Features of turbocharged chimneyless gas water heaters. Gas storage water heater: types and operating principle of gas boilers

Residents of private houses connected to a gas pipeline often prefer to use gas not only for heating their homes, but also for heating water. This decision is more than justified, because gas is a fairly cheap fuel. Thus, hot water supply provided using gas equipment turns out to be very beneficial for the family budget.

If you decide to heat water in this way, then you have two possible optionsgas boiler or geyser. The first device is a storage type water heater, and the second is a flow-through type. Today we will talk about storage gas water heaters: their main characteristics, types and operating features.

Design and principle of operation

Storage water heaters, unlike instantaneous water heaters, heat the water in advance. Heating occurs in a metal tank, which is the main part of the design of any boiler. The size of the tank depends on the volume of water it is designed for. Domestic boilers with a capacity of 50 to 300 liters are available for sale.

The water in the tank is heated by a heat exchanger. Most often it is a steel or brass coil. It is located at the bottom of the tank or distributed over almost the entire surface of the device. The coil receives heat from a gas burner, which is located at the base of the water heater in a special combustion chamber equipped with a flame pipe.

In addition to all of the above, the design of a gas boiler contains heat-insulating elements, pipes for supplying and discharging water, as well as various sensors.

The tank is replenished with water automatically. When a fresh portion of water enters the tank, it turns on gas-burner, the heat from which exits through the flame tube and heats the tank. As soon as the water in the tank warms up to desired temperature, the sensor is triggered and the gas supply stops.

You can get even more information about gas boilers from the following video.


There are several types of storage gas water heaters.

Such devices are classified according to the following criteria:

  • combustion chamber type: open/closed;
  • ignition type: piezo ignition/electric ignition;
  • installation method: floor/wall.

Below we will take a closer look at each type of device of this type.

With open combustion chamber

Open draft gas boilers are equipped with an open combustion chamber. They work on the following principle: the air required for combustion comes directly from the room in which the water heater is installed. Combustion products are discharged through a separate pipe - a chimney, which should be equipped in advance.

This type of gas boilers is cheaper, but installation ventilation system is quite expensive, so from this point of view the following type of water heaters is more economical.

With a closed combustion chamber

If you do not have the opportunity to equip a chimney in your house, the only possible solution is to buy a forced draft boiler. Such devices have a closed combustion chamber equipped with a system for removing combustion products. For this, a special pump is used that draws out the smoke.

For boilers of this type, it is not necessary to purchase additional ventilation, since they do not take oxygen from the room. That is why owners of private houses usually give preference to them.

With piezo ignition

To ignite modern gas equipment there is no need to use matches or a lighter. Even the simplest models of gas boilers begin heating after simply pressing a button. Water heaters that are not equipped with an automatic heating function belong to the class of devices with piezo ignition. Many consider such devices to be outdated, but they are losing their popularity due to their low cost.

With electric ignition

More modern models Storage gas water heaters are equipped with an automatic ignition system, which starts independently when the water tap is turned on. Such models are more convenient to use, and they are also more fuel efficient. The electric ignition system runs on electricity or batteries.


Floor-standing gas water heaters have a large volume - from 100 to 300 liters, so they are distinguished by rather large dimensions. This must be taken into account when purchasing, since finding a place to install such a large device can be quite difficult. Since this type of boiler has a large capacity, they are usually purchased by owners of private houses where there is no hot water supply all year round.

Wall mounted

Wall-mounted storage water heaters are more compact. They are usually placed directly above plumbing fixtures. This is very convenient, as it allows you to use space more efficiently. Devices of this kind are designed for a small volume of water, so most often they are purchased for installation in city apartments - as a temporary solution to the problem of lack of hot water during seasonal outages.

Popular volumes

Tank volume is the most important factor when choosing a storage tank. gas water heater. Many significant and not so significant nuances depend on this parameter, ranging from the time of heating the water to the dimensions of the device. Manufacturers produce boilers with a capacity from several tens to several hundred liters.

When choosing the required volume of a water tank, you need to take into account the number of household members and the daily water consumption for each of them. For example, for families with small children, it is more advisable to buy more spacious models, and for single people or married couples who are rarely at home, very small water heaters with a volume of 10 to 50 liters are suitable.

150 liters

If we are talking about purchasing a storage water heater for a country house in which the family lives permanently, you need to consider devices with a tank volume of at least 150 liters. This is exactly the amount of hot water in the tank that is necessary so that a family consisting of several people does not have problems with carrying out hygiene procedures.

200 liters

It is estimated that taking a bath requires 150 to 200 liters of water, taking a shower requires 50 to 90 liters, and washing dishes requires 20-30 liters of water per day. Add to this another 10-15 liters, which are spent on washing and washing hands, then multiply the resulting number by the number of household members. The result of the calculations may unpleasantly surprise you. That is why water heaters with a large tank volume (from 200 liters) are considered optimal solution for a family, especially if they live in a private house without hot water supply.

Connection diagram and installation

The storage water heater should be installed in strict accordance with the installation instructions, which you will definitely find in the user manual.

  • The boiler should be installed against a wall; at the same time, make sure that the pipes for hot and cold water were strictly parallel to it. There should be a small distance between the water heater and the wall, allowing for preventive inspection and maintenance of node connections.
  • It is recommended to use a ¾-inch diameter pipe to connect to the water supply. Stand facing the appliance: the hot water pipe should be positioned left hand, and for the cold one - on the right hand.
  • Usage safety valve for storage water heaters will help to avoid overheating of the device and associated unpleasant consequences.
  • Before you start connecting the boiler to the water pipes, open the tap with cold water. Make sure it is clean enough to be free of sand, rust particles and other small debris. If necessary, cut a special water filter into the pipe (in the section of the network before the water heater).
  • It is also recommended to check the pressure in the water pipes. Its level should not be higher than 8 bar. If this figure is exceeded, a pressure reducer should be installed.
  • Drops of water falling from the hydraulic valve are a sign of normal operation of the device and water supply network. But it is necessary to ensure that water from the valve does not fall on the body of the water heater. To do this, you need to attach a special drain funnel to the valve with an outlet into the sewer.
  • If the boiler is installed in country house, in which there is no constant heating, you need to make sure that there is no water left in the tank when the outside temperature drops below zero. Therefore, when leaving the house in the cold season, always drain the remaining liquid from the tank, otherwise the device may fail.


