House made of timber, interior decoration done by hand. Option for exterior finishing of a timber house with façade bricks. Basic requirements for facing material

Wood is widely used in residential construction as the main material for walls, ceilings and floors. In our country, log huts were widespread everywhere.

The log has been replaced new material– profiled timber. It is more convenient and technologically advanced to use. Finishing the interior space of a house made of timber is done at the request of its owner and is not mandatory.

The wood itself has excellent texture and unique properties in the field of decoration. The timber undergoes preliminary and finishing processing using industrial equipment.

After sanding and applying special primers and varnishes, the surface of the material does not require any decorative coatings. However, this does not mean that such houses cannot be decorated to your liking.

A completely logical question arises: how to decorate the inside of a timber house, and what material is better to use? The answer to this question is both simple and difficult. The reason for this is that in such houses you can use almost any finishing technology.

The difficulty lies in the fact that it is necessary to ensure reliable insulation of the wood from moisture. Based on this, the use of methods involving the application of plaster or putty is not recommended.

Selection of finishing material

The cross-section of a profiled beam is an almost perfect square, the opposite sides of which are flat, and on the mating surfaces there is a groove on one edge and a ridge on the other.

These elements are necessary to ensure the tightness of the joints. The right corners of the squares are beveled along the entire length of the beam. The connection of parts of the same row in the corners of the building is made using special inserts.

The smooth sides of the timber, after their skilled laying, form an almost ideal plane. It does not require any preliminary preparation or leveling. So, for example, lining, plastic sheets, MDF panels and drywall can be screwed directly to the beam without a special frame.

Practice shows that even unskilled workers, which, in fact, are the vast majority of homeowners, can do all the work themselves. The interior space of the house is formed by three planes: floor, walls and ceiling.

The finishing of each of these surfaces has its own characteristics. A simple observation shows that it is the lower plane that deserves special attention.

Floor finishing

The location of this surface is such that it requires additional hydro- and thermal insulation. The construction of a house made of timber provides for the presence of a strength set, on which a subfloor made of boards or OSB plywood is laid. Another load-bearing structure is made on this surface and a decorative floor covering is laid.

In its expanded form, the work program looks like this:

  1. We lay it on the surface of the subfloor waterproofing material. This can be: both roofing material and a film polymer membrane;
  2. We mount a power set from a rectangular beam of 50×100 mm, mounted on an edge. This design has a different structure depending on what is intended as a finishing coating. Under a regular board, the timber is installed in parallel in increments of 500 mm, and under plywood - in squares with a side of no more than 500-600 mm;
  3. Particular attention should be paid to attaching the power set to the floor; it must be sufficiently reliable and completely eliminate the possibility of even minimal movement of the elements. The best way to achieve this goal, self-tapping screws of the appropriate size will be used;
  4. We lay insulation in the free space: polystyrene foam, mineral fiber mats or rolled glass wool;

  1. Cover with another layer of steam-hydrobarrier made of a film membrane;
  2. We produce the finishing flooring from a pre-selected material.

Helpful advice: best in a house made of natural wood it looks like a plank floor laid with your own hands and varnished. When laying such a covering, it becomes necessary to create tight contact between the individual floorboards. This can be achieved by using wedge technology.

Ceiling finishing

This surface in timber houses is formed by supporting floor beams and a boardwalk between them. Finishing timber house inside ceilings mainly comes down to sanding and opening them special primers and varnishes.

In the bathroom or kitchen, air humidity is high, and the wood of the floors needs additional protection. Film films can best cope with this task. dropped ceilings from PVC.

The selection of texture and color is determined by the overall design style of this room. The choice of films for ceilings is huge and allows you to harmoniously fit them into almost any interior.

Advice! Before installing such a ceiling, you should perform waterproofing installation work. The best membrane is made from polymer material. It is fixed to the ceiling using slats and screws.

This will prevent condensation from forming on the wooden surface. The price of this operation is relatively low, but the protection is reliable.

Wall decoration in a house made of profiled timber

Considering decorative properties this material, you can generally leave everything as is, after careful sanding and opening with a protective varnish. However, in some rooms with high humidity Ceramic tiles on the walls will not look out of place.

It cannot be laid on wood, so you must first create a base for it. For these purposes, moisture-resistant plasterboard is suitable, which can be attached directly to a beam or to a supporting structure made of a steel profile.

