How to paint the walls yourself. What paint to paint the kitchen walls. Painted walls in the interior: creating a textured surface

The dream of every good owner is to bring his own apartment to perfect condition. At the same time, high-quality modern renovation, amazing design features and use latest technologies, the average citizen will probably not be able to afford it. In this situation, owners are looking for inexpensive solutions, using the cheapest Consumables, or even refusing to pay the technician, preferring to carry out the repairs themselves.

For a long time, painting has remained the most economical type of wall repair, but if previously this solution was considered far from the best, today a wide selection of paints, as well as a competent approach to organizing the process, make it possible to achieve a decent result for little money.


Painting walls in an apartment is popular among owners, largely because they are able to carry out this procedure with their own hands. This does not require any special knowledge or skills - it is enough to have at least minimal experience in working with a brush (this should remain from your time at school) and follow the exact procedure for the result to be both aesthetically attractive and durable.

If paint is used quite rarely for decorating walls in residential premises, then in commercial premises it still remains very relevant. Properly selected dyes withstand exposure to water, high temperatures and steam much better than even good wallpaper, while the painted surface is no worse to clean than tiles, and costs much less. If necessary, repaint the walls for cosmetic repairs or updating the design is also quite simple - the procedure will take a maximum of a couple of days and, again, will not require outside help.

In general, painting walls is considered one of the cheapest solutions, should be considered whole line possible additional costs. First of all, it all depends on the readiness of the walls, because they must be smooth and clean, otherwise they will have to be pre-leveled and cleaned of any dirt, which can lead to an increase in costs even several times. In addition, for better adhesion of paint to the wall, it is advisable to use primer mixtures, ideally in several layers, which also increases the cost of the project.

A separate cost item is the purchase of painting tools, if, of course, you cannot find them for free. First of all, you will need brushes, ideally two: wide for painting large spaces and thin for drawing small parts and painting hard-to-reach places. If there are not so many of the latter, but the flat surface of the walls is large enough, it makes sense to purchase a paint roller, which will significantly speed up the process. It still needs to be chosen correctly depending on the type of wall surface: foam rubber for smooth surfaces, fur for rough surfaces. When purchasing a roller, you will definitely need a paint ditch - a special container with a raised bottom that allows paint surface the instrument is fully saturated with paint. If you need to provide a clear contour separating surfaces of one color from surfaces of another shade, you cannot do without a special plastic spatula or masking tape.

Finally, for high-quality mixing of the color mixture (especially if different colors were mixed), purchase a special mixer attachment for an electric drill.

This set of tools is typical, but not mandatory and not exhaustive. To simplify painting, a spray gun or even aerosol cans can be used to replace brushes and rollers. With a small area of ​​the room and using paint without mixing shades, in some cases they refuse to use a drill with a mixer, replacing it with any available tool such as a stick.

If we talk about the amount of paint needed to paint the walls in the house, then it must be carefully calculated in advance, because if there is a sudden shortage of material, the work will have to be interrupted, and it is also good if the pieces of walls painted with the additional mixture do not differ in shade. Such calculations are performed using a fairly simple formula, according to which you need to calculate the area of ​​​​all walls planned for painting. To do this, the height of each wall is multiplied by its width, and if there are several such walls, the areas of all walls are summed up. Although this area often includes window and door openings, you should not subtract them to ensure that there is enough paint. Manufacturers in the instructions on the cans usually indicate the typical consumption of their products per square meter– just multiply this figure by the area of ​​your walls, and also add 15% for insurance to get the amount of paint needed for painting in one layer. If multi-layer painting is planned, the required volume of material is multiplied by the number of layers.

Types of paint

To ensure a high-quality and durable result, you need to choose the right type of paint. Today, there are several types of paints for repair, each of which has advantages and disadvantages. All of them must be taken into account during the selection process.

Water-based paint

Water-based paints are well suited for painting rooms with average humidity, so they can be used for painting walls and interior doors in the residential part of the apartment. This substance adheres perfectly to most types of surfaces and “breathes,” allowing water vapor to pass through and, accordingly, preventing the development of fungus. You don't have to buy this type desired color– the consumer can independently add the necessary dyes to the colorless mass to obtain the desired shade with perfect accuracy, and most importantly, all this is very inexpensive. Another thing is that water emulsion is not suitable for such premises with high humidity, like a kitchen or bathroom, it also does not hide the unevenness of the wall, therefore it requires a perfectly prepared surface.

The choice in favor of this type of dye should not be made when renovating a nursery, as it is not resistant to mechanical damage.

Water-dispersion paint

Water-dispersion paints based on silicone are compatible with all types of surfaces and do not require careful preparation of the wall - the film formed during the drying process can hide imperfections and cracks up to 2 mm in size. The painted surface can withstand almost any test - it does not peel off from moisture, does not crack or crumble from impacts, and does not fade from sunlight. Silicone dyes can be used in any type of premises, but the only drawback that can scare off a potential buyer is the rather high cost.

Acrylic paint

Acrylic paint can be a relatively inexpensive substitute for silicone paint, but some advantages will be fewer - in particular, wall imperfections should no longer exceed 1 mm. Paint consumption will probably also increase slightly - it has slightly less coverage, so you will have to paint in several layers. Its variety is also textured decorative paint, which, when dried, forms a surface with a certain texture - its advantages and disadvantages are completely similar to ordinary acrylic composition.

Alkyd paint

Alkyd paints include mixtures based on drying oil or varnish; respectively, they are called oil or enamel, but the characteristics are very similar. They are most often purchased at a very low cost, so they are suitable for those who save as much as possible. At the same time, alkyd dyes are quite resistant to high humidity and temperature, as well as fading in the sun, and they can also add aesthetics to the renovation thanks to the ability to choose a glossy or matte finish. However, to dilute such paints, a solvent with a very pungent odor is used, which does not dissipate quickly, so this solution is still somehow appropriate in the bathroom, but is unlikely to be suitable for living rooms, in particular for a child’s room. In addition, a wall painted with alkyd paints loses its brightness after a certain period of time, and then may begin to peel.


The preconception about paint as a boring material for wall decoration occurs because previously, when choosing such a solution, the walls were painted entirely, whereas modern ideas consist of combining different finishing elements.

