Which house to build frame or timber. Which house is better to build: from timber or panel. Disadvantages of a wooden house made of timber

Frame house is an optimized variation of a frame structure. However, this is only a variation that is in many ways superior to the original version. In frame buildings, the load-bearing elements are composite parts, the so-called frames, which are connected by stringers.

Thanks to the use of this design scheme, the external walls are a functional part of the building and do not provide additional load, but rather provide additional reinforcement to the structure. Additionally, the strength is increased by the thick material, which is used as an external cladding. With a board like this, walls are strengthened and the overall geometry is fixed; for modern building construction, this is largely an innovative technology that allows you to strengthen structures virtually without the use of additional components.

For example, it should be noted that they are used for sheathing simple frame houses products. This is lining, OSB or something similar, that is, materials that additionally load the base.

Timber or Frame?

Next, let’s compare frame buildings and timber structures, which are very popular these days. To understand what is better than timber or frame, we will highlight the main parameters for comparison and determine the most important characteristics.

Integrity of design

Swedish (frame) houses have much more significant stability, and this is achieved thanks to the integrity of the structure. If the erected structure made of timber has a division into the roof and the house itself, and has a significant number of openings and additional connections, then the Swedish house is a solid structure that schematically resembles a cube with a beveled edge. On specialized computer programs the integral design of Swedish buildings is calculated, as a result, the stringers and frames create a single power structure that is difficult to deform in any way.

Besides, frame houses have a long service life, and this is achieved due to the closeness of the base of the structure from external influences. Under conditions of dry ventilation, the main beams only gain strength and become louder. Wood that is kept in such conditions acquires significant density, and in order, for example, to drill beams, powerful equipment will be required.

In contrast, in houses made of timber, the walls, as a rule, are not provided with external cladding and are exposed to weather influences. Such walls do not have membranes or coatings on each side. As a result, having only coloring and applying special mixtures does not make it possible complete absence destruction of load-bearing walls.

Warmth of design

If you are choosing which house to create a beam or frame, then just like for any structure, thermal conductivity is important. Dry wood has a thermal conductivity of about 0.11 W/m K, and Rockwool products have a thermal conductivity of 0.037 W/m K. Thus, a Swedish building wall, for example, 100 mm thick, is identical in thermal conductivity to a 300 mm thick timber wall.

If we take into account the thickness of the timber currently used, it becomes clear: the thermal conductivity of a frame house is difficult to achieve. After all, it is only 200 mm thick, and the largest one that is freely available is 250 mm.

Beauty of design

For the interior decoration of Swedish houses, plasterboard is used, which is installed on metal guides. As a result, the interior of such a building becomes little different from a comfortable apartment.

Drywall has a set of advantages that are useful for finishing and decorating premises. In particular, it is possible to carry out any type of finishing, and under the drywall it is possible to lay various communications and create functional niches. Drywall is easy to use and allows you to easily update interiors.

It is not always advisable to use such finishing for timber buildings, nor is it advisable to lay communications in the walls. This is due to deformations of wood structures, which are invariably present at least during the process of drying out the building after construction, and often during further operation due to exposure to weather factors.

It's really easy to make a timber structure interior decoration, or rather, it’s easy not to do it, that is, just leave smooth planed walls. This looks quite nice, but it imposes certain restrictions on the choice of interior style and does not allow the use of elements such as pendant lamps, wall cabinets and the like.

Air exchange into the room

If you look at such a parameter as air exchange, then when choosing a Swedish frame house or a house made of timber, it is easy to lean towards a structure made of timber, because they have excellent air permeability. As they say, they are cool in summer, and winter period warm. In many ways this is true.

Thanks to the regulation of humidity by the walls, the air is not so dry, but if compared with a Swedish house, the difference is insignificant. In Swedish houses, the humidity is five percent higher than timber, but better thermal insulation. Accordingly, to heat a log house you need more appliances or more powerful operation, and with this ratio the indicated difference in humidity becomes completely insignificant.

Cost comparison

To compare the cost, a house with four rooms measuring one hundred is used square meters made for fine finishing.

