Features of mixed floors in houses. Combined houses

For many families, purchasing a separate home can be a daunting task and a test of their level of financial viability. And yet, the current situation in the construction industry fully allows everyone the option that best suits their financial situation and suits them in terms of cost and timing of construction work.

In construction apartment buildings It is customary to distinguish four types, each of which corresponds to a specific type of building materials. We are talking about panel, brick and monolithic housing construction. Often there are also mixed-type houses, where two or three main types are combined in different combinations. There is also a distinction between individual construction and the construction of apartment buildings.

Individual construction: budget methods

The most economical option for individual low-rise construction today is considered residential buildings frame-panel structures, which can be erected in an extremely short time. Construction technology does not require a powerful device. A light metal or wooden frame is installed at the construction site, which is sheathed ready-made. This is immediately followed by finishing.

Houses of frame-panel construction, unlike wooden houses, practically do not shrink.

The second economical way to build a house involves using building blocks. At the same time, light and compact modern building materials are used, which have high insulating properties. This design also allows you to save on foundation construction. The advantages of block construction are that its construction requires a minimum of special equipment.

Wooden house construction

Most often, a monolithic house is an individual architectural project, not related to mass development. Such houses are distinguished open plan apartments, each of which has a large area. Technologies make it possible to build monolithic houses with a large number of floors.

Monolithic housing construction is classified as an elite category of housing. To buy in monolithic house Maybe not every family, since you have to pay for the benefits. If you are thinking of remodeling your apartment, this will also require significant investment. The disadvantage of such buildings is that they are erected much more slowly than panel houses.

Brick house building

Brick houses can be found both in urban areas and outside metropolitan areas. Brick buildings are comfortable and technologically advanced. The advantage of such housing is good insulation from noise. Brick also “breathes” well; this material is strong and durable. But it’s quite difficult to build a house out of brick, because to do this you need to literally put it together from separate small elements.

Surveys show that if financially possible brick house two-thirds of the population would choose for housing. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford this in life, since brick buildings have the highest price category.

Combining materials is a favorite pastime of designers; in capital construction it is used to solve important practical problems. Proper combination of the physical qualities of stone and wood in the load-bearing walls of a building gives the developer a tangible benefit in cost and comfort.

It is these two factors that have made houses made of combined materials popular and widespread in modern suburban construction.

What combinations are reasonable and permissible when constructing such a structure?

Most often, stone (brick, monolithic concrete, aerated concrete or expanded clay blocks). The second floor is built from rounded logs or laminated veneer lumber.

It should be noted that combinations of different wall materials may also affect the exterior. A combined house allows you to use any façade decor options: brick walls The first floor can be finished with a blockhouse, insulating them using the “ventilated facade” technology.

The second frame floor can be improved decorative plaster or stone tiles. As an example, we invite you to look at the photo below.

Looking at such a house, you will not be able to unambiguously answer the question of what it is built from. load-bearing walls. Although a combined technology of wall construction is also used here. The first floor of this building is brick, lined with siding. The second is a wooden frame finished with ceramic tiles.

Constructive options for combined houses

Despite the variety of facade decor, the construction of combined houses must comply with the main principle: 1st floor is stone, 2nd floor is wood. It provides the building with the necessary strength and creates conditions for comfortable living on the second floor. Another problem solved by the combination of materials is reducing the labor intensity and cost of construction.

Anyone who does not want to spend extra money on exterior decoration is doing the right thing. The combination of stone and wood is optimal not only for structural reasons, but also from an aesthetic standpoint. Therefore, do not hide behind the finishing what looks perfect in itself.

An example would be a mansion built in a deliberately rough combination natural stone and logs. It fully complies with the canons of country style.

It originates from the harsh mountainous terrain, invented by Alpine shepherds. It also used the idea of ​​combining durable stone and warm wood.

Life in the mountains requires maximum reliability and functionality. Therefore, the first level of the chalet is always built from durable rock that is not afraid of snow debris, rockfalls and water. The second floor is designed to create comfort and coziness. Can't find one for these purposes best material than natural wood.

The “ancestral sign” of all buildings built in the chalet style is wide roof overhangs that protect the walls from heavy rains and melting snowdrifts.

Modern combined houses made of stone and wood are extremely diverse, since the choice of wall materials is very wide. If you are not satisfied with torn stone or flat limestone “flagstone”, then build the first floor from. They are quite durable and at the same time as warm as natural wood.

