When is the best time to plant strawberries? Methods for planting strawberries on the site. Planting dates, when is the best time to plant strawberries

For any owner of a garden plot, every spring is important and relevant. Beginning summer residents have questions about how to prepare soil for crops, when and at what distance to plant, and how to care for them. There are quite a few methods for cultivating this berry. But there are the most common options that most gardeners use.

To obtain good harvest strawberries, or Victoria, will need to work hard. But first, it’s worth purchasing high-quality seedlings. To do this, you need to find a horticultural farm that sells this type of crop. When purchasing seedlings, it is worth asking in what conditions the basis for future bushes was grown. Excellent seedlings should be obtained in greenhouse areas, in greenhouses, where there is fertile soil and abundant moisture.

Landing dates

It is worth planting this crop depending on the region in which the summer resident lives. There are areas where strawberries will not grow and ripen. These are Siberia and the Far North. In the rest of the country, summer residents should focus on average daily air temperatures. In the middle zone, planting strawberries in the spring can begin as early as mid-April, right up to the beginning of May. The next favorable period is from late July to early autumn. And at this time the strawberries will ripen, and the berries will have a wonderful aroma and taste.

In the southern part of Russia (Krasnodar Territory, Rostov Region) it is possible to plant as early as mid-March, and if work is carried out in early April, the crop will certainly yield wonderful harvest. So when should you plant strawberries in the spring in the South? It is worth focusing on such an indicator as average daily temperature. When it has reached +6...+8°C, work can be carried out.

Southern summer residents successfully grow strawberries, or Victoria (very large strawberry), from August to the end of October. In this case, planting material is harvested for next spring. In other areas, strawberry cultivation should be carried out exclusively in the spring. Material planted closer to autumn will not please you with fruits.

Planting strawberries (video)

Which variety do you prefer?

The Pineapple variety has become the most popular at present. But the following varieties are no less common and prolific:

  1. Clery. This is an early type of strawberry. The berries grow large or medium-sized, dense. The taste and aroma are very pleasant. The fruits are bright and shiny. This type of plant is not afraid of most diseases, including root rot. You should be wary of chlorosis. Planting strawberries in spring gives excellent harvest in the second year.
  2. Honey. This variety is considered frost-resistant. It is not susceptible to diseases, which often affect not only the leaves, but also the roots. The berries are large, dark red in color. Taste with sourness.
  3. Alba. Very bright, tasty berries, dense in structure. The harvest can be stored for a long time. Alba is suitable for boiling and canning. The fruits on the bushes appear quite early.

Each of these varieties can be sown in any region of Russia where strawberries are cultivated. They produce especially good harvests in the southern regions of the country.

How to prepare the soil?

The main rule for planting and growing crops is the right soil. The soil must contain:

  • at least 2% humus;
  • in moderation of sand and clay;
  • humus (in the fall you need to add a bucket of this substance to the garden bed);
  • ash (a couple of glasses);
  • peat.

The place for planting should be chosen not swampy, so that the beds do not drown with water during the entire period of crop growth. To make sure that the bushes do not get wet, it is worth checking the groundwater level. If they are located at a depth of more than a meter, you can plant Victoria or strawberries in such an area. Otherwise, the bed will need to be raised by half a meter and a drainage system will need to be installed.

The strawberry bed should be in an open, non-shady space. This culture loves a lot of sun. Correct fit suggests the location of strawberries in places where they previously grew:

  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • peas;
  • beet;
  • corn;
  • buckwheat.

Strawberries should not be planted in areas where they flourished the year before, or where tomatoes grew. It is definitely worth saturating the soil in the area where the tasty berry will be placed with a turf layer of fertile soil. It's not difficult to get. You need to go into the forest, find a sunny clearing and dig up soil. After delivery to the site, you should cover it with polyethylene, but so that air penetrates, water it and leave it to “ripen.” The beds need to be thoroughly fertilized with this soil.

The soil for strawberries should not be low acidic. To fix this, you need to spill the soil with a weak solution of lime. High acidity is reduced with gypsum. It is advisable to remove weeds from the beds. Another important component for strawberries is compost. This is stale manure, bird droppings, ash. A couple of months before planting strawberries, the soil needs to be disinfected by sprinkling it with a solution of potassium permanganate. The water should not be hot or cold.

Proper planting of strawberries (video)

Planting order

How to plant strawberries correctly? In order for it to grow freely and produce a plentiful and tasty harvest, the holes should be made wide. The distance from each other is up to 50 cm, between the rows - 40-45 cm. When and how to plant strawberries in the spring? It is advisable to do this in cloudy, even rainy weather or after sunset. The bushes need to be watered 50-80 minutes before starting work. Experienced summer residents soak the seedlings in a growth stimulant or in plain clean water the day before. There is another method - the bushes need to be left in garlic infusion. You will need 100 ml of tincture diluted with a bucket of water. According to gardeners, this measure will protect the plant from pests.

