Acrylic-based paint: characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Acrylic paints for painting: tips for beginners

Acrylic paint has become widespread in modern construction. It is used by both amateurs and professionals. Designers especially value the opportunity to experiment and implement bold creative solutions; finishers, builders and painters like the ease of working with the material, and housewives liked the performance qualities of surfaces treated with these paints.

Application and some features of acrylic paints

This material can be used to treat walls, ceilings, wood and metal surfaces. During wet cleaning, a layer of acrylic paint protects the surface from negative impact water. The paint dries in a short period of time: the surface can be used the very next day after its application.

These paints are mainly used for finishing or decorative work. Construction stores offer acrylic paints for treating brick, concrete, wood, and plastered surfaces. Using this material, you can implement unusual ideas for decorating a room, since different dilution methods result in paints with different quality characteristics.

Another advantage of acrylic paints is the possibility of a wide choice of shades for tinting, from the lightest to the very dark. You can tint the material manually or using computerized systems.

Water-dispersed acrylic paint

Acrylic paints belong to water-dispersed ones, the basis of which is polyacrylates, as well as their copolymers, which perform the functions of film formers. The main components of paint are acrylic polymer emulsion, color pigment and water. The material has the following qualities:

  • water resistance;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • safety for human health (does not emit harmful substances either during application or during the drying process);
  • brightness (maintains for a long time);
  • uniform surface coverage;
  • speed of drying;
  • resistance to influence high temperature as a result of the formation of a resistant film during the drying process, which prevents the occurrence of cracks and wrinkles.

Thanks to these qualities, acrylic paints are widely used in construction, for both internal and external finishing works in residential, industrial and administrative buildings. They are suitable for working on wood, concrete, chipboard, fiberboard, brick, plaster, putty, etc. Paints are also used in artistic crafts: with their help you can create original drawings on the walls.

Painting walls using acrylic paint

When painting walls with acrylic-based paints, certain rules must be followed:

  • the material is diluted with water or special means, which is developed by manufacturers;
  • for dilution you need to use a separate container;
  • Having completed the work, close the tube or jar tightly, after removing the paint from the edges;
  • All used tools should be thoroughly washed after work.

The process of painting walls with acrylic paint is very simple: it is applied to the surface to be treated in a paste or diluted form. The paste-like state is achieved through the use of special thickeners. It takes approximately 30 minutes to dry.

Painting walls with acrylic paint

One of the main advantages of these paints is the ability to use them in all weather conditions. This is very important when carrying out facade works and wall paintings. For this, both paints and acrylic-based relief pastes are used. Acrylic paints are also used in impasto painting. To use for these purposes, acrylic paints should be diluted with a special solvent, not water.

Water-based acrylic paint

Compared to oil or watercolor paints, acrylic paints are more versatile and easy to use, which makes them incredibly popular in various fields of construction and repair work Oh. Due to its water resistance and durability, paints are mainly used for interior decoration. When drying, the material forms a film on the treated surface, thanks to which it can be wiped and even washed. Due to the absence of odor, acrylic paints can even be used to decorate children's and medical facilities.

Washable acrylic paint

A special washable acrylic-based paint is designed in such a way that the water-repellent effect is manifested to the maximum extent. It is perfect for treating walls in rooms with high operational requirements: in bathrooms, corridors, kitchens, rooms for public use. This is an ideal choice for painting non-woven textured wallpaper and glass wallpaper.

Main advantages of the material:

  • does not contain solvent;
  • has no smell;
  • economical;
  • has high adhesion to brick, concrete surfaces, putty, etc.;
  • fireproof;
  • the paint is convenient to apply;
  • it forms a thin, breathable coating.

Cost of acrylic paints

The material is sold in cans or tubes. Tubes come in small volumes - mostly up to 200 ml. These paints are used mainly for painting. Material for construction is produced in cans with a volume of 0.5 to 4.5 liters. Prices range from 200 rubles for 4 kg to 1000 rubles for a 15-kg container.

Watercolors, pencils, felt-tip pens - all this is familiar to us since childhood. But acrylic paints for painting appeared on sale relatively recently, and not everyone knows how to paint with them correctly. This article will help you understand this issue.

A little about acrylic paints

Acrylic paints for painting are a universal option: they can be used to paint on a wide variety of surfaces. Paper, cardboard, glass, wood, plastic, canvas and even metal - all these materials are great for painting and decorative works acrylic paints. Great creative scope, the opportunity to realize your ideas and imagination - that’s why many people love this type of paint.