Storage gas water heaters that take air from the room in which they are installed should be placed only in rooms that meet several important requirements:

  • air intake is carried out from the street or from an adjacent room;
  • the room has a ventilation hole with an area of ​​at least 1 m2 (the area of ​​the hole is calculated depending on the power of the device - 6 cm2 for each kW);
  • the ventilation hole should be covered with a grille that does not impede the movement of air, and the hole should not be obstructed by anything.

It is impossible to give unambiguous advice on which water heater is better: gas or electric, instantaneous or storage. Each of the varieties has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Thus, gas boilers are more economical, but they are considered less safe than electric ones. Storage water heaters provide uniform heating of water, but flow models carry out heating faster and in larger volumes. Therefore, each buyer must decide for himself which characteristics of water heaters are more important to him. In addition, one should also take into account technical capabilities connections, such as the presence of a gas pipeline or water supply with normal pressure in the system.

Atmospheric water heaters have been replaced by chimneyless gas water heaters with closed camera combustion. European and domestic manufacturers produce turbocharged water heaters, which differ in the principle of water heating, the degree of automation of heating and functionality. When choosing, take into account the advantages and disadvantages of chimneyless water heaters.

What is a column with a closed combustion chamber

There are several types of turbocharged water heaters. Despite the existing differences in design, chimneyless geysers have general principle works and similar devices.

Before purchasing a water heater with a closed combustion chamber, you should understand what distinguishes it from a classic atmospheric column. What turbocharged gas water heaters exist, their design and operating principle.

Types of chimneyless speakers

All types of water heaters with a closed combustion chamber can be divided into several groups: according to the type of installation and the method of heating and providing hot water. It is customary to distinguish the following classes of equipment:
  • Operating principle - equipment is divided into two classes:
    1. Gas storage water heater without chimney- is actually a classic boiler. Instead of a heating element, a gas burner serves as a heat source. The water is heated in a storage tank, after which the column automatically maintains the set temperature.
      A gas turbocharged storage water heater with a closed combustion chamber is effective solution DHW issue. The main advantage is the instant supply of hot water to the consumer.
    2. Instantaneous gas water heater without chimney- works like a classic speaker. The gas burner turns on after opening the water supply tap. 1-2 minutes pass between turning on the column and the flow of hot water. Gas instantaneous water heater with a closed combustion chamber is cheaper than an analogue with a storage tank.
  • Installation type - there are wall and floor models. Hanging speakers are often of the flow-through type. Storage water heaters are limited by the volume of the tank. As a rule, the capacity does not exceed 120-160 liters. Floor-standing models exclusively with built-in storage capacity.
When choosing a suitable water heater, take into account the size of the room used for the boiler room, ease of use and current rules governing placement and connection.

Design and principle of operation

An exhaust-free column, depending on its design, works as follows:

After considering the device and operating principle, you should learn about the existing differences between atmospheric and turbocharged water heaters.

What is the difference between columns with a closed combustion chamber and an open one?

The basic principle of operation (water heating) in a turbocharged and atmospheric water heater is identical. The heat accumulated during gas combustion is used for DHW heating. The difference between a turbocharged gas water heater and a non-turbocharged one in the type of combustion chamber. There is a difference in the method of air supply and smoke removal:
  • Type of combustion chamber - the main difference between an atmospheric and a turbocharged column is associated with this device:
    1. Water heaters with an open (atmospheric) combustion chamber burn air taken only from the room. The burner and igniter are in an open box.
    2. Turbocharged speakers - the combustion chamber is sealed. Combustion air is taken from the street through the external contour of a coaxial chimney, or from the room.
  • Removal of combustion products and supply of oxygen for combustion. The characteristics of the atmospheric and closed combustion chambers are also different:
    1. Open burner - air enters using natural circulation. The column is sensitive to the presence of good draft in the chimney.
    2. Turbocharged dispenser - the dispenser got its name from a turbine or built-in fan. The smoke is forced out. The fan creates pressure through which combustion products exit the firebox.
The difference in geysers with an open and closed combustion chamber is the control over the air supply and removal of combustion products. Turbocharged thanks to features internal device differ in the best efficiency and thermal efficiency. Chimneyless water heaters use air taken from the street to operate. During operation, the column does not burn oxygen from the room in which it is installed.

How to choose a turbocharged gas water heater

When selecting, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the gas water heater and the characteristics of the room in which it will be installed. Be sure to take into account the presence of additional functions. When choosing, pay attention to the following parameters:
  • Ignition type - simple and reliable speakers have mechanical control. The gas is ignited manually using piezo ignition. Further work continues with the igniter constantly burning. Disadvantage of the device: dependence of work on a person and the need to comply with safety rules related to turning on / off equipment.
    The best alternative is to purchase an automatic water heater with electric ignition (usually battery powered) with mechanical or electronic control.
  • Automation - equipment differs in the degree of automation. Fully automatic speakers easy to use, maintain the required water heating temperature regardless of the pressure in the pipeline.
  • Heat exchanger material- it is better that the coil is made of copper. Copper has good heat transfer properties, as well as resistance to scale and overheating.
  • Storage tank- made from ordinary or of stainless steel. The inside is covered with a special glass-ceramic polymer coating. Material storage tank directly affects the cost of a gas water heater. Equipment with a stainless steel tank costs 1.5-2 times more.
  • Bandwidth - water heating speed or productivity. To provide one water point (shower and dishwashing), a 17-20 kW (10-11 l/min) heater is required. To take a bath and simultaneously use several hot water points, you will need a 20-26 kW (11-15 l/min) water heater.
  • Gas type - all dispensers are designed to operate on mains gas. If the design includes a modular burner device, it is possible to connect a propane water heater. The equipment can fully operate on bottled gas or be connected to a gas holder. This is in demand in areas where there is no centralized gas supply.
    A liquefied gas instantaneous water heater will solve the issue of hot water supply with minimal fuel costs. Operation should be cheaper than using electrical equipment (depending on location and energy tariffs).
  • Additional functions- the columns are equipped with modular burners and a self-diagnosis system. The anti-freeze function will be useful, preventing damage to equipment during a short-term emergency drop in temperature.

