Types of building facades - multi-storey construction. Finishing of multi-storey buildings. What is a building façade according to the law?

Wet facade. To finish the outer surface of the object, building mixtures with the addition of water are used. The integrity of the structure can be achieved by plastering, installation facade tiles. Systems for modernizing multi-level buildings are made in three layers: a thermal insulation board, base plaster, and a layer of decorative mesh. This method is suitable for finishing multi-storey buildings, private housing construction projects.

The use of a “wet facade” is contraindicated for houses made of lumber, because the wood is exposed to moisture, as a result of which the boards and structure are deformed, and the raw materials lose their performance properties. The “wet facade” technology needs periodic updating - plastering and tinting.

A strong argument in favor of choosing plastering is the affordable price range of façade installations.

Ventilated systems. Ideal for finishing houses made of standard building materials (brick, boards, cinder concrete, polystyrene foam), they provide individual look architecture, good thermal insulation. The construction algorithm includes several technological steps:

  1. Installation of a metal frame.
  2. Insulation with mineral wool based on fiberglass, basalt rocks. Raw materials differ in the composition of the main and binding synthetic components;
  3. Installing the top screen. Various panels are used for cladding: aluminum or vinyl siding, porcelain stoneware blocks, high-strength glass slabs.

Type of panels

The choice of material for cladding determines the functional purpose of the architecture and the budget. How warm and comfortable the room will be depends on the raw materials used.

The cheapest and easiest to implement is vinyl siding. Environmentally friendly raw materials, presented in different color solutions, service life varies up to 50 years.

A worthy choice would be panels made of galvanized steel and aluminum alloy. The material is resistant to thermal changes, does not corrode, and is easy to maintain.

Marble and porcelain stoneware are an aesthetic finishing material, but they have significant weight, and therefore require a reliable supporting structure. Glass facade has not yet fully entered into use, but is considered one of the most promising areas.

Advantages of ventilated facades

The ergonomics of the system is not the only advantage. Ventilated facades are in demand for several reasons:

  • possibility of carrying out finishing works at any time of the year;
  • ease of installation. The main wall does not require preliminary preparation, and the devices for fastening the facade are made of light metal;
  • elements of the system mask defects in external walls well;
  • fire safety. The materials used in the work prevent the spread of fire;
  • high sound insulation.

The impact of artificial (factory emissions, automobile gases) and natural precipitation affects the service life finishing material. Our company offers a range of cleaning measures. Such manipulations help preserve the integrity of the object, prevent rotting processes, and eliminate the possibility of deformation.

Varied list for finishing multi-storey building allows you to give status and a presentable appearance to a high-rise building, and provide additional protection to the structure.

Reliability and efficiency ensure the quality of facade work. Make a choice in favor of the professionalism of the Wagner team. The introduction of modern technologies and the use of certified raw materials guarantee safety and durability of operation.

Modern technologies make it possible to perform quite reliably exterior finishing houses of any height and configuration using the ventilated facade method. The main advantage of using this method is that the walls of the house are transformed according to the most intricate options of the owners and are insulated with high-quality material.

General description and structure of ventilated facades

The structure of the structure resembles a layer cake. It consists of several “layers” that perform certain functions, and together are called ventilated facades:

Metal subsystem or wooden sheathing

The frame (sheathing) consists of the following elements:

  • fastening elements (brackets, screws, rivets);
  • Guides (profiles or bars).

The guide metal profile is fixed to the surface of the wall of a frame, timber or log house using self-tapping screws and brackets. Installation of lathing from wooden beam is performed without the use of brackets, but the lifespan of such subsystems is shorter. The horizontal or vertical direction depends on the type of cladding material chosen.

Thermal insulation

Mineral wool or expanded polystyrene (foam plastic, carbon) is fixed to the surface of the walls of a residential building using special “fungi”. When choosing and calculating, it is recommended to take into account the thermal insulation data of a specific type of insulation. When performing the work independently, the choice depends on the preferences of the owner of a private frame building, which may turn out to be wrong.

useful in work

Before attaching thermal insulation, it is recommended to treat the walls of frame, log, lumber and any other wooden structure with an antiseptic.

