Project of a garage with an attic floor. Layout of the attic above the garage. Construction of walls from blocks

People who regularly repair cars and other vehicles, especially if this business is a source of profit, spend a lot of time in the garage. Therefore, equipping a residential module in close proximity to the garage is sometimes the only way to quickly get to the workplace.

The most suitable solution in such a situation would be to build an inexpensive module, which will simultaneously consist of a garage and a living space. Qualified specialists recommend giving preference to the project of a garage with an attic. Is it advisable to build such a block and what does the construction process look like in general?

As with the construction of any other structure, the construction of a garage requires careful selection of a building site. It may even be smaller than the expected dimensions of the garage.

Before choosing a place for a garage with an attic, you should consider a number of factors:

  1. A full approach to the site must be provided.
    If you build a garage in an inconvenient place, a number of problems with entry/exit will certainly arise, which causes great discomfort, especially when there is a regular need for it.
  2. The exit should be located at least 5-7 meters from the gate.
    This makes it possible to park the car for those times when there is no need to put it in the garage.
  3. The area adjacent to the garage must be level, without any unevenness, since the presence of such will lead to a lot of inconvenience in the future.
  4. If the attic will be used as a living space, then the possibility of carrying out communications should be taken into account: electrical wiring, water pipes, sewerage, heating.
  5. If construction is planned in close proximity to residential building, then the optimal distance between them will be 7-9 meters.
    Thanks to this project, the car owner will be able to quickly get to his place of work or where the car is stored in bad weather. In addition, in such projects it is possible to provide a canopy between the house and the garage.
  6. To prevent flooding of a garage building, it is important to design its location at the same level as all other buildings or even slightly higher.

Advice! When designing a garage with an attic, it is very important that the communications are not located under the structure being built.

Creating a garage project with an attic

After the location for the garage with an attic has been selected, we proceed to selecting/creating a project.

You can implement this as follows:

Enlist the help of specialized companies

There are many companies specializing in creating design projects for residential buildings, bathhouses and other structures. In such organizations it is possible to order a project that best suits your requirements and preferences, taking into account all the subtleties and specifics of the building site.

Project of a garage with an attic.

In addition, there is such a service - adaptation of elements finished project according to the requested conditions and budget of the client. This option is faster, since specialists will do everything themselves. Often the range of services includes visiting the construction site and conducting laboratory studies of the area.


If you choose this option, you need to clearly understand that you will have to spend much more time and effort on developing the project. Here it is important to realize that the plan is a serious structure that requires identifying all the nuances and pitfalls.

Therefore, in the absence of a construction education and if you have finances, it is still better to give preference to the services of professionals. Well, or at least contact specialists for advice.

At independent development design of a garage with an attic project, the following points should be taken into account:

  1. Determining the number of places in a building in accordance with the number of vehicles that will be located in this structure.
  2. The functionality of the attic is residential or non-residential.
  3. Determining the dimensions of the building, adaptive to the size of the vehicle.
    If the attic is necessary for carrying out repair work, then it is necessary to ensure that it is larger in size and can protect the car from precipitation in bad weather.
  4. It is better to draw the project plan on graph paper.
    It is recommended to leave space on the sides of the machine for carrying out vehicle maneuvers. The plan should also indicate the location of cabinets and aisles.
  5. If the attic is an extension above the garage, then it is necessary to mark on the plan the location of the stairs and its dimensions.

As for the design of the attic itself, if it is to be residential, it must include a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen. If the garage space is large, then an upper extension may provide for more rooms.

The general principle of building an attic over a garage

Scheme of a garage with an attic.

To build a garage with an attic with your own hands, it is very important to adhere to the plan construction work. As an example, let’s look at how the construction and layout of a garage with a residential attic made of foam blocks is carried out.

A typical process consists of the following range of activities:

  1. Foundation support arrangement.
    The type of foundation must be selected depending on the characteristics of the soil, the level of groundwater and the terrain. Most often this strip foundation or monolithic.
  2. Construction of a plinth, basement, inspection hole, if they are provided for in the plan.
  3. Walling.
  4. Construction of an attic.
  5. Roof arrangement.
  6. Finishing work.

As mentioned earlier, for a relatively light structure it is enough to equip a strip or monolithic foundation. The support system is installed only after approval of the plan and markings land plot. First of all, it is necessary to dig a trench with dimensions corresponding to the standard sizes of the foam blocks.

If the plan includes the arrangement of a basement or subway, then after that another hole is dug - for the device basement.

The next stage of arranging a garage with an attic is the installation of formwork, according to the dimensions of which the base is poured. Next comes the stage of filling the dry layer of the foundation. It consists of sand and crushed stone. The thickness of this layer is about 15-30 cm. The sand-crushed stone layer is covered with waterproofing.

In most cases, it is roofing felt laid in 2 layers.

Project of a garage with an attic.

Before pouring concrete mortar A reinforcing layer is installed into the formwork, which makes the foundation more durable and resistant to destruction. Wire with a diameter of 5-7 mm, welded together along the perimeter of the entire formwork, can be used as reinforcing elements.

All that remains is to concrete the formwork. The hardening time of the solution ranges from 7 to 10 days. It all depends on the conditions under which construction work is carried out.

If the plan provides for a basement, then, in addition to the foundation, the underground part is also poured future construction. We also recommend separating this space from the garage with a door.

Important! It is better to install garage doors before the walls are built. This will allow them to be securely fixed during the laying of blocks.

The construction of walls is carried out using different material: aerated concrete, foam blocks, wooden frame. The latter option is considered unsafe, since any spark can ignite the wood and lead to a fire.

Besides, frame buildings are susceptible to fire and rapid absorption of odors, which, after several years of operation, is dangerous for people living in such a structure.

The walls are built according to the following algorithm:

  1. Foundation device.
    At this stage, the dried foundation is waterproofed.
  2. The first layer of masonry is laid using rounded timber.
    This technology is used during the construction of stone houses and small brick buildings equipped with a balcony and veranda.
  3. Racks and other stiffening elements are installed on the beam.
    At this stage, it is important to check the perpendicularity of the location of these structural elements, because the strength and stability of the structure being built depends on this.
  4. Next comes installation additional elements reinforcements - beams, trusses with parallel strapping.
  5. And the final stage is laying the blocks.

After this, the walls are finished. The vast majority of facades of modern buildings are covered with clinker tiles. She has high performance characteristics and is resistant to aggressive external factors.

Plan of a garage with utility room and attic.

As for the roof, for a garage with an attic the most advantageous option would be a pitched roof. It is easy to construct and does not require construction skills. The principle of roof construction is as follows:

  • installation of support beams on the walls;
  • foundation screed device;
  • waterproofing;
  • insulation;
  • repeated waterproofing and cladding.

It is worth noting that the roof should be 15-20 cm larger in size around the perimeter of the walls. This will protect the joints from precipitation and extend their service life. Upon completion of construction work, the door to the attic is installed.

Is it worth getting involved with an attic superstructure?

Garages with an attic are currently considered a classic construction of this type of structure.

This popularity among car owners is due to a number of advantages:

  1. One of the main problems of maintaining a garage is its proper heating and heating during the cold season.
    WITH attic floor heating the garage will be cheaper and easier: heat from the living space automatically penetrates into the garage located below.
  2. To build a garage with an attic on the 2nd floor, a relatively small plot of land will be required than in the case of the construction of 2 separate structures.
    Consequently, this will save on the purchase of building space.

Usually, garage box it is built from concrete blocks, slabs and other materials that have high resistance to temperature changes and strength characteristics, due to which such a structure can also withstand superstructures in the form of attics.

Advice! If you use not cinder block or aerated concrete during the construction of a garage with an attic, but, for example, foam concrete blocks, then this will save up to 30% of money for additional thermal insulation of the structure. This is due to the good heat resistance of foam concrete.

At the project planning stage, first of all, you should decide on the overall dimensions of the future structure. Traditionally, the dimensions of a garage of a similar design are 6x4 m. If you plan and arrange the roof in the attic successfully, then for personal use there will be about 15-17.

If this space is not enough, then it makes sense to design and build a garage for 2 cars: this will simultaneously expand the “living” area and space for placing vehicles.

Solving important issues

When choosing a project to build a garage with an attic extension, it is necessary to solve a number of significant issues in the arrangement of this room, which directly affect the quality of stay in the building.

There are several main questions:

  • diagram of the entrance/exit to the garage and the attic extension itself;
  • ventilation system device;
  • bathroom and sewerage equipment.

Project of an attic over a garage.

By ignoring these questions, which, at first glance, I can show are not very significant, the building under construction may lose all the advantages and comfort that the developer so strives for.

The solution to the issue regarding the arrangement of the bathroom is the easiest. This room located on the floor where a person spends the most time. If there is enough space, then you can equip both floors of the building with this room. But you won’t be able to do without a bathroom if you spend about 12-14 hours a day in the garage.

The main problem of such buildings is closely related to amenities - the construction of stairs leading to the second, residential floor. When the attic is used as a warehouse, it is enough to make a fire-type folding ladder.

Garages equipped with an attic space of 30 or more square meters, it is recommended to equip them with stairs in the form of two flights, or spiral steps. In addition, spiral staircases will be appropriate even in small garages with an attic extension.

In the case when the attic is being built for full-time living in it, it makes sense to equip an external staircase. Perhaps this will not decorate the facade of the entire structure, but it will certainly add practicality to it.

In addition, such a solution, from the point of view fire safety, is considered very practical. After all, this prevents carbon monoxide and exhaust gases from entering the living space.

Bottom line

Summarizing all of the above, I would like to summarize:

  1. The idea of ​​combining a garage and a living space is currently very popular among motorists and people who spend a lot of time in the garage or do auto repair work.
  2. The cost of constructing such a structure is economically profitable in many respects.
    Firstly, the issue of heating the garage in the cold season is resolved, and secondly, you can save on purchasing a more compact plot of land than in the case of purchasing a building site for two separate buildings.
  3. The main condition for the implementation of this project is a carefully selected location and a thoughtful construction plan.
    It is very important to take into account all the nuances of the design of a living space. This, for the most part, concerns the arrangement of the bathroom, kitchen, sleeping place and ventilation along with communications.

If you like the idea of ​​​​building an attic on the garage, then by approaching this issue with all seriousness, you will be able to implement your idea in the best possible way. Happy construction!

A garage with an attic allows you to get additional usable space, which can be used as a workshop, office, storage room or recreation room. But when constructing a garage in the Moscow region, it is necessary to pay Special attention on the foundation.

A garage with a second floor must have a solid foundation that will ensure the durability and safety of such a structure. A garage with an attic is a rather complex structure, the construction of which requires the involvement of specialists with an engineering education. It is best to order the services of a company that is engaged in construction and performs all work comprehensively.

Soil features

The soil in the Northwestern Federal District is in an unstable condition. Even in Moscow there are many places where groundwater lies very close. Therefore, the construction of the foundation for two-story garage should be entrusted to experienced builders. Before starting construction work, they will conduct engineering surveys on the site, which include:

  1. soil testing on site;
  2. recognize its type and determine the load-bearing capacity;
  3. determine the depth of groundwater;
  4. will give an expert assessment of the level of soil freezing.

Prices for garage construction

Materials rub.
Brick from 16,000 per sq. m.
Foam - Gas - concrete from 11,000 per sq. m.
Frame from 8000 per sq. m.
Profiled timber from 12,000 per sq. m.
Maple timber from 16,000 per sq. m.
Monolithic reinforced concrete from 24,000 per sq. m.
From corrugated sheets from 5,500 per sq. m.
Services separately: rub.
Installing an electrical kit inside the garage from 7 000
Manufacturing of garage concrete floors from 25 000
Replacement. Manufacturing of wooden floors from 20 000
Interior finishing of the garage with dry eurolining 800 rub. per m2
Manufacturing of metal gates with wicket and painting from 30 000
Set of overhead sectional doors + installation from 45 000

Only after finding out all this information can you begin building a garage in Moscow. Specialists will not only conduct research, but also select the appropriate type of foundation, thus optimizing the cost of the entire construction.

Monolithic base for a two-story garage

A monolithic foundation is considered the strongest foundation for a garage that has an attic. To build such a foundation, you will need to fill the entire site with concrete. Such foundations are excellent for heaving, heterogeneous soils. They guarantee the stability and durability of the structure. The only drawback of a monolithic base is its high cost.

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Strip foundation for a garage with an attic

This is the most common type of foundation, which allows you to build a two-story garage at minimal cost. If you order in construction company construction of a turnkey garage in the Moscow region, then it is possible to quickly complete the construction of a building in which there will be Utility room for a car and a spacious room on the second floor.

Experienced specialists will help you choose the optimal type of foundation that will ensure the strength of the entire structure.

If you are planning to build a detached garage in your dacha, then also think about building an attic above it. The attic above the garage can become a cozy workshop, a convenient warehouse or even a relaxation room. In any case, it can significantly expand the area of ​​your utility rooms and solve the problem of storage rooms, balconies and sheds littered with rubbish. Moreover, a garage with an attic will not cost much more than a garage without an attic!

After all, all that is needed is to build slightly higher walls, lay the floor and install the stairs. It is not at all necessary to completely finish the attic, especially if it remains in your “non-residential” stock. And then: you can always postpone finishing and completing the arrangement of the attic until a more opportune moment.

Thinking over a garage with an attic: important points

You should immediately decide whether your attic will be residential. More precisely, the question should be posed like this: are you sure that the attic will be non-residential? If you are sure, then you can immediately brush aside any worries about insulating the floor or roof. And then the floor can simply be laid on the joists, without even making a ceiling in the garage. The beams will simply be visible from below. It may not be very aesthetically pleasing, but it will save a lot of money. Although many people even like this look.

You don’t have to think about roof insulation in advance. It can be insulated later without additional hassle.

But if you don’t insulate the floor, then you’ll have to remove it, build a ceiling in the garage, fill the space between the ceiling and the floor with insulation, and then re-seal the attic floor.

Another very important point in a garage with an attic - this is a staircase. Ideally, it should not take up much space and, of course, you should have easy access to it even when the car is in the garage. Take this into account when choosing its location!

If you don’t have enough space in your garage for a full-fledged stationary ladder, then there are ready-made folding ones. They are compact, easy to install and do not take up space when folded.

At the same time, using such a ladder is easy. Even a woman can handle it without difficulty.

Arrangement of a garage with an attic

In principle, work on arranging the attic above the garage can begin as soon as the garage frame and rafters for the roof are ready.

However, it is better to finish the roofing work first so that occasional rain does not ruin your work and materials. Then it will be possible to calmly carry out communications and sheathe the floor and walls, without fear that it will all get wet.

First of all, you need to lay the wiring and, if you are providing a ventilation system, ventilation ducts.

Generally speaking, a forced ventilation system will not be superfluous at all in the garage. It can help get rid of odors from technical fluids and exhaust gases. Plus, during hot summer weather, it can draw warm, humid air out of your garage, thereby extending the life of your car's body.

If you still decide not to do forced ventilation, then at least make ventilation holes for natural circulation air.

The floor can be covered with particleboard (OSB). This flooring is easy to install and not expensive.

After the floor is ready, you will be faced with the next important choice: to sheathe or not to sheathe the walls inside the attic? If you do not plan to make living space in the attic, then you can leave everything as is. This will give you maximum space for storing things and materials.

You can also line the walls and arrange racks along them for tools and small items.

In the case of a residential attic, you will, of course, want to cover everything with plasterboard for further finishing.

However, this does not mean that the attic is lost as a storage space.

In the space between the walls and the roof you can arrange convenient and spacious storage.

But this can be done when the attic has an impressive area. If your attic is not very large, then it is still better to leave it unclad. This will give you a few precious extra stock meters.

Moreover, there are many ways to organize this space of not very convenient shape and squeeze out the maximum usefulness from it.

A garage with an attic can give you many benefits. This is both storage space and additional utility room, in which you can organize a warehouse, workshop or even a gym.
In addition, in the future it can be converted into a full-fledged living space and expand the existing living space, if such a need arises. However, it only slightly increases the cost of building a garage!

Garage with attic projects

We invite you to get acquainted with interesting projects garage with attic - different in complexity and costs, they will tell you practical solution for your garage.

Garage with attic. Project 1.

Comfortable stay in country house This is only possible when the family has one, or better yet two, cars. Therefore, to store vehicles, some motorists are planning to build a garage with an attic. In such a building, under one roof, the main area is used as a garage, and the area above the garage is equipped for a storage room, home gym, living space or “men’s” recreation area.

Garage with attic floor photo

Advantages of a garage with an attic. Project selection

For most men, a garage is a shelter for a car, a repair shop, and even a place to relax. So, why not build a garage with an attic? The main advantage separately standing garage- safety. In any garage there are always flammable fuels and lubricants that can cause a fire. Despite the design of the exhaust system, the exhaust gases released when entering/exiting or repairing a car accumulate in the box and seep into the living quarters. And the noise from a running engine early in the morning or late in the evening often disturbs family members. Taking these facts into account, the car enthusiast can only choose successful project garage.

Projects of garages with an attic photo

Specialized companies offer on their websites various projects garages with an attic. The developer can purchase a ready-made standard project, “tie” it to your site and begin construction. Or he can order the company to develop an individual project, which will take into account his wishes regarding the dimensions of the building, the use of certain building materials, textures of internal and exterior finishing, equipment with engineering networks. Developers are attracted to the project of a garage with a residential attic because its implementation allows them to save land area. The company, as a rule, undertakes coordination of the finished project with the district architect and third-party organizations. A garage plan with an attic is developed for both the car box and the attic. The plan also shows the location of the stairs leading to the superstructure. At the request of the car enthusiast, it can be placed along the wall inside the building or outside.

Garage with attic for one car

Construction of a garage with an attic

It is recommended to start solving the question: how to build a garage with an attic with the choice of building materials. In this case, not only their strength characteristics are taken into account, but also their thermal insulation properties. The frame construction system fully meets all these requirements. Frame garage with an attic for two cars, it has a fairly large area and is ideal for decorating the interior of a residential superstructure in the loft style or a studio apartment. The frame structure gives the structure relatively light weight. Therefore, the construction of a strong concrete foundation is not required.

To understand how to build a garage with an attic with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with construction technology. First, based on the design documentation, the location of the object on the site should be clarified and preparatory work: remove construction debris and cut off plant soil.

The main stages of building a garage with a residential attic

Foundation structure

Traditionally, a strip foundation is placed under the walls of a building. But it is possible to make a foundation of a universal type - monolithic reinforced concrete slab, which will act as the garage floor.

Construction of load-bearing walls, installation of floors and roofs

The frame is made of dry planed timber, treated with a fire-retardant compound and covered with OSB-3 boards. The walls and roof are insulated with expanded polystyrene or mineral wool.


Wiring in progress utility networks: electricity and water supply, heating and ventilation systems

Interior and exterior decoration

Materials for finishing the garage should be:

  • non-flammable
  • resistant to dirt and odors
  • resistant to scratches and impacts
  • easy to wash

Materials for the exterior decoration of the garage should be in texture and color in harmony with the exterior of the residential building.

Garage with attic

For rational and practical people, building a garage with an attic is a great chance to both create a place to store a car and increase living space.

Garage with attic video

Simple garage in the country with a canopy

Somehow I deprived men of my attention! But they also want to have their own shelter - a cave in the country and best option than building a garage or workshop, I don’t see.

Garages on summer cottages usually built separately from the house, as space allows. Look how handsome stylish project I found a garage! This is a real man's nook, with living quarters on the second floor. The garage itself is for two cars.

Garage for two cars with attic

All dimensions are given in feet and inches. Convert to centimeters using special online services - it’s not difficult.

A neat project for a 3 by 8 meter garage with living space on the second floor. A special feature of this option is the balcony.

The staircase to the second floor of the garage is located on the street, on the side. There is a utility block in the garage itself. On the second floor there is a living space with a kitchen, as well as a bedroom and a bathroom with a bath. In fact, this is a complete home for a bachelor! or a secluded place for a man who wants to relax.

Well, a few views of the second floor:

Disadvantages of a warm garage in winter

By the way, there is an opinion that a car rots in a warm garage. This is true, so it is better not to heat the lower room. A warm home garage can cause car aging in winter, since it is in winter that roads are sprinkled everywhere with salt and other chemical elements.

This happens because in a closed and heated room the machine begins to thaw. Splashes and salt residues thaw and the body quickly becomes corroded.

A car protected from the weather by only one roof or the walls of a detached cold garage will last much longer. Not worth building warm garage only because the car will start faster when warm.

In this case, it is easier to install an electric heating system in the car. This will save both nerves and finances. If you already have a built-in garage, then it is better to turn it into a guest room or gym.

Scheme of a simple garage made of foam blocks

If you need a simple garage made of foam blocks, then here you go standard sizes. There is nothing special to describe here, the plan is extremely simple.

More nice option foam block garage

A worthy project for a garage made of foam blocks for one car. Practical roof design, two windows, a small sitting room also with a window.

Video from a masonry master - a garage made of cinder blocks in 2 days

In addition to the plan for a garage made of foam blocks, I recommend watching a video in which a masonry master shows and tells how they built a garage for a friend in two days. The video is lively and interesting, showing the construction process with humor and language.

Construction of a cold garage

When building a cold garage, special attention should be paid to the thermal insulation of the room. After all, in the event of a hit warm air On the cold surface of the garage walls, moisture will begin to condense and flow onto the floor.

The gate will also become covered with droplets of water, which will get into the locks or thresholds, and in winter conditions this can lead to the garage simply not opening in the morning. Constantly wet metal elements They will quickly begin to rust.

Project of a two-story garage 8 by 8 for 2 cars

This option is more strict, unlike the first, which, in my female opinion, is more beautiful. Men, I know, don’t need all these decorations, however, since we are talking about a garage at home, women’s opinions should also be taken into account. This project is a garage for 2 cars with a residential second floor.

How to improve the thermal insulation properties of a garage

The walls of the box are made of foam blocks. The roof should also be insulated. The garage door should also be insulated with sheet foam, the thickness of which is 4 - 6 cm, then covered with plywood or wooden clapboard. It will be easier to insulate the garage from the inside with full OSB sheathing with 16 - 22 mm thick slabs.

Project of a two-story garage 4 by 8 meters for 1 car

Here's a simpler design for a two-story, one-car garage. I’m even envious - such nice, functional houses - on the second floor there is a shower where you can wash off the dirt, a kitchenette and a relaxation room where you can sit with friends and cheer for your favorite sports team.

Video - workshop garage with attic

An interesting video from Forumhouse about how a man built himself a garage - a workshop with an attic. Not finding anything suitable in the search, he decided to build according to an individual plan. See the story and description of the construction of this structure from the author.


Using supply and exhaust openings, we create natural ventilation for the garage. The main structures of the garage must also have openings - floors, walls, partitions, doors.

It is better to place these holes diagonally from each other. Inlet openings should be located 20 - 25 cm above the floor, and exhaust 10 - 15 cm below the ceiling. All holes should not exceed 0.3% of the entire garage area, otherwise the pull will be poor.

Budget two-story garage project

This project is designed for one car, as well as open plan second floor. With a budget design, a single space for a closet or a full-fledged recreation area for a man can be organized on the second floor.

Shed instead of garage

If you decide to limit yourself to only a canopy for your car, then you should remember that you must ensure the proper strength of the support posts. This is especially important during winter snowfalls, when the roof must withstand significant loads.

Project of a one-story garage 8 by 8 meters for 2 cars

And this is a project of one floor, but for two cars, or for one, but with more space for a workshop. I repeat that all dimensions are in feet and inches; you can convert them to centimeters yourself.

Video review of the garage

If you are interested in how to optimize the space of your garage, I advise you to watch a video from Evgeniy, who built himself a garage with an attic with his own hands. The author talks and shows his garage for diagnosing and working on clients’ cars. that is, this is a truly professional car repair shop.

By the way, I was interested in the project of a garage with a bathhouse. I don’t know about you men, but this already seems like overkill to me. A shower cabin is enough for you, but make a bathhouse for the whole family :)