Fences for beds and flower beds - we make raised beds. Cheap ways to make fences for garden beds

Borders around garden and vegetable gardens - practical solution, which has a lot of advantages. However, not all summer residents are in a hurry to fence vegetables and herbs, citing the complexity of the work and the high cost of materials. Let's look at the most popular methods of erecting borders, try to dispel doubts and offer options for how to quickly and easily special costs make a fence for the beds from scrap materials. A variety of techniques allows you to create beautiful and practical fences for any type of plant.

The benefits of fencing for garden beds

Some summer residents adhere to traditional way cultivating the land and do not understand why the beds are fenced.

Wooden fencing

Dividing the garden into mini-zones with the construction of fences has a number of advantages, both practical and decorative:

  1. Reduction of weeds. Framing the beds significantly reduces the area for weeds to grow. In addition, when the sides are buried in the ground, a kind of barrier is created that prevents the spread of pests and diseases to neighboring crops.
  2. Strengthening loose soil. The fence for the beds prevents the soil from shedding and reduces its weathering and erosion. The use of fences is especially important for sandy loam and sandy substrates.
  3. Getting an early harvest. Installing borders for beds allows you to create a “thermal garden” by filling the constructed box with various organic matter. In warm landings temperature regime soils are higher than when organizing a traditional vegetable garden, so vegetables are planted and ripen faster.
  4. Easy to care for. Weeding, loosening or harrowing the soil is much easier.
  5. Convenient lawn mowing. When mowing grass, garden bed borders protect the plantings from damage from lawnmower blades.
  6. The attractiveness of a flower and vegetable lawn. The row spaces remain clean and the garden looks well-groomed.

Growing crops in separate boxes

Fencing can become an integral element of landscape design. Combining multi-colored border strips for beds or original application using familiar materials will allow you to zone the site and create a bright garden composition at your dacha with your own hands.

Zoned vegetable garden on a personal plot

Requirements for garden fences

The requirements for framing plantings primarily depend on the purpose of the fence. Fences for flowers should be harmoniously combined with the style of the entire garden, and borders for garden beds are selected taking into account the type vegetable crops and the way they are grown.

Beautiful fencing for garden beds

General requirements:

  1. Strength. The sides must withstand the pressure of the earth and not creep to the sides when the soil gets wet - especially during the thaw period and spring floods.
  2. Resistance to mechanical damage. In the event of an accidental impact with a rake or shovel, the material should not deform or crack.
  3. Durability. It is optimal if the constructed frame lasts at least 5-10 years.
  4. Easy to assemble. Difficult-to-install fences should be erected for perennials - shrubs and flower beds. When arranging ridges, it is advisable to provide for the possibility of dismantling and moving the structure to another location.
  5. Environmental friendliness. The material must not emit toxic substances. This requirement is especially relevant when choosing polymer fencing, since some plasticizers are toxic when the temperature rises. Harmful elements can enter the soil and then into the roots, stems, leaves and fruits of plants.
  6. Economical. This criterion is best met by fences made from scrap materials: boards, old bricks, plastic containers.

Advice. For construction, you should not choose a material that gets very hot in the sun. In such structures, the soil dries out very quickly, and the plants experience a moisture deficiency.

Layout of a plot for growing vegetables

  • the minimum height of the fence is 15 cm if there is fertile soil on the site, 30 cm if an embankment or partial replacement of soil is planned;
  • for planting potatoes, beets and other root crops, a raised ridge with a height of 40 cm is suitable;
  • when constructing compost thermal beds, the height of the box should be at least 60 cm;
  • the width of one row is within 120 cm - this will allow you to effortlessly reach the middle of the plantings while cultivating the land or harvesting fruits.

We make fencing with our own hands

There are many techniques for framing garden beds in the country. To choose best option, it is necessary to compare the positive and negative qualities of each method.

Practical use of picket fence

Wooden fencing - a variety of options

Wood meets most requirements. This material for beds is economical, safe, easy to install and quite durable. The only drawback is the susceptibility to rotting in conditions high humidity. However, this risk can be minimized by treating the curbs with an antiseptic composition.

To create wooden fences for garden beds with your own hands, timber, clapboard, edged material, slabs, stumps, long boards or a picket fence are suitable - any household materials can be used. The options below will help you decide on the model of formwork for beds:

  • a multi-tiered ridge made of profiled timber will decorate any cottage or garden plot;
  • picket fence for beds - the elements should be located end-to-end to prevent soil from spilling out;
  • tall warm plantings framed by slabs - an alternative to a traditional greenhouse;
  • organization of natural farming on high ridges made of boards.

When choosing a material, you need to pay attention to the type and condition of the wood. Suitable wood species:

  • ash and oak - high-strength, durable wood, minus raw materials - high cost;
  • pine - inexpensive, soft material, easy to process, the disadvantage of wood is susceptibility to moisture;
  • cedar and larch – have a long service life;
  • acacia – has good performance characteristics, but difficult to process.

How to make sides from boards with your own hands

Let's look at step by step how to fence the beds with boards with your own hands. The proposed option is suitable for dividing a vegetable garden into open ground, box size – 1*1.6 m.