When preparing for construction, do not forget that houses made of foam blocks and wood require a reliable connection between the first and second floors. Cellular concrete is a rather fragile material. Therefore, it will not hold the steel anchors securing the second level support beam.

A competent solution for such a structure is to pour a monolithic reinforced concrete belt over the foam block walls. It increases the spatial rigidity of the building and allows you to securely fix the anchor bolts.

The appearance of a foam block wall is not very expressive. Therefore, it is better to cover it with blockhouse or siding, laying a vapor barrier and a layer of mineral wool insulation behind the façade cladding.

For the combined construction of a cottage you can use. They are stronger than foam concrete, not as fragile and very warm. Finishing arbolite walls is not labor-intensive, since any decorative plaster adheres well to them.

The second floor can be built from planed timber. This material retains heat well in a residential floor and does not require finishing cladding.

If you need three level combined house made of brick and timber, then build it according to this scheme: ground technical floor - monolithic reinforced concrete, the first level is brick, the second is a frame or log house.

Talking about frame version walls of the second floor, we note that it will not only save your money, but will also allow you to flexibly change the internal layout, adapting it to family needs.

You can hide the frame of the second floor behind the finishing. Another interesting option- specially highlight it, turning it into an element of facade decor. For this purpose, half-timbering is best suited - an ancient frame system in which posts, beams and cross braces face the facade.

A serious problem with all cottages is dampness on the ground floor. A combined house solves it simply and functionally. The lower floor is reserved for utility rooms. Here you can equip a boiler room, a bathhouse, a workshop and a garage. Bedrooms, bathrooms, dressing rooms, playrooms and a kitchen are located on the second, drier floor.

A combined house and a combined facade are not the same thing!

As we have already said, the combination of different wall materials is the main feature of a combined building. In contrast, the combined façade of a house can be used on any residential building.

For example, by building a cottage from insulated sandwich panels, you can easily “disguise” it as a stone one. For this you can use ceramic tiles, sandstone, porcelain stoneware or rustic plaster. If ordinary, rather than facing, brick is used for laying walls, then a “combi-facade” will also be appropriate.

The photo shows a house being built from brick and timber. Obviously, the unsightly brickwork will require additional finishing. It doesn’t have to be decorated “like a stone.” It is enough to fill the blockhouse along the guides and your house will be completely “wooden”. Another option is a combination of semicircular false logs on the first floor and laminated veneer lumber on the second.

Pros and cons of the combination idea

Having noted the main advantages of combined buildings: efficiency, planning flexibility, aesthetics and functionality, we will point out the disadvantages of such buildings.

The main one is different time“life” of stone and wood. In rocks it reaches 150 years. At best, the tree will last half a century. For light frames and panel walls this period will be even shorter. Therefore, a moment will inevitably come when the first stone floor is still quite strong and reliable, and the walls of the second floor already require repairs.

Since combined country houses in Russia are still quite young, there is no negative experience of different rates of aging of wall materials. Therefore, reviews from their owners are mostly positive.

To summarize, we advise everyone who has decided to build a combined cottage not to forget about different periods operation of the first and second floors. To extend the life of the walls, buy well-dried and antiseptic wood, and trust the assembly of the frame to experienced professionals, not hackers.

A wooden frame requires a properly assembled drainage system to prevent moisture from entering the wood. In addition, during the construction stage, constant quality control of the sealing of all cross sections of wooden posts and beams is required.

Mixed type houses. The structure of such a house usually consists of two parts:
1. stone first floor,
2. frame top.
There are no clear pros and cons of this design.

IN in this case The first floor on the site is built from expanded clay concrete blocks. They contain a lot of concrete and little expanded clay.
Expanded clay- small clay foam balls that are fired. There is air inside. Looks like a brick. Emit poisonous gases, which are obtained in them during high-temperature foaming. It is better not to use such materials for private houses. There is an air cavity inside the block. To protect yourself, the house needs to be well plastered, then plastered gypsum plaster and paint, upholster decorative materials to reduce the release of toxic substances. In such a house you need to organize good ventilation. The latter is important in any case, because Other construction and finishing materials, including linoleum and carpet, can also emit harmful substances.
This block is cooler than brick. The outside must be insulated with at least 10 cm of polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, and good mineral wool. Next is cladding with wood, siding,...

