The best indoor plants for an apartment. Useful indoor flowers

Which flower to choose for growing at home without harming your health? This material talks about which flowers to choose for certain rooms, taking into account botanical characteristics crops Before choosing indoor flowers, it would be a good idea to make sure that all family members are not allergic to them. For more information about which flowers to choose for your home, you can read the tips on this page further. Perhaps the information provided will help answer the question of which indoor flowers to choose for interior design. Small tips are also given on how to choose an indoor flower according to its group affiliation.

Houseplants can be purchased at any time of the year, but in winter you should take care of them. Avoid buying tender plants that have been sitting out in the open as “discount” deals.

If you choose bulbs, make sure they are firm and have no holes or sprouts. When purchasing indoor plants, pay attention to any dangerous symptoms- roots sticking out of the drainage holes, empty space between the compost and the inside of the pot, soft leaves etc.

Plants should be wrapped or in plastic packaging that can protect them during the winter. The dangers of cold air when traveling home are obvious. Less obvious is the damage that can be done to plants in the trunk of a car at the height of summer. If possible, transport the plant in a box in the back seat.

Try to provide the new plant with an acclimatization period. Keep it out of direct sunlight and drafts for several weeks, and be careful when watering. Don't move it from one place to another trying to find the "proper" position. Just leave it alone in a moderately warm place away from the sun. Losing one or two leaves during this period is normal for a new plant.

The situation is different with flowering potted plants such as azaleas, chrysanthemums and cyclamens, which come into bloom in winter. Put them on right away permanent places and provide as much light as possible.

What flowers and plants can and should be kept at home

There is a certain standard for which flowers can be kept at home without danger to health. There are also beliefs and scientific conclusions about which plant should be kept at home for the well-being and good health of the whole family. There are six basic forms into which almost everything fits houseplants. There are also intermediate cases, and some plants change shape from one to another with age. Size is another important factor when purchasing a plant. Low-growing varieties can get lost against the background of a large bare wall, and a tall tree-like plant is not suitable for a narrow window sill. Remember that you can buy young plants that can grow to the size of a child within a few years.

What flowers and plants should I plant and grow at home?

Before you decide which flower to plant at home, you need to decide where it will stand and what function it will perform. Everyone chooses for themselves which plants to plant at home; for example, erect flowers have a distinctly vertical growth pattern. Among them there are both low and tallest indoor plants. Medium-sized vertical plants are an integral part of a potted group, providing a sense of height and compensating for the horizontal effect created by rosette and ampelous plants. Tall, upright varieties are often used as single plants.

Some knowledge will help determine which flowers to grow at home, for example, columnar plants have thick vertical stems, either leafless or bearing leaves, which do not interfere with the columnar effect. Many cacti and some succulents have this growth pattern.


Cleistocactus Strauss

Notocactus Leninghaus

Trees are used in large rooms as single plants and in many compositions as a central element. Trees have a central branched or unbranched stem and leaves with small petioles. Some are quite small, such as miniature succulent "trees"; others are capable of growing to the ceiling.


Ficus Benjamin,

False palms have stems that, while the plants are young, are completely covered by elongated leaf bases. In an adult plant, usually only the upper part of the trunk is covered with leaves and a characteristic “false palm” effect occurs.


What flowers to have at home

Before deciding what flowers to have at home, it is worth learning about bush-like plants - these are varieties that do not fit into other groups. They usually have multiple stems growing straight out of the compost, with a growth pattern that is neither discreetly vertical nor horizontal. They can be small and compact, like peperomia, or tall and bushy, like aucuba. Some plants are naturally bushy, others need to be pinched regularly to encourage tillering.

Examples of what flower to have at home:

Which indoor plant to choose from cereals

Grass-like plants have long, narrow leaves and a growth habit similar to that of cereals. Very few true grasses are grown as houseplants. If desired, you can grow a cereal plant in the room open ground. For example, you can use calamus, arundinaria, sedge and ophiopogon. Which indoor plant to choose among the cereals largely depends on general design interior interior.

Broad-leaved grass-like plants are much more popular - Chlorophytum crested is widely grown.

Some flowering plants also have grass-like leaves, for example:

Globular plants

Globular plants are leafless and spherical in shape. Almost all of them are cacti. The surface of the stem may be smooth or covered with hairs and thorns.




Rebutia is tiny


Rosette plants

Rosette plants bear leaves arranged in a circle around a central growing point.

