How to grow pomegranate from seeds at home: step-by-step recommendations. Does a pomegranate grown from a seed at home bloom? Indoor pomegranate. Dwarf pomegranate (indoor): care, pruning, propagation, varieties, growing at home

Pomegranate (Punica), a subtropical shrub with tasty fruits, can be grown as an ornamental houseplant. It is not difficult to provide an indoor grenade proper care at home, it will bloom and even set fruit.

The homeland of pomegranate is Asia Minor, Iran.

Portrait of a plant

Pomegranate has small oblong leaves with pointed ends. The trunk is branched, light brown. The branches are numerous, thin, with thorns.

The pomegranate flower is unlike any you are familiar with. It is of an unusual shape, with a hard red perianth that covers the inner delicate petals: scarlet, white or yellow, depending on the variety.

What varieties of pomegranate are grown at home?

IN room conditions It is most convenient to grow dwarf forms of pomegranate:

    It grows up to 1 m in height. It is like a “reduced copy” of a garden pomegranate, with small leaves, flowers and fruits.

    An even more miniature variety. Maximum height 50 cm, flowers can be collected in bunches of 5-7 pieces. The fruits are orange-brown in color.

    Another dwarf variety, up to 70 cm in height. It got its name from the bright red color of the flowers.


    A low-growing variety of garden pomegranate. Height up to 2 m. The fruits are bright red, sweet and sour in taste, larger than those of the dwarf forms.

    As an experiment, you can grow an ordinary garden pomegranate at home from the seed of a fruit you bought. He won't give good fruits and will not repeat parental characteristics, because The fruits of hybrids are mainly sold. Indoors it grows no more than 1 m in height (in open ground can reach a height of up to 5 m).

A significant difference between dwarf pomegranate varieties and garden ones is that they do not shed their leaves for the winter, therefore they are more decorative as indoor plants.

Flowering and fruiting

Pomegranate blooms not only beautifully and unusually, but also for a long time - from April to the end of summer.

Flowers are of two types: pitcher-shaped with long pistils that form fruits, and bell-shaped with short ones that do not form fruits. There are much more of the latter, 90% and, accordingly, only 10% are fruitful. The flowers are self-pollinating.

Sterile flowers fall off quickly, fruitful ones “live” for 6-10 days. The flowers are up to 2 cm in diameter and up to 4 cm in length.

After flowering, in autumn, dwarf pomegranate charming small round fruits are set with a dense but thin skin, color from light orange to burgundy red, they do not exceed 4-5 cm in diameter. The fruits are covered with a hard skin, under which there are seeds, “wrapped” in juicy dark red pulp colors. The fruits are edible, but taste sour.

You can buy indoor pomegranate in the store, or you can grow it yourself from a seed or cutting.

Growing pomegranate from cuttings

Indoor pomegranate cuttings can be carried out in mid-summer (semi-lignified cuttings) or in February (lignified cuttings).
4 internodes are left on each cutting.

Pomegranate cuttings do not always root well; the rooting percentage may be less than 50%. For a more reliable result, the sections are treated with a root formation stimulator.

Semi-lignified cuttings take root better, but since it is a pity to trim shoots at the time when they are most decorative (flowers appear on them in mid-summer), rooting of completely lignified cuttings is often practiced.

You can root cuttings in water or a substrate consisting of a mixture of peat and sand in equal quantities. Can also be used peat tablets. Before planting the cuttings, the substrate is well moistened.

The cuttings are placed in the ground at an angle of 45 degrees. Deepen by 2-3 buds. The container with cuttings is covered with film and placed on a well-lit windowsill in warm room. For rooting, the substrate temperature should not be lower than 23 degrees.

Further care of the cuttings comes down to regular watering; the soil should not dry out. Also, once a day, briefly remove the film for ventilation.

The first roots appear after 1-2 weeks. Complete rooting occurs after a month, as evidenced by the appearance of new buds on the cuttings. Then the film is removed and careful watering continues, avoiding waterlogging.

The first grown shoot is shortened. Cut it by one third so that the tree begins to branch.

Growing pomegranate from seeds

The second way to grow homemade dwarf pomegranate is by seed.

Seeds must be used fresh, because... they lose their viability very quickly. The seeds are soaked in water for a day (do not completely fill the seeds with water, otherwise they will “suffocate”). Seeds taken from a fresh fruit must first be cleared of pulp to prevent them from rotting in the ground after planting.

Seeds are sown in the ground, immersing 1 centimeter into the ground. Best time sow seeds in winter, in January-February, so that at the beginning of summer the young plants can be taken out into the fresh air.

After sowing the seeds, it is necessary to constantly monitor the soil moisture. It should not be over-moistened or over-dried.

After about 2 weeks, the first shoots appear and are placed on a light windowsill. After 2 months, real leaves appear on the seedlings. Poorly developed seedlings are removed. When 3-4 pairs of true leaves grow on the remaining seedlings, they are planted in separate containers. In May, they are taken out into the garden or onto the balcony, placed under a canopy or under trees. The bright sun causes burns on weak seedlings.

In autumn, well-developed seedlings are transplanted into pots and transferred to a cool place until spring. In February-March they are placed on the windowsill, and in May-June they are again taken out into the garden or onto the balcony.

Indoor pomegranate can begin to bloom already in the first year of life, but in this case it is recommended to remove the flowers, because By this age the plant is not yet strong enough. In the second year, you can leave 1-2 ovaries.

