Spathiphyllum flower when to replant. Correct transplantation of spathiphyllum

Spathiphyllum or “female happiness” represents evergreen from the Araceae family. It has no stems. The oval-lanceolate leaves grow directly from the root system. The high popularity of the plant among amateur gardeners is due to the decorative nature of the flower. The beauty of spathiphyllum is given by the inflorescences surrounded by a white blanket, shaped like cobs consisting of flowers. IN natural environment habitat “female happiness” grows in forested wetlands, the banks of reservoirs, and flooded meadows.
There are many varieties of spathiphyllum, most of which are grown at home. Culture doesn't need special care, but is sensitive to excessive drought and waterlogging. It thrives in nutritious and moisture-absorbing soil. In the wild, the flower grows in slightly acidic soil. It includes charcoal, compost, rotten branches and fallen leaves. And in order to create similar growing conditions, it is necessary to choose the right soil. Otherwise, the plant may not only begin to get sick and wither, but also die.

What does the wrong choice of soil for spathiphyllum lead to?

The homeland of “women's happiness” is the forests of South America, which makes spathiphyllum quite unpretentious. This also applies to decorative indoor varieties, but not without nuances. In nature, the plant has “chosen” the most comfortable and optimal place of growth, where the soil fully satisfies all the needs of the flower. At home, this responsibility shifts to the person:

Pests, darkening and yellowing of spathiphyllum leaf blades are directly related to the composition of the substrate. In order for a flower to grow and develop safely, the plant needs correct soil. Otherwise, problems will be impossible to avoid.

When is spathiphyllum transplanted?

Young plants are replanted annually until they reach three years of age. From the age of three, specimens are disturbed less frequently - once every 3 years. It is better not to touch older flowers until the roots begin to grow through the drainage holes, when the rhizome has completely filled the earthen ball.
The container is taken a little larger than the previous one, but not too deep. Water abundantly and remove lateral shoots. The last manipulation is done to obtain a specimen with large leaves. When replanting for the first time, not every home gardener knows what kind of soil to use.
There are two possible options here. The first involves purchasing a ready-made soil mixture. The second assumes that the gardener prepares the soil himself.

What requirements must the substrate for growing spathiphyllum meet?

Both ready-made soil purchased in a store and home-made soil must satisfy following conditions, that is, to be:

  • slightly acidic;
  • nutritious;
  • light;
  • loose.

All four requirements must be met. Otherwise, the gardener will not be able to grow a beautiful, healthy adult spathiphyllum that pleases with abundant greenery and flowering.

Which earthen mixture should you prefer - homemade or purchased?

Ready-made soil is sold in specialized garden stores. You can’t take the first mixture you come across. It should be intended for spathiphyllum. A universal substrate for Aroids is also suitable. If suitable soil Not on sale, any one can be used for flowering plants.
Purchased mixtures are only conditionally classified as “ready-made”. Its composition is almost ideal, but remains insufficiently breathable. To eliminate this disadvantage, loosening materials are introduced into the soil. Most often, brick chips, vermiculite, sand or perlite are used. The percentage of baking powder from the total mass of soil should be about ten percent. Less amounts can make the soil excessively heavy.
The need to make changes to the purchased soil mixture is why most amateur gardeners prepare the soil at home.

How to properly prepare the substrate?

To plant a shoot or transplant an adult specimen, you need to prepare a nutritious soil mixture. When you make soil yourself, you use proven recipes. The differences are not very significant. Variability allows the grower to choose optimal solution, focusing on what components it currently has.
There are three options for preparing soil:


  • charcoal;
  • humus;
  • peat;
  • deciduous soil;
  • sand.

The parts are taken equal.


  • turf and deciduous land;
  • coarse sand or clay chips (brick);
  • peat.

Sand is taken in two parts, and the remaining components - one at a time.


  • peat;
  • humus;
  • sand with charcoal;
  • crushed bark;
  • leaf uncrushed humus.

The presence of additives, constituting a tenth of the total substrate, in the sand is mandatory. They help reduce acidity earth mixture to the optimal pH level (5 or 5.5), improve air permeability and the ability of the soil to retain moisture.

Earth mixture for plants from the Araceae family

It represents soil soil. It is great for growing “female happiness.” It is obtained by mixing garden soil, orchid soil, peat and perlite. The proportions are 2:3:3:2. This soil mixture is not very loose, but is quite fertile. Instead of soil for aroids, it is permissible to use charcoal, fine gravel, and bark. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions.
There is another way to get soil. It is prepared by taking one part each of coarse sand, leaf humus, peat, two parts of wood soil, 1/2 part each of brick chips and charcoal. It will turn out to be less fertile than one specialized for orchids, but it is capable of retaining moisture well. It is recommended to use such soil when, due to certain circumstances, it is not possible to frequently water the spathiphyllum.

