove all weeds. This must be done because the weed helps create high humidity at the soil surface, and this often becomes the reason that plants are affected by various fungal diseases.

When grown on soils with weeds, the neck of the onion will become juicy, this will not allow the plant to be stored normally, and the onion will begin to rot. All weeds are removed when they reach a height of 3-5 cm. After this, the soil can be loosened a little.

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During growing season Don’t forget about fertilizing; it’s best done in three steps:

  1. The first feeding is carried out at a time when the leaves are still weak and light in color. How to properly prepare the composition for fertilizer? To do this, dilute a glass of ordinary mullein in 10 liters of water; In addition to mullein, you can use a tablespoon of urea or a glass of bird droppings. The resulting mixture should be watered at a rate of 2-3 liters per square meter. m of soil.
  2. The second feeding is carried out fifteen days after the first. Now two tablespoons of nitrophoska are diluted in 10 liters of water, after which the beds are watered, based on the calculation of 5 liters of mixture per square meter. m.
  3. The third feeding is done when the bulbs reach a size of approximately 3-4 cm in diameter. To do this, dilute two tablespoons of superphosphate in 10 liters of water, and begin watering the beds at a rate of 5 liters per square meter. m of crops.

When growing onions, it is better not to forget about fertilizers, since this is precisely the support minerals will help the plant not only get stronger, but also develop correctly. The onion will become juicy, tasty, dense, its feathers will not be bitter.

Onions have been known to mankind for a very long time, and many dishes without them would simply lose their exquisite and unique taste. Appearing more than 4 thousand years ago in Ancient Egypt, this tasty and healthy vegetable remains a favorite among crops grown by gardeners today. But we hasten to note that growing turnip onions from sets can be done not only for your own needs, but also with the aim of making a profit. What does the process of growing onions look like, and what are the features of its agricultural technology?

Process Features

The onion business, as well as growing it for own needs, requires certain knowledge. If we talk about growing this crop as a business, then many gardeners come to this decision because they are attracted not only by the fertility of the plant, but also by the small initial cash investments in such a small business, as well as by the year-round consumer need for onions. If you delve into all the nuances of the growing process, you can easily turn it from ordinary gardening into a good business. What are the features of such a process that should be taken into account by both ordinary summer residents and those who seriously decide to start their own small business after reading our article?

It should be borne in mind that for onions it is important to choose loose and nutrient soil. It is best to prefer a normally lit area for planting it. This should not be neglected, since experts say that it is the length of natural daylight hours that is of great importance for the proper growth and full development of this vegetable crop. Also do not forget about moderate soil moisture. Watering the plant should be done during intensive growth, after it the onion does not need water. Pay attention to groundwater - it should be located in an area far from the surface. During the growing process, you need to regularly weed the beds so that they are not overgrown with weeds.

If you are planning a business or growing onions for yourself, take care of planting them after predecessors such as tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, and cucumbers. It is not recommended to plant this vegetable crop where used to grow up onions, as well as garlic or carrots. Please also take into account the fact that onions react negatively to soils with a high level of acidity, where they may become infected with downy mildew. powdery mildew or poor absorption nutrients. Our video will tell you about the features of the process in more detail.

The key advantage of growing onions as a business is that they grow in almost any climatic zone. Also, when organizing their business, gardeners make sure that caring for this vegetable does not require too much effort.

Growing technique

Today, the following methods of growing onions are known: sowing seeds in the ground, seedling method, sowing sets and vegetative path (it is also called multi-bud onion). If we talk about the regions of our country, it is worth noting that residents of the southern regions of Russia prefer to grow turnips by sowing seeds, and in middle lane apply seedling method or plant sets on turnips. The vegetative method is most often used only by residents of the northern regions of our country.

What does the technology for growing everyone’s favorite vegetable look like, which will also be useful for those who decide to start a business? The first step is to decide on the choice of a good quality onion variety and prepare the soil for planting. At autumn preparation The soil needs not only to get rid of weeds, but also to feed it with superphosphate, and also to dig it up. In early spring, cultivation technology involves pre-planting soil fertilization.

To do this, you will need humus, which is added at the rate of about 6 kg per square meter. After which the beds are dug up and formed. Complex fertilizing is also sprinkled on them - nitroammophoska and wood ash have proven themselves to be excellent. The soil is also shed with a solution of copper sulfate, after which it is covered with film until the seed is planted. Our video will tell you more about the technique of growing onions.

Growing onions traditionally occurs in several stages - in the first year it is customary to sow seeds, which are called nigella, in the second year the onion sets obtained from it are planted. And already in the third year, in order to obtain seeds, you can plant adult bulbs. Most often, our gardeners prefer to grow onion sets, which today can be grown independently from seeds or purchased in specialized stores. This is the agricultural technology of everyone’s favorite vegetable, which occupies an honorable place in our diet.