Most rosette plants are low growing and pair well with bushy and upright plants in potted groups and indoor gardens.

Flat rosette plants

Flat rosette plants have large leaves that lie almost horizontally, forming a loose rosette. A number of attractive flowering plants have this growth pattern.


Succulent rosette plants have fleshy leaves arranged in several layers and often tightly adjacent to each other. This arrangement helps retain moisture in their natural habitat.


Aloe squat

Echeveria bristles.

Funnel-shaped rosette plants are widespread among bromeliads. Wide, belt-shaped leaves form a “funnel” that holds rainwater in their natural tropical habitat.



Lianas and hanging plants: which ones to choose

Curly and hanging plants have stems that are either tied to a support so they grow upward or left to hang down the outside of the container. Many varieties can be used both ways. As climbers, they are formed on pegs, cords, trellises, wire hoops, vertical poles, in wall-mounted pots to frame a window, or on a support serving as a partition. As ampelous plants, they can be used to grow along a horizontal surface or go down the sides of the pot.

Vines are always grown as vertical plants. Climbing varieties curl around provided supports. Clinging varieties that have tendrils must be attached to supports at regular intervals; if left to grow unattended, the stems will soon tangle together. Varieties with aerial roots are best grown on a moss stick.


Begonia drooping

Flowers for dark corners

It's tempting to liven up a dark corner with indoor plants. But for plants to survive, they need light. Flowers for dark corners should have high level shade tolerance and do not need large quantities ultraviolet radiation for its growth.

Here's a test to tell if there's enough light: It should be possible to read a newspaper in the darkest part of the corner at the end of the morning or early afternoon, and the plants should cast at least vague shadows on a sunny day.

It is good if the surfaces of the corner are pasted over or painted white or light color. The mirror surface is even more useful. You can use light-loving species for a few weeks and then move them to a brightly lit area for a week or two to recuperate. An alternative way is to buy pots of brightly colored flowering species and treat them as temporary arrangements the same way you would treat cut flowers in a vase.

Unpretentious plants

There is a group of plants that can tolerate a variety of conditions - dark and cold corners, bright and stuffy rooms, periods of neglect, and so on. Grow some low-maintenance plants if you are convinced that everything you touch will die. These plants will survive as long as you don't keep the compost moist and you don't burn them in the summer on an unshaded, south-facing windowsill. Typically, you can water them once a week for growing season and once every two weeks in winter.

Indoor flowers are our friends. Accompany throughout life. You will rarely meet a housewife who does not have green pets at home. Flowers please the eye and create positive energy, are being treated. Best gift a flower for a loved one, a symbol of love and affection.

All kinds of flowers grow in living spaces. Many of them were bought in a store, given as a gift from a friend, or planted with a cutting. Select according to original appearance or flowering. There are many colors for an apartment. But our friends are different and have certain characteristics and growing preferences.

Plants that bring health

Many indoor flowers can improve air quality, purify and neutralize harmful radiation, and heal. Such plants should be in every home (see photo).

Pelargonium or geranium perfectly cleans the air and disinfects. Helps get rid of headaches, kills germs, calms nerves. The aroma of the flower repels insects. The plant carries positive energy and has a beneficial effect on humans. Easy to care for. Perfectly decorates the room and becomes the housewife's favorite.

Sansevieria or "Mother-in-law's tongue". It is recommended to place it in the bedroom. At night, the plant releases oxygen, which helps you fall into a good sleep. It is believed that the plant can even improve immunity. It is watered rarely and through a tray. The flower is unpretentious and gets used to different lighting conditions. Serves as a decoration for the room.

Aloe has healing properties. Often used in folk medicine. The juice has anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe releases oxygen and purifies the air in the room. Used for wound healing, sore throats, and stomach treatment. Removes the electrification of the room and neutralizes unwanted electromagnetic radiation. Located in rooms with computer equipment.

Chlorophytum. An original and useful plant. It is advisable to plant it in every home. Releases a lot of oxygen and cleans the room. It is recommended to place it in the kitchen and other living spaces. Chlorophytum purifies the air from harmful microorganisms and neutralizes toxic substances. This fast growing plant with long mustache and small shoots.

Asparagus. The plant, which prolongs youth, secretes substances that increase skin elasticity. Removes heavy metals from the air. At night, it saturates the room with oxygen. Some types of asparagus are called asparagus and are used in cooking. Other types are used for compositions.