This applies not only to colors, but also to varying textures - such a combination almost always looks original and interesting, allowing you to highlight the accent and visually increase or decrease the dimensions of the room.

For different rooms different aesthetic moves are used. In the bedroom, for example, it is permissible to paint even all the walls in the same tone, since here the emphasis can be shifted, say, to window textiles. At the same time, it is for the living room that you need to choose paints with some unusual effect, since there are no requirements for special durability here. Textured paints that imitate the same silk will help decorate it. An unusual practice in recent years is to paint walls using a gradient method, when shades smoothly transition from one to another. This decor looks stylish and modern.

For the bathroom and kitchen, the priority quality is not the aesthetic effect, but the ability to withstand difficult conditions - for example, constant humidity, high temperatures and more abundant use of caustic detergents than in other rooms. In a kitchen, the accent can be a piece of wall that experiences maximum load- the so-called apron, which is often laid out from tiles; then you should decide on the colors in such a way that they combine well and are either close shades of the same color or radically different.

Painting walls is also appropriate in purely utility rooms – in particular, a pantry. Even the cheapest oil paint will work here more practical than wallpaper, and the owners rarely come up with brilliant design ideas, choosing for this room one calm tone of colored paint and whitewashed ceilings.

The choice of color can affect the perception of the room as a whole.– small rooms are advised to be “enlarged” by choosing light wall decoration, and vice versa – inappropriately bulky rooms are “shrinked” with dark tones. Besides, everything modern designers It is advised to choose a specific color depending on which side the room’s windows face. If they face south, then the room is likely to experience an overabundance of sunlight and heat, and cool shades can make the environment a little more comfortable. On the contrary, in rooms with windows facing north, there is a feeling of eternal winter and coolness, which is not always comfortable, so it is more appropriate to use rich warm colors here.

When choosing a shade obtained by mixing different paints, it is necessary to mix the entire mixture at once, otherwise the slightest deviation in proportions can divide the room into different “zones”.

In addition, you should be careful when choosing the type of paints so that they do not fade in the sun. It may turn out that soon after the renovation the original plan is violated, or, even worse, one side of the initially monochromatic room suddenly becomes lighter than the other.

Work technology

The technology for painting walls in an apartment with your own hands does not contain any too complex tasks, but it consists of many steps that it is undesirable to skip in order to avoid deterioration of the final result.

First of all, it is recommended to remove the old paint or any other finish, otherwise it is possible that the new coating will peel off along with pieces of the previous one, which has become worn out. How to properly remove the previous finish depends only on what type it is. In some cases, painting over the old layer is possible. For example, some types of paint or special wallpaper can be repainted, but in this case you need to make sure that such a base still holds securely to the wall. Regardless of whether it was decided to leave old renovation or not, the surface must be cleaned of any foreign contaminants as they do not promote adhesion.

In the case where the old coating was removed, the problem of unevenness of the walls most likely arises. It must be removed with the utmost care, since paint is not the best masking material. Alignment is carried out using cement-sand mortar or putty, and in the most severe cases - drywall. Installed plasterboard sheets solve a number of problems at once, including removing old coverings, cleaning and leveling the walls, however, such a step can significantly increase the cost of repairs and will certainly reduce the space somewhat. After the wall is cleaned and leveled, it should be carefully primed. Thanks to this, the paint will adhere better to the surface and its consumption will decrease. Not just any primer is suitable - you need to choose the type that matches the selected type of paint.

Only when the soil is completely dry can you begin painting directly.

Proper painting technique involves both horizontal and vertical strokes, since this is the only way to achieve uniformity of tone. Paint drips are unacceptable - they will remain clearly visible even after drying, which is unlikely to add aesthetics to the repair. To avoid leakage, carefully dilute the dye. You don't need to add too much water or solvent there. At the same time, some types of inexpensive paint are sold exclusively in white, then they will have to be tinted with a special color yourself - a color additive that allows you to perfectly accurately obtain the desired shade.

The staining stages must be followed in strict sequence. Today it is not customary to paint literally the entire surface of the walls with paint of the same color, so they should first be divided into sections delimited by masking tape. Coloring involves applying just a few horizontal stripes, which are then shaded with a tool perfectly pressed from the paint - a brush or roller. Finish shading with a top-to-bottom motion, just as excess paint would flow off.

When using paint different colors for figured painting, you can’t do without marking with special masking tape - then accidental “crawls” beyond what is necessary will remain on it, and not on the walls. You need to peel off such masking tape only after the paint has completely dried, otherwise violations of the contour cannot be avoided.

If there are pipes in the room that also need to be painted, you should start with them. The surface of the pipes and the space behind them are hard-to-reach places, however, such a painted interior detail can greatly interfere with painting the walls.

There are different paints designed for painting walls, which differ in component composition, characteristics and properties. Modern market offers a wide selection of paints and varnishes. In this article we will look at aspects of choosing paint for the walls of a room.

Features of paint selection

Most consumers remain in a difficult position when choosing paint, because manufacturers offer decorative mixtures with different effects, acrylic and other substances. When choosing, you need to pay important attention to the characteristics of the paint for painting walls, as well as the characteristics of the microclimate in the house or apartment.

Before buying paint, you need to decide on the total area of ​​work, as well as the type of room, for example, kitchen, bedroom, children's room, etc. It is important to consider the type of base on which the material will be applied. Modern choice paints will allow you to create any wall texture, from imitation marble to wood. Of course, such materials have a considerable cost, so decide on the approximate amount of waste. After clarification of all aspects, you can begin to choose paints and varnishes.

All paints are divided into two main types:

IN in this case, it is necessary to select paints for the interior. Another type of classification involves division into:

  • moisture resistant, experts recommend using them for the bathroom;
  • non-moisture resistant, used for finishing the walls of rooms, for example, hallways, bedrooms, etc.

The next criterion for classifying paints for painting walls is the property of vapor permeability. In particular, in children's rooms or bedrooms, it is recommended to choose products that are vapor permeable. Other parameters for choosing paint include wear resistance. This is indicated by the resistance of a painted wall to abrasion as a result of damage, surface cleaning, and so on.