The soil taken from the holes is mixed with manure, compost and a couple of glasses of ash. Next, the bushes go deeper into the holes so that root system was located freely in the soil, did not wrap up, did not bend, and lay flat. This is the main answer to the question of how best to plant strawberries.

Another important point: Each seedling must have at least 3 healthy leaves. Everyone else needs to be gotten rid of. It is advisable to shorten the roots to 10 cm. How to plant strawberries correctly? Bring the bush into the hole and, holding it, cover it with existing soil. Tamp down a little.

It is advisable to carry out the first watering immediately. If it is still quite cool, after planting and watering the bushes can be covered with polyethylene, but allow air circulation.

Caring for young shoots

The mustaches and peduncles that appear immediately must be removed. Otherwise, their growth will prevent the seedlings from taking root and adapting to new conditions. If the whiskers are not removed, fruiting will be postponed until next summer.

It is advisable to constantly weed strawberry bushes to rid the plant of all weeds. They greatly hinder the development of this culture. Mulching is also necessary, especially on initial stage growth. The most indispensable material for mulching is coniferous branches. They will prevent the development of diseases and repel harmful insects. It is not recommended to use straw or hay, leaves, or sawdust as mulching material.

Strawberries should be fertilized within 15 days after planting. The best fertilizer option during this period is vermicompost. It can be found at any gardening store. If not, then it is good to use a very weak solution of bird droppings or an infusion of herbs. This is organic matter, which strawberries cannot do without, since the substances promote the growth of bushes. Such compositions are saturated with nitrogen, which gives the best results.

Methods for planting strawberries

Summer residents choose one or another method of placing strawberry seedlings in their beds in the spring. Many of them say that it is important to maintain the required distance, others focus on fertilizers and watering.

There is a main method that everyone uses, including beginning gardeners. The seedlings are placed in holes located at a distance of 50 cm from each other. The rows are at the same distance. In the future, this makes it easier to care for plants.

There is a second way. It consists of planting individual bushes at a reduced distance from each other. Between some of them it is worth leaving no more than 20 cm.

The third option is to plant Victoria with a carpet. This type of placement suggests the possibility of self-cultivation, without the help of a gardener. This is how strawberries fall into conditions of natural survival. Dense planting is bad only because under such a carpet a certain climate is created that promotes the growth of weed crops, which is unacceptable. In this case, there is no need to mulch the soil, but the berries will not be large at all.

The fourth option is planting nests. Up to 7 bushes can be placed in one hole at once. The planting order is as follows: first, 1 main seedling is planted and the rest are located around it. Next, the seedlings are covered with soil. The distance between seedlings in the case of nesting is at least 8 cm. Between bushes should be left at least 35 cm, and between rows - 45 cm. This type of strawberry cultivation gives a huge and juicy harvest. The disadvantage of planting this type is the need to purchase a large number of seedlings.

How to promote increased productivity?

Many summer residents use one proven method that guarantees an increase in yield. This is film protection. Covering material, as experts are accustomed to calling it, makes it possible to retain the required amount of moisture and reduce the hassle of caring for seedlings.

You can protect the bushes with a simple film, but better - with agrofibre. The latter makes the growth process optimal, since it is dotted with small holes, due to which a large amount of moisture gets under the material, which is very important.

The edges of the film or any other covering for strawberry bushes should be folded down. Watering is required constantly, not forgetting to ventilate the seedlings and fertilize them at the right time.

Optimal fruiting of each bush depends on proper watering plants. In hot weather, you can saturate strawberries with moisture twice a day - in the morning and evening hours. While the sun is burning, watering strawberries is prohibited. It is worth giving water in small doses and more often. This is better than watering once and abundantly. Improper moisture will cause your favorite strawberries to rot. Culture can be affected powdery mildew and rot.

Until the strawberries bloom, they need to be irrigated by sprinkling. This quickly cleanses the foliage system and gives the plant the optimal amount of moisture. Later, when flowering begins and the first fruits appear, you only need to water at the root.

It is important to choose the right water temperature for watering strawberries. It should not exceed 16°C. If it rains a lot in spring or summer, it is worth covering the beds with strawberries with film.

So, only with proper care will a tasty Victoria berry produce a bountiful and high-quality harvest. For most summer residents, it does not matter whether their strawberries are of the correct shape, the main thing is to get bright, juicy, sweet berries. To do this, you should work hard on the site, first fertilizing it correctly, then optimal fit strawberry bushes. And no special skills are required - you just need patience and hard work.

First, let's figure out how strawberries differ from wild strawberries. Strawberry bushes are taller, the leaves are wrinkled, the peduncles rise above light sheets. The berries are smaller than strawberries. Gardeners often call garden strawberries strawberries. The technology of planting and growing is absolutely the same, so in our article we will not pay attention to the difference between crops. Whatever you call this sweet, juicy berry, its taste will not change.