Protective membrane

When insulating a facade structure with mineral wool, it is necessary to protect it from moisture and weathering. This is achieved by using a moisture-proof, vapor-permeable membrane. It protects the thermal insulation material from weathering and moisture, which contribute to its gradual destruction and violation of the integrity of the system, which can affect the load-bearing walls of a residential building.

When choosing and purchasing thermal insulation for residential buildings, you need to pay attention Special attention for fire safety. The material must have the necessary certificates and belong to the non-flammable class. For example, class “C” polystyrene foam supports the combustion process for no more than 4 seconds, and class “F” - 1 second.

When using expanded polystyrene, installation of a membrane is not required (unlike mineral wool).

It is important to know

Despite its many advantages, the authors do not recommend the use of polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene in ventilated facade systems, since in the event of a fire, under the influence of natural draft, such insulation it will still burn for a while and can contribute to the fire of a wooden wall.

Air gap

The presence of a certain air gap between the insulation (or the wall of a house without insulation) and facing material allows moisture to escape outside. It is because of the presence of this space that such structures got their name.

The size of the gap is determined using complex mathematical calculations and calculated at the design stage. As a rule, the minimum air gap should be at least 40 mm. Errors in these values ​​can lead to moisture entering the thermal insulation (at a small distance), as well as humming in strong winds (at a large gap).

Decorative finishing

The cladding is fixed on guides; fastening occurs depending on the material used for specific residential buildings. Depending on what the owner of a private house preferred, fasteners are selected.

Types of facing materials

The cladding of private houses can be done using a wide range of finishing materials, each of which has its own distinctive qualities, characteristics, and is also made from different raw materials.

Natural wood

  • eurolining;
  • block house;
  • Planken.

A natural stone

  • Granite;
  • marble;
  • travertine;
  • agglomerate.


  • Porcelain tiles;
  • terracotta;
  • clinker.


  • Siding;
  • facade panels;
  • composite panels and cassettes.

Other materials

  • Facing brick;
  • HPL – panels;
  • fiber cement boards.

Façade compatibility

The exterior decoration of a residential wooden log house, made using the “ventilated facade” technology, compares favorably with other methods of facade insulation in that all the useful natural qualities of a wooden structure are preserved. Multilayer “breathing” structures have proven themselves to be excellent in use in any building.

A wide selection of fasteners allows installation on almost any walls of residential buildings made of various materials. The difference can only be in the type of insulation. For example, frame or timber house They are insulated with both expanded polystyrene and mineral wool, but the log façade is insulated only with the latter. This is due to the external structure of the wall surface. Rigid sheets of polystyrene foam cannot be applied closely to the rounded shapes of a log building, and mineral wool has the ability to bend. Another good option for insulation is the use of eco-wool.

If the “wet facade” technology is used when finishing a stone house, then “breathing” structures can be erected on any type of wall.

Benefits of technology

Ventilated systems have certain strong factors relative to other types of insulation and exterior finishing. The main advantage is versatility. “Breathing” structures can be used on any surface, regardless of number of floors or configuration load-bearing walls private buildings: log, timber or frame type.

Among the many advantages of this design are the following:

  • Wide selection of materials that can be used decorative cladding walls;
  • heat and sound insulation of a frame or timber structure;
  • increasing service life, durability is the most important factor for wooden buildings;
  • There is no need to constantly maintain the facing material in good condition. Except in cases where wooden cladding materials are used (they must be treated with special chemical impregnations and solutions or varnishes).
  • most of them have a certain resistance to mechanical damage, and some are even considered anti-vandal material;
  • fire safety;

  • replacing one cladding structural element does not require extra work. It is enough to dismantle it and then install a new one.

It is important to know

All of the listed characteristics are inherent in frame or any other type of buildings, subject to strict adherence technical requirements for installation, as well as the material used.