Aglaonema. The leaves and stems contain substances that counteract streptococci. Purifies the air, calms the nerves and relieves stress. Unpretentious. Grows even in low light. It has brightly colored leaves. It blooms very rarely. Can produce branches with fruits. A wide variety of species with beautiful leaves.

Peppermint feels great at home, creates pleasant aroma, soothing and used as a seasoning. A time-tested favorite. Mint is used in cooking and medical purposes. It looks beautiful. Adapts to home conditions and brings joy to household members.

Eucalyptus and myrtle It is recommended to use it to relieve spasms in the bronchi and lungs. Essential substances have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. They purify the air and emit a pleasant smell. Essential oil has disinfectant properties and is sometimes used in the treatment of diseases of the genital organs. It grows well and has an attractive appearance.

Ficus-an unassuming “grandmother’s” flower that purifies the air, releases beneficial phytoncides, rids the room of viruses, and collects dust. Sweep away the dust with a dry brush and wipe the leaves clean. Loves abundant watering and grows in any light. Grows tall. Fits well in spacious rooms.

Cactus An ideal assistant for protection from harmful electromagnetic radiation in a room with computer equipment. Cactus needles neutralize electromagnetic waves and other harmful substances. They are a talisman of the home aura. It is advisable to plant cacti in every home. They bloom rarely, but the flowers are of extraordinary beauty.

Begoniafavorite plant most housewives. There are many types of begonia. The plant has a beautiful leaf color that changes depending on the lighting. Destroys 90% of pathogenic microbes and neutralizes harmful radiation. Fluffy flowers, different shades. It blooms mainly in winter and perfectly decorates the interior.

Rosemary first assistant for respiratory disorders. Releases essential oils and phytoncides. Suitable for people with problems with bronchopulmonary diseases, asthmatics. Helps with neuroses. It is recommended to keep it in the house. The flower is unpretentious. Has a pleasant smell. Blooms and brings joy.

Spathiphyllum neutralizes toxins in indoor air. An assistant in the fight against chemicals, acetate, benzene and other substances released by linoleum, parquet and furniture. The flower is a big favorite among florists and gardeners. This is an indoor flower that does not require lighting. Spathiphyllum can be a wonderful decoration for an office space.

Every person strives to live in a comfortable, environmentally friendly environment. We recommend having the above plants in every home.

Plants-mascots for increasing money

U different nations There are beliefs that certain flowers attract financial success. People love to buy and give flowers according to the recommendations of the teachings of Feng Shui. It is believed that it is advisable to purchase such flowers for every home.

Crassula or Crassula (Money Tree). The leaves of the tree resemble coins. People loved it. It is believed that in a favorable environment the leaves become shiny. If things go downhill, the leaves wither and fall off. It is necessary to change something in life or take better care of the plant. Money trees are given to friends as gifts.

Dollar palm, Zamioculcas. The rhizome is a water reserve. Extremely unpretentious and resistant to different lighting. Palm leaves grow up to 1.5 meters, reminiscent banknotes. The flower is often brought with wishes for well-being. But the juice is toxic. It is better to work with the plant with gloves. Keep away from children.

Dracaena Sandera(lucky bamboo) brings good luck, career success. The owner's affairs will prosper. Also a symbol of longevity and health. The flower grows quickly and requires abundant watering. Decorates the interior well. According to Feng Shui, a pot with bamboo is placed in the eastern part of the room. Used for interior decoration.

Flowers that bring love and prosperity to the home

Aucuba- a symbol of masculinity and fortitude. Helps develop human talents and well-being. Protects the room from negativity. Has an amazing ability to create an atmosphere of family cohesion. Sharks are easily recognized by their dense, glossy leaves with characteristic yellow spots. It grows quickly and bushes well.

Anthurium and spathiphyllum- plants symbolizing the masculine (anthurium) and feminine (spathiphyllum) principles. You need to have both plants in the house. The family will prosper. Anthurium flowers of unusual shape and bright color used in floristry. They bloom brightly. Red and white colors are symbols of love and fidelity.

Violet- the favorite flower of most gardeners. According to signs, violets bring happiness. Not recommended for families where there is unmarried girls. There are more than 2000 species of these amazing flowers. Collectors are developing new varieties and adding to their collections.

Chlorophytum brings good luck and peace to the home. Our ancestors believed that if you put it in your home, it would attract happiness. If you have problems with personal life, some troubles arise at work or you are tired of depression - it’s worth getting such a flower.

