Hippeastrum pink. Caring for hippeastrum at home. Which hippeastrum bulbs are best to choose?

Last year I was given a hippeastrum with huge red flowers. Over time, babies formed on the old bulb, but this year there was no flowering. A friend advised me to have it transplanted. Can you tell me when to replant the hippeastrum?

They belong to the bulbous plants. They bloom very beautifully - on a long arrow there are 4-5 large flowers, similar to lilies. They are quite unpretentious, and even amateurs without experience can grow a flower. One of the conditions for caring for hippeastrum is its regular replanting.

When to replant hippeastrum

It is recommended to replant adult hippeastrums every two years, and young plants are replanted annually. The most the right time for this it is spring. It is best to replant the plant after it has flowered, after 3-4 weeks. If root system healthy, there is no need to trim it, just remove the dry and diseased roots.

Choosing a pot for transplanting

For replanting, you should choose a pot that is only a few centimeters larger than the previous one. In too large a container, the hippeastrum will not bloom, but will direct all its strength to reproduction - the formation of children.

The distance between the walls of the pot and the bulb should be no more than 2 centimeters.

The plant has a fairly developed root system, so it is better to choose a pot that is not too high, but wide at the bottom. It is better if it is ceramic - this will allow the roots to breathe. In addition, such a pot will not tip over under the weight of large long leaves. You can also use a long container for group planting. The bulbs are placed at a distance of 10 cm.

Soil preparation

Hippeastrums grow well in nutritious, loose soil. At home, such a substrate can be made by mixing the following components in equal parts:

  • turf land;
  • leaf soil;
  • humus;
  • sand.

Be sure to place a drainage layer (expanded clay) on the bottom of the pot.

Preparing the hippeastrum bulb for transplantation

After removing it from the old pot, remove all dry and black scales from the bulb, peeling it down to the white elastic tissue. This helps to activate further flower growth and will help get rid of putrefactive bacteria hiding between the scales.
Place the peeled onions in a solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes. Pink colour and then dry thoroughly.
Often there are small children on the hippeastrum. To speed up flowering, they are removed so as not to take away the strength from the mother bulb. If it is planned further reproduction plants, bulbs are left. Already formed young bulbs should be separated and transplanted into separate pot, where they will bloom in the third year.

The children remaining on the bulb during transplantation can delay the next flowering of the hippeastrum.

Hippeastrum transplantation

When transplanting, the bulb must be placed in the soil so that it protrudes 1/3 above the surface. Experienced flower growers claim that this will bring flowering closer. Compact the soil around the bulb and water it.
At the bottom of the pot, right on the drainage, you can put complex fertilizer in the form of a stick (1 piece). Place the pot with the transplanted plant on a well-lit windowsill in a warm room.

Hippeastrum transplantation - video

Plant hippeastrum (lat. Hippeastrum) belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family. There are about 90 species of hippeastrum. The name of the flower consists of two roots of the ancient Greek language, meaning “horseman” and “star” in translation. Hippeastrum is often confused with amaryllis, but you should know that beautiful amaryllis (the only representative of the genus) grows naturally in southern Africa, and hippeastrum grows in the tropics and subtropics of America, in particular in the Amazon basin. Amaryllis and hippeastrum are relatives belonging to the same botanical family, but representing different genera. Hippeastrum was brought to Europe in the 16th century, and in 1799 the first plant hybrid, Johnson's hippeastrum, appeared.

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Planting and caring for hippeastrum (in brief)

  • Bloom: Aug. Sept.
  • Lighting: bright diffused light (southern, southwest or southeast windows).
  • Temperature: 17-25˚C.
  • Watering: at the beginning of the growing season - scanty, with the appearance of a peduncle before flowering - abundant, but not excessive. It is recommended to use the bottom watering method.
  • Air humidity: usual for residential premises.
  • Feeding: from the beginning of the growing season - once every two weeks with liquid mineral fertilizers for deciduous plants, and from the moment the peduncle appears - in the same mode, but with solutions of mineral fertilizers for flowering plants.
  • Rest period: from October to January.
  • Transfer: once every 3-4 years after flowering or before the start of the growing season.
  • Reproduction: seeds, children and dividing the bulb.
  • Pests: scale insects, aphids, spider mites, mealybugs.
  • Diseases: peronosporosis, burn fungus, red rot.