For painting with them, both natural and synthetic brushes are suitable, as well as a palette knife and, if the paint is properly diluted with water, an airbrush. For those who have painted with gouache or watercolor before, painting with acrylic paints will be easier than ever. If you purchase a set of acrylic paints for painting, you will receive a number of advantages over other types of paints: they do not spread, do not fade, do not crack, and dry quickly.

Painting with acrylic paints for beginners: instructions

If you learn to paint with acrylic paints, you can achieve excellent results. For example, if you mix paint with water, you can achieve a watercolor effect. If you use a palette knife or a rough bristle brush for painting, you will have the effect of a painting painted oil paint. So, let's talk about the process itself in more detail.

Working condition of paint

Due to the fact that acrylic paints dry incredibly quickly, you should squeeze them out of the tube very little at a time. And you should definitely purchase a sprayer to moisten the paint if you are using a regular, non-wet palette.

Wipe your brush

Every time you wash your brushes, you need to dry them with a cloth or paper towel. In this case, drops flowing from the brush will not fall on the drawing and leave unsightly marks on it.

Color transparency

If you paint with acrylic paints in a thick layer directly from the tube or just dilute them slightly with water on the palette, the color will be rich and opaque. And if diluted with water, the color transparency will be the same as that of watercolor paints.

The difference between acrylic washes and watercolor washes

Unlike watercolor, acrylic wash dries quickly, is fixed on the surface and becomes insoluble. And this allows you to apply new layers to the dried ones without fear of damaging the previous ones.


If you need glaze in several translucent layers, then the layers need to be applied very thinly so that the bottom layer is visible. That is, acrylic paint must be applied to the surface very carefully, evenly, thinly.


You can improve the fluidity so that the color intensity does not change with a special thinner, but not with water.

Mixing colors

Since acrylic paints dry very quickly, the colors need to be mixed quickly. If mixing occurs not on the palette, but on paper, it is worth moistening it first - this will increase the speed.

Edge Sharpness

To make the corners sharply and sharply defined, you can stick masking paint onto the dried paint without harming the design. masking tape. But you need to make sure that the edges fit tightly. Also, don't draw too quickly along the edges of the tape.

Painting with acrylic paints on canvas: features

In order to give the canvas whiteness, it should be coated with an acrylic primer. But if you want to add contrast to your work, you can also use dark acrylic emulsion. You can apply the primer using a brush in one or two layers. But if the surface is large, then this is not very convenient. In this case, the canvas should be placed horizontally and the primer should be poured onto it, while using a scraper to distribute it in a thin layer over the entire area of ​​the canvas.

Proper lighting for working with acrylic paints

Skillful organization of the workplace has a positive effect on the creative process. It is worth following some rules to make your work more comfortable and faster. Lighting should be even and diffused, the same throughout the entire work process. The light should be to the left of the canvas and in no case should blind the creator.

They have existed for half a century, and today they are used extremely widely by artists. The main advantage of acrylic paints over all others is their ease of use, quick drying and, of course, their versatility. Modern developments in acrylic emulsions, which include extremely fine and light-resistant particles, make it possible to obtain paints of higher and higher quality. These paints dissolve in water, and when dry, they do not dissolve at all. Plus, acrylic paints are very resistant to various kinds physical and chemical influences. Thus, all acrylic paints produced by the Ferrario factory (the main manufacturer of such paints) contain an aqueous suspension of synthetic resins as a binder component, to which are added synthetic or natural pure pigments, stabilizers and coalescent substances. After processing all these source materials, paints are elastic and bright in color, adhering perfectly to any non-greasy surface, be it canvas, paper, wood, clay, fabric or ceramics. Acrylic paints can be applied with a brush or spatula, after dilution, as well as with an airbrush. For each paint, conscientious manufacturers indicate the degree of coverage, light fastness and what pigment was used. Due to the rapid drying of acrylic paints, the tube should be closed immediately after use. A large arsenal of special thinners allows the artist to use a wide variety of techniques in his work.

Advantages of acrylic paints.

Despite the fact that acrylic paints have a number of advantages of watercolor and oil paints, as well as many of their own advantages, they are versatile and convenient to use. Regardless of what type of painting the artist prefers, acrylic paints are worth trying in any case. Their base is a plastic synthetic resin, and therefore allows them to achieve the most exquisite glazes and dense texture.