If we are talking about frame houses, then they are provided for final finishing with all communications, heating system, closets, sound insulation, partitions between rooms. Log houses with identical configurations are sometimes provided without partitions, but their cost is about half a million more.

Continuing the comparison further, we note the difference in cost between frame houses of the indicated footage with full finishing and a timber house for finishing. In this version, a Swedish house costs half a million more. At the same time, a frame house that is completely ready for use is a comfortable home, comparable to a business class apartment. Moreover, the price includes full equipment of the building and furniture assembly. Owners only need to purchase technical devices and move them to their own home.

When planning to build a house, each developer, before starting construction, based on his needs and financial capabilities, must decide: to start building a frame or timber house, what is best to use for its insulation, how many rooms it should have and on how many floors these rooms should be placed.

You need to decide in what time frame you need to build a house, what roofing and Decoration Materials, how much a person is willing to pay for building a house.

Frame house

When planning to build a house, everyone thinks about how long it will take to build it. After all, the longer construction drags on, the more material resources will need to be invested.

You need to understand that modern technologies construction of a house can significantly speed up the construction process.

However, here too we have to face a rhetorical question: which technology is better?

When choosing between a frame and timber house, you need to consider the structural features of each of them, the pros and cons. Only after this can you start creating a project for your own home.

Excellent reviews of frame houses make them one of the most attractive construction structures. They are erected as summer cottages, and for permanent residence.

Building a frame house is much cheaper than building a brick house. The speed of construction of a frame house is also attractive.

You just need to prepare for the fact that, unlike brick house, acquire necessary details for development it will be necessary almost at once.

To build a frame house, frames are used, which, at the request of the owner, can be wooden or steel.

Based on the assembly technology, panel houses and frame houses are distinguished. The principles of construction are the same in both cases.

In the first case, houses are assembled from ready-made panels or panels; in the second case, it is first necessary to build a frame from parts, mainly long ones, and only then proceed to its cladding and insulation.

The box of a frame house is quite rigid and takes on the main operational load.

The frame is the main element of the house, since the roof in such houses is a separate module that is connected to the frame.

The advantages of a frame (Finnish) house are minimal material and physical costs. Finnish house preferable for small families, as it maximum size reaches 10x12 m.

It is not designed for the addition of other buildings to it and is not designed for complex shapes during construction.

Canadian frame house technology provides for a complex building outline and the possibility of erecting a three-story building.

The advantages of frame houses built using Canadian technology are that their service life is up to 70 years (the Finnish analogue will last about 40 years), and the size can reach 15x15 m.

However, construction Finnish house costs 20 - 30% cheaper than Canadian.

Timber house

Houses made of timber are currently very popular because they have their advantages compared to stone or concrete.

First of all, this is due to the lightness of the house itself, therefore, it does not require a powerful foundation.

Due to its weight, a log house can be installed on any soil without fear of destruction of its foundation.

A house made of timber can be multi-storey (up to three floors) and large in area (total area can be 600 - 700 square meters), you just need to first build a high-quality foundation.

In addition, a timber house is considered much warmer than a brick one: according to research, twenty centimeters of timber retain heat as well as seventy centimeters of brick.

In addition, wood has the ability to retain heat well indoors, and in winter you will not have to spend money on additional heating of the house, thus saving a lot of money.

It is worth considering this nuance: houses made of other materials in conditions of low temperatures require constant heating, otherwise the walls begin to become damp and collapse.

At the same time, a log house can be safely left without heating for any length of time. It will be completely heated much faster than a stone one (two to three hours versus a couple of days).

Besides wooden house You can easily cover it with siding by adding additional thermal insulation.

As numerous reviews indicate, a timber house looks much more beautiful than its concrete or brick counterpart, because wood is considered a more aesthetically attractive material.

An important factor is long life houses made of timber - if built correctly, such structures can stand for a very long time without collapsing.

You can easily build a house made of wood with your own hands, without having any special skills or education and practically without using special construction equipment for construction.

At the same time, its cost is quite low, which is a big advantage.

The disadvantages of timber houses include an increased fire hazard and the vulnerability of wood to moisture.

For both cases, there are special impregnations that can improve these indicators, but they negatively affect the environmental parameters of wood.