Homemade fencing made from boards

Materials and tools:

  • boards 150*25 mm, length 2.5 m – 4 pcs.;
  • boards 150*25 mm, length 3 m – 2 pcs.;
  • board 100*50 mm, length 2.5 m – 1 pc.;
  • screws;
  • tape measure, pencil and ruler;
  • screwdriver and saw.

Work progress:

  1. “Increase” the height of the sides with another row of boards.
  2. Fix the upper shelves - first screw the longitudinal sides, and then the transverse ones.

Fixation top shelves

Transfer the formwork to Right place and fill with fertile soil.

Practical metal fencing

The French vegetable garden with metal borders for the beds looks very neat. Thanks to the rigidity of the material, it is possible to achieve clear geometric lines. Galvanized frames of beds are considered the strongest and most durable - galvanized steel coating is preferable to iron.

Application metal structures

Features of metal fences for garden beds:

  • ready modular fencing very mobile - they are easy to assemble, disassemble, transport and reinstall;
  • high cost of a metal box;
  • such a design will not “float” during the rainy season and after the snow melts;
  • hardware susceptible to corrosion; in the absence of galvanization, the sides will have to be painted annually;
  • metal has good thermal conductivity - the soil near the fence can heat up to a critical temperature, inhibiting plant roots.

Advice. It is better to install fences for beds with a polymer coating - the layer reduces the thermal conductivity of the metal and protects the soil from overheating.

Purchased galvanized fencing

When creating fences with your own hands, galvanized corrugated sheeting is often used. Let's look at how to make a fence for ridges step by step:

  1. Decide on the dimensions of the bed made of corrugated sheets, apply markings to the metal sheet and cut them. For cutting, you can use metal scissors or an electric saw.
  2. When planning the product, it is important to ensure that the direction of the waves of the metal profile should be transverse relative to the surface of the earth. The height of the formwork is calculated taking into account a depth of 10-15 cm.
  3. Mark the location of the bed on the site and dig a shallow, narrow trench around the perimeter of the site.
  4. Place the prepared sides, level them, overlap them and secure them with rivets.
  5. Fix a U-shaped profile on top of the corrugated sheeting - it will hide the sharp edges and protect the metal from moisture.

Durable stone fencing

You can build an unusual decorative fence from stone with your own hands. The shape, layout order, dimensions of the elements used - everything is at the discretion of the performer. Options for constructing stone borders for garden beds with your own hands are presented below.

Dry method. Large cobblestones are used as fencing. The first row of blocks is buried 5-8 cm into the soil, ensuring the stability of the structure. Subsequent cobblestones are laid out on a sand-earth layer.

Dry laying of stones

You can enclose the beds with sandstone, limestone, basalt or pebbles. It is undesirable to frame the beds with granite - the mineral acidifies the soil, worsening its nutritional quality.

Laying on mortar. The method is more labor-intensive, but allows you to build a durable monolithic structure, which does not require any maintenance. This approach involves the use of both large and small stones in construction.

Fixing stones with sand-concrete mortar

Application of curb stones. To cover the beds, some summer residents buy ready-made decorative slabs. A wide range of suitable border stones for garden beds allows you to create original fences of different colors.

Border stone in arrangement vegetable plantings

The disadvantage of this method is the limited height. Curb stone is not suitable for constructing a raised thermal bed.

How to make a decorative pergola around a garden bed

Gabions and pergons are bulk decorative fencing. The mesh steel frame is filled with stones of different fractions. The design is simple to implement, does not require a foundation, is affordable and fits perfectly into any landscape design.

Gabions – original way garden bed design

To create a pergon with your own hands you will need:

  • durable galvanized mesh with a wire thickness of 2-3 mm;
  • clamps for fixing the frame;
  • geotextile for substrate;
  • filler – pebbles, stones;
  • shovel, pliers, tape measure, level.

Fixing the sides of the frame

Work progress:

  1. Prepare the sides of the box from the mesh. When finished, the bed will be framed with rectangular blocks - the height and width are selected arbitrarily.
  2. Along the perimeter of the planting area, mark a strip with a width equal to the base of the fence. Level the soil, compact it and cover it with geotextiles.
  3. Assemble the frame, fixing the position of the formwork with wire. Screw the fasteners inward to maintain the neatness of the structure. Leave the top of the prepared basket open.
  4. After installing the four boxes, fill the mesh frame with stones and screw the top part.

Filling a mesh box with stones

Available plastic fencing

The simplest and quick way fencing vegetable plantings with your own hands - edging the beds with plastic. A wide range of products are available for sale ready-made solutions for the dacha.

Border tape. Flexible, lightweight fencing for edging lawns, flower beds, paths and raised beds. The tape is supplied in rolls of different lengths, the width of the strip is 20-50 cm. The kit includes plastic pegs for fixing the fence. Flat and corrugated “curbs” are available.

Plastic border tape

The technology for installing the tape is very simple:

  1. Mark the border of the bed on the site.
  2. Place pegs evenly along the contour of the “vegetable” area.
  3. Attach the tape to the wedges, partially deepening the border into the ground.