Read more about growing hippeastrum below.

Hippeastrum flower - features

Hippeastrum flowers are bulbous perennials. The round, sometimes conical bulb of the hippeastrum consists of a short thick stem and closed scales. The size of the bulbs, depending on the type, ranges from 5 cm to 10 cm in diameter. At the base (bottom) of the bulb there is a bunch of cord-like roots. The leaves of hippeastrum are linear, grooved on the surface, keeled below, 50-70 cm long, 4-5 cm wide, arranged in two opposite rows. Some varieties may have purple leaves, but they are mostly green. An umbrella-shaped inflorescence of 2-6 bisexual flowers 13-15 cm in length and up to 25 cm in diameter is formed on a cylindrical, hollow, leafless peduncle 35-80 cm high. The flowers, funnel-shaped or tubular, are located on long petioles; the color of the flowers is very different: dark red, bright red, orange, pink, white, etc. The fruit is a tricuspid capsule, spherical or angular, in which small hippeastrum seeds ripen. The germination rate of freshly harvested seeds is almost one hundred percent.

Homemade hippeastrum has several features, things to consider if you decide to grow it:

  • varieties with light and white flowers produce few full-fledged seeds;
  • V summer time hippeastrum is best kept in the garden, buried in the ground;
  • the timing of the flowering of hippeastrum can be adjusted by timing it to certain dates - this is very convenient, considering that a blooming hippeastrum is a wonderful gift that replaces an expensive, exquisite bouquet;
  • Each hippeastrum flower blooms for only ten days;
  • For forcing, you need to use only large bulbs, which have accumulated a large supply of nutrients.

In the photo: Hippeastrum flowering

Hippeastrum - home care

How to care for hippeastrum

The hippeastrum should be kept in a well-lit place, preferably on a south, south-east or south-west window sill, covering the flower from direct sunlight and turning it around its axis from time to time so that it maintains its compact shape. Temperature during the period active growth 17 ºC to 25 ºC is preferred. As already mentioned, in the summer the hippeastrum feels great in the fresh air, but you will have to arrange it outdoors in such a way that it does not suffer from waterlogging.

Water the hippeastrum at the beginning of the growing season, you need to do it very sparingly, gradually increasing watering only from the moment the peduncle appears - a signal that the plant has begun growing season. As the flower shoot grows and before flowering begins, watering should become abundant, but nevertheless moderate, so that the soil in the flowerpot is moist and not wet.

It is best to water from the bottom or from a tray, gradually adding warm water until the earthen lump gets wet. Avoid getting water on the bulb.

After flowering, watering is also gradually reduced until it stops completely.

In the photo: Growing hippeastrum at home

When the hippeastrum peduncle reaches 12-15 cm in height, water the soil with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, and after 4-6 days feed the plant phosphorus fertilizer. In general, feeding hippeastrum is carried out at the beginning of the growing season twice a month with liquid mineral fertilizer for deciduous plants, and after the appearance of leaves and for better education buds - with fertilizers for flowering plants in the same regime. Make sure that the concentration of minerals is not too strong, otherwise, instead of fertilizing the plant, you will burn its roots.

Do not forget to wash the leaves from dust in a warm shower or wipe them regularly with a damp sponge.

Hippeastrum transplantation

Hippeastrum is replanted once every three to four years before the dormant period or before leaving it. It is very important to choose the right pot for the flower: the distance from the bulb to the wall of the pot should not be more than 2 cm. The soil should be approximately the following composition: two parts perlite (or coarse sand), leaf and turf soil and one part humus. The soil must be sterilized before use. Don't forget about the drainage layer. Planting of hippeastrum is carried out by transshipment in order to cause as little damage as possible to the root system of the plant. The bulb is placed in the ground so that at least a third of it is above the surface.

Reproduction of hippeastrum

Hippeastrums reproduce by seed and vegetative methods. It is better to sow seeds immediately after collecting them, while they have one hundred percent germination. If you allow the seeds to dry out, then the ability to germinate becomes only thirty percent. Actually, sowing seeds is a simple, routine procedure, so there is no point in talking about it, especially since the seed method can only be used if there are seeds, and they can appear if you artificially pollinate the flower.

It is much easier to reproduce vegetatively, namely, by separating the hippeastrum babies from the mother bulb. This is done during transplantation. Separating the baby with a sterile sharp instrument, treating the cuts on it with crushed coal, we plant it in a separate pot and do not deprive the young plant of foliage for two years, even during the dormant period.