Acrylic paints are quick-drying, have good covering power and excellent color brightness, do not fade in the sun, and do not fade over time. When they dry, they turn into an elastic, durable coating. Acrylic paints are used to write on paper, cardboard, wood, as well as metal, fabric, ceramics and glass, if these surfaces are properly cleaned of dust and grease.

How to dilute.

In acrylic paints, the particles of the pigment that make them up are bound together by an emulsion (liquid plastic mass) - it becomes transparent after drying. Acrylic is soluble in water and therefore it is used as a thinner and remover for cleaning brushes. After drying, acrylic becomes insoluble, which cannot be said about other paints. This feature is extremely important, since after completion the work is no longer affected by water, plus paint can be applied to layers that have already dried. Among the disadvantages of acrylic, it is worth noting the fact that it can ruin brushes, which have to be washed regularly with warm soapy water. In addition to water, acrylic paints can be diluted with other solvents. The vast majority of acrylic manufacturers produce their own products that can slightly change the properties of acrylic. First of all, it is worth noting glossy and matte thinners. Thus, a gloss thinner significantly improves the covering properties of the paint and, when dry, gives the surface a shine. Matte thinner has a similar consistency, but dries to a matte finish.

Another remarkable property of this type of paint is the drying time. Once the water in acrylic paint evaporates, it dries. As a rule, half an hour is enough to apply the next layer of paint. This feature is primarily important for “fast” work.

In addition to the already mentioned water resistance and quick drying, acrylic paints have very good adhesion. As a result, this allows them to be successfully used in all types of outdoor painting, since the paints are not influenced by natural factors and adhere quite well to the vast majority of work surfaces. Acrylic is great for creating collages because it can be used as an adhesive for paper and fabric. Also, textured acrylic paints (gels) and modeling agents have increased adhesive properties, and they can be used to create surfaces with relief.

Variety of techniques.

If acrylic paints are heavily diluted with water, they become very similar to gouache or watercolor. If you apply the paint directly to the tubes or dilute it very slightly, then it becomes possible to work in the so-called impasto technique - something like traditional oil painting.

Acrylics differ from each other primarily in their consistency: from more liquid to thick. The thickest paints are used in the impasto technique, where texture plays a special role. The liquid consistency is excellent for filling large areas of the surface.

Liquid paints.

Today there is a huge selection of transparent and opaque shades of liquid acrylic. The consistency of the paints varies from oily (more like a paste) to the most liquid. Since these paints do not have such a long history of existence as, for example, oil paints (they have existed for 5 centuries), manufacturing companies have not developed any uniform standards for them. The most liquid acrylic resembles ink. These colored inks use shellac as a binder (an alcohol-soluble resin) and are water-resistant once dry. Ink is generally not waterproof, but some colors (such as black and white) are more durable.

In watercolors, gum arabic acts as a binding component. Just like ink, it is generally not colorfast and washes out with water after drying. For liquid acrylic paints, the binder is a film of acrylic, a transparent liquid plastic. Once dry, acrylic becomes waterproof, more flexible and transparent than ink. It is made from pigments, which for the most part are more lightfast compared to dyes.

Lightfastness of paints.

Despite the attractive color and vibrancy of inks and watercolors, they should never be used to create works that you would like to keep for a long time, as their colors will unfortunately fade.

Acrylic drawing.

Liquid acrylic paints are often used in rapidographs to produce precise drawings. It is also suitable for calligraphic work - the most exquisite lines are created with a pen. Due to the fact that liquid acrylic becomes waterproof after drying, the pen will need to be rinsed with water. Fountain pens with a piston should be thoroughly rinsed with water immediately after use so that the paint inside does not dry out. You can work liquid acrylic and a soft brush using the classic watercolor technique. In addition, it is worth trying to mix paints different ways to obtain original effects. So you can try a straw to “blow” the lines over the entire area of ​​the surface to be painted, and in addition use a household hair dryer to obtain an even more complex image. Basically, acrylic paint manufacturers produce at least one type of acrylic paint, differing from each other in consistency and set of colors. Acrylic paint is applied either in a thick layer or in glazes. The paste technique will require paint of a thicker consistency, which will preserve the texture of the brush stroke. More diluted, more liquid paint is more suitable for glazing. By adding appropriate thickening and thinning agents, you can obtain more types acrylic paints.