Garden pomegranate will begin to bear fruit in 5-7 years.

Plants grown from cuttings bloom and bear fruit earlier than those grown from seeds.

In addition, pomegranates obtained from seeds do not retain varietal characteristics and the fruits are of poorer quality.

Caring for indoor pomegranate


The most important requirement when caring for indoor pomegranate is sufficient lighting. Pomegranates need a lot of light and sun; if they are deficient, the plant sheds its leaves.

It is best to give it a place on a window facing south, southwest or southeast. Pomegranate is one of the few plants that does not need to be shaded from sunlight even during midday hours.

It is advisable to keep pomegranates outdoors from late spring to autumn: in the garden or on the balcony. It should be placed in a warm, sunny corner, protected from drafts.

Despite the fact that pomegranate is not afraid of direct sun, at first, when placing the plant outside, it needs to be allowed to get used to the new conditions after being kept indoors for the winter. It should be placed in the shade for several days, then gradually accustomed to the sun so that the foliage does not get scorched.

In September-October, the pomegranate is taken into the house again.

Rest period

If you are growing a garden pomegranate as an indoor plant, then you need to take into account that it has a dormant period. In November, the plant sheds its leaves and remains in this form until February - March, at which time young leaves begin to appear. During the dormant period, the pomegranate needs to be kept cool (possibly in the dark) and sparsely watered.

In February, the plant is moved to a warm, bright place and watered more often.

Dwarf forms of pomegranate are evergreen plants; they do not completely shed their leaves in winter, but some leaves may also fall off. But they also winter period It is desirable to provide cool conditions for rest from the growing season and flowering.


IN summer time optimal temperature for pomegranate 24-26 degrees, in winter 10-12 degrees Celsius, lower limit + 6 degrees. In cool conditions (for example, on a heated loggia), the plant should be kept for at least 1 month. This creates conditions for subsequent abundant flowering and fruiting.

In city apartments, flower growers often do not have this opportunity; in this case, pomegranates are removed from bright light for this time, leaves are removed, and watering is reduced.

Watering and spraying.

During the period of growth, flowering and fruiting, pomegranate is a “water bread”. Water it generously at this time, at least 1-2 times a week. But you shouldn’t allow it to flood; when overmoistened, yellow and yellow spots appear on the leaves. brown spots. Pots definitely need drainage.

In winter, watering is significantly reduced, but care is taken to ensure that the soil does not dry out.

Pomegranate also likes to be sprayed with soft warm water, they are carried out from spring to autumn 2 times a week; in hot weather you can do this more often. In winter, when kept cool, spraying is not required.


From spring to autumn, pomegranates need to be fed with complex mineral fertilizer. The frequency of fertilizing is 2 times a month. During the dormant period, feeding is stopped and resumed at the beginning of the growing season.

Organic fertilizers can also be used for feeding. For example, mullein infusion diluted in a concentration of 1:10.

They also fertilize chicken droppings, fertilizing from it is prepared as follows. First, chicken manure is poured with water in the ratio of 1 part manure, 2 parts water. Close tightly and leave for 2-3 weeks in a warm place for fermentation. Then the resulting infusion is mixed and diluted with water 1:25.

To fertilize pomegranate, this solution is diluted with water again in a ratio of 3:4.

Organic fertilizers are applied to the soil after watering.


Pomegranate grows quite quickly; after just six months, a plant grown from a cutting already looks like a small tree. To support decorative look, it is necessary to engage in the formation of its crown.

The pomegranate is formed in the form of a bush or a standard tree, which looks especially impressive.

Several (4-6) skeletal branches are left on the tree and pruning is carried out regularly. In this case, no more than 5 internodes are left on each shoot. The cuts are made above the top bud, facing outward from the crown, so that the branches do not intertwine in the future.

In February-March, early pomegranate pruning is carried out. Remove basal shoots, tops (vertical shoots), dry, thickening the crown, much longer than the main branches of the crown.

When pruning, it is important to take into account that pomegranate fruits form on ripened shoots from last year. Therefore, only those branches that have already bear fruit are removed.

New shoots on pomegranate grow quickly; additional crown thinning and removal of newly grown basal shoots are periodically carried out. In addition, you constantly need to pinch out branches that have strayed beyond the crown.


Transplantation is carried out in February-March.

Plants are transplanted using the transshipment method. Young, up to 5 years old, annually, then once every 3-5 years, as needed, choose a pot slightly larger than the previous one.

Small pots are needed for growing pomegranates. For annual plants volume 100 ml, for 2-3 year olds no more than 500 ml. The ratio of the height and diameter of the pot is 1:1.

The pot must be filled with drainage to ¼ of its height.

Prefer grenades earth mixture with a neutral reaction. Optimal soil composition: turf, leaf, humus, peat soil in equal proportions. However, the choice of soil is not a determining condition for the successful development of pomegranate; it is not picky about soils; you can take almost any soil, for example, ready for citrus fruits or universal.

Roots must be protected from damage during transshipment. If this cannot be avoided, they must be carefully trimmed at the site of breakage and sprinkled with charcoal.

For large plants Instead of replanting, the top layer of soil is replaced with fresh one.

Diseases and pests

Powdery mildew

The main disease to which pomegranate is susceptible is powdery mildew. It may appear on the plant in a poorly ventilated area with high humidity or with sudden changes in temperature. Infection can also occur from other diseased plants, for example, when watering.