In the photo: How hippeastrum blooms in an apartment

There is another way vegetative propagation hippeastrum - by dividing the bulb. It is carried out in November, when the bulb contains the maximum amount of nutrients. Remove the top layer of substrate so that only the lower part of the bulb remains in the soil. Remove outer dry scales. Cut off the leaves, taking some of the top of the bulb. Cut the onion vertically into four equal parts so that the cuts reach the surface of the substrate; vertically insert plastic or wooden knitting needles with a diameter of 5-6 cm into the cuts so that the parts of the onion do not overlap. Care for the bulb as you would an adult plant, avoiding allowing the substrate to dry out. As soon as the leaves appear, fertilize and continue fertilizing as usual. Next spring, divide the bulb and plant the parts in individual flowerpots.

The rest period of the hippeastrum

The resting period of hippeastrum is from September to January. If your plant spent the summer holidays in the yard, then by the beginning of autumn it’s time to bring it into the house. At the same time, they begin to gradually reduce watering, as a result of which the leaves of the plant dry out. After complete drying, the leaves fall off on their own, and the stem is cut off, the plant is transferred to a dry and dark room, the pot is placed on its side and stored at a temperature of 6-12 ºC without watering for 6 to 8 weeks until it is time for the hippeastrum to wake up.

Hippeastrum flowering

How to make hippeastrum bloom

  • Firstly, Bulbs can be treated before planting hot water 43-45 ºC for three hours. After such extreme temperatures, the plant blooms in three weeks.
  • Second way effects: stop watering the plant in August, move it to a dry, dark place and keep it there until the end of January, after which resume watering. In a month and a half you will be able to enjoy the flowering of hippeastrum.
  • And the third way beliefs: cut off all the leaves of the hippeastrum in July and do not water it for a month, and with the first watering, introduce liquid complex fertilizer (to avoid burns, first moisten the soil thoroughly, then add fertilizer).

In August or September, your hippeastrum will bloom like a darling.

In the photo: Handsome white hippeastrum

Hippeastrum does not bloom - why?

Sometimes this happens due to a lack of nutrients, because the hippeastrum plant is a gluttonous plant, and there is very little soil in the pot, so it is quickly depleted. For this reason, fertilizing should be sufficient and regular, as should watering.

And it happens that a plant throws all its strength into fighting pests, such as

indoor plant, distinguished by an interesting large flower, similar to a trumpet lily. He is bulbous flower, while it blooms no more than 1-2 times a year, and then under good conditions.

But in order for the pet to develop normally, bloom beautifully and grow in volume, it is recommended to arrange full periods of rest, as well as provide appropriate care for the indoor plant. Therefore, you should understand the intricacies of growing this shrub.

Hippeastrum comes from the Amaryllis family. In living nature the number various types plants exceed more than 90 types. Exotic name pet is translated from ancient Greek as “horseman” and “star”.

The flower is often identified with amaryllis. But the whole difference between the representatives of the family is that the beautiful amaryllis, first of all, is the only specimen in its genus, and its homeland is the southern side of Africa. While the hippeastrum a large number of various species, as well as its location is recorded in the tropical and subtropical forests of America.

The following features of the exotic are distinguished:

  • The most beautiful exotic flowers are located on a high massive arrow. Because of bright shade and durability, the plant is called royal.
  • Hippeastrum is a bulbous plant, so it can live for decades.
  • The foliage of a green pet begins to grow only at the moment when the arrow extends and the inflorescences bloom.
  • The external structure of the plant is such that they have the appearance of a tongue and have an original rich dark green color. The upper side of the plant is glossy, but has a fairly dense structure.
  • The leaf plate can extend up to 50 cm in length.
  • The inflorescences of Hippeastrum are large, large, reaching 25 cm in diameter. Externally they are distinguished by the shape of a funnel.
  • When flowering, they do not release aroma into the air.
  • If the exotic has grown, then from one large bulb you get 2 powerful arrows, 3-4 flowers on each.

Flowers can vary in color from red and pink to white. Some species have interesting color schemes- one flower is a bright red hue, the other is a calmer pink. Other inflorescences are distinguished by a striped tone. Flowering in most cases occurs either in spring or in the spring.

The formation of buds begins in early February. The flowering period continues until mid-March or even until the end of March. But if the plant is kept in comfortable conditions, its inflorescences can withstand the period until the end of May.

It is recommended to count the flowering period annually. 3 months before the expected date, the flower is transferred from the room in which it was located during the dormant period to warmer conditions. During the growing season, exotic plants require a large amount of sunlight, so they should be placed on south-eastern or south-western window sills.

Watering should be done as needed.

If the room is dry enough, then irrigation should be carried out frequently; if it is cool, then excessive watering is contraindicated. It is important to add nutritious moisture at the moment when the flower arrow develops and stretches sheet plates.

In order for the inflorescence to bloom actively and beautifully, before planting in a new flowerpot, the tuber should be kept for 3 hours in hot water at a temperature of 40 C. Thus, there is no need to make special efforts before flowering. Be sure to introduce constant watering and provide the plant with favorable conditions for normal growth and development.

Young hippeastrums require annual planting. The event is carried out either before the start of flowering, in February-March, or after the flower has completely faded and is preparing to go into a dormant period. This moment comes at the end of November. For plants older than 5 years of age, this procedure can be carried out once every 2 years.

How to replant a flower correctly:

  • It is recommended to start transplanting by preparing the container. To do this, you should take a pot that is 10 cm larger than the volume of the bulb. If the pot is much smaller, the plant will not be able to grow normally and produce the desired arrow.
  • Soil can be purchased in specialized stores. A regular soil substrate for indoor plants will do. The advantages of such soil are that a sufficient amount of mineral supplements and nutrients. But before planting, the acidity of the soil should be determined. In highly acidic soil, hippeastrum will not bloom and may even die.
  • You can also prepare the soil substrate yourself. To do this, combine turf soil, broken dry peat, river sand and humus. All components are taken in equal parts.
  • The soil you prepare yourself should first be calcined in the oven, and also spilled with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This will neutralize all pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms that populate this soil.
  • Drainage is placed at the bottom of the prepared flowerpot. For which you can use sea pebbles, broken bricks, expanded clay or medium-sized crushed stone. The container is filled to the middle with soil mixture. A tuber is placed on top. It should be covered with soil so that the soil covers 2/3 of it. The remaining part should look out onto the street. With this appearance It’s easier to control the condition of the flower.

After planting, the plant is watered, which should be applied in moderation so that the nutrient moisture does not stagnate in the soil. Otherwise you may provoke fungal disease tuber

A distinctive feature of the hippeastrum is its clear delineation of life phases. It has moments of growth, flowering and rest. The dormant period occurs at the moment when the plant does not send out arrows and is not preparing for flowering. The onset of the moment of going to rest can be regulated, due to the fact that this moment depends on the forcing of a flower of a late or early nature.

The most optimal time The rest period for the bulbous plant is from the first days of November until the end of January.

At this moment, it is time for internal restoration after flowering. All life processes slow down, the plant rests. This condition can last from 1 to 3 months. At this point it is recommended to recreate optimal conditions for a comfortable stay. Only in a favorable climate is further optimal development of the hippeastrum possible.

The exotic must be placed in a warm, darkened room in which it will be observed optimal humidity. In this case, the temperature in the room should not exceed +13..+15 C. During the dormant period, the plant should also be looked after. The following rules for caring for hippeastrum during the dormant period are distinguished:

  1. Place in a dark place.
  2. Dig it up.
  3. Carefully place the tubers in a wooden box.
  4. Make sure that the plant is not exposed to freezing.

After keeping the plant in this state for 1-3 months, the plant should be returned to its normal state. He is transferred to warm room, in a sunny place. Within 1.5-2 weeks a young leaf will appear. Only after the appearance of a tender leaf blade is it recommended to resume standard care. It is definitely recommended to place the pot in a sunny place so that the leaf plates do not stretch.

The shrub needs a period of rest in order to renew own strength, soak up new beneficial substances from the soil. After this period, the plant is again ready to delight with riotous flowering. Thus, by maintaining exotic plants in certain conditions, in the spring you can get a gorgeous bush with flowering dense funnels of a bright shade. The main thing is to completely recreate the optimal conditions for the bush to rest.

After the bush has flowered, it is recommended to produce a row necessary actions. First of all, it is necessary to give the plant the opportunity to gain strength for further growth. After all, only appropriate care will allow you to re-release a powerful arrow with peduncles in the future.