Exists detailed instructions on working with this material, repetition of which is inappropriate within the framework of this article. The second finishing option with a frame looks more preferable because it will allow you to conceal utility lines.


How best to do this is described in sufficient detail above. The video in this article will help to clearly demonstrate the processes described, which will allow you to get a complete understanding of them.

All houses built from profiled or laminated timber look the same inside. Of course, you can not perform internal and external finishing, but then the rooms will not emphasize the character of the owner, and there is no point in talking about the originality of the design. If you want your timber home to be individual, then you should think about finishing. Interior decoration timber houses are interesting process, and the variety of materials will please the most fastidious owner. In this article we will look at some finishing options and talk about the features of various materials.

Interior decoration can perform not only declarative functions, but also insulate or strengthen walls after the construction of a house made of timber is completed.

There are many materials for interior decoration of a house made of timber, and when choosing, buyers are guided only by their imagination and wallet. Judging by the reviews, the most positive ones concern several popular types:

  1. The lining is plastic and wooden.
  2. Block house panels.
  3. Siding (vinyl, metal).
  4. GKL and GVL.
  5. Decorative plaster.

The materials can be used individually or combined. Execute interior design You can do it yourself or hire professionals. You can find many photos on the Internet ready-made solutions for different rooms. When choosing a design, you need to take into account the purpose of the room, its future furnishings and even its location (south, north, etc.). There are several main characteristics that a material for interior decoration should have:

  1. Environmentally friendly.
  2. Fire resistance.
  3. Durability.
  4. Easy to install.
  5. Aesthetic appearance.
  6. Practicality.

It is rare to find a combination of all these characteristics in one material, so the emphasis is usually on 1st - 2nd characteristics.

Before any cladding, timber walls need to be additionally caulked and covered with 2-3 layers of antiseptic, for example Senezh (price from 120 rubles/l). You can find out more about how to do this HERE.

Decorating rooms with decorative stone

Rooms decorated with decorative stone look original, even for the construction of a house made of laminated veneer lumber, but the material is expensive (from 250 rubles/m2). And due to the evenness of the surface of the timber, it is not difficult to perform such decoration even with your own hands.

Characteristics of decorative stone finishing:

  1. High strength and moisture resistance.
  2. Environmentally friendly, since the material is analogous to natural.
  3. The combination of stone and wood is considered one of the most harmonious.
  4. Originality of design and implementation of multiple options.
  5. Easy to clean from dust and dirt.

Abrasive products can damage decorative stone, so they should not be used for cleaning!

Before installing decorative stones, timber walls must be caulked with jute or linen cord. The light weight of the material makes it possible to attach it to any flat surface. Before laying, it is enough to level the surface using gypsum board or plaster. For rooms with high humidity take GVL or moisture-resistant plaster.

The gypsum board is attached to the beam using a lathing made of 50x25 mm bars, but if the beam is smooth, then the material can be sewn directly to the wall. Lathing allows you to additionally insulate the walls by laying insulation.

For installation decorative stone you will need:

  1. Material.
  2. Adhesive composition on cement.
  3. Spatulas.
  4. Level.
  5. Putty

Features of installing decorative stone

Initially, using a level, the straight line from which the masonry will take place is measured. Of course, this largely depends on the shape of the material. There are types that are laid chaotically, but you still need to try to ensure that each stone is laid evenly vertically and horizontally. If installation is carried out on a small area of ​​the wall, then it is better to outline the area in advance.

The adhesive composition is diluted with water according to the instructions and placed with a spatula on the stone and wall. A second spatula is needed to remove excess glue. The level needs to check each element separately. The distance between the stones should be as small as possible.

At the end, the seams are coated with special putties, they seal and prevent dirt from entering. Such putties cost from 200 rubles/5 kg.

Finishing the premises with clapboard, block house

These materials are similar in the method of fastening, so there is no point in considering each separately. Siding is rarely used to decorate the inside of a house made of timber, but the owners love the lining and block house. Finishing with these materials is carried out holistically and does not require additional processing. The exception is unpainted lining, which is completely varnished with paint or glazing compounds.

