Variegated dogwood in landscape design. Variegated dogwood in landscape design: planting and care

Variegated dogwood is an ornamental plant that is quickly gaining popularity among gardeners. It is extremely unpretentious, yet looks very impressive. The culture is widely used in landscape design. In fact, here the gardener is limited only by his own imagination. The plant looks attractive at any time of the year, even when it loses its leaves in winter. The frost resistance of the crop allows it to be planted in most of Russia, including in regions with a harsh continental climate, and planting and care do not take much time.

Description of variegated dogwood

This plant is the achievement of breeders. Such a plant does not exist in nature. It was bred on the basis of white Dorain from the Dogwood family. This plant has monochromatic green leaves. Breeders have added colors - now they have an uneven border of white, cream, yellow, lime, and golden shades. The leaves are heart-shaped, with a smooth edge and a clearly defined central vein.

White dogwood served as the basis for a very successful experiment by breeders

The name comes from the Greek "horn". This is due to the fact that the wood is very strong and heavy. The homeland of the “original” is northern China, the Korean Peninsula, and Japan. The plant is also found on Far East. The optimal temperature for its growth and development is 17–20°C.

The variegated dogwood is different high speed growth, young bushes turn into a dense hedge in just a few years

This is a small tree or shrub reaching 2.5–3 m in height. Crown diameter is 4–5 m. The bark is colored in an unusually bright coral or brick color, shines glossy in the sun. Therefore, the plant does not lose its attractiveness, even if it loses its foliage. Its branches look very impressive in winter against the backdrop of white snowdrifts.

Variegated dogwood - quickly gaining popularity among gardeners ornamental shrub

The crop blooms and bears fruit twice per season. The buds open for the first time in May or June, the berries appear after about a month and a half. The second wave of flowering is the second half of August or September. The berries then look very beautiful against the background of red-orange and purple foliage. The flowers are snow-white, collected in corymbose inflorescences 4–5 cm in diameter, the fruits are bluish-white or greenish, inedible.

The variegated turf blooms profusely, this happens twice during the growing season.

Video: what variegated turf looks like

Variegated dogwood is distinguished by its growth rate and tolerates pruning, even radical pruning, without much damage. The more often the procedure is carried out, the denser the bush becomes. This feature makes it suitable for forming hedges. Pruning for a plant is a strictly mandatory procedure. A bush growing uncontrollably in different directions looks very untidy.

Duren berries variegated in autumn look very impressive against the background of leaves painted in all shades of red

The culture's low maintenance requirements are simply amazing. Variegated dogwood adapts to almost any climatic conditions and is undemanding to soil quality and lighting. Frost resistance allows it to be planted almost throughout Russia, including the Urals and Siberia, where harsh winters are by no means uncommon. The shrub tolerates frosts down to -40°C without problems.

The unusual coloring of the bark only adds to the showiness of the variegated turf

Duren is widely used in landscape design. The plant's unpretentiousness allows it to be planted in city parks, where environmental conditions are usually far from ideal. Amateur gardeners also appreciate it. The variegated dogwood bush can be placed almost anywhere in the garden plot, even where other ornamental crops they just don't survive.

A hedge made from variegated dogwood is quite dense and can be used to protect other plantings from the wind.

The simplest use that can be found for turf is to form a hedge, flat or stepped. But there are other options for using it. In fact, here the gardener is limited only by his own imagination. Varieties with green-white leaves “dilute” well the plantings of a rich dark green color, for example, coniferous trees, introducing a refreshing note into the composition, as if “a ray of light.”

Sprawling, dense shrubs cover well unsightly walls, fences, and other structures.

Variegated dogwood looks good both in single plantings and in compositions

You can plant turf in front of larger trees with a highly raised crown and a “bare” trunk. This is the so-called underpad. The entire composition visually “deepens”, becomes more voluminous, and looks more harmonious. Dogwood is also good in single plantings, but in combination with other plants it looks even more impressive. If you add roses, juniper, barberry, and viburnum Buldenezh to it, you will get a very bright composition that is invariably pleasing to the eye.

In winter, variegated turf looks no less attractive than in summer.

The plant is not only decorative, but also useful. Variegated dogwood has a powerful root system. It is planted in areas characterized by soil erosion and landslides. The wind-swept area can be surrounded by a “green ring”. The density of the variegated dogwood bushes will protect the plantings located inside from cold drafts.

In autumn, the foliage of the variegated dogwood turns different shades scarlet and purple

Video: place of plants in landscape design

The most common varieties with photos

It cannot be said that there are a lot of varieties of variegated dogwood, but among those available, every gardener will certainly find a variety to his liking. All of them are easy to care for and very effective.

  • Elegantissima. One of the most common varieties in garden plots. Well suited for single plantings. The height of the bush is 2.5 m. The shoots are straight, bright, coral in color. The leaves have a pointed tip and are slightly concave along the central vein. The main color is green with a bluish tint, the border is white or pale light green, quite narrow. The flowers are white or pastel pink.
  • Sibirica Variegata. The height of a very dense bush is 1.2–1.5 m. Bright, almost blood-scarlet branches. The leaves are flat, elongated, salad green. The edging is snow-white. In autumn they change color to a rich purple with a violet tint. The flowers are greenish-cream. The berries are blue-blue, covered with a thick layer of “waxy” coating.
  • Gouchaultii. A very “massive”, squat bush. Its height is only 1.5 m. The shoots are dark scarlet, long, flexible, drooping. The leaves have a wide, uneven border of lemon-yellow color. If the plant is planted in open, sunny areas, it begins to turn pinkish. The flowers are straw-yellow, the fruits are bluish.
  • Cream Cracker. A very graceful shrub with a crown directed upward. You can form a standard tree from it without much effort. The border on the leaves is light beige or cream. In autumn it changes its shade to lime.
  • Spaethii. Brought out more than a century ago. A variety of variegated dogwood with a bright golden-yellow border on the leaves. Sometimes it can cover most of sheet plate. Those that are just blooming are orange-red. In autumn they turn different shades of purple, scarlet-lilac, almost violet. Plant height is up to 3 m, the crown is spreading and wide. The flowers are yellowish, the shade of butter. It tolerates heat, drought and frost very well. It stands out for its growth rate, adding 20 cm annually.
  • Argenteomarginata. The height of the bush is about 3 m, the crown is spreading. Without pruning, shoots will droop slightly. The leaves are elongated, up to 10 cm long. The main tone is grayish-green with a silvery tint, the edge is creamy-white. Spots and stripes of the same color may be present. In autumn, the color of the leaves varies from golden lemon to brick red. The flowers are yellowish-white, the berries are the same shade, with a bluish tint. The variegated color is not lost in the shade, but disappears under the bright sun.
  • Ivory Halo. One of the new selections. The height of the bush is up to 1.5 m. The crown, even without pruning, takes the shape of an almost regular ball. The leaves are light green, the border is shaded Ivory, as if mother-of-pearl. The bark on young shoots is bright red, then gradually changes color to brick.
  • Kernii. Grows up to 2 m in height. Leaves with a border and lemon-yellow spots different sizes. The bark on young shoots is colored in an unusual reddish-burgundy color.
  • Westonbirt. The height of the bush is about 1.5 m. The bark on young shoots is coral-pink, then gradually darkens. The leaves are also pink.
  • Behnschii. Grows up to 1.5–2 m in height. Young shoots are bright scarlet. The leaves are dotted with small white, cream and sometimes dull red spots. There is a narrow border along the edge.
  • Aurea. Very spectacular contrast lemon yellow foliage and bright red branches. The shrub is quite compact, up to 2 m in height, the crown is spherical.
  • Aurea Elegantissima. The bush grows up to 2 m. Young leaves are brick-colored, then turn yellow. They are wider than other varieties, almost round, matte. In autumn they acquire a slight reddish tint, but the overall tone does not change. When grown in full sun, a beige-brown stripe may appear on the edge of the leaf. Compared to other varieties, it demonstrates lower frost resistance.