In the initial stage of the disease from powdery mildew Treatment with a solution of soda ash (5 g per 1 liter of water) mixed with soap helps.

If the disease has spread to large area plants require fungicide treatment. For example, such as Skor, Topaz, Hom. They are prepared strictly according to the instructions, without exceeding the concentration.

Branch cancer

Another frequent illness pomegranate - branch cancer. The bark on the branches cracks and spongy swellings form along the edges of the cracks. The disease affects weakened plants; the cause may be mechanical damage.

Fighting the disease is removing the affected branches. It is difficult to get rid of this scourge; as a rule, most of the crown has to be cut out. But this does not always help; often the plant dies.

To reduce the risk of disease, you need to protect the branches from damage and frost. Pruning must be done with a sharpened tool.

Spots on leaves

If yellow and brown spots appear on the pomegranate leaves, this is most likely evidence of waterlogging in the soil. The plant needs to be transplanted into fresh soil, and if during transplantation you notice rotten roots, they need to be cut off with a sharp knife to healthy tissue. Treat the cuts with crushed charcoal.

Whitefly and aphids

As for pests, these plants most often suffer from whiteflies and aphids.

If not large quantities pests manual removal of pests can be effective. Whitefly butterflies can be removed with a regular vacuum cleaner, and then treat the leaves, especially on the inside, to remove the laid eggs with a sponge and soap solution. Aphids can also be removed using a soap solution. Before such treatment, the soil in the pot is protected with polyethylene.

For large numbers of insects, use chemicals. Such as Fitoverm, Aktara, Iskra, Karbofos, Aktellik.

ABOUT healing properties People have known pomegranate fruits since ancient times. For centuries, its grains and juice have been used as a tonic that improves blood quality. And in our time, doctors recommend consuming ruby ​​grains of the fruit to increase hemoglobin, as well as to give strength to people weakened after a serious illness.

This plant is known to grow and thrive in subtropical climates. However, many gardeners manage to grow it in middle lane Russia. And some plant lovers have learned to grow it at home from grains. At correct landing a small one grows ornamental plant that blooms pretty orange flowers, resembling bells. Well, during the fruiting season, small fruits grow on its branches.

The plant will decorate any home, and besides, the decorative fruits, although small, are also quite edible. So now we will talk about how pomegranate grows, growing it from seeds and caring for it at home.

Growing pomegranate from seed

Now is the time to start planting seeds, as it is recommended to do this in November. It is best to use indoor pomegranate seeds for propagation, already adapted to home conditions. But if there are none, take grains from an ordinary fruit bought at the market. Only the pomegranate must be ripe, undamaged, and quite large.

Before planting, place the seeds in a saucer of water. Keep it there for a couple of days. Then fill a plastic container with soft, light soil (peat with sand), water, and then plant the seeds there to a depth of 1.5 cm. Then cover the container with polyethylene film or glass. The main thing is to create a mini-greenhouse. Place your greenhouse where it is very warm. Best Temperature for germination - from 25 to 30 degrees.

Usually the seeds germinate within 2-4 weeks. But sometimes they sit in the ground for a very long time - up to six months. But they will germinate in any case, so just wait, periodically moistening the soil. When the seedlings grow a little and produce 2-3 leaves, they can be transplanted into pots. To do this, select the largest, strongest sprouts, plant them in separate, preferably ceramic pots. The diameter of the pots is approximately 8 cm.

For pots, when growing pomegranates at home, universal soil for indoor plants is perfect. Water transplanted young pomegranates periodically when the soil begins to dry out. If the room is very hot, water them more often, more abundantly.

After about 10 months. After the pomegranate seeds sprout, the young plants will bloom. You need to understand that you are unlikely to grow up tall plant With large fruits. But with good, systematic care and home conditions, it is quite possible to grow a very beautiful exotic fruit-bearing bush, up to half a meter in height.

Home care

We have already discussed many important points, which pomegranate needs, caring for this plant at home is also equally important to get a harvest. And it’s not even a matter of watering and fertilizing, as it seems at first glance. Very important and temperature regime during which the tree should not be in its usual room setting

Lighting, watering

Place your homemade pomegranate to the brightest place in the room so that it is well illuminated by the sun's rays. But constant exposure to direct rays on the leaves will be harmful to it, so make sure that the plant receives them moderately, preferably in a scattered form. When it gets warm summer season Be sure to take your pet outside, to the garden, or take it to the country house. If there are none, place the pot of pomegranate on the balcony or loggia. Even just an open window will suit him quite well. The main thing is that it receives fresh air and sunlight. Don't forget to water it regularly and spray the leaves.

A haircut

To keep your plant beautiful, give it regular haircuts. The crown of homemade pomegranate needs to be formed annually, from the end of February. Then in the spring the active growth of the bush will begin. Moreover, you can make the shape of the crown the way you like best. Be sure to cut off weak shoots, dried twigs, and tear off the remaining leaves.

Top dressing

Be sure to feed your pet. From the beginning of spring to the end of summer, feed it every 2 weeks. To do this, use a ready-made universal liquid fertilizer intended for indoor plants. But if you are going to eat the fruits of your homemade pomegranate, it is better not to use chemical fertilizers. After all, all the nitrates from fertilizers will be deposited in the fruits. Keep this in mind.


Young house plant a transplant is needed. It needs to be done annually, as the root system grows. Take a slightly larger pot and fill it with fresh soil. Do this for the first 4 years. Then you don’t have to touch the pomegranate bush. It will feel great in the same pot. Just add fresh soil every year.