After selecting a suitable gas water heater according to technical and operational characteristics, you can proceed to the selection by manufacturer. Below is a unique rating, which includes models that enjoy constant popularity among domestic consumers. Before deciding on the advisability of a purchase, you should study real reviews of turbocharged gas water heaters from various manufacturers.


  • Ariston Gi7S 11L FFI - flow rate 11 l/min. There is electric ignition and frost protection. There is a built-in function to automatically maintain the set heating temperature when the water pressure changes.
  • Lemax Turbo-24 is a product of a domestic manufacturer. The basic modification includes microprocessor automation and touch control. Operates on mains power and backup power. The multi-stage protection system in Lemax Turbo-24 prevents emergency situations when high blood pressure water, and also during a dry start, turns off the gas supply to the burner device.
  • Vaillant AtmoMAG exclusive 14-0 RXZ- mechanical control and the need for manual ignition of the burner using a piezoelectric element. Capacity 14 l/min.
  • Rinnai RW-14BF is a universal water heater running on natural and liquefied gas (during conversion it is necessary to replace the nozzles). The column is economical and efficient. The RW-14BF has a self-diagnosis system. Flow rate 14 l/min.
  • Vatti MR11-N is a small and compact water heater with a capacity of 5.5 l/min. There is protection against overheating of the coolant. Vertical type installation
  • Ariston NEXT EVO SFT 11 NG EXP- model made in modern design. Touch control. Frost protection. Automatic ignition from the network. Capacity 11 l/min.
  • Haier JSQ20-PR (12T) is a wall-mounted water heater. The design uses a modulating gas burner made of stainless steel. Electronic control. Capacity 10 l/min.


  • Roda GasKessel GK 80 - gas boiler with vertical mounted installation. There is a system that protects the tank from scale. Polyurethane is used as thermal insulation.
  • Hajdu GB80.2 - gas storage tank with 80 liter capacity. Designed for wall installation.
  • Bradford White DS1-40S6FBN - powerful boiler with capacity storage tank 150 l. The inside of the container is covered with a glass-ceramic coating. DS1-40S6FBN works even with a minimum water pressure of 0.1 Bar. Can run on reduced gas. The best option water heater for a family of 4 people.
After choosing a column, it must be correctly connected to the gas supply and smoke exhaust systems.

How to install a chimneyless gas water heater

The connection is made only after obtaining permission from the Gas Supervision Authority. To apply, you will need to make a project for gas supply and write an application.

If the premises meet the requirements and are completed technical specifications permission is issued for the turbo column. After receiving official documents, the connection is made in accordance with the project diagram.

Placement and connection rules

In domestic SNiP and SP there are no rules stipulating the installation of a column with a combustion chamber closed type. Present general recommendations and directions. For this reason, the placement and connection rules are the same as in the case of an atmospheric water heater.

Regulatory documents for the installation of gas equipment in apartment and private buildings: and SP 62.13330.2011.

To properly connect the turbo speaker, follow several instructions:

  • the area of ​​the room used for the boiler room is at least 8 m², the ceiling height is 2.2 m;
  • It is necessary to have a window or an opening window;
  • the column is connected to the gas pipeline using a corrugated metal pipe, and a shut-off valve is installed;
  • The water heater must not be placed in the bathroom or above the boiler, or hung on load-bearing wall building;
  • presence of natural supply and exhaust ventilation.
Detailed installation requirements are described in the operating instructions provided by the manufacturer. The Code of Practice (COP) specifies the need to comply with these recommendations. The installation instructions provide detailed diagram connections.

To install a turbocharged gas water heater, you must obtain permission. Self-connection leads to penalties and gas supply shutdown.

Organization of combustion products removal

Flue gases are removed and air is taken in using a coaxial pipe. The rules for organizing the removal of combustion products are related to the correct removal of the chimney from the room. There are general requirements:
  • the length of the coaxial pipe should not exceed 3 m;
  • the diameter of the chimney and the outlet of the pipe in the column must match;
  • the passage through the wall is made larger, approximately 1-1.5 cm, the gap is insulated with non-combustible thermal insulation.

The coaxial gas water heater is installed so that the chimney has a slight slope towards the street. If condensation appears during operation in winter, the moisture will flow outside and will not damage the water heater.

Rules for operating a chimneyless gas water heater

Turbocharged water heaters are best speakers to date. Most models operate in automatic mode, have simple controls and a multi-stage protection system. Basic rules for operating turbocharged water heating equipment:
  • the first start-up is carried out in the presence of an inspector or other representative of the gas service;
  • during operation, the water heater cannot be moved further than 1.5 m from its original location;
  • the socket is installed away from the column with a gap of at least 0.4 m;
  • if there is a smell of gas in the room or the water heater malfunctions, turn off the gas supply and call the emergency service;
  • depending on the type of chimneyless dispensers, maintenance is required 1-2 times a year;
  • in gas storage boiler To heat water with a closed combustion chamber, the magnesium anode is regularly changed, regardless of the internal device and type, the nozzles and burner are cleaned.
Before using the water heater, you should carefully read the operating instructions and carefully follow the manufacturer's recommendations. Thus, you can extend the service life and prevent common malfunctions and breakdowns. household appliances.

