Watermelon seedlings: planting, care and solving possible problems. When to plant watermelon seedlings

If speak about middle lane, then it is preferable to grow watermelons here (as well as some other crops - for example, melon) through seedlings. In reality, there is nothing complicated in this process; the main thing is to know when to plant watermelon seedlings and how to do it correctly. Today we will look at two methods at once, and also provide detailed step by step instructions. But let's start with the preparatory activities.

In most cases, watermelons are planted in open ground at the age of 30 days. And due to the fact that the seeds of this crop take quite a long time to germinate, sowing must be done in mid or late April.

What will the job require?

To properly sow watermelon seeds and grow high-quality seedlings, be sure to prepare:

  • seed;
  • cling film;
  • soil mixture;
  • plastic containers with a diameter of 10 cm (in the second method peat pots will be used);
  • gauze;
  • salt;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • glass of water.

Note! The sowing technologies described below are excellent not only for watermelon, but also for melon.

How to choose the right seeds

Due to the fact that watermelon is an atypical crop for the middle zone, it is necessary to select seeds with extreme caution.

Remember that only early-ripening varieties are suitable for such conditions, the growing season of which ranges from 70-90 days.

And if we take into account that the seeds are sown for seedlings quite late (in the middle or end of April, as we have already found out), then it is quite obvious that watermelons should ripen even before the cold weather sets in. In addition, you can purchase seeds of hybrids that are more adapted to unfavorable climatic conditions.

When choosing seeds, give preference to those that were harvested 2 or 3 years ago. The fact is that fresher seeds will produce crops with male flowers, while fruits are formed from female ones.

First, you need to determine which seeds are suitable for sowing seedlings. To do this, prepare a solution table salt(4-5 g for every 100 ml of water) and immerse the seed there for a few minutes.

Seeds that have settled to the bottom as a result of the procedure, rinse thoroughly with water and dry. For washing, it is convenient to use a small gauze bag and a glass of clean water.

To stimulate the appearance female flowers It is recommended to warm up the seed at a temperature of about +60°C for 2-3 hours. After this, pickle the seeds in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for about half an hour.

Now you can proceed to the last stage of preparation - soak the seed before hatching in order to speed up the emergence of seedlings. To do this, wrap the seeds in a wet cloth and place them in a warm place (the air temperature should be between +25-30°C). As a rule, germination takes no more than 5-6 days.

Note! Throughout this time, rinse the seeds regularly running water, otherwise they may turn sour. And when the biting starts, you can also do hardening.

How to harden sprouted seeds? Place them in the refrigerator for 12 hours, and then in a warm place for the same time. The cycle must be repeated 2 or 3 times. After the root length reaches 1-1.5 cm, you can proceed directly to sowing using one of the two methods described below.

Marigolds, Chernobrivtsy, lights - this is what people call tagetes. The culture is distinguished by its rapid growth and ease of care, and therefore enjoys considerable popularity. Read about when to sow marigolds for seedlings and how to do it correctly.

Method one. Traditional cultivation of watermelon seedlings

The process consists of several simple steps; let’s look at the features of each of them in more detail.

First, prepare the soil mixture for sowing. It is important that it is prepared correctly! For melon crops, which include watermelon, the following recipe is preferable: 1 part turf soil and 3 parts humus (the components must be mixed thoroughly). Although there is another option for preparing the substrate - 0.5 parts humus, 1 part sawdust and 3 parts low-lying peat.

Also, don’t forget about suitable containers. It is advisable to use separate pots for this - this way the roots of the plants will not be damaged during diving or transplanting into the ground. The optimal diameter of the pots is approximately 10 cm. 1-2 plants will be grown in each.

Now you can start sowing the pre-prepared seeds. Fill suitable pots halfway with soil mixture, then place seeds there (1-2 in each) to a depth of about 4-5 cm. In the future, as they grow, you will add fresh substrate.

Note! Do not forget to pre-moisten the soil before sowing (this is convenient to do with a spray bottle). Also, to sow seeds in a moistened substrate, you need to make holes using a pencil or stick.

Full-fledged watermelon seedlings will appear in about 30-40 days. To help the seeds germinate, cover the containers with the seeds with cling film and place them in a warm place (the air temperature should be approximately +23-25°C).

Video - How to sow watermelons for seedlings

Method two. Using peat pots

This method is good because such pots, as well as, already contain necessary for plants nutrients. Regarding the timing of sowing and preparation seed material, then they are in in this case the same as in the previous method.

For the convenience of users, instructions for sowing watermelon seeds are given in table form.

Table. Sowing watermelon seeds for seedlings in peat pots.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

First, prepare the soil mixture according to one of the recipes described above. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

Prepare and germinate watermelon seeds (no changes here either). When the root is long enough, that is, it grows to 1-1.5 cm, proceed directly to sowing.

Take peat pots of the diameter indicated above, fill them with pre-prepared substrate to about 3⁄4. Then place the sprouted seeds in the pots.

Sprinkle the crops with a layer of soil mixture about 2-3 cm thick. Lightly compact, otherwise the seeds may become exposed during watering.

Water the crops carefully. We advise you to place peat pots in plastic containers of suitable dimensions - this way the walls will not dry out too quickly, remaining permanently wet.

Subsequent care of seedlings

Due to the fact that sowing is done in mid-spring, additional lighting of the plants is not required in this case. But the crops still need to be placed in the brightest place in your home. Perfect option- This is the window sill of the south window. It will be even better if you transfer the seedlings to a glassed-in loggia (but in this case you need to especially carefully monitor the temperature conditions).

What should the temperature be when growing seedlings? At first, even before the first shoots form, the temperature should be between +25-27°C. Later, when the shoots have already appeared, it should be somewhere around +18-20°C (at night) and +20-25°C (during the day). As for watering crops, it is recommended to use exclusively warm water.

10 days after the first shoots appear, fertilizing should be done in the form of a solution of mineral seedling fertilizer (such as Sotka, Mortar, etc.). After the same time, fertilizing is repeated.

Note! Watering and fertilizing should be done exclusively at the root! If moisture does get on the leaves, immediately wipe everything off using a paper napkin. When at least 4 true leaves appear, the seedlings - if weather conditions allow - can be transplanted to the site.

It should also be noted that when growing seedlings of this crop, the pots should be placed in such a way that the leaves of neighboring plants do not touch each other.

Features of transplanting into open soil

First you need to decide on the timing of planting seedlings in the ground. For watermelons, this is the second ten days of June, that is, the time when the threat of frost has completely passed. By the way, if you want to plant seedlings earlier, about 3 weeks after germination, you can use shelters.

First of all, check if the ground has warmed up enough. For transplanting watermelon seedlings, the optimal temperature is considered to vary between +15-18°C. If you need to warm up the bed faster, you can cover it with black plastic film.

Note! Watermelon is characterized by a fairly deep root system, and therefore the area chosen for planting seedlings must be dug up with a shovel. Also add compost or humus (10 l), wood ash (200 g) and complex mineral fertilizer (about 40-50 g) per square meter of area. Then dig again.

Transplanting seedlings in peat pots

Prepare holes - about 2 for each square meter. Carefully remove the top of the peat pot and then place the plant in the hole.

Watermelon loves hot climates, but watermelon lovers do not always live in warm countries, and most sweet berry they have to buy. However, you can try growing it in your garden. How to do it? Read on.

The place of origin of watermelons is southern Africa. The climate there is dry and hot, summer is all year round. There are no cold winters or frosts. Planting sugar berries in open ground In countries with other weather conditions it is also practiced, but this will require a lot of work. Where should you start? First prepare the soil properly.

What soil is suitable for watermelons?

It is advisable to prepare a place for planting exotic berries in autumn period. The area where the minke whales will be planted should be well lit by the sun and protected from the winds. It is best if, before the striped berries, corn, beans, and peas were planted on the selected soil, as well as if cabbage heads, onions, alfalfa, and winter varieties of wheat were grown. It’s bad if tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, different types zucchini and melons or watermelon.

For the future, it should be taken into account: re-planting watermelons in the same soil will be possible only after six years.

The soil for future seedlings must be dug up along with fertilizers applied in advance. Suitable soil is sandy, loose, non-acidic, low in moisture, and well permeable to air. For fertilizer, you can use rotted manure, as well as fertilizer based on phosphorus and potassium.

You can grow exotic berries directly from seeds or seedlings. Without seedling method used in hot countries. In cold climates with short and not very hot summers, only the seedling method is suitable.

Before planting young seedlings, you will need to properly prepare the soil. It must contain following components in equal proportions: sand layer, turf layer, peat layer. To the soil (in the amount of 5 kg) it is necessary to add ammonium nitrate, dolomite flour, potassium sulfate (take 50 g of all elements); double superphosphate (approximately 100 g).

Planting seeds for seedlings

A prerequisite is that the seeds must be planted already germinated. In order to germinate, they are first placed in hot water(at least 50 degrees) for 30 minutes. Then the seeds are placed in damp sand. In this case, the room temperature should be about 25 degrees. In a few days the first shoots will appear. Now the sprouted seeds are ready to be planted. The landing date is the end of April.

Watermelon seeds should be planted in separate containers with two or three seeds in each, buried 1 cm into the hole. It is worth sprinkling the future seedlings with sand and placing them under glass or film. Place the pots with seedlings in a warm place, maintaining the air temperature at about 30 degrees.

The first shoots should appear in 6-7 days. When this happens, remove the shelter and lower the thermometer readings to 15-17 degrees for a period of 4 to 8 days.

The sprouts should be watered well, but in moderation. Pour water under the roots in several passes.

It is correct to apply fertilizer when three good leaves appear. A special one will do mineral composition or liquid fertilizer(mullein).

It is advisable to harden the seedlings before planting them in open ground. To do this, you can take it outside for several hours, gradually increasing the amount of time spent outdoors. A week after the hardening procedures, you can plant permanent place.

Young seedlings should be planted in open ground a month after planting the seeds. This coincides with the last week of May or occurs in the first ten days of June. The first half of the day - best moment in order to transplant young plants when there is a lot of light and sun.

The ground needs to be dug up and loosened. It should be well heated (at least 15 degrees).

What do we have to do?

  1. Dig holes, the diameter and depth of each is half a meter. The gap between the holes in the ground should be approximately a meter. For planting, it is better to choose a staggered arrangement of holes.
  2. Fertilizers are added to each hole: humus (5-7 liters), sand in a small amount (about three liters), superphosphate (a quarter cup).
  3. Sprinkle loose soil on top to make small mounds.
  4. In the mounds you need to dig holes 10 cm down and water them with water (one and a half liters for each).
  5. Carefully remove the seedlings from the cups without damaging the roots. Now you can plant them in a hole, then fill them up and compact them with earth. Sprinkle a layer of sand on top.
  6. At the end of planting, the seedlings need to be watered. The water should be warm. For some time, the seedlings need to be protected from the bright sun so that the leaves rise faster.

Caring for planted seedlings

Care includes:

  • watering;
  • thinning;
  • weeding;
  • loosening;
  • topping;
  • feeding

Let's take a closer look at these stages of care.


When 3-4 young leaves appear on the seedlings, the watermelons must be thinned out, leaving up to two sprouts in the hole. All remaining ones must be cut off near the surface layer of soil.


Watermelons do not like weeds, so you will have to weed them frequently and thoroughly. Especially on initial stage striped berry growth. When the seedlings grow and become bushes, weeding can be done less frequently or stopped altogether. At this stage, the weed is no longer dangerous.


It is necessary to pinch the emerging lashes so that they grow faster. This should be done so that there are 2-4 leaves on top of the ripening fruit. In addition, it is necessary to remove weakened shoots. Each bush should have 3-5 ovaries, it is advisable to remove all unnecessary ones.


It is necessary to loosen the soil constantly, especially when young seedlings are planted in open ground. Watermelons love light, airy soil. Water also penetrates into loose soil more easily.

When the berries begin to increase in size, you can stop loosening, as well as weeding. At this time, the roots grow very much throughout the entire area, there is a danger of damaging them with this kind of manipulation. Also try to walk less in the surrounding area so as not to damage the roots near the surface layer of soil.


This is very important element caring for large striped berries. They should be watered every seven days with plenty of water. Three large buckets are taken to water one square meter. In hot, dry weather, you can increase watering to twice a week.

Both the ground near the bush and the spaces between the bushes (in a word, the entire area allocated for planting) must be moistened.

Watering should be reduced as soon as the fruits begin to appear. Before picking ripe striped berries, you should not water them at all (at least 14 days before picking).

Top dressing

The first fertilizing is applied at least 14-15 days after planting the seedlings. What composition should I fertilize with? Berries planted in open ground are fertilized ammonium nitrate(20 g), which is mixed with water. Each bush is watered with two liters of solution. A replacement can be mullein with water (in a ratio of 1:10), as well as (diluted with water 1:20). Superphosphate (20-30 g) and calcium chloride (10-15 g) are added to the solution.

The plants should be fed a second time at the stage of bud emergence. Fertilizer composition: 5 g of calcium chloride and ammonium nitrate, plus superphosphate - 6 g. All this is needed for one bush.

Fertilizers are sometimes added in dry form, then the soil where watermelons grow must be watered before and after fertilizing.


Watermelons should be harvested around the end of August. On average, it takes about one hundred days for the fruit to fully ripen. It all depends on the type of berry you choose.

Varieties are early ripening, late ripening and medium ripening. In cold climates with short summers, it is better to grow early and mid-ripening fruits. For example, “Ogonyok”, “Melania”, “Ataman”. Among the later varieties, there are well-known varieties that can also have time to ripen in a temperate climate - “Kholodok”, “Spring”.

You can eat watermelons immediately or store them. Fresh berries are used to make jam; they can be pickled and pickled.

Storage tips

  • Usually late fruits are stored, medium in size and with thick skin. This cover should be without damage and softness.
  • During storage, the berries should not come into contact with each other. The storage place for these fruits is cold, dark and well ventilated.

Proper harvesting and storage will allow you to enjoy sugar berries long time. With enough hard work and perseverance, you can achieve excellent results.

Melons and watermelons have long ceased to be exotic guests in garden beds in central Russia. Now they are grown freely in the Moscow region and even in northern regions countries. It is quite possible to grow melons in a compact area without using large areas. Agricultural technology involves planting these crops both in greenhouses and in open ground.

Let's talk about the timing of sowing melons and the features of their cultivation in different regions.

Melon and watermelon are considered heat-loving crops, they have increased requirements to air and soil temperatures during planting. Their full growing season is much longer than other crops grown in the garden. That's why in a seedless way melons are grown only in southern regions Russia.

But with skillful agricultural technology you can get good harvest and in the middle zone. This can be achieved by planting cold-resistant varieties of melons and watermelons, growing them through seedlings, and also sheltering young plants from possible spring frosts.

When to plant watermelons and melons for seedlings in 2019

The timing of planting melons depends on the region and the selected variety. It also matters where you are going to grow melons and watermelons - in a greenhouse or in open ground.

If your climate zone allows you to grow melons in open ground, remember that In this case, sowing the seeds should be done 60 days before planting on the dacha plot. This means that you need to purchase seeds in the first half of March, and start sowing in the middle of the month.

On a note! Please note that last year's seeds are not suitable for planting. Best Harvest Watermelons can only be obtained from seeds that are five years old. For sowing melon, 3-year-old seeds are used.

Only early-ripening hybrids are suitable for cultivation in the middle zone, which reach the stage of technical maturity in 70-85 days. Preference hybrid varieties They also give because they are the most resistant to adverse weather conditions.

Attention! The timing of growing seedlings for these crops is the same. For watermelon and melon, it will take 30 days to grow seedlings at home or in a heated greenhouse from the moment of germination. But watermelon seeds should be sown a little earlier, as they take longer to hatch.

It is best to sow watermelon seeds in mid or late April. Melon seeds are also sown for seedlings in the 2nd half of April.

In the middle zone, even the presence of a greenhouse will not provide your watermelons and melons with the climatic conditions to which these crops are accustomed in their hot homeland. Therefore, when selecting seeds, it is better to opt for ultra-early and early ripening varieties. Then there is every chance to enjoy juicy, sweet watermelons and melons grown with your own hands.

You should also not chase large-sized fruits, because taste qualities they will be worse than smaller ones. To grow in a greenhouse, watermelon and melon seeds must be sown in mid-April. A month after the emergence of seedlings, the seedlings are planted in a permanent place.

Timing for sowing seeds in the Moscow region

For planting melons and melons in the Moscow region, zoned varieties should be selected. It is best to buy them from a local nursery or from friends who grow melons and watermelons. The variety must be early or early ripening.

To get an early harvest of watermelons and melons, sowing should be done in the first half of April for early ripening varieties and in the third ten days of April or early May for mid-season varieties. After 25-35 days, the seedlings will be strong enough and ready to be transplanted to a permanent location.

When to plant in the Urals

If you do this earlier, the seedlings overgrow greatly, and certain inconveniences arise with them - the tendrils intertwine with each other, clinging to anything around them.

Some sow seeds directly into the greenhouse under film cover; it is advisable to do this in mid-May. But then the timing of fruiting will be delayed.

Planting dates for melons and watermelons in the Leningrad region and Siberia

Ultra-early ripening or early varieties watermelons and melons. It is also permissible to plant mid-early species. Select varieties for planting that take 60-90 days from germination to harvest. This information is on the packaging.

Melons are grown as seedlings in order to have time to harvest before the first frosts, which can occur as early as August. For open ground, seeds for seedlings are sown in the last days of April, for growing in a greenhouse - in early April.

It is recommended to grow in Siberia ultra early ripening varieties watermelons and melons. The climatic conditions of the region require the shortest growing season. During the Siberian summer, southern large-fruited watermelons will only have time to grow a lush green mass.

Preference should be given greenhouse cultivation, if you don’t have a greenhouse, you can try growing melons under film. Sowing seeds for seedlings must be done in early or mid-May. It will take 5-7 days for seedlings to appear. After 25-30 days, the plants are planted in open ground.

When to sow melons and watermelons according to the lunar calendar in 2019

To obtain high-quality seedlings and good harvest In the future, gardeners are recommended to coordinate the timing of planting melons and watermelons for seedlings with the lunar calendar. It is best to sow and plant seedlings in open ground on favorable days.

Planting on neutral days will not in any way affect the quality of seedlings and the subsequent harvest, so it is completely acceptable. After all, the decisive factor still remains the agricultural technology of the crop grown and proper care for her.

Seeds sown in unfavorable days, will have a lower percentage of germination, seedlings may grow weak and sickly.

Favorable and unfavorable days for sowing and planting seedlings

Experienced summer residents claim that from correct timing half of the success in growing crops depends on planting. Especially for gardeners, a Lunar calendar is published annually, the recommendations of which are advisable to use so as not to be surprised why plants are lagging behind in development or getting sick. Depending on the region, watermelon and melon are sown in different months. Favorable days for planting in 2019 will be the following dates:

  • in March – from 7 to 20;
  • in April – from 6 to 18;
  • in May – from 6 to 18;
  • in June – from 4 to 16;
  • in July – from 3 to 16.

In March and April, seeds of early ripening watermelons are planted. Transplant the seedlings into the ground when the sprouts become strong and sufficiently hardened. It is necessary to choose zoned varieties for planting in your region.

In the last days of March and the first days of April, seeds are sown in the southern regions. In the last days of April, it is recommended to sow seeds in the middle zone. Planting of seedlings in May and early June is carried out in the Urals and Siberia.

Not favorable days there will be those when there is a full moon and a new moon. In 2019 these are the following numbers:

  • ​ in February – 5, 19
  • ​in March – 6, 21
  • in April – 5, 19
  • ​in May – 5, 19
  • ​ in June – 3, 17

The rest of the calendar numbers will be neutral.

By sowing seedlings according to all the rules, the gardener can count on the appearance of friendly shoots and high-quality fruits.

Preparing soil and seeds

An ideal soil mixture suitable for growing melons and watermelons should include the following components:

  • 3 parts lowland peat;
  • 1 part sawdust;
  • 0.5 parts of humus.

You can also use a mixture of humus (3 parts) and turf soil (1 part). Before planting seeds for seedlings, it is recommended to heat the soil in the oven, or spill it with a hot solution of potassium permanganate. This will kill pathogenic microorganisms and grow healthier seedlings.

For each seed it is advisable to take separate pot with a diameter of 10 cm. Then there will be less risk of damaging the root system during diving or planting in the ground. If you reuse planting containers, they should be thoroughly washed with soap and a brush, and then disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Plastic pots are best suited for growing seedlings. You can also use peat cups suitable size. Their advantage is that the roots of the seedlings will not need to be freed before planting, which means that the plants will more easily adapt to the soil.

You can determine whether the seeds are suitable for planting using a saline solution. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of water and add watermelon or melon seeds. High-quality seed material will sink to the bottom. Seeds that float can be discarded. After this, the planting material must be washed in clean water and dried.

The seeds are then kept at a temperature of 60°C for two to three hours - this stimulates the formation of female flowers, from which fruits are subsequently formed. At the final stage of preparation, the seeds must be pickled with a solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes. Now the planting material is wrapped in damp gauze and wait for the sprouts to appear.

Containers for planting must be filled only halfway with substrate. As the plants grow, the soil will need to be replenished. Before planting, the soil is moistened with a sprayer and a hole is made in it to a depth of 4-5 cm from the surface using a pencil or pen, where the sprouted seed is placed.

After planting, the containers are covered with film and placed in a warm place at a temperature of 23-25°C. When the seedlings appear above the ground, the temperature is reduced by several degrees, creating a difference between day and night temperatures. This is necessary so that the seedlings do not stretch.

The film is removed when sprouts appear. Only strong seedlings are left to grow - they are more viable. Since planting usually occurs in mid-spring, there is no need to add additional light to the seedlings. However, she should be given the most illuminated place in the house. Pots with plants are placed in such a way that the leaves of individual specimens do not touch each other.

Melon seedlings grow in 20-30 days, watermelons require 30-40 days. While the seedlings are in the house, they need to be fed twice. The first fertilizing is carried out a week after germination, using complex mineral fertilizer diluted in a proportion of 20 g per 5 liters of water. After another 7 days they will be paid organic fertilizers, for example, mullein infusion at a concentration of 1:10 with the addition of superphosphate (1 tbsp per liter of infusion).

One tablespoon of ready-made fertilizer is used for each plant. Plants can be planted in a permanent place after 3-5 true leaves appear. Before the “relocation” takes place, the seedlings are hardened by reducing the daytime temperature to 15-17°C, and the night temperature to 12-14°C. Hardening should last for a week. The room also needs to be ventilated regularly.

Helpful advice! Melon seedlings must be pinched after 3-5 leaves appear. This is due to the fact that on the side shoots female flowers appear earlier than on the main one.

If you are going to plant seedlings in open ground and live in the middle zone, there is no need to rush into it. Melon crops require warmth, so planting should be done no earlier than the end of May. It is also worth taking into account the weather forecast given for the near future.

In the first week after planting in open ground, young plants will need film cover. In a greenhouse, plants are more protected from temperature changes, wind and other disasters, so seedlings can be planted there 2 weeks earlier.

Holes for seedlings should be made at a distance of 1 meter from each other. Two plants can be planted in one hole at once, provided that during the growth process the shoots will be directed in opposite directions. 7-10 days before planting seedlings, compost or humus must be added to the holes.

Just before planting, water the plants and plant them in the resulting slurry. Seedlings should not be buried; after planting, they should be located slightly above ground level, this will protect the roots from rotting. Next watering produced no earlier than in a week.

In the future, experts recommend regularly loosening and weeding the area, as well as pinching the tops of the shoots. Scourges without ovaries are removed so that they do not needlessly weaken the plant. When the bulk of the ovaries reaches the size of an apple, weak and poorly growing fruits also need to be removed. Don’t forget to feed the melons several times over the summer. mineral fertilizers and slurry.

When planting indoors, you should carefully consider the issue of pollination. If for some reason insects do not fly into the greenhouse, pollination is carried out artificially. In such conditions, melons and watermelons are grown in a vertical position, tying the plants to a trellis, and the fruits are placed in a net.

Watermelon and melon seedlings: video

Knowing all the features of growing melons and watermelons, you will be able to enjoy them after harvesting and receive complete satisfaction from the result achieved. And in subsequent years, this process will seem like an easy task to you.

A cucumber the size of a donkey. This is how the Persian word xarbuza is translated. It was this that became the basis for the Russian name for watermelon. The Russians borrowed not only the word, but also the wisdom of growing berries.

The first domestic samples were obtained in the 17th century. The Astrakhan region became the springboard for selection. They developed their own variety. The criteria for selecting berries for it are their size, sweetness and resistance to drought.

Astrakhan watermelons are famous to this day. But others also appeared. Now dozens of varieties are grown in central Russia. Among them: Ogonyok, Leader, Chill, Yarilo, Sweet Krinson. So, there is a reason to find out...

How to plant watermelons correctly

Planting watermelons begins with seeds. Taking into account the Russian climate, it is better to use seedlings. In a short season, the plant must not only grow, but also bear fruit.

So that they have time to ripen, with the onset of warm weather, not seeds, but already grown bushes are placed in the ground. They are creeping, like those of cucumbers and pumpkins. By the way, the family to which the watermelon belongs is called Pumpkin.

To a question, how to plant watermelon seedlings, it’s worth approaching with gauze and cotton wool. They are needed for seed germination. First, they are placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Its color should be more yellowish than pink.

Manganese will act as a disinfectant in case of contamination of the seed. 20-30 minutes and you can lay the seeds on a “cushion” of damp cotton wool covered with a bandage.

The same “blanket” is located on top. After abundant watering of the workpiece, it is left for 3-4 days. During this time, the gauze should not dry out. The result will be the appearance of roots. The seeds are ready to be planted in the ground.

Small containers are filled with soil. It is convenient to use plastic glasses. It is important to make holes in their bottom for water drainage. As for the substrate, it is made up of 50% purchased land, 50% garden land. Both need to be disinfected. A couple of minutes is enough microwave oven. Added to the mixture as a top dressing wood ash.

The soil substrate is laid almost to the edges of the cups. The soil will be compacted after abundant watering. Excess will flow out through the drainage holes.

One common tray for all cups is enough. A 2-centimeter depression is made in the middle of each. The seed is lowered into the hole with the root down, sprinkled with substrate, and watered. All that remains is to put the cups in a warm, sunny place and wait for germination.

Seedlings with 4-6 leaves are considered suitable for planting in the ground. The greenery of neighboring plants should not touch. As the watermelons grow, the cups are moved apart.

When the sheets come into contact, the development of seedlings slows down. Watering with cool water also has a negative effect. Use only warm ones. If the conditions are met, the seedlings will have 4-6 leaves a month after planting.

When to plant watermelons

Based on the monthly development cycle of watermelon seedlings, you can calculate the time of planting and moving the plants into open ground. Focus on the climate of the region.

If frost is possible, low temperatures, is excluded only by June, the seeds are planted in early May. If positive indicators are stable already in April, the process begins in March.

When to plant watermelon seedlings prompts and moon calendar. It is compiled taking into account the dependence of plants, their development, on the phases of the night star. In 2016, melons from the Pumpkin family are recommended to be sown between May 16 and May 20. Conditionally favorable days are the 5th and 6th. 8th, 9th and 10th. In March, the “segment” from the 24th to the 29th is suitable.

Question, when to plant watermelons in the ground, abandoning seedlings, depends only on weather conditions. Suitable, for example, are the same days from the 16th to the 20th of May. In the southern regions there is no longer a risk of low temperatures by this time.

Taking into account the warm autumn, melons have time to grow and produce a harvest even in the open air. Sometimes even in Siberia they refuse seedlings. But there the seeds are grown in greenhouses, selecting early ripening varieties of watermelons.

How to choose a watermelon variety for planting

In question, like a greenhouse, there is important nuance– only one variety of berry should be used. This eliminates cross-pollination of plants. If this happens, the harvest will be of poor quality.

In cold regions, early ripening varieties with small fruits are chosen. Large berries do not have time to ripen. “Suga baby” is considered the fastest ripening. From the name it is clear that the plant produces small fruits. Their weight is no more than 4.5 kilograms. The skin of the berries is dark green and the stripes are almost black.

The varieties “Ogonyok”, “Skorik” and “Leader” also belong to the early ripening varieties. From the first shoots to harvest, 70-80 days pass. “Gift of the Sun” matures even faster. But this watermelon has a yellow rind. The flesh remains red. It is soft-grained and sweet. The size of the berries is 3-4 kilograms.

How long does it take for watermelons to ripen? mid-season group? From 90 to 110 days. Late ripening varieties are not suitable for any of the regions of Russia. Mid-season includes, for example, “Sugar Baby”. The harvest is harvested 13 weeks after planting.

Berries are good for pickling. This is another nuance of choosing a variety. Some watermelons are intended to be eaten fresh, others are used for marinades. By the way, historically Russians prefer the latter option. Watermelons were brought into the country in salted form.

In the 17th century, transportation took many months. Fresh berries were not ready for the royal table and spoiled. So the merchants brought pickles. Having learned to grow watermelons themselves, our ancestors did not perceive them in fresh form for a long time.

How to care for watermelon plantings

Deciding how to plant watermelons in open ground, or a greenhouse, it is important to consider the area of ​​the site. Plants are creeping. The berries should lie on the ground, so no garter is done. For free development, one bush needs a large area.

Leave at least half a meter between the rows of watermelons. Ideal 70 centimeters. Between the bushes you need a meter-long reserve. But, there are varieties with compact, not too long stems. When planting them, 50 centimeters is enough.

At what distance should watermelons be planted from each other? found out. Now, let's study the issue of bush formation. Seedlings have several creeping shoots.

You only need to leave one, the most powerful one, with side branches. Stopping the remaining shoots will allow the plant not to waste energy on them. All the energy will be spent on the development of the main trunk and the berries on it.

Watermelons are demanding on soil. We need fertile lands. Fertilizers will help make them so. Melons need both mineral mixtures and organic matter. The latter is suitable for mullein and chicken droppings.

Superphosphate is first taken from mineral mixtures. It is applied immediately after transplanting the sprouts into open ground. By the time the ovaries form, watermelons are already given phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

They work with melons carefully. It is not recommended, for example, to walk between the rows too much. Watermelons are vulnerable root system. Its weak point is its branching. The roots are underfoot, damaged, and the plantings suffer.

They also suffer from lack of moisture. In hot weather, abundant watering is required 3-4 times a week. Berries are 95% water. Even the bodies of jellyfish are only 92% aquatic. If there is not enough moisture, there will be no tasty, sweet fruits.

Juicy, sweet, red watermelon from my garden. This is not a dream, but a reality, even if the garden is not in a southern climate and does not resemble a melon. There is a way to get real tasty watermelons in the middle zone and even in the northern regions. Secrets of success - right choice varieties and growing seedlings.

How to choose a variety

It's no secret that in the South, watermelons are sown directly into the melon fields. There they grow and ripen on the hot soil, under the hot sun, and are filled with sweet juice. To ripen, watermelon needs a lot of sun over a long period. Therefore, in our climate, the plant lacks sunny, warm days. But this is if you choose the wrong variety, intended for the southern regions. Today, seeds of zoned varieties designed specifically for your region can be found on sale everywhere. These are the ones that need to be sown.

Advice! Watermelons should not be sown in the ground, but as seedlings. By growing seedlings indoors, you will give your plants a head start and provide them with more heat and sun for successful ripening.

When choosing a variety, you should also give preference to hybrid varieties. Their advantage is that they are characterized by early ripening, are immune to diseases, and are resistant to various climatic conditions. This means that even if the summer turns out to be cold and rainy, the hybrid will have enough time to grow to the desired size, ripen and acquire the sugar content required by the variety.

Growing watermelon seedlings

Watermelon seedlings are what you need for a summer melon garden. At seedling method When growing, you can get a harvest of fully ripe watermelons 15-20 days earlier. This method works even in northern regions, where it is impossible to grow watermelon without seedlings.

Advice! Don't chase size. It is better to grow in our climate varieties with medium-sized fruits, but characterized by increased sugar content. Also choose thin-barked varieties - they will ripen faster.

How to cook watermelon seeds

To prepare for sowing watermelon seeds, you need to perform several manipulations with them. They must first be calibrated. After calibration, scarification is carried out. Then warming up and disinfection.

Stages of preparing seeds for sowing

Stage Description
Calibration To do this, all available seeds are poured onto a horizontal surface and laid out in piles, depending on the size - large, medium, small. Do not rush to reject small specimens - everything will go into use. Calibrated seeds will be planted in different seedling containers. This will increase their germination rate - the larger ones will not overwhelm the smaller ones, and the seedlings will begin to grow uniformly and evenly. Seedlings from small seeds will begin to bear fruit a little later
Scarification The procedure is optional, but desirable. It is enough to rub the “nose” of each seed with fine sandpaper to make it easier for the sprout to come to the surface
Warming up Next, the seeds are heated in hot clean water (+50° C) for half an hour. For watermelon, this procedure is required.
Disinfection After warming up, it would be useful to carry out a twenty-minute disinfection in a one percent solution of potassium permanganate
Drying The seeds are then dried in natural conditions(not on a battery or a hairdryer) and are sown

To increase germination and reduce time, seeds can be germinated. To do this, after warming and disinfection, they are wrapped in a moistened cloth and placed on a saucer or tray closer to the heat source (battery, heater). The temperature can be up to +35...+40° C. Just make sure that the cloth does not dry out and the seeds remain moist.

What should be the soil and container for watermelon seedlings?

You can grow the best watermelon seedlings on humus or peat-humus soil. The soil is mixed from these two components in equal proportions. If there is no peat, you can make a mixture of the following composition: three parts humus and one part turf soil. Let's assume one more option for a fertile soil mixture: 3 parts peat, 1 part fine sawdust, ? parts of mullein, diluted with water 1 to 4. After preparing any soil, you need to add superphosphate to it - 1 tsp. and wood ash - 2 tbsp. per 1 kg of mixture.

Containers for growing watermelon seedlings taken with a height of 12 cm and a diameter of 10 cm. The crop is grown in individual pots, since it cannot be picked.

Seedling containers are filled 4/5, leaving about three centimeters to the edge of the pot. The soil is well moistened.

Sowing watermelon seeds

Since 30-35-day-old seedlings with four leaves are already ready for planting, it makes no sense to sow watermelon seeds before the end of March. Let's sow seedlings throughout April and in the first half of May.

Properly prepared seeds are sown two in one pot. Of the pair, one will definitely be stronger, and the second weaker (if both rise). The weak sprout must be removed, but the strong one must be left.

Sowing depth – 3 cm. Cover the seeds with peat and water. Pots with crops are placed tightly in a row on the southern windowsill, making sure that the cold from the glass does not penetrate to them.

Seedling care

To hatch from seed, future watermelons need real heat - up to +30° C. Shoots can appear as early as the sixth day.

  1. The temperature should be immediately reduced to +18° C. The sprouts are given 3-4 days to fully emerge from the soil, then the weak ones are removed and the temperature is raised again to +20...+25° C. At night the temperature in the room should not be higher than +18...+20° C. This regime is maintained for three weeks before hardening begins.
  2. Watermelons need intense light, otherwise the seedlings will stretch and become deformed. Additional lighting will be required, even in March - April, especially if the seedlings are not growing on a south-facing window. Regular fluorescent lamps will do.
  3. Watering watermelon seedlings can only be done with water. room temperature. Water moderately, only the soil, without getting on the leaves. Watermelons, like all seedlings, if overly zealous with moisture, are susceptible to blackleg, from which the plants cannot be saved.
  4. Seedlings need fresh air, so you should regularly ventilate the room, avoiding drafts.
  5. 10-12 days after germination - the first feeding. It is best to use fermented mullein in a 1:10 ratio with water.
  6. The next feeding is in two weeks. To it, to mullein, 15 g of ammonium sulfate, 30 g of potassium sulfate and 50 g of superphosphate are added for each liter.

Hardening should be done a week before planting. Gradually, day by day, reduce the temperature in the room by 2-3 degrees, gradually reducing watering. Before planting in the ground, watermelon seedlings should be taken out to the balcony or outside (to a greenhouse) two days before. The evening before planting, the seedlings must be well watered and sprayed with a one percent solution of Bordeaux mixture. Planting should be done in the morning, carefully removing each plant along with the lump from the pot and placing it in a separate hole. The holes are formed at a distance of 40-60 cm from each other. Seedlings are planted with four leaves and developed roots, deepening to the cotyledon leaves. The holes are filled with peat and watered. Watermelons do not like frequent watering; the soil should be moistened deeply and abundantly, but not more than once a week. It is necessary to weed around the plants and loosen the soil.

Growing a watermelon in our climate is no more difficult than growing a zucchini, pumpkin, or cucumber. The agricultural technology is similar. The problem of shortage sunny days can be easily solved using the seedling method of growing. If there are no melons on your plot yet, start growing melons from watermelons.