Decorative and applied use of acrylic.

Acrylic, which has a liquid consistency, can be used in many different craft projects. They are perfect for decorating wood, leather, ceramics and glass, and in the latter case they can achieve the effect of stained glass.

With regard to acrylic paints, a typical situation is when an excellent high-quality palette becomes unusable only because it is almost impossible to clean the paint from it. The thing is that paints dry quite quickly, and high adhesive characteristics exclude the possibility of their removal after drying from some surfaces. Dried acrylic does not dissolve - it cannot be removed either with water or any other solvent. That is why you should not use porous materials on which paint adheres well. So, wood will definitely be a bad choice, even if it is varnished. The best option for acrylic paints there will be smooth surfaces that can be washed and do not form scratches. For example, it could be glass, plastic or melamine.

Most often, palettes for acrylic paints are made of plastic. They are designed in such a way as to provide maximum ease of use (they are round or rectangular shape). You can also use a tear-off paper palette for acrylic paints. We are talking about palettes of the most different sizes, each of which has a lining base made of durable cardboard and up to fifty sheets of parchment glued on both sides together. Such tear-off palettes do not need to be cleaned, since the colors are mixed on the top sheet, which is torn off and thrown away at the end of the work. Among other things, there are palettes designed to ensure that the colors stay on for a whole week.

Often, professional artists who use acrylic paints in their work prefer custom-made palettes. All necessary materials They are cheap enough and easy to obtain, so it is not difficult to make a palette of any shape and size. To make your own palette, use materials such as Formica, melamine or other similar laminates available at DIY stores and lumber yards. Excellent material glass is used for mixing acrylic paints, but since this material is much heavier than plastic, for safety reasons it is recommended to cover the edges of the glass palette with adhesive tape. You can also use metal, provided that it is enameled or factory painted, otherwise the metal will inevitably begin to rust. Stainless steel is not recommended for metals, since due to the high reflection coefficient the paints do not mix well.

In order to remove dried paint from the palette, it should be placed in a hot water. As a result, water will penetrate between the paint and thus peel off the hardened paint. The paint that remains on the surface is removed using a palette knife and a wet cloth. This must be done in such a way as not to scratch the surface of the palette. If scratches remain on the palette, this will increase the stickiness of the paint and make subsequent cleaning more difficult. Considering the high cost of high-quality art materials, it will be useful to spend half an hour cleaning brushes and palettes and closing the caps.

Acrylic paints appeared only fifty years ago, but in this short period of time they managed to gain a leading position among paint and varnish materials. Now many people choose them for repair work. Acrylic paints are used to paint ceilings, walls, facades and much more. Thanks to a large number advantages they are extremely popular among consumers.

The composition of acrylic paint is very simple - pigment, water and acrylic resin, which acts as a binding component. Acrylic paint has a lot of undeniable advantages. This is an environmentally friendly material that is ideal for use in renovation work of offices, children's rooms, apartments, and facades.

These paints do not evaporate harmful toxic elements during operation. When painting with acrylic compounds there is no smell. Acrylic paint is non-flammable. This makes it absolutely safe for use not only in residential premises, but also in public places.

Acrylic paints have a huge number of colors and shades - now there are more than fifteen thousand colors. Such a wide selection provides a unique opportunity for designers to bring to life the brightest and most daring ideas and projects. It should be remembered that it is better to choose more expensive compositions for covering another type of paint. So, for comparison, an expensive material will cover another color after applying two layers, while a cheap one will cover it only after three layers.

Acrylic paints are very easy to use. Once applied, they dry quickly, and after just four hours you can apply a second coat. This is an excellent choice if you need to make repairs very quickly. And the tools can be cleaned using regular tap water right after work.

Paints have a long service life. It depends on the choice of the manufacturer, averaging ten to twelve years. After drying, the surface can be washed with ordinary cleaning agents, since acrylic paints are quite durable.

Acrylic paint is highly resistant to various agents. The material does not crack due to temperature changes, that is, it is heat-resistant. Water and high humidity do not disturb the structure of the painted surface. Direct sunlight does not change the color saturation of the paint.

The surface painted with acrylic paint has significant strength, elasticity and adhesive ability. The coating on which acrylic paint is applied does not conduct electricity and does not absorb dirt. That is, it is not electrified and is dirt resistant. Acrylic compounds age very slowly. Applied layer acrylic coating forms a porous surface that allows air to pass through. But despite all this, it does not allow water to pass through.