Most experts also take into account other parameters that are important. For example, for the ease of use of paint, as well as for the desired result of the work, it is recommended to take into account the adhesion and thixotropy. In the first case, the parameter shows the material consumption per 1 square meter of wall surface. The second property involves the use the best colors for painting walls that do not spread on the wall and do not drip from the brush. Such products are quite convenient to use and apply.

When selecting finishing materials you need to choose substances labeled “For walls” and the like. Buyers should be aware that all paints and varnishes have various characteristics and properties depending on the painting of the ceiling, walls or floor. The painted wall should be easy to clean with a brush or wipe with a damp cloth. Many manufacturers offer universal products, however, not all of their parameters may correspond to the base.

Types of paints: characteristics and choice

There are different types of paints that are designed to finish the surface of the wall inside the house. So, manufacturers offer:

  • water-dispersed;
  • alkyd enamels;
  • oil;
  • silicone.

Water-dispersible products are also called water-soluble and emulsion materials. water based. This type of product is the most economical and popular to use. When painting walls water-based paint you will not feel any odor, and the surface will dry quickly. The main component of the material is water, however, the properties are determined by the added polymers that bind the structure of the paint.

Water-soluble paints can be produced with the addition of PVA. Such materials are the cheapest, and they are recommended to be used when painting ceilings or dry rooms. More expensive types of paints are made from acrylic resins and or latex. Dispersion mixtures are used when painting a dry building. The main advantage of the product is easy surface cleaning and resistance to contamination. Similar paints have high level vapor permeability.

Painting the walls acrylic paint recommended for use in rooms with high humidity. Such materials are made from acrylic resin, which allows the substances to bind. Acrylic products They have increased abrasion resistance, do not emit harmful substances and are odorless. Tinting pastes are offered for these products, which will allow you to recreate any shade of the room. After painting, the walls take on a matte tint, which looks very trendy.

Latex-based paints belong to the category of water-soluble substances. The main feature of the product is considered to be abrasion resistance. When applying the product, it is not necessary to apply several layers; one will be enough, and the walls will have a matte-silky appearance. Latex paints are excellent for painting wallpaper, as well as for finishing with textured plaster. After drying, a thin film is formed on the base of the wall, which will protect the base from contamination. Products differ in the level of glossy surface after finishing.

Silicone paints have many advantages, because the products are created using the latest production technologies. They are made from silicone resins, which are emulsified. The paint has a high level of vapor permeability. After painting, the surface of the wall does not allow moisture to pass through or absorb it, so the substance is used for outdoor work.

Oil paints are made from drying oil: natural or artificial with the addition of pigments that form homogeneous mass. Such materials are durable and are used in various types of finishing work. When painting walls with oil paint, it is important to remember that the surface will take a long time to dry and this will create a vapor-tight surface. These parameters can be called disadvantages of using paint. Moreover, all products have a specific smell, however, recently such materials are not used for interior finishing work.

Another option for paints is alkyd; they consist of different components that are bonded by alkyd resin. Such substances do not dry out from the use of solvents, but as a result of oxidation in the open air. Such paints dry quickly, while creating on the surface protective film. Most often, the products are used to coat metal parts to protect them from corrosion. Alkyd substances emit a strong odor, which long time doesn't run out of steam. Therefore, it is not recommended to use such mixtures for painting walls.

Painting walls with decorative and textured paint

Particular attention must be paid decorative paints that have recently appeared on the market. Using such a mixture will allow you to recreate different surfaces with certain effects, textures, and so on. After completion of the work, the surface of the wall can display the appearance of stone, gold, velvet and the like. Many clients choose to purchase chameleon paints, which change their shades when certain light hits the wall surface.

Decorative paints are produced on a water basis with the addition of mineral or polymer components that determine the properties and characteristics of the substance. Also, such materials have other advantages. First of all, the decorative mixture is environmentally friendly, which allows it to be used in any room, and this is especially true for living rooms. Such mixtures are resistant to abrasion and wear, which extends the life of the room.

Decorative and textured paints allow you to create different effects, however, to implement them you need to seek help from specialists. All work is carried out with the necessary tools and in compliance with paint application techniques. Professionals use rollers different shapes, brushes, spatulas and other devices. Construction stores offer samples of patterns of a certain type of paint. After all, each mixture forms different surface, which is important to consider when choosing paint.

Eco-friendly paints

Some manufacturers have recently begun to produce a certain type of paint that is environmentally friendly. Experts call them “green paints.” Such materials are completely natural, and when painting walls they do not emit harmful substances. The production process completely eliminates components that threaten human health, such as mercury, lead, and the like.

When painting walls with designer paint, environmentally friendly paint is not an option. Most often, such mixtures are used to decorate children's rooms or for people who suffer from allergies. Many manufacturing companies use special markings on products that indicate environmentally friendly material.

Paint Selection Options

Most experts put forward a number of requirements for different types paints:

  • environmental properties of the mixture, it is recommended to choose water-based substances;
  • resistance to impact ultraviolet rays, mechanical damage and cleaning agents;
  • drying time of the material;
  • properties that determine uniform surface coloring.

It is important to know! The higher the indicators provided, the better the mixture is considered for painting indoor walls.

Choosing paints and varnishes It is necessary to pay attention to the following features:

  • type of wall base;
  • total area for finishing;
  • purpose of the room, for example, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, etc.

When choosing paint, you need to decide on the required shade of the wall. At the same time, you can use decorative mixtures that will create an original and beautiful wall surface. When choosing paint, it is important to follow some guidelines and tips.

So, the characteristics of choosing paint are:

  • property of parapermeability (the purchased material must “breathe”, that is, allow air to pass through, especially when painting a nursery or bedroom);
  • resistance to wear (the painted surface of the walls should not wear off);
  • thixotropy (when painting, it is important that the paint does not flow from the brush, which can form drips and deposits on the surface);
  • approximate material consumption per 1 sq. meter.

Aspects of choosing a paint shade

Many people believe that the corresponding paint color is displayed on the packaging in the form of a small rectangle and the like. Most buyers choose bright shades for painting walls, photos of which are presented in catalogs. Experts do not recommend choosing colors based on such parameters.