Rules for success:

  • High-quality planting material.
  • Right organized site for landing.
  • Proper landing.
  • Varieties of strawberries (small-fruited, large-fruited, remontant - continuously bear fruit all spring, summer and autumn);
  • The best predecessors: garlic, onion, dill, petunias, marigolds. The berries are returned to their old place after 5 years. If there is little food, the first collection is the largest, then the smaller ones.

Planting material can be obtained in several ways:

  • buy;
  • grow it yourself from seeds;
  • take mustaches from other bushes;
  • dividing the bush (if the variety does not produce a mustache).

Here you need to decide on the timing of planting. The berries are planted in autumn, spring and summer. When is the best time to plant strawberries? We think it is better to plant it in May, mid-July - early August. During these periods it is not very hot, the seedlings take root well and produce a good harvest the next year. All you need to do is water and feed the plants.

If we buy seedlings, then we give preference to plants with a closed root system, that is, in cups. It should be an annual seedling with roots at least 5 cm long and 2-3 well-developed leaves. If there are flower stalks on the bush, it is better to remove them so as not to deplete the plant. The goal is to get a large, strong bush in the first year, and only then a harvest.

Growing strawberries from seeds

Good varieties: Baron Solemacher, Yellow miracle, Fresco, Sashenka, Moscow delicacy. Strawberry seeds germinate only in light. With artificial supplementary lighting, you can start sowing seeds in January. They are usually sown in March, when the day length increases. Spread it on the surface of the soil without sprinkling it with anything. It is convenient to sow in transparent food containers with a lid. It turns out to be a mini-greenhouse. Seeds can germinate for a month, sometimes a month and a half. To stimulate germination, it is recommended to spray the seeds with a solution of HB-101 (1 drop per liter of water). Water the soil with the same solution.

Supplemental lighting for seeds can and should be done using table lamp. A conventional incandescent light bulb is replaced with an energy-saving cold-glow one.

The table lamp is placed at a height of 15 cm above the bowl or container with seeds and is illuminated for 12, or better yet, 14-16 hours a day.

We must warn you that on a cold windowsill the seeds are in no hurry to germinate and die in the ground. To do this, organize a “warm” window sill - pieces of foam plastic are placed under the containers.

Large-fruited varieties can be sown in peat tablets. There are usually 5-10 seeds in a bag, so the tablets won’t take up much space. The tablets are soaked in water or a solution of the drug HB-101, diluting a drop per liter of water. They are also placed in a bowl under a film, creating greenhouse conditions.

When cotyledon leaves appear, you cannot immediately open the mini-greenhouse - the sprouts will fall and die. There was a certain humidity in the container under the lid, and the apartment air was dry - the leaves could not cope with the evaporation of moisture and dried out. The film (cover) is removed only when real leaves appear. Open gradually over several days so that the sprouts get used to the low humidity of the surrounding air. Drops of condensation from the lid must be removed daily.

Site preparation

Before planting strawberries, prepare the place. The area for strawberries is set aside in a sunny, ventilated place. There are traditional and natural agricultural techniques for growing crops. Traditional planting (regular) involves growing strawberries and obtaining the maximum yield in one area for 3-4 years. The bush bears fruit until it completely exhausts its strength. Then we usually say “the berry has degenerated” and almost completely renew the strawberry by replanting it in another place. Natural agricultural technology allows you to obtain a full harvest for up to 7-8 years in one place due to constant fertilizing and special care.

According to tradition, they are planted in ribbons of two rows with a distance between rows of 30 cm, between ribbons 60 cm, keeping a distance of 15-25 cm between the berry bushes. Or in beds 100 cm wide, the bushes are planted in a checkerboard pattern every 50 cm, leaving a gap of 50 cm between the rows .

Natural agricultural technology involves a slightly different planting pattern. The beds are made 50 cm wide. The bushes are planted in one row every 50 cm. The gap between the rows is 50 cm. Yes, no matter what method you choose, place the beds from north to south. At first it seems that there is a lot of space left for seedlings. But remember, the berry will grow in one area for 5-8 years, the bush will grow and occupy all the free space.

The area is cleared of weeds. Rotted organic matter is added at the rate of 3 buckets/m2. You can add organic matter directly into the wells. Pits measuring 25x25 cm and the same depth are dripping. The wells are filled with the mixture:

  • compost bucket;
  • a bucket of horse manure (rotted);
  • a bucket of soil from the garden bed;
  • 2 cups of ash.

Instead of manure, you can take a bucket of compost mixed with 2 liters of vermicompost.

How to plant strawberries correctly

If seedlings:

  • in a plastic pot - spilled an hour before planting;
  • V peat tablet– immerse in water for 30 seconds;
  • open root system - kept for 10 hours in a solution of HB-101 (3 drops per liter of water).

The length of the roots is left to 10 cm, the excess is cut off. If you have seedlings with a closed root system, then you can plant them throughout the summer. Seedlings with an open root system are planted in spring and August.