Hibiscus ( Chinese rose) - a symbol of bright love that can flare up when a rose blooms. Among the superstitions around hibiscus, there are signs that an indoor flower influences a person’s destiny. Some peoples call hibiscus the “flower of death.” But bad omens didn't justify themselves.

Myrtle- a plant that is believed to give eternal youth, beauty and family happiness. It is believed that myrtle will grow in the house when it was planted by the mistress of the house. The name is consonant with the word peace. In ancient times, myrtle was considered a powerful amulet. Women proudly planted this flower and wore the most beautiful clothes.

Geranium brings health to the house, gives comfort and family coziness. Pink geranium is considered a symbol of love, happiness and strong family relationships. In the past, geraniums were given to brides to make them happy. If your daughter has been an old maid for too long, have pink geraniums in the house.

Calathea helps peaceful resolution of conflicts and disputes, absorbs negative energy in the house. If you keep Calathea at home, the owners of the flower will achieve their goals and find activities for the soul. Meetings with friends will become more fun and positive. Promotes family unity.

Orchid- a flower that has the energy of love. Having this amazing flower creates an aura of well-being. Clears away negativity and brings happiness to the home. Have this one in your home beautiful flower. It will delight with flowering and unusual appearance. Make sure that the male part of the family has little contact with the flower. Place the beauty where men are least likely to be.

There are many plants that can give you a luxurious look and decorate your home. Growing flowers, as creativity, ennobles a person. Flowers are planted in every home to feel happy. This is joy and positive emotions. And positive emotions are human health.

It has long been no secret to anyone that indoor plants are not only beautiful decoration interior, but also have useful properties. The energy of the flowers that we grow in our houses and apartments has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere of our home and affects its microflora. Indoor plants not only absorb harmful substances, but also calm the psyche, saturate the air with oxygen, strengthen the immune system, improve the aura and have a beneficial effect on health. Which useful flowers Is it best to grow on your shelves and windowsills?

This plant can confidently be called a home doctor. Geranium is incredibly beneficial for health, it relieves stress, destroys harmful substances, absorbs dampness, suppresses negative energy, normalizes sleep, eliminates depression and reliably protects against colds. In a room where geranium grows, you will never see moths, mosquitoes and flies - this plant repels them.

People call him the talisman of health, which is not surprising - healing properties This plant has been known for centuries. Kalanchoe relieves inflammation, cures runny nose, destroys bacteria, dilates blood vessels, treats wounds and burns, stops bleeding and has antiviral properties. Medicinal tinctures are made from the juice of this plant, helping with many diseases.

A universal plant for almost all occasions. It releases substances that destroy bacteria, perfectly helps with sore throats and colds, calms the nerves, helps with hypertension, gives vigor and strength. Not only the fruits, but also the leaves of lemon have medicinal properties. In a room where lemon grows, the air is always clean, the mood is cheerful, sleep is sound, and performance is increased.

If this flower grows in your home, you can forget about fatigue, loss of strength and overwork. Rosemary helps with neuroses, has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves memory and concentration, treats asthma, bronchitis, colds, purifies and moisturizes the air. This plant is dangerous for mold, which it effectively fights and destroys harmful bacteria and microorganisms.

One of the best and useful medicinal plants for all occasions, effective for almost all diseases. Medicinal properties This flower can be listed for a very long time: it helps with inflammation, has wound-healing properties, healing even very serious wounds, treats runny nose and cough, increases appetite, and helps with anemia.


The aroma of this plant has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieves irritation and fatigue, has an analgesic effect, increases concentration and improves appetite. Mint leaves treat insomnia, relieve stress, help with heart disease and stomach ulcers, and are also often used for cosmetic purposes - creams and masks with mint are used to improve skin color.

An incredibly useful plant for people who spend a lot of time at the computer or in front of the TV. The cactus absorbs harmful electromagnetic radiation and reduces air ionization. Thanks to this plant, headaches disappear, performance increases, the biological clock is normalized, etc. If there is a cactus next to you, you can forget about the loss of strength.

This unpretentious indoor plant purifies and refreshes indoor air, effectively fighting bacteria. It does not cause any allergic reactions, so it can be safely placed even next to a baby's crib. It is also believed that ficus cleanses the house of negativity, helping in solving difficult situations. If you want to rid your home of worries and worries, just get a ficus.

A noble plant that effectively helps with sore throats, spasms, diathesis, rheumatism, heartburn and cardiovascular diseases. Many of us are accustomed to using laurel exclusively as a seasoning, but few know that it is also wonderful medicinal plant with a soothing and relaxing aroma. Laurel is also used in the perfume industry, for example, for fragrant soap.

An excellent plant for air purification, which copes with this task even better than special devices. In addition to the fact that chlorophytum fits perfectly into any interior, it releases beneficial substances that destroy harmful bacteria and mold fungi. Unique Feature This plant is that the more polluted the air in the room, the faster and better the chlorophytum grows.

It's not only incredible beautiful flower, but also very useful both for the home and for health. The leaves of this plant secrete substances that can kill harmful fungi and pathogenic microbes, absorb toxins and purify oxygen. Begonia relieves fatigue, relieves depression, treats women's diseases, helps with joint pain, heals ulcers, burns and wounds, and also increases performance.

In addition to its pleasant and aesthetic appearance, this plant also provides health benefits. The flower accelerates the healing process, has a strengthening effect on the lungs, helps in the treatment of various lesions and even fractures, and has a general strengthening effect on the body. In addition, asparagus destroys germs and bacteria, and by absorbing heavy metals it purifies the air.

This plant is extremely useful for keeping in the house, as it repels flies and mosquitoes, purifies oxygen and freshens the air, destroys pathogenic organisms and toxins. In addition, this flower effectively fights depression and insomnia, calms the nervous system and improves mood. There is a belief that white pelargonium helps to add to the family, and pink pelargonium attracts love.

It is enough to place this plant in your apartment, and you will soon notice its beneficial effects. Fern releases oxygen, improves energy levels, and absorbs toxins and microbes. In addition to the fact that this flower will decorate any interior, it is able to establish and balance relationships in the family. If you think that you have an unfavorable area in your home, place a fern there and the negativity will immediately disappear.

Elegant dracaena is a wonderful helper in your home. It purifies the air, absorbs bacteria, improves energy, destroys harmful fungi and softens temperature changes. This is a very useful plant not only for indoor use, but also for well-being. Dracaena can relieve headaches, normalize sleep, strengthen the immune system, elevate mood and have a beneficial effect on the body.

This flower is beautiful from all sides. Judge for yourself: the plant has a beneficial effect on the aura and atmosphere, helps to reveal creative potential, has a mass useful properties and eliminates negative energy. In addition, camellia leaves are unusually fragrant and healthy, they have the ability to improve metabolism, break down fat, have a beneficial effect on the body and promote weight loss.

Although many people grow this houseplant because of the incredible beauty of the flowers (which can be of all shades except blue), few people know about the beneficial properties of gerberas. It not only effectively purifies indoor air and absorbs harmful substances, but also significantly improves well-being. In a house where gerbera grows there is always a favorable environment, a positive atmosphere and a great mood.

A plant that perfectly restores energy in the house. Brings positivity, helps with stress, promotes determination and friendliness, strengthens family relationships, eliminates problems and troubles. Hibiscus is a real source of oxygen and an indispensable air purifier from germs and. It is often used in folk medicine, as it has beneficial medicinal properties.

And it's still far from full list useful indoor plants. But it is important for flower growers not to forget very important nuance: in order for flowers to properly fulfill their “responsibilities”, it is necessary to create for them optimal and comfortable conditions for full growth. It is necessary to take into account humidity, soil composition, lighting, temperature, and many other important factors. Every plant, even the most unpretentious one, needs careful care, because, no matter how implausible it may sound, indoor flowers feel our care and reciprocate, giving health and good mood.

Indoor plants are not only a decoration for any home, but also the most effective air purifier, a kind of “dust collector”. After all, any home accumulates many different toxic substances that are dangerous to our health. And indoor plants, in the best possible way, clean the room, collecting dust, toxic fumes and smoke.

They delight us not only with their aesthetic beauty, they are extremely useful.

Based on the experience of florists and plant breeders, we have compiled the TOP 15 most the best plants from the point of view of beauty and influence on our body.


This plant absorbs from the air carbon monoxide and many other toxic substances. It ranks first in eliminating formaldehyde from environment and oxygen production. An original flowerpot or an unusual support on which you can place a flowerpot will help add elegance and beauty to chlorophytum.

Ficus benjamina

Ficus benjamina is one of the best air purifiers after chlorophytum. The plant absorbs dust and toxic substances that evaporate from furniture and plastic objects. The plant is interesting because as it grows, its roots take on different configurations.