Over time, owners will become bored with bright shades, especially in large rooms or in rooms where they spend the most time. It is recommended to choose pale or pastel colors. This way you will create a cozy room in your apartment or house.

Designers suggest following small rules for selecting paint shades. This will create a comfortable room for anyone style direction. So, pay attention to these aspects:

  • in rooms with low lighting, it is recommended to use substances in light shades, for example, beige and so on;
  • when the windows face south, you can choose paints of darker shades with a rich texture;
  • V small rooms It is recommended to use light shades of mixtures, which will visually enlarge the room;
  • When choosing a paint color, it is important to remember to match the shade of the ceiling and walls;
  • if you plan to make glossy walls, then the required shade intensity should be higher, and when matte surface- the color is absorbed.

In fact, when choosing a paint, it is important to consider various parameters, such as the type of substrate, material characteristics, and so on. Important attention is paid to selecting the shade of paint to match the interior of the room, which will create a comfortable and original room in a house or apartment.

Painting the walls in the interior makes the room not only attractive, but also creative with the help of a wide range of decorative techniques. Wall design ideas are not limited to plain paint, structural paint and other options original decor will create a beautiful interior.

Pros and cons of painted walls

At first glance, this is the simplest type of wall decoration; the market offers a wide selection of types of interior paints that do not have unpleasant odor and dry quickly. There are features to consider when painting walls.


  • large selection, use of colors;
  • no harmful fumes when interior paint dries;
  • You can paint the walls yourself;
  • simple decoration can be made using a template and a texture roller.


  • The preparation of the walls causes great difficulty;
  • emphasizes the unevenness of the wall;
  • When repainting, the previous layer will need to be removed.

On the picture gray bedroom With brick wall and putty smooth walls, bright accent The interior features red decor.

Types of paint

Alkyd paints

  • Alkyd resin paint, used for painting wood and metal, plaster. After drying, they do not harm health, do not allow moisture to pass through and do not change color.
  • Oil paint takes a long time to dry due to its oil base on drying oil, and is used for outdoor work due to harmful fumes. Over time, yellowness in color appears.
  • Enamel has a distinct gloss due to the varnish base, and is used for painting any surfaces indoors and outdoors. Protects against corrosion and is resistant to light and humid environments.

Emulsion paints

They are economical to apply, can be used on top of other types of paints, and do not have an unpleasant odor.

  • Acrylic is applied to well-dried walls, suitable for painting walls in rooms with low humidity. It can be easily tinted and retains its color even under the sun. Does not allow steam and moisture to pass through, and is better resistant to mechanical stress than others.
  • Latex is resistant to washing and rubbing, dries quickly, hides small cracks, used for painting wallpaper, plaster, brick. May change color when exposed to sunlight.
  • Water-based Over time, it loses its brightness due to color washing off, is suitable for creating relief and texture, has high strength and hides small cracks, reinforcing them.
  • Silicone based on silicone resins has high plasticity, forms a waterproof film, hides small cracks, and can be applied to any surface. Compatible with other emulsion paints and does not allow the development of bacteria.

Textured paint

It looks unusual compared to ordinary painted walls, and is suitable for interior decoration and creating a unique interior. It comes on a mineral, silicone, acrylic basis.

Apply with a sponge using a blotting motion, if the area to be painted is small, with a textured hard roller with teeth, a glue comb, or a metal spatula. The relief is created by filler particles.

Combination with other materials

In the interior, 2-3 types of wall decoration are often used to diversify the design.

They are combined in the case of finishing the ceiling with wallpaper and the walls with paint, creating an accent on a painted wall, a combination of bottom - paint, top - wallpaper. There are also special paintable wallpapers that can be repainted several times.

Used in the kitchen, hallway and toilet. The walls are exposed to moisture, so photo wallpaper is used for decoration.

In the photo there is a bedroom interior with photo wallpaper and neutral walls, the podium serves as a closet.

The plaster can be painted on top of the bark beetle, which will give relief to the walls, or combined with painted adjacent walls in the interior of the toilet, kitchen and hallway.

A wooden wall made of beams or laminate is combined with plain wall painting in the interior of an attic, living room, or country house.

Suitable for decorating a fireplace wall in the interior of a living room, country-style kitchen or chalet, where the apron is made of piece stone and the rest of the walls are painted in a single color or a transitional color. Brick and painting are suitable for finishing a kitchen in Provence or loft style.

Brick and painting

The brick can be white or red, and the paint can match the brick, or differ in color.

On the picture

3D panels are suitable for simple, but unusual design interior Plain walls with voluminous panels are suitable for discreet and stylish design, and two-tone painted walls with colored panels look good in a nursery or in an abstract interior.

Design options

Plain walls are chosen for discreet interiors; such walls serve as a neutral canvas for expressing style in pieces of furniture and accessories.

Painting in two different colors

Painting walls with two different colors serves as a rational technique to visually enlarge a room, change the perception of the geometry of asymmetrical walls, or simply focus on one wall. One wall can be painted with two different colors.

Painting in different colors (more than two)

Painting with several colors in the same range or a combination of contrasting colors will become an independent decor in the interior. This could be stripes, vertical or horizontal separation of walls, or painting all 4 walls in different colors. Within one room, it is better to make one color the main one, and leave the remaining 2-3 colors as auxiliary ones.

In the photo, one of the walls is painted in three colors with uneven stripes using a geometric technique using masking tape.


You can make your own designs using stencils and templates by cutting them out of paper and attaching them to the wall. You can also draw boundaries for the design using masking tape glued to the dried base color.

Striped design

Stripes of paint stretch or expand walls and change the perception of a room depending on the location, color and frequency of the stripes.

Patterns and ornaments

Suitable for a child’s room, you can draw a house, a fence, trees, ethno ornaments, monograms on the walls of the child’s bedroom interior.


They can be organized or chaotic, created with a brush on wet walls.

Cracks or craquelure effect

They are created using acrylic painting and craquelure varnish; the more varnish, the deeper the cracks. When applying, the roller must be held vertically so that the cracks are uniform.

In the photo, the accent wall of the bedroom is made using the technique of cracked paint with a backing that matches the tone of the walls.