You cannot begin finishing a timber house immediately after construction, since the wood takes time to shrink.

Wooden buildings require special attention for interior decoration of premises, especially bathrooms with communications.

Comparison of houses

First of all, it should be noted that a frame and timber house have much in common.

This is the low weight of the building, thanks to which it is possible to build a fairly light foundation, the ability to build a house on any soil; most of the work is carried out at the factory during manufacturing, and not at the construction stage.

In addition, it is worth noting the low labor costs during construction, the absence of the need to use special construction equipment for construction, and the high speed of assembling houses.

These advantages allow these two types of houses to be so popular at the present time.

Comparing these two types is quite difficult, since each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. First of all, much depends on the climatic conditions in which the building is located.

According to reviews, a timber house is stronger and more durable than its frame counterpart, especially in harsh climates.

In mild weather conditions with low humidity, frame houses can also stand for a long time without collapsing.

Access to repair work. Usually, timber houses It is much easier to repair, while frame ones require a lot of effort to repair any structures.

In harsh climatic conditions, additional thermal insulation and waterproofing of the building may be required; here, a timber house has its advantages, since it can easily be sheathed with siding with additional layers of protection, and a structure made of timber retains heat better in the room and does not require increased heating.

When choosing which house is better, frame or timber, you must take into account the material side of the issue.

There is no definite answer to this question, since a lot depends on such factors: what material the frame of the house is made of, whether additional thermal insulation of the timber structure is necessary, what is the climate and what is the humidity in the place of construction.

Depending on these nuances, a frame house can be significantly cheaper than a timber house, or vice versa.

If we compare which type of house is easier and faster to assemble, then here too a lot depends on whether additional work will be necessary.

For a number of indicators, a timber house has its advantages over a frame house, but much, including the cost of construction, depends on various external factors.

The main thing when choosing a frame or timber house is to first understand how much money can be spent on construction and in what climatic conditions the building will be located.

House frame type

Walking through the rows of building materials in search of the best, you need to know the properties of lumber and houses built with their use. Today we'll look at frame projects and houses made of timber. Which house is better - timber or frame? Which is cheaper, more practical, more durable.

A beam is a piece of wood. Environmentally friendly, does not contain harmful or hazardous substances. An exception may be laminated veneer lumber. An adhesive base is used in its production. Otherwise, the timber parts are natural and retain the wood texture. Frame materials are panels of a certain size made of plywood, chipboard, boards, compressed shavings, and other panels.

In their manufacture, connecting materials are used adhesive compositions, which do not always have a positive effect on human health. Materials for frame structures cannot be considered environmentally friendly. Timber and frame houses are equally in demand among customers. What is this connected with? Let's figure it out.

Frame option: construction features

The frame house project is very simple. A lightweight foundation is required; it is enough to build a columnar base. The structure consists of supporting elements (pillars, beams, floors, joists) to which the panels are attached. The sizes are not limited, it all depends on the purpose of the structure. There are not only one-story structures, but also two-tier ones. They can be a continuation of a monumental structure made of brick, blocks, wood, in the form of an attic or second floor. The technology for constructing a frame house is simple:

  • a timber skeleton (frame) of a certain shape and size is assembled;
  • floors are being built;
  • shields are sewn on the outside, inside the structure;
  • insulation is laid in the opening between the boards (additional insulation of the boards and insulation will not hurt);
  • the façade of the structure is improved (boards or simple boards do not always have an attractive appearance);
  • a finished roof, floor, and ceiling are being erected;
  • You can start interior decoration.

At good conditions a frame house can be built in a week. This speed of installation, the possibility of living not in a year, but upon completion of construction, lures people who need to move in as quickly as possible.