Advantages and disadvantages of turbocharged water heaters

A gas water heater with forced removal of combustion products has proven itself on the positive side. There are certain disadvantages.

Before purchasing, you should consider all the nuances of operation. Particular attention is paid to the existing pros and cons.

Why are turbo speakers good?

A hot water column with a closed combustion chamber has several advantages:
  • economical fuel consumption, approximately 30% less than classic atmospheric water heaters;
  • constant water temperature, regardless of the pressure in the pipeline;
  • quiet operation;
  • convenient control;
  • high performance.
Instantaneous water heater with forced removal of combustion products, provided correct connection and operation will last at least 10-15 years. The manufacturer's warranty in most cases is valid for the first 2-3 years of use.

Disadvantages of chimneyless speakers

There are several obvious disadvantages of turbocharged water heaters:
  • Dependence on electricity supply- speakers operating with forced smoke removal are driven by an electric motor. When the voltage is turned off or surges, they stop working.
  • Sensitivity of automation to power surges- weak points of chimneyless speakers with mains power: ignition unit, power supply, microprocessor. Manufacturers recommend installing a voltage stabilizer and an uninterruptible power supply.
  • Cost of a turbocharged column- the main disadvantage affecting the popularity of water heaters. The price of the equipment is approximately 1.5-2 times more expensive than the classic model.
A turbocharged column has both advantages and disadvantages. Small disadvantages are fully covered by ease of control, ease of use and cost-effectiveness of the equipment.

A gas instantaneous water heater allows you to organize reliable and efficient preparation of hot water. Gas supply today is available in almost every home, and the water heaters themselves are installed in many houses and apartments. Of course, the speakers have a number of disadvantages, but in terms of their efficiency they are ready to compete with many other water heating equipment. How to choose a gas instantaneous water heater and what to pay attention to when purchasing it?

Modern industry has presented buyers with a variety of geysers to choose from, differing in their properties and functionality. They also have different characteristics and performance. Our review will help you understand all this. In it we will tell you:

  • About the advantages and disadvantages of gas water heaters;
  • About the types of combustion chambers;
  • About choosing a speaker based on performance;
  • About flame modulation and temperature adjustment;
  • About types of ignition;
  • About security systems;
  • About the most popular types of water heaters.

Using the information presented in the review, you can quickly choose the most optimal model for yourself.

Advantages and disadvantages of gas instantaneous water heaters

As we have already said, gas instantaneous water heaters have a number of advantages and disadvantages. In some ways, their use is completely justified, but in some cases it is desirable to use electrical equipment. Key benefits:

  • Cost-effective – using gas water heaters allows you to spend less money on preparing hot water. The savings are most noticeable with intensive use;
  • Powerful electrical wiring is not needed - electric instantaneous water heaters, if normal performance is required, will require a separate supply line. You also need good grounding;
  • They can work in non-gasified premises - for this you need to purchase a model with the ability to be powered from a gas cylinder.

There are also a number of disadvantages:

  • Difficulty in installation and connection - It is advisable to have a specialist do this;
  • The need for regular maintenance– you have to pay for this separately;
  • Possible gas leaks – the high explosiveness of natural gas requires careful monitoring gas equipment. For example, a column with piezo ignition needs to be extinguished when no one is at home;
  • It takes time to heat up the water - the same electric storage water heaters supply hot water almost immediately.

Despite certain disadvantages, it is customary to install gas instantaneous water heaters in gasified houses - they are economical and can provide hot water several water points at once.

The disadvantage of gas instantaneous water heaters is that their use in some buildings is simply prohibited. Also, they cannot be installed in modern new buildings where there is no gas supply.

Types of combustion chambers

Water heaters with a closed combustion chamber, unlike geysers with an open combustion chamber, oxygen from the street is used to maintain the fire and does not require ventilated areas.

A gas instantaneous water heater can have an open or closed combustion chamber. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. Columns with an open combustion chamber are easy to operate and simple in design. In them, the flame burns with the addition of atmospheric air from the room - it is taken from below, after which the combustion products are removed through the chimney. Columns with open combustion chambers are quite cheap and do not require the use of special chimneys - the chimney that already exists in most apartments is sufficient.

Geysers with a closed combustion chamber can operate without a house chimney. They also do not need ventilated rooms. They take air for their work from the street, and throw out combustion products there too - coaxial chimneys are used here, which are a “pipe within a pipe”. The coaxial chimney can be routed directly beyond the wall on which the water heater is mounted. The only requirement is that the nearest windows must be at least a meter away.

Such columns are safe, since combustion products are removed forcibly using a built-in fan.

Columns with closed combustion chambers are more complex in their design. Therefore, they are characterized by increased cost. Also, for their operation, a connection to a 220 Volt network is required - the fan installed inside requires a separate power supply. From all this comes another drawback - if the power goes out in the house, you will be left not only without light, but also without hot water.

Performance and Power

For the right choice capacity of an instantaneous gas water heater, determine the type and number of water intake points.

These two characteristics are the most important, since they directly determine how much hot water the selected water heater can produce. Productivity directly depends on the power of the selected unit. For example, a 23-24 kW dispenser can provide water treatment up to 14 l/min with heating at 25 degrees. This performance is enough to simultaneously take a shower and wash dishes.

Want a more economical option? Then take a closer look at low-power models, from 16 to 19 kW. They will provide preparation up to 9-10 l/min, this is enough for a washbasin with a kitchen sink or for a comfortable shower at any temperature. Do you want to provide hot water to more consumers? Then you need to take a closer look at geysers with a power of 28 kW and above.

When choosing a geyser, you need to remember that their characteristics indicate performance when heating water by 25 degrees. If you need to increase the heating temperature by reducing the pressure, then the performance will be completely different. However, it is almost never necessary to heat water above +40 degrees - there is no need to force the water heater to work at the limit of its capabilities.