Important! The tape must be well tensioned - this will ensure the rigidity of the fence and prevent sagging.

Technology for assembling garden polymer panels

An alternative to flexible tape is straight flat panels. They are more rigid, but are suitable for creating only straight mini-vegetable gardens. Thanks to the presence of teeth on the underside, the installation of plastic borders for beds is facilitated.

Volumetric panels “Garden board” and “Stone”. Products emit natural Construction Materials. With their help, various gardening compositions are created. Polymer modules are decorative and practical, the only drawback is the relatively high cost.

Do-it-yourself assembly will not cause any difficulties - the kit is equipped with panels, pegs and plugs. The performer’s task is to prepare the site and secure the curb.

Garden constructor– fencing with flexible design. Bed borders made of plastic panels are designed to create beds and flower beds of unusual shapes. The elements of the border are combined into a closed single circuit. By changing the direction of the “snake”, in a few minutes you can create an unusual fence for growing garden crops.

Budget slate fencing

For those who are looking for an inexpensive way to fence garden beds, the option of using slate is suitable. Asbestos-cement boards are resistant to moisture, easy to process and install, durable and affordable.

Fences for garden beds are often built from flat or corrugated slate. There are special asbestos-cement strips of standard dimensions on sale: length - 3 m, thickness - 16-40 mm.

Strengthening the sides of a slate fence

Instructions for edging beds with slate yourself:

  1. Determine the dimensions of the future ridge and, according to the dimensions, make blanks for the sides of the box. When calculating the height of the side, it should be taken into account that 20 cm of slate will go deep when installed.
  2. Mark the ground and dig a trench 20 cm deep around the perimeter.
  3. Install slate sheets in the dug holes in a strictly vertical position.
  4. Fix the sides - cover with earth and compact.
  5. Prepare holes for fasteners in metal corners and asbestos-cement sheets.
  6. Attach the corners to the slate with bolts.
  7. To give rigidity and stability to the entire structure, it is advisable to install metal supports. Weld the metal plate to the reinforcing rod - the homemade support is bolted to the sides of the fence.

Fastening the sides of the box with a metal corner

By analogy, you can block the beds with wavy slate. To strengthen the high sides, it is necessary to build a frame from reinforcing rods and boards. Attach slate sheets to wooden elements with nails.

Wavy slate framing option

Before framing the beds with asbestos-cement sheets, you need to consider safety measures. When sawing slate, a lot of dust is generated, so it is important to protect your eyes and respiratory tract. The cut area should be moistened with water.

Compliance with safety measures when cutting slate

Fencing made from plastic bottles

Fencing beds with plastic bottles is not difficult. For implementation simple option You will need PET bottles with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters, a shovel, sand and multi-colored paints.

Fencing with plastic bottles

Step-by-step algorithm for fencing beds with your own hands:

  1. Select containers of the same volume. It is optimal if the containers match in color, but it is difficult to collect many identical bottles. Therefore, it is better to paint them one color, preferably from the inside.
  2. Fill the bottles with small pebbles or sand - this will give them the missing strength and ensure stability.
  3. Determine a place at the dacha to form a bed and mark it.
  4. Dig a trench 8-10 cm deep around the perimeter; the width of the trench should correspond to the dimensions of the bottles.
  5. Turn the filled containers upside down and place them in the trench as tightly as possible - the elements should not wobble.

Strengthening a plastic structure

Fenced beds can be reinforced at the corners with support posts. Make holes in the bottles in advance, stretch the wire and tighten it tightly on the side stakes. This coupling will prevent elements from “falling out” when cultivating the soil.

At creative approach to the question, even from used containers it will be possible to build beautiful fences beds. They may have an unusual shape, consist of several tiers, or be supplemented with decorative elements.

Creating beds of unusual shapes

It is not difficult to build a fence for planting vegetables. When choosing a suitable material, you need to compare own strength, time and money costs to implement the plan. Compliance with the chosen technology will help you easily “organize” your garden and increase its efficiency.

Most summer residents and owners of private houses do not think about the aesthetic appearance of their beds, the main thing is that the harvest is good. However, if they have sides, they will look much neater. A neat and well-groomed garden will become the pride of the owner.

In addition to decorative purposes, borders will keep their shape, help save water and protect crops from weeds. Fencing can be purchased at a hardware store; the selection is simply huge. If the cost stops you, you can make them yourself.

Why do garden beds need fencing?

A bed with borders has a neater and more aesthetic appearance. But this is not the main reason why you should do them. Another reason is ease of maintenance. With edges, weeds are less annoying to garden plants.

They also allow you to increase the layer of fertile soil in the garden bed. The soil can be taken from free space or you can use compost and organic mulch for these purposes. Large layer Fertile soil does not require annual digging, which saves effort and time.

If the beds have sides, then it will be easier to attach arcs to them for the greenhouse. In addition, a greenhouse structure attached to a solid border will be much stronger than one stuck into the ground. As you can see, there are plenty of reasons to build their beds.

Video: Fence your beds and flower beds Arrange beautiful borders!

What to make a border for garden beds from

The choice of material from which fencing for garden beds is made is huge. The easiest option is to buy ready-made ones. Below we consider the advantages and types ready-made options fencing.


