Do I need to dig up dahlias for the winter? Caring for garden lilies after flowering

Almost every gardener in our country has amazing white representatives of the flora kingdom on his plot. But not everyone knows when to dig up lilies so that they don’t get crushed and die next year. The variety of varieties allows you to grow bright yellow, pink, almost red and rich purple species, so I want to save expensive bulbs rather than buy new ones every season.

When deciding when you can dig up lilies, you first need to know their variety, since there are quite winter-hardy specimens that do not need replanting at all. However, if the issue of preserving the bulbs exists, then you can prepare according to the following plan:

  1. We purchase a special one or look for a suitable container for lilies.
  2. You will also need simple peat, pots made from it, or specially calcined river sand.
  3. We choose a room in which there will be a suitable temperature, or an old but working refrigerator.

It doesn’t matter whether lilies are dug up for the winter; even winter-hardy varieties usually need additional insulation. The best option for preserving bulbs open ground will be using rotted leaves or traditional manure humus. The layer of such a “blanket” should be at least 10-12 cm. Also, the entire area where flowers grow can be covered with withered grass and small branches.

When to dig up lilies in early autumn? It is worth considering that there are varieties that are afraid of the cold. Such species necessarily require the removal of bulbs from the ground, for example, these could be Orleans hybrids, Candidum or exquisite eastern representatives that are not adapted to wintering in Russia. They also dig up those lilies that are intended for forcing in peat pots in winter.

The bulbs are removed immediately after final wilting, usually this time falls in mid-September-October, however, the period may shift depending on the variety and geographical location of the flower garden. When to dig up lilies is not so important, the main thing is proper storage material. The bulbs are carefully ventilated and all the soil is carefully shaken off them, but care must be taken that the young roots and scales are not damaged. If you cut off fresh heights, the lily will die.

A layer of sand or peat is poured into a clean, prepared container, then the bulbs are laid, keeping a distance of 3-4 mm between them. The first row is covered with 1-2 cm of the same soil on top and other lilies are placed in the box. The operation is repeated until the bulbs are gone, but you should not do more than 3-4 layers so as not to crush the lower plants. Store the container in the refrigerator or cool room where

I temperature is +4-+6 o C. In winter you will need to inspect the bulbs several times. If they start to dry out, they can be lightly sprinkled with water to keep the roots healthy.

When to dig up lilies if you have your own basement? The presence of a frost-free but cool room allows you to transplant a still flowering plant into an ordinary peat pot, and after the stem dies, place it in storage. Two weeks before spring planting, you need to start watering the bulbs. And after the first sprout appears, you can place the lily along with a peat pot on permanent place into open ground.

Many people give colorful buds and an amazing aroma to the garden. flowering plants. Some of them are resistant to unfavorable conditions external environment and are not afraid of winter frosts. A separate issue is the proper wintering of lilies. Is it worth covering them somehow and is it necessary to dig up lilies for the winter - every gardener is constantly looking for answers to these questions. We offer you a special material that tells you about the basic agricultural practices that need to be carried out in the garden in the fall.
Wintering of lilies depends largely on the variety chosen for cultivation. Many local zoned species of these plants tolerate winter frosts with sufficient snow cover. Therefore, it is not necessary to dig up lilies of this type for the winter, but replanting is still carried out in order to preserve decorative properties. It is necessary to understand that you will have to dig up lilies if the central bulb has accumulated a large number of kids. This will force the plant to devote most of its nutrients to growing new bulbs throughout the next season. In this case, flowering will be either sparse or completely absent.

What lilies should be dug up for the winter?

Most varietal planting material sold in local flower shops are frost-resistant plant types. However, it is worth clarifying whether lilies belong to one species or another. hybrid form. Lilies must be dug up for the winter if they belong to varieties such as oriental and American, trumpet and Asian. However, hybrids of LA lilies need to be dug up and replanted annually in any climatic conditions, since it is almost impossible to achieve repeated flowering from them without this agrotechnical technique. This is due to the fact that these varieties quickly form numerous children, which literally take away nutrients from the central bulb.
Which lilies do not need to be dug up for the winter: Pennsylvania and Asian hybrid, matragon and candidum, Daurian and OA hybrid. It goes without saying that the widespread and acclimatized tiger lily is absolutely unpretentious to frost and frost on the soil.

Other varieties require mulching the soil with a thick layer of sawdust or spruce paws. A protective cover is laid on top of this.

When and how to dig up lilies for the winter?

An important point in the correct implementation of any agricultural operation is timeliness. Is it necessary to dig up lilies - we have already given the answer to this question above. Once the decision has been made, it is important to determine the timing of this operation.
Approximate timing of when to dig up lilies for the winter:

  1. eastern and zoned hybrids with late flowering periods - the first half of September;
  2. LA and Asian forms hybrid varieties- second half of August;
  3. OT, OA and other hybrids - after August 20.

You can independently determine the moment when to dig up lilies on your site. Usually, by this point the whole thing should wilt and turn yellow. aboveground part. If this does not happen, then after September 20, all varieties and hybrids without exception are dug up. But this is only if you plan to store the resulting bulbs at home. If you plan to immediately plant the material back into the ground, then digging up and replanting lilies later than September 10 is not permissible. The plants will not have time to develop a sufficient root system and will die from the first frost with little snow cover.
So, the answer to the question of whether lilies are dug up for the winter is not clear and the decision is made by each gardener independently. Experts recommend, of course, digging up all types of lilies in order to be able to work with the selection of planting material and ensure full flowering every year. That's why experienced flower growers lilies for the winter are dug up, sorted and created favorable conditions for storing planting material. We'll talk about this further.

How to preserve lily bulbs?

Proper digging of lily bulbs is the key to their successful storage and magnificent flowering next year.
Basic rules for digging lily bulbs:

Next, you should sort all the bulbs. The largest bulbs can be used to force flowers for next year. Those that are small and children will need to be grown for later use. This is done like this: after planting and forming the buds, they are all removed. The plant does not bloom in the first year.
Next, in order to preserve lily bulbs in winter, we will need to create favorable conditions for this. Take any container (can be plastic with a closing lid. Place a 5 cm layer of sawdust or wood shavings on the bottom, spray with water. Then lay the bulbs and cover them with a 10 cm layer of sawdust, moss or wood shavings. Spray with water and close the lid. It is necessary to make several small diameter holes in the lid to allow air to flow in.
Now you know how to preserve lily bulbs in winter. For storage, place the containers in the basement or in the refrigerator in a city apartment. Well, the time has come to talk about how and with what to cover for the winter those lilies that will remain overwintering in the open ground.

How and how to cover lilies for the winter?

Most varieties of these plants do not require additional measures to protect them from damage by low temperatures. But it is worth understanding that lilies should be planted on a hill where groundwater does not stagnate during the autumn rains. Excess moisture is a threat of freezing of all bulbous plants during the period of autumn frosts on the soil.
In areas where snow cover in winter is insufficient, additional winter cover may be required for lilies. We will tell you further how to cover lilies for the winter and how this can be done.

First, let's list the materials with which to cover lilies for the winter in your garden. This can be: sawdust and peat, compost and spruce branches, wood shavings and pieces of roofing felt, roofing felt, plastic film and covering materials. It is not recommended to use fallen leaves in the garden and forest for this purpose. They are a favorite wintering place for various green plant pests. A favorable place for wintering will make their population large and in the spring they will simply destroy the shoots of lilies. Excellent protection against pests - coniferous shelter for lilies for the winter.

Lilies should be covered at the end of October, after the first snow has fallen and melted. The shelter is made a week after this event. The covering material, especially if film is used, must be removed after the snow cover has melted.

Our conversation will be about when to dig up tulips after flowering, whether it needs to be done every year. I know that there is an opinion that you can plant tulips and not touch them for several years. But that's not true.

Why do you need to dig up tulips after flowering?

In the conditions of our flower beds, tulip bulbs (even during one season) tend to become buried and, if we do not pick them out of the ground, then every year they will go deeper and deeper. It will be difficult for the sprouts to make their way to the top from the depths - as a result, the bulbs will simply rot in the ground, not even leaving children. Spring flower bed will be empty...

There is another reason that tulips need to be dug up. After flowering, the bulbs must form a new flower arrow during the dormant period. The main requirement is that at this time they must be at a temperature not lower than 25ºС. But the deeper you go, the lower the soil temperature. The further north tulips grow, the more difficult it is to provide them with the required temperature at depth.

Thus, there are at least two reasons why it is necessary to select tulips from the soil after flowering:

  • avoid natural deepening of the bulbs;
  • Ensure the storage temperature is not lower than 25ºС for the formation of a full-fledged flower arrow.

If you want to admire large tulip flowers, it is recommended to remove the bulbs from the ground every year.
This is one of the main agricultural techniques for growing tulips.

By leaving the bulbs untouched in the ground, we obviously contribute to the crushing of flowers, since several children are formed next to one bulb, which will also germinate in the spring. We will get a bunch of tulip sprouts that will interfere with each other’s growth and development; they will also not have enough nutrition. As a result, every year we will get smaller and smaller flowers in the flowerbed. In addition, remaining in the ground, tulip bulbs accumulate diseases, and they will bloom later than usual next year.

For better formation flower arrow after flowering, immediately cut off all flower stalks, do not let the seed box ripen.

I am often asked whether it is necessary to remove tulips from the ground that were planted in special baskets for bulbs? Indeed, in this case, the bottom of the plastic mold will not allow the bulbs to go deeper.

That's right, deepening will not happen, but without choosing bulbs from the ground, which over time become overgrown with children, you risk losing abundant flowering - the flowers will become smaller, their number will decrease rather than grow.

By planting tulips and other bulbs in plastic bulb baskets, you make the digging job much easier and faster. All the bulbs - large, medium, small - are in one place, it is impossible to miss them or leave them in the ground.

Digging time

No one will tell you the exact date when it’s time to dig up tulips after flowering. I usually answer this question - at the beginning of summer. But this is true for Kuban, although not specifically. Here you can dig up tulip bulbs already in the first half of June, in middle lane Russia - a month later.

The main reference point is the condition and color of tulip leaves after flowering. That is, yellowed, withered leaves let us know that the bulb has formed. As soon as you notice that the leaves have begun to turn yellow and faded, it’s time to remove the tulip bulbs from the soil.

There is another reference point - the color of the outer scales of the bulbs. Ripe tulip bulbs should have brown outer scales.

The excavation must be done very carefully. I use a pitchfork for this purpose, since a shovel can damage the bulbs. Then I go through the dug up area with a three-pronged hand cultivator, since it is undesirable to leave small bulbs in the ground - this will simply clog the future flowerbed and make it not very beautiful.

It should be noted that if you have tulips of early, middle and late flowering periods, then it is better to dig them up in different time. Postponing this work for late dates, until all varieties bloom, you risk not finding the place where they grew early flowers. It will also be easier to sort the bulbs by variety. Digging up a flower bed with early tulips too late increases the risk of damaging the bulbs.

How to properly store tulip bulbs before planting

The dug up bulbs are dried in the open air, always in the shade. The timing of pre-drying depends on what soil you dug them from. If the soil was dry, then 2-5 days are enough, and if it was wet, then the drying time increases - sometimes up to 2 weeks.

Then you need tulips, or rather, bulbs:

  • clear from earth;
  • remove the covering scale, the one that easily separates itself;
  • tear off old dried roots;
  • sort the bulbs by size.

Sorting into small, medium, and large is mandatory, since the depth of planting in the fall and the planting location will depend on the size of the bulb.
Small and medium-sized bulbs most likely will not bloom next year - they can be planted for growing in a more modest, but sunny place, out of sight. And for planting large bulbs we will choose the most honorable place.

Sorted, peeled onions should be placed in a ventilated, dry, warm room- attic, shed, country house. They will be stored there until autumn planting at a temperature of 25-28ºС.

Lilies- favorite flowers of our woman Lucy. Every year they delight us with their lush, bright blooms. This is not to say that lilies are difficult to care for. The main problem is to preserve the variety. Because it happens that you plant a variety, it will bloom one year, and the next year it will completely lose all its varietal qualities (as grandma says, it will be cross-pollinated). Well, many novice flower growers are worried about another question: Should I dig up lilies for the winter and is it necessary? doing so Every year?

Today sources useful information became for us: the magazine “My blooming garden. Lilies" and the book "Care for Lilies". We also looked into video blogs.

To dig or not?

Lilies can grow well in one place for 3-4 years, and later their bulbs become loose, the flowers become smaller, and the plantings thicken. Therefore, once every 3-4 years, lily bulbs must be dug up and transplanted to another place. By replanting the bulbs, they can be divided and propagated. Or you can simply move it entirely to a new location if the existing plants are enough for you.

When is the best time to dig up lilies?

It is recommended to dig up and replant lily bulbs in the fall, after flowering. And if you didn’t have time, it’s okay, you can do it in the spring. Bulbs dug up in autumn are not winter storage They are not removed, but almost immediately transplanted to a new place. Before frost sets in, the bulbs have time to take root and bloom again the following year.

The lily bulb is dug up and inspected for damage and cuts. Sick and substandard planting material better to reject it. If the roots are too long, they can be trimmed slightly, and if they are rotten or damaged, they can be cut out completely. Before planting, lily bulbs are disinfected in a solution of fungicide (fundazol, maxim) or potassium permanganate (5 g per 10 liters of water). Soaking time: 30 minutes.

The soil for lilies begins to be prepared 2 weeks before planting. The soil is dug up using a spade and all the weeds are picked out. Fertilizers are applied to the furrows (for 1 square meter - a bucket of humus, 200 g wood ash and 2 tablespoons complex mineral fertilizers) and dig again. The prepared bed is allowed to stand for 2 weeks, and then planting begins.

Just before planting, you can sprinkle a little river sand on the bottom of the grooves or holes, then rooting will happen faster. The planting depth for large bulbs is from 12 to 15 cm, for small ones - from 8 to 10 cm. At the end of planting, the soil is watered and mulched.

Do I need to dig up lilies every year?

There is no need to dig up lilies every year, much less remove them and store them in the cellar for the winter. Lilies feel great in the same place for 3-4 years. And after this period in the fall, after flowering, the bulbs can be dug up and moved to a new place. But you don’t need to do this every year, because it will be, as they say, “monkey work.”

Lily is undemanding in terms of care and unpretentious in matters of cultivation. However, certain varieties (oriental, American hybrids) are still not able to withstand the harsh Russian frosts, as a result of which they stop blooming, often get sick and freeze to death. Other varieties, on the contrary, easily adapt to local climate and always please abundant flowering. One of the factors influencing the quality of growth and flowering is a competent approach to growing a flower, including the question of when to dig up lily bulbs and plant them in the ground.

When to dig up bulbs and plant

It is not recommended to dig up lilies every year. Divide the resulting bulbs better time at 4-5 years old. Since not all types of flowers tolerate Russian cold, lilies are usually dug up and stored until spring. If the climate in the region is mild, it will be enough to cover the flowers for the winter. If there is still a risk of losing the plant, it is better to play it safe and place the bulbs in the basement or refrigerator.

Note! Tubular lilies are dug up in any case, since even the most reliable shelter will not save the plant from freezing.

When to dig up lily bulbs depends on the specific variety of flower. For example, LA hybrids are removed from the soil in mid-August, OT hybrids at the end, and oriental and American hybrids at the beginning of September.

In addition, the following signs will help determine the right moment to dig up the bulbs:

  • The lilies have long since finished blooming;
  • the foliage has turned yellow or drooped.

