What varieties of pumpkin are the best? The sweetest varieties of pumpkin

Choosing the best pumpkin varieties today is not an easy task. Breeders have bred more than a hundred varieties of pumpkin. Each type has its own advantages and weaknesses. Varieties of pumpkin are adapted for different regions Countries have different demands on climatic conditions and have different taste qualities. Let's look at the strengths and weaknesses of the most common varieties and choose the best pumpkin varieties based on several indicators.

Main varieties of pumpkin

To understand the variety of varieties that exist today, you need to know their types. They are usually divided into four groups:

  1. Muscat varieties. These are the varieties that have a reputation for being the most delicious, but they are the most sensitive to heat. In the conditions of our country, such varieties simply do not have time to ripen if grown from seeds. But growing from seedlings gives a completely satisfactory harvest. Seeds butternut squash brown, sometimes with a yellow tint.
  2. Large-fruited varieties. The sweetest pumpkin is the large-fruited variety. The seeds of this pumpkin are white and very tasty. This pumpkin stores well, but takes up a lot of space, and its fruits are heavy. This makes it difficult to transport the crop, so summer residents who do not have personal transport often choose varieties not from this group.
  3. Hard-barked varieties. This group includes not only pumpkins, but also zucchini and squash. The fruits of this group are small, they grow well in temperate climate and ripen quickly. By the end of August-September, the fruits of these pumpkins are ready for consumption. They are also valued because the small pumpkin is convenient for harvesting, transporting and storing the crop. Its seeds are cream-colored and very tasty.
  4. Decorative varieties . The fruits of this species are not used for food due to the bitter pulp. But the hard, well-dried fruits are used in making a variety of crafts, and pumpkin vines with velvety dark green leaves and bright large flowers serve as an excellent decoration for the estate.

The sweetest pumpkin

Much of the taste of pumpkin is determined by its sweetness. The sugar content in a vegetable depends on many factors: soil quality, quantity sunny days during ripening, watering and many other factors. But still, the most important factor here is the quality of the variety. The sweetest varieties of pumpkin belong to the group large-fruited varieties. Here are the names most loved by gardeners in our country:

  1. hundred pound- this variety has enjoyed a long, well-deserved reputation. The plant has long, strong vines and large fruits. The fruit can reach 120 kg, but most often its weight is from 7 to 10 kg. The flesh of this pumpkin is loose, yellow with an orange tint. The Hundred Pound does not accumulate much sugar, so the species is used as fodder. But her resistance to disease is very high.
  2. Marble- a variety whose fruits are medium in size (about 4 kg) and whose lashes are long. The skin of the fruit is gray, gray-green or green with speckles or veins of a lighter shade. The fruits have a flattened shape. The pumpkin pulp is orange, bright, crunchy when raw and very sweet in taste. But even when baked, Marble pumpkin does not disappoint. Its productivity is high. The fruits are well stored and are little susceptible to rotting.
  3. Variety Smile Suitable for gardeners who cannot allocate a large area for vegetables. The plant was originally bred by breeders as an ornamental plant, but after improving the varietal qualities, the taste of the fruit also improved significantly. Smile is an early variety; the harvest ripens in 3 months. The yield is high, about 10 pumpkins per root. The pumpkin size is small (about 2 kg). Pumpkins are flattened in shape and have a bright orange color with white stripes. They are very decorative. The pulp is orange, sweet, with a melon smell. Fruits can be stored in an apartment for up to 160 days.
  4. Sweetie- mid-season variety with small pumpkins (1-2 kg) of a bright orange or almost red hue. One plant produces many pumpkins, which ripen in 116-120 days. The pulp is rich in ascorbic acid and is one of the sweetest. The plant is frost resistant.
  5. Atlant. Unlike the previous variety, Atlant is a giant even by the standards of large-fruited pumpkins. The average weight of the fetus is about 20 kg, and records are up to 70 kg! Pumpkins orange color, oblong in shape with a small but pronounced division into segments. Atlant pumpkin pulp is tender and sweet in taste. The species is resistant to diseases, and its fruits almost do not rot during storage.
  6. Melon. Melon pumpkin got its name for its aroma, similar to that of melon. Round, large orange fruits can reach up to 30 kg in weight. Good taste makes it optimal for use in baby food and for making juices. Other advantages are productivity, unpretentiousness, resistance to rot during storage.

Butternut squash came from South America, but has firmly won its place in the gardens of our country thanks to its delicious, rich in vitamins and microelements of pulp. The fruits of nutmeg varieties are excellent for making crafts. For example, the famous symbol of the Halloween holiday is traditionally made from nutmeg pumpkin.

The most famous and widespread types of nutmeg include:

  1. golden pear. The vegetable got its name from the unusual shape of pumpkins, resembling a drop. This variety is relatively new, but it has already won the recognition of gardeners. Small (up to 2 kg) fruits ripen in about 3 months. The Golden Pear's small size makes it easy to collect and store, and its disease resistance makes growing this plant easy. The pulp of the fruit is sweet, with a nutty flavor. The dense, juicy pulp can be consumed both raw and baked.
  2. Arbatskaya. If the previous variety is a new product, then the Arbat pumpkin is a choice that has stood the test of time. Pear-shaped pumpkin, elongated shape, yellow with an orange tint. The fruits ripen quite late and can weigh up to 20 kg. The harvest is well stored and is suitable for both food and livestock feed.
  3. Vitamin. Late variety with large pinkish-brown oval pumpkins covered with greenish spots. The plant is powerful, each root produces 4-5 long, thick vines. The flesh is almost red. It contains a lot of carotene and is very sweet. The harvest is well stored without requiring special conditions.
  4. Prikubanskaya. An old, well-tested species with proven agricultural technology. The fruits are relatively small (2-3 kg), pear-shaped, divided into segments by shallow grooves. The advantages of the vegetable are stable yield, resistance to rotting, tasty, juicy pulp of a bright orange hue.
  5. Butternut- perhaps the most classic representative of nutmeg varietal group. Due to the bright, pronounced nutty flavor of the pulp, this type is also called nutmeg or nutmeg. The plant has long, highly branched vines. Small pumpkins resemble an elongated pear in structure. Fruit skin Brown, and the flesh is bright orange, fibrous, oily to the touch and very good in taste. The harvest ripens quite late. No cellar is required for storage.

Something about unusual varieties...

Of course, classic varieties are a reliable, time-tested choice that guarantees a good harvest. But good gardener always by nature an experimenter, looking for something new and not stopping at previously achieved successes. For exotic lovers, a pumpkin is an excellent and very rewarding object. Domestic and foreign breeders have created and introduced unusual types of vegetables.

Mirani di Chioggia- a variety of nutmeg pumpkin that appeared on Italian soil, but recently in domestic gardens. The plant looks very unusual thanks to its flattened fruits of a bluish-green hue, sitting on long thick stalks. The surface of the fruit is divided into segments and seated with numerous tubercles. The cut of the fruit looks very decorative due to the contrast of the bluish-green skin with the yellow-orange color of the pulp. The seed nest is small, the flesh is dry, dense and sweet. The pumpkin harvest of this variety can be stored for up to 6 months!

There is also gymnosperm pumpkin. As the name suggests, the seeds of this variety do not have a shell, so they are very good for use in confectionery, and just for food. The fruits are mid-ripening and quite resistant to rot during storage. The pulp is not very sweet, but is quite suitable for food.

This variety is quite capricious; the seeds often rot and germinate poorly because they do not have a protective skin. Therefore, it is better to grow such plants from seedlings. The area for gymnosperms should be set aside from pumpkins of another variety, as cross-pollination gives disappointing results. This vegetable also does not welcome humidity and drought. Getting a harvest of this type is not an easy task even for an expert in pumpkin cultivation.

Variety Spaghetti Same unusual look. When cooked, the pulp of this vegetable breaks down into fibers resembling vermicelli; hence the name. The variety is early ripening, the first pumpkins will be ready by the end of August. The fruits are similar in color and shape to melons and are small in size (about 1 kg), which makes harvesting and transportation easy. The pulp is not juicy, but sweet, with a vanilla aroma.

Arina is a light gray or white pumpkin with a round shape and a smooth or slightly segmented surface. The pulp is sweet to taste, dense, yellow in color. The vegetable is well stored, high-yielding, and resistant to many diseases characteristic of the vegetable. The peculiarity of the variety is its seeds, rich in oil. They can be used in folk medicine.

As you can see, pumpkin is very diverse garden culture with a wide variety of qualities different types. Among the variety of varieties, any gardener will find something to suit his taste. But no matter what type you choose, remember the need to follow the agricultural technology required for the variety. Pumpkin is a very grateful plant that will repay a little care with a good harvest!

Exists a large number of pumpkin varieties with different terms maturation and with different taste characteristics. Decorative and fodder varieties of this plant are also grown.

Groups of varieties by growing season

Varieties with early and mid-early ripening are very popular - the harvest can be harvested approximately 3 months after the appearance of young shoots (80-98 days). As a rule, the fruits are small or medium in size. Plants are characterized by optimal resistance to frost. Best yields give varieties such as:

Gribovskaya bush 189

Description of the variety Gribovskaya bush 189

The plant of this variety is compact in size. The skin of the fruit is colored green color, and there are dark green stripes on its surface. Near the stalk, the fruits sometimes have a ribbed structure. The weight of pumpkins is average (2-7 kg). The pulp has a rich color and pleasant taste. The variety can be stored. Plants are resistant to fungal diseases.

Mid-season plants are those that take 100-120 days to mature. The fruits are well stored. The most popular varieties:

Honey beauty

Almond variety: brief description

Pumpkins have a rounded, elongated shape. Their average weight is 2-5 kg. The juicy and sweet pulp is not satisfactory. The fruit can be stored even longer than six months (up to nine months).

Late pumpkin varieties often boast large fruit sizes. The harvest is subject to long-term storage. It takes 120-145 days to ripen. The best varieties:

hundred pound
Winter sweet

Pumpkin Titan: variety description

The plant forms long vines (about 3 m in length). The weight of the fruit can be impressive (some specimens grow up to 100 kg). The shape of pumpkins is round. The orange peel covers the bright flesh with few seeds. The taste characteristics are excellent.

Pumpkin varieties suitable for open ground

IN open ground You can grow varieties that are resistant to low temperatures. The most noteworthy are:

Gribovskaya winter
Spanish guitar
Station wagon

Description of the variety Spanish guitar

This butternut squash has an extremely satisfying dessert flavor. The shape of the pumpkin resembles a guitar (it narrows towards the center and widens towards the edges). The variety is characterized by a low seed content. The skin of pumpkins is quite thin, but at the same time dense.