What nuances should be taken into account?

The soil mixture, purchased ready-made, only requires the addition of loosening material. It already contains all the required components. The soil that you make yourself is not heavy, but it also has its own characteristics. In order for spathiphyllum to grow and develop well, it is necessary:

  • add all necessary additives to the soil;
  • arrange high-quality drainage.

The soil for “women's happiness” must be breathable. For this purpose, coconut fiber or tree bark is added to the mixture. Superphosphate makes the soil more nutritious. It is administered in small proportions. A very small dosage is required.
Don't forget about drainage. It must be placed at the bottom of the flowerpot. If it is missing, the plant will get sick and then die. A drainage layer is necessary for both purchased and self-prepared substrate.

What should the drainage be like?

Holes are made in the pot for replanting the flower, and the drainage itself is either purchased at the store or prepared at home. The purchased one is oval or round expanded clay, which is packaged in bags.

Just open the package and pour it into the bottom of the pot. The downside is the cost. She's quite tall. It is best to purchase expanded clay when one or two specimens are replanted. In other cases the best option there will be home drainage.

Most often, stones, pebbles, bricks, and crushed granite are used. They are washed and scalded. Alternative option will boil for 5 to 7 minutes. Thanks to this manipulation, the plant is protected from bacteria and other harmful microorganisms. Otherwise, the spathiphyllum may become infected, which will lead to the death of the transplanted plant.

Spathiphyllum is a genus of plants belonging to the Araceae family. Its number fluctuates around 40 species. Spathiphyllum is native to the tropical regions of South America.

These plants are perennials that do not have a stem. Leaf blades grow immediately from the rhizome. Flowering is represented by a spadix, which is placed on a peduncle and covered with a leaf-spread. People call this flower “female happiness” or “flower of love.” This poisonous plant, contact with which can cause irritation and allergies.

Types and varieties

- has high oblong leaves up to half a meter, placed on long petioles, width sheet plate up to 25 cm. The color of the flower changes from white to almost black. The bract is about 15 cm long and 10 cm wide.

- has oval-shaped leaves and a greenish flower and bract.

- lanceolate leaves reach 40 cm, wavy. Petioles that hold leaves more than 50 cm. The flower is a white spadix, which is decorated with a bract.

- this flower reaches 50 cm in height, the leaves are a little more than 20 cm. The bract covering the spadix is ​​white.

— the difference between this species is its elongated leaves with a curved tip. The bract of the spadix is ​​white-green.

- the leaves of this species are lanceolate, the spadix is ​​white, the spathe, the color of which changes from white to green, is larger than the spadix. Great for indoor growing. On the basis of this species, spathiphyllum domina was bred, which differs from its parent in having variegated leaves.

This is one of the variegated varieties. Some parts of the bract and leaves of this flower lack chlorophyll and therefore have White color.

high grade with long and wide leaves, which is excellent for growing in low-light areas.

Among other varieties we can distinguish spathiphyllum alana , chopin , cupido , Verdi , Sweet Silvio . But overall there is much more different varieties this plant.

Spathiphyllum care at home

Care indoor spathiphyllum implies compliance with certain rules. In terms of lighting, it needs diffused light, because in this way it will grow larger and flowering will be longer.

During the spring-summer period, the temperature should be at 22°C. And in the fall and winter time not lower than 16°C. If the degree drops below 10°C, the plant will die. Drafts also have a very destructive effect.

How to water spathiphyllum

Watering needs to be done all year round settled water. During active growth and in general during the warm months, watering should be plentiful. It needs to be done two to three times a week, without even waiting for the top layer of soil to completely dry, since when the soil dries out, part of the rhizome dies. Watering must be done carefully so that the water only pours onto the soil.

When growing spathiphyllum in a room, you need to spray it, and also place the pot with the plant in a container with raw expanded clay. Spraying must be done at least twice a day, otherwise the leaves will begin to dry. In winter, watering is limited to once every seven days.

Fertilizer for spathiphyllum

From March to September, spathiphyllum requires fertilizer mineral supplements. The fertilizer is diluted very weakly - 1 g/1 liter of water. Before and after fertilizing, you need to water the flower well.

Feeding should be regular - once every 15 days. In winter, if the plant does not bloom, it is also fertilized about once every 5 weeks. Fertilization is not recommended during the flowering period. Also, this procedure is not performed for young plants and after transplantation. For better flowering choose fertilizers with plenty of potassium and phosphorus.