Photo gallery: varieties popular among gardeners

Dorain Elegantissima is one of the most popular varieties of culture Turfgrass Sibirica Variegata - very dense, low shrub In direct sunlight, the leaves of the Gouchaultii dogwood take on a pinkish tint. Cream Cracker turf is suitable for forming a standard tree Turf Spaethii - a very spectacular plant variety Turfgrass Argenteomarginata may lose its characteristic color in the sun Dorain Ivory Halo - one of the latest achievements of breeders Doren Kernii stands out unusual shade bark Westonbirt grass is easily identified by the color of its leaves. The Behnschii dogwood has leaves with a rather narrow border Doren Aurea - suitable plant for those who miss autumn even in summer Aurea Elegantissima is slightly different from its “relatives” in leaf shape

Landing procedure and preparation for it

Unpretentiousness extends to the conditions for planting and caring for variegated dogwood. The plant tolerates substrate of almost any quality, including saline, acidified and alkaline. The only thing that is absolutely not suitable for it is groundwater located closer than one and a half meters from the soil surface. This can trigger the development of root rot. For the same reason, it is undesirable to plant turf in a clay, peat, or silty substrate, which easily sours. Perfect option for shrubs - fertile soil that allows water and air to pass through well.

Variegated dogwood will suit almost any place in the garden.

The plant feels good in the shade, in partial shade, and in bright sun. This does not affect his development. But over time, especially in the absence of proper care, the variegation of leaves can fade to monotony both under direct sunlight and when there is a lack of light.

The root system of variegated dogwood is quite powerful and developed. Therefore, it is advisable to place the shrub away from plants that have superficial, fibrous roots. It can simply “strangle” them or deprive them of nutrition, drawing water and necessary macro- and microelements from the soil.

The planting procedure is most often planned for spring. In regions with temperate climate this is the only one possible variant. Only in this case can it be guaranteed that the plant will adapt to new living conditions before the first frost and form a sufficiently developed root system that will provide it with everything necessary for wintering.

The crop is deservedly considered frost-resistant, but with planting it is recommended to wait until the air warms up to 12–15°C, and the soil warms up to 8–10°C at a depth of 10–12 cm. The exact landing time depends on the climate in the region. This could be mid-April or late May. You can focus on folk signs- birch leaves beginning to bloom, dandelions blooming.

The planting pit is prepared in advance, at least two to three weeks before the procedure. Or better yet, dig it up in the fall, bringing in everything necessary fertilizers. Its optimal depth is 55–60 cm, diameter is about half a meter. If the quality of the substrate is such that moisture will clearly stagnate in it, pour a bucket (or a little more) of expanded clay, pebbles, crushed stone, small ceramic shards, and brick chips onto the bottom. This will be drainage. It is necessary to form a layer at least 4–5 cm thick.

A layer of drainage is desirable at the bottom of the planting hole for variegated dogwood.

Be sure to add rotted compost or humus - about 10 kg per pit. It needs to be mixed with the top layer (10–15 cm) of fertile soil extracted from it. With gratitude the variegated turf will accept and mineral supplements- 50–70 g of simple superphosphate, 25–30 g of potassium sulfate and 40–50 g of urea are sufficient. Those who prefer to do without chemicals can replace them with sifted wood ash. A liter jar is enough.

Humus is a natural remedy for increasing soil fertility

Ready landing hole cover with any material that does not allow water to pass through so that the nutrient mixture at the bottom does not wash away. Suitable, for example, is a piece of slate or roofing felt.

If you plan to plant several single specimens, the minimum distance between planting holes is 1.7–2 m. When forming a hedge, the interval between neighboring bushes is reduced by 2–2.5 times.

If you plan to form a hedge from dogwood bushes, reduce the distance between them

Plants up to four years old are selected for planting. Adult specimens take root much worse. They are purchased (as well as any seedlings) only from reliable, trustworthy suppliers with a good reputation. Shopping at markets, fairs, or simply from hand is a big risk. A gardener, especially an inexperienced one, can be sold anything under the guise of the desired crop. It is advisable that the nursery where the seedlings were grown is located in the same area or nearby. Plants from it are already familiar with the peculiarities of the local climate, this contributes to rapid adaptation to a new place.

When choosing a seedling, you must pay attention to the root system. It should be developed, the length of the taproot should be at least 20 cm. Dried and rotten roots of healthy plants are missing. They should be flexible and creamy white or pale green when cut. The bark of such specimens is smooth, elastic, uniform in color, without spots suspiciously reminiscent of mold or rot.

To choose planting material you need to approach it with full responsibility

There is nothing complicated about planting a plant in the ground. Even a novice gardener can cope with this. It is not much different from a similar procedure for other fruit trees and berry bushes.

  1. For seedlings with an open root system, the roots are soaked in water for 2–3 hours room temperature. It is enough to water the specimens in pots generously about half an hour before planting. In the first case, a little potassium permanganate is added to the water (to prevent fungal diseases) and/or any biostimulant (to strengthen the immune system and stimulate growth). Then the roots are coated with a paste of powdered clay diluted with water and fresh cow dung. The consistency of this mass should resemble thick sour cream. It is allowed to dry in the open air. A couple of hours is enough.
  2. The nutrient mixture at the bottom of the pit is moderately watered and loosened, and a kind of mound is formed from it. If a single planting is planned, at first you will need support - a peg 25–30 cm high than the seedling, taking into account the depth of the hole. It is stuck into the soil at the bottom, slightly away from the center of the mound.
  3. The seedling is placed at the bottom of the hole so that its roots are directed downward and not sticking up and to the sides. Then it is covered with small portions of soil, periodically shaking the plant slightly to fill the “air pockets” that form. The position of the seedling should be such that when the hole is completely filled, the root collar is 2–3 cm above the ground surface. If it is buried, the plant will die. And when it is located too high, weak “offshoots” are formed instead of healthy side shoots.
  4. After planting, the soil in the tree trunk circle is well moistened, using 20–25 liters of water heated to room temperature. When the moisture is absorbed, it is carefully loosened shallowly and mulched.

A newly planted variegated dogwood bush needs regular watering.

Video about planting and further work with the crop

Young specimens of variegated dogwood tolerate adaptation to new living conditions and the associated stress quite easily. But for adult plants the process is quite complicated. A transplant is carried out only when it is impossible to do without it. For example, if the place for a bush is chosen extremely poorly, it oppresses other plantings, the leaves have lost the variegated color characteristic of the variety. Besides mature plant difficult to remove from the ground due to its developed root system.

The procedure is carried out in late autumn, when the turf has completely lost its leaves, or in early spring, when the growth buds have not yet “awakened” and are not swollen. The plant is removed from the ground along with a lump of earth on the roots, trying to damage it as little as possible. The diameter of the root system approximately coincides with the crown of the bush. The earthen lump should be carefully wrapped in polyethylene or burlap and moved to a new place. After transplanting the turf, be sure to water it abundantly, and mulch the soil with humus mixed with peat chips.

Instead of purchasing planting material, you can get it yourself if there are already specimens of variegated dogwood on the site. The plant reproduces well both vegetatively (cuttings, dividing the bush, rooting layering) and generatively (seed germination) methods. The last method of reproduction is the most labor-intensive and time-consuming. In addition, it is impossible to guarantee that the main varietal characteristic - the variegated color of the leaves - will be preserved.

Important nuances of caring for variegated dogwood

Variegated dogwood is a plant from the “plant and forget” category. Many gardeners do this. But in order for the shrub to maintain its decorative appearance and develop normally, a minimum of time and effort will still have to be spent on it.

The main thing the plant needs is regular pruning. Specimens with thickened branches sticking out in different directions, “bald” at the bottom, look very unpresentable. The turf tolerates the procedure well, even if the gardener overdoes it a little. During the active growing season, depending on the growing conditions, the turf tree adds 30–100% of green mass.

An uncontrollably growing bush of variegated dogwood looks rather untidy

The first time pruning is carried out at the beginning of the third season after planting in open ground. No more than a third of all shoots are removed, leaving the most powerful and developed ones.

The dogwood bush tolerates pruning, including radical pruning, with virtually no damage.

The procedure is carried out in early spring, before active sap flow begins, but always at above-zero temperatures. The exception is the hedge, which is formed twice a year, in July and September. For this purpose, use exclusively clean, sharply sharpened and disinfected tools - knives, scissors, pruners. All “wounds” must be thoroughly covered with garden varnish, after rinsing with 2% copper sulfate or a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate with the addition of crushed chalk and any fungicide.

Tree pruning is carried out when the plant has completely lost its leaves in the fall or has not yet “woke up” in the spring.

As for the configuration, the gardener is limited solely by his own imagination. A variegated dogwood bush can be given any, the most incredible shape. This is not least why he is appreciated landscape designers. Although many people prefer to simply slightly adjust the natural shape.

Be sure to get rid of broken, leafless, dried, deformed, twisted shoots. Those that grow inwards, thickening the crown, or downwards also look bad.

Only tools that have been disinfected are used for pruning wood.

Variegated dogwood belongs to the category of “chimera” plants. Their tissue cells have differences at the genetic level. Therefore, sometimes a gardener can find plain colors on shrubs with initially variegated colors. green leaves. They, along with the shoots, must be removed in a timely manner, because they are genetically stronger. If you do not trim on time, soon the variegation will disappear altogether.

Video: pruning turf

Young plants and transplanted adult specimens require daily moderate watering during the first week after the procedure. In general, variegated turf can withstand drought and heat without much damage to itself. Powerful roots allow them to draw moisture from deep layers of soil. Adult plants are watered at the root once a month. If there is intense heat for a long time and there is no precipitation, the intervals between procedures are reduced to 5–8 days. Water consumption rate is 20–25 l. By autumn, watering is gradually reduced.

The variegated dogwood bush does not need frequent watering; the root system can easily provide the plant with everything it needs, including moisture

Fertilizing is applied twice during the growing season, in spring and autumn. In the first case, a complex mineral fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is used (Azofoska, Diammofoska, Nitrophoska). 200 g is enough for an adult plant. Once every 3-4 years, you can pour a bucket of humus or rotted compost under the bush, mixing it with the soil during the loosening process.

Azofoska is a common nitrogen-potassium-phosphorus fertilizer

In autumn, the tree needs phosphorus and potassium. A natural source of these macronutrients is wood ash. It is added to the roots in dry form if the weather is rainy. When there is no precipitation for a long time, an infusion is prepared - a half-liter jar of raw materials per 3 liters of boiling water. You can also use complex fertilizers without nitrogen, for example, ABA, Autumn.

Wood ash is a natural source of potassium and phosphorus

During the active growing season, if desired, about once a month you can feed variegated dogwood bushes with natural organic matter. Infusions of fresh cow dung are suitable for this, chicken droppings, nettle greens, dandelion leaves. In general, any weeds growing in the garden can be used as raw materials. They are crushed and about a third of a deep container is filled. The remainder is added with water. The container is tightly closed and left in direct sunlight for several days. A characteristic “aroma” signals that the fertilizer is ready. Before use, it is filtered and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:8. If the product was prepared using droppings, you will need twice as much.

Nettle infusion is a natural and absolutely free fertilizer

To increase the growth rate, it is useful to feed young (1–2 years) plants with store-bought complex mineral fertilizers, alternating root and foliar feeding. The solution is prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions given in the instructions.

Only young variegated dogwood plants under the age of five years need special preparation for winter. Adult specimens can withstand even severe Ural and Siberian frosts without much damage.

The soil in the tree trunk circle is cleared of plant debris and loosened. The mulch layer is updated. It is advisable to use humus or peat chips. At the roots its thickness is 10–15 cm, on the remaining area 5–6 cm is sufficient. If the dimensions of the bush allow, it is covered cardboard box suitable size. The shoots can be carefully lifted and tied from below for greater compactness. The box is filled with straw, fallen leaves, wood shavings, and crumpled newspaper paper.

Only young variegated dogwood bushes need special preparation for wintering.

Another option is to build a structure like a hut. Poles of suitable height are used as a frame. Several layers of burlap or other air-permeable covering material (agryl, lutrasil, spunbond) are stretched over them.

Video: experience in growing variegated dogwood

Possible problems during cultivation

Variegated dogwood is an extremely problem-free plant. To ruin it, you need to try very hard. It practically does not suffer from pathogenic fungi. The only exception is root rot, the development of which is most often provoked by the gardener himself, who waters the plantings too often and/or abundantly. Pests don’t pay attention to shrubs either special attention. Substantial harm Only aphids can harm him.

Another one possible problem- the leaves lose their tone and droop. This is due to a lack of moisture in the soil and most often occurs during prolonged heat and drought. It is enough to water the plant generously several times, and its condition will return to normal.

Aphids are effectively repelled by any infusion with a pungent odor. It is enough to treat the bushes twice a month. Any raw material can be used spices, wormwood, yarrow, tomato and potato tops, marigolds, onion and garlic arrows.

Aphids are extremely omnivorous garden pest feeding on plant sap

If pests are detected, the dogwood bush is sprayed with soap foam, and after about half an hour it is washed off with water from a hose. If the desired effect is absent, the same infusions are used, but the interval between treatments is reduced to 6–8 hours. Others effective means- baking soda or soda ash diluted with water, mustard powder. In the event of a massive pest invasion, any general action insecticides are used.

Root rot is dangerous because the pathogenic fungus develops for a long time without manifesting itself. When the first symptoms are noticeable on the above-ground part of the bush, it is usually too late to save the plant. The bases of the shoots soften, turn black, become slimy to the touch, and may become covered with a layer of mold. They give off an unpleasant putrid smell. The leaves lose their tone, droop, and dark spots appear on them.

Symptoms characteristic of root rot appear only when the development of the disease has already gone far

To prevent the development of rot, potassium permanganate is periodically added to the irrigation water until it turns pale pink. Add crushed chalk to the roots or wood ash. Having detected characteristic signs, watering is reduced to the required minimum, all affected shoots are cut off. Trichodermin and Glyocladin granules are added to the soil. The plant itself is sprayed 3-4 times with a solution of any fungicide. But these measures may not produce results. Then the only thing left to do is dig up the firewood bush and burn it. To disinfect the soil in this place, spill a 5% solution of potassium permanganate or Bordeaux mixture. Layers and cuttings can be taken from the affected plant, but only from healthy shoots.

Most people who have gardening and personal plots, are trying to create Beautiful design, decorate your territory. Many people like to plant in the form ornamental trees and shrubs. Blood red and white derain will be an excellent option. These tall bushes will decorate the lawn and give the area as a whole a well-groomed and attractive look. Today we will tell you about the types of derain, we will describe these plants, and you will also be able to learn all the rules for planting and caring for ornamental shrubs.

White derain shrub: description

This deciduous shrub is certainly perfect for decorating a site. It can grow up to three meters. If you don't take care of it, it becomes too sprawling and unkempt, and all its charm is lost, so consistent trimming is necessary. Of course, it may seem too tedious, but it's worth it! If you don’t start the plant, you won’t need a lot of time and effort for “hairdressing” procedures.

So, the derain bush white very bright. Its shoots are red in color, which turns brown over time. The same pruning and removal of old shoots will help maintain color saturation. After the leaves fall, the beauty of the shrub does not disappear; it will look especially fascinating in winter, against the backdrop of snow.

The foliage is very impressively colored. The underside of the leaf is dark green, while the top is light. In addition, each leaf is decorated with an uneven white border, and the rest of the leaf has white spots. Neither edges nor spots will disappear in the autumn when the foliage turns purple.

You should not miss from the description the moment of flowering of the white derena bush. The flowers fill the entire tree and are white and yellow in color. They are small, only one and a half centimeters in diameter, flat, collected in elegant five-centimeter inflorescences. In autumn, blue-white fruits appear on the derena shrub; they are unsuitable for consumption.

Where to plant?

The deren bush is absolutely not demanding on the quality of the soil. It tolerates heat and frost well and grows well in the sun and in the shade. The turf is resistant to droughts, but it also feels excellent at high humidity. If you have a wetland on your site, you can plant the described ornamental shrub there. It will not only decorate a damp place where not every plant can survive, but will also dry it out quite a bit.

The white derain shrub can be planted as a hedge. It looks great alone or together with others ornamental plants. The juxtaposition of white and bloody wood looks especially gorgeous. Ornamental shrubs and trees are popular for decorating city parks. They tolerate haircuts well and are not particularly demanding in care.

Red derain shrub: description

This plant came to us from Europe. It belongs to the dogwood family, like all other types of dogwood. In nature, it can be found on the slopes of lakes and rivers, in bush thickets, and on forest edges. Growing in the wild, the red derain shrub can grow up to four meters and is spreading.

New shoots of this plant are green but turn red over time. The foliage is abundant, dark green on the inside and light green on the underside. Unlike white dogwood shrubs, they are not decorated with spots and a white border; their charm lies in something else. Each leaf has a "hair covering" and they look very cute. In autumn, the foliage turns blood red, as do the stems, hence the name.

The derena shrub begins to bloom at the end of May and continues for three weeks. If the climate is favorable, then another flowering is possible in August. The tree first begins to bloom when it is seven years old. The flowers are creamy-white in color, collected in inflorescences as neat as those of the white tree. In autumn, the bush is covered with black fruits, but no matter how attractive they look, they are completely inedible.

The turf shrub is very beautiful in winter, especially when there is an abundance of snow. The red stripes of the plant stems are clearly visible on the white canvas, which cannot but attract admiring glances. It looks amazing, fabulously enchanting.

The turf shrub, a photo of which is in this article, should be planted in a place where there is a contrast of colors. It is winter-hardy and tolerates both drought and high humidity. The root system has many small branches, so the plant can be used not only for decoration, but also to strengthen the soil on slopes.

Planting derain shrubs

As we wrote, both white and red species grow well in the shade. But the color of foliage and shoots may fade in ornamental shrubs and trees if there is insufficient sunlight. In this case, the tree will stretch out, its crown will become less dense, and the shoots will be pale, and from an aesthetic point of view this is unsightly. It is worth noting that the more intense the sun's rays heat the bush, the richer the red color of its shoots becomes.

The turf shrub may not grow very quickly in the first two years, but then it will sharply increase in growth, so when planting, take into account the possibility of its free growth.

Soil selection

The described plant is completely unpretentious to the quality of the soil; it can grow in any soil. But for better growth and beauty, it will still need fertile soil, or you can feed it. Before planting, it is necessary to add organic fertilizer to the hole - this can be manure or compost. If the area is too wet, install drainage to prevent water from pooling at the roots.

Landing rules

When choosing a seedling, ask the seller to choose for you one that has not reached four years of age. If its roots have dried out a little, then you will need to place the plant in water for several hours so that they straighten out and are well nourished. If you wish, you can treat the roots with a growth stimulator. After this, the turf shrub must be trimmed down to fifteen centimeters so that the shoots do not draw out all the forces that the roots will need for development.

Planting can be done in both spring and autumn. The latter is more preferable, because after the snow melts the plant will immediately begin to grow and will need much less time to adapt. In addition, in the fall the soil is saturated with moisture, and the bush will only need to be watered once, during planting.

If the procedure is carried out in the spring, then the plant is planted with a large lump of soil on the roots so as not to disturb them. After the ground is mulched, the seedling is watered steadily. The area should not be allowed to dry out.


During dry and hot summers, you will need to water the decorative derain shrubs generously every week. If there is not enough moisture, the foliage will lose its elasticity, but after drinking water it will quickly return to its original appearance.

If the shrub is planted together with other plants that are regularly watered, the derain will not require individual procedures.


The shrub does not need feeding, but literally enjoys it. If you sometimes pamper your handsome man with fertilizers, he will reward you with juicier, brighter shoots and a lush crown. A tree that is cared for blooms more profusely and is denser. In the fall, a lot of berries will appear on the bushes, which, although inedible, are still needed. They look impressive against the background of foliage that has changed color.

Proper feeding is:

  • in spring you need minerals (from 100 to 150 grams per bush);
  • In summer, organic matter is needed (5 kilograms of manure per plant).

These feedings are carried out once a year.


A derain shrub without stable haircuts will lose its beauty. The shoots will turn brown, and their lower part will become completely bare. In addition, without removing shoots and pruning, the plant will quickly grow to the sides. Its branches will fall to the ground, its roots will fill everything around. Externally, the bush will look very untidy and will cease to be a decoration of the site.

The first time the turf needs to be cut is when it reaches three years of age. In the spring you will need to cut off all old shoots by twenty centimeters. In autumn, the procedure involves removing all weak shoots that spoil the appearance of the bush. It will also be necessary to shorten old ones that might have been overlooked in the spring.

Are shrubs afraid of pests and diseases?

Deren almost never gets sick. The shrub may not develop well if the area is very swampy, in which case drainage can be created. To do this, holes are dug along the plantings; they need to be filled with stones or crushed stone.

Prevention against pests is not carried out, since the turf shrub is rarely attacked by them. But at the same time, regular inspection of the plant is necessary: ​​aphids that suck the juices, yellow-orange fly larvae, or a sawfly that will feed on the foliage may settle on it. If one of the listed insects is detected, it is necessary to eliminate them using insecticides.


There are several ways to decorate your site with derain shrubs. Let's look at each of them.

  1. Derain seeds they need to be planted in the fall, and if it is planned to do this in the spring, then they need to be hardened off by placing them in the refrigerator or under the snow for two months. From seeds, a full-fledged bush will grow only after seven years.
  2. Plant with layerings- The easiest way. To do this, the lowest branch is tilted to the ground, pressed and secured with a bracket. The place of contact is sprinkled with humus; by autumn, roots will appear there. You can plant a new plant from the main bush in the spring.
  3. Cuttings You can also propagate turf. To do this, fresh shoots that have just begun to grow stiff in June are cut at an angle with sharp pruning shears. All are deleted lower leaves, the tip, the cutting is placed in the soil in a greenhouse, watered steadily. By autumn, roots will appear, and the cuttings can be planted in open ground.
  4. You can divide a large bush into several small ones by digging it out completely.

Doren variegated attracts attention with variegated leaves with a white border and reddish coloring of the branches. Found in parks and squares in compositions with other plants. Lonely flaunts on the mowed lawns. Divides the site into zones with colorful hedges. Emphasizes the beauty of bright flower beds. In a word, a multifunctional character.

Description of variegated dogwood

Doren variegated - spreading bush, reaching a height of three meters, with shoots of brown-red shades, bordered by variegated leaves. The border color is white and yellow . The long flowering period distinguishes it from the traditional species. The first flowering occurs in late May - early June, and the second time the turf blooms in September.

The dogwood family is sometimes combined with the genera dogwood and svirida, the common name is dogwood or dogwood. Homeland - Siberian forests. Found in China and Japan. Three types of plants are widespread in North America, Europe and the Far East, forming thickets on the edges, clearings and meadows. Name of the tree received because of the durable wood. Doren translated - horn,i.e. heavy, durable. All types the plants are extremely decorative, so it is often used in urban landscape compositions, on summer cottages, homestead areas and cottage villages.

Varieties of variegated dogwood

Varieties of woodgrass variegated ones are very different from each other; they are both deciduous and evergreen. Elegantissima has concave leaves with a white border, branches of a bright red hue. “Sibirika variegata” is distinguished by regular, evenly colored leaves with a white edge. The large "Gauhault" with yellow edging of leaves, turning into pink shades in the sun, attracts attention.

The graceful, skyward crown of the “cream cracker” beckons with yellow-green foliage, which turns cream in the fall. At Shpeta's yellow border. In autumn the foliage turns a deep purple color. The “white” turf stands out for its height with a white border on the leaves.

Preparing for landing

is not difficult. But to grow bush with excellent decorative qualities, some factors are taken into account:

  • choice suitable place planting;
  • soil preparation;
  • selection of seedlings.
Growing in a shaded area, depleted soil with insufficient moisture will lead to the loss of the variegated color of the foliage. Excess moisture will lead to rotting of the roots and death of the plant.

Landing dates

Fast adaptation derena occurs after landing in the spring or in June. The soil and air warm up sufficiently at this time. In summer bush will get stronger, strong roots will grow, which will serve for a successful wintering. In the first winter bush wrapped in insulating material, trunk circle protect with straw, fallen leaves, sawdust.

Choosing a location on the site

Doren grows well anywhere. You should only avoid swampy areas. Bushes with variegated foliage will remain attractive in the sun, but in shaded areas they will turn a normal green color colors .

When choosing, you should consider fast growth bushes, which makes planting near tall trees, especially conifers, undesirable due to the poor tolerance of such a neighborhood.Choose a spacious free area for ease of maintenance and access during inspection.

Soil preparation

The planting site is cleared of weeds, and compost or humus is added to the soil.In swampy soil or with close groundwater, drainage is done. Deren loves sandy and sandy loam soil that drains water well; the best would be acidified soil containing lime.Soil fertility and moisture matter.

Selection and preparation of planting material

As planting material, it is advisable to use seedlings grown from cuttings that retain the characteristics and properties of the mother plant.

Select a seedling up to four years old, a healthy specimen with bright leaves, without external defects. Bush with weathered roots, keep them in a container with water for several hours so that they are saturated with moisture.

Detailed description of the landing process

The top layer of soil is removed from the surface of the area selected for planting, mixed with humus and sand (1:1:0.5) and complex mineral fertilizer in granules (100 g per 1 sq. m) is added. For free growth of roots, a large planting hole is dug.In the case of swampy soil or close groundwater, drainage is done (broken ceramic brick, small stones).Pour part of the prepared mixture onto the bottom and pour in 5-6 liters of water.

Doren placed in a hole, having first straightened the roots, and covered with the remaining mixture so that the root collar is flush with the surface of the earth. When the root collar is located high, many weak shoots appear; deep planting leads to the death of the seedling. The soil is compacted.The tree trunk circle is watered abundantly and the surface is mulched. Group planting assumes a distance between pits of 1.5 m.At single landing deren tied to a support for stability.

Caring for variegated dogwood in open ground

Doren - an undemanding representative of the green world, he easily tolerates winter frosts, summer drought and other unpleasant weather changes.Planting and caring for variegated dogwoodin open groundaccessible even to novice gardeners. Plant at your home, in the country and grow everyone can do it. Doren is distinguished by its unpretentiousness to soil quality, climate, ecological environment and even high urban air pollution. Plant requires periodic feeding.

To maintain the shape of the crown and decorativeness, pruning is carried out. hedge cut several times a season. When pests appear, the turf needs to be treated with insecticides.

Watering rules

Young bushes are watered in moderation, but if possible daily.

When drought occurs, adult plants require watering twice a week (20 liters per bush ). If the soil remains wet, water less often.

In autumn, watering is reduced.

Rules and terms for applying fertilizing

Adult deren fed twice. in spring (in April) - mineral fertilizers (200 g per bush), in summer (in August) - organic fertilizers (5 g of compost or chicken droppings). To increase growth bush the first year of cultivation is often fed complex fertilizers, alternating foliar and root applications. Subsequently, deren fertilize throughout the season, applying fertilizer to each bush.The last feeding of the season is carried out in early September. For abundant flowering and brightly colored leaves, add rotted leaves to the roots.


A sufficient temperature for normal growth of shrubs is considered to be 15-20°C, which makes it possible to use deren in urban greening even in the northern part of Russia. It tolerates hot summer weather well with increased watering rates. Frost-resistant. Tolerates icy winds and light snow cover, and is easily restored from damage by hard snow crust.

Time and methods of pruning

Tree trimming It is held regularly twice a year: at the beginning and end of summer. Otherwise, the lower branches become exposed, and the appearance of the bush worsens.Constantly monitor the appearance of branches with monochromatic foliage, which should be promptly trim . Regular pruning of turf - the main component of care.

Formative pruning needed by bushes that serve as a hedge, to maintain its unchanged shape, and when creating the contour of the crown of ornamental bushes and trees.Sanitary pruning is used to remove sick, old, injured, and crooked branches. In winter, the plant is not pruned.

Reasons and methods of transplantation

Replant an adult bush should be in extreme cases, it is stressful for Derena Good reasons:

  • initial choice of an inappropriate place (if there is shade, the decorative effect is lost);
  • incorrectly selected soil (poor soil means cessation of growth, loss of attractiveness);
  • unsuitable neighborhood (he displaces, they displace him).

Preferably autumn transplant after dropping leaves: plant will receive less stress and adapt to the environment.

in spring The transplant is carried out until the kidneys swell. Digging a plant , taking into account that the volume of the roots approximately corresponds to the size of the crown, avoiding damage if possible. Bush with a lump of earth, wrap it in film (burlap) and carefully transfer it to the planting site. The transplanted bush is watered, the surface is mulched with humus.

Preparing for winter

Frost resistance derena allows you not to cover adult plants for the winter in outskirts of Moscow , V northern regions and in Siberia. Young bush in winter they are covered by wrapping them in burlap so as to avoid damping off during the onset of thaws.

Diseases and pests of variegated dogwood

Doren suffers from fungal diseases. Diseases are provoked by:

  • excess moisture;
  • stagnation of water;
  • watering with cold water.

For treatment, treatment with a one percent solution of Bordeaux mixture is used, with the following preparations:

  • "Vectra";
  • "HOM";
  • "Topaz"
  • "Fundazol".

Temporarily reducing watering to allow the soil and roots to dry out will prevent diseases. Pests bypass deren side due to the specific taste.The only enemy derena - aphids, which spoil the decorative appearance of the bush, and in case of mass accumulation, destroy the plant.

Three methods to release deren from insect infestation:

  • rinse with a stream of water under pressure, which does not give a 100% result;
  • chemical - use special means;
  • folk - treat with solution laundry soap, infusion of garlic, tobacco.

Variegated dogwood in landscape design

Doren variegated is widely used to decorate garden and summer cottages, V professionallandscape design. Plant attracts designers with its extraordinary decorative effect, which lasts all year round.

In winter, it stands out effectively against the background of white snow and gray tree trunks with orange-red, yellow, green shades branches. in spring and in summer the variegation of foliage pleases the eye; in June the snow-white clusters of flowers are added.The rainbow-colored palette, from yellow to purple, amazes the leaves of the tree and the white and blue shades of the berries in the fall.

Bush or tree look great in compositions with other plants, in single plantings and as a dividing fence.Unpretentious turf is suitable for beautifying gardens and dachas, framing the alleys of city parks. The year-round attractiveness of the plantings will delight the eye.Will make the courtyard space cozy.

The use of dogwood is not limited to the use of wonderful decorative properties.Areas blown by winds will be protected by a dense green fence planted in a ring.Strong roots and rapidly growing turf will help in the fight against landslides and soil erosion. Original in appearance and low maintenance, deren variegated is loved by amateur gardeners and professional designers in the southern and northern regions of Russia.

White dogwood (Cornus alba) is a versatile, unpretentious ornamental shrub. In recent years, derain has become very popular due to its decorative qualities and unpretentiousness.

This is one of the most popular deciduous shrubs. Used mainly for its decorative appearance throughout the year, in winter for its red shoots and ease of care. How to grow variegated turf, planting and care, photos, varietal diversity– this article is devoted to these issues.

Photo and description

Variegated dogwood (Cornus alba) – very decorative deciduous shrub, preferring a sunny position or partial shade. Growing shrubs is possible in most slightly acidic or neutral soils, provided adequate moisture conditions are provided. Popular varieties"Elegantissima" tolerates periodic floods and alkaline soils. The plant tolerates air pollution well and works well in landscape and urban environments as bright accent. The shrub grows up to 3 m tall and reaches 3 m wide. If necessary, the turf can be trimmed; it tolerates pruning well. The most beautiful parts of white wood:

  • smooth stems;
  • large, ovate-elliptical leaves with pronounced veins.

Variegated dogwood, photo

The shape of the bush is spreading due to root shoots sprouting directly from the ground.


The leaves are usually green, different varieties have different leaf colors:

  • yellow,
  • variegated,
  • light-edged.


Colored stems look extremely decorative in winter; they are especially colored from January to March. At this time, the stems provide a strong color accent in the winter garden.


The shrub blooms in spring (May-June), small, creamy flowers appear at the ends of the stems, collected in small inflorescences. Flower inflorescences do not have much decorative value. In autumn, the flowers turn into small, round, white, cream-colored fruits. The fruits are inedible, although birds different types they eat them willingly.

Derain varieties

Pure varieties of wood are rarely found in gardens; numerous variations are much more decorative. The most interesting are the following:


The shrub is extremely undemanding:

  • grows in most general garden soil;
  • resistant to urban air pollution;
  • resistant to low temperatures;
  • tolerates pruning well.

The shrub generally grows well in sun to partial shade, with varieties with colorful leaves growing best in sunny locations.


Caring for derain is simple; the shrub tolerates short-term droughts and prefers moist soil; a long period without watering can negatively affect the appearance of the plants. In dry and hot summers, the turf is additionally well irrigated.


To obtain a dense bush, anti-aging pruning is recommended. The shrub withstands pruning well.
From early spring to mid-summer, when new shoots are developing, 1/3 of the shoots forming the skeleton should be removed, leaving a 5mm stem of shoots on which new shoots will develop. Pruning is carried out in the spring of each year, shortening the shoots by 1/3 or 2/3 of the length. Thanks to pruning, the bush changes:

  • thickens well;
  • produces many new shoots;
  • the color becomes expressive and intense.

The bushes need to be heavily pruned immediately after planting (shortening the shoots above 2-3 eyes), due to which they open beautifully from the very beginning of cultivation.

Planting and propagation

Propagating derain is almost as easy as growing it. There are 2 methods of reproduction:

  1. Saplings. Plants are often obtained by planting green and semi-woody seedlings (in August, September) and woody ones (in spring) or cuttings.
  2. Seeds. Rarely, turf is propagated by sowing seeds. For good germination seed material specific procedures and almost 6 months of stratification are required.

Purchased seedlings can be planted in the ground throughout the season, although best periods– spring, autumn. Most derains reach large sizes, so before purchasing you need to carefully select the planting site. The seedlings are planted rather shallowly, covering the roots with a thin layer of soil so that the roots receive oxygen.

Propagation using cuttings involves cutting cuttings from the tops of shoots 8-12 cm long. Cuttings are cut in July-August. The seedlings are soaked with a rooting accelerator (IBA) and planted in a mixture of sand and peat in a 1:1 ratio. When propagating dogwood by cuttings, maintain a temperature of 15-18 °C. After rooting the cuttings, the seedlings are transplanted into pots with a diameter of 7 cm and left to overwinter in a cool room (10-12 °C). In spring, the plants are transplanted to a permanent place.

If we want to propagate turf by digging (layering), we need to carefully bend the young shoots to the ground, bury them in grooves to a depth of 10 cm, removing the leaves. We compact the soil and water it. Side shoots are cut at a distance of 2 cm from the root. Weak shoots growing from the base of the mother plant are completely removed.

The layering site must remain moist at all times. At the end of autumn, the rooted plants are carefully dug up, cut into seedlings and planted. This method of propagation is based on the rooting of shoots, without separation from the mother plant. This is a fairly simple and natural form of propagation that is used by beginners and inexperienced gardening enthusiasts.

Diseases and pests

The shrub is not particularly susceptible to diseases and pests, but in particularly unfavorable conditions it is susceptible to the threat of fungal diseases:

Use in landscape design

The shrub is extremely versatile. Planted in different ways:

  • alone;
  • in large, single-species groups;
  • in combination with other types of wood;
  • suitable for hedges trimmed to interesting shapes or unmolded;
  • looks good in small garden(especially varieties with low formation) and in a large natural park.

High resistance to low temperatures allows you to plant turf in different regions without protecting plants from frost.


Cornus alba is a very attractive, widespread ornamental shrub. Derain grows easily, it will appreciate minimal attention and care beautiful flowers. The huge advantage of a unique plant is decorative look during the whole year. It stands out in the garden even before the oval leaves appear, and thanks to its red shoots it attracts attention all winter long.

The leaves look very beautiful - rounded at the base, ovoid or slightly more elliptical, densely sprouted with shoots. Often the top of the leaf is yellow or yellow-green, making an interesting accent in the garden. The underside of the leaf turns blue-green over time, enhancing the unique visual effect. In autumn, the leaves become discolored and fall off, revealing dark red and dark red shoots. For this reason, the plant is readily propagated and every gardener should find a suitable corner for it.

In winter in Tomsk, when all the colors have faded, you can walk along the embankment and see small bright pieces of summer - red thin branches that resist winter, do not fade under the snow and remind us that frosts do not last forever, that soon all nature will again be dappled with its summer splendor . It was precisely for this reminder of summer that I fell in love with turf, or, as it is sometimes called, svidina.

Doren: general description of the genus

Doren is a genus of deciduous or evergreen shrubs of the northern hemisphere, belongs to the Dogwood family ( Cornaceae). Some classifiers combine the dogwood with the genus Dogwood, so the dogwood and dogwood share the same Latin nameCornus.

Representatives of the genus Deren are distinguished by their year-round decorative effect. In summer they stand out with white or golden inflorescences, and some varieties have unusual foliage. In autumn we can admire their snow-white, blue or black berries against the background of crimson or scarlet foliage, while winter allows us to see the exotic branches of the bush - red, orange, yellow, bright green...

I remember how, as a child, I brought from the forest a purple branch of wildflower with deathly blue berries. The parents immediately threw it out - in their opinion, the berries of the bush looked suspicious and dangerous. However, they were afraid in vain. Derain berries are not poisonous, despite their strange appearance.

In the forests of Russia, deren can often be found. It is characterized by its absolute undemandingness to soil, climatic and environmental conditions. Some species are frost-resistant enough to grow well even in Siberia in the north of the Tomsk region and other cold regions. On the Tom embankment, it perfectly withstands icy winds, light snow on the slopes and quickly recovers from damage by spring ice drift.

The use of loggerheads in landscape design

Svidina has become a universal shrub in landscape design these days and is used in different ways.

If your garden is visible and ventilated from all sides, a thick, high hedge made of turf will help protect more demanding plants from the wind and you from unwanted eyes. Doren is very pleased with its growth rate (about half a meter per year) and excellent branching, so a hedge from this shrub is formed quickly through frequent haircuts.

If you want to protect the slope from erosion and landslides, plant turf. Its roots and dense growth will do an excellent job of strengthening the soil.

Need to decorate the garden decorative plantings? Don’t forget to choose some interesting variety of wood for decorative groups: it will hardly require any care, but will certainly please the eye. Doren tolerates moisture well in the soil and looks great in plantings near water bodies.

Of course, it would be a good idea to use svetina in the garden of cereals and dried flowers, designed to be perceived not only during the growing season, but also in the winter season. In winter, among the dead wood, bright branches will become a good accent in the garden, and berries on the branches will complement this accent.

Tree planting, care and disease control

Planting of the tree is carried out immediately after the retreat of spring frosts according to the standard method. Do not bury the root collar, do not fertilize with fresh manure and do not forget to water well after planting - these are the basic rules that I can remind you for planting turf.

Doren is shade-tolerant, tolerates both poor and waterlogged soils, but remember that it will not refuse a sunny place, fertile garden soil and drainage.

Caring for dogwood is simple and is needed mainly to improve the decorative qualities of the plant. Watering during dry periods, mulching with peat chips, weeding, shallow loosening of the soil, fertilizing and pruning will help your shrub to be beautiful.

It is better to feed the pig in two stages: in the spring - complex mineral fertilizers, and in mid-summer - organic. But without timely feeding, the turf will live calmly and will not notice anything, but without pruning it will live like a ram without a haircut.

Sanitary pruning of the tree is carried out in the spring after the leaves bloom, when it becomes clear which branches are alive and which have died. If you want to enjoy abundant flowering and dense foliage of the shrub, prune in the fall to the desired length (but no more than two-thirds of the shoots). If you want to admire the scarlet branches above the snowy canopy, postpone pruning until early spring. Since turf grows very quickly, many gardeners prune by a third or a quarter of the shoots 2-3 times per season to maintain the neat shape of the bush.

When the bush on your site begins to age, you can safely cut off all the shoots in early spring so that they do not rise more than 15 cm above the ground. With the beginning of the growing season, young bright shoots will take the place of decrepit branches.

Most types and varieties of dogwood do not require shelter for the winter. Sometimes they are simply covered with snow just in case. But it doesn’t hurt to cover heat-loving varieties, like Japanese dogwood, so always check with the sellers of planting material whether the variety you choose requires shelter in your climate zone.

Now about pork diseases. The “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” when growing turf is gray rot, powdery mildew, aphids and scale insects. The first two horsemen are fungal diseases, so when the first symptoms appear, you should reduce watering (fungi actively multiply and spread in an environment with high humidity) and process the bush Bordeaux mixture or drugs "Hom", "Vectra". Aphids and scale insects are malicious pests; the fight against them can be carried out using either treatment chemicals like “Karbofos”, and by treating potato tops, yarrow, and tobacco with decoctions.

Top 5 most popular types of dogwood

White dogwood ( Cornus alba). The most common type and the undoubted leader in popularity of use in landscape design. IN good conditions the bush can reach up to 3 meters in height and width. White dogwood has erect shoots of dark red or scarlet color depending on their age. Along with the color of the shoots, the color of the foliage is noteworthy - large green leaves will turn purple-burgundy in the fall. And the beautiful white caps of inflorescences, pleasing to the eye from May to June, will turn into clusters of blue and white berries by autumn.

For more than a hundred years, breeders have been working on developing variegated varieties of pigweed based on this very tenacious and winter-hardy species. The most famous fruits of their labors were ‘Elegantissima’, ‘Sibirica’, ‘Sibirica Variegata’ and ‘Aurea’ - these varieties of variegated dogwood are used everywhere in landscape design.

It is worth noting that any variegated turf will reveal its qualities much better only in a well-lit place. When shaded, the plant's leaves will produce more chlorophyll than other pigments and turn green.

Red doren ( ), or blood-red dogwood, is common throughout Europe and resembles white dogwood. But this species is much taller (up to 4 m, according to some sources - up to 7 m), has larger leaves, drooping shoots of various colors depending on the variety. It got its name from its autumn attire - huge blood-red leaves decorated with small blue-black berries.

It is a pity that such a beauty will not grow in our harsh Siberia; it is best grown within its natural range.

Cornus canadensis) is widespread in North America and the Far East, it can even be found in Greenland and the Japanese Islands. Canadian turf in landscape design is used as a ground cover plant in compositions, rockeries and to create a shrubby lawn. And we understand why, because its life form is a dwarf subshrub with a height of only 20 cm. herbaceous stems and large elongated leaves. Unlike other dogwoods, it grows slowly. The flowers of Canada sageweed are inconspicuous, but the bracts, large and white, give the appearance of large single flowers on the plant from June to July. Scarlet berries ripen in August. They enliven the green carpet with bright splashes.

A semi-shaded place with moist, acidic soils would be ideal for this shrub. Well, there is no need to worry about winter hardiness - heat-loving species do not survive in Greenland. The main thing is to cover it with better snow. IN natural environment these plants live in snowy areas.

Cornus kousa) is sometimes also called Benthamia Coase ( Benthamidia kousa) and Zinoxylon Cuza ( Cynoxylon kousa). The homeland of bentramia is China and Japan. In nature, it grows in the form of a small deciduous tree or tall shrub 5-7 meters high. Like the Canadian dogwood, in this species the bracts play the role of petals.

The peculiarity of the Japanese dogwood is that its dark pink fruits are visually similar to raspberries, but are valued only for their decorative value. “Raspberries” look very pompous on a tree in the fall against the backdrop of bright red foliage and can become an excellent solitaire or accent of a decorative group.

Japanese dogwood will feel good only in the south of Russia, in middle lane the bush will require shelter for the winter.

Enterprising Japanese have learned to grow turf as home plant in bonsai style. Therefore, if you really like this particular type of tree, and you do not live in Sochi, look for a good master of the art of bonsai.

Doren runaway ( Cornus stolonifera) according to their own external signs similar to white dogwood. The shoot-bearing turf is distinguished by its great looseness of the bush and continuous vegetative propagation offspring. The lower branches, getting closer to the ground, quickly take root and the bush grows greatly in breadth.

A couple of varieties of this restless species deserve special attention: ‘Koralle’ and ‘Cardinal’. They are both curious about the yellow color of the bark. ‘Koralle’ is much taller than ‘Cardinal’ (up to 2.5 meters), bears black berries, so beloved by birds, and boasts bright yellow shoots all year round.

But the shoots of the ‘Cardinal’ variety are yellow-green in summer, but by winter they will acquire red hues. The berries of this shrub are white and inedible even for birds; the shoots rise only a meter from the ground. Therefore, it is often used specifically for low, up to a meter, hedges - free or molded.


I have described only a few species and a very small number of pork varieties. Breeders have bred so many of them that you can’t throw them out the window in a day, as they say. Therefore, you can find many bold, elegant and reliable design solutions using the much-loved wood.