Thanks to its proven qualities, this decorative solution is actively used throughout Russia. Gradually, the number of buildings whose external cladding is made in this “breathable” way is becoming more and more numerous, which allows us to talk about their popularity.

The facade of the building gives the building an aesthetic appearance; it protects the main structures of the house from external influences. In addition, it regulates the migration of water vapor and air, and plays an insulating and soundproofing role.

Outer side of any building located outside constitutes the façade of the building. It can be main, side or rear. For residential buildings, a distinction is made between street and courtyard facades. It is the type of facade that determines.

For urban buildings, the facade of the building must correspond to the historical appearance of the city; any unauthorized change is a violation of the law and entails administrative fines.

Modern facade finishing is made from various cladding materials, the choice depends on design features building, the load-bearing capacity of the main walls, purpose, financing and the tastes of the owner or architect.

Modern facades

To clad the modern façade of a private house, those claddings that were recently used are used. fashionable decors public buildings. In the past, shopping centers could have plaster and siding. Now these materials have become available to private developers. And they are no longer used for cladding public buildings. You can see a selection of cladding options for private houses.

Modern facades of public buildings require the use of the latest cladding. Most often these are porcelain stoneware and facade cassettes. Porcelain tiles are more affordable. Facade cassettes have a more modern look and go well with glazing. no longer allows the use of twentieth-century materials. Plaster and facing brick unsuitable. People began to perceive these claddings more as homemade ones, more suitable for the facade apartment building or private.

Trends modern architecture- a combination of glass, metal and concrete non-standard forms on the facade.

Modern architecture of building facades is unthinkable without the use of latest technologies. Technologies are constantly changing and updating.

Almost all façade solutions come to us from Europe.

People have begun to travel more and are now placing greater demands on the architecture around them. now everywhere. The cladding of building facades has never been so varied. To the system from metal profiles you can hang almost anything construction material, possessing sufficient strength and at the same time lightness. Lots on the market

Ventilated facades of public buildings

Public buildings have different purposes and financing. “Public” includes any buildings intended to be visited by many people. These are banks, facades of administrative buildings, train stations, shopping centers, business centers, administrations, sports and entertainment institutions, hospitals, schools and the list goes on for a long time. It is important to understand that banks will be able to afford facade cladding much more expensive than schools. Therefore, when talking about the cladding of public buildings, it is worth making a distinction between materials by cost.

Cladding buildings with economy segment materials

Facade materials in the economy segment can be, for example, porcelain stoneware, fiber cement, metal cassettes,

Porcelain tiles cost from 450 rubles/m2 of cladding. Of course, you need to add the cost of the subsystem and installation work. The cost of a system for porcelain tiles starts from 400 rubles/m2. The cost of installation will add 900 rubles/m2 minimum. Insulation and hardware – another 400 rubles/m2. Total “turnkey” will cost 2150 rub/m2. And this is the minimum price tag; not all façade companies will install it for this cost.

Inexpensive finishing of a shopping center with metal cassettes

“turnkey” will cost from 2500 rub/m2. Plaster with insulation from 2200 rub/m2. — from 2000 rub/m2.

All of the listed economy options have their own characteristics. And the perception of the facade as a whole will depend on the quality of installation. Thus, porcelain tiles may fall out due to poor-quality galvanized clamps. The clamp should always be made of stainless steel. Fiber cement can stain and fade over time. The plaster chips when it hails. Metal cassettes rust and are not shockproof. Brick is eternal, but visually it is not always suitable for public buildings. Therefore, sometimes customers of a building look at more expensive cladding.

More expensive facing materials

The middle price segment includes different kinds façade cassettes and cladding with medium-strength stone (travertine, for example).