Galvanized are metal fences with a polymer coating. The coating of such fences can be of any color. They look beautiful and neat, have a long service life, and such a fence can be installed very quickly.

Disadvantages include: high cost and thermal conductivity. You can reduce the heating of the soil, for example, by covering the inside of the fence with cardboard. Taking into account their long service life, galvanized metal curbs justify their high cost.


Instead of metal, you can buy plastic ones. Such designs look more aesthetically pleasing, unlike their metal counterparts. They are produced in small sections of various shapes and with pegs along the edges for fastening.

Plastic fencing can only be used as decorative element, since on high beds the plastic may not withstand the load and break. The cost of plastic borders is not high, but it is worth considering that the cheaper the product, the worse its quality. Cheap ones break faster and cannot withstand frost. Therefore, it is better not to buy the cheapest options, but to take a closer look at the more expensive ones, then you can be sure that the structure will last a long time.

Tip: To prevent the plastic from bending under soil pressure, the fence can be reinforced with small wooden or metal supports.

Fences for beds - pergons

Pergons - frame made of metal mesh filled with stone or other similar material. In such beds you can plant herbs, berries, tomatoes (for example cherry) or flowers. Such a fence can decorate not only the vegetable garden, but also the front garden.

From scrap materials

As mentioned above, if you do not want to spend money on buying ready-made structures, then the border can be built from scrap materials. It is made from leftover building materials.

Made from wood

Wooden fencing can be called a classic of the genre. Anything can be used: a picket fence from an old fence, scraps of boards, a slab, a lining. In addition, you can even use tree branches and make a small fence.

The disadvantage is that at first it looks beautiful, but over time the wood turns black and can become covered with fungus. Therefore, such sides require additional processing. The best way treatment - coat the wood with antiseptics.

If a lime treatment can be washed away by rain, the paint will crack and peel over time. Therefore, wooden borders are not the most durable material.

Made of brick

Previously, about 30 years ago, brick borders were in fashion. The brick was placed diagonally, on an edge, etc. Once upon a time, all city flower beds were fenced off like this. With the right approach, they can turn out to be quite creative.

Brick can be painted or whitewashed. If you use used bricks for borders, the look will not be the most presentable, but if you use new bricks, you can get beautiful, but very expensive beds.

From stone

To build such a structure, large stones will be required. The stone is laid on the mortar and you will have to tinker with the selection of suitable stones.

They look beautiful and last a long time. The disadvantage is its large mass. For this reason, you will have to monitor not only the garden bed, but also the condition of the fence itself.

From slate

If you recently replaced your roof and you still have old slate, it can be used to create fences for garden beds. Slate can be cut into straight slabs or diagonally.

Slate pressed into the ground and slightly rising above it looks beautiful. If you paint it in different colors you can get some pretty spectacular sides.

From plastic or glass bottles

accumulated a large number of bottles? Don't rush to throw it away. They are perfect for improving the garden. Glass or plastic bottles can be used to create borders for beds.

Bottles (preferably equal in volume) can be filled with sand and placed with the neck down in a specially prepared trench. The bottles do not require additional processing, but if desired, they can be painted with water-based emulsion.

Border tiles

You can buy tiles for the border, but you can also make your own. For the manufacture of tiles will do any mold, for example deep trapezoidal disposable plates.

The first step is to prepare a solution. To do this you will need M500 cement, sand and water. The solution is made in a ratio of 1 to 3 (1 part cement and 3 parts sand). The solution is mixed to the consistency of thick sour cream.

After the solution is mixed, it is used to fill the molds. To compact the solution, lightly tap the molds with a wooden stick. After this, the molds are covered with film and left for 24 hours. After this, carefully remove the tiles and leave them indoors for a month.

The tiles need to be watered periodically. In order for the tiles to have a beautiful and original look, they can be painted. You can paint with alkyd or rubber paint, or add pigment paint for concrete when mixing the solution. You can make borders from tiles of different colors.

In conclusion, I would like to say that it is much easier to care for beds with borders. But if you think that simple beds don't need either special care, then perhaps you are right.

Watch the video: 30 examples of borders for flower beds and beds

Having at least a small land plot, it’s so difficult to resist planting something that will later grow and bear fruit. Summer residents know the wonderful feeling when you cut a salad from vegetables grown with your own hands, and make jam from freshly picked strawberries! Even if small, there were, are and will be garden beds on the plot. Usually the owner does not think too much about the design of the plantings, so the fences for the beds are made from available material, and they look simple. However, who doesn’t want to make the site beautiful and well-groomed? In addition, useful edges help the beds keep their shape, save water, and prevent the growth of weeds.

The edges around the perimeter of the beds give them a neat and civilized appearance. Convenient when seating areas various plants demarcated. There is order everywhere, which does not need to be restored “from scratch” after every heavy rain. You can simply maintain it, spending a minimum of effort on care, watering, etc. Fences are usually made from leftover building materials.