Houses made of stone are considered the most durable. If the walls are well insulated on the outside, but the inside is cool in summer and warm in winter. Stone is an advantage if people live in such a house permanently and a disadvantage if they live periodically.

Let's measure the temperature of the wall outside and inside using a perometer. On the street, the uninsulated walls heated up to 50 degrees, and inside the temperature did not exceed 25 with air temperatures up to 35.

Not available at this site underground ventilation, which is not good (the floors will rot in 5-10 years). Floors according to the traditions of the last century. Wooden logs, boards are hemmed underneath them to form the base for the subfloor. Mineral wool will be placed on these boards. Also bedding vapor barrier films so that moisture does not rise from under the floor. Everything is covered with floorboards or plywood. Such floors will shake all their lives.
In this case, it is better to dig up the soil and make sand cushion. Foam insulation or better expanded polystyrene. do it according to it screed with reinforcement made of iron or plastic mesh.

Can be covered with slabs. It's a bit expensive, but slabs untie the floor from the ground. The screed can be made using any technology, including with heated floors.

If a concrete screed is applied to wooden floors, the plastic wood takes the form of a suspension. The floors will have to be leveled, the tiles will crack.

Mixed-use houses have a long history. In Russia, a wooden second floor was built above the upper stone floor (basement).
Poor people in Europe back in the Middle Ages built according to frame technology, filling the frame with available materials, for example, clay mixed with straw. For example, see even now the popular half-timbered structure.

In modern Russia, an attic space is most often built using frame technology. At the same time, they do not take into account that in Europe or Canada the climatic conditions are not as severe as in Russia. A poorly insulated attic is hot in summer and cold in winter. By building the upper floor from foam concrete or timber, you can make living there more comfortable.

When building using frame technology, it is important to pay attention to the strength of the structure and the size of the structural elements.
In this case, the pillars are 100x150, from which there are logs, vertical and horizontal elements stitched together with staples, and jib bars are made (to prevent diagonal swaying). Then this design upholstered with boards or plywood, soundproofed.

The floors in this house are traditional, made of wooden beams with underlayment and insulation. The disadvantages of frame housing construction are poor sound insulation. For insulation in the interfloor ceiling, you can use a thin layer of sand.

It's inexpensive and very effective. When building a house with siding, subfloors. Bark beetles live under the bark, which first eat the bark and then move on to the boards.

It is important to insulate the roof, because in winter she is great source heat loss, and in summer a heated roof transmits heat. All warm air, seeping through cracks and holes, ends up upstairs, in the attic, and then under the roof. If the roof is poorly insulated, then in addition to heat loss, we will get icing on the roof.

Vapor transparent membrane similar to ordinary polyethylene, but differs in that water does not pass through it. If there is a leak in the roof, the water will slide down the membrane. And if moisture gets in from below in the form of steam, it will not condense. The steam will pass through the film and also roll down. Thus the film releases moisture from the house and does not let it into the house.

Insulation of attic roof:
At the bottom the lower lathing is stuffed along the rafters from boards or plywood. Better to use tree, and not drywall, because If the wood gets wet, it can dry out.
Next is laid insulation. It could be expanded polystyrene, which is not transparent to steam and moisture. Moisture that gets on the surface of polystyrene foam will roll down and will not wet the material. If you lay cotton wool, it will take on water and will no longer perform its heat-insulating properties and will not dry out. Expanded polystyrene should be minimum 20 cm, otherwise there will be ice and icicles on the roof.
The rafters must be large enough to accommodate the insulation and leave space for breath.

This house is obviously being built for sale: larger area, simpler materials, fewer of them. Externally, such a house is made to look attractive. There will be large heat losses in this house.

The active development of suburban housing construction has led to the emergence of new construction technologies and techniques, which are often combined in order to reduce construction time and reduce its cost. What kind of mixed-type houses are found most often now?

Usage mixed technologies at low-rise construction possible in a variety of options: frame and brick, frame and aerated concrete, timber and brick, timber and frame, polystyrene foam or woodchip blocks, permanent formwork and brick... The main purpose of the combination is expediency. Structures are being erected that can ensure minimal construction costs, high rates of work and maximum opportunity for energy saving during subsequent operation.