Temperature adjustment and flame modulation

A gas instantaneous water heater should be easy to operate. That is, not only the gas supply level, but also the pressure must be regulated here. This way, you can ensure the operation of the column even with reduced water pressure in the tap. It is also desirable to have a liquid crystal display that will display the temperature of the water leaving the instantaneous water heater. In the absence of a display, the heating level will have to be adjusted “by touch,” which can result in burns.

Temperature control is present in all gas instantaneous water heaters. But flame modulation is not available everywhere. Why is this option needed at all? It will allow you to maintain the temperature of the water at the outlet of the gas water heater when the pressure of water and gas changes. For example, conventional water heaters change the outlet water temperature when the toilet is flushed or when an adjacent cold water tap is opened. The presence of flame modulation will allow you to maintain the temperature at a given level.

Flame modulation works quite slowly, so it may not respond immediately to a sudden change in water pressure. Fortunately, this almost never happens. Also, speakers with flame modulation are characterized by some slowness when reaching temperature. But this is better than getting burned from excessive hot water when starting a regular column. Therefore, our choice is the presence of flame modulation - a really useful thing.

Ignition type

How to choose a gas instantaneous water heater based on this characteristic? First, you should understand that there are three types of ignition:

  • Electric;
  • Piezoelectric;
  • Hydrodynamic.

Electric ignition is economical. It operates on batteries and generates a spark using a small high-voltage electronic circuit. Columns with such ignition are safe, since they do not have a constantly burning pilot light. There is also no additional gas consumption. But there are also disadvantages - you need to regularly change the batteries, since a low ignition voltage causes startup with a bang.

For normal operation of gas instantaneous water heaters with electric ignition, it is advisable to use powerful alkaline (alkaline) batteries.

Piezoelectric ignition allows you to get rid of the purchase of expensive batteries - and this is a definite plus. In addition, it ignites the gas in the burner instantly, since there is a constantly lit pilot light above it. But the igniter wastes gas, and leaving it lit in the absence of household members is unsafe. It also causes additional gas consumption.

Hydrodynamic ignition uses an electric generator to operate, which supplies electricity of varying strength, depending on the water pressure.

Hydrodynamic ignition is the safest and most economical. Inside the columns with this type of ignition there is a small generator driven by water. When the tap is opened, water begins to flow through the generator blades, as a result of which it produces the current necessary to generate a spark. There is no additional gas consumption, no need to buy batteries - all advantages. The increased cost of a column with hydrodynamic ignition and reduced reliability of the system are disadvantages.

Security systems

Everyone knows very well that natural gas is explosive. And its presence in the air negatively affects human health. Therefore, a good geyser must have the following security systems:

  • Flame presence control;
  • Control of traction;
  • Heat limitation;
  • Pressure meter.

The flame detection system operates on the basis of a thermocouple. The most advanced columns are equipped with ionization control, which is faster. If the flame goes out for some reason, the protection system will shut off the gas supply. It is also desirable to have a draft control system, which will prevent a gas explosion and leakage of combustion products into the room.

Limiting heating prevents overheating of the heat exchanger as a result of incorrect settings. If the column has a water pressure sensor, it will prevent the column from continuing to operate if the heat exchanger is damaged or there is a leak.

Most popular models

This column from the Russian company Neva received fairly high user ratings. The device has a capacity of 11 l/min and a power of 21 kW. The column is equipped with an open combustion chamber, an electric ignition system, power-on and heating indicators, and a thermometer. Gas control is also provided. For its operation, the column requires batteries, which power the ignition system. The design of the device is very simple, and the price will please every buyer.

The water heater has received many user reviews, both positive and negative. The number of positive reviews exceeds the number of negative reviews, which is already a big plus. Among the advantages we can include the undoubted simplicity of the model, ease of temperature adjustment and the presence of a thermometer. The downsides are a rather weak heat exchanger and poor performance at low water pressure. But overall, this is a decent device from the budget segment.

This is one of the best geysers from a renowned manufacturer. Her reviews are mostly positive - we can safely regard her as optimal choice. Buyers praise the device for its stable operation at low water pressure and ease of settings. Users also note the presence of such a useful option as monitoring the battery status. Pleases and appearance device - it is immediately clear that this is a completely modern gas instantaneous water heater.

The Electrolux GWH 265 ERN Nano Plus dispenser has a power of 20 kW and a capacity of 10 l/min. It is equipped with an open combustion chamber, a pleasant control panel with an informative display, a thermometer, and numerous security systems. Support of heating temperature at a given level is also implemented. The ignition system is electric, runs on batteries. The minimum inlet pressure is 0.15 atm.

The best geyser from Bosch according to users. In any case, she is very popular. If we compare it with other models, we can note the efficiency of the device - with a productivity of 10 l/min, its power is 17.4 kW. There is no electric ignition here, but there is a simple piezoelectric ignition. It lights the burner instantly, saving users from loud bangs when the batteries are dead. There is no flame modulation on board, so households will have to periodically adjust the heating temperature.

Technical progress does not stand still; the latest engineering solutions are constantly being introduced into all types of household appliances. They also did not ignore flow-through gas heaters; the result of recent improvements in this area was a turbocharged gas water heater without a chimney. This fully automatic water heating unit has a number of design features, which distinguishes it from conventional heaters. This article aims to consider new technical solutions, introduced into the design of the pressurized column, and what advantages resulted from this.

Features of gas water heaters with turbocharging

Let us note right away that units of this type still have a chimney. The term “chimneyless boiler” is used in the sense that a gas-using installation does not require a traditional chimney with natural draft. This is one of the many features that distinguish gas water heaters with a closed combustion chamber. Natural draft is not needed, because the device has its own forced draft, provided by a fan. And a special double-walled (coaxial) chimney is used to supply air and exhaust exhaust gases.

Now let’s collect all the technical solutions implemented in a turbocharged water heater into one list, and then consider each of them separately:

  • automatic ignition system using electricity;
  • forced removal of flue gases and intake of combustion air from the outside using a turbine;
  • sealed, closed combustion chamber;
  • modulation burner;
  • electronic control unit;
  • a system that prevents the heat exchanger from defrosting.

Since turbocharged gas water heaters are always connected to the house electrical network, they use an electric ignition system. On many Internet resources you can find information that supercharged units use piezoelectric ignition or spark generation from batteries. This data does not correspond to reality; there is no point in integrating batteries into a device connected to a 220 V network. Not to mention manual piezo ignition, which is absolutely incompatible with the operation of automation equipment.

A fan installed in a turbocharged gas water heater performs 2 tasks: it pushes combustion products into the coaxial chimney and draws air from the street into the chamber, bypassing the room. In heater circuits from different manufacturers, the turbine can be implemented in different ways:

  • as a blower - the fan is located at the beginning of the gas-air path, in front of the burner and pumps air into the closed chamber;
  • as a smoke exhauster - the turbine is located in front of the flue gas outlet, behind the heat exchanger, and operates in suction mode.

The combustion chambers of turbocharged engines are only conditionally sealed. This means that they are separated from the indoor air, but communicate with the street, so there is no significant excess pressure in them. The point is that the fan supplies exactly the amount of air required for combustion in one mode or another. The performance of the blower (or smoke exhauster) is controlled by the controller.

The gas burner of the device operates in tandem with the fan. According to the principle of operation, it is modulating, that is, it is capable of smoothly changing the combustion intensity in automatic mode. In this case, the gas burner device is guided by changes in water pressure that arise as a result of an increase or decrease in water intake.

All processes in the heater from start to finish are controlled by an electronic unit - controller. Based on sensor signals, the latter regulates the burner power and fan performance, and if an emergency occurs, it gives a command to shut off the gas. However, the circuit is designed in such a way that in the event of a serious accident, the gas valve will turn off the fuel supply itself, without a command from the controller.

And the latest innovation is a system that protects the heat exchanger from defrosting when the room temperature drops below 0 ºС. The antifreeze geyser is equipped with a special electric heater that automatically turns on at a temperature of 0 ºC or lower in standby mode when the water in the heat exchanger tubes does not move.

Operating principle

A turbocharged instantaneous water heater operates on the same principle as a conventional gas water heater, only it has a more advanced device with high level automation. When you open a hot water tap and the DHW networks of a certain flow rate, the device turns on the main burner and fan, and after closing the valve, turns it off.

But the principle of operation of a modulating burner device in tandem with a supercharger is fundamentally different from combustion in an open chamber of traditional units. There, the flow of air is not limited in any way, which is why the efficiency of fuel combustion suffers. In a turbocharged apparatus, the air flow is clearly dosed depending on the burner’s needs, which determines more high efficiency heater - up to 92-94%.

After opening the hot water tap, the processes inside the gas water heater occur in the following order. The water unit opens the gas supply to the igniter and closes the sensor contacts. As a result, a spark occurs on the candle and the wick is ignited. After this, the fuel supply to the main burner is opened, which is ignited by the igniter, which immediately goes out. The unit operates in the main mode and heats the water until the tap closes or one of the emergency situations occurs:

  • traction sensor activation;
  • pressure drop in the water pipe;
  • extinguishing of the main burner;
  • overheat sensor triggered;
  • gas pressure drop;
  • power outage.

Advantages and disadvantages

For apartments where chimney ducts are not provided, for preparing water on DHW needs Previously, there was only one solution - an electric storage water heater. With the advent of supercharged flow heaters Residents of such apartments now have an alternative. This is one of the main advantages of columns with a closed combustion chamber. And here are the rest:

  • there is no need to organize a flow of combustion air into the house; ordinary supply and exhaust ventilation required in accordance with the standards is sufficient;
  • high operational efficiency, which means cost-effectiveness;
  • gas water heaters without a chimney are fully automated and create additional comfort during operation;
  • tandem fan and burner successfully smooth out changes in water temperature when opening several taps within the available power;
  • The entry of various combustion products into the room is practically excluded.

Like any other water heater, a closed chimneyless water heater has some disadvantages. One of them is the high cost of the product compared to conventional flow-through units. The reason is the presence of additional expensive elements and parts in the design. But look at the problem from a different angle in this situation: the installation of the heater is planned during the construction of the house. And calculate what will cost less: installing a traditional chimney and purchasing a regular column, or installing a coaxial pipe and purchasing a turbocharged unit.

The heater, which uses a closed combustion chamber and a fan, creates some noise during operation. In addition, the device is completely dependent on the availability of electricity, so it cannot be used in areas with frequent blackouts. Or will it be necessary alternative source electricity, for example, a gasoline or diesel generator.

Due to the complexity of the design, do-it-yourself maintenance and cleaning of the water heater is excluded. If you decide to install a turbocharged dispenser, be prepared to contact customer service to troubleshoot problems. More information about the products can be found by watching the video:


The advantages of high-tech forced-air water heaters are undeniable and deserve attention. Thanks to this, they continue to confidently conquer the market. Therefore, before choosing a speaker of a certain type, weigh the pros and cons so that its further operation brings you joy and comfort.

Geyser - instantaneous water heater operating on natural gas. If you do not have hot water supply, but gas is supplied, this equipment will increase the comfort of your life. You simply open the tap, hot water flows out of it, and its temperature is regulated by you yourself. Even if you have a centralized supply of hot water in your house or apartment, but you are not satisfied with the price you have to pay for heating, or perhaps you are not satisfied with the temperature, installing a gas water heater will also solve these problems. Heating water costs much less than it is provided centrally - this results in significant savings on utility bills. To understand which geyser is better, you will have to study the structure of the equipment and its types. Then the choice for you will be simple and conscious.

