Houses made of galvanized profile. Such buildings have their own characteristics. Do-it-yourself frame house made of metal profiles. Step-by-step instruction

Low-rise metal frame houses are popular all over the world. According to statistics, housing construction on a metal profile frame occupies 80% of all buildings. The main consumer regions of this technology are Scandinavia, the USA, and Canada.

Such houses have many advantages compared to capital buildings and houses built on a wooden frame.

Distinctive features of metal frame houses:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • short construction periods of buildings;
  • inertness to weather and climatic conditions;
  • low cost;
  • resistance to heat loss;
  • high fire safety;
  • seismic resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • freedom in choosing architectural solutions;
  • non-shrink technology.

The iron frame, its elements - light steel thin-walled structures, consists of galvanized profiles and thermal profiles, fastening strips and plates for assembling the frame, different types corners. They are not subject to rotting, withstand temperature changes, precipitation, and are resistant to the elements. A steel profile can serve as the basis of a structure without damage for more than 100 years.

It is possible to construct a building on a frame made of LSTK within a month. The parts of the building base are lightweight, which eliminates the use of lifts and cranes. The frame parts are fastened using threaded connections. These include: self-drilling or tapping screws, bolted connections.

Features of houses on a metal frame

Frame house construction is not tied to the climate in the region. A metal frame for a house can be assembled in any climate zone; the main condition for weather conditions is comfort for the workers performing the installation.

The emergence and development of technology for the construction of residential buildings on metal frames is caused by the need to quickly erect low-rise buildings from materials cheaper than wood and the ability to establish industrial production frame parts.

Final cost frame house from metal profile and sandwich panels are significantly lower than construction made of brick, gas blocks, wood and ceramic blocks.

High thermal insulation characteristics of structures are ensured by high-quality insulation. Heating such buildings is much easier and more economical. Heat transfer resistance frame wall a thickness of 25 cm is equal to that of masonry with a thickness of 1.5 m.

Sandwich panels used in frame construction, use mineral wool insulation. Its temperature range is -60…+400ᵒС. Characteristics wall panels make the house resistant to acids and other aggressive environments, temperature changes, and fire. The material from which they are made does not accumulate moisture and is resistant to damage by rodents and microorganisms.

Mineral wool insulation is natural and environmentally friendly. Frame elements made from LSTC can be reused. This property is highly valued by mining companies that build rotational camps. This causes less damage to the regional ecology.

Due to the light weight of the base and sandwich panels, the buildings do not shrink. In buildings built using this technology, it is possible to use different architectural possibilities, since spans without installing intermediate supports can reach 14-24 m.

Disadvantages of a metal profile frame

The base of metal parts has several disadvantages.

  1. In the event of a fire, the galvanized iron base loses its rigidity, the building twists in a spiral, it falls and warps. This feature reduces the evacuation time for residents. Wooden beam, as opposed to iron, is charred under the influence of fire, but maintains its shape.
  2. The complexity of installing built-in furniture and household appliances. To solve the problem, at the design stage, houses are determined with their installation locations, which are reinforced with additional profiles and wooden panels.
  3. Limited number of floors in the building and the inability to use heavy building materials.
  4. High conductivity electric current metal frame. Protection against this problem is the potential balancing system.

Manufacturing and installation of frames from LSTK

The skeleton of the house is made of C- and U-profiles. They are connected with self-tapping screws. The pitch between the racks is 600-1000 mm. It takes into account the dimensions of the insulation panels and allows you to conveniently attach other finishing materials.

If a house is being built according to an individual project, then after its development and approval of all the nuances for the placement of furniture and household appliances in the premises of the future building, a 3D model of the house is made. This allows customers to see the final result in miniature. At the end of the design documentation process, the drawings are transferred to the plant that produces the metal frame parts.

On the production line, each part is manufactured separately, numbered, and packaged. Finished parts equipped with holes for fastenings and utility lines. To install the skeleton of the house, the base parts include connecting elements.