Timber version: construction features

A timber structure cannot be built in a short period. A detailed study of the project is required:

  1. Laying the foundation - although the timber is not heavy, you cannot place the log house on the ground. The foundation may not be deep, but it requires time to fill and dry.
  2. Waterproofing the lower crowns - if there is excess moisture, the lower crowns of the log house will quickly rot, pulling the house with it.
  3. Assembly of the log house - installation, its timing depends on the type of timber. The finished factory kit is assembled according to the instructions without any problems. At self-construction the log will require adjustment of the links if it is not profiled or glued material. It will take longer.
  4. The timber structure shrinks. The wall loses up to 10 cm in height. This feature of a log house should be taken into account when designing so that no surprises arise. You can move into a house in 6–12 months, depending on the type of timber.
  5. The roof, floor, and ceiling are made rough. Finish construction is possible when building from laminated veneer lumber or profiled kiln-drying.
  6. A door frame is required, window openings to prevent distortions under pressure of the upper rows of the frame.

Having examined the features of installation and design of frame and timber structures, let us move on to a comparative analysis of structures intended for permanent residence. In a house to live, a person needs:

  • warm;
  • comfort;
  • safety;
  • favorable climate;
  • beauty.

This is all provided Construction Materials. Which is better - a wooden beam or a panel frame?

Which house is warmer

It has been proven that the frame and timber have the same thermal conductivity. The tight fit of the parts does not let heat out and cold in. But the structures have a difference: the timber not only does not allow heat to pass through, it retains it in the room for a long time. Just install optimal temperature, the timber structure will preserve it.

You can benefit from this by saving on utilities. Having fired a wood-burning stove, you don’t have to worry about the temperature dropping until the next heating. In houses with heating system comfortable in any weather. A frame house cannot boast of this ability. The shields cannot retain the accumulated heat; the room cools down quite quickly. With any weather changes in the house, you will have to increase the boiler temperature or keep the heater on constantly.

Having compared the facts, we conclude that a house made of timber is warmer than its opponent. There is one caveat for timber with a cross section of less than 150 mm. In harsh winters, it is difficult to maintain a comfortable temperature without additional thermal insulation. It is worth taking care of insulating the walls during the construction stage or choosing timber of a larger cross-section.

Reliability and strength of the house

When choosing a material, a person wants the house to last a long time and to be able to protect it from any dangers, even weather ones. How will structures behave in gusty winds that sweep away small objects in their path? Robust design can withstand the elements. A house made of timber can easily cope with the task. The roof and windows may be damaged, but the box will remain in place. Minor damage repairs will be required.

Life time wooden house from timber is estimated at 5–6 tens. The frame house is again inferior to the timber house. Shield buildings are damaged not only by the elements, but also by a strong blow from a fist or foot. If you take something heavy, it will be easy to break down the walls. The service life of the frame is short - about 25 years. Next you will need major renovation with replacement of load-bearing elements, or construction of a new frame house. This does not guarantee a person’s comfort or safety.

Ecological properties of the frame and timber. Where is it easier to breathe?

We briefly mentioned the environmental characteristics of materials at the beginning of the article. It is worth mentioning the environmental friendliness of a house made of timber or a frame structure. The wall material is part of the entire structure, which is complemented important details. The beam is a self-sufficient building unit. Does not require additional cladding.

The surface follows the pattern of wood. Only because of the production method, the wooden blank is deprived of natural protection from pests and climatic conditions. To extend the life of the house, parts are treated with antiseptics, drugs against rot, pests, fire, and water. Processing reduces the naturalness of the timber and its environmental qualities. The compositions tend to erode. The smell disappears during use. The timber retains the ability to breathe, allow air and moisture to pass through.

In winter, a log house warms, and in summer it accumulates coolness. Living in such a house is comfortable and pleasant even without air conditioning.

A frame house is lined with panels glued or pressed using glue, formaldehyde, etc. It will not be possible to erode the impregnation. As the temperature rises, the secretion intensifies. Plywood frames are considered more environmentally friendly as they contain more wood.

But plywood is still incapable of maintaining an optimal indoor climate. Such walls breathe poorly. In winter, they do not retain heat well, and in summer, when the sun is active, it is impossible to be in a room without a fan. The air is heavy, it's hard to breathe. It is necessary to organize the ventilation or air conditioning system well. Again best properties shows a house made of timber.

Fire danger

Fire safety of the house guarantees residents the preservation of life and home. Wooden structures cannot boast of this. But there are materials that are less susceptible to fire. Which is more resistant to fire, frame or timber? Both buildings are based wooden structure: for a frame house - these are racks, beams, joists, rafters, floor, ceiling; the timber one also has walls. We know that any wood easily ignites and burns.