With the onset of cold weather, pomegranate, like all other deciduous plants, will begin to shed its leaves. At this time, it becomes not very attractive, so some gardeners are afraid of this. But this is a completely normal, natural process. With the onset of leaf fall, you need to send the plant to winter in a cold room. It is ideal to take it out onto an uninsulated loggia.

During wintering, you do not need to water your pet often. Provide him with peace until spring. Add water little by little when the soil becomes completely dry, about once every 10 days. This applies to young plants. If the pomegranate is already more than 4 years old, water it once a month. Good luck, dear flower growers!

Successfully growing pomegranate in open ground is not difficult process, the main thing is to choose a winter-hardy variety and grafted seedling.

You can count on high yields if the rules of agricultural technology are followed:

  1. Moderate watering.
  2. The constant presence of mulch under the bush from straw, mown grass, dry leaves.
  3. Regular and sufficient application of mineral fertilizers and organic matter.
  4. Annual pruning of old, thickening, diseased branches.
  5. Proper crown formation.
  6. Anti-aging pruning every 25 years.
  7. Protection of roots and above-ground parts from frost.
  8. Preventive spraying against diseases and pests.

Pomegranates in open ground begin to bear fruit in 4-5 years.

This plant is not whimsical, but still pomegranate grows better in open ground conditions. gravelly and well-drained soils. We choose the brightest place, protected from the winds.

Planting pit should be generously filled with organic matter (rotted manure). Carefully straighten the roots of the seedling, sprinkle with soil and water generously.

Pomegranate usually blooms in the garden for 3-4 years. And full fruits can be expected for 4-5 years. Blooms profusely, but fruits are set only on female flowers. And there are five times fewer of them on the bush than male ones. Garden pomegranate is a self-pollinating plant, so it can be grown in greenhouses.

Most convenient option growing pomegranate in open ground - leave a maximum 5 branches in a bush. Crown formation can be done in the spring or after harvest.

Only the strongest shoots remain in the bush, directed in different directions. You need to make sure that middle of the bush was well lit. Therefore, all root shoots andWe remove thickening shoots.

Caring for garden pomegranate in spring

  • In April-May, depending on the region, we remove the layer of soil and shake off the branches. The plant will gradually straighten itself.
  • We immediately spray against fruit rot with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.
  • We carefully inspect the bush, cut off all rotten, broken branches that thicken the crown.
  • Mulch the garden pomegranate bush with a thick layer of straw or grass.
  • As soon as the leaves begin to bloom, carry out foliar feeding humisol.

IN in June we feed the bush complex mineral fertilizer.

Pomegranate in open ground responds very well to application organic fertilizers. Water the pomegranate every 2 weeks mullein infusion or chicken droppings. Around the bush in autumn add 25 grams of superphosphate and 15 grams of potassium. Mulch with manure.


The fruits do not ripen at the same time. The longer the fruit hangs on the bush, the it will be sweeter. If the weather does not allow you to wait, you can pick unripe fruits. They will reach condition while lying down. Picked pomegranates should be dried in the attic or outside under a canopy.


This plant does not like waterlogging, but lack of moisture is also harmful to it. Watering is carried out as necessary. Lack of waterleads to shedding of the ovary. After watering, be sure to mulch the bush with straw or grass.

Mulch performs three functions at once:

  1. retains moisture;
  2. will delay the development of weeds;
  3. creates ideal conditions for the life and active reproduction of earthworms.

They, in addition to processing soil into vermicompost, also contribute to better penetration of oxygen to the roots of the plant.

Sheltering a garden pomegranate for the winter

Even frost-resistant varieties need shelter for the winter.

  • First, we spray the pomegranate crown against fungal diseases. 3% Bordeaux mixture.

With the coming average daily temperature below 10 degrees branch tie with rope. If the branches are long, they can be twisted (pomegranate branches are very flexible).

  • We cut off branches that are too thick and cannot be bent to the ground.

By the way, delicious wine is made from pomegranate fruits. We also wrote.

Currently, breeders have grown 130 varieties. It grows best in areas with arid climates with hot summers. The flowers are scarlet, collected in racemes. Flowers of both sexes grow on shoots that grew last year. But on the run current year flowers bloom but do not produce fruit.

The planting hole should have dimensions of 60x70 cm, 15 cm of fertile soil is poured into it, followed by a bucket of humus mixed with soil or the same amount of well-rotted manure connected to the ground. If the soil is clayey, then add sand.

When planting a tree, place it on a mound to a depth of 5-10 cm, carefully straighten the rhizomes, and cover them with soil.

Then water generously and thoroughly mulch the ground with cut straw and humus, then the moisture will not dry out too much. If you begin to cover the tree for the winter, then plant it at an angle of 60-45° to the South. Press the soil down thoroughly so that there are no empty spaces near the roots. Water once a week.

Growing conditions and tree care

Good sunlight and warmth are the main conditions for pomegranate ripening. Tree leaves begin to bloom at t=+10-12 °C and they stop growing at the same temperature in the fall. The buds are set at t=+16-18 °C in June, the fruits develop in 5-6 months, it depends on the variety and weather, they finish ripening in October - November.

The plant grows well where in winter the temperature does not drop below -12-14°.

Since pomegranates bloom late, they are not afraid of frosts in the spring, but autumn frosts damage the fruits.