Although strawberries are the most common berry on plantations, many gardeners make mistakes when planting them. At the bottom of the planting hole we make a mound and place the plant on it. Make sure that the roots do not bend. As a rule, this happens when they are too long. In this case, we boldly cut off the excess with pruning shears, shortening the roots to a length of 10 cm. We also make sure that the roots do not bend upward, which is also wrong. Ideally, they should go straight down the mound.

Another important point. Many people deepen the plant too much. With deep planting, the central bud (heart) is below the soil level. This should not be allowed under any circumstances, as the heart will begin to rot and rot. The plant will most likely die. In the case of small planting, the seedlings are also doomed to rapid death, as the heart dries out. The central bud should barely protrude above the soil level. After planting, the seedlings are watered abundantly, plus 0.5 liters of HB-101 solution (93 drops per liter of water) is poured under each bush.

Next, the strawberries are mulched with compost and covered with the thinnest covering material No. 17 (2 layers) or No. 30 for two weeks. It is simply thrown over plants without arcs. Why cover? The root system has not yet started. The leaves evaporate moisture, but the roots cannot yet deliver water from the soil to them. Plants may dry out. A greenhouse effect is created under the covering material, and seedlings take root better.

The question is often asked what materials can be used as mulch. You can take grass, hay, straw, pine branches, rotted sawdust, rotted compost. The thickness of the compost layer should be 5-6 cm. The thickness of the layer of hay, straw, dry grass should be 10 cm. Mulch is added every month throughout the season.

Methods for planting strawberries

We have decided on the varieties, everything is clear with the planting schemes, and we have chosen the dates. Now let's talk about in various ways growing garden strawberries.

Planting with mulch film

We lay agrofibre. We place the corners of the mulching film in the holes and sprinkle earth around the perimeter. After we have laid the agrofiber, we begin planting strawberries. We make a small cross-shaped cut just enough to barely push the roots through. Then, with our hands under the film, we tear a small hole and lay the roots of the seedling. Fill with compost and water.

If you make a big cut, weeds will come out and draw all the moisture from the soil. Large seedlings It is not worth planting under a mulching film. Attention, if you decide to plant berries this way, you must provide the plant with food for 4 years in advance. For this purpose, for each square meter add 2-3 buckets of rotted compost.

Planting strawberries on a straw mattress

We'll tell you interesting way planting garden strawberries on pea straw. After harvesting the peas, the tops are dug into the soil, forming straw mattress. The soil is being shed nitrogen fertilizers. Nitrogen ensures good compatibility of pea tops. After about 3 weeks, strawberries are planted in this place. Important high quality mustache A large mustache next year gives large berries. The larger the planting material, the taller the plants will be and the thicker the flower stalks.

Strawberry seedlings are planted at a distance of 40 cm from each other. The row spaces are not dug up, but cleared of weeds. You can plant directly from the edge of the bed so that further plant could use inter-row soil. 3-4 rows of berries are placed on the garden bed. The width of the bed is calculated so that on each side you can easily reach the middle for caring for the plantings.

After planting, water the soil well to create dirt. It’s not for nothing that there is a proverb about strawberries: “If you plant them in the mud, you will be a prince.”

Antennae often have underdeveloped roots. The next day after planting, the seedlings may wilt in the sun. To make the rooting process a little easier for them, the ground around them is sprinkled with hay for the next 3-4 days for shading. You can remove the hay later, or you can add more, to create a nice thick layer of mulch.

Pyramid bed

Beds located upwards and taking up little space are relevant for small summer cottages. To organize a pyramid bed, you need 4 wooden bottomless boxes and a piece of pipe with a diameter of 40 mm and a length of 2-2.5 meters. You can make the boxes yourself.

The pipe is secured and holes are drilled along the entire length of the pipe using an electric drill. They are needed for watering the pyramid beds. There is no need to make large holes; they can become clogged with earth. Water will find any hole anyway.

Choose a place for the pyramid and drive the pipe to a depth of 80-90 cm so that it holds tightly. By the way, no holes are made in the part of the pipe that will be underground.

Then they take the largest box and put it on top of the pipe so that it runs exactly in the center, and we fix it in the ground. The box can be buried or propped open with pegs: drive stakes into each corner from the inside of the box.

Next, pour good fertile soil into the box, filling it to the brim and compacting it moderately. So all the remaining boxes are strung on the pipe. On each subsequent one a smaller box is placed. Four to five tiers will be enough to maintain the stability of the pyramid and avoid problems with watering, caring for berries, and harvesting.

In addition, you need to make sure that there is free space for strawberry seedlings. There should be a piece of pipe sticking out above the last tier. It is easy to water the plants from above through the pipe by inserting a hose. Opposite each tier there are necessarily holes through which the soil will be moistened.

Your berry will grow no worse than in an ordinary garden bed. In summer, the bushes will bloom and the pyramid will turn into a pink and white flowerbed, pleasing to the eye.