Wood: elegant, but short-lived

Boards as fencing can be called a classic, often found option. Depending on the amount that the owner of the site intends to spend on resolving this issue, timber and picket fence, clapboard or slab can be used. The use of any wood will be appropriate. Even the branches left after pruning trees will find use.

For some time, such a fence will look very elegant. In the future, the wood may turn black and even become covered with fungus. Trying to whitewash the sides is ineffective because the whitewash will quickly be washed away by rain. The situation is even worse with paint: it cracks and peels off. It won’t even be able to solve the problem radically. After a few years, the dull sides will have to be replaced, because soil begins to spill out through the cracks formed.

Neat wooden sides give the beds a well-groomed and attractive look. At the same time, the most different wood: a wattle fence made from cut hazel branches looks very good and is inexpensive

Neat and expensive brick

Diagonal bricks were once in vogue. At one time, even city flower beds were edged this way. If you try, the teeth of the border will look neat and uniform. Such a fence can be whitewashed or even painted. AND garden paths, and the flower beds will receive reliable but expensive borders. After all, an old brick will not make the desired impression, but a new one can cost a decent amount.

Bricks can be installed not only diagonally, but also laid out in rows, the height of which depends on the parameters of the bed or flowerbed that is to be fenced

Slate under control

Slate is now used less and less for its intended purpose - as roofing material. If pieces of it remain after changing the covering, then they can be used for edging the beds. At one time, it was actively and widely used for these purposes too.

If anyone else is planning to throw out the old slate or put it in a shed for eternal storage, then let them admire these wonderful beds. After all, you can build such beauty yourself for practically nothing.

A slate edge will look neat if you simply press it into the ground so that aboveground part it rose to the same height along the entire perimeter. Slate can be broken into plates of the desired width. Covered with a layer of paint, it will even look elegant. The only negative is that thin slate will need to be kept under control and, in case of distortions after heavy rains, corrected.

A stone given by nature

Not only pieces of flat slate, but also various cobblestones look very impressive as a side. Of course, this is not a brick with a given shape once and for all. Here you will have to try, selecting stones according to size, combining them with each other and fastening them with cement mortar. But the result will be very impressive. This is a very aesthetic and, at the same time, durable fencing. The only drawback of this fence is that the heavy side can begin to settle into the ground under its own weight. Therefore, you also need to monitor his condition.

You will have to work hard with natural stone, but now you will see such beauty every day: the aesthetic pleasure is incomparable

These materials are truly traditional, we are used to seeing them on personal plots. But time does not stand still. New products appear, and old materials, whose price was unreasonably high, become more affordable. Let's look at modern fencing options.

Bed fences made of plastic

Plastic withstands seasonal temperature changes well, it is not hygroscopic and is not affected by precipitation.

Installing ready-made sides

The plastic fence is easy to install, easy to remove and replace. Such a fence, taking into account its affordability, can be considered ideal for small beds or flower beds. Plastic fencing for beds of different shapes, they are good because they can fully correspond to the design of the site chosen by the owner. Sides can be selected according to color scheme and in height.

Plastic is not hygroscopic, it hardly reacts to natural phenomena, does not rot or burn. At the same time, it can look whatever its owner wants

If the gardener desires, you can choose a border that imitates wood, brick, or even natural stone. Both sectional and continuous fencing look great. Thanks to the legs, these fences can be easily fixed to the ground. There are also those for the installation of which special nails are used.

Border tape: affordable and simple

The most affordable border tape for garden beds is a tape-type fence with a corrugated surface, green or brown in color.

The advantages of curb tape are obvious:

  • it is easy to install;
  • it can be given the desired shape without cutting it into pieces;
  • they look very aesthetically pleasing;
  • The size of the tape is easily adjusted.

To install such a fence, you need a minimum of tools: a large stapler, scissors, a tape measure and a dustpan. The entire fencing process will not take much time. You should dig around the selected area, using a shovel to make a trench around its perimeter. We measure right size tape and fasten its ends with a stapler. We place the fence in the trench at the selected depth, after which we fill the lower part of the tape with earth and compact it well.

A nice and laconic fencing made from border tape can be installed literally within an hour, and it will serve you for more than one season

If the curb length is significant, it is necessary to fix the position of the tape with pegs, which are alternately placed in front of the tape and behind it at an equal distance from each other.

Rubber curbs are laid using the same principle. Only for raised beds This side will not work because it is placed very low. Polycarbonate is also used as a material for fencing, the trimmings of which remain, for example, after making a canopy or building a greenhouse. But polycarbonate fencing for garden beds is rarely used, since it is not profitable to purchase material specifically for this purpose, and there is never a lot of scraps.

The rubber border is almost invisible, but it helps to give certain areas of the garden clear outlines, creates a kind of order, and properly organizes the space

How to use plastic bottles?

If you have to fence a lot of beds with plastic, the costs will inevitably increase. This is where people's ingenuity comes to the rescue. You can make a fencing for garden beds with your own hands, for example. That's when the plastic bottles we've accumulated come in handy!

The use of plastic bottles for fencing garden beds is a real triumph of universal justice. It’s not in vain that you have accumulated them at home: you don’t seem to need them, but it’s a pity to throw them away

You need to select bottles of the same volume; you can fill them with sand and place them upside down in the same trench that we prepared for the curb. If you cover the plastic water-based paint, you will get a very bright border. However, it also looks good without paint.