Let's briefly say that façade cassettes can be
aluminum, steel, copper, and other metals. They may or may not have a polymer layer, and be made of thicker metal. Facade cassettes can be flat, which is standard, or three-dimensional (inclined circles, ovals, triangles from cassettes). Facade metal cassettes without a polymer layer, i.e. not composite, can be perforated. Perforation can be either standard designs (circles, badges, etc.) or have non-standard designs (for example, cut out a tree in a cassette).

Facade cassettes, since there are many of them, are difficult to evaluate together, and separately they take a long time. On average, a cassette with a polymer layer will cost from RUB 3,500/m2 on a façade. Facade perforated cassette from 5000 rub/m2. Volumetric unique panels are even more expensive - from 6500 rub/m2.

It costs much less than granite, and therefore belongs to the middle price segment. For example, granite costs from RUB 3,500/m2 – the material itself without installation and system. And travertine from 1000 rub/m2.

But it is necessary to take into account that this is a stone of medium strength. It just might crumble over time. It is not recommended for suspended ventilated facades. But the first floors, entrance groups are the best.

Expensive premium cladding for banks, restaurants, office buildings

The high price segment includes wide-format and hidden cladding

Facade slabs are expensive fiber cement (Cembrite, Eternit), Rock panels, thin 3mm porcelain stoneware 1500*3000mm in size (Archskin, Laminam, GranitiFiandre, Kerlit and other manufacturers). Facade slabs imitate stone, wood and whatever your heart desires. At the same time, they are easy to install and wide-format.

The hidden method involves cladding with standard panels (regular porcelain stoneware, facade slabs), but without visible fastening. This method is always about 30-50% more expensive per sq. m.

About cost: facade slabs will cost “turnkey” from 6000 rub/m2.

To create colored facade architecture public building boards painted in different colors are used. This can be any of the above-mentioned facing materials for ventilated facades. Porcelain tiles can be combined in different shades. Also fiber cement or HPL panels, all of them can be bright color according to Ral. Any facade cassettes can be colored.

Facades of multi-storey residential buildings

The facade of an apartment building must be made in a single architectural style cities. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo a project examination. The façade must be approved by the city's chief architect. For finishing modern houses two methods are used:

  1. Wet. This method involves finishing the facade using various plasters or bricks. The advantages include education in holistic and reliable surface. The main advantage is simplicity and durability. Relative disadvantages include labor intensity construction work and the seasonality of their implementation.
  2. Dry. This best option finishing and involves the use of hinged cladding panels made of various materials. Ventilated facades for multi-storey residential buildings give buildings an original appearance. Due to the use of modern insulation, heat loss is significantly reduced. Therefore, the ventilated façade is ideal for façade cladding panel house. Due to the air gap that exists between the main wall and the facing material, the formation of condensation on the inner surface is prevented thermal insulation material. And this significantly extends the service life of the structure as a whole.

To overhaul the façade of an apartment building, both the first and second options are used, it all depends on the structural and architectural features of the building. If the building belongs to the category of cultural heritage objects, or is located in a zone of historical monuments protected by law, then changing the facade of an apartment building must be carried out with the permission of KGIOP, KGA, as well as the homeowners.

Reasons for the destruction of modern building facades

The facade of any building is an example of the architectural art of a certain time. But any design, regardless of the quality and price of materials, the uniqueness of the technology, has a certain service life.

To the main reasons that lead to destruction modern facades buildings include:

  • Negative effects of the external environment (moisture, temperature changes, dust, ultra-violet rays etc.);
  • Habitat of various microorganisms on the surface of the façade;
  • Weathering (insufficient treatment of the weathering zone with a special fixative contributes to the activation of the erosion process of the façade structure);
  • Technological errors of builders (use of metal parts without anti-corrosion protection, etc.).

The above factors contribute to the fact that after a certain time the facade begins to collapse, so they need to be repaired from time to time.

The facade of an apartment building is common property, therefore the management company is responsible for the condition of this element of the building. She is directly involved in organizing its repairs, which are paid for by the owners. In this article we will look at the types repair work and describe the reasons for launching them. The issues of residents' participation in the repair of building facades and responsibility for its untimely implementation will be raised.

The building structures of an apartment building wear out during operation and need reconstruction. It is needed to maintain the normal appearance of buildings and ensure the safety of people. In the case of a facade, its destruction is dangerous for both residents and others.

Periodic repairs of building facades are also necessary to extend the life of the facility. This point is important both for apartment owners and for the management organization.

When is it necessary to carry out façade repairs?

In the case of the façade, most of the damage is visible to the naked eye. This is how they are fixed - by visual inspection. It is carried out by a commission with the participation of competent specialists, employees of the management organization and residents of the apartment complex. If we are talking about major repairs, then representatives of the regional operator also participate.

There are several obvious signs that indicate the need for facade repair:

  • the plaster layer is damaged or falls over an area of ​​more than 30 percent;
  • seams between blocks or panels are exposed;
  • the insulation layer is destroyed;
  • The gutters are damaged and rainfall is leaking onto the exterior wall.

If any such deficiency is detected, repair work is started immediately.

Not all defects are visible to the naked eye. To detect hidden deficiencies, deeper instrumental studies are carried out. For example, this is how the condition of balcony slabs and concrete canopies is assessed.

Types of house facade repairs

Facade repair apartment buildings It happens:

  • current;
  • capital.

During current repairs, mainly cosmetic procedures are carried out aimed at restoring the normal appearance of the building. This option is possible with minor damage to the facade.

Current repairs do not involve major reconstruction of the façade of the building. Its purpose is to maintain the proper appearance of external walls. The work included here is carried out in a clearly defined sequence.

  1. The walls are cleaned and prepared for further work.
  2. The working surface is plastered - this eliminates various defects and ensures the evenness of the walls. To eliminate complex defects, materials are selected separately for each situation.
  3. The walls are primed before further application of finishing material, for example, painting. In this case, the paint lasts much longer and better.
  4. Coloring. This is the final stage cosmetic repairs MKD.

Routine repairs are carried out much more often than major ones. Much less money is required for cosmetic procedures.

Major repairs of the facade are characterized by greater complexity and duration. During it, serious restoration measures are carried out building structures.

List of works for major repairs of the facade of an apartment building

There is a major overhaul program in the regions apartment buildings. For each apartment building, a date for completion of repair work is determined. The order is strictly observed, since regional funds usually do not have enough funds. More than 90 percent of residents pay for major repairs on time, but certain problems with payment discipline remain.

Major repairs of facades are carried out together with other work related to the restoration of building structures and communications of the apartment building. It is carried out in parallel with other activities or completes them.

In some cases, it is possible to achieve a major overhaul of facades ahead of schedule. The legislation provides for rules allowing for rescheduling if necessary. Required condition– availability of funds accumulated by residents specifically for major renovation. There are no government subsidies allocated for these purposes.

Launching a major renovation of a building's façade is much simpler if funds for it are collected not in the general fund of the regional operator, but in a special account (usually managed by the management company or HOA). In this case, the decision made at the general house meeting is sufficient. For individual items related to major repairs facade works usually don't spend too much large amounts. This makes it easier to coordinate them with apartment owners and find the necessary financing.

The task of the management organization is to assemble a commission to inspect the facade. It describes shortcomings, assesses the degree of wear and tear. After this, estimate documentation is prepared.

The list of works depends on how worn and damaged the facade is. In general it looks like this:

  • the building is inspected for defects;
  • the facade is pre-prepared - the old coating is dismantled, the surface is cleaned of rust and traces of fungus;
  • cracks are sealed with cement-sand mortar;
  • the surface is primed to eliminate dust and improve adhesion of building materials;
  • joints are treated with waterproofing and sealed;
  • the basement and blind area are being repaired;
  • insulation is carried out with polystyrene foam or mineral wool;
  • canopies and elements of the drainage system are installed;
  • Protective and decorative finishing of the façade of the MKD is carried out.

When large cracks appear in brickwork sealing with mortar does not solve the problem. In this case, the destroyed bricks are replaced with new ones.

A major renovation of a façade does not involve performing all of the above work at once. The list in each case is compiled separately depending on the condition of the building.

A common practice is partial overhaul. It is carried out to eliminate specific unexpected deficiencies. For example, this could be restoring the canopies of balconies on the upper floors to protect the walls from precipitation or repairing a section of damaged blind area.

When overhauling a façade, its functional parts are changed as necessary:

  • double glazed windows;
  • partitions;
  • decorative stained glass windows and more.

Responsibility for repairs

Cosmetic and major repairs of the facade of apartment buildings are paid for by apartment owners. Funds for this are collected monthly under two relevant headings:

  • current maintenance of housing;
  • house renovation.

Responsibility for carrying out repair work is divided depending on its type. Current repairs are carried out by the management organization. She raises funds for these purposes, regularly inspects the building and works with requests from residents. Responsibilities of the management company regarding current repairs façade are described in RF PP No. 491 dated August 13, 2006.

It must be emphasized that facade cosmetic procedures are carried out using funds that are regularly collected from residents. It is impossible to establish additional fees for unexpectedly required routine repairs. In case of significant damage, you can ask apartment owners to voluntarily hand over funds. For example, this may be necessary to eliminate the consequences of a fire in the entrance. If the current savings of the management company are not enough for this, then additional funds from residents will help to carry out restoration faster.

The regional operator is responsible for major repairs of facades if the money is accumulated from him. Managing organization for carrying out repair work in in this case does not invest his own funds.

When collecting money for major repairs on a special MKD account by an organization necessary measures its holder is engaged. He himself determines the scope of repair work, selects a contractor, approves all this at a general meeting and monitors further implementation.

When can residents of a home request repairs?

Planned repairs of building facades are carried out without the participation of apartment owners - they are approved in advance. If the management organization does not eliminate obvious deficiencies external walls MKD, then residents may demand repair work. This applies to both planned and extraordinary events.

Residents can apply for repairs in the following cases:

  • elements of the facade lose connection with the wall and begin to collapse, for example, bricks fall out, plaster or stucco crumbles;
  • due to damage to the drainage, sediments flood the outer walls and flood the apartments;
  • cracks, drips and other defects spoil appearance building;
  • The blind area and plinths were destroyed, the general glazing was damaged, and so on.

If we are talking about a planned overhaul of the facade, then six months before it is carried out, the person in charge provides information about the upcoming work. Residents study it and make adjustments if necessary. Only after this is the plan approved and preparations for its implementation begin.

Multi-storey buildings need insulation much more than private buildings and mansions. This is explained by the fact that during construction only standard indicators are taken into account, which do not always correspond to the climatic conditions of the region, and especially to the wishes of the residents.

In this case, the wet facade of an apartment building becomes the only the right decision, which allows not only to significantly insulate the structure, but also to give a more aesthetic appearance.

The main differences between the design of a multi-storey building and a private one

I had to deal with the facades of private houses and the finishing of apartment buildings. Over the years of work, I can say personal experience I could feel the differences in their finish:

  • The difference is in the choice of material. When building a private house, there is a huge choice to implement this or that idea. It could be gas silicate blocks, and wood, and brick, and many others modern materials. The combined use of materials is often used to achieve better structural parameters. However, when constructing a multi-storey building, the choice of materials concentrates mainly on brick or reinforced concrete slabs, and this somewhat restrains the “flight of fancy” and ties our hands.
  • Usually, apartment house is rented in the form in which it was originally planned, without the possibility of additional finishing outside or inside. Therefore, firstly, all these owners have to do this on their own, and secondly, they need to obtain a lot of permitting documentation for this. But everything can be resolved.

  • The main problem when insulating an apartment building is that after completion it is almost impossible to insulate the entire building, because the consent of all residents of the building is required. In such cases, the finishing of the facade should be included in the initial construction contract, or decided after acceptance of the building by all homeowners. If it's not commercial multi-story building, and a residential building, then, in most cases, complete agreement is not achieved.

Features of installing wet facades on an apartment building

Insulation of apartment buildings has recently become increasingly popular. But unlike private properties, there are some significant differences - the height of the building and the large surface area.

In fact, these points are not any obstacle to installation, but simply change the way the work is carried out:

  • Industrial climbing - this method is used to install a wet facade when the height of the building is quite high and it is not possible to install scaffolding;
  • Scaffolding – used for medium-height buildings.

Examples of our work

Installation of a wet facade

The basic structure of a wet facade of apartment buildings is not too different from its use in a private house. There may be differences in the choice of materials and manufacturer, which is individual.

  1. Thermal insulation layer - the main component is insulation. As a rule, this is mineral or basalt wool, which our team widely uses, but polystyrene foam or polypropylene can be used. This also includes an adhesive base and dowels, with the help of which the layer is mounted to the surface.
  2. Reinforcing layer - consists of an adhesive base and a reinforcing mesh. This stage of work is intermediate between the insulation layer and the subsequent decorative one, since decorative plaster cannot simply be applied to mineral wool. In addition, the layer has a special function - protection from external environmental influences.

  1. Decorative layer - plaster, which is applied as an external finish. It protects the previous layers from weather conditions, and also serves as the front side of the building.

Features of operation of wet facades

When choosing the finishing of a multi-storey building wet facade there are a number of features:

  • Cost is the first thing residents pay attention to. But since the building is multi-apartment, the entire cost is calculated for all apartments, which ultimately amounts to insignificant expenses;
  • Requires minimal care - modern technologies allow the production of materials taking into account the long service life of a particular type of finish, and a wet facade is no exception. After completion of the work, you don’t have to worry about the appearance or technical properties. Over the years, the finishing retains all its external qualities (the coating is not subject to fading or destruction from sunlight and low temperatures), and also does not lose its main property - it retains heat in apartments;
  • After a certain time, a major overhaul of the wet facade in apartment buildings is carried out. There is nothing scary about this, since it is a standard procedure and does not incur significant costs.

For your information

In most cases, an agreement is concluded management company, which services the house, with the construction team (preferably the one that carried out the initial installation of the wet facade).

  • The cost is included in the payment receipt utility payments or, as many companies do, it is calculated from the amount that was set aside for planned major repairs. This incurs virtually no costs for residents.

Technology for installing a wet facade on an apartment building

The work is carried out in a certain order and depends on the height of the house and the upcoming area of ​​finishing work.

  1. The area and the required amount of material are calculated. In the case of plaster, paint and glue, it is necessary to purchase 5-10% more material for unforeseen cases.
  2. Surface preparation is in progress. To do this, install scaffolding or equipment for industrial mountaineering. The walls are completely cleaned of dirt, dust and previous plaster. Places of cracks and chips must be sealed with mortar so that there is no deformation of the surface (provided that the house is not new).
  3. Priming of surfaces is carried out to increase the adhesion of the wall with the subsequent layer.
  4. Installation of insulation occurs using glue, which is applied to the insulation itself, and subsequently fixed with dowels. The installation must begin from the corner of the wall and constantly ensure that there are no gaps between the slabs of the heat-insulating layer.

  1. Reinforcement is carried out using a fiberglass mesh, which is applied over the heat-insulating layer and fixed with an adhesive base. The outer side of the mesh is also treated with an adhesive solution.
  2. After all layers have dried, apply decorative plaster. This stage can be considered individual, since the material has several application options, thanks to which a new appearance of the building is created each time. It is not forbidden to use classic application when the facade requires rigor and a standard approach.
  3. Painting is the final stage of installing a wet facade on an apartment building. Color is also individual choice residents of the house.

Thus, external finishing a multi-storey building with a wet facade does not present any difficulties, and upon completion of the work it will become an excellent protector against moisture, the formation of fungi, mold and will help to retain heat in the apartment as much as possible.