How to paint the outside of a plastered country house. Features of painting decorative plaster indoors and outdoors. Applying texture paint


In order to give the building an attractive appearance, you can use several finishing methods. So, you can use all sorts of finishing panels or cladding natural materials- wood and stone. But despite the huge variety finishing materials, exterior wall painting still remains the most favorite among domestic homeowners. And this is not surprising: using painting, you can give the building a very attractive appearance, and the repair costs will be insignificant.

Typically, manufacturers include calculators on their websites that allow you to calculate how much paint you need to buy to paint a specific area of ​​wall. Can a façade paint itself or is it better to hire professionals? The height of the house can be painted alone, but with a few rules. Remember to prime the substrate and follow the drying time recommended by the paint manufacturer.

Although painting exterior walls does not appear to be much different from painting interior walls, it does require the collection of other accessories. To paint a wide area instead of a brush, use a spray gun, and if your home stairs prove to be insufficient, use a small scaffolding tool. Look at the tools used to paint the façade.

Features of painting

First of all, you need to decide what type of paint will be used. Nowadays, you can not only give the walls of your home the desired color, but also decorate them with any textured pattern. For this, special textured dyes or paint-plaster are usually used, which creates a stucco effect on the surface of the walls of the house. If the main task is not so much to give the building beauty, but to protect it from the effects of atmospheric factors, you can use ordinary paint for external use. This paint can only be used in warm and dry weather. The most optimal temperature for processing external walls - about +20 degrees. It is not advisable to paint in the spring or at the height of the hot season; it is better to postpone the work until the beginning of autumn, when it is still warm, but no longer hot. In addition, it is not recommended to paint the building in the early morning, when the walls are covered with dew, during fog and rain.

Which staircase to choose to paint the facade? Depending on the size of the building, the facade will be painted; before starting work, it is worth collecting a full set of tools necessary for repairing external walls. In addition to the protective clothing and painting tools below, a ladder is required to paint a large area.

It is important that it be lightweight as it is often moved from place to place during the initial work of covering windows, lighting, doors, antennas, drainage systems and other elements located on the facade. The more work that goes into covering the paint with film and paint tape, the sooner we will finish removing the remaining paint, and thus we will complete the façade.

The technology for painting a house is divided into three stages: preparing the base, priming the base, painting the walls.

The entire technology of painting a house is divided into three stages:

  • preparation of the base;
  • base primer;
  • painting the walls.

Preparing the foundation is the key to quality work, so it is necessary to pay close attention to both the choice of materials and the carrying out of preparatory activities.

If so far we have used wooden stairs, which is characterized by its stability and weight, it is worth using its aluminum counterpart. We can use telescopic slides, multifunctional or equipped with easily accessible top-level horizontal brackets.

The staircase is also moved from place to place during subsequent stages of facade painting, when the surface is cleaned and cavities are replenished. This need also arises when the vertical plane is covered with earth and is selected with a type of plaster with facade paint.

So, you need to carefully examine the walls of the house and, if necessary, perform the following operations:

  • rehabilitation of cracks with anti-corrosion primers;
  • reinforcement of the deepest seams and irregularities;
  • alignment of cracks near window and door openings;
  • covering external walls with sanitizing plasters;
  • repair of external electrical wiring;
  • treatment of the above-ground part of the foundation from salt and dirt;
  • treating surfaces with antiseptic solutions;
  • removal from building walls old paint, enamel and other finishing materials.

Materials and tools needed for work

Benefits of using a working platform. The working platform significantly increases the comfort of working at height - the horizontal platform is easy to assemble necessary tools and finishing materials, as well as have access to a larger area to be repaired. The big advantage of using a platform will be the hardened surface in close proximity to the façade, which will have a positive effect on its stability. If the raised area abuts the garden on one side, it is worth stacking grass underneath the platform to provide long-lasting stabilization and thick boards.

Materials and tools required for work: water level, hammer, ruler, spatula, primer, brush.