Watering a pomegranate tree:

  • Pomegranate tolerates extremely dry air well if the soil is well watered.
  • If there is little water in the soil, then the fruits become small and are of poorer quality.
  • Pomegranate also does not tolerate excess water well, few fruits ripen, they are of poor quality, and the leaves begin to grow strongly.

Pomegranate loves light and if it is shaded by other trees, it grows poorly and has few fruits. It tolerates heat better than figs. Plants do not require frequent. The seedlings remain in the garden until the first frost, after which they are transferred to the apartment. In winter, seedlings are placed in dark room with a temperature of +10 °C, then the leaves will not fall off, and the next year the trees will bloom profusely. During this period, they are watered very rarely, so that their rhizomes do not dry out.

Pomegranate feeding:

  • In June, a complex solution is added under the pomegranate.
  • And every 2 weeks the plant is watered with infusion of manure or.
  • In autumn, 25 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium are scattered around the tree, and the fertilizers are slightly buried.
  • Above trunk circle rotted manure.

The crown is formed in the spring or after harvesting the fruits. The first step is to cut off dead branches and branches that thicken the tree. Afterwards, the stem shoots are removed and the basal shoots are eliminated.

When the crown is formed, the trunks are cut off, leaving 5 pieces, that is, the result is a bush-like shape, this is most suitable for pomegranate.

Once every 25 years, anti-aging pruning is done. To prepare for wintering, stakes are driven into the ground near the pomegranate, then the tree is tilted and tied to the stakes with a rope. Then a 15-20 cm layer of soil is poured on top. In the spring, in mid-May, the tree is freed: the rope is cut off, the soil is shaken off the tree.

Growing pomegranate at home

  • The substrate must have neutral properties and be nutritious and loose. You can make it by mixing 1 part each of turf, sand, humus, and leaf soil. Or you can buy it in the store special soil for and . At the bottom of the pot, make drainage from pebbles or expanded clay.
  • Reproduction. Only species are suitable for sowing seeds, as varieties may lose their characteristics. In autumn or spring, pour a mixture of turf soil and sand into the pot. sow into the substrate and place the pots in. Such pomegranates begin to bear fruit after 5-8 years. Or at the beginning of summer, cut the semi-lignified shoots into pieces 10 cm long and plant.
  • . Young trees are transplanted in the spring from a smaller pot to a larger one. Grown pomegranates are replanted once every 3 years into pots of the same size.
  • Lighting requirements. Select the grenade from the southern, western and eastern window sills. To extend his day, you can use additional fluorescent lamps. In winter, with a lack of light, the pomegranate may shed its leaves. But under the lamps, if you observe a 12-hour day, then it blooms and produces fruits.
  • Temperature requirements. The tree grows at temperatures of +20-25 °C.
  • . Water the pomegranate when they see that the top layer of soil has dried out. Do not water too much, and also do not dry out the soil, as drought causes the roots to die. Water with soft, settled water at room temperature.
  • As a result, the ovaries of the tree fall off and the fruits begin to rot. To kill moths, collect diseased parts of plants and burn them.
  • Pomegranate aphid. Aphids reproduce on leaves and shoots. To eliminate it, pesticides are used. But it is much safer to use an infusion: grind 400 g of dried tobacco leaves and tobacco dust, pour into a bucket of water (10 l), leave for 2 days, then strain and add another 20 l of water. Then add 40 g of soap. Then plants. You can take 100 g of green leaves and 50 g of dry leaves, grind them and leave them in 1 liter of lukewarm water for a day, then filter.
  • Grenades can also damage scale insects and spider mites. For prevention, shrubs are inspected and watered. If you see pests, treat the crop with Actellik or Fitoverm.

The most common diseases of pomegranate:

  • leaf spot
  • gray rot
  • branch cancer
  • root cancer

But if you care for the plant correctly, it gets enough light and moisture, and you don’t forget to feed the pomegranates, then the trees won’t get sick.

Pomegranate juice contains a lot of iron, which is why it increases the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. In addition, it is drunk for colds and coughs. The peel is used to treat diseases of the stomach and intestines, and the bark is used to remove worms.

More information can be found in the video.

Planting and caring for pomegranate (in brief)

  • Bloom: three years after planting.
  • Lighting: bright diffused light.
  • Temperature: during active growth– 18-25 ˚C, during the rest period – 12-15 ˚C.
  • Watering: during the growing season - often and abundantly, but during flowering, watering is reduced. In winter, watering is infrequent.
  • Air humidity: in hot weather, evening spraying of leaves with warm water is recommended.
  • Feeding: from spring to autumn twice a month mineral complexes for indoor plants with low nitrogen content. In winter, the plant is not fed.
  • Rest period: from late autumn to February. A plant in need of rest begins to shed its leaves.
  • Transfer: young plants are replanted annually, and those that have reached three years of age, only when the roots fill the earthen ball.
  • Trimming: in February, to stimulate branching and give the crown shape.
  • Reproduction: cuttings, grafting and seeds.
  • Pests: affected by mealybugs, spider mites, scale insects, aphids, codling moths and whiteflies.
  • Diseases: branch cancer, root rot.

Read more about growing pomegranate below.