Another beautiful and useful plant is spathiphyllum. Its flowers are often called “bedspread”. It absorbs mold spores from the air and also cleans the air well of toxic substances such as formaldehyde and trichlorethylene.

Geranium (pelargonium)

Despite the fact that geranium is a little dangerous for allergy sufferers, it has many beneficial properties. In particular, geranium purifies the air from bacteria and poisonous microbes. Essential oils its composition has a beneficial effect on the human body. This plant helps improve sleep and calms the nervous system.

Noble laurel

Unlike our homes, laurel can be found everywhere in European homes. This plant is simply a storehouse of useful substances and qualities. Purifies oxygen from various harmful substances and dust, helps overcome various ailments. This is a truly unique plant in its healing and cleansing qualities.


Begonia is also worth getting! Not only is it beautiful, but this plant also attracts dust, eliminates fungal organisms, and also humidifies the air. Just remember to spray the plant with a spray bottle so that a new portion of dust is absorbed by the plant. Begonia also absorbs radiation from electrical appliances.


People who suffer from lung diseases should definitely get Dieffenbachia. It eliminates staphylococcus, and also eliminates toxic substances that emit paintwork.


Aloe is one of the most popular and widespread indoor plants and probably everyone has it in their home. This plant is very useful - it “kills” formaldehyde, which evaporates from the surface of furniture! Aloe is also very effective. medicine. Plant phytoncides relieve physical stress and improve brain activity.


Dracaena is also a wonderful oxygen purifier. It draws in all harmful substances from the air that enter the house with exhaust gases.


This plant of the Araliaceae family is very beautiful. In order to grow schefflera with a bright yellow-green color, you need a lot of diffused color. The plant is a must for heavy smokers - Schefflera perfectly disinfects the air from tar and nicotine.


The plant fights well against harmful chemical elements. Hedera eliminates any volatile fumes. The main advantage of this culture is that even the most small plant In terms of oxygen production, it can replace several cacti, as it has a high rate of photosynthesis.


Ivy destroys aerobic fecal particles that are sprayed into the air every time the toilet is cleaned.

For good growth the plant needs constantly moist soil and sunlight.


This plant enriches the air with natural minerals and salt compounds. Ficus also produces a lot of oxygen, so it is an ideal “inhabitant” of bedrooms and living rooms. In addition, the plant has an energetic effect, favorably affecting the home atmosphere.

Gerber Jameson

The plant disinfects the air from benzene and trichlorethylene, which is formed during dry cleaning.

It should be noted that gerbera is a rather fastidious plant and does not tolerate excess moisture. It needs a lot of direct sunlight - at least 6 hours a day.

Sims' rhododendron

This plant is both beautiful and helps fight formaldehyde, and also humidifies the air in the room.

Does well in a cool, dry room.

For the first time, grow unusual and beautiful flowering plants steel during the era of great geographical discoveries. Today, indoor flowers, a catalog with photographs and names of which in paper form can fit in several closets, are a passion for millions of people around the world.

Photos and names of decorative home flowers

Ornamental plants are valued for flowers of various shapes and colors, unusual foliage, and a variety of forms, including erect, creeping and hanging, herbaceous and tree-like. Indoor flowers can be of local origin and come from the most remote corners of the world. Such plants differ not only in appearance, but also in habits, they require different conditions maintenance and care.

Some people are passionate about succulents, while others are more interested in watching the growth of epiphytes. Although it is almost impossible to get acquainted with all types of home flowers, their photos and names, a short catalog will be an excellent help in choosing a “green pet” to your liking.


An evergreen shrub that easily tolerates crown formation, blooming from late spring to mid-autumn. Numerous varieties and hybrids indoor flower prefer partial shade, are responsive to care, giving their owner a mass of white, yellow, pink, crimson “bells” with a diameter of up to 10–12 cm.

To restore strength, the plant requires a cool winter at 12–15 degrees.


The photo and name of this homemade flower in a pot became famous thanks to the famous film “Leon”. Today, the herbaceous perennial is popular due to its variegated, leathery, broadly lanceolate-shaped foliage and its unpretentiousness when kept indoors.

In the color of the leaves different types and varieties contain not only green, white and silver tones, but also bright pink and purple colors.


Among houseplants, ferns are not uncommon. Herbaceous evergreens attract attention with their carved fronds and hardiness. One of the most popular ferns is the adiantum, whose young fronds are gracefully curled and pinkish-cream in color. In the house, the flower requires partial shade and cool maintenance in winter.