To carry out the above work and painting itself, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • spatulas different sizes made of rubber, metal and wood;
  • paint rollers and brushes;
  • ruler;
  • nylon cord;
  • containers for paint and putty;
  • mites;
  • hammer;
  • sandpaper with coarse and fine grains;
  • ladder or stepladder;
  • brush;
  • water level;
  • a piece of nylon fabric or a fine sieve;
  • rags;
  • putty composition;
  • primer;
  • dye.

It must be remembered that when processing the walls of a house you will need brushes and rollers of various sizes made of rubber, foam rubber or faux fur. If necessary, the rollers can be replaced with a hand-held sprayer, which is typically used for applying adhesive or lime paints to interior and exterior walls.

The work platform will be located on the top of a tall building. It will be possible to leave the forests if the platform is easily accessible to places with difficult to reach tools with a large range of actions. How to effectively clean the surface of external walls? Before applying soil, which minimizes the absorption of the substrate and thus contributes to less paint consumption, the walls must be cleaned of dust and dirt that penetrate the porous structure of the plaster. The best tool for this task is a power washer.

A strong jet of water will effectively remove dirt from the surface of the facade, and then simply wait until the walls are completely dry before moving on to the next renovation. What tool for drawing a facade? While long bristle brushes will prove invaluable on exteriors covered with thick, porous plaster, exterior walls with a finer finish can be painted, saving time. The first tool for this is a telescopic boom shaft, which will be sufficient to repair the walls of a one-story building.

The exterior walls of the house are painted in several layers.

Since applying dye in one layer usually does not lead to the desired result, exterior painting is done in several layers. Each layer performs its own functions. So, the first layer is the link between the paint and the wall. The second and subsequent layers strengthen the first, and the last, covering layer, performs a purely decorative function. As a rule, the number of layers depends on the type of dye: painting walls water-based paint It is produced in 3 layers, with adhesive – in 2, and with glossy polishes – more than 4.

If facade finishing a strong, longer and stronger roller cap will allow us to finish painting quickly. When drawing walls, use slanting, sideways, slanting and extending directions. Because external walls usually have a large surface area, the use of sprayers during repairs will be greatly facilitated. With its help, facade coating occurs quickly compared to using a brush or roller. Its use is limited by the number of windows that must be effectively coated with paint.

Since the width of the spray gun can be adjusted according to the paint density, we choose optimal size sprayer. Even though he is exposed high pressure, it is susceptible to gusts of wind, so using a spray gun or spray gun will require wearing protective clothing with goggles, a hair covering and a face mask.

In addition, depending on the condition of the external walls of the house, you should always have on hand:

  • plaster to eliminate cracks and seams;
  • degreasing compounds;
  • stain removers from plaster;
  • wide tape or adhesive tape for gluing a surface not intended for painting.

Algorithm for painting work

Algorithm for painting work

Decoration of the facade - procedure. Removes paint residues, traces of moss and plaster fragments, replenishes defects. Adhesives suitable for this purpose will be specific adhesives for the selected insulation system or masonry mortar. Another situation would be to top up insulation that has been damaged or installed incorrectly. For this purpose, not only prepolystyrene or styrodur should be used, but also solutions and meshes, of course with suitable glue, styrodur, graphite polystyrene or mineral wool.

Painting the exterior of the house should be done at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees.

The entire first stage of work comes down to cleaning the surface of the house from rust, dirt, old layer of finishing material, grease stains, etc. Here you need to use a brush and sandpaper. Then the walls, cleaned of dirt, must be thoroughly dried. This especially applies to houses made of wood, because if moisture remains in the cracks of the wood, paint will not get there. It will dry out and then fall off. In parallel with drying, it is necessary to identify all defects in the external walls and repair them.

After the cracks on the surface have been repaired, priming should be done. For this primer composition Apply to the surfaces to be treated using a roller or spray. The primer consumption depends on its type: recommendations on the number of layers applied can be read in the manufacturer's instructions on the packaging.