Under the brick

An imitation of brick can be made using plaster on a lined wall and traced seams along the wet material. After the plaster has dried, apply 2 layers of paint.

Painting with squares

Can be done using templates or masking tape. Squares can be plain or colored, different sizes and positions on the wall.

Texture design

It is created by painting walls with textured paint, which contains acrylic particles and starch. It comes in dry and liquid states, and can also be tinted. Apply with a regular or textured roller. For interior design, a special one is suitable textured paint for internal work.

Gradient and ombre

Suitable for visual increase ceiling, if dark color near the floor it will turn white. A gradient or smooth transition of color can be horizontal or vertical, with a transition to the adjacent wall. It is created with 2 or more colors, where at the junction of the colors, using a dry roller or brush, the dark color is stretched onto the light area in one direction.

The photo shows a partition wall painted using the ombre technique with a smooth, smoky transition of gray to white closer to the ceiling.

Using a textured roller or sponge

Effects using a textured roller or sponge are made on a uniformly painted wall, creating the effect of watercolor, bark beetle, waves, cracks, velor or mosaic.


Artistic painting using ethnic techniques, depicting a view of nature, animals and reproductions will become an individual feature of the interior with wall painting.

Design with moldings or panels

Creates the effect of niches or furniture facades, adding volume. Molding can be colored or white, made of wood, duropolymer, or gypsum.

Wall painting color


Often used independently in Scandinavian and other modern interiors, it is also a companion for bright, warm and cool colors.


Does not draw attention to itself, acts as a background for furniture, is used in classical and modern design. Combines with white, gold and black paint.

The photo shows a kitchen interior with white matte set and beige walls, where the light laminate matches the paint tone.


Brown in the shade of coffee, chocolate, with the texture of wood is combined with other natural colors and stone in the interior.


Green in shades of ocher and pistachio color is calming, suitable for the bedroom and living room. Light green and herbal are bright colors, suitable for children's rooms and kitchens. Combines with raspberry, brown, yellow, white.


Is the background for the loft style and modern interior, combined with red, black and white, carrot orange.


Ideal for a bedroom, children's room in classic and nautical style. It is also a common bathroom wall color.

The photo shows a gray-blue interior with plain walls and classic shelves. A green accent brightens up the living room.


Suitable for southern rooms with plenty of summer sunlight, combined with green, white, blue and red.


Yellow for sunny interiors or rooms with poor lighting, combined with orange, green, white.


Creates a Provencal atmosphere in the kitchen, is suitable for any room and combines with natural pastel colors.


As a magical amethyst, it attracts attention to the interior; it is used in spacious rooms or combined with white painted walls.


As the most active and energetically independent color, it does not need to be supplemented, but if the apartment is small, then it is better to combine red with gold, beige, and white. White furniture or furniture looks good against its background.

The photo shows a two-tone paint job with an accent red tomato-colored wall, which has shelves and a chest of drawers made of natural wood.


Like yellow, it adds color to the interior and goes well with all shades of green, black, gray. Used for balcony, bathroom, hallway.


Pink in pale shades is used for the interior of a bedroom, children's room, stripes and designs are painted with it using a stencil. Combines with pale blue, white, black, lemon.


In the interior it often acts as an outline or as a pattern, a companion color, used independently in large rooms and acts as a background for light furniture.

Features of painting walls of different materials

Wooden walls

Painted wooden walls not only look aesthetically attractive, but also extend the life of the wood. Before painting, the old coating must be removed from interior doors or walls made of wood and treated with stain. After drying, apply 1-2 layers of alkyd or acrylic paint.

In the photo there is a wooden lining painted in pale yellow classic interior bedrooms with gray baseboards and light floors.

Brick walls

Before painting, clean and wash with water, a week after this all moisture will be released and it will be possible to prime the surface and paint the brick with interior acrylic or alkyd paint. You can age the brick or create smudges. You can use a contrasting color for the seam.

Concrete walls

Before painting, you need to clean it, make the surface smooth and free of cracks, prime it, let it dry and apply epoxy or latex. A repeat layer must be applied to the entire surface of the wall at once to avoid changes in shade.


Paintable wallpaper is convenient in that it can be repainted without driving pigment into the walls. Such wallpaper can also be removed without sanding or cleaning the surface. Wallpaper paint is water-based without solvents. Textured wallpaper makes work easier and hides uneven walls.


Drywall on a wall or ceiling is painted after filling the joints and all the drywall, as well as sanding and priming. They use acrylic or silicone paint, which are plastic and create a protective film.


Painting on plaster takes place on a clean, dry surface. If chips are noticed during the preparation of the wall, they need to be cleaned and sealed. Painted with a roller in 2 layers with maximum filling of pores.

Photos in the interior of the rooms


The kitchen, as a room where you need to wipe the walls, needs water-based painting with acrylic or latex paints. For kitchen interior Neutral colors, contrasting or matching the headset are suitable.


A children's room can have the walls painted with special paints marked; they are water-based and dry quickly. There are also paints with silver ions, which do not absorb moisture and allow you to paint over regular watercolors. Colored stencil designs, stripes, patterns, letters and numbers are all suitable. The interior can be easily replaced by painting the walls a new color.

Living room

The living room as a platform for creativity can combine stone finishing and painted walls, several colors and different design. Water-soluble, textured painting or a combination of colors in the interior are suitable.

The photo shows the interior of the living room with wooden ceiling and plain light walls in country style with an emphasis on furniture from different categories and color palettes.


The bedroom is distinguished by a calm atmosphere and a cozy interior, so you need to choose neutral, natural colors. Best avoided in the interior bright colors or use them as an accent on the wall at the head of the bed. Stencil design, textured painting, stripes and ornaments are suitable.

Bathroom and toilet

The bathroom and toilet, as wet rooms, should be painted with acrylic, latex, or silicone paint. Painting with oil-based materials is not recommended due to the long drying time and harmful odor. You need to paint those areas that are not exposed to water; the area near the sink and bathtub should be tiled.

Traditionally, a combination of blue and white, white and orange or yellow is used in the interior. For the toilet, painting can be combined with vinyl or photo wallpaper.