The main advantages of the material include:

  1. The plastic version has high moisture resistance, and the wooden one will not interfere with the environmental friendliness of a house made of timber.
  2. Easy to clean from dirt and dust.
  3. Easy to install.
  4. Durable material.
  5. Wide range of color options.
  6. Can be combined by color or with other material.

To work you will need:

  1. Material and components (for siding and block house)
  2. Screwdriver.
  3. Bars 25x50 mm - without insulation and 50x40 with insulation.

The lathing is attached to the walls in increments of 40 cm, perpendicular to the fastening of the lining or block house. A vapor barrier and insulation are laid (more details about this are described in the article on insulation wooden house from the inside).

Features of installation of lining and block house

Using a level and a screwdriver, attach the guide block; the first link of the casing will go from it. You need to fasten the clapboard and block house made of wood using thin nails. There are two ways: the nail is driven into the lock and from above. Plastic panels fastened with self-tapping screws using a screwdriver. It is worth noting that vertical mounting visually increases the height of the ceiling, and horizontal mounting expands the room.

Finishing gypsum board or gypsum board

Drywall (gypsum plasterboard) is used to finish the interior after the construction of a house from profiled timber or if the walls are uneven. But you shouldn’t do such cladding in small rooms, since the design steals area. GCR can be used for finishing walls and ceilings. For rooms with high humidity (bathroom, kitchen, etc.) use a moisture-resistant analogue of GVL. The material costs from 300 rubles. per sheet measuring 2500x1250 mm.

The main advantages of finishing gypsum boards:

  1. Levels the walls.
  2. Easy to install.
  3. It's not expensive.
  1. Finishing gypsum boards involves further decoration (painting, wallpapering, etc.)
  2. The sheet is quite heavy and difficult to attach to the ceiling alone.
  3. If you take a small thickness, it may break upon impact.
  4. It is poorly stored, so after purchasing it is better to start work immediately.

To work you will need:

  1. Bars or special profile.
  2. Self-tapping screws (special ones with a wide head).
  3. Screwdriver.

Features of installation of gypsum boards

The interior decoration of a house made of gypsum plasterboard timber begins with sheathing made of bars or metal profile. You need to fasten the sheathing from the corner in increments of 40 - 50 cm. Insulation and a vapor barrier are laid between the sheathing.

The gypsum board is mounted onto the sheathing using screws. Each sheet is secured with at least 9 screws.

It is easy to join the sheets together, as you can cut right size You can use a stationery knife or jigsaw. Upon completion, the seams are plastered. You can apply on top decorative plaster, paint or wallpaper.

Finishing of premises from laminated veneer lumber

I would like to highlight laminated veneer lumber, since construction from this material is not cheap and hide even and beautiful walls I don't want it under the trim.

After construction, glued laminated timber must be sanded and coated with antiseptics.

Coating compositions used for finishing:

  1. Varnishes (glossy, matte and semi-glossy).
  2. Paints
  3. Wax mastics.
  4. Oils

For interior painting, it is better to use varnish water based, since it does not have a strong odor and dries quickly. For public rooms, a glossy varnish is used; for bedrooms and children's rooms, matte or semi-gloss varnish is used. The cost of varnish, depending on the manufacturer, is from 250 rubles/l. To save money, you can take nitrate, but you need to paint it in summer time with good ventilation and it will dry for more than 1 day.

Interior paints

It is also better to take paints on a natural basis. They dry quickly and are easy to apply. Choosing color scheme, you need to start from: the purpose of the room and its location. So, on the south side it is better to use cold shades, and on the north side, on the contrary, warm ones. Paint costs from 500 rubles/10 liters.

Wax mastic

This is one of the most expensive coatings. But the laminated timber film will breathe, since there will be no film on the surface. Wax mastic protects the glued material from moisture and comes in many shades. Walls after wax look noble and retain their natural pattern. Wax costs from 350 rubles/l.

Timber oils

Glued laminated timber inside the house is covered natural oils: Flax or Danish cold pressed. The oils are absorbed into the timber and give it a golden hue. At the same time, the coating protects the walls from moisture and bacteria. Treatment with oils should be carried out using a brush or roller.

Read more about applying various types of coatings to.

Installation of any of the finishes, although it seems simple, is actually labor-intensive and requires more time. If you lack either the first or the second, it is better to turn to specialists.