Homemade pomegranate - description

The pomegranate plant is a long-lived deciduous plant from the subtropics, up to 5-6 m high in nature and rarely higher than two meters in indoor conditions. Pomegranate branches are prickly and thin. The oval and glossy light green leaves of pomegranate reach a length of 3 cm. Pomegranate flowering begins at the very end of spring and lasts all summer. The red-orange pomegranate flowers come in two types: the bisexual and pitcher-shaped pomegranate flower sets fruit, while the numerous bell-shaped flowers are sterile. The spherical pomegranate fruit is large berry with a leathery pericarp and can reach a diameter of 18 cm. The peel of the pomegranate can be yellow-orange, red-brown or any shade in between. The berry, divided into 6-12 chambers or nests located in two tiers, contains pomegranate seeds in quantities of up to 1200 or more pieces. Each seed is surrounded by a succulent cover. Pomegranates usually begin to bear fruit at the age of three. Full fruiting lasts from 7 to 40 years.

Indoor pomegranate today is as popular as indoor lemon. a coffee tree, orange, mango, date palm and other exotics that cannot be grown in gardens due to the discrepancy between our climate and those familiar to tropical and subtropical fruit trees conditions. But growing homemade pomegranate is a hobby for passionate people, and you should understand that your efforts may not bring the expected results. Pomegranate from seeds at home is a very realistic goal, but it can only be realized if optimal conditions for the plant are observed and timely and proper care is observed.

Indoor pomegranate from seed

How to grow pomegranate at home.

How to grow pomegranate from seed? As seed material You can use fresh seeds of ripe, healthy and beautiful pomegranate. You should know that pomegranates sold in stores and markets are hybrids, so the fruits of homemade pomegranate grown from their seeds will not preserve taste qualities parent variety, although the decorativeness of the plant may be beyond praise. It's best if you get ripe and delicious fruit indoor pomegranate. The seeds are removed from the fruit and the pulp is removed. The seeds should be cream in color and feel firm to the touch - soft and greenish seeds are not suitable for growing. Soak the seeds for 12 hours in water with two or three drops of Zircon or Epin added to stimulate the germination process. The solution should not cover the seeds completely - in addition to moisture, they need oxygen.

How to plant a pomegranate.

Pomegranate is grown in a loose substrate consisting of fertile soil, peat and sand. For this purpose, you can purchase universal primer in the store. flower plants– pomegranate is unpretentious to the composition of the soil. Prepared and dried pomegranate seeds are buried 1-1.5 cm into the substrate, lightly watered, cover the container with polyethylene or glass and place in a place well lit by the sun. If pomegranate is planted at the end of winter or early spring, then in a couple of weeks you can expect seedlings to appear, and seeds planted at other times of the year can sit in the ground for several months.

How to care for pomegranate seedlings.

Growing pomegranate at home requires creating optimal comfort for it. The conditions for growing pomegranate include maintaining the room temperature within 25 ºC, regular ventilation and spraying the substrate with warm water.

When the first true leaves form on the seedlings, plant the seedlings, shortening the root by a third, in small separate pots with nutritious soil and with a drainage layer underneath. Place the pomegranate on the lightest windowsill - it needs to be in direct sunlight for at least 2 hours a day. For those who have ascended to winter time sprouts you will have to arrange additional lighting.

Once the seedlings have formed three pairs of leaves, pinch them back to encourage the pomegranate to grow with two crowns. When three pairs of leaves are formed on each shoot, pinch them too so that the pomegranate grows into a lush tree.

Maintain the temperature in the room in which the young pomegranate is growing within 20 ºC, providing it with regular ventilation. In summer, it is better to take homemade pomegranate out onto the balcony or terrace, since the plant loves fresh air and sunlight. Ten months after germination, you can see pomegranate blooming.

In the fall, the tree will shed its leaves and enter a dormant state. You can, of course, make it grow in winter, but this quickly gets tired and depleted of the tree - everyone needs rest, and pomegranate is no exception. Transfer indoor pomegranate to a room with a temperature of 10-12 ºC, stop feeding, reduce to the required minimum water and let the plant rest for a month or two. After a period of dormancy, leaves will appear on the pomegranate again, and it will become more beautiful than before.

Caring for pomegranate in a pot

Watering the pomegranate.

Water the pomegranate seedlings at the root so that water does not get on the leaves - for this it is better to use a watering can with a narrow spout. The substrate in the pot should be barely damp at all times. During pomegranate flowering, watering is reduced, but the soil in the pot should not be allowed to dry out. Water for irrigation should not be cold - 1-2 degrees warmer than the air in the room, and should stand for at least 24 hours.

The reduction in watering can be compensated by spraying the leaves of the plant with non-cold boiled water.

During the dormant period, watering the plants is reduced significantly.

Pomegranate fertilizer.

During the seedling period, to stimulate the development of seedlings, you can dilute half a teaspoon wood ash in half a liter of water and water the plant with this nutrient solution. From spring to autumn, the pomegranate tree is fertilized every two weeks with universal liquid fertilizers for indoor plants. If you grow pomegranate for its fruits, which you intend to eat, then it is better not to fertilize mineral fertilizers that contain too many nitrates, and organic ones - slurry or a solution of chicken droppings. But keep in mind: if a pomegranate is overfed with nitrogen, it will not bloom, which means it will not bear fruit.

Pomegranate transplant.

In indoor conditions, pomegranate should grow in a cramped pot - the larger the container in which it grows, the more it forms sterile bell-shaped flowers. The first time a pomegranate is replanted is a year later. In the future, replanting is carried out no earlier than the pomegranate root fills the entire pot. Each subsequent container should be 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. When the pomegranate is 4 years old, it is no longer replanted, but the top layer of substrate in the pot is replaced annually.