The best options for metal fencing

Metal fences, often used for garden beds, look easy to install and, at first glance, very reliable. If you take for this purpose the remains of simple metal, up to 1 mm thick, then you will really get a border quickly, but it will not be so easy to make: thin plates are unstable and can be cut. And this side will not last long, because metal in the soil quickly rusts, and such a thin one will turn into dust very quickly. In the summer heat, metal overheated in the sun will actively transfer heat to the soil, which has a detrimental effect on plants.

The polymer coating gives galvanized steel completely new properties. It looks even more attractive and does not get too hot in the sun

Galvanized steel with a polymer coating is much more aesthetically pleasing and promising. Boxes made from this material have a neat and attractive appearance. This material has proven itself well in different climatic conditions. Lightweight plates allow you to easily change the shape and size of the structure. The only, but expected, drawback for such material is its price. The expensive material is still in short supply, as demand for it outstrips supply.

More fencing ideas are presented in the video.

This neat and compact design when disassembled is made of galvanized metal. The finished box is easy to assemble and disassemble. If it is necessary to increase the size, the sides can be increased. The height of a single-tier border is 17cm. Stiffening ribs on the fencing elements give it additional strength. Manufacturers claim that such curbs will last at least 20 years.

Not everyone likes coming to the dacha to do physical labor. But such beds, even in an office worker tired of paperwork, can cause a surge of work enthusiasm

If it seems to you that the beds can be used without fencing, then you are, of course, right. But those who use borders have already seen how much easier and more effective plant care has become. And the end result of your efforts – the harvest – will help you finally believe in their necessity.

Many summer residents are interested in the topic of whether to fence their beds. Those landowners who have fairly dense soil on their property and it does not crumble rarely fence off their beds. Simply, when creating them, the earthen sides are nailed tightly with a shovel. This work is quite labor-intensive; making neat sides of the bed is not easy; dexterity, experience and physical strength are required. Then weeds will begin to grow on the sides, and weeding them takes a lot of time. What if you spend some time once and build attractive fences for your garden beds with your own hands? Let's see what kind of bumpers there are and how far this idea has taken root among the people.

Is it worth it to “fence the garden”?

In recent years, the so-called “new summer residents” have appeared, promoting modern trends in summer cottage science. Some people form their beds not with a mound, but, on the contrary, with a small depression, while others plant garden crops according to a complex pattern - combining certain plants in one bed. And someone has already blocked off their plot with neat rectangles - garden borders made of modern materials.

I must say that this was not invented yesterday. Even in the last century, gardeners made borders for their beds, but mostly from boards. What's wrong with this method? Firstly, the boards for edging are not taken new, they are not bought in construction stores, but used ones are used: from old buildings, slabs, sleepers. Accordingly, these boards very soon become unusable. They rot, crumble, and bugs live in them. Frequent watering quickly deteriorates wooden sides. If you want to edge your beds, use another material that is resistant to constant dampness.


Wooden boards are completely unsuitable for edging beds. Plant pests live in them: aphids, mites, as well as fungus and mold.

Slate, iron, brick and stone: which is better?

The main requirement for bed borders is resistance to dampness, because in summer watering is done every day. In addition to old boards, borders made from other improvised materials came from the last century: fragments of slate, concrete blocks, bricks and metal sheets. Of course, these materials are more durable and safer than wood, but they are not always aesthetically pleasing. Let's look at the pros and cons of the most popular "fences".


Slate advantages:

  1. Free, since it is usually removed from the roof when replacing it.
  2. Conditionally durable. Lasts longer than wood, but less than other materials. That part of the slate that is dug into the ground darkens and becomes brittle over time, that is, it collapses.
  3. Looks neat.

Disadvantages of slate:

  1. There is information that slate contains harmful substances.
  2. Fragile. If accidentally hit with a shovel, the slate edge will easily crack.


Since wooden borders are still popular, let's take a look at them. Wooden sides in a dacha are good because they naturally and harmoniously blend into the surrounding nature. The most durable are square thick bars laid in two rows on top of each other (photo below right). This simple design is easy to build with your own hands. You can sit on the top edge of the block when weeding. To make such a fence last longer, be sure to impregnate it with a protective compound.

Brick and stone

The edging of the beds can be made of brick, white or red. You probably shouldn’t buy bricks specifically for this purpose, but use old ones. The technique of laying bricks used to be like this: the bricks were simply dug into the ground. It turned out to be a rather shaky structure. If you like the idea of ​​brick sides, it is better to do the masonry by cementing the bricks together. This border will last a long time. The stonework is very picturesque and attractive. It is better to use flat stones, placing them on top of each other and fastening them with mortar.


Greenhouses and greenhouses are built from polycarbonate. It has a matte hard texture that is resistant to impacts, fire (polycarbonate products do not burn, only melt), and atmospheric conditions. Polycarbonate is a durable, reliable and expensive material. Of course, it’s unlikely that sides are made from polycarbonate; greenhouses are covered with it. But there are beds in greenhouses, so we will also classify polycarbonate as fencing.

garden board

Initially, this product was intended for fencing flower beds and flower beds, but vegetable growers also appreciated it garden board. Its bright summer colors, ease of installation, and durability of the plastic from which it is made are attracting more and more fans of country aesthetics, as you can see by looking at the photo below.