Buildings based on individual projects cost significantly more expensive than houses, manufactured according to standard designs. To reduce the cost of housing construction, you can use a standard project with a frame made of thermal profiles or light steel thin-walled structures using Canadian technology. What distinguishes it from other technologies for the rapid construction of buildings is its frame made of light reinforced concrete and special SIP panels, which have special thermal insulation characteristics.

In the case of housing construction according to a standard project, the customer receives a finished frame of a certain size and shape. The base parts are labeled and packaged according to the house drawings.

As insulation, in addition to mineral wool, you can use:

  • basalt slabs;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • ecowool.

Brick and porcelain stoneware are used to decorate the exterior walls of the house. Often, hinged ventilated facades of various types are used as finishing for the facades of frame buildings. Finishing materials such as siding and block house are becoming increasingly popular. Plastering and painting facade walls have not lost their relevance.

Complete with frame parts and connecting elements, the customer receives a description of the project, recommendations and instructions for assembling the frame, and a specification of all elements.

For a long time there has been a prejudiced attitude towards frame houses made of metal profiles. It was believed that prefabricated structures made from profiles could not be warm and durable; they were not suitable for living. Today the situation has changed; frame houses of this kind are of increasing interest to owners of suburban areas.


Metal frame structures, originally used for the construction of warehouses and retail facilities, are now being used in private housing construction. The basis of a frame house made of metal profiles is made of light but durable structures made of galvanized steel. The thickness of the profiles is calculated individually for each section of the object and depends on the loads experienced. Steel profiles provide the structure with the necessary strength, the zinc coating acts as anti-corrosion protection, guaranteeing the durability of the structure. In order to increase reliability, the profiles are supplemented with special stiffeners.

Profiles can have a cross-section in the form of various Latin letters (C, S and Z). Each of them is used on a particular construction site. For example, the base is laid out using C and U profiles connected with self-tapping screws. The pitch of the frame is determined by the width of the insulation and cladding panels used. On average, it is 60-100 cm. The profiles are perforated, which solves the problem of ventilation and increases the thermal insulation characteristics of the object.

They are assembled according to the principle of a children's construction set; the construction process itself does not involve the use of special equipment (except perhaps to create a foundation). Having minimal construction skills, you can assemble a house with your own hands with a small number of helpers (2-3 people). Due to the insignificant thickness of the walls of a frame house (on average 25-30 cm), it is possible to obtain a larger usable area than when using standard technologies (houses made of timber, brick, blocks).

At first glance, it seems that metal frame houses look unattractive and monotonous. However, this is absolutely not true, because due to the lightness of the structure and the ability to give it different configurations, it is possible to create objects of unusual shape. The structural features allow the use of most modern hanging materials for finishing external walls, which can be changed if necessary. If desired, the facade of a metal frame house can imitate stone and wooden surfaces, brickwork.

The house looks stylish and modern, it is not subject to obsolescence, since the facade cladding can be replaced at any time.

Cladding can be carried out immediately after the construction of the object, since the frame based on the metal profile does not shrink. The advantage is also high speed works Typically, a house for a small family can be built in 2-4 months. In this case, most of the time will be spent preparing the foundation and waiting until the poured concrete gains the necessary strength. There is a misconception among ordinary people about the instability of frame houses. However, this design can withstand significant wind loads and can even withstand seismic activity (its resistance is up to 9 points on the Richter scale).

Another “myth” about frame houses is related to its ability to attract electricity. From this point of view, frame objects are completely safe - all metal elements have grounding. In addition, the external and internal steel parts are treated with dielectrics. One of the disadvantages is the high thermal conductivity of the material. Therefore, it is impossible to do without high-quality insulation and protection of the metal from moisture vapor.

The use of ecowool or mineral wool insulation, as well as the installation of warm cladding panels, allows optimizing the thermal efficiency of a frame house and preventing the formation of cold bridges. Frame houses based on metal profiles cannot boast of durability. Their service life is 30-50 years. Although it is true that repairs similar structures It is quite simple and does not require large investments.