Pomegranate trimming.

A pomegranate is formed in the form of a bush with 3-4 skeletal branches or a tree with a low trunk and 4-5 skeletal branches. Subsequently, 4-5 second-order branches are laid on each skeletal branch, on which third-order branches can subsequently be formed. Excess and fatty shoots are cut out, as well as root shoots. With age, old branches that will no longer produce crops are cut out. Pomegranate bears fruit on the shoots of the current year.

Pests and diseases of pomegranate

Homemade pomegranate, like any indoor plant, can be affected by pests - mealybugs, spider mites, scale insects, aphids, moths and whiteflies. Diseases of homemade pomegranates are root cancer, Phomopsis or branch cancer, gray rot and leaf spot. Aphids are destroyed with a two-day infusion of 40 g of tobacco in 1 liter hot water, which after infusion is diluted with water 1:2 and 4 g of grated is added to it laundry soap. Whiteflies, spider mites and scale insects die after treating the pomegranate with an infusion of garlic or onion: 20 g of husk is poured into a liter of water, left for 5 days and filtered. You can get rid of the codling moth only by collecting fallen fruits affected by the pest and removing diseased pomegranates from the tree that have not yet fallen. Can be used to control pests chemicals: from mealybugs get rid of pomegranates by triple treatment with an interval of 5-6 days with Confidor, Mospilan or Aktara, and spider mites with acaricides Aktellik or Fitoverm.

Root cancer, like branch cancer, is manifested by cracking of the bark and the formation of wounds with spongy swellings, drying out of shoots, branches, and in case of severe damage, the entire tree. At the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to clean the wounds to healthy tissue and treat them with a solution copper sulfate and cover with garden varnish. If there are many such areas, cut the tree down to a stump - perhaps this way you will be able to save it. Most often, the disease occurs due to mechanical damage to the bark and wood of the pomegranate.

The pomegranate turns yellow.

Readers often ask why pomegranates turn yellow. If you do not find pests on the pomegranate tree, in particular spider mites, then it may be suffering from too high air temperatures. Pomegranate also turns yellow if there is a lack of water in the soil, but yellowing in this case is accompanied by the appearance of dark spots on the leaves.

The pomegranate falls.

If pomegranate leaves fall off, this may be a consequence of their yellowing, and the reasons for this phenomenon are the same as for sudden yellowing of leaves - spider mites or other pests, diseases, too heat air or insufficient watering. Leaf fall begins and for a natural reason - pomegranate is a deciduous tree, so in indoor culture, and in nature, pomegranates fall off at the end growing season when preparing for winter.

The pomegranate is drying.

Pomegranate leaves dry out due to insufficient air humidity or because of problems with the roots that arose because you repeatedly violated the watering regime. Smell the soil in which the pomegranate is growing, and if it smells strongly of mold, immediately transplant the plant into a new substrate, inspecting its roots and removing rotten areas if necessary. Wounds on the roots are treated with crushed coal.

Indoor pomegranate - reproduction

How to propagate pomegranate.

Indoor pomegranate is propagated by seed, as well as vegetatively - by grafting and cuttings. We have already written that a pomegranate grown from a seed does not always retain the varietal characteristics of the parent tree, but a varietal cutting can be grafted onto these seedlings. Pomegranates grown from cuttings and layering retain the characteristics of the mother plant completely.

Pomegranate from cuttings.

For cuttings, trimmings from the current year's growths about 10 cm long are prepared. Cuttings can also be cut from root shoots. First, the cuttings are placed with the lower cut in a solution of a root formation stimulator for 6 hours, then washed under running water and plant them in a substrate consisting of equal proportions of peat and sand, deepening the lower cut by 2-3 cm, and cover the cuttings to create a greenhouse effect with a transparent dome or plastic bottles with the neck cut off. Keep the cuttings on a light windowsill. When they give roots, and this can happen in 6-10 weeks, they can be planted in separate pots with soil for citrus plants or with a mixture of sand, humus, turf and leaf soil in a ratio of 1:1:2:2. If you provide the pomegranate from the cuttings with good care, it can bloom in the second or third year after planting. It is also possible to propagate pomegranates by lignified cuttings, but they take even longer to take root, and many of them die.

How to graft pomegranate.

Pomegranate can be propagated by grafting at home. For getting varietal plant A varietal cutting is grafted onto a pomegranate rootstock grown from a seed. Only a fruiting pomegranate can produce the cuttings necessary for grafting. Vaccination is carried out different ways– it all depends on the thickness of the rootstock and scion cuttings. Currently, more than 150 types of vaccinations have been developed, and you will have to decide for yourself which one to choose. The simplest to perform, and therefore the most common, vaccinations are considered to be simple copulation, copulation with a tongue (English), behind the bark, in the cleft, in the butt and in the side cut. If the grafting is successful, the pomegranate blooms after 3-4 years.

Types and varieties of homemade pomegranate

There are only two known types of pomegranate - Common pomegranate (Punica granatum) And Socotra pomegranate (Punica protopunica), which is endemic to the Yemeni island of Socotra. The Socotran pomegranate has flowers that are not crimson, but pink, and the fruits are not as large and sweet as those of the common pomegranate. You could read the description of the common pomegranate at the beginning of the article.