If you follow all the rules, the plants planted for you will take root well, take root, and you will be guaranteed an excellent strawberry harvest. By the way, do not forget that strawberries are recognized as one of the most delicious and healthy berries in the world!

Every summer resident dreams of a rich harvest of fruits and berries from his plot, so it is so important to know how to plant strawberries correctly and when to do it.

Definitely, in the southern, too hot regions, it is preferable to plant strawberries and many other berries in the autumn. The fact is that in such areas spring is very fleeting, and after the cool April days the summer heat immediately begins. This does not allow the seedlings to take root well and settle down in a new place - they quickly dry out and die.

Autumn in warm regions is usually long, and makes it possible to plant strawberries in October. A long autumn with warm days allows strawberry bushes to easily take root and have time to settle down in a new place before the onset of winter.

In the northern regions, on the contrary, it is preferable to plant strawberries in open ground in the spring, since autumn passes here very quickly, and spring, as a rule, is long and warm, without hot days. In areas with temperate climate You can plant this berry in the spring, so that in the first season you can get both a harvest and a mustache on which young rosettes will grow by the fall.

IN northern regions The optimal time for planting strawberries in open ground is from July 25 to August 10. If the summer is very hot, then it is better to plant seedlings in the 1st decade of September.

How to choose planting material

The berry harvest directly depends on the selected variety that is suitable for the climatic conditions of the region. Despite the abundance of varieties, it is advisable to purchase seedlings from nurseries to be sure that you are purchasing healthy planting material.

Young rosettes develop on the tendrils of the queen cells, which are the planting material. The closer the young bush is located to the mother bush, the better the quality of the planting material itself.

It is advisable to take rosettes from those bushes that have produced a high harvest during the season.

Queen cells must reach 2-3 years of age. If you take rosettes from queen cells that are older than 3 years, then they are unlikely to produce a good harvest of berries.

It is not worth taking bushes that were obtained by dividing the mother plant as seedlings, since they still will not produce many berries.

First of all, when purchasing strawberry seedlings, you should look at the condition of its root system. Healthy roots strong seedlings must be very well developed. If the rosette has weak roots, they may simply not take root in the new place.

Choosing a place to plant a plant

In order for the berry harvest to be consistently high, it is important to choose the right place for planting. The area must be level. You cannot plant crops on slopes. Areas in lowlands are also not suitable, as strawberries are afraid of stagnant water.

Strawberries love light, so the area should be sunny. In places under large trees, the crop can also bear fruit, but the harvest will be small.

Preparing the soil for planting strawberries

In order for strawberries to develop and bear fruit well and quickly, it is necessary to prepare the area. Before planting seedlings, the soil is dug up with a bayonet, it is cleared of weeds and pests are destroyed. If you plan to plant strawberries in the spring, you should begin preparing the soil in the fall. Before late planting, the selected area should be dug up a couple of weeks before the scheduled date.

When digging on the site, fertilizers must be applied. Strawberries love organic matter, especially rotted manure, peat and compost. Used to fertilize strawberries and mineral mixtures. This crop will gratefully accept fertilizing with nitrophoska, which is applied at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. per square bed.

After digging, beds should be formed. It is advisable to do raised beds, especially if the region is rainy. It is enough to make the height of the beds about 30 cm. If the area is dry, then the beds do not need to be raised, or raised only by 10 cm.

By planting rosettes in high beds, the bushes will be protected from attacks by slugs and snails.

Step-by-step instructions on how to plant different varieties of strawberries

Before planting rosettes in open ground, they should be placed in a weak salt solution with the additive for 10 minutes. copper sulfate. To do this, dilute 3 tbsp in 10 liters of water. l. salt and 1 tsp. copper sulfate. Place the rosettes completely in the solution, along with the leaves and roots. After this, the seedlings are rinsed and planted.

If you purchased early varieties of strawberries, they should be planted close. Each rosette is planted at a distance of 15 cm from the other. You can leave about 60 cm in the rows. If you arrange the seedlings this way, then in the very first season the strawberries will give a rich harvest. But with this planting, after collecting all the berries, every second rosette is removed. As a result, the distance between the rosettes will be 30 cm. This way you can achieve a rich harvest even next year.

When planting late strawberries, the distance between the rosettes is increased to 20 cm. 60 cm is also left between the rows. After all the berries are collected in the first year, every second rosette is thrown away, which makes it possible to increase the harvest of the second year.

How to plant strawberries correctly and how deep should the bushes be buried? When planting, dig holes according to the size of the roots, carefully lower the roots into the hole and cover them with earth, straightening them well. In this case, you cannot fill the outlet with soil - it should be slightly above the soil level. After planting, the soil is spilled and the rosettes are mulched to reduce moisture evaporation. The next day, you need to inspect the plantings, and, if necessary, dig up rosettes that are planted too high or raise those that are planted too low.