Once the surface is prepared, you can begin painting work. Painting the walls of the house should be done at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees. If work is carried out with a brush, it must be held at a slight incline towards the surface to be painted. You should not allow excess dye on the hairs, so the brush is dipped into the paint only ¼ of the way and the excess paint is removed using the edge of the can.

First of all, the dye is applied to the edges and corners of the walls, under window frames and doorways, and other hard-to-reach places. Then the entire surface is painted. First, the paint is evenly distributed over a section of the wall in one direction, after which the section is painted with movements perpendicular to the original direction and shaded until the surface acquires a uniformly painted appearance.

If the exterior walls of the house are painted using a roller, you need to prepare a trapezoidal metal box in which there is a sieve for applying paint to the roller. With leisurely movements, the roller is passed over the sieve onto which the paint is poured, achieving uniform distribution of the dye over the entire surface of the roller. Then 3-4 stripes of paint are applied to the walls. The area of ​​the area to be painted should not exceed 1 sq.m. After this, the strips are rolled several times with a roller until the paint is distributed over the entire area. If the area of ​​wall painting needs to be limited, use adhesive tape or wide tape.

Spray painting should be considered the most convenient and comfortable way to work. At the same time, you can use almost any type of paint here: they are all applied quickly and evenly. Sprayers can also be used when it is necessary to treat hard-to-reach areas. Painting is done as follows: surfaces that should not be painted are covered with a sheet of paper or tape, and then a layer of paint is applied.

If you need to use two colors of paint, you must first draw clear boundaries. You can do this like this: in in the right place A tightly stretched cord is attached to the surface. The horizontal or vertical position of the cord is checked using a level. Then a strip of wide tape is glued along the cord. This will be the color separation boundary. The cord is removed and paint is applied with a spray gun. After the layer of paint has dried, the tape is removed. Using the same principle, paint is applied to the second part of the surface: at the border, a strip of tape is pasted onto the already painted wall, then the paint is sprayed, the paint dries, and the tape is removed. This method allows you to get a clear separation of two colors on the wall of the house.

Applying texture paint

To give your home an aesthetically appealing look appearance It is recommended to use texture paint. The principle of applying such a dye is slightly different from simple painting:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the walls and prime them. In this case, the primer should have the same color as the texture paint.
  2. When the primer is dry, the dye is applied. To ensure that the paint does not have time to dry before the texture is applied to it, an area of ​​no more than 1 sq.m. is simultaneously treated. The paint is applied using a large spatula and distributed over the entire surface.
  3. Texture is created immediately. To do this, you need to take a trowel and make several intense movements along the surface of the wall. When moving up and down, an imitation of tree bark is created, and circular movements will allow you to decorate the walls with picturesque circles.

If you paint the walls of your house correctly, following the recommendations experienced craftsmen, the paint will stay on the surface long enough long time, which means that your home will delight its owners and guests for a long time attractive looking. The main thing is when choosing a coloring material, focus on the climate and weather conditions of the region where the house is located. A competent choice of paint will allow you to forget about the need for repairs for a long time.

Plaster is one of the popular finishing methods both indoors and outdoors, but often it needs finishing to add aesthetics and protect the leveling layer from the effects of external aggressive environments.

In this article we will review what is the best façade paint for plaster for exterior work, and what composition should be used for interior decoration. We will analyze the main stages of the technology for painting plaster layers of different compositions, talk about the manual and mesh method of covering surfaces and analyze the consumption of materials.

Paint on plaster for exterior work - main tasks

The relevant question here is: why is façade paint for plaster for exterior work placed in a separate category? The answer lies in the plane of difficult operating conditions. Thus, materials for painting plaster on building facades must be resistant to external aggressive environments:

  • microorganisms, fungi, mold, paint must have antiseptic properties;
  • to UV rays, a durable pigment is required so that the external walls do not lose their aesthetic appeal;
  • chemical resistant, including to alkalis;
  • fireproof;
  • the paint layer on the plaster must be elastic so as not to crack due to vibrations and shrinkage;
  • it is desirable that the finishing has an antistatic effect to repel dust, this is especially important for buildings located near roads;
  • plaster paint for exterior use must have good hiding power, which will provide a reliable, dense decorative layer, twice the cost of painting.