Due to its popularity, the dwarf pomegranate, which has a hybrid origin, is separated into a separate species, Punica nana, because it is the one that is most often grown indoors, including in the form of bonsai. The species is distinguished by its short growth - no more than 1 m - and early fruiting. Plants begin to bloom within 3-4 months, and two-year-old trees form about a dozen small fruits up to 5 cm in diameter. The ideal plant For growing indoors, nana pomegranate is resistant to dry air. This species, unlike varieties of common pomegranate, almost does not shed leaves for the winter.

Breeders have developed more than 500 varieties of pomegranate, many of which can be grown indoors. For example:

  • Uzbekistan– in room conditions, this variety of pomegranate grows up to 2 m. Its fruits are spherical, bright red, weighing up to 120 g, thin peel, sweet and sour grains of wine burgundy color;
  • Baby- a plant up to half a meter high with single or collected in bunches of 5-7 flowers and yellow-brown with a red blush fruits with a diameter of 5-7 cm, ripening by mid-winter. Plants of this variety require artificial pollination;
  • Carthage– pomegranate, blooming from May to August with red flowers up to 4 cm in diameter and juicy, tasty, slightly sour fruits;
  • Shah-nar– a variety of Azerbaijani selection with round or pear-shaped fruits of red color in a peel of medium thickness and with small grains of a pleasant sweet and sour taste;
  • Ruby– trees of this variety grow up to 70 cm in height. They differ from plants of other varieties more bright flowers ruby hue. Fruits at good care reach a mass of 100 g and 6-8 cm in diameter.

IN garden culture Also common varieties are Kzyl-anar, Vanderful, Ulfi, Lod-Zhuar, Ak-Dona, Gyuleysha red and pink, Purpurovy, Salavatsky and others. If you want to have a pomegranate at home, you can grow any one, even vigorous variety common pomegranate - at home it is still unlikely to grow above 2 m.

Properties of pomegranate - harm and benefit

Pomegranate is one of the healthiest fruits. Its fruits contain vitamins P, C, B12, B6, fiber, sodium, iodine, phosphorus, iron, potassium, manganese, calcium and magnesium. Pomegranate juice contains sugars - fructose and glucose, apple, tartaric, lemon, oxalic, succinic, boric and others organic acids, sulfate and chloride salts, phytoncides, tannin, tannins and nitrogenous substances.

The presence in the fruits of all these necessary for human body substances and causes beneficial features grenade. It quenches thirst, improves hematopoiesis, promoting the production of hemoglobin and the formation of red blood cells in the blood, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, the nervous system and immunity. An infusion of pomegranate fruits and flowers is one of the oldest hemostatic agents. For older people, pomegranate is recommended to restore strength after surgery.

Pomegranate is rich in vitamin K, necessary for metabolism in connective tissues and bones, and in particular for the absorption of calcium. Pomegranate slows down the development of osteoarthritis, relieving inflammation and swelling of cartilage tissue.

Pomegranate juice, which, among other things, helps normalize blood pressure, is indicated as a hematopoietic agent for diseases of the heart, circulatory system, kidneys, lungs and liver, and the estrogens contained in pomegranate ease the symptoms of menopause and help fight depression.

Pomegranate is an essential product for vegetarians, since its juice contains 15 amino acids, almost half of which are found primarily in meat products. Thus, someone who has consciously given up animal food by eating pomegranate may not experience a lack of animal proteins. Pomegranate juice has a diuretic and choleretic effect, as well as analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

The benefit of pomegranate is also that it is an excellent remedy for scurvy, uric acid diathesis, atherosclerosis, headaches and gastrointestinal disorders. People who have been exposed to radiation, live in areas of increased radiation and work with radioactive isotopes are strongly recommended to drink pomegranate juice. It is also indicated for anemia, hypertension, malaria, bronchial asthma and diabetes.

Containing alkaloids, pomegranate peel has a strong anthelmintic property. A decoction of it is also used for inflammation of the liver and kidneys, joints and eyes. It helps both as a gargle for a sore throat and for intestinal disorders. Pomegranate peel powder, lightly fried with olive or butter, is used as a mask for oily facial skin, as well as for the treatment of burns, cracks and abrasions.

Pomegranate seeds - effective remedy to increase intestinal motility and a source of valuable pomegranate oil, which, due to the high content of fat-soluble vitamins E and F, promotes rapid healing of wounds, regeneration of epidermal cells, rejuvenates and protects the human body from cancer. And pomegranate extract restores skin after too much sun exposure.

The white films separating the chambers with seeds inside the pomegranate fruit are dried and added to tea, since they have the property of balancing the state of the nervous system, relieving agitation, anxiety and relieving insomnia.

In traditional medicine, decoctions and tinctures are made from the fruits, flowers, peel, bark and seeds of pomegranate to treat anemia, stomatitis, diarrhea, burns, conjunctivitis and other diseases.

Pomegranate – contraindications.

Pomegranate juice, saturated with acids, is contraindicated for gastritis with high acidity, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. If necessary, it is heavily diluted with water. For the same reason, the harm of pomegranate can manifest itself by corroding tooth enamel, so after eating pomegranate or its juice, you need to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. The fixing property of the pomegranate can cause constipation in people with problems with the digestive system, and the toxic substances contained in the peel, in case of an overdose of the decoction, can cause a strong increase in blood pressure, weakness, dizziness, convulsions, sharp deterioration of vision and irritation of the mucous membrane, so before using decoctions, be sure to consult a doctor.