Many gardeners, due to lack of space on their plots, grow crops vertically. You can also plant a berry garden in multi-tiered beds, which saves space. To do this, molds are made in the form of pyramids or cones, which are filled with earth. It is necessary that the volume of each container be at least 1.5 liters, otherwise the plant will not be able to bear fruit.

They also grow berries through seeds, but the seed method is too labor-intensive and time-consuming. Breeders mainly grow these berries through seeds.

Strawberry – a tasty berry with a rich vitamin and microelement composition. Therefore, she is a frequent resident of vegetable gardens, front gardens in private houses and dachas. Every owner wants the berries to be large, tasty, and plentiful. But it happens that expectations are not met. Why? Let's find out how to plant strawberries correctly, which varieties to give preference to and how to care for the plantation in order to obtain stable, rich harvests of strawberries.

The main thing in the article

What are the best varieties of strawberries to plant?

There is no point in choosing strawberry varieties for planting based on the name “tastiest” or “largest”. Since strawberries are a perennial, early-bearing plant, you need to approach the choice of variety for your plot responsibly.

When choosing a variety, you need to consider not only the yield and taste qualities, but also frost resistance, pest resistance, disease resistance, etc. We offer a list of strawberry varieties that will do well in our area:

1) Early varieties strawberries:

2) Mid-season variety strawberries:

  • "Elsanta".
  • "Lord."
  • "Darselect".

3) Late ripening variety strawberries:

4) Varieties with large berries:

5) Strawberries that bear fruit twice a year:

Tip: It is better to plant several varieties of strawberries in one area different terms maturation (late, early, mid-ripening). Then the fruits can be collected from early summer until autumn.

How to plant strawberries correctly: 4 planting methods

Strawberry bushes can be planted in different ways. Gardeners and experienced summer residents They use four main planting techniques; we will consider them in more detail.

What is the best way to plant strawberries?

It is impossible to talk about a specific planting method as the best. Since many factors should be taken into account: climatic conditions, location of the site, soil on which the strawberries will be planted, etc. The video shows one of the best ways landings.

How to plant strawberries in the garden beds in the fall: step-by-step instructions

For autumn planting choose a period from August 15 to September 20-25. If you plant strawberry seedlings later, they will not have time to take root (take root) before the onset of cold weather.

Having set a planting date, we perform the following steps:

Step #1. Preparing seedlings. You can buy it or propagate your bushes with a mustache.

  1. Before planting, the bushes must be kept in a cool place for 3–5 days.
  2. On the day of planting, trim the roots of the strawberry bushes - they should be no more than 10 cm.
  3. Prepare the top part too by removing yellow and unhealthy leaves.
  4. Planting with flowers and tendrils is also unacceptable; they must be removed.

Step #2. Soil preparation.

  1. Remove all weeds, dig up the soil or fluff it up.
  2. Mark the places where the strawberry beds will be.
  3. If necessary, water the soil.

Step #3. Planting bushes. Row planting is excellent for garden beds.

  1. Holes 10 cm deep are made in a row. Water them generously.
  2. Place the roots of the bushes into the hole and straighten them out.
  3. Sprinkle soil on top.

The petiole (core) of the bush should be on the surface, and the roots should be completely hidden in the ground.

Step #4. Caring for planted bushes. Now the gardener’s task is to help the strawberries take root. To do this, water it, mulch it, remove any tendrils that appear, and make sure that no weeds appear.

At what distance should I plant strawberries?

When planting strawberries, maintaining the distance between the bushes is very important. It may depend on the method of planting and the purpose of the strawberries (fruiting, repair material, seedlings). But distance minimums must be maintained under all landing conditions. So, between:

  • bushes in a row - at least 15–20 cm;
  • rows of 2-5 lowercase - 50 cm;
  • lines - at least 15 cm.

Below we offer diagrams for planting strawberries in different ways.

How to plant strawberries under black film in the fall?

To plant bushes under black film, you need to prepare a piece of black film that can cover the entire planting area. Today on the market you can find a special graphed black film, which is much easier to work with, since there is no need to measure the distance for each bush.

Initially they do it on the site drip irrigation, then cover the planting area with black film. Using scissors, cut holes in the black film and plant strawberry bushes in them.

If it is necessary to plant rows under black film, then it is cut into strips (per row), watered and the row is covered with film. The edges on both sides are sprinkled with earth and strawberries are planted.

How to plant strawberries on agrofibre?

Planting strawberries under agrofibre is not particularly different from planting under black film. Of course, agrofibre has a better effect on the growth and development of the bush, but film is much cheaper. In the video you can see how strawberries are planted under agrofibre.

How to plant strawberries in a greenhouse?

How to plant strawberries in boxes?

Strawberry bushes in a box are considered a balcony planting method, although this method is actively used in industrial cultivation strawberries You will need a box for planting. A wooden one is perfect, but in the absence of one, you can use a plastic one. Pour soil into it and plant strawberry bushes.