The metal profile itself is characterized by fire resistance. However, the material is sheathed inside and outside with a variety of synthetic insulation, vapor barriers, and finishing materials. This can significantly reduce fire safety frame house. The cost of building a frame house is much lower than the price of building a brick, wooden or even block analogue.

This is due to the smaller volume of required material, the possibility of using a lightweight foundation, and the lack of involvement of special equipment and professional builders. Frame house can be manufactured according to an individual or standard project. Of course, the first option will be more expensive, but it will allow you to create exclusive housing that meets all the requirements of its owner.

Standard project It is being built using Canadian technology using a thin-walled metal profile frame and thermal insulating SIP panels.

Design selection

Houses based on a metal frame can have several varieties.

Based on rental

Such a house is characterized by the presence of metal columns on which the entire structure rests. The construction technology is similar to monolithic frame structure. However, the metal columns used for profile technology are lighter and cheaper than reinforced concrete foundations. Most skyscrapers and shopping centers. In private housing construction, such technology may turn out to be unreasonably labor-intensive and expensive.

As a rule, they resort to it if it is necessary to create an “iron” designer house unusual sizes. Using this technology, it is possible to build a domed or multi-story building. Often around such a house there are decorative architectural elements irregular shape. In most cases, these are disguised elements of the frame pipe. A house on a welded frame made of rolled metal profiles is characterized by the greatest weight among frame analogues of the same size, but it also has longest period operation, which reaches 50-60 years.

From a lightweight profile

The basis of such a house frame is thin-walled metal constructions, visually similar to drywall profiles. Naturally, the frame elements have a much greater margin of safety. Among the advantages of such buildings, one can note their lower weight, which allows saving on foundation preparation and optimizing construction costs. Although the reduced weight of the structure also results in a reduction in the service life of the house.

Modular and mobile

Technology developed for the construction of temporary or seasonal facilities (summer crowbars, kitchens). It is applicable in construction country house for living in the warm season. The building is based on modules, the frame of which is combined and consists of metal and wood. Mobile buildings involve the installation of a rigid metal frame as a frame. During the construction of a temporary facility and a two-story country house it is necessary to create a project plan.

The drawing must reflect everything design features buildings, it is necessary to calculate the bearing capacity of the profiles


The construction of a frame house begins with studying the soil characteristics at the construction site and creating a 3D project of the future structure. A three-dimensional image allows you to calculate the required load-bearing capacity of the main structural elements and arrange them in compliance with spatial geometry. After this, the order is sent to the factory, where profiles with the required parameters are made for a specific project. technical characteristics, shapes and dimensions. Components for a frame house can be assembled at a factory or created with your own hands on a construction site.

The first option will be slightly more expensive, but then it will take no more than 4-6 days to assemble the house. At self-assembly You will be able to save a little, but the assembly time will stretch to 7-10 days. After preparing and agreeing on the project, you can begin organizing the foundation. Any type is suitable, the optimal option is considered strip foundation or using a shallow slab as a base. After the foundation has gained a margin of safety, they begin to assemble the metal profile frame of the house. The next stage is roofing work, installation of windows and doors and laying communications.

The roof must also be determined at the design stage. It can be flat, single- or gable (the most popular options) or have a complex configuration. When organizing a roof, first prepare the rafter system, after which they begin to create the sheathing. Next, they lay the steam and waterproofing layers, lay roofing(slate, ondulin, metal tiles).

Before insulation, a windproof film should be laid over the entire surface of the external contour of the house. They put it on thermal insulation material, after which it is time to install the facing layer. Typically, all wall gaps are filled with foam or aerated concrete. Spraying with polyurethane foam is possible. When using sandwich panels that initially contain insulation, you do not have to worry about additional thermal insulation of the external walls.

As a rule, frame houses made of metal profiles must be insulated from the inside. To do this, the walls are laid with a layer of heat insulation, which is covered with a vapor barrier membrane. Next, sheets of plasterboard are fixed onto the sheathing, plaster is placed on top of them and facing material. Heat blocks are widely used as external cladding; they do not require additional thermal insulation and are ready for applying paint or plaster.

You can cover the house with siding, clapboard, or cover it with sand-lime brick.