If these phenomena are not recorded by the end of September, then all flowers should be dug up for storage for the winter.

For most varieties, the procedure is carried out in late August - mid-September.

Important! Some varieties of lilies can be replanted even in summer. In this case, the question arises when they should be dug up: during flowering or after its completion. The first option requires special care, since it is important not to damage the lily flowers during transplantation, and also to provide the plant with abundant watering.

There are two main periods for transplanting lilies:

  • Autumn (first ten days of September). After planting, it is necessary that the plant has time to take root and gain strength before the onset of cold weather. Only then will the lily be able to successfully overwinter.
  • Spring. To do this, flowers are dug up in the autumn season and stored throughout the winter. When persistent warming sets in, lilies should be planted in open ground.

When to dig up lily bulbs after flowering

The need for this event is determined by whether the lily belongs to a particular variety, as well as by the specific purpose of the gardener. If they grow on the site asiatic lilies and LA hybrids, which form many bulbs, it is recommended to dig up the flower regularly. Otherwise, the daughter nodules will germinate in the spring along with the mother bulb and begin to “compete” with it for water and nutrition. As a result, the flowering of the lily will noticeably weaken and become poorer.

The resulting children are separated from the parent plant and planted in a place specially prepared for them (they can then be used for propagation of the crop). Oriental and OT hybrids do not grow to such an extent, so there is no need to dig them up (except in preparation for transplanting to a new place).

  • Asian and LA hybrids are dug up from August 15 to 20;
  • OT hybrids are dug from August 25 to September 1;
  • With oriental hybrids This procedure is carried out from September 1 to 5.

These dates regarding when it is best to dig up and plant lilies are very arbitrary, as they depend on the climate and weather conditions of a particular area.

Is it necessary and why to dig up lilies for the winter?

It all depends on the location of the site, namely on the climatic conditions of the area. If the winters are not very cold with a lot of rainfall, lilies can be left on winter period in the ground, providing them with good shelter. But even in this case, the plants must first be dug up and then rooted into the soil, thereby distributing the young tubers and removing the old ones.

Important! The procedure is carried out before the onset of the first persistent cold weather. It is better to dig up plants in dry, warm weather during the daytime.

How to dig up lilies

As soon as the lilies fade, their seed pods are removed, while the leaves and stems must be preserved, as they provide nutrition and the process of photosynthesis. When the time comes to dig up flowers, cut off the ground part of the lily, remove the bulb from the soil and carry out the following steps:

How to store lilies before planting in the fall

A layer of peat is placed in the container, followed by an onion layer. Next, the same procedure is repeated several times, with the last tier in the box being made of peat.

There are several options for storing a container with lily bulbs. General requirements for everyone is the following:

  • To prevent dehydration and the bulbs from drying out, the room should not be too dry;
  • high humidity is also harmful, as such conditions lead to the formation of mold and rot;
  • the temperature must be stable, optimal performance from 0 to 5°C.
  • the storage place should be well ventilated;

Thus, the following are suitable as storage:

  • refrigerator (the disadvantage of this option is that fruits can be stored at the same time as lilies, and the ethylene they emit complicates the gas exchange of the bulbs);
  • cellar, basement or garage (if they have suitable humidity and air temperature);
  • balcony, loggia (in sunny days The room may become hot, so it is important to ensure that the temperature does not rise above 0°C, otherwise the bulbs will begin to sprout).

Note! During storage, the condition of the bulbs should be checked from time to time. If dry roots are found, they need to be sprayed with water.

If there is mold or rotten areas on the nodules, they are placed in a solution of potassium permanganate. Then the planting material is dried and stored in another drier place.

Different experts may have different opinions regarding when to dig up lilies, and whether it should be done at all. It is important to adhere here general recommendations, focus on climatic features terrain, weather conditions and specific plant variety. The combination of all these factors will determine the time when you should dig up the lilies. Only in this case will it be possible to avoid mistakes when growing, planting and replanting plants.