Balcony or loggia

The balcony or loggia must be protected with paint from corrosion and fungus. For the interior of an open balcony or loggia, which is separated from the apartment, only paint for exterior use is suitable. For wooden lining Water-based paints are suitable; varnish paints are suitable for brick or plastic.

It is often stuffy on the balcony, so a cool color palette is suitable, white and orange are also used. When painting, it is important to choose a sunny day with no rain forecast.


The hallway or corridor can be painted using the ombre technique with an orange transition to a white ceiling. Water-based paints of light shades are used, combination with decorative stone or textured plaster. Narrow corridor can be expanded with 2-3 horizontal stripes.

Design styles


The style uses single or two-tone wall painting, combining white with another color. The children's interior uses bright details in stripes and patterns on the wall. The emphasis is on practicality, so an unobtrusive palette and combinations are used.


Minimalism is observed in monochromatic painting, a combination of gray or pale blue with white, and decor with wide stripes. Sometimes contrasting molding or textured paint is used in the interior.


The interior is not limited to a specific color palette, design is used more often only on accent wall. Also brickwork can be painted using ombre technology.


In the interior it is expressed in a neutral light background with golden, white monograms, in blue or black patterns, which are emphasized by tassels and fringe on velvet curtains of emerald or ruby ​​color.


Provence or the French summer gloss of the interior is recognizable in pink, mint or blue walls, olive shade of curtains and textiles. The walls in the interior can be painted plain or striped. To create individuality, you can make an artistic painting on the wall in the form of an open window onto the summer Provencal fields.

The photo shows a turquoise bedroom in the Provence style with plain painted walls, classic furniture and floral textiles.


The interior uses a combination of natural timber or stone with brown, mustard, white with whitewash texture.


The interior is as practical and light as possible, so the walls are creamy, white, less often sandy, blue color. Stripes, molding, 3D panels, and a white brick wall are suitable for decoration.

Painting walls as one of the types of finishing is used not only for external but also internal work thanks to paints that are odorless, dry quickly and do not harm health.

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Carrying out Finishing work With your own hands, you can transform the interior of your apartment beyond recognition. Moreover, you can achieve amazing results even with small investments and physical expenses.

One of the most practical and simple ways decorative renovation is painting the walls. Modern materials ready to use immediately after purchase, dry quickly, have no odor or harmful fumes, and allow you to experiment with the whole range of colors and textures. However, to do the job well, you will need certain skills.

If experience in painting work If you don’t have one and you decide to paint walls for the first time, use our instructions. You will learn how to properly paint walls using different tools without leaving marks or streaks.

You will need:

How to prepare walls for painting

Before painting, you need to remove old coatings from the surface of the walls - paint, lime or wallpaper.

It’s quite easy to check whether there is a need to remove old paint: stick a small piece of tape and pull it sharply. If there are pieces of paint left on it, the wall must be cleaned.

Carefully repair various irregularities and defects - the walls should be perfectly even and smooth. Fill small cracks and holes with putty or plaster using a spatula. Repeat the process several times if necessary. After drying, sand these areas with sandpaper.

If you find leaks, first of all, take care of eliminating the reasons why they appeared. And only then remove them mechanically or chemically.

After everything, wash off the dust from the walls with a damp sponge. detergent. Any remaining dirt will stick to the brush and create visible imperfections when painting.

Decorative treatment of walls is carried out both on the cleaned surface and on top of the wallpaper. To do this you can in the desired color.

Cover sockets and switches with masking tape or unscrew them completely, after turning off the power. Opened points should also be covered from paint.

Cover all transition areas with masking tape so as not to stain unpainted surfaces - slopes, baseboards, cornices, etc.

Particular care must be taken if you plan to paint the walls in two colors. To apply high-quality tape, use a laser or spirit level, walk along the entire length with your hands, pressing the tape against the wall so that paint does not get under it.

Remove all unnecessary items. Protect furniture with cellophane or rags. Completely clean the room: take out all collected garbage, vacuum and wipe the floor. Lay a layer of newspapers on it - it will be easier to put the room in order after finishing.

Primer of walls

The primer will allow the paint to lie flat on the wall, adhering securely to it, preventing future peeling.

  • Use a special primer if you apply PF enamel.
  • For water-based paint, water-based paint diluted in half with water is suitable as a primer.

If you are painting over old paint of the same type, you can do without a primer. But if the new coating is different in color, it will create a barrier that does not allow the previous shade to show through. In this case, the surface is sanded to achieve a slight roughness and then primed.

Painting, for example, with a water-based emulsion over an oil layer or vice versa, necessarily requires the application of a primer.

  1. Pour the solution into the tray.
  2. Soak a roller in it and roll it around the area to remove excess liquid.
  3. Treat the walls evenly; in some areas it is easier to use a brush.
  4. After complete drying, the operation can be repeated again.

Selection and calculation of paint

On sale there are both single-layer paints and those that need to be applied in several layers to get a smooth and beautiful surface.

For DIY painting indoors, it is advisable to use quick-drying products that do not have an unpleasant odor, do not require professional skills or equipment, and are safe for health.

Children's rooms should be painted with environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic paints. For wet rooms, choose materials with high moisture resistance and protection from mold. It is better to paint kitchens with easy-to-clean products.

Depending on your individual requirements, you can choose the following paints:

  • acrylic – they allow you to paint walls easily and evenly, are odorless, differ in resistance to washing off and covering properties, and are “breathable”; are enamel and water-soluble;
  • vinyl - give a beautiful matte shade, are easy to clean, but do not allow moisture to pass through well and get dirty quickly;
  • acrylic-vinyl - a symbiosis of the properties of both types;
  • water-based paints are most popular for interior work; easy to hang on walls, washable; allow you to obtain any shades by mixing with color;
  • latex - quick-drying, durable, resistant to sunlight, washing off and minor mechanical damage. Minus – specific smell;
  • acrylic-latex - suitable for kitchens, bathrooms, corridors and other rooms with high humidity and exposure to dirt;
  • calcareous – the most cheap option, but you won’t be able to wash them;
  • silicate - on the contrary, are quite expensive and are more often used for facade works; very durable and washable paints;
  • cement ones provide a durable coating, but it will not be possible to preserve the color for a long time;
  • oil paints can give a matte and glossy effect, the painting is smooth, durable, and easy to clean. Most often used for wood, but also suitable for painting panels;
  • adhesive or methylcellulose dry mixtures require specific equipment and skills; with their help, durable, very interesting effects, however, the coating cannot be washed;
  • structural ones are used to give walls a decorative texture.