Sowing nigella onion

It is customary to call nigella the seeds of onions, from which they then produce sets - small-sized bulbs for growing them in a two-year plant. The technology for sowing it is not as complicated as it may seem to inexperienced gardeners at first glance. First you need to select large bulbs that are placed in the ground in early spring. Planting before winter is also possible, and mulch is also formed on the beds for protection. IN summer period From such bulbs umbrellas with small black seeds appear. It is strongly recommended to plant dill and calendula on the onion bed, while the former will be able to prevent the appearance of pests, and the latter will prevent the plants from becoming infected with nematodes. Growing carrots next to nigella can prevent the appearance of the dangerous onion fly.

What is the agricultural technology of nigella? All weeds and their roots must be removed before sowing. The best predecessors for nigella are cucumbers, peas, cabbage, potatoes, and beans. If during the process of growing them the land received a sufficient amount of manure, then when sowing nigella, you can do without adding either compost or humus. If the soil for sowing is moist enough, then nigella does not need to be germinated before planting. The technology for sowing nigella allows it to be planted both in rows and scattered. Seeds should not be buried too deep in the soil - it is enough for them to be placed 2 cm from the surface.

Before the emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to properly water the beds. If you are dealing with a clayey or floating type of soil, then the crust that appears on the surface must be loosened in order to allow the sprouts to hatch normally. For the first time, seedlings need to be thinned after emergence. It is recommended to leave a distance of at least 2 cm between seedlings. Then, during the second thinning, it should be increased to 6 cm. All watering should be stopped approximately 20 days before harvesting the nigella. Experts advise growing onion varieties such as Belovezhsky, Yantarny, Spassky, Strigunovsky, Stuttgarten, Myachkovsky, Bessonovsky through nigella. Our video will tell you best about growing nigella.

How to grow from seedlings

Growing onion sets from nigella is now the most popular method among gardeners in all regions of Russia. But this method is most suitable for residents of the northern regions, where, due to the climate, the bulbs do not have the opportunity to ripen normally. That is why growing onions from seeds is so relevant and practically the only possible for them. This onion has almost 100% germination rate. Before planting, it, like nigella, should be sorted out. It is best to plant bulbs that are up to 2.5 cm in size. Seeds that you have grown yourself do not need to be preheated.

If you bought it in a store, be sure to place it in the cardboard box per battery, warm-up time is at least 8 hours. Also, the sets must be soaked in complex mineral fertilizer- such as nitroammophoska. It should be dissolved in 10 liters of water. Processing time is up to 10 hours. Growth stimulants such as Epin, Zircon, Humisol have also proven themselves well. It is also recommended to disinfect the sets, and a solution of copper sulfate at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water will help you with this.

To prevent the onion from going into the arrow, it should be planted at a time when the temperature environment will rise to +10 degrees. There are some features of agricultural technology for sowing. IN northern regions countries advise planting it at the end of May, and in the middle zone this time falls in the middle of the month. Sowing should be done in rows, the distance between which is about 20 cm. And between the bulbs themselves you need to leave up to 10 cm. Be sure to dip the root of the bulbs in wood ash. After planting, the bulb should ideally be at a depth of about 6 cm. After planting, the soil should be sprinkled with peat. The first shoots should be expected after a week. This is the agricultural technology of sowing in a nutshell, a video about planting which you can watch here.


Caring for onions that you grow either for yourself, or in order to organize a business and receive a stable income, includes several important stages.

At least twice a week you need to provide your beds with sufficient moisture. Regular watering should be reduced only after a period of intensive crop growth. And a couple of weeks before harvest, they should be stopped altogether. Also, the soil must be loosened, and done as often as possible. In order for the bulbs to have the opportunity to grow well, after they become medium in size, it is recommended to clear away the soil from them. Proper care also includes weeding. It is in beds overgrown with weeds that favorable conditions are created for the development of fungal infections. And the onion may well grow a neck that is too thick, and then it will not be easy to dry it. Caring for plantings also involves fertilizing with organic and other fertilizers. For the first time it is carried out two weeks after planting the seeds. From organic fertilizers bird droppings, mullein, ammonium nitrate. The first two products should be used at the rate of 1 liter per 10 liters of water, and saltpeter takes about 30 grams. The second time, with proper care, fertilizers are applied after 2-3 weeks. For this it is best to take

chicken droppings or mullein, to which superphosphate and potassium fertilizer are added - about 30 grams of each product. The third time fertilizer is needed is when the bulbs grow to
size limit . To do this, it is recommended to use the Breadwinner fertilizer with 1 tablespoon of superphosphate dissolved in 10 liters of water. One more important stage care is treatment with a solution of copper sulfate - 1 teaspoon of product, 1 tablespoon of liquid soap per 10 liters of water. This is the best prevention of fungal development in