Middle zone: the best varieties of pumpkin

Varieties for the Moscow region and for the middle zone, as a rule, have early, mid-early and medium ripening periods. Pre-grown seedlings are planted in the ground. Best representatives:

Gribovskaya bush
Crookneck Scrooge
Volga gray

Description of pumpkin Medicinal

This variety gives good harvests early fruits. The peel is colored light gray and decorated with a mesh pattern. Beneath it is bright flesh. It's juicy and sweet.

Pumpkin: varieties for Siberia

Pumpkin varieties with a short growing season are considered ideal for Siberia. This category includes:


Russian woman: description of the pumpkin variety

This variety forms medium-length canes and is characterized by good resistance to adverse natural factors. The dark orange flesh tastes like melon. The fruits are large. They are characterized by good keeping quality.

Pumpkin: varieties for the Urals

In the Urals, varieties are grown with a short growing season and good resistance to factors environment. Best Recommendations have varieties:

Miracle Yudo
Gribovskaya winter

Description of the variety Bush orange

Bush orange - early variety, giving good yields. The plants are compact, with short vines. Pumpkins are flattened and round, with orange skin. Fruit weight is average (about 5 kg). The pulp is tasty.

Sweet pumpkin varieties

Sweet pulp is one of the factors in choosing a pumpkin variety. Some fruits are similar in taste to melon and are used to make desserts and even jam. Noteworthy:

Winter sweet
Honey beauty

Description of the Honey pumpkin variety

Some gardeners believe that this variety leaves behind any sweet varieties of pumpkin. The growing season takes only 85 days. The pulp is aromatic, sweet, crispy. It can even be eaten fresh. Pumpkin makes delicious juice. Fruit weight is average (about 4-6 kg). The variety is characterized by excellent keeping quality.

Large pumpkin varieties

While creating optimal conditions the weight of a large-fruited pumpkin can reach 100-150 kg. However, such record holders are not always needed - “giants” are grown for the sake of another record. For use in food and winter storage Fruits that are more modest in size are suitable. In our country, varieties of large pumpkins such as Titan, Large-fruited and Atlant are grown. Pumpkin seeds are in demand:

Big Max
Winter sweet

Big Max: variety description

The fruits of this variety can reach a weight of 40 kg. They are not only large, but also very tasty - the flesh is dense, sweet, aromatic. The peel is colored light orange. The fruits can be stored.

Varieties of butternut squash

It is believed that nutmeg pumpkin has the sweetest and most aromatic pulp. The only disadvantage can be considered the increased thermophilicity with sufficient long term growing season (in short summer conditions the fruits do not have time to ripen properly). However, plants can also be grown through seedlings, and for ripening it is enough to put them in a dark, warm and dry place. The most popular varieties:


Description of the Arabat pumpkin variety

Cylindrical pumpkins weigh 5-9 kg. At good care this figure can increase to 40 kg. The peel is orange, but has a slight grayish tint. The bright pulp has excellent taste characteristics.

Pumpkin varieties for seeds

In some cases, pumpkin is grown to obtain beneficial and delicious seeds. The best varieties that produce a large number of seeds:

Volga gray
Danka Polka
hundred pound

Description of the variety Danae

This variety has important advantage– it not only produces a lot of seeds, but also allows you to do without shelling (the seeds do not have a hard shell). The pulp pleases with excellent taste characteristics. The plant has a medium-early ripening period. The spherical fruits are covered with a dark green peel with a mesh pattern (when fully ripe, it becomes orange in color). Their average weight is 5-7 kg.

Pumpkin: varieties for storage

The following varieties of pumpkin are best stored:

Mozolievskaya 15

Polyanin: variety description

The Polyanin variety is characterized by good transportability. The fruits can withstand long-term storage. They have a cylindrical shape. The peel is colored light brown. The surface is divided into segments. The pulp has a dense structure and a pleasant sweet taste. The average weight of pumpkins is 4 kg.

This is useful vegetable crop enjoys constant popular love. Many varieties of pumpkin can be called the best - it all depends on which characteristics are in priority.

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Good day to all readers!

Today I want to tell you about pumpkin varieties with photos and descriptions of this healthiest vegetable. Many varieties have been grown by gardeners for many years and enjoy well-deserved fame. There are also new varieties that you need to try to grow on your site.

Gray and butternut squash varieties can be eaten raw in salads.

Large-fruited varieties usually store well.

The most common types of pumpkins among gardeners are:

  • Tverdorkoraya
  • Muscat
  • Large-fruited
  • Decorative - this type is also gaining popularity.

Varieties of hard-bark pumpkin

Variety "Acorn"- This pumpkin is also called “acorn” pumpkin. Because its small fruits look like acorns. The pulp is orange-yellow with a sweet taste. The outer peel can be of different colors. From dark green to orange and their combinations (green with orange dots).

Pumpkin variety "Acorn"

Variety "Aport"- mid-season pumpkin, almost round, orange peel without a pattern. The plant is a bush plant, the fruits grow up to 7 kg.

Juicy, orange-yellow, crispy flesh. Impresses with a sweet, creamy taste.

Pumpkin variety "Aport"

Variety "Smile"early ripening pumpkin. Ripens in 85 days. On average, a neat small bush grows 7-8 fruits, and maybe up to 15. Pumpkins are small - 1.5 kg. average. Bright orange with light stripes.

A characteristic feature of the variety is beautiful flowers and good keeping quality. At room temperature it lies quietly until January, without losing its taste. The pulp is sweet, aromatic, crispy, 3-4 centimeters thick.