This is perhaps the easiest type of fencing to install with your own hands. I unrolled the roll and edged the bed (pictured). Advantages of the tape: strong, light, bright, stylish, durable. Cons: if the tape is made of cheap plastic, it will crack in the cold, so it is better to put it indoors for the winter.

Mobile fencing for garden beds

Opponents of fencing insist that the beds should not be stationary, they should be laid every year in different places and at different angles to the sun. For such summer residents there is a way out - mobile bumpers. You can make them yourself. A sheet of metal profile is taken and cut into wide stripes, and wooden pegs are screwed onto the sides with self-tapping screws. The pegs are stuck into the ground, and the profile is level with the ground. The sides are removed for the winter. True, where can I get so many profiles... But as an idea, it’s great.

We talked about different types of borders for garden beds. Which one is better? There are so many summer residents, so many opinions. Many people believe that in nature there is no need for metal and concrete; this is enough in the city, but in the countryside let there be grass, flowers and natural materials. What do you think?

Many owners of private houses and garden plots are engaged in growing fruit crops. It is much more pleasant to observe plantings grown with your own hands than grass in the garden.

Planting fruits and vegetables in separate beds ennobles the area and makes it well-groomed. Every gardener thinks about landing fence, how to make it yourself and what materials to use?

What material is best to fence beds?

Fences for garden beds are used from various types, the main ones being:

  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • rubber;
  • slate;
  • brick.

Before deciding what to make the sides for the beds from, let’s consider the disadvantages of these materials.


The use of curbs made of galvanized steel with the addition of polyurethane will make the owners of the site forget about the fading of the material and its periodic replacement. fences are highly durable and a decent look.

Such beds are created from environmentally friendly elements and will not harm the health of family members.

Galvanized steel has a number of advantages benefits:

The disadvantage of such a border– increased heating of the metal surface, which also affects the temperature of the soil.

Most gardeners do not trust this material due to the fact that metal barriers will destroy perennial plants in winter period. If you follow the landing rules, nothing will happen.

Upon landing perennial plants with a metal border, it is important to remember: the distance from the intended fruit to the beginning of the obstacle must be at least ten centimeters.

Plastic panels

Previously, wood was often used to fence a flower bed or plot, but with the development of new technologies, gardeners switched to new materialplastic panels.

Similar ones are used when creating multi-tiered beds and structures with a curved or elongated shape.

Installation is easy, and it does not require digging grooves; you just need to insert the panels into the ground. Such panels will last for many years and will be highly durable.

They have a number benefits:

  • ease of installation. Such panels are easy to install throughout the site in one day, unlike wooden pegs or bricks;
  • the material used in the manufacture of panels does not deteriorate under the influence of high and low temperatures;
  • increased strength in holding the site;
  • safety. Plastic is not natural material, but does not release harmful substances to plants. Even when exposed to sunlight, the surface of the product remains safe;
  • easy to care for.
  • To care for such a fence, simply wash off the stuck soil with a hose or wipe with a wet cloth.


Wooden fences easy to manufacture, therefore, both men and women can cope with their production.

This is one of the most common and sought-after materials, which has proven itself over many decades.

The disadvantage of this design is fragility. Wooden fences will have to be replaced once a year, and sometimes every six months.

For the simplest selection of flower beds or beds you can use wooden blocks. This design will last one or two seasons. It is used as a temporary structure.

The decking board looks elegant on the garden bed, but its price is high, and before installation it is important to decide what functions the material should perform: practical or aesthetic?

Ready-made wooden borders coated with paint or a special composition for added protection.

After installation, such sides attract the attention of neighbors and catch admiring glances, but over time the situation changes. After prolonged rains and abundant watering, the tree becomes covered with a layer of fungus and loses its former attractiveness.


Polycarbonate is installed by gardeners who care about the beauty of their garden beds, because this material can be purchased in various colors.

It is resistant to mechanical stress, but if you hit it with a hammer, a crack will form.

Its main advantage is considered to have increased fire resistance. In an open flame, the sheet may melt. The flexibility of polycarbonate causes it to take many different shapes. Most often used to create greenhouses and greenhouses.


The use of slate sheets significantly reduces the risk of damage to the fence by small rodents or natural phenomena. Increased fire resistance and its ability to resist damage from rain and snow has made slate a popular material for fencing garden beds.

Which material will be better and cheaper?

The choice of material for installing a border is varied; if a gardener actively participates in dacha life and can easily install a new fence when the old one is demolished, he is recommended to choose wooden fences as a basis.

If you want a fence cheap and sustainable to various damages and temperature changes, of course, you need to opt for plastic panels.

If you do not intend to constantly transfer fencing material from one bed to another and you want to achieve strength and durability, it is better to choose slate. It does not take much time to install, and its cost is low compared to other types of materials.