How to plant strawberries with seeds?

It is quite possible to propagate strawberries by seeds. They can be purchased at a garden store or prepared yourself.

To prepare seeds yourself, you should choose the most beautiful berry. It must be well ripe. It is kneaded, the pulp is dried and the seeds are extracted from it.

Now, regarding the landing.

How to plant strawberry seedlings correctly?

Planting strawberry bushes in the ground is done in spring or autumn.

  1. Depending on the chosen planting method, you need to mark the area and make holes for the bushes.
  2. Pour water into them.
  3. The bush itself must also be prepared. Remove yellow and deformed sheets from it. Normally, 3–5 beautiful green leaves remain on the bush.
  4. The ends of the roots are trimmed. A root system of 8–10 cm should remain.
  5. Next, the prepared strawberries are planted in the dirty mush that has formed in the hole.

How to plant remontant strawberries?

Remontant strawberries are those that produce two harvests per season. The first harvest falls in June-July, and the second is harvested in August-September. It is noted that it is the second harvest that is more abundant. The disadvantages of planting replacement strawberries include the fact that many bushes die after a double load of fruiting.

For landing remontant strawberries two landing methods are used:

  • carpet;
  • private.

As for the time of planting, many gardeners prefer autumn, since replacement strawberries planted in the spring usually do not have time to produce a normal harvest.

The optimal time for planting bushes is the end of August or the first days of September.

How to plant strawberry mustaches?

The method of planting bushes through the mustache is very popular, since good varieties Strawberries today are not cheap, and not everyone can afford to buy seedlings for a large area. Therefore, gardeners purchase a small number of bushes and plant them separately.

During the spring-summer period, mother bushes produce quite a lot of daughter material, reproducing through the mustache. Afterwards they are transplanted.

It is very convenient to place it under a discarded daughter cutting. a plastic cup with the ground. The bush sprouts there, and by cutting off the mustache, you get excellent planting material that can be stored for a long time.

It should be noted that in the year of planting only the second bush on the tendril produced by the mother bush will bear fruit.

How to plant strawberries in spring?

Spring planting is carried out using any of the above methods. The main thing is to maintain the planting time and provide the seedlings with stable watering.

It should be noted that after spring planting wait big harvests It’s not worth it, as the bush will gain strength. But next year you will certainly get a high fruiting result.

How to properly plant strawberries in August?

Planting strawberries in the fall is more attractive to gardeners, since after overwintering the bushes actively bear fruit, delighting the owners delicious berries. For planting, you should choose a cloudy, rainy day. Keep the seedlings in a cool place before planting for about 5 days. Afterwards, you can plant it in open ground.

Has proven itself very well autumn way planting under agrofibre. With this option, in the spring there is no need to weed the rows of strawberries to remove weeds, and the root system of the bush is protected from freezing. Also positive is the fact that under the agrofibre an optimal climate and humidity are created, which allow strawberries to develop with maximum efficiency.

When is it better to plant strawberries - spring or autumn?

Since strawberry seedlings can be called overly sensitive to sudden changes in temperature and the amount of moisture present in the soil, then optimal timing planting is both spring and summer. Of course, each period has its own disadvantages and advantages, so each summer resident must make the choice himself.

Now, regarding the landing:

  • Spring season falls in mid-April and ends May 10–15. Such planting can give a significantly greater survival effect, but you should not count on high yields.
  • Autumn planting involves work from August 15 to September 20. Such strawberries give a good harvest after winter. But there is a risk of freezing of unrooted bushes.

Is it possible to plant strawberries after strawberries, onions, and garlic?

Knowledge of crop rotation helps successful cultivation strawberries So , it is not recommended to plant strawberries after strawberries , since the predecessor “pulled” from the soil all the substances necessary for normal growth. As for garlic and onions, then they are the best predecessors for strawberry bushes. Therefore, feel free to occupy last year’s onion and garlic plantation for planting strawberries.

Caring for planted strawberries

Caring for already planted strawberries also has its secrets, and we will share some of them.

  1. To protect strawberries from pests, it is recommended to plant the following neighbors near the strawberries: parsley, garlic, radish, marigolds, onions, beans.
  2. If you do not plan to propagate strawberries with tendrils, then be sure to remove the tendrils from fruiting bushes. Since in the first year they interfere with rooting and strengthening, and in subsequent years they reduce the ability to bear fruit.
  3. After planting strawberries, you need to add fertilizer to the soil for 15–20 days. They can be mineral or organic. You can buy the feed at the store or make it yourself using chicken manure. It is infused for several days in water, after which it is diluted to a lower concentration. Fertilizers are applied after abundant watering.
  4. Mulching is one of the conditions for beautiful and pure strawberries. It is produced if strawberries are planted in the ground and no film or agrofibre is used. Mulching (sprinkling the ground near the bush) with pine or spruce needles is considered ideal, but if you don’t have them, it doesn’t matter. Ordinary straw copes well with the task of mulching. This allows moisture to be retained near the roots, and the berries remain clean and do not come into contact with the ground.
  5. Average watering of bushes is carried out 2-3 times a week. If the weather is very dry, then daily evening watering is allowed. Best option- This drip irrigation, thanks to it, gardeners receive rich harvests of large berries.