The structure of the geyser

  • gas burner device and gas removal system;
  • heat exchanger;
  • ignition and control module.

All these units have several modifications and their arrangement gives different models With different characteristics. All this allows you to choose a unit to suit your own requirements, because you can only say which geyser is better by being tied to a specific situation.

Type of ignition

For the dispenser to start working, you need to light the gas. Older models were lit manually by holding a burning match to the igniter. Today such units are no longer on sale; they are a thing of the past. They have been replaced by others that operate in automatic or semi-automatic mode.

Piezo ignition

In geysers with a piezoelectric element, ignition occurs in a semi-automatic mode. There are two burners - main and pilot. The pilot burner is a small wick that burns continuously, whether there is hot water flow or not. The main burner turns on only when the tap opens. The rest of the time it is turned off.

The procedure for starting a gas water heater with piezo ignition is simple: press the button located on the front panel, a spark appears on the candles, which ignites the pilot burner. When the hot water tap opens, gas is supplied to the main burner and ignition occurs from the pilot burner. While water is being consumed, both burners are lit. The valve was closed, the gas supply to the main one stopped, only the pilot one was on again.

Piezo ignition device for geysers - a simple and inexpensive device

What are the advantages of geysers with piezoelectric elements? These are the cheapest models and usually have a mechanical control - a regulator that allows you to change the height of the flame, thereby regulating the temperature of the hot water. These models are non-volatile, which can be important for a summer residence.

There are more shortcomings and they are more serious. The wick burns (should burn) constantly while you are using the column, and this is gas consumption. Even if it is small, but constant, as a result, quite a decent amount accumulates in a month. So this is far from the most economical way heat the water. The second disadvantage is also associated with the burning of the wick. If it goes out, you will not be able to light the column. The wick goes out because it does not have enough oxygen to burn, or because backdraft periodically occurs in the chimney, which blows out the flame. Since there is a flame controller, this is not a big deal - the gas shuts off automatically, but having to light the pilot burner again is unpleasant.

Electric ignition

Automatic geysers have electric ignition. This is an electric spark generator that is activated when the tap is opened. The rest of the time the gas is not lit, which significantly saves fuel. There is an electric ignition powered by batteries, and there is one from a 220 V network. Which gas water heater is better for this parameter must be chosen depending on the circumstances.

If your lights go out frequently, it makes sense to choose a battery-powered model. As you understand, in this case you have to make sure that they don’t “sit down.” If there are no problems with electricity or there is a backup power source, it is better to choose a gas water heater operating from a 220 V network. Plug the cord into the outlet once and forget about it. Electricity consumption is negligible, so they have almost no impact on bills.

Gas water heaters are electronically controlled. The case contains a board with a microprocessor, desired temperature set from a small control panel (push-button or touch). A small liquid crystal screen is often installed here, which displays the current state of the equipment, the temperature of the water, if it is being heated. This type of geyser is the best if you value ease of use.

Disadvantages - higher price and power requirements. Electronics need a stable voltage of 220 V with small deviations of the order of 2 * 3 V. We cannot maintain such parameters, so in order for an automatic gas water heater to work for a long time, a stabilizer is required, and it is better not a relay, but an electronic one. It not only stabilizes the voltage, but also evens out the shape of the pulses, which is also very important for imported water heaters.

Burner, combustion chamber, chimney

Heating of water in a gas water heater occurs due to the heat released during gas combustion. The combustion itself occurs in the burner, and it is “packed” into the combustion chamber. Unburnt gases that remain in the chamber are discharged through the chimney. Let's take a closer look at all these devices.

Burner - main unit


The heat source in the gas water heater is a gas burner. There are three types: single-stage, two-stage, modulated. The first two types are almost never seen lately - they do not allow maintaining a given temperature, so there is no point in considering them - all columns have a modulating burner.

Modulating burners can be controlled manually - with a special handle mounted on the body - or through a microprocessor that maintains a given water temperature. Burners are made mainly of galvanized steel, since this material is optimal for performing the assigned tasks. It is inexpensive, durable, has a high melting point, and can withstand frequent heating.

Types of combustion chamber and chimney

Combustion chambers in geysers are of two types - open and closed. Their name reflects the essence:

  • closed (turbocharged, fan) is a metal box into which a burner is inserted with a socket at the top for installing a chimney;
  • open (atmospheric) - this is actually the entire body of the column, since there is no isolated space, just a burner is installed in a certain place, on top there is a lid with a socket to which the chimney is connected.

TO different types combustion chambers require a different chimney. In an open chamber, air is taken from the room, therefore an effective ventilation system, normal air flow and an atmospheric chimney exiting into the ventilation duct are required. The closed chamber is equipped with a coaxial chimney (two pipes of different diameters inserted into one another), which is led through the wall to the street. In this case, combustion products are removed forcibly, using a fan, through the inner pipe, and oxygen flows directly to the burner through the outer pipe.

A gas water heater with a closed combustion chamber operates more stably under normal conditions, but it has disadvantages. In winter, the chimney can become overgrown with frost, causing the heater to go out (it is extinguished by an automatic system that controls the removal of combustion products). The second point is that with a strong side wind, the air flow can blow out the flame. The gas supply is turned off by the same automatic system, but the situation is unpleasant. The third circumstance is that not all city authorities allow holes in the walls of houses and the insertion of pipes.

So in this case, it is difficult to say exactly which geyser is better - it depends on many factors.

Heat exchanger

Water is heated while it flows through the heat exchanger. He is metal pipe installed above the burner. The shape of the heat exchanger in a gas water heater is special - a pipe with fins is laid in a snake at the bottom, then a sheet of metal is installed around it, on top of which the pipe is wound in a spiral. Water flowing through this long path is heated by the heated metal.

Heat exchangers are made of galvanized steel (the most a budget option), stainless steel and copper. The best in terms of efficient heat transfer are copper. They are the most economical, but also expensive. The most durable ones are stainless steel, but they are much worse at heat transfer. Which one in in this case a geyser is better - it's up to you to decide. Choose the quality that is more important to you.

If you decide to buy a gas water heater with a copper heat exchanger, do not try to find a cheap model. In order to reduce the price, manufacturers use low-quality copper, and the tubes are also made with thin walls. Such a heat exchanger will serve the warranty period, and then problems will begin - a leak will appear.

If you remove the casing, you will see fistulas in the tubes through which water drips. They are located mostly on the outside of the pipe, exactly in the place where condensation forms. If the pipe is of normal thickness, this is not a problem, but it quickly corrodes thin walls. Such a heat exchanger with a leak does not need to be replaced (it costs about 1/3 of the total price), it can be soldered. You will need refractory solder with a melting point of about 200°C, a powerful soldering iron and soldering flux. The technology of work is usual - clean the damaged area to bare metal, degrease, tin, and solder.

How to determine power

First of all, you need to decide on the power or performance of the gas water heater. These are two interrelated characteristics that simply reflect different characteristics unit. Performance is how many liters of water a column can heat per minute, and power is how much heat it can release. Some manufacturers indicate power, others indicate performance, so you need to understand exactly what you need.

Let's first figure out what kind of performance you need from your geyser. It depends on the number of consumers that need to be provided warm water. There are consumption standards for different types of equipment:

If you are connected to hot water kitchen sink, shower and washbasin, so that all three points work simultaneously and the water temperature does not drop, a capacity of 4 + 4 + 10 = 18 l/min is required. This is a lot, the price tag will be substantial. If you think about it, you will realize that all three devices are almost never turned on at the same time. There are situations when the shower and one of the taps work together. To provide them with hot water, the capacity must be 14 l/min. This is a little more modest, but quite enough for a comfortable stay. Look for the found value in technical specifications, it should not be less.

Now let's look at power. Gas water heaters can allocate from 6 kW to 40 kW of heat for heating water. Here the division is:

  • a gas water heater with a capacity of up to 19 kW is suitable for heating water for one water collection point;
  • for two points the power should be from 20 kW to 28 kW;
  • three require more than 29 kW.

Now, you can definitely say which geyser is better in terms of power in relation to your needs.

What else to look for when choosing

There are a few more lines in the technical characteristics of geysers that are worth paying attention to. First, look at the minimum water and gas pressure that this model can work with. Imported gas water heaters from European manufacturers are more capricious in this regard - they are designed for stable pressure and do not tolerate changes well. But under normal conditions they work stably and without breakdowns.

Some manufacturers, in order to adapt their equipment to our conditions, install gearboxes that compensate for surges. If the model you like does not have such a device, and your water and/or gas pressure fluctuates, you can install the reducer in front of the entrance to the dispenser. This device is simply placed into a pipe break; installation is standard. At the same time, your other consumers will be protected.

It is also useful to review the list of utility programs and protection levels. The safety and comfort of equipment operation depends on them. It is highly desirable to have the following functionality:

  • Gas control. Monitors the presence of a flame on the burner; if it goes out, it shuts off the gas supply.
  • Traction control. The presence of draft in the chimney is controlled. If combustion products are not removed, the gas supply is shut off.
  • Flow control or hydraulic valve. Turns off the column if the water pressure is too weak or there is none at all.
  • Overheat protection. The temperature sensor monitors the temperature of the water in the heat exchanger; when it approaches a critical point (boiling), it turns off the column. This extends the service life of the equipment (if it boils, the heat exchanger can rupture, as can the pipes).

These functions are required for safe work geyser. This is almost a standard set that is found in all good gas water heaters. All others are optional. They, as a rule, are no longer so critical (for example, the remote control).

Geyser sizes and prices

The overall dimensions of gas water heaters are small - they are comparable to a small wall kitchen cabinet. The average height is 550-650 mm, width 300-400 mm, depth 200-300 mm. But if you wish, you can find models that are wide and flat, or vice versa, narrow and deep. Which geyser is better based on this parameter can only be determined by reference to the installation site, so there is no definite answer here either.

Prices for geysers vary widely. Simple models with piezo ignition and a galvanized burner cost from $110. Equipment with electric ignition and a bunch of service functions - up to $450. So there is somewhere to roam.

NameManufacturer countryPowerPerformanceMax water temperatureMin water pressureThe combustion chamberBurnerBody exchangerIgnitionDimensions (H*W*D)Price
Neva 4511 (Neva)Russia21 kW11 l/mm90°C0.3 barclosed electronic/batteries565*290*220 mm175$
Electrolux GWH 265 ERN NanoPlusSweden/China20 kW10 l/min open copperelectronic/batteries665*390*245 mm110$
Bosch W 10 KBGermany/Portugal17.4 kW10 l/min 0.15 baropenstainless steelcopperelectronic/batteries638*341*242 mm145$
Bosch WR 10 - 2P (GWH 10-2 CO P)Germany/Portugal17.4 kW10 l/min60°C0.1 baropenstainless steel piezo638*341*242 mm167$
WERT 10EG RED GLASSRussia/China20 kW10 l/min 0.2 baropen copper alloyelectronic/batteries550*330*188 mm92$
Ariston FAST EVO 11 BItaly/China19 k/W11 l/min65°C open copperelectronic/batteries640*370*240 mm164$
Vaillant MAG OE 11-0/0XZ CGermany19.2 kW11 l/min55°C open piezo 177$
Bosch WR 13 - 2P (GWH 13-2 CO P)Germany/Hungary22.6 kW13 l/min60°C0.1 atmopenstainless steelcopperpiezo720*385*242 mm210$
Neva Lux 6014Russia28 kW14 l/min 0.1 baropen electronic650*350*240 mm210$
Ariston FAST 14 CF E G20Italy/China24.3 kW13-14 l/min60°C0.2 baropen copperpiezo580*374*223 mm115$