After all the buds have withered, the arrow is cut off, but not completely at the root.

It is necessary to leave about 15 cm of the base of the arrow above the bulb. Due to the remaining stem, the exotic draws into the tuber all the useful substances concentrated in the stem. It is necessary to remove the arrow only after the tuber has completely taken everything from it nutritional elements and it will dry out. Only after this is the arrow carefully unscrewed from the base, so as not to damage the main plant.

After flowering, the plant's foliage may continue to grow. She produces this slowly - 1 sheet per month. To prevent the plant from drying out, it must be watered moderately periodically. In addition, before the plant retires, liquid fertilizers should be applied. Fertilizers must contain potassium and phosphorus. For good growth The bulb should be fertilized at least 2 times a month.

The fact that the plant is preparing for a period of dormancy will be indicated by the acquisition of yellow foliage. During this period, it is very important to properly prepare the exotic for retirement:

  • Yellowed leaf blades are cut off.
  • The introduction of nutrient fluid is gradually stopped. Watering is carried out once every 21 days.
  • The pot with the tuber is placed in a cool place with dim light.
  • To prevent the tuber from producing young leaves, it is recommended to pull it out of the ground, placing it in a dry room, or wrap it in paper and place it in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator.

Proper care after flowering and before preparing for dormancy will allow the plant not only to be saturated with useful substances, but also to thoroughly prepare for the next growing season.

When growing hippeastrum, every gardener strives to ensure that the plant not only produces new foliage, but also blooms beautifully. Long absence flowering may be the result improper care behind the bushes.

The following reasons and their solutions are identified due to which exotic plants stop blooming:

  1. Transplanting a young plant - if propagation is carried out using tubers, then a one-year-old tuber will not shoot. The first release of buds is possible if the tuber is more than 7 cm and the plant is older than 2 years.
  2. Lack of feeding - after flowering it is definitely recommended to feed. A long-term lack of nutrients leads to suppression of the bush and lack of budding.
  3. Depleted soil - if the shrub is not transplanted from its native place for a long time, it completely sucks out from the soil all the nutrients necessary for growth. It is recommended to replant once every 1-2 years.
  4. Insufficient light - the plant is placed on northern windowsills. Be sure to move the pot to the south side, where the bush will have enough sunlight.
  5. The rest regime is violated - incorrect preparation of the exot for retirement and failure to comply with the proper conditions during this period.

Thanks to proper care the hippeastrum will strengthen and grow in width. Every year he will be able to give birth to more children and release a significantly larger number of arrows. The main thing is to properly care for the shrub not only during the flowering period, but also before budding and after flowering.

Thus, the hippeastrum is unpretentious flower, which does not require additional care. The most important points its maintenance consists of infrequent moderate watering and control over the condition of the plant. In addition, to saturate the exotic nutrients replanting and fertilizing should be carried out.

More information can be found in the video:

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When we dreamily sort through bright packets of seeds in our hands, we are sometimes subconsciously convinced that we have a prototype of the future plant. We mentally allocate a place for it in the flower garden and look forward to the cherished day of the appearance of the first bud. However, buying seeds does not always guarantee that you will eventually get the desired flower. I would like to draw attention to the reasons why seeds may not sprout or die at the very beginning of germination.

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The task of indoor plants in the house is to decorate the home with their appearance and create a special atmosphere of comfort. For this reason, we are ready to take care of them regularly. Care is not only about watering on time, although this is important. It is also necessary to create other conditions: suitable lighting, humidity and air temperature, and make a correct and timely transplant. For experienced flower growers there is nothing supernatural about this. But beginners often face certain difficulties.

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Hippeastrum is a beautiful indoor plant that is often grown on windowsills. It earned its fame thanks to its original colors that attract attention.

It is a bulbous plant native to Latin and Central America. Belongs to the genus Amaryllidaceae.

Flower growers have bred many interesting varieties. It differs from real amaryllis in that hippeastrum has up to 6-7 flowers on a hollow peduncle.

You will learn in this article how to care for Hippeastrum at home, how to replant a flower, what soil is needed for Hippeastrum and much more.


    Home care

    The Hippeastrum flower does not require any special care at home. It develops well and blooms at home. He is considered excellent plant and for forcing, it is only important to create the necessary conditions for flowering and choose the right time to start the growing season.