Nowadays, in low-rise housing construction, only one building material, be it brick or wood, is increasingly used. Modern technologies Due to the multilayer nature of the enclosing structures, they allow you to create walls of a standard thickness (40 centimeters), according to your own thermal insulation properties not inferior to, for example, brick thick more than 1m. At the same time, there are significant savings on materials, construction time (and, consequently, on workers’ compensation), and subsequently on operating costs.

Most often, the walls of houses are combined, using two or more types of building materials with clearly demarcated functional tasks for each of them: load-bearing structures, insulation - and exterior finishing designed to protect the building from negative impact environment.

Wood and concrete

If you use solid concrete blocks, then the structure will, of course, be very durable, but have low heat and sound insulation properties. To eliminate this drawback, hollow blocks are used for laying walls, which are subsequently filled with insulation. Recently, they began to produce blocks with a textured outer surface (most often under a natural stone), which are used for the construction of basement floors.


One of the new and quite promising is the frame-timber construction technology, which combines the advantages of a frame structure and native Russian logs. wooden house. The role of load-bearing elements here is performed by the frame and timber.

Alexey Markin, commercial director of ScandiDom company

The specialists of the TKDom Gatchina company have extensive construction experience combined houses, and in their practice there are often options for combining wood and reinforced concrete. For example, the customer for the construction of a three-story cottage in Toksovo wanted to have a ground floor made of reinforced concrete, and the top of the building made of wood. In the basement there is a garage and technical premises. When building another house on a difficult soil topography with a height difference of about 4 meters, a high base made of reinforced concrete was also used - another option for combining a wooden frame and iron piles. Technologies for using wood-metal-concrete ligaments are very often used in world practice in the construction of engineering structures. Metal or concrete bases allow you to protect wooden elements from soil moisture, while they themselves wooden beams act as load-bearing structures. These are the so-called construction methods protection of wooden structures from damage due to atmospheric influences.

Brick and wood

The use of well masonry in the construction of brick houses with the laying of insulation into the resulting cavities or pouring foam concrete allows you to save on expensive building materials, almost halve the thickness of the wall and significantly reduce the load on the foundation.

Brick is used not only to create load-bearing structures, but is also actively used in various systems for external insulation of facades. For example, a house made of timber, lined with brick, is beautiful, warm and durable. At the same time, it looks no different from a brick building, but costs much less. This combination is used both in new construction and in the reconstruction of buildings, which makes it possible to use the positive characteristics of both brick and wood.

It should be remembered that in combined structures it is necessary to pay attention to the compatibility of the materials used. Wood is quite moisture-absorbing and susceptible to rotting, so a tight fit brickwork to a wooden frame is unacceptable. In this case, condensation will settle on the surface of the wood due to daily temperature changes, which will lead to the inevitable appearance of mold and destruction of both the wood itself and cement mortar, holding the masonry together. Therefore, an air gap between the brickwork and the wood is necessary here. Ventilation holes are left at the bottom of the brickwork for natural circulation air.

Beam and frame

When building from thin laminated veneer lumber, the thickness of which can be 70mm, the inside of the house is insulated with a special material and covered with a wide edged board 18mm thick, having the configuration of a beam. As a result, both outside and inside, such a house looks like a classic structure made of timber. But the technology used for combining materials allows it to be much warmer than its counterparts made of timber or round logs at lower costs for the original building materials. It breathes, but retains heat, is economical and environmentally friendly. This combination option makes it possible to build a house that has all the advantages natural wood, but without its shortcomings.

Wood is undoubtedly one of the best building materials. Combining timber and frame with insulation allows you to get a completely individual version of a wooden house with low thermal conductivity, which is no different in appearance from a house made of full-size timber.

– The good thing about timber-frame technology is that in the end we get no frame house(many still do not perceive them as permanent buildings) and not timber - made of expensive solid logs, says Alexey Markin, commercial director of the ScandiDom company. – The load-bearing walls of such a house are made of timber with a cross-section of 92×135 mm, inside of which the frame is installed. In terms of construction speed this is not prefabricated houses, consisting of individual elements. If you take standard project, without changing anything in it, then in 4 months the house will be ready turnkey. And the installation of the thermal circuit (construction of the timber frame, insulation, windows, doors and roofing) will take only 1.5 - 2 months.