Spathiphyllum transplantation and soil composition

Transplanting spathiphyllum at home is carried out in the spring if the rhizome has grown to cover the entire pot. The roots of the flower are quite fragile, so it is recommended to use transshipment, removing only a small part of the soil from the roots. If the rhizome is rotten, then it needs to be cleaned.

The composition of the soil for spathiphyllum includes peat, humus, river sand and a mixture of leaf soil and turf (the same amount of each component). But you can buy ready-made soil for aroids in a specialized store.

The pot is a little larger in size than the previous one. Drainage is required. During rooting, the plant is watered a little less; you can also cover the flower with polyethylene and ventilate it a couple of times a day.

After purchase, replanting is required if the container with the flower is too small, but in general, purchased spathiphyllums already feel good.

Spathiphyllum pruning

After flowering, you need to trim the peduncle so that it no longer sucks nutrients, pruning should be done as close to the rhizome as possible. You also need to cut off dry and diseased leaves of the plant, and the sections are powdered with crushed coal.

How to propagate spathiphyllum at home

Cuttings are carried out in spring or summer. To do this, cut off a leaf rosette and place it in water or plant it in damp sand until root formation. If the roots are already formed, then you can immediately plant them in the soil. Propagation cannot be carried out by leaf cuttings.

Spathiphyllum propagation by dividing the bush

Dividing the bush is the most easy way propagation of spathiphyllum. This plant quickly forms many young rosettes and because of this it needs not only to be replanted every year, but also to divide the bush. Parts of the plant are already independent spathiphyllums and can be immediately planted in the soil.

The division procedure must be carried out before the stage of growing green mass, that is, in the spring. The separated part of the bush should have at least three strong leaf rosettes and part of a healthy rhizome. The divisions need to be deepened to the same depth as in the old pot.

Containers for planting young plants should be selected small, otherwise the roots will take all the strength for growth. Before dividing, soak the roots with water, wash them and untangle them. After this, they are cleaned, the sections are powdered with charcoal and then divided.

Diseases and pests

  • If your spathiphyllum leaves turn yellow , then you should check whether you follow all the rules of care. For example, the plant will begin to turn yellow if it is rarely watered or if it is kept indoors too much. low humidity air. Also, yellowness may appear due to aphids, which feed on its juice. Carefully inspect the plant for the presence of this pest.
  • But the most common destroyer of spathiphyllum is spider mite . If you find it, take immediate action.
  • In case of insufficient humidity there is drying and curling of leaf tips . Also, the leaves curl if the flower is cold.
  • When the light is too bright, the leaves of the plant begin to turn pale. . Move the pot to another location and light leaves trim, otherwise this process may become irreversible.
  • Leaves turn black if the root is sick . Most often this happens if the spathiphyllum suffers from excess moisture. If this is the case, then urgently replant and clean the rhizome. But also the reason for the appearance of blackness on the leaves is unbalanced fertilizer. If you overdo it with top dressing and after that black spots appear, then replanting is not required.
  • Spathiphyllum will not bloom if the amount of fertilizer was excessive. Also, flowers usually do not appear if the entire container of the pot is filled with roots.
  • All types of spathiphyllum have a slightly greenish bract. But if the flowers begin to turn excessively green, this indicates errors in care . Possible reason is a decrease in temperature to 15°C and below. Also, greening begins with a lack of lighting. Green flowers are trimmed, but be sure to leave one.


Health 04/15/2013

Dear readers, today on the blog I continue the conversation about the flower of female happiness. We will talk about how to transplant spathiphyllum at home. I think everyone will agree with me that flowers are an indispensable attribute homely, beautiful and cozy atmosphere. According to folk legends, they not only decorate the home, but also bring prosperity and good luck into our lives.

Successful cultivation of any plant will not be possible without some knowledge in the field of biology. To houseplants pleased with their freshness and color, you need to know the rules of caring for them (agricultural technology, natural conditions, etc.). Therefore, the issue associated with initially should be considered from its condensed characteristics.

How to transplant spathiphyllum at home

Brief description and care

Spathiphyllum belongs to the Araceae family and is native to tropical America. Like any plant growing in the tropics, this type needs to elevated temperature and humidity. The flower can be placed in a sunny or semi-dark place, in conditions of moderate humidity. Water it with clean water room temperature, you can also spray. “Women's happiness” is fed with artificial fertilizer that does not contain lime impurities. It is best to consult a seller at a flower shop on this issue. They will tell you how best to feed this flower.