  • For a high-quality result, well-prepared plaster of walls for painting is necessary.

    Types of paints for exterior plastering work

    The finishing materials market is replete with paint offers; it is important to understand that they have different bases and, depending on the composition, have their own characteristics. Let's look at the components and on this basis we can conclude which of the plaster paints for exterior work most fully meets the requirements stated above.

    Silicate based

    Silicate paint for facades on plaster is a base of silicate glue ( liquid glass), to which mineral pigments and fillers are added. The composition guarantees a durable and durable outdoor coating, inert to ultraviolet radiation and chemical impurities in precipitation, and does not lose its attractiveness for about two decades. It has excellent vapor-permeable characteristics, the facade will breathe, ventilate, and as a result, it will not be in danger of becoming damp. vapor permeable: under the painted layer the wall will not become damp. The disadvantages of silicate-based paint for plaster are its low resistance to mechanical stress and abrasion, it is not elastic, which leads to cracking.

    Silicone paint structure formed by different tools


    The base of lime-based paint is slaked lime. This is the most a budget option finishing on the outside plaster and when choosing, this plays an important role. But having saved on the purchase, significant financial investments will be required in the future, the fact is that the paint gets dirty, is washed off by rain, and you will have to renew the walls once a year. Although this material cannot be called practical, it has bactericidal properties and a high degree of vapor permeability, with the right technology finishing of the facade, mold and mildew will not form on it. The color range is limited to white shades and pastel colors Of course, you can add bright pigments, but such paint for the facade of a house on plaster will quickly fade in the sun, and the finish will lose its visual appeal.

    Cement base

    Painting a facade over plaster with cement paint has the same features as lime material. Mineral base - Portland cement white, for the palette, different colors are added to it. In relation to lime competitors, cement paint for external plastering is weather-resistant, but does not have bactericidal qualities. Despite the very low price material, it is used very rarely in individual construction.

    Acrylic facade paints for plaster

    Acrylic paints plastering is at the peak of popularity, today it is optimal combination High Quality and a nice price. But even here there are pitfalls, acrylic composition poor vapor permeability, but this disadvantage is more than compensated by low hygroscopicity and resistance to mechanical damage. Acrylic paints are divided into two types: water-based and organic solvent-based, the latter - great solution for complex work, including painting external walls over plaster with a lot of wear. Consumption 0.5-0.7 l per m2.

    Acrylic lays down smoothly, without a pronounced texture


    At the moment, silicone-based paints are recognized as the best of the entire range of proposals. Plaster layer becomes hydrophobic, does not absorb precipitation and dew, but at the same time high vapor permeability rates are maintained, the walls breathe and do not become damp. Silicone paint for plaster has good adhesion and coverage, it does not fade under UV rays, is not afraid of frost and heat, and does not attract dust. Usually this water-based compositions, they are somewhat inferior to acrylic ones in terms of abrasion resistance and elasticity. Consumption facade paint per 1m2 of plaster 0.1-0.15 l.

    There are also structured latex paints, to which plasticizers are added, thick, after application they look like a textured finish, a good alternative to decorative plasters, based on the fur coat type of application method.

    Technology for painting plaster on facades

    Larger areas are best painted mechanically, I use a spray gun, you can get by with a roller on a long stick, but the work will take much longer. You will also need:

    • forests;
    • brush to rub sagging and paint hard-to-reach places;
    • paint tray with a grooved surface for squeezing brushes and rollers.


    If the surfaces were previously painted, weak layers should be peeled off and potholes should be filled. It is also necessary to check the compatibility of the existing layer and the new material.