Such a number of advantages that acrylic paints are endowed with makes them very, very popular. In addition, behind such an abundance of advantages lies very few insignificant disadvantages. And to be convincing, we can cite statistics - in Europe, the consumption and production of acrylic paint accounted for seventy percent of the total selection of paints.

Application of acrylic paint

Thanks to all the advantages acrylic compositions can be used for various types of work. Depending on the choice of surface to be painted, choose different types acrylic paints.

There is acrylic paint specifically designed for painting facades made of brick, concrete, plaster, wood and previously painted facades. But to apply paint, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface from whitewash, dust, and dirt. And a mandatory requirement is to apply a primer.

It is used for painting walls and ceilings inside a living space, where the climate is normal and there is no difference in temperature and humidity. It can be applied to concrete and brick wall, it does not matter whether it was plastered in advance or not. It can also be applied to the surface of drywall and embossed decorative wallpaper.

Special types of acrylic paints are used to work in areas subject to sudden changes in temperature and humidity, or to paint walls or ceilings that often get wet.

If you plan to apply acrylic paint to metal surface, then for this purpose you need to use a special type of paint intended for metal. If there is rust on the metal, then paint is applied directly to it.

Although acrylic paint is considered universal, for convenience, quality and durability it is better to use specially designed types of paints for different surfaces and works.

Now, knowing all the features of acrylic paints, you can make right choice when renovating your house, apartment, cottage, office, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, retail premises.

Acrylic paints on water based have a number of positive characteristics, thanks to which they have found wide application among users. Thanks to modern technologies used in the manufacture of such paints, their quality is constantly improving. These materials are freely soluble in water, dry quickly and are universal in use.

If the consumer is faced with the question of which paints to choose, then many give preference to acrylic paints and varnishes. An aqueous suspension of synthetic resins is used as a binding component in such paints. And the paint base is polymers: methyl, ethyl and butyl acrylic.

IN construction work use paint based on organic solvents and water-dispersion based. The first option is used to perform external work related to the finishing of facades.

For interior interior work They use water-dispersion paints, available in a wide range of colors. Each color is marked with a marking, which allows you to always choose the right shade of paint.

If you want to get more light tone You can add acrylic white to the paint. Acrylic paint for walls and ceilings dissolves in water, but after drying it does not dissolve at all. Paints diluted with water are more transparent and take longer to dry. The properties of water-based paint predetermine the application of a durable and elastic layer on the surface to be painted.

The main advantages of such paints and varnishes are as follows:

  • versatility, since they can be applied to any surface;
  • low gas permeability;
  • resistance to chemicals.

Rules for using paint

Before purchasing paint, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with its brand and properties, what components it consists of, so that they can be mixed if necessary. Given the rapid drying of the material, it must be stored securely closed. During work, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • carefully read the instructions for use;
  • use special clothing and gloves to prevent paint from getting on your skin;
  • if this happens, then you need to have a wet washcloth with you, with which to remove the trapped material from the surface of the body and hands.

Acrylic paint is water based and dissolves with water. But it only needs to be dissolved when you have to work with materials such as cardboard, canvas or paper, and in other cases this is not necessary.

As a rule, acrylic manufacturers produce solvents for it own production. You can also use special thickening gels. The gel gives the painted surface a glossy or matte finish. It must be administered immediately before coloring begins.

To increase the service life and safety of painted surfaces, it is best to coat it with varnish on top. This allows you to make the color brighter and the painted surface resistant to various influences.

Scope of application and characteristics

Acrylic paint is used for finishing facades, wooden, concrete and brick surfaces. With its help, construction and repair work is carried out.

Indoors it can be used when finishing walls and ceilings, as well as for painting wallpaper intended for painting.

Regardless of the composition and brand, acrylic paint has a number of positive characteristics obtained through a unique manufacturing technology. This characteristic includes:

  • durability of the painted surface;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • quick drying;
  • ease of application.

Consumers are often interested in the question of what dyes are available and what they are made from. Detailed information can be read on a can of paint, which will help you understand the composition of the material and its types. Such paints can be applied to any surface, except for certain types of plastics, therefore the scope of their use is quite wide. This material can always be found where repairs are being made. There is always a use for acrylic paint here.

Acrylic paints have virtually no odor, and therefore there is no need to leave the room when performing interior work. This material can be used for any type of work.