    Important: Effective flowering occurs when maintenance conditions close to natural are observed.

    Conditions and temperature

    Moderate temperatures in summer are suitable for it, within 22-25 degrees. Hippeastrum tolerates wintering calmly. However, special care is required for Hippeastrum in winter. At this time, the bulbs go into a dormant state, so they need to be provided with cool conditions, about 10-12 degrees Celsius. It is not recommended to lower the temperature below this limit, as well as to store it in too warm conditions to avoid unwanted germination or drying out of the bulb.

    Humidity and watering

    Indoor Hippeastrum come from arid areas, so they do not really need additional spraying, and at low temperatures environment it can also cause damage. Also do not spray during the flowering period.

    Watering should be taken with full responsibility: Severe waterlogging can damage the bulbs. Between watering, you need to let the soil dry out a little.

    Towards the end of the growing season, when flowering stops and the leaves begin to dry out, watering is gradually reduced. Bulbs that have fallen into a dormant period do not need watering; but if they are too dry, you can moisten them slightly.

    Attention: a dormant period is required for this plant.

    Placement and lighting

    For Hippeastrum, choose a light location. It feels good both in diffused light and in direct sunlight. Good light is important for full flowering. Lack of lighting can even cause home hippeastrum to refuse to bloom.

    Soil and planting

    It is recommended to plant in soil made from a mixture of turf soil, peat and sand. Since the plant has a clearly defined dormant period, there is no need to completely replace the soil every year; you can do this less often if there is additional feeding.


    The dormant period lasts approximately from late October to early February. The plant's flower stalks begin to dry out, and then the leaves. The flower stalks themselves are cut off when they are dry, and the leaves are left until they are completely dry, then they can be carefully plucked off.

    After the leaves have dried, the bulbs are moved to a dark, cool place: during this period, light and moisture are not needed.

    Growing and Reproduction

    For full flowering, a dormant period must necessarily pass; it usually lasts 2-3 months. It is necessary to prepare for flowering in advance; this takes 6-8 weeks. Pots with bulbs are planted in the ground and brought into a warm room.

    Before planting, the bulbs should be checked and cleaned of dry roots. It is not recommended to take the pot too large; its diameter should not be more than 10 cm than the bulb itself. After which you should water it lightly, but not too much, so that the still dormant bulbs do not rot. In a few weeks the plant will produce a beautiful bud.

    Top dressing

    Fertilizers are given during the period of active growth, approximately once every 3 weeks. A month before the start of the dormant period, feeding is stopped. Fertilizers for Hippeastrum should be applied mineral or beautiful flowering plants.


    Flowering lasts approximately 3-4 weeks. At this time you need to feed. To achieve the beginning of flowering, keep the bulb slightly damp, but without flooding. When the first sprout appears, watering is increased slightly.

    Flowering occurs in about 1 or 2 months, depending on conditions and the availability of sufficient light.

    After flowering ends, the dried arrow is cut off, but the leaves are not touched. The green peduncle is not cut off, but allowed to dry on its own.

    After this, it continues to grow green mass and recover. The next flowering will be much more effective if the plant is given a period of rest.

    During flowering, the bulb produces one or two arrows, on which are located 4-6 large flowers, slightly reminiscent of a lily in appearance.


    Useful video

    You can learn more about caring for “Hippeastrum” at home in the video below:

    Diseases and pests

    Hippeastrum does not always bloom at home. In some cases, flowering cannot be achieved. This often happens due to improperly organized rest period. In addition, watering affects the condition - if it is excessive, the bulb may begin to rot. Flaw minerals and incorrectly chosen location can also be the reason for the lack of flowering in hippeastrum.

    Sometimes it is attacked by pests. The most common - spider mites, scale insects and scale insects. They are fought with the help of special drugs. You should choose those pest control products that are recommended for use indoors.

    Benefits and harms

    Indoor flowers Hippeastrum are poisonous plants. Care should be taken when working with bulbs. After any work, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

    Pets and children should not touch the poisonous parts of the plant to avoid an allergic reaction and poisoning.

    Hippeastruminteresting plant, capable of transforming any interior. His bright flowers no one is left indifferent. A forced period of dormancy may cause concern, but if it is organized correctly, hippeastrum will delight you with flowering twice a year.