If you need to paint already painted walls and the first coating is quite durable, only the same type of paint is applied on top. Otherwise, the new layer may lag behind and become cracked.

To give the walls the desired shade, you can add color or in the required proportions. In this case, funds are also used on the same basis.

To correctly calculate the amount of paint mixture, calculate the area of ​​the room, including window and door openings. The required volume is indicated on the cans; as a rule, 1 liter should be enough for 8 square meters. m.

Let's get down to it important stage. Make sure the wall is completely dry, the room temperature is above 5 degrees, and the humidity is below 80%.

In this article we will tell you how to properly paint walls with water-based paint, since this is the simplest and most easy way DIY repairs. But you can use other compositions - the principles of operation remain unchanged.

Start painting from the windows or door frames. Then go around corners, under the ceiling, along baseboards, and around switches and outlets. Only after this, proceed to the main areas, being careful not to bring the tool into the painted areas.

At the end of the work, without waiting for the paint to dry, carefully remove the masking tape. Lightly touch up the borders with a thin brush.

During the day, try to move around the room less so as not to bring in dust that can stick to the fresh finish.

Painting with a brush

When working with a brush, you will need some skill to ensure that the coating is smooth and streak-free. But it allows you to easily paint hard-to-reach places: surfaces behind the radiator or pipes, corners, slopes, etc.

The choice of brush depends on the paint:

  • You can paint the wall with alkyd or oil-based paint using a brush with artificial or natural bristles.
  • The enamel should be applied with a brush with natural bristles.
  • Latex paints adhere better when applied with artificial bristles.

Before use, wash the brush thoroughly in soapy water. Make sure the bristles are held securely in the holder. Clean it periodically as you work - loose bristles and adhered dust are difficult to remove from a fresh surface.

If you are going to get by exclusively with brushes, buy several of them - thin for delicate areas, with a long handle for hard-to-reach areas and wide 100-125 mm for main areas.

Operating procedure:

  • Before painting, visually divide the walls into sectors;
  • lower the brush into the container with paint until it reaches half the bristles;
  • start applying paint from the top point of the window opening, gradually moving deeper into the room;
  • Make sure that there are no drips on the walls; immediately spread them over the surface;
  • apply paint in short, overlapping strokes;
  • try to cover a small area in one go - about 1 square. m, new site should be slightly wound onto the wet edges of the previous one;
  • You can only afford a smoke break after finishing work on one wall to avoid visible marks on the joints.

How to paint with a roller

A more convenient way. To make the process easier, you will need a roller with a protective panel against dripping liquid, a telescopic handle and a special paint tray.

Take a clean and dry container - a bucket or tray - and pour a little paint into it. The painting method is the same as with a brush. By rolling, the roller is wetted in the paint and rolled along the wall in vertical and horizontal stripes.

When working in one layer, the strips should lie vertically - from floor to ceiling. If two or more layers are provided, they are applied perpendicular to each other, but the last one is laid in vertical stripes to improve the overall visual perception. A new layer is placed only on the well-dried previous one.

Carefully blend all strokes and drops over the surface, this will allow you to paint without leaving marks and avoid drips. Try to apply layers evenly and uniformly. If you notice the appearance of irregularities, this is a sign that it is time to update the roller.

Since this tool allows for a thinner application of paint, one coat may not be enough to achieve a good result.

Working with a spray gun

The simplest option for painting large surfaces, allowing you to save time, get a uniform result and avoid unnecessary hassle in inconvenient places.

Make sure the room is dry and well ventilated. At the same time, there should be no drafts or wind blowing, so that you don’t have to wash everything around later.

The paint must be liquid and homogeneous. Pre-test the unit on a rough surface.

Hard to reach places

  • It is easier to paint the wall near the outlets with a small brush.
  • If the radiator cannot be removed, it is more convenient to cover the area behind it with a brush or roller with a long handle.
  • It would also be a good idea to cover window frames and door jambs masking tape, and paint with a small roller or flat brush.
  • To avoid getting paint on the ceiling, use a roller with a metal plate separating it from the unwanted surface.

Combined painting

Allows you to achieve amazing design solutions, but will require accuracy, patience and precise markings.
Professionals advise covering the entire wall with a lighter shade first. After the paint has dried, an area for a layer of a different color is measured and a straight line is drawn. Adhesive tape is glued along it, covering the finished surface. Now you can apply the second color.

The tape is removed without waiting for it to dry.

Combining allows you to paint the wall not only in two, but also in several colors.

Interesting painting ideas:

  • horizontal or vertical stripes, continuous or creating emphasis on individual areas;
  • alternating light and dark diamonds;
  • waves, zigzags at the junction;
  • overlaying lines, circles, triangles and other geometric shapes;
  • polka dot wall;
  • dividing the wall in half or into different parts horizontally;
  • colored inserts imitating panels;
  • highlighting one wall with a different color;
  • gradient painting of walls using different shades of the same color, etc.

Creating complex designs will require special care and the use of stencils.

How to paint a brick wall

In the interior, walls are often left untreated. This has its own zest, but painted brick will look much more stylish and will also gain properties such as moisture resistance and strength.

The wall must be cleaned of mortar residues and stains, all cracks must be sealed with cement and plaster, and the seams must also be plastered.

Now you need to achieve perfect smoothness, for which a wire brush and sandpaper are suitable.

The surface is washed, heavy dirt is removed with a solvent and left to dry for several weeks.

If all this is not done, the paint may crack, adhere poorly, or create drips during application.

A thick layer of primer is applied to the brick and left to dry again.

It is better to take paint that is durable and does not contain a solvent - acrylic, cement, alkyd, oil, silicate or polymer. Brushes and rollers are stiffer than usual.