Video: how to plant strawberries correctly

Plant strawberries on your plots and delight your family with delicious, juicy, healthy berries.

Every self-respecting gardener grows strawberries (garden strawberries) on his plot. Proper care for the queen of berries will ensure a high yield of large, ripe and tasty fruits. Before planting strawberries, you need to choose the right site, soil, seed variety, planting method, and be sure to take care of protection from pests.

When is the best time to plant strawberries: autumn or spring?

Garden strawberry seedlings are very sensitive to temperature changes and the amount of available moisture. Therefore, plant in middle lane Agronomists recommend this wonderful berry either in the spring (from April 20 to May 10), or in mid-summer/early autumn after harvest (from July 20 to September 10). These periods are characterized by cool weather and sufficient moisture necessary for the full development of the plant.

Methods for planting strawberries

Many people wonder: what is the best way to plant strawberries to get a high yield? There are several ways to plant remontant strawberries:

  • free-standing bushes;
  • into the ranks;
  • nests;
  • carpet method.

If you decide to plant berries in separate bushes, then you need to choose the correct distance between them. Agronomists consider the ideal interval to be 50-60 centimeters. To prevent plants from intertwining, you need to regularly trim the tendrils, so that the bushes can rapidly develop and bear fruit. The advantages of the method include: large berries, low likelihood of disease, savings seed material.

When planted in rows, the bushes are located at a distance of 10-20 cm from each other, and the row spacing is about 50 centimeters. This method involves regularly loosening the soil and killing weeds. A plant planted in rows successfully develops and bears fruit for 4-5 years. The problem of weeds is solved by first laying agrofibre on the ground - a special covering film with a mulching effect.

The nesting method is used by those gardeners who want to get big harvest. You need to plant it like this: one plant is located in the center, and six more around it (5-8 cm between the bushes) so that a hexagon is formed. The distance between nests can be left approximately 30 centimeters, and between rows - 40. There is only one drawback of this method - a large number of planting material.

The simplest is the carpet method, which creates a unique microclimate in the upper layers of the plant. The essence of this simple and cheap method is that the mustache of strawberry bushes is not cut off, thereby allowing the berry to grow over the entire area allotted to it. During growth, a natural layer of plant mulch is formed, which inhibits weed growth and retains moisture. Plant this way the better those who are not often at the dacha and do not have the opportunity to frequently water or loosen the soil.

How to plant strawberries in open ground in the fall

Best time The best time to sow strawberries is in the autumn months (from the end of August to the end of September). A huge advantage of this period of the year is that the bushes will begin to bear fruit next summer. Seeds sown in the spring will only develop throughout July-August, and it will be possible to eat garden strawberries only after a year. The exception is purchased varieties, Clery, Chandler, Albion, etc. Before planting strawberries in open ground, you need to take care proper preparation soil. After this, the distance and method of placing the seeds is selected.

Preparing the soil for planting strawberries

The soil for growing garden strawberries should be chosen to be light, breathable and susceptible to moisture accumulation. Strawberries are very capricious, so the roots need more additional liquid. There are several secrets if there is little space on the site or the soil is not fertile:

  1. Special moisturizing. You can worry in advance and set up drip irrigation (directly to the roots), however, the implementation of building such an irrigation system is not accessible to everyone and is often used on an industrial scale.
  2. Growing in pots. If the soil on the site is not black soil, then the best solution would be vertical multi-tiered placement of containers with purchased soil in which to plant garden strawberry seeds. This saves space and also allows you to get a large harvest.
  3. Application of agrofibre. This material (film/fabric) is used in two cases - when you need to create a greenhouse effect and get a harvest a week or two earlier, or as protection against weeds.
  4. Previously used soil by other plants. You can also plant remontant strawberries in places where other crops previously grew. For example, the best predecessors for garden strawberries are potatoes, tomatoes or cucumbers.

Before planting strawberries, the soil needs to be dug and loosened. After this procedure, the soil must be fertilized (nitroammophos, organic fertilizers). Holes are dug in the ground into which the rhizomes are placed. After planting, the bushes are lightly sprinkled and watered abundantly. We should not forget that strawberries can be grown in the same place for no more than five years.

At what distance to plant strawberries: planting scheme

For planting, you must choose a sunny, well-ventilated place. With standard placement, strawberry bushes are located at a distance of 50 centimeters from each other. The tendrils will not intertwine, and there will be plenty of space for the plant to fully grow. If the plot is small, then the distance can be increased to 80 cm and the beds can be arranged in two rows. For open ground– this is an ideal option.