Our company “LSTKstroyGroup” brings to your attention ready-made projects based on a frame made of LSTK. If you are not ready to develop and think through everything yourself future construction, then you can familiarize yourself with our offers and buy something from us finished projects. This can be a building of large or small sizes, which will be based on a metal frame made of galvanized thermoprofile LSTK (Light Steel Thin-Wall Structures) and finishing quality materials, suitable in a given situation.

First of all, we always focus on the wishes of our client, so if necessary, we can recommend any option for a residential building for purchase. The basis for our recommendation will, of course, be the conditions set by the customer. If you are sure that you cannot select any of the options presented on our website, then we suggest leaving a request for our designers.

Thanks to the experience of our specialists, according to your application, we will create an individual project for a prefabricated building ( a private house, industrial building), and we will also produce a metal frame from thermal profiles. A full construction cycle is also possible, from the design of a prefabricated building to turnkey delivery.

Catalog of prefabricated houses

When building a residential building, we suggest you immediately think about other buildings - such as a garage and a bathhouse.

Garage 6x4 m. gable roof type 3 Garage 6x4 m. pitched roof type 2 GARAGE FOR 3 CARS - 60 sq.m. Garage 6x4 m. pitched roof type 1
BATH - 29 sq.m. BATH - 36 sq.m. (6x6)

Production of prefabricated houses

Not everyone wants to buy a project that, most likely, has already been installed somewhere else. This is especially true for residential country houses. If you do not want to buy residential buildings presented in our catalogue, we can suggest you contact our designers. Based on LSTK, they will be able to design a frame for you, which in the future will become a full-fledged country house.

What will be the features of our proposal? Our specialists work efficiently and always take into account the basic wishes of clients. We do not imagine working under any other conditions possible. It is customer focus that allows us to create excellent residential buildings. Every element has been worked out in them so that no inconsistencies arise during the construction and erection of the structure.

Therefore, by contacting our planners, you can count on successful production and completion of construction. Adequate recommendations regarding the use of building materials inside the frame made of LSFK will provide you with a durable structure. However, you can count on durability when choosing our standard prefabricated buildings. The LSTKstroyGroup company guarantees their quality by independently checking each frame for compliance with all norms and rules. You no longer have to look for where you can order a finished construction or layout of your next building according to your desired parameters. Our company will provide you with everything you need for a pleasant life in a country (or city) area.

Our specialists will provide you with structures made of light steel thin-walled structures in the shortest possible time and will inform you about necessary materials and components at your site. Only a well-developed project can cope with any task assigned to it, and our company will do everything to ensure that your object is the result of just such a project.

Advantages of prefabricated houses

Frame prefabricated houses, built using modern technology LSTK (light steel thin-walled structures) have a number of undeniable advantages:

Light weight

Due to the insignificant weight of the enclosing structures ( external walls) do not require the cost of reinforced foundations. Such buildings can be safely mounted on bored or screw piles without fear of shrinkage and “swelling” of the soil. The distance between the ground and the floor partition of the house can be used for storing garden tools, building materials not subject to temperature changes, etc. A shallow foundation with a grillage is also sufficient.

Construction time

The speed of construction is significantly reduced due to the absence of lifting equipment at the construction site (during the construction of private houses). The metal frame of a prefabricated building up to 150 square meters will be assembled by both a team of experienced specialists of two people, and by non-experienced specialists of three people, in a maximum of seven days. First you need to study the design of the KM stage (this is the main instruction for assembling a metal frame from a thermoprofile), which will not take much time.

Lack of highly specialized specialists

When constructing prefabricated buildings, workers of such specialties as masons, carpenters (for the construction of the rafter system), etc. are not required. The metal frame is delivered directly from the factory, all thermal profiles are of the appropriate size in accordance with the project and do not require “adjustment” on site.

Construction cost

Prices for prefabricated buildings (metal frame) are much lower than other technologies. Many people argue that a wooden frame is cheaper. When lumber is delivered to the construction site, yes, it is cheaper. But when the customer starts hiring experienced specialists for assembly, he realizes that it is not cheap at all. You need to cut the material to the appropriate size, purchase metal corners for complex load-bearing units. This is where the expenditure of funds begins. Few people pay attention to the proper antiseptic treatment of wooden frames. According to construction standards, antiseptic treatment is required every three years, which means an additional expenditure of money for the purchase of appropriate products and labor costs.

These are just a few examples of what construction prefabricated houses With the use of modern technology, LSTK is today less labor-intensive and will allow you to save a significant amount of money. You can find out about other advantages of houses based on a metal frame made of galvanized profile by calling the specialists of the LSTKstroyGROUP company or sending your questions to the company’s e-mail.

Stages of construction of quickly erected houses

  • Laying the foundation.
  • Assembly of metal frame.
  • Arrangement of engineering systems.
  • Clean finish.

You can see detailed information on all stages of construction.

If you have not found the building or design you need on our website, you can send a request and our designers will call you as soon as possible

A frame house made of metal profiles is a more reliable and durable structure. Such buildings will have a high level of sound and thermal insulation. It is worth noting that hardware replaced wood, which has a number of disadvantages, including susceptibility to precipitation and rotting processes. In our article, we will look in more detail at the features of a metal profile and how to make it yourself.

Advantages of buildings made of metal profiles

If you use a galvanized metal profile, then due to its special design you can increase the level of thermal and sound insulation of the frame. In addition, the following advantages should be noted:

  • Such structures have a small mass, and at the same time high level strength;
  • They are resistant to any level of dynamic load, which allows the construction of buildings with high reliability and durability even in seismic regions;
  • Fire resistance, which reduces the risk of fires;
  • The materials used for manufacturing have excellent environmental performance;
  • Affordable pricing policy;
  • Possibility of variable manufacturing of the structure;
  • It is rational to carry out construction work at any time of the year.

The use of a metal profile will speed up the construction process, while reducing the financial costs of the work. This option is ideal for you if you are looking for a practical and economical frame material.

Features of a metal device

The main part of a metal frame can be considered a transverse frame formed by columns and trusses. These products are connected to the base of the building. The load volume is distributed to the support points. The main amount of pressure falls on the first element. The column is affected by the mass of all elements, the load from wind and atmospheric precipitation.

Attention! The amount of load received from the coating and fastenings between the columns is transported to the devices roof trusses, having a lattice-shaped structure.

Frame houses made of metal profiles include the following elements:

  • Beams with a stable or unstable type of section, which, due to their size, make it possible to increase the span of the building.
  • Frame racks that increase the stability of the structure.
  • Special crossbars that create load-bearing points in the form of lines, and connect systems of columns and supports into a single mechanism. In practice, they are very often used to increase the span size, as well as the ceiling height in a building.
  • Beam elements with different types sections. They are usually installed to enhance the rigidity and load-bearing capacity of the building.
  • Cohesive components between connecting particles of metal structures.
  • Purlins for connecting roofs and wall systems attached to the frame of a building. They perceive the level of load that the structure receives from wind and precipitation.
  • The parts of the bookmark that are used to weld the parts together.
  • Hardware or elements for fastening.
  • Inter-girder spans in the form of an arc, called arches.

Attention! You can create the spatial rigidity of a metal profile frame with your own hands by creating a system of frames, columns and trusses.

Frames made from frames and trusses

House frame made of profile pipe You can create frame and truss structures with your own hands. The first type is characterized by the presence I-beams made of steel, which are tied at the corners to form a frame. In such a system, the frame is installed from vertically placed support posts and horizontally placed crossbars. Such a device takes the load from the floor of the building.

A frame house is a metal frame made from truss beams, consisting of steel rods forming a triangle shape. Such a system is formed using half-timbered panels or fields. Such fields form trusses that serve as the roof of the base. They are attached to steel posts using welding machine or bolts.

Important details during construction

The disadvantage of a house made of metal profiles is the need for additional thermal and vapor insulation. In this case, it is necessary to insulate not only the frame structure, but also the walls inside the building. This action will help block the cold bridges.

At this stage of work it is better to use modern materials, For example mineral wool or polystyrene foam. Such products can provide the optimal temperature level to maintain comfort in the room.

Frame house made of profile pipe

When creating a house with a frame structure with your own hands, it is best to use a profile pipe. At first sight installation work may seem easy, but this design has a complex design. The first thing to consider is the need for a foundation for the building.

Attention! A frame house can be built without a foundation, but this option can be rationally used if in the future the building will be transported to another area. Such buildings can be greenhouses or greenhouses.

Frame elements are created in this way:

  • The pipes should be cut so as to obtain a piece of the required length for installation work;
  • Then we start bending the product. It is necessary to achieve an arcuate shape, which should correspond to earlier calculations. You can perform the task with a manual pipe bender or order services from a specialized company.
  • Afterwards, all structural elements are connected into a single system using a welding machine.

For decorative design For the exterior, you can use siding or special plaster. If your income allows, the façade can be finished natural views wood. So, we looked at the features of a metal frame house. This construction option has optimal strength and quality.

The construction of buildings on a metal frame has been practiced for a long time, but they were mainly built for production and Technical buildings, shopping center buildings, etc. Application in private housing construction was limited by the high thermal conductivity of the metal: heating bills would be unrealistic. Manufacturers solved the problem by making so-called thermal profiles, which, when paired with modern insulation materials, make it possible to obtain warm house. If you need an inexpensive one, reliable home, which is being built in a short time, perhaps a metal frame house is suitable for you. It has a low cost - two times lower than a brick one, assembly is quick, and the service life of the factory frame is 70 years.

The technology is very flexible: you can adapt any house you like to a metal frame. First, a frame plan is drawn up, the type of finishing materials is determined (only your wishes influence). Next, the developed project is processed by a special program that breaks everything down into components and produces a list of elements with all parameters. Profiles of the required size are manufactured and marked, bundled, packaged, and delivered to the construction site. In short, this is the entire technical process - from project development to the start of assembling a frame house from metal profiles.

Advantages and disadvantages

This technology is becoming increasingly popular in European countries (including northern ones), Canada and America. And all because steel does not rot, insects do not eat it. The metal frame structure weighs several times smaller house made of wood (twice), and what’s more, it is lighter than houses made of brick and other similar materials. The light weight of the building means lower costs for the foundation, since its parameters depend on the load, which further reduces the cost square meter developments. Usually, piles are installed under such houses, or. On average, one square square costs 4-5 thousand rubles (excluding the cost of finishing materials).

The technology used to build a metal frame house is called lightweight thin-walled steel structures, or abbreviated LSTK. Light does not mean fragile. Houses built using LSTK technology can withstand earthquakes of magnitude nine. But this applies to buildings no higher than 3 floors.

Another advantage of a steel frame over a wooden one is that it is strong enough to withstand heavy roofing materials. If you decide to use ceramic tiles, please do so. Only its weight must be included when calculating the foundation parameters.

The design of the wall pie itself is almost the same as that of. The whole difference is in the material used for the frame and the method of assembly.

What to do with cold bridges? Manufacturers claim that the problem has been solved. Modern thermal profiles, from which private houses are built, have cuts arranged in a checkerboard pattern. They prevent through freezing of structural elements.

This is what a picture of the thermal profile “working” looks like:

And although thermal profiles really work, such a house is still colder than. However, the problem can be solved by making high-quality insulation. If the insulation “pie” is properly executed with all the membranes (windproof, vapor-permeable on the outside, vapor barrier on the inside), the metal-frame house will be warm and will spend no more on heating than in the so-called “warm houses.”

For insulation, you can use any modern insulation - mineral wool, polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam, foam glass, ecowool. The most best characteristics for foam glass, slightly worse for extruded polystyrene foam. But they have a respectable price, although the required thickness is several times less than mineral wool. As a result, the costs for insulation are comparable.

Most optimal combination qualities and prices of mineral wool. It is more convenient to work with basalt. She also has good characteristics. Fiberglass also has good characteristics, but it is difficult to work with. Slag wool is the cheapest, but it is very susceptible to getting wet; when using it, a ventilated façade must be installed.

For the reasons given above, I most often choose basalt wool from the whole variety. It fits well into the frame and has good thermal insulation properties, is relatively inexpensive, and is also a good soundproofing material, which is important for this technology.

What is a metal frame house made of?

LSTK elements are made from durable structural steel using the cold stamping method. The sheet has a protective zinc coating with a thickness of 18 to 40 microns. Some factories make structures from hot-dip galvanized sheets. Such elements are more expensive, but they are also more durable.

The thickness of the sheet from which they are formed is from 0.7 mm to 2 mm. The choice depends on the required load-bearing capacity of a particular element. There are the following types of profiles.

The following types are most often used.

There are also special floor and ceiling beams. Similar elements are made up of rafter system Houses. The elements are connected to each other using bolts, screws, rivets; resistance welding can be used.

Now about the quality of the components from different companies. There are about a dozen factories in Russia. The quality is different for everyone. Therefore, carefully look at the quality of galvanizing and metal bending. There should not be any, even the smallest, traces of rust anywhere. In general, even the best “our” profiles are significantly inferior to imported ones. It's a shame, but that's how it is.

Assembly order

All material comes from the factory packaged in bundles. Each part is marked, the same marking is present on the working drawings. The frame of the LSTK house is assembled like a constructor: everything is already ready, even the holes for the hardware are stamped. Put the parts in place, align the grooves and install the fasteners. A metal frame house is assembled in exactly the same way as from wooden blocks. If we outline the stages briefly, step by step everything looks like this:

Frame steel house ready. All that remains is insulation and Finishing work. One note: no matter how much you want to save money, the sheathing should also be assembled from metal. Identical expansion coefficients are precisely what contributes to the high strength of such structures. This cannot be achieved when connecting metal and wood: the fastenings gradually weaken. This is especially critical in regions with increased seismic activity. But even in calmer regions there is little joy in the rattling finish.

Can you build it yourself?

If we are talking about assembling parts that came from the factory into one design, then it’s easy, but with help. All the work consists of finding the required part and installing it in the place indicated in the drawings. It’s difficult at first, but then you get the hang of it.

If by “building a metal frame house with your own hands” you mean welding it from a profile pipe, then this is an ambiguous matter. If you are planning to build a small country house, then there are no questions: the frame can be installed according to the same principle as a wooden one, and for a one-story building, 80 * 80 mm pipes are enough for the corner posts, and smaller ones can be used for intermediate ones. But the installation step is still dictated by the insulation: the clearance distance should be 58-59 cm (slightly less than the standard width of mineral wool).

The only thing you need to remember: when using a profile pipe, there will definitely be cold bridges. Then the insulation itself will need to be done in several layers, blocking heat leaks, which will solve the problem. One layer is traditionally placed in the spacer between the posts. The cross-section of the profile pipe is far from 200-250 mm, which is necessary for insulating a house in the Moscow region (under mineral wool). Therefore, a transverse sheathing is installed under the missing layers (on one or both sides - decide for yourself). It turns out that the insulation is laid vertically between the racks, and horizontally along the sheathing. There are significantly fewer cold bridges.

On the room side, the insulation is covered with a vapor barrier membrane (it should not allow moisture to enter the insulation). From the street side, a windproof, vapor-permeable membrane with waterproofing properties is fixed to it. It performs three functions at once:

  • protects from the wind,
  • prevents condensation or sediment from accidentally getting into the insulation,
  • removes steam from the insulation, which still penetrates there from the room (despite the vapor barrier).

Only with such a pie and the presence between the outer membrane and finishing materials ventilation gap, you can be sure that the insulation will not get wet. Just for the ventilation gap to work, you also need ventilation holes at the bottom of the wall and a leaky sealed exit under the roof from above: air flow between exterior decoration metal frame house and windproof membrane should pass without encountering obstacles.

For inspiration, here’s a video of the welding process. country house from the profile metal pipe. For those who know how to make a metal frame house with their own hands from a pipe, it will not be difficult.