Modern technologies have made it possible to reduce such risks by developing compositions for wood processing. It seems that the issue has been resolved. But the danger of fire still remains. The timber burns differently depending on its cross-section. If you choose laminated veneer lumber, the risks are reduced. A frame house is safer in terms of fire resistance.

For example, try to light a piece of plywood and timber? Which will burn faster? Of course, timber. But often people die not from fire, but from the toxicity of smoke. In frame construction more materials (outer skin from plastic panels, siding, insulation in openings between panel walls), subject to smoldering and the spread of toxic smoke.

House made of timber without additional interior, exterior finishing less smoldering. The exception is the house from simple timber natural humidity in need of decorative finishing, insulation. It is difficult to say that any of the materials are less fire hazardous. Both for the frame type and for the timber type - this is a minus. It all depends on the person. By treating property and everything around you with care, you can eliminate the risk of fire. Be vigilant, then the fire resistance of the material will not torment you in your choice.

Price criterion for choosing timber or frame

Let's evaluate opportunities to save money on construction. There is an opinion that frame construction is cheaper than a timber house. Is this opinion justified? When calculating the financial side of the project, it is necessary to take into account not only the material used for the walls, but also the additional costs of finishing them for the purpose of insulation, improving the facade and interior of the house. When choosing timber, the customer will not have to spend money on additional materials.

The timber retains heat well if a house for permanent residence is built from a wide part with a cross-section of 150 mm or more, or from glued blanks. Walls made of ennobled or profiled links do not require finishing. The beauty of the wood grain is pleasing to the eye. Can be painted in desired color or varnish. No other finishing is required. This saves a lot of money on your budget.

Frame building materials are inexpensive, but add the cost of finishing parts and the work of craftsmen. The price will increase significantly. Insulation and insulation of structures are additional figures in the final receipt. It turns out that the cost of frame and timber houses is almost the same. At timber version you can save on self-installation all construction units.

Architectural possibilities in building a house

Let’s look at another indicator that influences the consumer’s choice when wanting to build a wooden house. Architectural capabilities of materials. What does it mean? Opportunity to build a non-standard housing project. Many timber buildings are limited in size and the ability to process blanks.

Based on this, the rooms and building are planned. For example, it is difficult to build an object in the form of a trapezoid, the intersection of broken lines, etc. from a solid log. Buildings may differ in size and number of openings. At frame construction the building can be given any shape.

The building material, despite the standard size, can be cut into any shape and attached to the prepared skeleton. Specialists in the construction of timber walls are introducing new schemes in the construction and connection of parts. But such a project is considered individual and can increase costs.

What should you ultimately prefer for construction: frame or timber?

When figuring out which house is better made of timber or frame, let’s summarize the comparative analysis in the table, noting the pros and cons:

The table shows that the timber version is superior in terms of positive characteristics frame structure. Let’s just make a small addition: when choosing timber, don’t skimp. Give preference to parts with a cross-section larger than 150 mm so as not to spend money on insulation. Decide for yourself what is best and preferable to you, but think through every detail in your future home. We suggest watching the video to be sure of the correctness of the decision:

Frame and timber houses are the most inexpensive types of buildings. They are often built for seasonal residence and periodic use. These technologies are also used to build houses for permanent residence with year-round residence. What is better – a frame house or a timber house? And is it possible to combine their advantages and build a timber frame house?

Frame or timber: advantages and disadvantages

When deciding which house is cheaper, frame or timber, you need to understand that the main advantage frame technology– this is the lowest possible construction price and the shortest possible time. In just a month you will be able to move into new house. At the same time, it will look the way you want. External frame walls can imitate any surface, be covered with wood, siding or covered with plaster. Quite often found in a frame house - imitation of timber or rounded logs.

The main advantage of building from wooden beam– its environmental friendliness and durability. Unlike frame houses, there is no need to install ventilation here. At the same time, the air inside the room will always be fresh, your thoughts will be bright, and your head will be light. Living in a wooden house is great in the full sense of the word.

Made of timber with an attic.