How to transplant spathiphyllum correctly

The need for transplantation can be determined by the roots of the plant. If root system spathiphyllum has completely entwined the ground, and the pot has become cramped, then this is a sign that the plant needs replanting. Young, rapidly growing flowers need annual replanting. Large spathiphyllums, which grow more slowly, will need a transplant once every 2 or 3 years.

However, “female happiness” is also transplanted in other cases, for example, if the land has become unsuitable over time (changed structure, density). In poor soil, the roots of the flower do not receive enough oxygen, and carbon dioxide, which is secreted by the root system and soil microorganisms, tends to accumulate in the soil, causing negative impact on the roots of the plant.

When is the best time to replant spathiphyllum?

It is best to replant spathiphyllum in early spring, before flowering begins.

What do we need to transplant a flower?

  • drainage;
  • flower pot;
  • sprayer, watering can;
  • special soil mixture.

Instructions for transplanting spathiphyllum

  • Buy a pot that is slightly larger than the previous one. But remember, if you transplant your “tropical household” into a very large pot, this may slow down its growth. If you plant in a clay pot, then you need to soak it in water overnight, and you can simply rinse the plastic container immediately before planting.
  • Spathiphyllum needs to be watered before planting so that after an hour it can be easily removed from the pot. To remove the plant, turn the container over, and then half-heartedly tap the edges of the pot on the table, slightly holding it with your hand on top. If necessary, you can use a knife to separate the plant from the walls of the pot.
  • Carefully and carefully remove rotted shards from the root systems. And if you want to propagate your “female happiness,” then separate part of the roots along with the leaves from the transplanted flower.
  • A new pot should also be prepared. Cover its drainage hole with small particles of broken bricks, shards or expanded clay. Then add a thin layer of soil on top.
  • Fix the spathiphyllum in the pot (on a layer of damp soil), gradually adding a new portion of soil so that it fills the gaps between the earthen lump and the walls of the pot. The added soil around the lump must be compacted with your fingers until its level is level with the leaves of the plant.
  • At the last stage of replanting, you should water the flower generously and then place it in the shade for 7 days. In this case, spathiphyllum leaves must be sprayed every day. After a week, move the plant to its usual place.

How to transplant spathiphyllum. Video

I suggest watching another video on this topic.

Is it possible to replant flowering spathiphyllum?

The flower itself does not bloom for long. It is best to wait until the end of flowering and then replant it. Advice: don’t just grab a big pot right away. Use a slightly larger pot where it grew. Why is that? It’s just that we can’t wait for the next flowering so soon. When it fades, then you can safely replant it. And even divide it into several parts.

The process of transplanting a tropical guest - spathiphyllum - must be accompanied by a careful and caring attitude towards the plant. And if all these rules are followed, then after transplantation the plant will quickly take root and will delight you with its magnificent white color for a long time, bringing good luck and true “female happiness” to the housewives. And be sure to talk to flowers. Just my advice. And they will definitely answer you and delight you with their beautiful appearance.

How to replant a flower at home Women's happiness

Spathiphyllum is beautiful flower, which perfectly complements any interior. In order for it to bloom and grow for a long time, you need to know how to replant “Women’s Happiness” at home.

How to transplant "Women's happiness"

Immediately after acquisition, the flower cannot be replanted; it must acclimatize to new conditions. After 2 weeks you can start preparing.

Source: Depositphotos

To replant "Women's Happiness" at home, select a container and prepare the soil

Prepare nutrient soil, in which the plant will be comfortable. To do this, take:

    • 1 part leaf soil and 2 turf soil;
    • 1 part peat;
    • 1 part sand.

Add charcoal and chopped spruce bark to the prepared soil. If there is no opportunity or desire to tinker with the soil mixture, then purchase it already ready-made composition in a flower shop. Drainage is required; ordinary pebbles will do.

Take a pot a little larger than the one from which Spathiphyllum is transplanted. Cover its bottom with 2 cm of pebbles, then 2–3 cm of soil. Carefully remove “Women’s Happiness” from the old pot and transfer it with a lump of earth to a new container. Sprinkle with soil mixture on different sides and moisten. Finally, compact it and water well.

If you need to completely replace the soil, then before removing “Women’s Happiness”, water it abundantly so that the soil easily moves away from the rhizome. Inspect the root itself for damage. Remove all damaged and very long shoots. Also trim off shriveled and damaged leaves.

The interval between transplants is different. It depends on the age of the plant. Transfer young specimens to another container every 12 months. Adults – after 3 years. Best time- March, April.

Caring for Spathiphyllum

The plant will take root only if you care for it correctly.


    • air humidity;
    • temperature regime;
    • watering.

For normal development the flower needs constant air humidity - 65-75%. To achieve this, in winter period Place a humidifier or a container of water nearby. If this is not done, the foliage will droop.