These indoor plants with flowers of white, pink, and purple colors are not accepted by all gardeners. But with the creation of the right conditions and constant attention, medium-sized shrubs, related to, delight with generous flowering and long life at home.


Among the numerous types of indoor flowers, there are many crops belonging to the Araceae family. People from the tropics of the Southern Hemisphere invariably amaze with the splendor of their greenery and variety of forms.

When you come across photos of decorative house flowers with the name “alocasia”, it is easy to notice how different these plants are in appearance. And this is not surprising, because several dozen representatives of the genus, for example, fragrant, copper-red, are unpretentious decorative foliage crops valued by amateur flower growers.


Unlike Alocasia, which loves moisture, all species are succulents that can survive drought thanks to the water accumulated in the succulent leaves. Tree aloe or agave are more often grown as home flowers. The plant is up to one and a half meters high and is decorated with long leaves, up to 30 cm long, set on the edges with spines.

The value of the plant is in its non-capricious disposition and healing juice, which has a softening, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect.


- another representative of the extensive Araceae family, which has become a popular indoor flower. The characteristic features of the plant are an underground stem, pointed, heart-shaped dense leaves supported on tall erect petioles, and inflorescence-cobs decorated with bright spathes up to 15 centimeters long. The modified leaf is painted in bright white-pink, scarlet, greenish-purple tones.


Related to the culinary delicacy of asparagus, as a houseplant it has an unpretentious disposition, active growth and long life in the pot. Several species of this crop, thanks to their needle-like foliage, ampelous or bush-like form, have long earned the respect and love of flower growers. Decorative effect The plants are complemented by rare but memorable flowering. The white flowers collected in clusters are small but fragrant. After they wither, red round berries are formed.


Originally from Southeast Asia, this is an ornamental deciduous plant, the main attraction of which is its large, wide-lanceolate leaves up to 80 cm long. In catalogs, among photos of indoor flowers with the name “aspidistra,” you can find specimens with variegated leaves, decorated with white or yellowish stripes . The flowers of this species are inconspicuous and even invisible. Corollas of a reddish-brown or purple color appear close to the ground.


House flowers in pots, in the photo, are popularly called “Vanka Mokrym” or “touch-me-not.” , which has taken up residence on the windowsills of our grandmothers, loves moisture, light and warmth. Extremely unpretentious plant Thanks to the presence of a mass of varieties, it is ready to please the gardener with the blooming of simple and double flowers of various shades.


Begonia – rare plant, which has decorative leaves and flowers. There are more than 1000 cultivated varietals and hybrid forms, actively used for landscaping inside and outside the house. House flowers can differ in the way they are propagated, be bushy or hanging, bloom seasonally or constantly.

Connoisseurs of decorative deciduous crops highly value the bright, unique greenery of these unpretentious, fast-growing flowers.

Indoor geranium (pelargonium)

Unpretentious, abundant and long blooming pelargonium– an ideal indoor flower for beginners. The plant easily adapts to life in an apartment, can be shaped, can be renewed if necessary and reproduces vegetatively without any problems. And a sea of ​​varieties of various shapes and colors will help create a unique atmosphere in your home and decorate the interior.


Perennial, related to garden mallows and, in Russian conditions it has taken root as a houseplant. A large flowering crop is grown as a shrub or standard tree. At proper care and sufficient nutrition, it has an enviable longevity, grows to a height of 2–2.5 meters and regularly produces spectacular red, pink, and coral flowers.


Bulbous perennial popular thanks to simple care and incredibly bright flowering. It is accompanied by the appearance of powerful, up to 70 cm tall, peduncles with several simple or double flowers. The color of the corollas depends on the variety and can be variegated, white, pink, scarlet or deep purple. The leaves form a furry basal rosette, have a smooth surface and a pointed linear shape. In autumn, this type of indoor flower begins a dormant period that lasts several months and requires dry, cool storage of the bulbs.


Velvety large bells and the same exquisite “soft” oval-shaped leaves - character traits home flower gloxinia. Tuberous plant with in winter dormancy for flowering requires a long period daylight hours, nutrient soil and a wide pot.

Above one rosette of leaves, several dozen spectacular flowers can simultaneously flaunt in all shades from white to deep purple.


Guzmania attracts attention thanks to its bright foliage bordering the not so noticeable and lush inflorescence. Flowering, which begins after 3 years of planting and lasts up to 3 months, means the imminent death of the mother plant, which must be replaced by basal daughter rosettes.