Pumpkin variety “Smile”

Variety "Spaghetti"- the name of this variety is “speaking”. When cooked, the pulp breaks down into fibers, reminiscent of spaghetti. The shape and color of the fruits resemble a melon. Unripe pumpkins are colored greenish color. Fully ripe fruits have a light yellow skin.

Spaghetti pumpkin variety

Variety "Vesnushka"early ripening variety bush form. Small fruits up to 3 kg, with light green skin with light spots.

The pulp is yellow-orange, very tasty - tender, sweetish, with a pear flavor.

The variety is productive and stores well. Loves good watering.

Pumpkin variety "Vesnushka"

Variety “Bush Gribovskaya 189”- early ripening variety. There are no more than 98 days until the first harvest. The fruits are oval, elongated, light orange peel with dark green and black spots, weighing about 4 kg.

Orange pulp, excellent taste.

Pumpkin variety “Kustovaya Gribovskaya 189”

Variety "Dachnaya"- mid-season variety. The fruits are oval, orange-green, weighing up to 4.5 kg. Bright orange pulp, juicy, tender, sweet with a vanilla aroma, excellent taste.

A very productive variety, suitable for cultivation in all regions. After harvesting, it retains its taste for 4 months.

Pumpkin variety "Dachnaya"

Variety "Bush Orange"- an early ripening plant with short vines, grows compactly. The fruits of this pumpkin are round, orange, weighing up to 5 kg.

Orange thick pulp up to 7 cm, excellent taste. This pumpkin stores well and for a long time, is unpretentious to growing conditions, and tolerates drought well.

Pumpkin variety "Bush orange"

Varieties of large-fruited pumpkin

Basically these are the most cold-resistant and unpretentious varieties. The weight of some varieties can reach up to 100 kg.

Variety "Russian"- early ripe pumpkin, climbing. The fruit looks like a bright orange top weighing 3-4 kg. Orange, sweet flesh with a delicate melon flavor. The variety is cold-resistant and has good yield.

Pumpkin variety "Russian"

Variety "Ordinary"- the most common pumpkin. Fruits can weigh up to 25 kg. But the smaller they are, the tastier and sweeter they are.

Pumpkin variety "Ordinary"

Variety “Gribovskaya winter”- late ripening (ripening in 140 days). A plant with long vines. The fruits are flattened, weighing more than 3 kg. gray.

Bright yellow or reddish flesh. Excellent taste - juicy, tender, sweet, dense, up to 6 cm thick. Stores well.

Pumpkin variety “Gribovskaya winter”

Variety “Winter Sweet”- late-ripening pumpkin with long vines. The fruits are flattened and weigh about 6 kg. The peel is dark gray, divided into segments.

Yellow-orange pulp, very tasty - juicy, thick, sweet. Recommended for baby food and juice making. Tolerates drought.

Pumpkin variety "Winter sweet"

Variety "Medicinal"- early ripening, this variety is recommended for dietary nutrition. The peel is gray, thin. Orange, crispy, sweetish, juicy pulp.

Well kept. Resistant to low temperatures down to -2◦C.

Pumpkin variety “Medicinal”

Variety "Merchant's Wife"- mid-early table pumpkin. Recommended for growing in different regions. The fruits are flattened, light orange, smooth, weighing 15 kg or more. The fruit tastes good. Can be stored for up to 5 months.

Pumpkin variety "Kupchikha"

Variety "Sweetie"- mid-season variety with long vines. Grows well in fertile lands. The fruits ripen at the same time up to 8 pieces, on average 2.5 kg. Reddish peel with green spots.

Bright orange, very tasty pulp - juicy, crispy, dense. Contains 8% sugars, 1% carotene, a lot of vitamin C. Productive.

Pumpkin variety "Candy"

Variety "Kherson"- mid-late climbing pumpkin. The fruits are flat, gray-green in color with gray spots, weighing 4-6 kg. Crispy, orange, sweet, juicy flesh, very tasty. Drought-resistant, heat-loving variety. Well kept.

Pumpkin variety "Kherson"

Variety "Volzhskaya gray"- mid-season pumpkin with long vines up to 8 meters. The fruits are light gray, almost round, weighing up to 8 kg. Yellow or orange flesh, medium sweetness and juiciness. Stores well and is drought resistant.

Pumpkin variety "Volga gray"

Variety "Kroshka"- mid-season, climbing pumpkin. The fruits are light gray, flat, weighing up to 3 kg. Yellow, not very juicy pulp - sweet, dense.

Pumpkin variety "Kroshka"

Variety "Altair"— the peel is gray. The pulp is very juicy and sweet, yellow-orange in color. You can eat it raw.

Pumpkin variety "Altair"

Butternut squash varieties

These pumpkins have an excellent taste and a long shelf life, but are more capricious to grow and are more suitable for the southern regions. These pumpkins can be eaten raw. It's not scary that they are such sissies. In harsh climates they can be grown through seedlings. The fruits can be picked a little unripe; they will ripen at home.

Variety "Butternut"- this variety is found under the names “Nut” and “Muscat”. Externally it looks like a pear. The fruits are small, up to 1 kg. Orange, juicy, sweet and aromatic pulp. It can be stewed, boiled, baked, but it is better to eat it raw. This variety contains a lot of useful vitamins and minerals.

Pumpkin variety "Butternut"

Variety "Bylinka"— The peel is gray. Juicy and sweet, bright orange flesh. Delicious raw.

Pumpkin variety "Bylinka"

Variety "Vitaminnaya"- late-ripening pumpkin with long vines. Green, oval fruits weighing up to 6 kg. Very tender pulp, tasty and sweet (sugar 5-7%), bright orange, crispy. Contains an increased amount of beta-carotene, useful in raw form, for baby food and making juices.

Pumpkin variety “Vitaminnaya”

Video describing pumpkin varieties

Not all pumpkin varieties with photos and descriptions are listed here yet. There are many more of them. But I think you will choose the pumpkin to your taste. I will write about decorative pumpkin and its varieties in another article.

Pumpkin is an annual herbaceous plant Pumpkin family. Melon culture. It has a powerful root system, which consists of the main root, as well as adventitious, small root processes. Most of the roots are located at a depth of fifty centimeters; root shoots can penetrate the soil up to 5 meters. The total length of the entire root system is 25 meters. The stem of the plant reaches a length of 8 meters, it is creeping and branches well. Big leaves covered with many small villi. Flowers bright color– yellow or orange, large and are an attractive object for insects. At the end of summer, a fruit is formed, the shape and color of which depends on the variety. The pulp is orange and reddish in color, juicy and dense, hidden under a thick peel.

Before purchasing pumpkin seeds, you need to pay attention to the following factors: the plant should not be afraid of temperature changes, drought and viruses, and also taste good - these are the best pumpkin varieties for open ground.

Beneficial features

Our ancestors began to use the fruits of this plant as food; it was presented to the table in Ancient Rome and Greece almost 5 thousand years ago. In the 20th century, detailed studies of the fruit showed that its pulp contains many substances useful for human health:

  • Vitamins A and E;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamins B and K;
  • Zinc, calcium and potassium, magnesium, fluorine, as well as the rare vitamin T;
  • Amino acids, pectins and fiber.

Main types of pumpkin

Classification according to which fruits can be divided into four main types and determine which variety would be better suited for cultivation in a certain area:

  • nutmeg;
  • large-fruited;
  • hard-fruited;
  • decorative.

Muscat species

Muscat species are distinguished by their pear-shaped shape. The fruits are brown with a slight yellowish tint. This species is one of the most delicious, but it will take a long time for the harvest to ripen. Muscat species in Russia are best grown from seedlings.


Late ripening. The ripening period of the variety is 100 days. It has several other names: “Nut”, “Nutmeg”.

The fruits can grow from 0.5 to 1.5 kilograms and have an elongated shape. Characterized by a nutty smell and original taste. The shelf life is quite long, thanks to the thick skin.


Not intended for growing in areas with low temperatures. Late ripening. At least 130 days must pass before ripening. It has a thin skin and oily, juicy flesh of a bright orange color. A ripe fruit can weigh from 4.5 to 6.8 kilograms. This species is recommended to be grown from seedlings. Ripens in September or early October.


Ripening period is 91-136 days. A mature fruit can weigh from 2.4 to 4.6 kilograms. It is stored for a very long time and retains its taste.

The pulp is soft and juicy, about 4 cm, creamy when cut, hidden under a thin brown-orange crust.


Ripens in 116 days, the mature fruit weighs 6-7 kilograms. This species tolerates dry climates quite well, has a thin skin and pleasant, aromatic pulp. Cylindrical fruit can be subjected to heat treatment, and can be consumed raw.

Watch the video! Butternut squash varieties

Large-fruited varieties

Large-fruited varieties are the sweetest and most unpretentious to temperature fluctuations; the species has positive reviews from summer residents. It differs from other species in its size and heavy weight (from 20 to 55 kg). The fruits are large with thick skin, which allows them to be easily transported and stored for a long time.


Late ripening variety. Maturation period of this variety ranges from 118 to 127 days.

A mature pumpkin can be stored for up to 3.5 months, since it has a dense peel and a wide layer of pulp. The weight of a mature fruit is approximately 9 kilograms. The fruits tolerate dry weather conditions and diseases well. High-yielding variety.

"Big Moon"

plant with early ripening, the growing season lasts 90 days. The weight of the fruits of this variety can reach 70-80 kilograms if one ovary is left on the vine. If cultivation occurs at normal conditions, the weight of one fruit ranges from 20 to 30 kilograms. The color of the pulp is uniform and rich. The variety is resistant to diseases. During heat treatment, it retains its taste well.

"Parisian Autumn"

This variety ripens quite quickly, in 90 days. The weight of a mature pumpkin is about 20 kilograms. Young shoots cope well with drought.

The variety is resistant to sudden increases and decreases in temperature; ripe fruit can be stored for up to 6 months. The variety is immune to diseases.


It will take 125 to 140 days for the fruit to fully ripen. The weight of one pumpkin is approximately 20 kilograms, but can, under certain conditions, reach 200 kg.

Large fruits can be obtained with constant moderate air humidity, a large distance between plants of 100x150 cm and active soil fertilization.

The bright yellow flesh has a rich sweetish taste and pleasant aroma.

It is important to know! This variety is resistant to adverse weather conditions and diseases and pests.

Hard-barked species

This group includes not only pumpkins, but also zucchini and squash. Distinctive feature plants of this species is the rapid ripening of fruits. At the end of summer, even in the middle zone, pumpkins are fully ripe. Another advantage is taste. The pulp of the fruit is very sweet and juicy. The ripe fruit can be stored for quite a long time because it has a thick skin. The pulp of some varieties is well suited for juice, while others can only be grown for seeds.


Pumpkins of this variety have an early ripening period of 65 to 80 days. A large number of fruit ovaries can form on one wattle fence. After ripening, the fruit weighs from 0.8 to 1.5 kilograms. The pulp is not very sweet and has a fibrous structure. Often used to prepare side dishes.

"Muscat de Provence"

This variety is distinguished by high yield; one pumpkin can weigh from 8 to 10 kilograms. It takes a long time to ripen, within 120 days.

The skin of the fruit is very dense, and the pulp is tasty and smells like honey. This type is resistant to various diseases and viruses.


The fruit ripens in 100-110 days. The weight of one pumpkin is from 6 to 9 kilograms. The pulp is very sweet and juicy, and the skin is covered with a layer of dense waxy coating.

The fruits of the Gileya variety are stored for a very long time; the shelf life of a mature plant can reach 12 months.

Decorative varieties

Ripe fruits of this type of pumpkin are not used for food, since the pulp is bitter and not suitable for eating. Pumpkins of these varieties are used for decorating and decorating premises and for creating crafts. It must first be well processed and dried.


The fruits of this variety weigh no more than three hundred grams and have a bright orange peel, the shape and color reminiscent of an orange.


The fruits of this species differ in shape and color and are:

  • pear-shaped;
  • warty;
  • tangerine;
  • star-shaped.

Varieties for cultivation in Siberia and the Urals

Several decades ago, only varieties of fodder pumpkin were intended for Siberia and the Urals, which do not have a pleasant taste and smell, but were suitable for growing in such conditions. They are unpretentious to environmental conditions and are intended for animal feed. But science does not stand still, and today there are many varieties that can be successfully grown even in regions with low temperatures. At the same time, they are not at all inferior in taste to their southern counterparts.

Advice! Such species are highly resistant to frost, diseases, pests and early ripening.


The species is distinguished by its high yield and rapid ripening (within 90 days); the fruits are small in size and weigh no more than a kilogram. Resistant to temperature changes and can be stored for a long time until January. Pumpkins look beautiful in the garden bed under large openwork leaves.

From one plant you can collect from 15 to 20 fruits; the pumpkin ripens quickly and tolerates low temperatures well. Suitable for growing in the Urals and Siberia. The fruit pulp is rich orange in color and sweet in taste.


The weight of a mature fruit can be from 2 to 4 kilograms, ripening occurs quickly. To store ripe pumpkin fruits, it is best to prepare a cool and dry room. One plant can produce up to 25 kilograms of harvest. The pumpkin pulp is tasty and has a melon aroma.

To obtain an early harvest, it is necessary to grow seedlings from seeds in advance, and at the end of spring, transplant the shoots into open soil. In the region of Siberia and the Urals, it is better to plant sprouts in early summer, since low temperatures and possible frosts can damage the plants.


This species pleases gardeners with a rich harvest even with sudden temperature changes. One ripe fruit can weigh up to 3 kilograms. The plant needs regular watering and is afraid powdery mildew, which a fungicide will help cope with. The variety brings a rich harvest in regions with a harsh climate: in Siberia and the Urals.

The plant consists of 4-6 vines, in the form of a bush. One pumpkin can weigh up to three kilograms. The pulp of the fruit is tasty and tender, with the smell of pear. The skin color is green with small light yellow spots.

The best varieties for growing in the middle zone and Moscow region

For the Moscow region and central Russia, you can use seeds of any type of pumpkin, but the highest yield can be obtained by growing the following varieties:


Productivity, early ripening of fruits, resistance to frost and pleasant taste - all these are the advantages of the “Healing” pumpkin variety, which is especially recommended for central Russia. It is better to plant in June, in a well-lit area of ​​the garden.

The fruits of the “Healing” pumpkin can be stored for 6 months. The fruits of this variety differ from others in their unusual shape and pattern on the skin. From the fruit pulp you can prepare healthy juice or puree.

In order to get a rich harvest, this type planted in the soil seedling method. Seedlings should be sown in advance in April and if it is in a warm place, shoots will appear within 7 days, and in May they can be transplanted into open ground. Before planting the sprouts outside, they must be gradually hardened off.

It is best to plant the plant in areas well lit by the sun and at a sufficient distance from neighboring plants. The variety grows actively after fertilizing or loosening the soil.


The fruits of the Gribovskaya pumpkin variety are large, from 4 to 8 kilograms. They are stored for a long time and have excellent taste.

Ripe pumpkins can be stored for a very long time without losing their unique properties. The pulp retains its pleasant taste and aroma, and only becomes sweeter. Pumpkin is a nutritious and tasty addition to baby food. It is recommended to consume fruit pulp for people who care about their health and figure.

“Gribovskaya” differs from others in its yield and large fruits, which can reach a weight of up to 8 kilograms. Thick skin makes it easy to transport ripe fruits. The outer skin of the pumpkin is milky in color, and the flesh inside is bright orange.


Fruit ripening occurs quite early; you need to wait 70 days before the first ripe pumpkin appears. The weight of one fruit is from 2 to 4 kilograms. The plant tolerates low temperatures and frosts well, and is resistant to temperature changes.

To obtain a rich harvest, you need to plant ready-made shoots in open ground. The soil should be warm, comfortable temperature regime from 12 to 15 degrees. After planting, the plant must be watered and loosened frequently.

Varieties that are recommended to be grown in the Northwestern regions

"Bush greenhouse"

The fruits of the bush pumpkin variety can weigh up to 4 kilograms. Pumpkin pulp has excellent taste - it is sweet and juicy. The fruits are often used to prepare various dishes; they retain their aroma both boiled and stewed.

The fruits of this species ripen very early. The fruit pulp is aromatic and juicy. And the crust is edible - crispy and dense.


The fruits of this species resemble the shape of an acorn. The inside of the pumpkin is orange and tastes good.

The peel can be green or yellow, or a combination of both.

The sweetest varieties of pumpkin

The sweetest varieties of pumpkin are the following.


The pumpkin is sweet, ripens very early, the first ripe fruits appear 90 days after germination.

The fruits are small in size, the pulp is sweet and tasty.

"Big Max and Atlas"

This species is well stored; the weight of one fruit can reach 50 kilograms. The fruits take a long time to ripen, have thick skin and sweet pulp.

The plant of this variety is light-loving, therefore, for fastest growth, it is better to plant it in the soil in illuminated areas. A place next to a fence or the wall of a house is perfect. The fruits can be stored for a very long time, while the pulp will remain as sweet and will not lose its beneficial properties.


There are a huge number of types of pumpkin, each of them differs in taste and appearance. To obtain a rich harvest, it is necessary to take into account all the features of the climate and the region in which the plant will be grown. For the south of Russia, you can choose varieties that have a long ripening period, in northern regions Only frost-resistant species are grown that ripen in a short time.

Watch the video! The best pumpkin varieties to grow in middle lane

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Undoubtedly, any type of pumpkin has a rich vitamin composition and other valuable properties. However, it is the nutmeg variety that is especially popular among culinary experts due to its nutritional and high taste qualities. Some compare the taste of the pulp with melon juice, and in our article we will look at the sweetest varieties and varieties for growing in Russia, including large-fruited ones.

This article describes the main characteristics different varieties butternut squash. This will help gardeners decide on varieties when choosing seeds for the new season. With the modern assortment, it is wrong to give preference to one type, because the merits and taste can only be assessed by comparison.

Butternut squash differs from other types of fruits even external signs. The fruits are formed elongated in the form of a cylinder or pear, and five sides are visible on the cut of the stalk.

The vegetable got its name thanks to noticeable nutmeg aroma, which is heard when cutting. The peculiarity of the variety is also visible on the seeds; they have a dirty yellow or brown tint.

Varieties of butternut squash

Late-ripening culture, the growing season lasts about 130 days. The lash forms long with a wide oval fruit, the weight of which reaches 4.5-6.8 kg.

The structure of the pulp is crispy, but tender, with a sweetish taste. The skin is thin, the thickness of the bright orange edible part is about 10 cm.

Planting is carried out by seed or seedlings; it is better to plan the location of the holes in rows. Features of care include pinching the side branches of the lash and the main stem. Harvest in September-October.

Medium ripening variety with growing season 91-136 days. The length of the lash reaches 3-4 m, the weight of the fruit is pear-shaped from 2300 to 4600 grams.

The thickness of the pulp is about 4 cm, the skin is thin, creamy when cut. Pumpkin retains its quality and presentation for 3 months after harvest.

A plant with an average ripening period, the growing season is 115 days. The cylindrical fruit is characterized by a slight thickening at the end; the weight of a mature vegetable reaches 6-7 kg.

The skin is thin, the edible part is tender, juicy, and sweet in taste.

The culture is resistant to drought. Used fresh and processed.

A plant with an average ripening period, the weight of an average-sized pumpkin is 4.5 kg. The growing season lasts 115-127 days.

The dense skin of a gray shade (light and dark) contributes to a long shelf life, until the next season. The bright orange sweet pulp does not contain any additional flavors; the nutmeg aroma adds a delicate taste to any dish.

Hard bark

An early ripening variety, from germination to harvest it takes only 65-80 days. Fruits are densely tied on a long vine, the weight of which before being removed from the garden is 800-1500 grams.

The pumpkin crust is quite dense, the flesh is low-juicy, breaking down into individual fibers, which is how the plant got its name. There is little sweetness in the vegetable, but it absorbs seasonings well. Sometimes the pumpkin flavor in a dish is not immediately recognizable.

Muscat de Provence

A high-yielding, low-maintenance variety whose fruits reach weight 8-10 kg. The skin is thick, which extends the shelf life of the vegetable without losing valuable properties.

The pulp is aromatic with a honey taste. The lash of the plant is compact in size, its immunity resists various diseases and pests. Growing season – 120 days.

It is characterized by high yield and long shelf life (up to a year).

Young shoots intensively form long vines on which pumpkins weighing 6-9 kg. The growing season lasts 100-110 days.

The skin of oval-oblong vegetables is covered with a waxy coating. The layer of pulp is thick, sweet in taste, has medicinal and dietary properties. The plant is tolerant to bacteriosis and powdery mildew.


Mid-season crop with a growing season 110-125 days. The weight of the vegetable reaches 4000 grams, the skin is smooth with barely visible ribs.

The pulp has a dense structure, tastes sweet and juicy. The lash is formed up to 4 m long, so when planting, the following scheme is used: 70x70 cm. Polyanin is resistant to diseases and adverse weather conditions.

Popular varieties of large-fruited pumpkin

The ripening period is late, the growing season is 118-127 days. A cylindrical vegetable with a thickening at the top hangs when ripe up to 9 kg.

A thick layer of bright orange pulp after processing is incredibly juicy and sweet in taste. Storage duration is about 4 months.

The variety is characterized as high-yielding, resistant to diseases and drought.

Big Moon

The growing season lasts 115-130 days. A powerful vine is formed; to obtain a large pumpkin, only one ovary is left. The weight of such a specimen reaches 70-80 kg. During normal cultivation, the weight of the vegetable is about 20-30 kg.

Peel medium density, the pulp is tender, but retains its structure well during heat treatment. The use of pumpkin is universal.

A plant with an early ripening period, the growing season lasts 90 days. The weight of the pumpkins reaches 20 kg with conventional agricultural technology.

The crop is responsive to fertilizers, so removing a giant vegetable from a bush is quite possible. Young shoots cope well with adverse weather conditions, in particular drought. Diseases and pests are not dangerous.

The shelf life of the crop is winter period under proper conditions it is 4-6 months.

The weighty fruit hangs up to 20 kilograms, although records of up to 200 kg of one specimen have been recorded. Plant late dates ripening with growing season 125-140 days.

To obtain giants, you will need to fertilize the soil well and maintain moderate humidity. The culture forms a long vine; when planting, a distance between holes of 100x150 cm is maintained.

The bright yellow flesh has a dense structure, the delicate taste is filled with sweetness.

The variety is tolerant to various diseases and pests and can withstand adverse weather conditions.

For growing in summer cottages in Siberia and the Urals

The growing season of the Russian woman lasts 90-100 days, the fruits are characterized by juicy sweet pulp and melon aroma. From 1 m2 more than 20 kg of crop is harvested with the weight of the vegetable 1.9-4 kg.

The plant is medium-climbing; when planting, an interval of about 60 cm is maintained between the bushes. For 5-6 months, the pumpkin retains its taste and commercial qualities in a dry and ventilated room. The pulp is used universally.

Cold-resistant early-ripening plant with a ripening period 85-90 days. The Smile culture is a bush culture, forms up to 6 small shoots, on which 8-10 pumpkins weighing 0.8-1.2 kg.

The bright orange flesh is crisp but not juicy. The vegetable is incredibly popular among chefs due to its sweetish taste and melon aroma. Harvest The flesh retains its qualities until March. Planting is carried out according to the scheme: 60x60 cm.


Table variety, suitable for fresh and processed consumption. The growing season lasts 96-105 days. The average fetus weighs about 5 kg.

The seed nest is small, which indicates a thick layer of pulp.

The plant tolerates unfavorable weather conditions (drought, cold, heavy rainfall); even frosts down to -5 degrees are not scary.

Early ripening up to 105 days and strong immunity allows you to grow the crop in the conditions of Siberia and the Urals. The plant is medium-climbing; when planting, the following pattern is used: 60x70 cm.

Pumpkin weight reaches 3-5 kg. Main taste characteristics: juicy, sweetish with a pleasant honey aroma.

For the Moscow region and central Russia

The growing season lasts 100-110 days, one hundred corresponds to the average ripening period. A bush of compact size with a large number of ovaries, from which pumpkins weighing 7.5 kg.

A small seed nest is located in the upper part of the elongated fruit, the rest is orange with a red tint.

Planted by seed and seedlings with an interval between bushes of at least 60 cm. The culture is responsive to organic fertilizers, characterized by cold resistance.

Golden pear - early ripening 95 days. On each lash, about 3 fruits are formed, the weight of which reaches 1.8-2 kg.

Taste qualities have a chestnut note. Harvesting begins in August; up to 10 kg of vegetables are harvested from 1 m2.

The culture is responsive to fertile soil and organic fertilizers.

Mid-season crop with a ripening period 115-125 days. The plant forms a powerful lash, the weight of the fruit reaches 3-4 kg.

Strong immunity manifests itself in resistance to diseases and cold climates.

Mid-season variety with growing season 110-125 days perfect for growing in open ground summer cottage in the Moscow region or central Russia. Elongated fruits weighing up to 3 kg.

The peculiarity of pumpkin is its unique taste, sweetness and delicate structure of the pulp.

For gourmets

The elongated shape of the fruit is more reminiscent of a zucchini. The greenish-yellow peel is of medium density, the flesh is juicy and sweet with an apricot aroma.

The weight of the vegetable reaches 5 kg. The harvest is stored for about 4-5 months. Cooks often use the edible part to make purees and freshly squeezed juices. The product, rich in vitamins and minerals, is prescribed for dietary and therapeutic purposes.

Popular in our latitudes, Gribovskaya pumpkin with early ripening 85-90 days. The bark of the fruit is smooth and slightly ribbed, the color varies from dark green to yellow with greenish splashes. The dense orange pulp has a high taste.

The weight of the vegetable is 2.5-5 kg. When planting, use the following scheme: 60x70 cm.

Butternut (nut)

The productive variety was bred by Italian breeders; the growing season, as described, lasts 90-100 days. Oblong fruits gain weight 5-9 kg, seed department small sizes located at the bottom of the pumpkin, so the layer of pulp is thick.

The taste of the vegetable is appreciated for its tenderness, sweetness and juiciness. The product contains an increased amount of carotene and other vitamins. The vegetable is used for therapeutic and dietary nutrition.

Mid-season variety with ripening period 110-115 days. The powerful plant forms a large vine, so when planting, the following scheme is used: 100x150 cm. The skin is thin, the flesh is dense and incredibly sweet.

Fetal weight reaches 3-4 kg. The culture is characterized by good immunity, manifested in the form of resistance to diseases and adverse weather conditions.

Each variety has its own taste characteristics. Ideally, plant annually in addition to your favorite species new hybrid, which will allow you to give your favorite dish unique notes and aroma.