Insufficient watering will also lead to wilting." Women's happiness"If the stem and foliage droop and begin to turn yellow, this indicates a lack of moisture. Make sure that the soil is always moist and do not allow it to dry out completely.

Place the pot in a bright place out of direct sunlight. This will prevent the foliage from being burned. Suitable room temperature +18...+24°C.

"Women's happiness" needs regular transplants. This will help him active growth and flowering.

You cannot successfully breed a plant without studying its biology, the conditions to which it is accustomed in natural conditions and without knowing agricultural technology or basic rules for caring for a flower. Therefore, we will begin to consider such a question as transplanting spathiphyllum from brief description plants.

Brief description Spathiphyllum is a plant from the Araceae family, a distant guest from tropical America. It is distinguished by shiny green leaves on long petioles. The flowers are white with a yellowish or white spadix.

As a tropical forest plant, spathiphyllum requires high humidity, temperatures are slightly higher than usual. The placement can be either sunny or semi-shaded. Water the spathiphyllum with soft water at room temperature, maintaining moderate air humidity. Responds well to spraying. The plants are fed with ready-made fertilizer for flower crops that do not contain lime during the active growing season. Spathiphyllum is considered one of the best crops for hydroponics.

Reproduction and transplantation of spathiphyllum

Spathiphyllum propagates both by seeds and vegetatively using cuttings and pieces of rhizomes.

Propagation by seeds It’s quite a troublesome task, you need to carry out artificial pollination. Seeds quickly lose their viability. Most often used

propagation by pieces of rhizomes and cuttings , the plants are taking root well. This feature of plants is used when such an operation as spathiphyllum transplantation is performed.

It all starts with preparing the soil mixture. For spathiphyllums, you can use ordinary humus, to which brick chips and pieces of charcoal are added. You can prepare a special soil mixture for aroids from humus, unsifted leaf soil, peat and sand (1: 1: 1: 0.5).

Crushed coal, pieces of bark and brick chips are also added to this mixture. The finished soil mixture is spilled with a hot, strong solution of potassium permanganate for the purpose of disinfection.

Soil acidity should be slightly acidic from 5 to 6.5, but not neutral. Then transplanting spathiphyllum will not cause trouble in the form of various diseases.

When to replant spathiphyllum

As the flower grows, the roots fill the pot completely, and it becomes too small for the plant; the plant is transferred to a larger pot. It is best to do this in the spring. Spathiphyllum is most often purchased in the store. Two to three weeks after purchase, the spathiphyllum needs to be transplanted into a larger container.

When transplanting, spathiphyllum must be handled very carefully. Transplanting spathiphyllum, like any other flower culture, begin with good watering. If the pot is small, just cover the soil with your palm, press the plant with your fingers, turn the pot over and lightly tap the pot on the edge of the table.

The earthen lump should completely move away from the walls of the flower pot.

The lump with intertwined roots is slightly loosened with a wooden peg, removing some of the soil from the sides, top and bottom. If there are damaged or blackened roots, cut them off with a knife. The cut area is sprinkled with crushed coal. Spathiphyllum at home.

Let's look at how the spathiphyllum transplant itself is carried out.

At the bottom of the pot we pour a little vermiculite as drainage and enough soil so that the plant placed in the pot is two centimeters below its edge. Gradually fill the pot around the edges, lightly pressing down the soil mixture. You need to make sure that there are no voids left. If support is required, we also install it during transplantation. Rather than transplanting the spathiphyllum, it is transshipping it.

If there is a lack of moisture, the new roots that form will move and spread better in search of moisture. If you water the plant less frequently during this period, transplanting spathiphyllum will be more successful. This will help the roots damaged during transplantation to avoid rotting. When new shoots appear, the normal watering regime is resumed.

Transplantation of spathiphyllum. Is it possible to divide rhizomes?

Often in the spring, the method of dividing rhizomes is used to propagate spathiphyllum. The overgrown flower is carefully removed from the pot, the rhizomes are cut into fragments, on each of which there should be a growing point and a piece of rhizome that should bear 2-3 leaves.

Planting material is planted in low pots in a ready-made substrate for aroids. If you cover the transplanted plants with glass jars, a special microclimate is created. This transplantation of spathiphyllum promotes better survival of plants.

If the pot is large enough and the plant has enough space in it, you can carefully loosen the top of the soil with a wooden peg and replace some of the soil.

Transplanting spathiphyllum requires careful and gentle handling of the plant. Provided that all the rules are followed, replanting spathiphyllum will result in good survival of the plants, which will delight you with their beautiful white flowers for a long time.