An ornamental deciduous plant with large leaves of different colors is relatively unpretentious and stands out high speed growth and numerous natural and varietal forms. As in nature, at home, the flower with the name shown in the photo in a pot should receive enough moisture, warmth, nutrition and a lot of bright, but diffused light.


Accustomed to truly “Spartan” conditions in nature, dracaena is not capricious in an apartment. Several of its varieties are grown as house flowers, eventually forming a “tree” with a bare trunk and a cap of tough green or variegated foliage at the top.


Zamioculcas, a tuberous plant from the Araceae family, is often found in the collections of gardeners who are keen on evergreen ornamental deciduous crops. An unpretentious indoor flower with a height of 50 to 150 cm forms several powerful, dense stems covered with glossy oval-pointed leaves. Adult plants, with proper care, form milky-white inflorescences-cobs.


Encyclopedias and catalogs of indoor plants and plant names often contain references to. Moreover, plants with this name are often included in the list of ornamental and medicinal crops. We are talking about different related species, interesting and remarkable in their own way.

The common features of all varieties are unpretentiousness, rapid growth, easy propagation by all available vegetative methods and responsiveness to care.

Decorative varieties amaze with the splendor of their flowering, and the viviparous species of Kalanchoe will help cope with skin and colds.


Clivia is an evergreen rhizomatous plant with a powerful basal rosette of long leathery leaves. During flowering, the plant produces a powerful peduncle with bright orange-yellow corollas gathered at the top into an umbrella. At home, flowers last for more than 3 weeks.


Arrowroot is a low, often creeping or hanging perennial with decorative foliage, on one leaf plate combining shades of light and dark greens, purples and pinks, white and brownish tones.

Euphorbia Mile

Euphorbia Milya in Russia is better known as the “crown of thorns”. This unpretentious plant in nature reaches a height of 2 meters. In a pot, a succulent with a stiff stem covered with long thorns and a tuft of leaves at the top is much smaller. The unusual appearance of the plant is completed by small inflorescences bordered by bright bracts in scarlet, pink, yellow and white tones.


Sansevieria or “mother-in-law’s tongue” has been a regular on window sills for many years. Unassuming home flower popular for its tough foliage, with variegated patterns or light borders.

is one of the most common indoor flowers, but the cylindrical variety with pointed, erect leaves of an original shape is only gaining adherents.


The decorative house flowers in the photo owe their name to their fleshy, coin-like leaves. Crassula or “money tree” is excellent home plant, which even a beginner can take care of. In terms of endurance and easy propagation, the flower can only be compared with Kalanchoe. Even a fallen leaf soon takes root and gives rise to a new plant.


Tradescantia – excellent ampelous flower For home grown. The plant is different rapid growth, highly decorative, unpretentiousness and easy agricultural technology. The presence of varieties with variegated foliage of different shades allows you to create unique compositions using one crop. It is moisture-loving, amenable to crown formation and takes root easily, in water or on the ground.


Phalaenopsis or "butterfly-like" flower. This most popular orchid in nature is an epiphyte. At home, the flower is content with a special pot and substrate, unlike ordinary soil. Relatively easy care for phalaenopsis allows the novice orchid lover to master all the features of these ornamental plants.

Usambara violet (Saintpaulia)

At first sight, the Usambara violet captivates with the appearance of its fleecy foliage, gathered in lush rosettes, above which simple, semi- or double flowers of the most bizarre shapes and colors reign with a bright cap. Modern varieties Saintpaulias number in the thousands and represent giant and dwarf plants, plain and variegated flowers, green leaves and greenery with white or pink edging.


Catalog of indoor flowers with photographs and names various types and varieties of ficus can be published as a separate book. Today there are almost a thousand varieties of this plant; several dozen are grown in culture, in the form of a bush, tree, ground cover and even hanging specimens. The most widespread is rubber.


– the leader among plants in terms of air purification ability. But this is not the only reason for the popularity of indoor flowers. An unpretentious and easily propagated indoor herbaceous perennial forms lush rosettes of pointed-lanceolate leaves of green or variegated color. The peculiarity of the culture is the flowers and daughter rosettes of the plant formed on long hanging shoots.


Among domestic vines, hoya occupies one of the first places in beauty and popularity. An evergreen perennial with long stems covered with dense “waxy” leaves and umbrella-shaped inflorescences of fragrant star-shaped flowers, it leaves no one indifferent. At the same time, ivy growing on a suitable surface does not need special care and is excellent for keeping at home.