Only the box itself is assembled quickly enough from timber (pre-dried), and the frame is attached to it using sliding fasteners. With this construction technology, the timber does not even need to be given time to shrink. The corner plate is firmly attached to the frame, and on the side where it adjoins the beam, it has a longitudinal vertical groove - a sliding fastener is obtained, which allows the beam to naturally shrink without affecting the frame structure.

Interior partitions in such a house are usually made from a frame filled with insulation. ScandiDom specialists use Parok insulation. It is convenient because the width of the sheet is 600mm, and the frame racks inside the building go in increments of 600mm, plus the width of the board itself is approximately 150mm - accordingly, the insulation is placed very tightly in these spaces. What is necessary not only to ensure that the insulation does not settle, but also to avoid the formation of cold bridges, which could theoretically cause condensation to form: a humid environment is favorable for the formation of fungus, which can cause significant harm wooden structure.

Three reasons for the rise in project costs

Most often, houses are built on a monolithic slab. Although it is more expensive, it is more reliable. In addition, most clients order underfloor heating with additional insulation. It’s easier to do all this so as not to create too much complex structures according to the structure of the floors, on a monolithic slab, the thickness of which can be 170-200mm.
Houses built using timber-frame technology are used for both seasonal and permanent residence– it can be small garden house, and a comfortable spacious cottage. They are very attractive from an aesthetic point of view, comfortable to live in and economical to operate.

To navigate the price range, you need to take into account three components: the project for connecting utilities, terrain and geology.


Assembling a log house from logs natural humidity allows to significantly reduce the cost of construction. You should not be afraid to use “raw” logs - although the structure in this case will be subject to shrinkage, the walls are not deformed, since the assembly of small-diameter log houses is carried out in full accordance with the assembly technology of conventional log houses, the walls are fastened together with dowels (in a checkerboard pattern), which fix them. In particularly critical places (corner structures or sections of walls that have weak stability due to the lack of crosscuts) tie pins are placed.

Eduard Lezhnev,
General Director of ASK Terem

“As a rule, before starting construction, we recommend that clients order geological surveys and topography of the site in order to determine the vertical markings and find out the volume of excavation work,” explains Alexey Viktorovich.
– And geological surveys will help you choose the optimal foundation for the soil and find out whether it needs to be strengthened. Well, the engineering component of construction is one of the most expensive in terms of costs. Therefore, taking into account all these factors, costs may vary. The maximum construction price is 1100 euros per 1 m2, and on average it is 800 - 850 euros per 1 m2. In principle, these are economy class houses.

Houses made of small diameter logs

The technology of building houses from logs of small diameters (100 - 120 mm) - “log house within a log house” – is very interesting. The walls are assembled double, the distance between the axes of the inner and external structure is 200mm. During installation, insulation – Ecowool – is placed in the space between the walls.

This technology allows you to build quickly and does not require the use of additional lifting mechanisms and heavy equipment. After all, the largest log weighs no more than 70 kg (provided that wood with natural moisture is used), and a dry log is even lighter.
The advantages of combined construction from logs are that the multilayer nature of the wall allows all communications to be laid in the internal cavity of the enclosing structures. If we compare a standard log house made of solid wood with a diameter of 240 mm and a double log house made of thin logs, then the first one will require more timber, in addition, it will cost more than blanks for making logs of small diameters.
Externally, a combined house looks very attractive - no worse than one chopped from a full-length log, but costs less.

It is environmentally friendly, and due to additional insulation it will require much lower costs for subsequent operation than ordinary house from solid wood.

If you have a complete package of technical documentation, even the developer himself can assemble a log house from small-diameter logs.

The choice is yours

With combined construction, the most possible different variants combinations of materials. Very often they combine stone (brick, reinforced concrete) and wood.

The ground floor is made of stone, and on top of it is placed wooden structure(timber, frame). It is beautiful and functional, and due to the fact that the wood is much lighter, the load on the foundation is reduced.

It is difficult to give universal advice on which combination of materials is most effective in terms of optimizing financial costs, aesthetic appeal and energy saving.
Only if you have a project can you make the necessary calculations and make comparisons.
In any case, the final choice is up to the customer, because everything depends on his financial capabilities, tastes and preferences.