Disadvantages of a wooden house made of timber

  • Wooden walls made of timber require annual maintenance. They must be protected from moisture with a special coating (paint, varnish). If the protection from moisture is poor, a wooden house can rot within 10 years.
  • A wooden structure requires shrinkage. Therefore, you will be able to complete the interior decoration and move into a new house only a year after the completion of the construction of the box. And when using special dried timber - after 6 months. The shrinkage percentage of wooden beams is 10-15%.
  • If the thickness of the timber is insufficient, wooden walls require insulation, which defeats the main purpose of building from natural wood. Insulated walls stop “breathing” and turn into the inner lining of a “frame” house.

Now let's look at what is easier - to build a house from timber or from a frame, insulation and wall cladding.

We understand the schemes for constructing a frame house

Features of the construction of frame houses

Frame houses are assembled from individual parts on the site. Apart from pouring the foundation, there are no other wet processes in frame construction. That is, after constructing the foundation, all other work can be performed at any time of the year at any outside temperature.

The assembly of the frame takes place according to ready-made diagrams from ready-made parts and is reminiscent of playing with a constructor. The bottom trim is attached to the finished base and, then - top harness and roofing joists, then the roof rafters. All connections are made with bolts, screws and anchors, depending on the required strength. If necessary, a frame house can be dismantled and built on another site and another foundation.

Wall finishing inside and out is done directly on top of the wall cladding. In this case, there is no need to additionally level the walls. If desired, you can do without wall decoration if you sheathe the inside of the house with ready-made wall panels, for example, MDF.

When building a frame frame, a minimum of professional construction skills is required. It is enough to acquire and strictly follow it. You will receive a guaranteed result in the form of a new residential building.

Construction from timber, complexity of construction.

Features of timber construction

Timber construction is the most inexpensive option for building a house made of wood. It uses timber with a profiled rectangular section and grooves/protrusions for better connection.

It is easier to build from profiled timber than from rounded or solid logs. The walls are “assembled” by laying beams on top of each other, inserting protrusions into grooves. A seal is laid between adjacent beams.

The professionalism of builders is necessary when arranging the corners of a wooden house. Here it is necessary to make special cuts and recesses for a tight connection.

Timber always shrinks.

To ensure that wooden walls do not require insulation, they must be built from timber of sufficient thickness. For construction in temperate climate At least 200 mm of wood is required. Walls made of 150 mm thick timber almost always require insulation.

The walls of a wooden building are erected on concrete or. To prevent the walls from getting wet, waterproof additives are added to the foundation material, and larch wood is used for the bottom row of timber. Also, in order to protect the walls from moisture, large roof extensions are made - 50-60 cm on each side of the house. And they build a reliable blind area to prevent the soil from getting wet in close proximity to the wooden walls.

On a note

The main thing when building a house made of wood is to arrange reliable drainage from the walls of the building.

Which house is warmer: frame or timber?

One of the main parameters that determines the choice of a house for winter and year-round use is the thermal conductivity of the walls. The lower it is, the less wood, coal or gas will be consumed to heat the house, and the less money will be required to pay for heating. Which house is better, frame or timber? And which one will be warmer in winter?

Insulation scheme from all sides.

Insulation of frame buildings is carried out with mineral wool or polystyrene foam (SIP panels). The thermal conductivity coefficient of these materials is:

  • For mineral wool – 0.041-0.045.
  • For expanded polystyrene – 0.036-0.038.

The thermal conductivity of mineral wool is higher than that of polystyrene foam. This means that to install an energy-saving frame house with mineral wool insulation, you will need greater wall thickness. For example, for winter temperatures of -20°C, 12 cm of polystyrene foam or 18 cm of mineral wool are required. Which is equivalent to the heat capacity of 1 m of brick wall.

At the same outdoor temperatures, 45 cm of wood will be needed for high-quality thermal insulation of the walls. That is, to build a wooden house from timber without thermal insulation for winter temperatures of -20°C, it is necessary to lay timber 450 mm thick.

Laying walls from profiled timber.

With proper arrangement of the walls, taking into account climatic temperatures, both houses can be warm. Then the solution to the question, a frame or timber house - which is better, will be determined by the price. Wooden walls will cost significantly more than frame construction.