    Compatibility table

    The next stage is to treat the surfaces with an impregnating, antiseptic primer, then with an opaque primer, this will increase the adhesion of the paint to the surface. The walls should be smooth, even, run your hand, there should be no grains or dust left on your palm.

    Good to know: An opaque gray primer is suitable for all types of paint. For white and pastel colors - light, for bright colors - dark.

    Painting external walls using lime-cement plaster requires additional putty. It is recommended to make a putty layer reinforced with fiberglass and nylon mesh. After drying, the layer is sanded, cleaned of dust, primed and you can begin painting.

    We paint the plastered facade with our own hands

    Mix the paint, it is better to do this with a mixer. To save material, you can mix the paint for the first layer with a priming gel. If the plaster is smooth, the paint is applied in even strokes, rubbed well along the edges slightly diagonally, the next strokes are made overlapping the previous ones, which will avoid more saturated stripes at the joints. The second layer is applied only after the first has completely dried. It is recommended to use thick paint for greater coverage. Almost all paints, except water-dispersed ones, are designed for 2 layers of application. But if you are not satisfied with the result, dilute the paint to a liquid consistency and apply the 3rd layer.

    Painting decorative plaster with a pronounced texture, such as rain, begins with working out all the grooves with a brush. And only after that the main layer is applied. If you start painting relief plaster in a continuous layer, repainting cannot be avoided, and additional strokes in the protrusions will differ noticeably in color.

    Paint for interior plaster work

    To finish plaster indoors, acrylic, silicate, silicone, water-dispersion, lime and even oil paints are used - the whole range of bases, as for outdoor work, but other additives are added to them. But such painting of decorative plaster with your own hands is good if the texture does not require extra touches. The rating is topped by materials on acrylic base, then water-based, in bathrooms - silicate and silicone. Often, it looks simple, without chic, the interior seems faceless.

    Blurring is a great way to visually change the geometry of a room

    Manufacturers responded to needs modern design, and you can buy it today decorative paint with various effects - this is a great opportunity to apply a structural pattern to smooth, smooth walls and ceiling.

    Let's talk about the most popular:

    • Multi-effect - various plastic, color additives are added to white paint, the compositions are applied one by one, through masking tape.
    • Antique walls (aging) - first the base is applied, then the patina is rubbed.

    Plaster coating with an aged effect – relevant for modern interiors

    • Craquelure is a two-component mixture, the first layer is background, the second is decorative, cracking is achieved thanks to hardeners.

    • Metallized coatings are an ideal solution for modern styles: gold, bronze, flat, silver, etc., used for accents in combination with regular paints, applied with a semi-dry sponge.

    Various metallic effects on smooth plaster

    • Natural, natural surfaces - painting walls after plastering with compositions with small inclusions: sand, stone dust, fragments of shells, fibers.
    • The effects of northern lights, mother of pearl, pearls, and chameleon are achieved by applying a protective layer of varnish with special components to the paint.

    Important: Material consumption depends on the degree of coverage and color, as well as on the thoroughness of surface preparation, for example, consumption oil paint per 1m2 of plaster can vary significantly: 1 kg of white is enough for 7-10 m2, and black or bright for 15 m2. Please check the instructions on the packaging for details.

    Technique for applying paint to plaster indoors

    We clean the surfaces from dust, greasy stains, pollution. If necessary, putty and lubricate. Apply a deep penetration primer and let it dry. Paint for decorative plaster is usually applied in 2, sometimes 3 layers. First, you need to paint over all raised areas with a long-haired roller or brush, then you can apply the main opaque layer.

    If you apply paint several shades darker to the protruding parts of the relief using a dry brush technique, the wall will visually become more voluminous. To reduce contrasts and smooth out boundaries, the top dark layer should be rubbed with a rubber roller or a regular glove.

    Decorative, textured paint with Venetian plaster effect

    Metallic effects are best applied with a sponge. A roller with short, hard bristles achieves a bark beetle effect on a thick layer of paint. To get the blur effect you must first apply light tone, then a darker one, wait for it to dry and, as it were, rub it with a damp rag.