The interior decoration of a house made of timber is a continuation construction work for the assembly of structures, which must be completed by this stage. This is a very responsible process, because it is the mission of giving the living space comfort and coziness in accordance with the given design. In our article you will find useful information on this topic and find out where to start the upcoming renovation.

Front of work inside a timber house

Finishing the floor, walls and ceiling in a log house made of laminated or profiled timber is done by hand in several stages:

  1. laying communication lines (electrical cable, pipeline, heating system, sewerage, air conditioning);
  2. impregnation of wood with antiseptic agents to protect against fire, insects, mold and fungi;
  3. installation of heat and waterproofing material;
  4. preparing walls, floors and ceilings for finishing;
  5. installation of interior doors;
  6. finishing of floors, walls and ceilings.

Without certain skills and the necessary knowledge for renovating premises, it is better to seek help from professionals, especially when it comes to communications. If you are confident in your abilities and do not want to overpay, you can safely do the work yourself. It is advisable to decide on the design and think through every detail of the interior before starting. This measure will help you have an idea of ​​the future result and calculate the required amount of material intended for these purposes.

Features of interior decoration

The finishing of a timber house is carried out with the same materials as in houses made of brick or any other building material, but despite this, there are a number of features that need to be taken into account in the process of finishing walls and other objects:

  • the inevitability of primary shrinkage of houses made of profiled timber, which is more significant than in other buildings. IN in this case you may need at least two, and
  • a maximum of six years of waiting before finishing can begin;
  • secondary shrinkage, not exceeding 1% of the floor height, is therefore practically not noticeable.

In the first case, the culprit is the shrinkage of the timber and a decrease in its volume, during which the gaps between the logs narrow due to the constant load. When the shrinkage of a house made of profiled timber is completed, you can detect a decrease in floor height by 2 - 3 cm (in houses made of laminated timber this figure can be 1-2 cm, check with the manufacturer). Such deformation negatively affects the finish, as a result of which the plaster becomes covered with cracks and the tiles fall off the walls. To avoid a long wait, it is better to build the frame of a wooden house from laminated veneer lumber, and then the shrinkage will last no more than 12 months. Secondary shrinkage is provoked by temperature changes and wood humidity, but it does not affect decorative facing materials.

Selection of materials for interior finishing of a log house

The choice of stylistic direction and decor depends on the personal preferences of the owners of the house or on the design development of specialists who approve the project with the home owners, but we will introduce you to step by step process finishing and the most popular materials used for these purposes.

Floor construction

Before laying the flooring, you need to raise the level of the subfloor with a heat and waterproofing layer, which is covered with boards. This simple and uncomplicated design perfectly retains heat and absorbs outside noise. The most commonly chosen floor finishes are:

  1. Planed sheet piling lumber. This is an environmentally friendly board that is not afraid of moisture, and its structure allows the floor to “breathe”. It is durable, long-lasting and easy to maintain. There is a wide selection of colors and textures on sale. Over time, the tongue and groove board can be puttied and sanded, which allows you to update the appearance of the floor covering. This material is not suitable for those who plan to install underfloor heating, since here all the heat will be spent on heating the tongue and groove.
  2. Laminate or parquet board. In this case, there are no obstacles to installing a “warm floor”. When choosing a coating with high thermal conductivity, look for the corresponding marking on its packaging. Experts advise laying a wood floor from the inside of a wooden house.

After laying the finishing material, skirting boards are installed that will hide the technological opening with insulation between the wall and the floor. Before nailing the baseboard, the exposed insulation must be cut off, if any. To prevent the appearance of a sound bridge, the baseboard must be fixed either to the floor or to the wall. Otherwise, you may encounter extraneous noise, especially if you haven’t done it.

Wall decoration

We remind you once again that all wooden elements in a timber house, both outside and inside, must be treated with an antiseptic, and this rule applies primarily to walls. Now let's move on to the selection of materials that can serve as:

  • Treated wood, from which the structure is erected. Indeed, if the surface of the walls has no defects, it can be left in its original form. The main thing that is required of you is to ensure that the timber is impregnated with a tinting agent to obtain the desired shade.
  • Dye. Coloring besides decorative effect protects the wood structure from harmful microorganisms. We advise you to purchase paint and varnish products with a low content of harmful components (a list of them is freely available on the Internet).
  • Plaster. Can be applied to surfaces 12 months after completion of construction. Here Special attention applies to waterproofing wooden materials.
  • Lining or block house. They are installed if the owners for some reason are not satisfied with the condition of the walls, because these materials are essentially imitation boards and logs, and if you have an excellent surface of profiled or laminated timber, there is no point in resorting to their help. The lining can be installed after the box has shrinked, having previously provided a frame for securing the boards. Read more about.
  • Woody Wall panels . Produced without glue from natural raw materials, they have excellent thermal insulation properties, are easy to install and cope with sound absorption. The top of the panels can be covered with vinyl or textile wallpaper;
  • LGK. Putty is applied to the drywall, and then wallpaper is glued or water-based paint. In damp rooms, install moisture-resistant material. Environmentally friendly sheets are fixed to a frame made of wooden planks or metal profiles. Thanks to this design, the timber does not come into contact with the drywall, which eliminates the appearance of cracks on it. In the resulting gap, you can hide wires and pipes, as well as lay insulation, which will only benefit the interior decoration of a house made of timber. Read more about.

Ceiling finishing

Nowadays it is very popular to decorate the ceiling with beams made of wood, polyurethane or polystyrene, especially if the home is decorated in Provence, country and loft styles. There are also natural beam floors, and not their imitation, which can be successfully used when finishing a house made of timber with your own hands. If these stylistic options are not suitable for you, and you want to hide the floor supports, and the house has not given final shrinkage, it is better to give preference to a tension or plasterboard structure that does not interfere with the shrinkage process and does not deform during this period.

Please note that during the shrinkage period, the force in the ceiling beams is redistributed, so you can apply the plaster yourself only after it is finished, otherwise the finish will fall off.

We have provided you with the most popular finishing options and introduced you to suitable materials, so now you know exactly how to decorate the interior of a house made from laminated veneer lumber or profiled timber.

Fashion trends in finishing a house made of timber.

  1. Peculiarities timber houses concerning finishing works.
  2. Interior decoration with wooden clapboard or block house.
  3. Use of decorative stone in home decoration.
  4. Features of creation fashionable interior drywall.
  5. The secret to maintaining naturalness is in the interior design.
  6. What is the best way to make a floor?

Timber is one of the best solutions

which you can only choose, dreaming of beautiful and cozy home. But just a luxurious exterior is not enough; the interior of the home needs to meet the same high standard, which is why decorating a house from timber inside requires a thoughtful and subtle approach. For such a structure, it is important to achieve integrity and harmony, so not every interior style and not every material will be appropriate. Decorating a timber house inside

Modern trends in the interior design of timber houses

Today, designers offer a variety of materials that can be used for a house made of timber, without disturbing the favorable atmosphere that is characteristic of buildings made of natural materials, and without spoiling the unique microclimate that reigns in them, ensuring comfort and coziness. The most common ones include:

  • natural and decorative stone;
  • wooden lining and block house;
  • drywall, which is then covered with the finishing material the owners like.

Modern trends are increasingly leaning towards interesting combined options. For example, covering walls with plasterboard covered with discreet background wallpaper and accenting inserts made of decorative stone. In principle, you can implement a wide variety of solutions, give free rein to your imagination, or look at options, for example, in photos presented in huge numbers on the Internet. Decorating a timber house inside

The main thing is to decide on the style. If we are talking about a spacious country cottage, then it can be done in the best “country” traditions. And if about a small country house, then wanting to arrange an unusual place for good rest both soul and body, you can give preference to Japanese traditions.

Features to consider before starting work

Regardless of what finishing materials will be used in the future, it is necessary to understand that wooden buildings have a shrinkage period, and until it ends, work on interior design It is not recommended to proceed. Shrinkage occurs in two stages:

  • primary. It can last from 2 to 5 years from the completion of construction of a building made of profiled timber and a year or two if glued timber is chosen. It occurs due to the drying of the material, which gradually leads to a decrease in the volume of the beams and a decrease in the gaps between them. In total, the floor may become lower by three centimeters, which is not too noticeable in a structure without finishing and is particularly evident on surfaces lined with decorative coatings (tiles come off, cracks appear, plaster crumbles);
  • secondary. It is not as pronounced as the first one, leading to serious damage decorative design most often it does not. It is caused by temperature fluctuations and humidity of the wood itself.

Before finishing the timber walls inside the house, they must be caulked. It is needed in order to provide thermal protection (prevent drafts, do not allow cold air to “enter” inside), that is, help maintain warmth and comfort in the premises. By “caulk” we mean high-quality filling with fibrous insulation (jute, tow) of all the cracks and gaps formed between the beams. Decorating a timber house inside

Decoration using a block house or wooden lining

Most used for decoration interior decoration wooden houses today are wooden lining and block houses. This is primarily explained by its closeness to the main material of the structure in terms of qualities and characteristics. This is the most harmonious solution that will allow you to be as close to nature as possible and create a unique and healthy microclimate indoors.

Finishing with timber inside the house has a number of undeniable advantages compared to other options:

  • she has a presentable appearance;
  • she has natural beauty and charm;
  • generally harmonizes with the residential ensemble;
  • is absolutely environmentally friendly;
  • designed for long service life;
  • During operation, the material can be refreshed by opening it with varnish, and it will again acquire a spectacular and radiant appearance. In the future, no specific care is required for the varnish surface;
  • has an affordable price.

By equipping the panels of the lining and the block house, which is its special variety, with a tongue-and-groove locking connection, any owner will be able to equip his home inside with my own hands. Easy installation will save you a lot of money family budget due to the fact that there is no need to involve specialists in the work and pay for their expensive labor. Finishing with imitation timber inside the house can be used for bedrooms, living rooms, halls, dining rooms, but it is advisable to choose a different design for rooms with high humidity.

Decorative stone in the interior of wooden houses

An excellent solution can be interior decoration using decorative stone. Natural materials are in perfect harmony with each other, and the stone inserts look attractive and natural. This combination has been chosen for centuries, and today it has not lost its relevance due to many positive aspects:

  • aesthetics and presentability of the interior, the ability to implement original and unusual ideas;
  • high strength of the material, which is not afraid of moisture, pests, mechanical damage;
  • durability;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • resistance to dirt, grease, easy maintenance.

It is also possible to do the arrangement yourself, but you need to take into account that if you choose a natural stone, then perfect leveling of the surface is not necessary, and when using a simulator (decorative element), the walls must be smooth. Decorating a timber house inside

Is it appropriate to use drywall?

Realize the most daring and original ideas and apply the desired interior style, making the room cozy and comfortable, but at the same time fashionable and interesting, you can use plasterboard to decorate the inside of a wooden house made of timber. Its use can be applied to walls and ceilings, and with its help you can easily change the geometry of rooms, and the ability to arrange many installations will give you a chance not only to add an original and fashionable touch to the interior, but also to achieve ergonomics in the room.

The material is lightweight, safe for health, and inexpensive. To install it, a lathing is installed, thanks to which the drywall does not come into contact with the wood, which does not allow cracks to form in the end, and preserves both the walls and the sheathing, under which all communications (electrical wiring, water pipes, etc.) are conveniently hidden. A layer of insulation is also placed under the drywall, which is simply invaluable for living in the cold season. Decorating a timber house inside

Sheathing made of this material is especially convenient in that it allows you to implement any design ideas. Any background paint fits perfectly on sheets covered with a thin layer of plaster, and can become an interesting and fashionable accent. decorative elements from decorative stone (for example, they effectively decorate corners, highlight the wall around the fireplace) or wood (panels, etc.).

The only point: you will not be able to install drywall without outside help; you need to involve a specialist who has experience working with this durable, but at the same time fragile material.

How to design an interior that is as close to nature as possible

Often, owners leave the walls without significant changes, trying to preserve the naturalness of the structure as much as possible. Especially it concerns country cottages and small country houses which are intended for summer holidays. For residents of megacities, this is truly a great opportunity to retire to nature and protect themselves from the bustle of the city. Decorating a timber house inside

Treated wood is an excellent finish in itself, preserving everything best properties natural material and creating a unique microclimate favorable to human health, promoting internal harmony and tranquility. Along with the walls, it has become fashionable to leave them open ceiling beams made of natural wood, they will become a decorative element, which is especially appropriate if Vacation home designed in country style, Provence or made to look like a “hunting lodge”.

This type of interior finishing of a house made of timber is done with your own hands and does not require special skills and professional tools. Pre-processing of all wooden surfaces antiseptics that prevent wood from rotting from contact with moisture and vapor, and also repel pests.

If there is a need to slightly tint the color of the timber, it can be coated with stain. The only caveat is that wood tends to absorb the coating well and may change its color a little more than you want, so you should test a small area of ​​the panel first. Decorating a timber house inside

Further, in order to make wood surfaces more spectacular and attractive in appearance, they are coated with varnish, which gives a mysterious shine and performs an additional protective function. Staining is also appropriate if the owners want to get a certain color scheme.

What can you do to decorate the floor?

All offered options are suitable for floor decoration. modern manufacturers floor coverings. Classical use wooden board, but at the same time appropriate and in harmony with both the timber house, so with any finish it will be:

  • parquet;
  • laminate;
  • linoleum;
  • ceramics;
  • cork covering.

As you can see, there is a lot of space available for decorating the interior of a log house. interesting options, all that remains is to choose which one you like.

The interior finishing of the house is carried out at the final stage of construction. How beautiful and cozy the interior will be depends on this. This process is quite complex and requires certain skills and knowledge when working with various types finishing materials.

Methods of interior decoration of a house

The largest surface area of ​​any interior is the walls. If the surface of the timber has many flaws, it is better to hide them. There are several ways to do this: painting, cladding with clapboard made of natural wood or MDF and DSP boards. Plasterboard sheathing is also used. The option for interior wall decoration depends not only on the condition of the surfaces of the timber from which the walls are made, but also on the designer’s intentions and the personal preferences of the home owners.

If the floor in the house is wooden, it is better not to cover it with any flooring material. Firstly, this will only hide the natural beauty of the wood, and secondly, it will not allow it to “breathe”, which can lead to its damage. It is better to sand the wooden floor and paint it. But if there are too large gaps between the floorboards, and the quality of the surface of the boards leaves much to be desired, it is necessary to use putty. If you definitely decide to cover the wooden floor with linoleum or any other flooring– provision should be made for ventilation ducts under the floor, in the basement of the building. Laminate flooring is laid only if the base surface is perfectly flat and durable.

The same goes for the ceiling: the log floor is finished in the same way as a wooden floor. But if its surface is unsightly, it can be covered with plasterboard or any other sheet material, which is then puttied, after which it can be painted or covered with wallpaper.

Both the ceiling and walls of a house made of timber can be finished using a block house - a decorative lining resembling a rounded log. This method is not only aesthetically attractive, but also goes well with the main building material, from which walls and ceilings are constructed.

Painting is the most common method

Often the walls of a timber house are painted from the inside with opaque dyes. This method of processing wood not only decorates its surface, but also protects it from the effects of moisture contained in the air, and therefore from fungus and mold. Before painting, the walls of the house are puttied to hide chips, cracks and knots, and then covered with primer: this is necessary to prepare the surface for painting.
When choosing paint for the interior, you should give preference to one that contains as few substances as harmful to health. The paint comes with matte surface, glossy and semi-gloss - this is also taken into account when choosing it.

If the quality of the surface of the timber does not require special treatment, stain or special transparent varnishes are used to paint the walls, emphasizing the natural grain of the wood.

This technique is especially effective if the walls of the house are made of valuable timber.

Cement particle board and plasterboard are used for this. The latter is the most popular because it has a low specific gravity, is easy to process and is an environmentally friendly material. For plasterboard cladding, first install a sheathing made of wooden slats or a metal profile. You can hide various communications behind the sheet material: water supply, pipes heating system

, electrical wiring. If necessary, insulation can be placed in the cavity between the base and the sheet material.

Basic rules for decorating the interior of a house made of timber When finishing a house built from timber, it is necessary to treat its internal surfaces taking into account the structure of the wood and its ability to absorb odors. Decoration Materials

must protect it from mechanical damage, mold, and insects. If the wood has been treated with a glossy protective compound, then coating it with a glossy dye will double the shine. Therefore, before applying protective coating

It is necessary to make a test sample.

Wood, depending on the method of its mechanical processing, can perceive impregnation differently. In order for different sections of the walls to look the same, it is necessary to use the same method of processing them. To achieve the desired result, the paint must be applied at least twice.