On a note

To reduce the cost of building a house from timber, walls are often built from thinner timber and insulated from the outside with cotton wool insulation.

House construction speed

Another important indicator that often influences the decision of which house is better - frame or timber - is the speed of construction and the time it takes to get a turnkey house. As a rule, for frame construction the construction time is minimal and amounts to one or two months.

During this time, a team of several workers manages to pour the foundation, assemble the frame, arrange the roof, insulate and sheathe the walls, as well as perform interior finishing and wiring utility networks. At the same time, it is possible to finish a frame house with imitation timber and a very attractive exterior design buildings. You can do this work yourself in a season, sometimes enlisting the help of a friend, brother or neighbor.

Stage of building a house.

Construction of a house made of wooden beams takes longer. You can simply pour the foundation, assemble the walls and hang the roof within one to two months. However, in this house you cannot immediately install windows and doors, or carry out interior and exterior wall decoration. The timber must be stable, “sit down”.

The standing time is determined by the dryness of the wood. For ordinary timber it is a year. For special dried – up to 6 months. Afterwards, windows and doors are installed and interior finishing is performed.

Reliability of construction

In layman's discussions, the reliability of a house is often understood as its strength, ability to withstand hurricane wind loads, seismic shocks and burglary. A comparison of a frame and timber house here is in favor of wooden buildings. Wooden walls are heavier than frame walls, and therefore put more pressure on the ground and resist winds better.

We build with our own hands in the summer.

Wooden walls are also more difficult to destroy or penetrate. They can be set on fire, but the walls of a frame house are also easily flammable. Therefore, a wooden house better protects against burglary and illegal actions.

Some advantage frame walls available for seismically unstable regions. When the earth's surface fluctuates, a frame house assembled with screws turns out to be stronger and more stable than a wooden house made of timber. However, if your region is not seismic, this feature of the frame structure can be ignored when deciding which house, frame or timber, is better to build.

DIY construction.

Timber frame house

The choice of the type of structure, frame or timber, takes into account a number of factors - the weight of the walls, the cost of construction, timing, the need for professional skills, insulation issues and the heat capacity of the walls. Often frame buildings are chosen due to the optimal price and high speed construction. And wooden ones are built if there is money and a preference for natural materials.

Combining the advantages of these two types of buildings leads to new technology- timber frame house with wooden external/internal walls and insulation inside the cladding. Such a structure is quite inexpensive, it is environmentally friendly and retains heat well. What exactly to choose and build on the site is up to you.

The construction industry is one of the most receptive to new technologies. This is due to the high cost of work operations, the difficulties of constructing structures, logistics processes during the delivery of materials and many other nuances. The emergence of new construction concepts makes work easier at some stages, but their results do not always live up to expectations. This happened with frame houses, which could completely displace traditional timber due to the mass of advantages. However, this did not happen, and the question of which is better - timber or frame - is still relevant. will help answer this question, but first it’s worth taking a closer look at both technologies separately.

Review of frame house construction technology

The main feature of such houses is that their structure is assembled from pre-prepared frame parts. There are several approaches to the construction of such buildings, but they are all divided into two categories: factory assembly and construction from scratch on a construction site. In the first case, we can talk about finished house, which only remains to be installed at the place of operation. In practice, such a technique is not easy to implement, so greater distribution received the construction of a frame base directly at the site of use.

It is possible to draw some conclusions about which house is better, made of timber or frame, already at this stage. The factory origin of the prefabricated kit eliminates the risk of defects, so there is a high chance of getting a design of exactly the quality that was planned. However, we should not exclude the possibility of errors occurring during the construction process. At this stage, the assembly of frame panels, thermal insulation, waterproofing, cladding work and other activities are carried out.

Review of timber house construction techniques

The structure of the house is formed by walls made of timber. The elements are stacked horizontally one on top of the other. A columnar foundation can be used as a basis on which to build wood covering with waterproofing. To ensure uniform load distribution and increase structural rigidity, the beams can be connected with auxiliary pegs. To determine which house is better, frame or timber, in terms of sealing, it is worth noting that in the first case, complete protection is provided against the penetration of cold currents. For a log house, special sealing is performed less frequently, but in corners this approach is practiced. In particular, polyurethane foam is used to seal joints. WITH outside the material is usually treated with protective impregnations that protect the structure from exposure to precipitation and ultraviolet rays.