In this case, it is more convenient to use a brush with a width of 75-100 mm; for corners you will need twice as wide. Place strokes evenly and horizontally.

If you want to get the effect of old masonry, apply contrasting spots with a sponge over translucent paint. Overall design options brick wall plenty: gloss or matte finish; snow-white paint, metallic and any other color; graffiti, letters, numbers; uneven coverage, etc.

Yes No 1

If you think that painting takes a maximum of half an hour and the walls become like new, we will have to disappoint you. Painting a surface is a job that is not without its nuances: the process can be delayed due to the wrong paint, roller, or layer applied at the wrong time. The time of day at which you pick up the instrument also matters. Training, of course The best way achieve success, but we recommend avoiding the mistakes of others - we tell you how.

Mistake #1: Painting unprepared walls

Minor defects, dust, grains of sand, and brush fluff from a previous painting may appear under the paint and negatively affect the result. Under the layer of paint, all the imperfections will be visible - you will either have to accept it, or clean the wall and paint it again. And possible greasy spots will appear no matter how many layers you cover the surface. Defects will be especially noticeable if you use glossy paint.

What to do: To avoid double work and unpleasant surprises, prepare the wall in advance. Take sandpaper or a special plaster sanding tool and go over the uneven areas and defects. Afterwards, brush off the dust with a brush or broom. Stains can be removed by wiping the wall with a damp cloth and soap.

Mistake #2: Ignoring Primer

Don't use primer before painting walls? Don't be surprised if you end up with an unevenly painted wall or overused paint. The fact is that the primer provides a lower hygroscopicity of the surface, which allows you to save paint. The base also gives the surface “adhesion” to the paint, which improves the painting of walls.

What to do: choose the appropriate primer for the walls. Apply it with a brush vertically in small stripes, and then horizontally - perpendicular to the first layer. After the base has dried, you can cover the surface with the first coat of paint.

Mistake #3: Incorrectly thinned paint

The paint can be too thick in consistency or becomes so during the work process. Then it needs to be diluted - this is intuitive clear action. But what to dilute with is a question that can ruin both the material and the whole work. For example, if water-dispersion paint is diluted with white spirit, it will cause the polymers to stick together. If you paint a wall with this composition, the result will be of poor quality - disappointment is inevitable: the paint will lie unevenly, maybe even in lumps. If, on the contrary, oil paint dilute with water - it simply will not mix with the bulk.

What to do: Read the composition on the paint can and select the product you will use to dilute the product accordingly. Do not add too much water or solvent - it is better to add a little at a time, thoroughly mixing the paint.

Mistake #4: painting without testing

Choosing a color is a rather complicated process, especially if the shade has to be combined with another tone or pattern. The unfortunate masterpiece will have to be repainted, and so the process can be repeated ad infinitum. The same applies to the shade, which you have to “extract” with your own hands using a color scheme.

What to do: add the coloring concentrate to the paint a little at a time, thoroughly mixing the contents. To begin, pour a small amount of paint into a small container and add a couple of drops of color – see what color you get. Achieve the desired tone, and then do the same in a larger jar if you like the result. To make sure the color is compatible with the overall decor of the room, try painting it - apply the paint in an inconspicuous corner and wait until it dries. If the result suits you, let's get going.

Mistake #5: choosing the wrong tool

Using the right brush or roller is just as important as choosing your paint. And this is not a matter of taste. In order to paint the wall evenly, you need to purchase a couple of rollers and a brush. You will be the first to “roll” the surface, and use a brush to paint corners and hard-to-reach places.

What to do: For the first layer of paint, it is better to choose a roller with long pile - 1–1.5 cm. It will pick up more paint, which will make it faster and easier to obtain uniform coloring. For re-painting, a roller with a short pile of 6–7 mm is more suitable: it will help you use the paint more economically and will definitely not leave “drips”. Choose a brush with natural bristles - it will not leave lint on the surface.

Mistake #6: applying paint in different directions

If you apply paint vertically, then horizontally, and then all at once, in the hope that the wall will look decent when dry, you are making a serious mistake. All strokes can show up, especially if you use a brush.

What to do: choose one painting option - vertical or horizontal - the paint will apply evenly, and the painting will not look awkward due to chaotic strokes. When painting in several layers, you can alternate methods, for example, paint the first layer vertically, the second horizontally.

Mistake #7: Applying paint in one layer

When applying paint in one layer, the coloring may turn out to be uneven, and if you want to change the color of the surface radically, you will definitely not be able to finish the job quickly. Even if you change a light shade to a darker one, the first color will show through.

What to do: To obtain an intense shade, apply two, or preferably three, layers. The first will allow you to distribute the paint over the surface; the second and third - it is better to shade it, even out the color and fill in small irregularities.

Mistake #8: Painting over wet paint

Of course, I want to finish painting faster and enjoy the result. That’s why we often don’t think about the consequences of painting on a “raw” wall. As a result, the undried layer begins to come off and stick to the brush or roller. Oil paint, in turn, may bubble and you will have to start all over again. True, after waiting for the paint to dry, and sanding the areas with defects.

What to do: be patient. While the paint dries, do anything else. Pay attention to the instructions on the can, which indicate how long the paint needs to dry completely. If it's a single-base emulsion, it won't take long before you can get to work again.

Mistake #9: Not enough paint

This can be a serious problem. Firstly, because during a trip to the store the already applied layer may dry out (after drying, the joint between the fresh and already applied paint will be noticeable). Secondly, it is difficult to choose the right shade if you added the color to the paint yourself.

What to do: the easiest option is to take more. As a last resort, you can return the unopened can to the store or leave it “just in case” - touch up the places where the paint will peel off over time. On paint cans they always write what area the volume is designed for - pay attention to the numbers. Keep in mind that if you paint the surface in two layers, the area will double.

Mistake #10: Wrong timing for painting

Applying paint in bright sunlight can cause the paint to dry too quickly, even before you can spread it evenly. The paint may also begin to foam or peel. And if you paint under the light of an electric light bulb, all errors will be barely visible.

What to do: The best option for painting the surface is during the day, without direct sunlight falling through the window. It is better to paint the south side in the morning or evening, when the sun does not shine so brightly.