Composition of acrylic paints

This polymer dispersion is made using acrylic resins. This resin is a polymer that, after drying, forms a structure that retains pigments. The pigments used in the material are organic, inorganic, natural and synthetic.

The solvent is water or an organic thinner. The filler for this type of paint is large particles of pigment. Auxiliary components are used as additives.

Despite the fact that such paints are diluted with water, when dry they form a durable film. Such excellent properties of the paint are explained by the presence of polyacrylates, polymethacryls, pigments and fillers in it. The binder in the material serves to glue solid particles together. It is these components in the composition of the material that provide it high quality and durability. Regardless of the composition of the paint and the additives included in it, user reviews about it are only positive.

An acrylic emulsion binder protects the applied paint layer from destruction under the influence of chemical substances, which may be contained in detergents.

Pigment and dyes included

A bright palette of colors allows you to choose required material for a specific design. After drying, a durable coating remains that cannot be removed with solvents.

Such paints are suitable for application to the surfaces of many materials. For example, on plastic, metal or glass, the surface of which needs to be degreased, after which an even layer of paint must be applied, obtaining an excellent coating.

As the applied tone dries, it darkens a little. Therefore it is recommended to do test coloring on a piece of paper to make sure the color is what you want when it dries.

Acrylic paint filler consists of larger pigment particles. The dyes used in acrylic paints give it a certain tone, which is necessary for interior design during renovation work. They are selected depending on what color the owner of the room wants the surface to be painted.

The pigment is a dry powder that makes the paint colored and opaque. The range of pigments in this type of paint is not as diverse as in oil or watercolor paints. Today, material manufacturers prefer to add synthetic pigments, abandoning traditional ones. Lightfast pigments are used in painting. Over time, the painted surface does not lose its original appearance, which means that such painting is quite resistant and durable.

On video: features of acrylic paints.

Main types

On modern market You can see the following types of acrylic paints:

  • pearlescent acrylic and PVA paints;
  • decorative paints;
  • emulsion and structural paints;
  • special paints.

Their chemical compositions have certain differences. To paint a room, first of all, select the color that best suits the given interior. For interior painting of ceilings and walls, dispersion paints are best suited. What are they needed for? They lie on the surface in an even layer and are resistant to moisture, so painted walls are not at risk of mold.

Cheap acrylic based paints Ideal for painting commercial premises. This is especially true for workshops and garages that require periodic painting.

To paint concrete, special strengthening polymer or polyurethane paints are required. It is better to paint wooden surfaces with transparent paints, which allows you to preserve the texture natural material tree. There is also a clear varnish that will also work.

Acrylic paints create protective film which reliably protects wooden surfaces from exposure to moisture and adverse weather conditions if painting is done outside. Matte emulsion paints allow you to hide unevenness on walls and ceilings.

It is advisable to use easily washable paints for children's rooms. The label of such materials bears the designation Eco Label.

Acrylic-latex paints are resistant to abrasion and mechanical damage. For concrete coatings it is necessary to use paints with an increased level of resistance.

Also, there are universal ones for working on wood, brick and concrete surfaces, MÖKKE acrylic paints can be used to decorate a room (walls and ceiling). The environmentally friendly composition, which contains no solvents, guarantees the safety of the final coating for people, even when painting a child’s room. The paints dry quickly, have no odor, the treated surface does not flow or crack, and remains snow-white and matte for a long time.. You can tint the original white MÖKKE paint according to your choice.


Positive properties of acrylic paints the following:

  • The painted surface does not form cracks, and the coating lasts for at least ten years;
  • Temperature changes do not have any negative effects on it;
  • The paint dries within 24 hours and does not emit an unpleasant odor;
  • Not afraid of the influence of chemical elements;
  • Easy to apply with any available means;
  • The film formed on the surface does not require additional fastening.

In addition, the use of acrylic types of paints is absolutely safe for users.

Increasingly, consumers give preference to modern, environmentally friendly, inexpensive and high-quality materials. Acrylic paint has all these positive characteristics. It consists of polyacrylics, pigments and fillers, which guarantee excellent performance qualities of this material.

Of course, the properties of paint for interior work will differ from those used to treat exterior surfaces. With the help of such materials you can make excellent repairs that will last for a long period of time. Thanks to its universal composition and low price, acrylic paints have found wide application among users.

Acrylic paint of different brands (23 photos)