Comparison of environmental safety

By and large, both houses are made of wood. However, the degree of environmental friendliness of materials varies. For example, log houses are made from natural spruce or pine. The wood is dried in special chambers, which makes it possible to obtain high-strength laminated veneer lumber. Further, if necessary, the material is treated with antiseptics, which, however, do not reduce its harmlessness. Now we can answer the question: “Glued laminated timber or frame - which is better in terms of environmental friendliness?” Definitely timber, since the material for a frame house, although it is a derivative of wood raw materials, also contains a certain percentage of chemical impurities. These are mainly plywood sheets and chipboards, which, depending on their characteristics, may pose some danger to residents, but, of course, within acceptable limits.

Comparison of thermal conductivity qualities

In a frame house, the walls are formed with almost perfect accuracy, ensuring good tightness. But at the same time they are thinner than those of timber. Thus, the accumulative properties and heat retention ability of frame buildings are lower. Based on this, you can answer the following question: “Beam or frame - which house is warmer?” The timber house wins again. Especially if the gaps and joints in its walls were properly sealed with felt or special sealants.

But there is one point that can have an advantage. The fact is that the thermal insulation qualities wooden houses are largely determined by insulating materials. Therefore, the final conclusion about which house is better - timber or frame - can only be made by comparing the thermal insulation of specific projects. Usually the materials used are identical - mineral wool, polyurethane, foil and other insulators.

Strength and durability of houses

Again, you should refer to the structures, which are a complex of several layers of compressed wood panels. Of course, brag high reliability such a design cannot. To be fair, it should be noted that the manufacturers of prefabricated kits themselves indicate the service life of such houses to be no more than 20 years. But to answer the question about which house is better, made of timber or frame, one should also evaluate the qualities of the competing object. Glued laminated timber, in particular, makes it possible to obtain a very strong structure. Simple technique assembly, the use of solid wood elements and protective impregnations make it possible to obtain a durable and damage-resistant building.

Which house is cheaper?

Sometimes the durability and performance qualities of houses fade into the background, since financial capabilities do not allow these demands to be fully satisfied. In this regard, it would not be amiss to consider the question of what is better - a frame house or a house made of timber - from the point of view of savings. The very concept of prefabricated panel houses assumes a reduction in construction costs, but in reality this is not entirely true. A frame house requires large investments in finishing and insulating materials. In addition, when ordering such a project, you should be prepared to pay a one-time payment for the entire construction. Of course, log houses are not cheap. Especially high-quality wood with the correct preparation without defects is worth its weight in gold today. One way or another, frame buildings will have one undeniable advantage - they are built quickly and generally bring less hassle during work processes.

How to choose the best option?

If we compare all the pros and cons of both technologies, then at first glance the obvious leader will be a house made of timber. However, in reality there are many aspects that radically change the ratio. In addition, the frame houses themselves, depending on the type, may have different characteristics. After all, there is another type of panel structures, which also belong to prefabricated ones. One way or another, if there is a need to furnish your own home, then you need to clearly decide which house is better - a panel house or a timber house. Good advice The following recommendations will help you make the right choice:

  • If you plan to build in a region with a warm climate, then it makes sense to choose a frame house. Reducing the cost of thermal insulation and additional wall decoration will also save money.
  • If the house is designed to last for several generations to come, then it is better to choose strong timber.
  • For temporary or non-permanent residence, a frame house is suitable, which is also quickly erected.


If we consider the question of the most acceptable technology for building a house more broadly, then, of course, two options will not be enough. But even based on the information provided, one can get an idea of ​​what characteristics private housing can provide modern construction. When determining which house is better, made of timber or frame, you should first of all proceed from your own requirements. These technologies offer two different concepts. The frame house is aimed at the budget sector, offering quick results, although with rather average performance characteristics. Timber is a solid classic that is not cheap, but it lasts for decades and pleases with its natural appearance.