Text: Marina Ivanova
ASK "Terem"
"TKDom Gatchina"

On modern market A sufficient number of secondary housing built in 1950 and earlier are sold. Such residential premises, as a rule, have mixed floors, which greatly complicates the renovation of such apartments or their redevelopment. After all, this requires permission from special authorities. Therefore, the sale of these apartments may have pitfalls, and there is a possibility of deception on the part of the seller. In order not to become a victim of deception when purchasing such a home, we will examine something in more detail about the load-bearing capacity, characteristics of mixed floors and the features of repair or redevelopment in this article.

Renovation of a residential premises of an old building

In buildings that were built before 1950, that is, the old foundation, there is a wooden or mixed type of floors, which is quite difficult to restore or repair. Mixed slabs are essentially a timber frame that wraps around metal studs. The whole problem lies in the small load-bearing capacity of mixed floors.

It is reliably impossible to predict the static load that they could withstand. But with a high degree of probability we can say that they are not able to withstand the static load from the new concrete screed, cast iron bath or partitions made of foam blocks. But this is the case if the building has not undergone major repairs.

Another one distinctive feature buildings with mixed floors are “unloading partitions”. That is, walls that support the ceilings. Consequently, repairs of mixed floors in such premises are carried out only with the permission of the BTI, and for this you will need to obtain a new technical passport with drawings of the residential premises, according to the work performed. Obtaining such permission costs a lot of effort, financial costs and free time.

Stalin-type houses, or “Stalinka”

Mixed floors in Stalinist houses may differ in type, depending on the construction of the residential building. The popular name “Stalinka” refers to apartments built from the thirties to the seventies of the twentieth century. The beginning of the construction of “Stalinist” type houses was due to the rapid pace of construction to meet the needs of workers, so the floors were made of wood. By the end of the era of “Stalinist” type houses, the floors were made of reinforced concrete.

“Stalin’s houses” or “Stalin” houses are characterized by the presence of very high ceilings, which visually expands the already large living space and a small number of load-bearing partitions. The conditions are almost ideal for the flight of design ideas; redevelopment in a “Stalin” style can take a long time and lead to the most unusual results. According to the designers, mixed ceilings in “Stalin” can be removed without thinking about further consequences. Therefore, when buying a house from an old stock on credit, for cash or with a mortgage, read the technical documentation of this apartment in advance and make sure that there are no redevelopments. If it has been carried out, then it is necessary to ensure that there is permission from the relevant authorities for this redevelopment. In the case of redevelopment in a “Stalin” building, the owner is obliged to provide you with its design and technical conclusion specialists.

Panel type houses

The most common type of apartment buildings currently are panel houses. There are quite a lot of series and types of panel houses, but the main feature is the installation of a plumbing block, which has a mass of 3500 kilograms.

Ignorance of the design of such a living space and unapproved redevelopment or repairs can lead to serious injuries. In addition, different developers could at one time use different technologies for constructing houses of the same type. Also, large differences are allowed when installing roofs and basements - walls with passage openings or columns, so the repair or redevelopment of higher and lower floors must be approached with increased caution and a sense of responsibility.

Competent specialists will never issue a permit for repairs (openings) in a load-bearing wall if basement columns are the support. Developers could also save on building materials, so similar cases often occur: up to the 12th floor, load-bearing walls are 18 centimeters thick, above – 14 centimeters. Among other things, many panel houses have load-bearing walls with ducts for ventilation. Therefore, repairs of mixed floors and redevelopment of walls (creation of an opening) with this type of wall are prohibited. On technical documentation panel house You should pay close attention before purchasing such a home or applying for a mortgage.

Monolithic type houses

How are monolithic houses constructed, and what is it? In monolithic buildings there are practically no load-bearing walls, so redevelopment and repair of mixed floors in such a building can be carried out without fear for the load-bearing capacity of the house. Although such houses with mixed floors are quite rare. Distinctive feature of such residential premises - almost complete absence any interior partitions, therefore, you can do the design of the apartment and the layout of the rooms yourself from the moment the living space is handed over.

A house with mixed floors or solid floors, whether it was bought with cash or with a mortgage, for the most part does not matter. After all, the main thing is a sense of one’s own corner. Therefore, before purchasing your own home in apartment building Once again, clarify how this residential building is arranged.

And before carrying out overhaul or redevelopment, show responsibility and fill out all the necessary applications in order to receive the developed project and the necessary technical documentation. In addition, having such documents in hand, you can later easily sell this living space without any questions asked.