Optimal box height

sides at the curb must be at least twenty-five centimeters, if the beds are located on a flat surface with fertile soil.

For soil with abundant moisture or, conversely, dry soil, you need to raise the fences at least thirty or thirty-seven centimeters.

Very wide sides are impractical, unless, of course, they are part of an individual garden improvement project.

Bed length is determined at the discretion of the owner: it can be from one meter to five meters or more. It all depends on the area and its dimensions. Depending on, the site line can be increased or, conversely, this possibility is not available.

Gardeners love to make sides with cross beam in order to sit down after work, but this is wrong. Water that gets into the beam contributes to the rotting of the material. The best option there will be rest on a folding chair brought from home.

Slate installation instructions

After roofing, there are often pieces of material left that can be used in the design of garden beds.

For work it will be necessary slate, metal rods and shovel. Before starting work, the slate should be prepared: you need to cut the material to the height required for installation. To do this, use a circular saw with a stone attachment.

Standard Sheet wavy slate is one meter seventy-five centimeters. It is cut into as many pieces as necessary to create a barrier between the honey beds.

The cuts will be straight if you use chalk and draw lines.

The soil is also prepared for installation. The soil is watered abundantly, especially in those places where the material is planned to be placed. A trench is dug along the perimeter of the proposed bed and metal rods are inserted.

The prepared pieces of the product are inserted around the perimeter of the bed in such a way that so that the wave overlaps, and the upper edge is pressed with a block. Rebar posts are installed along the edges of the product to provide stability to the structure.

When installing, observe the diagonal and use a level. When the material is installed, it is compacted and sprinkled for greater stability, and excess pieces of earth are removed.

Spacing between rows compact thoroughly, and free areas should be covered with concrete or gravel.

When working with slate the following rules must be followed:

  1. Slate can be cut into two halves or into pieces. The width of the bed will depend on the cutting option.
  2. To prevent the material from spreading in different directions, it fastened with metal corners, which are subsequently treated with an anti-corrosion coating.
  3. Work on installing slate must be carried out with care so as not to damage the skin of your hands and the material. Metal corners Can close with plastic bottles.

Installation of beds made of plastic panels

Plastic panels will serve the owner of the site for many years, unlike metal and wooden beds. It will not rot or decompose in the ground, which is important for a reliable product.

Gardeners are happy to use such material, primarily due to its low cost. The installation of panels should be carried out by a novice master according to a competent scheme, eliminating the presence of inaccuracies.

Installation of beds from PVC panels should begin with measuring the future space for planting and if plastic tape is used, it must be cut to the desired size.

If the choice is made in favor plastic fence, then the excess parts need to be sawed off. You need to cut in accordance with the measurements so as not to damage the excess part of the surface of the material.

If plastic tape is used, cut it the parts are connected together with a stapler. In other cases, such an operation will not be required.

Tape trench It is done with a shallow depth; for other types a trench is not needed.

The plastic tape is immersed in pre-dug soil, and the installation of the panels is completed. When choosing other plastic elements, such as, for example, it needs to be strengthened with metal pegs at the edges for structural reliability.

No pegs fence won't last long, and its further replacement cannot be avoided.

How to make inexpensive framing of beds using border tape, watch the video:

Fencing with metal structures

Metal fences for the garden bed give it a rectangular shape. For work, it is allowed to use leftover metal and corners. The edges can be bent with special tools or a cut hose can be placed on the edges of a metal product.

An important detail: the material is treated with a special anti-corrosion compound to avoid its premature wear. Paint is also suitable for these purposes.

You can buy ready-made beds, which need to be assembled as shown in the instructions. Manufacturers claim a high service life of such products - more than twenty years. But it is much cheaper and more pleasant to build such a structure yourself.

The work will consist of several stages:

You can install it yourself by following sequencing: The length of the product should be within three 4-6 meters. It is better to make the height from 35-70 cm.

High sides will protect the plants from access by animals who are not particularly concerned about the well-being of the vegetables on your site.

Before installation, you need to determine the shape that the future bed will take. From this depends on the amount of material to create a design.

  1. At the corners of the proposed perimeter of the bed driving metal pipes.
  2. Along the marked area for the garden bed pull the rope.
  3. Where the fence is installed digging a trench with a maximum depth of 10 cm.
  4. Strips of metal are inserted into the trench and strengthened from above with hammer blows.
  5. By outside products install pegs for additional support.
  6. The whole structure connects welding machine , if the novice master does not know how to use welding techniques.
  7. It is allowed to use a drill on the metal surface and screws. It is the design made with a drill that will help move the metal fence to another place, if necessary.

  8. The resulting design sprinkled with soil for additional fixation.
  9. Into the resulting box lay dry tree branches, leaves and bushes. Next, add soil with additional fertilizer in the form of compost.

Important to remember
that the metal edges of the product can cause harm to human skin or the gardener’s clothing. To increase safety on the site, it is recommended to use plastic bottles to cover the edges of the curb.

Any of these fences can be made if you study in advance all the rules for installing and caring for this decorative product.

The video below demonstrates the installation of a finished structure made of galvanized steel, which you can buy in a store and save time on making it yourself: