How to wash and care for a matte stretch ceiling? (9 photos). Care of suspended ceilings: operating rules

One of the options for finishing the ceiling is to install a suspended structure with a tension film. Thanks to its affordable price, presentable appearance and the result of a perfectly flat surface, the popularity of this type of cladding has been growing for more than 10 years. The main advantage of suspended ceilings is considered to be ease of maintenance, but many housewives have questions about the regularity of cleaning and the possibility of using this or that product.

Features of suspended ceilings

As you know, the quality of a tension structure largely depends on adherence to technology during installation. In this case, the type of film used plays an important role. In each individual case, the material is selected individually, taking into account the functionality of the room and the characteristic microclimate.

Reference! Stretch ceilings are a frame fixed around the perimeter of the ceiling, covered with a special film, stretched along profiles using high temperatures.

Knowing the properties of the film will help you accept correct solution in an unusual situation that arises during cleaning ceiling surface.

When heated to 50°, the material increases its elasticity. This helps to avoid its deformation under mechanical stress. To return the film to its previous dimensions, you need to cool the stretch area.

Water resistance allows for wet cleaning.

The film does not contain toxic substances, which means that if a person comes into contact with the material, an allergic reaction will not occur.

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Ultraviolet resistance eliminates restoration measures aimed at evening out the color.

There is no need for chemical cleaning to remove foreign odors from the stretch ceiling. The film does not accumulate odors.

Rules for caring for suspended ceilings

In order for the ceiling to always look fresh, you need to regularly clean the surface. Among the main enemies of PVC surfaces are tobacco tar, dust, and kitchen grease. Nicotine waste and fat deposits can be easily removed with a damp cloth soaked in warm water. Dust can be easily removed with a dry towel or vacuum cleaner. In addition to cleaning, it is important to avoid mechanical shock to the stretch ceiling. The film has a strong tensile strength, but it can be damaged when exposed to sharp objects.

Reference! A small cut in the PVC film is restored using special glue.

If there is a photo print on the surface of the stretch ceiling, you need to equip the window cornices with curtains or hang double-glazed windows with blinds. From constant ultraviolet radiation, paints used for decoration canvases fade, the drawing becomes dull. That's why window openings need to be darkened, creating protection for the ceiling finish.

How to clean glossy ceilings

For cleaning any suspended ceilings It is recommended to use a soft cotton cloth and a solution made from water and crushed laundry soap. The liquid should be warm, but not hot. Otherwise, the surface will become dull.

To wash glossy films, it is better to use a water-based solution and ammonia(proportion 9:1). First, the ceiling is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner to collect dry dust. After this, you need to walk over the surface 2 or 3 times with a napkin soaked in the solution. The process is completed by rubbing with a dry cloth (without lint), which helps get rid of stains.

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Care suspended ceiling structure involves the use of the following cleaning methods:

Dry - done with a vacuum cleaner, a brush with soft bristles is placed on the pipe of the unit, when moving along the plane, you must avoid applying force towards the film (a broom is not suitable for this purpose);

Wet - involves using a napkin soaked in warm water (you need to walk over the surface several times);

Washing – wiping the ceiling with a wet cloth soaked in a cleaning solution.

To ensure proper cleaning, the following rules must be observed:

It is better to carry out the work with gloves, this eliminates the risk of damaging the film with nails or jewelry (by the way, it is better to remove rings and bracelets while cleaning);

For film ceilings, only soft rags and brushes are selected;

Detergents must be neutral; aggressive compounds can ruin the appearance of the ceiling;

When acting on the film, you should control the pressure force, avoiding strong tension on the material.

For cleaning film PVC is better take a soap solution. When performing work, you should move the brush or rag not in a circular motion, but forward and backward. Then there will definitely be no divorces.

Many housewives use products designed for windows to wash suspended ceilings. This option is good when cleaning plain material. If the film has a fabric base or photo printing is applied to the surface, then you cannot use alcohol compounds. It is also worth considering that using solvents and kerosene to remove the dirtiest stains is strictly prohibited.

Stretch ceilings are practical, durable and easy to maintain. However, you should know the rules for caring for canvases, for example, how to clean PVC canvas from grease stains in the kitchen or limestone stains in the bathroom, and how to remove dirt from fabric coverings. We will find out the answers in the next article.

Rules for the use of suspended ceilings

With proper care of the canvas and compliance with the operating features, you can keep the material in its original form for a long time.

To do this, first of all, you need to protect the coating from influence negative factors:

  • Mechanical impact. Fabric material has higher strength characteristics than film material. However, it is not recommended to clean both types of ceilings with hard brushes, rough cloths and abrasives. Also, do not press too hard on the canvas to avoid deformation.
  • Temperature changes. Under influence high temperature the film coating is deformed, and at low rates it cracks.
  • Chemical exposure. Using acids, alkalis, or acetone-containing compounds for cleaning can cause stains on the coating, removal of the pattern, and even the appearance of holes.
It will be easier for you to protect the canvas from negative factors if it is initially placed in a room with the necessary requirements. For example, fabric ceilings are more suitable for terraces and unheated rooms, and film ceilings for the kitchen.

Remember that an incorrectly chosen composition for cleaning the stretch fabric can cause blurring or removal of the pattern, changes in color, wrinkled fabric, and stains. Choose products that are specifically designed for tension structures. Give preference to liquids from reliable manufacturers and suppliers. Also pay attention to the composition. The product should not contain abrasives or acetone. Test it on an inconspicuous or hidden area before use.

Features of caring for film stretch ceilings

Unlike fabric, PVC is not afraid of moisture, and therefore can be used to clean it various compositions. However, the film is more susceptible to mechanical damage, and you need to be extremely careful not to damage the integrity of the material.

Caring for glossy stretch ceilings

The glossy PVC coating shines until dust settles on it. In general, the process of caring for glossy stretch ceilings is reminiscent of cleaning mirror surfaces.

To clean the canvas, we adhere to the following rules:

  1. We work exclusively with gloves so as not to leave fingerprints on the film. It is recommended to remove rings and bracelets from your hands to prevent damage.
  2. To remove dust, use a long-bristled brush or a dry paper napkin.
  3. We add shine to the coating using a polish or alcohol solution (1 to 10).
  4. Wipe again with a dry cloth using progressive movements to avoid leaving streaks.

All solutions for washing PVC fabric should not have a temperature above 40 degrees.

Caring for a matte stretch ceiling

Film ceilings with a matte texture are recommended to be cleaned under the influence of water vapor. There are special steam cleaners for this. Also in these cases, use a water solution from shavings of laundry soap, glass or dishwashing detergent.

But in the kitchen, maintenance of matte stretch ceilings is carried out using ammonia and a dry cloth. A microfiber cloth is optimal for these purposes. When cleaning, deformation of individual sections of the material must not be allowed, otherwise the entire structure will deflect.

Caring for satin stretch ceilings

If everything is more or less clear about caring for glossy and matte surfaces, then the question arises of how to wash satin stretch ceilings. On a glossy canvas, stains are visible, but a matte one can simply be left wet. After drying it will look aesthetically pleasing. The satin finish is similar to matte, but has some shine, so it can also leave streaks.

Cleaning is carried out in the following order: apply the care product to a separate area, wipe the cloth with a progressive movement with a soft cloth, slightly wetting the cloth, continue wiping until the streaks disappear.

The cloth may leave microscopic scratches. Don't worry about it. They will be invisible after the ceiling has dried.

Almost every manufacturer includes accompanying instructions for the canvas. The main care features are also outlined there.

Technology for caring for fabric stretch fabrics

Fabric ceilings are more durable than film ceilings and are not as susceptible to mechanical damage. However, when caring for them, the following rules must be observed:
  • The fabric can be cleaned without detergents.
  • To remove dust, use a brush with soft and long bristles.
  • When cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, do not allow the brush to touch the coating. The device itself must be turned on at minimum power.
Unlike film stretch ceiling products, fabric ones are not recommended to be washed. But this can be done in the presence of severe contamination. Maintenance of fabric stretch ceilings is usually carried out without the use of various chemicals, so we use laundry soap.

IN warm water dissolve a little soap shavings. The solution should be of low concentration. We wet a small hidden area to check the reaction of the canvas. Poor quality material may lose color or become deformed. If the reaction is normal, apply the solution to the stain and rub lightly. Please note that you do not need to rub too hard to avoid damaging the fabric.

Cleaning suspended ceilings in the kitchen and bathroom

Tensile structures made of PVC are usually installed in these rooms. In the bathroom due to constant high humidity is formed on the canvas limescale. To get rid of it, the material must be washed in a timely manner with soapy water or a special product for the care of suspended ceilings.

In the kitchen, the canvas is most often covered greasy spots. We remove them using alcohol-based compounds, and difficult to remove areas can be lubricated with detergent in advance and left for a while to soften.

How to care for suspended ceiling- look at the video:

You need to know the rules for caring for stretch ceilings and apply them strictly in accordance with the instructions. Otherwise, you can damage the canvas, leave stains on it, blur the design or deform it. From our simple tips you will learn how to care for different types tension structures so that your ceiling looks like new throughout its service life.

Among the types of ceiling design that are widely used today during apartment renovations, stretch ceilings are of greatest interest. Despite all the relatively complex and labor-intensive installation technology, this design option for ceiling surfaces is the most original. Thanks to the wide variety color design and the textures of such suspended ceilings can radically change the interior of even the most unprepossessing room. Sophistication, gloss and presentability are the main qualities that are characteristic of this type of ceiling design.

However, it is not enough to install a tension suspension structure. It is important to know how to clean stretched fabric. This requires regular maintenance of stretch ceilings so that they continue to please you for years to come.

What is the secret to caring for such attractive and delicate structures? When should you wash, what and what detergents are best for hanging tensioned systems? Let's try to answer these questions.

What are the features and specifics of suspended ceilings?

The canvas, which is stretched in the upper part of the room, is unique in its technological and physical properties material. It simultaneously combines high technological characteristics, practicality and aesthetics. New stretch ceilings installed in the hall or living room always look great. They can be glossy or matte. In both cases, the surface of the PVC film is even and smooth.

On a note: There is a misconception that film stretched onto ceilings does not require maintenance. Like any other surface mounted on the top, the film is subject to natural physical contamination during operation.

Dust and human waste products, along with fumes, settle on the surface of the ceiling, over time depriving it of its freshness and attractiveness. The situation with suspended ceilings looks similar. This is especially true in situations when we are dealing with glossy ceiling tension structures. Caring for matte stretch ceilings is much easier than with a glossy texture. The reason for such attention to this type of tension systems is that the glossy texture of PVC film is more susceptible to contamination and, accordingly, this texture requires special technology cleaning and washing.

Polyvinyl chloride film or polyester fabric is a special finishing material. Due to its strength and resistance to external influence the canvas stretched in the upper part of the premises can serve for a long time. Under one condition, that care is carried out on time and correctly.

When to wash and clean tensioned suspension systems

When the ceiling is washed, it is immediately noticeable. The glossy surface plays with colors and tints, reflecting the light of the switched on lamps. The clean, matte surface diffuses light better, increasing indoor comfort.

However, the condition of the ceilings is greatly affected by the level and intensity of use of the room. Pollution is especially noticeable in the kitchen or in those areas where people most often stay. In such places, cleaning of the suspended structure is required at least 1-2 times a year. In the living room or in the hall, this procedure is performed less frequently.

For reference: It’s worth focusing separately on the children’s room. In a children's bedroom or playroom, where the child spends most of his time, wet cleaning of ceilings, including tension systems, is carried out at least once a month.

Also, the condition of the ceiling surface made of PVC film is influenced by the quality of the material. Branded stretch ceilings will retain their original virgin appearance longer. During operation, such canvases and fabrics are treated with special compounds and agents that reduce the degree of contamination of the film or fabric.

In order to achieve the desired effect, I wash the suspended ceiling, observing certain rules, subtleties and nuances.

How and with what means should you wash suspended ceilings at home?

Wash your stretched fabric incorrectly can ruin all the beauty you used to enjoy. Failure to comply with care technology often causes the main fabric to lose its original color. The tension surface will lose its shine and become cloudy. Often, excessive zeal and violation of the rules for caring for ceilings of this type cause deformation of the stretched fabric.

If care matte ceiling can be implemented with some violations and will not lead to significant changes appearance, then with a glossy surface everything is much more complicated. What basic rules should you know:

  • Use only substances and detergents that do not contain abrasive elements for washing;
  • soda and powdered substances are not suitable for such a procedure;
  • substances and components containing alkalis and acids are also contraindicated when cleaning tension systems.

Cleaning and cleaning products must be selected accordingly. No scrapers, spatulas or stiff bristled brushes. Only soft foam sponges, brushes and microfiber sponges are used.

On a note: Cleaning PVC film can be wet or dry. The choice depends on the degree of contamination of the ceiling part and operating conditions.

Dry cleaning and cleaning is carried out with soft cloths. The stretched fabric is rubbed in a circular motion without pressure. This technique will allow you to update work surface without streaks, making it still bright and catchy. When wet processing, the same procedure is performed with a sponge. For achievement best result can be added to water detergent, which does not contain aggressive components.

It is worth remembering that the more often you wash your ceilings in the house, the longer they will retain their attractiveness. Regular washing and cleaning will avoid the accumulation of dirt and dust, the washing of which will be very difficult.

What is the secret of proper washing and cleaning of suspended ceilings?

To make the whole process as comfortable and very tiring for you as possible, acquire the following devices:

  • ladder - stepladder;
  • microfiber or suede cloths;
  • foam sponges;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • detergents suitable for this procedure.

To remove dust with a vacuum cleaner, use a brush attachment with soft bristles.

For example, to remove minor dirt, stains and dust from the ceiling surface, it is enough to wipe the surface of the film with a damp cloth or suede cloth.

After treating the fabric with a damp sponge, it is necessary to treat the surface with dry material. This must be done to ensure that no traces of dried drops remain on the glossy surface. A matte stretch ceiling does not require such careful maintenance. Here it is enough to get by with just one wet cleaning.

When it comes to major cleaning and you need to remove heavy dirt that is clearly visible on the stretched fabric.

On a note: When working with a vacuum cleaner, you should not rush into work too zealously. Using fairly gentle movements, without touching the surface, run the vacuum cleaner over the entire ceiling. Too much pressure on the fabric can lead to accidental mechanical damage or sagging of the entire structure.

Individual stains (traces from food and drinks) are removed with a sponge or microfiber cloth soaked in soapy water. If the first attempt is unsuccessful, if the stain remains, repeat the procedure two or three times without resorting to radical actions. In order to glossy surface shines again, the stretched film is wiped with a lint-free cloth soaked in 10% ammonia solutions. Sometimes for these purposes they use a special means for washing windows and mirrors, spraying it not on the film, but only by moistening the surface of the napkin.

Usually used for work washing powder, diluted in warm water. There is no point in making a highly concentrated soap solution. Otherwise, you will have to spend more time removing soap film and foam from the treated area. To be on the safe side, try making a soap solution from regular laundry soap first. You should remember those tools that are strictly not recommended to be used in such situations.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to use detergents containing abrasive elements, solvents of all types and classes to treat ceilings made of PVC films. Specialized special equipment usually indicates the scope of application, including cleaning and washing suspended ceilings.

When using a new product, you need to test its effect in a limited area, somewhere inconspicuous to the eye. If the product does not leave noticeable stains or streaks, use it as directed on the entire ceiling surface.

Overpay when purchasing special means, it’s not worth it, since its composition is a regular washing solution, which contains special fragrances and additives.

How to wash matte ceilings

Let us consider in detail how it has a matte surface. In our understanding, a classic matte surface is a perfectly plastered ceiling. Surface in in this case looks monochromatic and does not give glare. To create such a surface, polyurethane fabric is used. Unlike glossy film, matte film is not subject to cracking, is less scratched and is not as susceptible to dust. Despite these advantages, such a ceiling also needs to be cleaned and washed.

This type of surface is much easier to clean, since even with wet cleaning there are no streaks left on the matte finish.

Here you can get by with a regular soap solution or use a degreasing agent to remove stubborn stains. It is important to remember that the fabric must be wiped dry after wet cleaning. After this, polishing agent can be applied to the treated coating.


Try to take care of your stretch ceilings. This beauty requires attention and care, in much the same way as you care for expensive furniture. If everything is done correctly and in accordance with technology, cleaning tension systems will not be burdensome for you. Remember some points for yourself:

  1. Cleaning and cleaning of stretched fabric or film must be carried out at least once a year.
  2. You can regularly dry clean the ceiling surface
  3. For wet cleaning, use only soft, soapy solutions, without resorting to the use of special products.
  4. It is better to pre-treat areas of the fabric with persistent contamination using conventional means.
  5. Matte stretch ceilings are easier to use
  6. Glossy surfaces require more thorough cleaning

A modern stylish stretch ceiling, like all surfaces in the room, requires special care and operating conditions. When installing a suspended ceiling and admiring its beauty, many housewives have a question:

How to care for stretch ceilings?

Don't worry too much, because modern technologies allow to cover tension material special anti-dust compounds. You don't have to spend a lot of time cleaning. But, nevertheless, 2 times a year to maintain beauty you still need to pay attention to this. Maintenance of suspended ceilings includes:

  • dry cleaning,
  • the washing up,
  • possibility of using a vacuum cleaner,
  • and etc.

You will read about how to do this in this article.

Dry cleaning of ceilings

Dry cleaning of a stretch ceiling can be carried out as the canvas becomes dirty; such cleaning is especially important for fabric stretch ceilings, because they do not like moisture. For such fabrics, a brush with soft long bristles is suitable. To shake off the dust. Glossy PVC sheets that are not heavily soiled should be wiped with a dry, lint-free cloth. To ensure that nothing remains on the ceiling, the movements must be horizontal up and down. This way you won't have divorces. And the canvas will shine like new. If there is any stain, you can use a stationery eraser. But only very carefully, without pressing too hard. But it is better, of course, to prefer wet cleaning and washing for glossy canvases.

Caring for suspended ceilings: is it possible to use a vacuum cleaner?

Most people today have modern vacuum cleaners. Therefore, it is not uncommon to hear the question, is it possible to use a vacuum cleaner to care for a suspended ceiling? The answer to this question is yes it is possible. You just need to do it very carefully.

  • Firstly, the vacuum cleaner should be turned on only at the lowest power so that the cloth does not stick to the brush and is “sucked” inside the vacuum cleaner.
  • Secondly, the nozzle should be free of bristles and lint, just smooth so as not to accidentally scratch the surface.
  • And thirdly, while working, keep the vacuum cleaner tube at a distance of several centimeters; there is no need to move the nozzle directly across the ceiling; the power of the vacuum cleaner is enough to ensure that no dust particles remain.

By following these tips, you can easily collect dust and cobwebs, and the ceiling will be clean. But if you are not confident in your accuracy and are afraid of damaging the canvas, use the old “old-fashioned” method - a damp rag and a stepladder.

Is it possible to wash a suspended ceiling?

Of course, no one has canceled wet cleaning, but there is one exception: you cannot wash Descor fabrics. Washing is the most proven and reliable way care of suspended ceilings. The main thing is to choose a good soft sponge and several flannel rags, you can also use suede or special ones made of microfiber. You can also use a mop with a soft sponge, but only without protruding sharp corners, but it is better to use a stepladder higher and wipe with your hands. pay attention to following tips, for cleaning the ceiling.

  1. Before cleaning, remove all jewelry and decorations from your hands so as not to damage the stretch ceiling fabric.
  2. If necessary, use a soap solution in warm water no more than 40 0 ​​C or a product that does not contain acetone, alcohol, abrasive cleaning particles and other aggressive chemical components. To add shine to a glossy ceiling, use glass cleaner or a solution of ammonia, which is prepared as follows: add 0.1 liter of ammonia to 0.9 liters of water, so you get a 10 percent solution. But you should not use such a solution or glass cleaner for fabric; very often it contains a dye that is detrimental to the fabric, as colored spots may appear. Do not use alcohol! It can cause faded spots to form on glossy surfaces.
  3. Matte stretch ceilings can be wiped with circular movements, but glossy canvases, on the contrary, can be wiped with straight movements to avoid streaks.
  4. Grease stains or soot on a suspended ceiling in the kitchen can be removed using liquid soap or dish soap, but under no circumstances try products for stoves and ovens for this purpose, they are too aggressive.
  5. After you wipe the ceiling with a damp sponge, go over it again with dry cloths for better polishing; the gloss will simply sparkle.

A few important operating rules

Everyone wants the suspended ceiling to serve faithfully for decades, as many manufacturers claim, because a lot of money has been spent on it. All this is real, you just need to follow the rules for using a stretch ceiling. However, we note that there may be force majeure situations, but even after them the ceiling can look beautiful, as if it had just been installed, you just don’t need to panic, ooh and ahh, but follow the advice. After all, no matter how much you shout at your neighbors, it will not help eliminate troubles.

  • So, first of all, observe temperature regime operation, from +5 0 to +50 0 C for PVC ceilings and from -40 0 to +60 0 C for fabric ones.
  • During repairs, stretch ceilings should be covered; this can be done with special film or cling film.
  • As soon as you notice dirt or rust, immediately wipe and remove them, without waiting for the dirt to become embedded in the material.
  • Be careful with sharp and long objects. And also do not make any physical effort.

Thus, by properly caring for the suspended ceiling and observing the operating conditions, you will be satisfied with the beauty of your room for a long time. And you must admit that wet or dry cleaning will not require you to spend much money or require much physical effort. Modern living conditions make even the cleaning process easy and fast. And let your ceilings shine only with crystal purity!

Tension fabric is an aesthetic and practical way to decorate a ceiling. The glossy gloss remains pristine for a long time, without causing any disturbance, but sooner or later cleaning is necessary for it too. Most likely, the kitchen ceilings, which suffer from soot, fumes and grease, will need a “bath day” first. Stains may also appear on the surface of the bathroom ceiling. This is due not only to falling drops, but also to condensation. In a loggia, ordinary road dust entering through open windows can become a problem. The accompanying instructions for caring for glossy stretch ceilings are not described in sufficient detail. Recommendations and practical advice will allow you to maintain suspended ceilings in perfect cleanliness without the risk of damaging them due to improper processing.

Design features of a stretch ceiling

The ceiling structure consists of planks fixed to the walls and fabric stretched over them with sufficient force. This ensures a perfectly smooth surface, but it also complicates maintenance. Rubbing with force or mopping a thin and sufficiently elastic film will not work.

Strong pressure can deform the canvas. Glossy ceilings require especially delicate care; even small stains are visible on their polished surface. In addition, even the structure of the material itself matters: fabric and vinyl surfaces react differently to detergent compositions.

White glossy stretch ceiling

Dry cleaning

Antistatic coating of tension glossy ceiling allows you to clean it from dust quite rarely. Exceptions - industrial premises and rooms in which renovations were carried out without dismantling the ceiling. An ordinary vacuum cleaner, the brush of which is wrapped in a layer of flannel fabric to prevent scratches, will help you cope with dust.

This method is suitable for suspended ceilings of any type, and for fabric ceilings that do not tolerate wet cleaning, it is the main cleaning method. The power of the vacuum cleaner is set to a minimum during cleaning, since strong suction can pull out the film, leaving marks.

Professional cleaning of glossy stretch ceiling

Wet cleaning

How to care for glossy stretch ceilings in the kitchen is a more complex question. Simply sweeping away the dust will not work: even with the most reliable exhaust hood, yellowish streaks may appear on the surface. In this case, wet cleaning is a necessity.

Mirror cleaning product and technique are suitable for easy cleaning

Selecting a detergent

The solution for washing stretch ceilings may contain regular soap or dishwashing detergent. This composition will not damage the canvas. It is strictly forbidden to use products that contain acetates, corrosive polymer compounds and abrasive solid particles that leave scratches on the gloss.

From the factory household chemicals You can opt for alcohol-based glass and mirror liquids. These volatile substances wash off even complex stains quite well and do not leave streaks, which distinguishes them favorably from soap. Powders and creams fall into the category of not recommended, although the microscopic scratches they leave on the fabric ceiling are not visible. They are absolutely not suitable only for cleaning glossy PVC ceilings.

The simplest remedy is water and liquid soap.

Without choosing what to clean the glossy stretch ceiling in the store, you can make the solution yourself. For a liter of water you will need 2 tablespoons of hand washing powder and half a glass of ammonia. The latter can be purchased both at the pharmacy and in the store building materials. For convenience, the solution can be poured into a spray bottle or flower sprayer, which allows you to spray it onto the ceiling evenly and without pressure.

To be completely sure of the safety of the selected detergent, you can conduct a test. If there is no test piece of material, you can apply a drop of the solution to areas covered by lamps or baseboards. If after 10 minutes the canvas does not lose its shine or change color from a drop of undiluted solution, then it can be safely used over the entire surface of a glossy ceiling.

Optimal temperature The liquid used is room temperature. Both cold and excessive hot water may cause damage to the fabric.

Factory-made products for suspended ceilings can be found in household chemicals departments

Selection of tools

Before cleaning a glossy stretch ceiling, you should check the softness of the prepared sponges and rags. They should not have rough seams or fittings. Brushes and sponges with a hard layer are not suitable. The best fabric to use is flannel, and a soft baby bath sponge. Household fiber wipes will also give excellent results due to their ability to absorb liquids well. To clean the ceiling in a loggia, on a balcony or in a room that is rarely cleaned, it is worth preparing a soft fluffy broom. It is convenient to sweep away dust and cobwebs.

It is better to use a mop on a handle only as a last resort, since the long handle does not allow sufficient control of the pressure. If there is a need for such a tool, then the edges of the fastening must be carefully wrapped with the same flannel: it is the edges of plastic and metal fasteners that most often cause scratches on the surface of a glossy ceiling. There is one general answer to the question of how to wipe a stretch ceiling: glossy smooth and textured fabric ones are finally dried with dry, clean flannel.

Stretch ceilings can be cleaned with soft rags and sponges.

Stages of general cleaning of suspended ceilings

  1. Corners and seams, if any, are swept with a soft brush. A vacuum cleaner can also be used for this purpose. It is also convenient for them to clean the gaps around the chandelier and lamps, where dust can accumulate.
  2. The entire surface of the glossy ceiling is moistened with the prepared solution. You can start wiping with a damp cloth after 5-7 minutes. If there is significant contamination, the procedure can be repeated. The pressure on the surface during these works should be minimal. It is impossible to forget that there are voids under the canvas.
  3. After washing with a damp cloth, wipe the surface dry.

Dry cleaning of ceilings is carried out no more than once a month. Wet is required no more than once every six months. It is advisable to carry out the procedure during daylight hours, when daylight allows you to sufficiently see the surface. Electric lighting on glossy surfaces can produce bright glare that interferes with work.