Which is better to buy an acrylic or cast iron bathtub? Criteria for choosing a cast iron bathtub. Subjective point of view on choosing a bath

August 14, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction works(laying a foundation, erecting walls, constructing a roof, etc.). Internal construction work (laying internal communications, rough and fine finishing). Hobbies: mobile communications, high tech, computer technology, programming.

Regular readers know that not long ago I installed acrylic liner into her neighbor's cast iron bathtub. She asked me to do this favor for her. And while working, I thought about which bathtub is better: acrylic or cast iron. Moreover, in the near future I am going to renovate the one-room apartment that my son bought with a mortgage, and I still have to think about this issue.

I bring to your attention my thoughts on this matter. Below I will describe the pros and cons of both products and compare the most important technical characteristics. If you are also deciding what to install in your own bathroom, here you will find all the necessary information.

Cast iron baths

Let's start with cast iron bathtubs as a more traditional and common product. The apartments of our parents and grandparents were equipped with them. Despite this, the advantages of such products allow them to still not lose their position in the construction market. However, first things first.

Very often, the choice of a bathtub made of acrylic-cast-iron-steel is determined by a person’s financial capabilities. I wouldn't advise you to do this. After all, you are buying a bathtub for a long time, so the high price should not be a deterrent. Better pay attention to specifications and performance properties.

All cast iron bathtubs presented in plumbing stores are not distinguished by their sophistication and complexity of shape. This is due to the characteristics of the material and the complexity of its processing. However, thanks to the strict geometric shape. For example, I have never had any problems installing these products in bathrooms.

The technology for making cast iron bathtubs is as simple as possible:

  • the molten material is poured into special molds, where it remains until it cools completely;
  • after this, the workpiece is coated with a special anti-corrosion compound and enamel;
  • at the last stage, the baths are processed in infrared, where under the influence of temperature the enamel hardens, becomes smooth and durable.


Despite the apparent simplicity of the technology, cast iron products have several important advantages, thanks to which they do not lose popularity at the present time. And this despite the emergence of new technologies and materials.

I’ll tell you about the advantages that are decisive for me personally:

  1. Strength and low thermal conductivity.

Bathtubs made of cast iron retain heat well, so hot water poured inside retains a temperature that is comfortable for a person for a long time. However, looking ahead, I can say that acrylic is even better in this regard. The difference is almost twofold.

Cast iron products do not change shape regardless of the load placed on them. This is due, first of all, to the strength of cast iron, as well as the fairly thick walls of the bath itself. In my practice, I have encountered bathtubs with a side thickness of 6 to 8 mm (this is basically what determines the low thermal inertia).

Due to its considerable weight, the plumbing item in question stands firmly on legs without swaying. Therefore, there is no need to secure it with bricks or a special reinforcing frame. Moreover, stability is maintained throughout the entire service life.

  1. Easy to care for the product.

Unlike steel baths, cast iron is coated with a thicker layer of high-quality enamel. Therefore, they have a rich and noble appearance, which is in perfect harmony with classic interiors bathrooms.

Moreover, the enamel withstands mechanical stress well, retains its shine, does not scratch, does not flake or crack. Even if you wash it several times with an abrasive cleaning agent.

The outer protective and decorative layer of cast iron bathtubs can be cleaned with any household detergents and withstands the effects of chemicals well. The surface does not have pores where dirt often gets clogged.

Another plus, for me personally, is good sound insulation. When you turn on the water to fill the bath hot water, it does not emit a characteristic hum, notifying all the neighbors about your desire to wash yourself or have a romantic evening by candlelight.

  1. Long service life.

Here, cast iron bathtubs, in my opinion, have no competitors. In principle, with proper care, the product will serve not only you and your children, but also your grandchildren.

If chips and defects appear on the enamel while using the bathtub, it is not necessary to immediately throw away the cast iron bathtub. Filling with acrylic can save the situation cast iron bath. After such treatment, even a very old product will acquire a presentable appearance and will last for a very long time.


I decided to do a thorough study rather than sing the praises of a cast iron bathtub. Therefore, I will tell you about the disadvantages that you need to consider when purchasing.

First of all, it is enormous weight and bulkiness. In my practice, I have not seen cast iron products weighing less than a hundredweight, so lifting the purchase to the top with your own hands will not be possible even if you want to. And not all elevators are designed for such a load. Take this into account and prepare a fee for the movers who will drag the bathtub to the 16th floor.

Naturally, one cannot fail to mention the cost. Despite the fact that domestic manufacturers offer affordable models, I would still buy products from more well-known Western brands. Otherwise, you will have to pay for low quality with low quality.

Well, a little about the appearance. You can't count on variety here. Only classics. Moreover, the emphasis of manufacturers is shifting to the use of more modern and easily processed materials: metal and acrylic.

Although, if you really want, you can find exclusive models that will make your bathroom unique and inimitable.

How to choose a cast iron bath

Despite the fact that our comparative analysis is far from finished, I will allow myself some advice to those people who have already decided which baths are better to take. And we chose cast iron products:

  1. When buying a model you like, check whether it is the right size for your apartment. Before going to the store, I always measure all the necessary parameters, since changing a cast-iron bathtub is still a pleasure.
  1. Pay attention not only to width and length, but also to depth. Especially if you live in Khrushchev. In some apartments, the bathrooms are designed in such a way that without a radical redesign, the plunge pool will not be too deep.
  2. Check the quality of the enamel and the absence of defects on the surface. Even if at first it is a microscopic crack, during use it will cause big problems. Sometimes you just have to throw the bathtub away.
  3. Buy bathtub feet that can be adjusted.. They always helped me install the product firmly even on an uneven floor.

If you have a family member with disabilities or an elderly relative, think about his convenience by purchasing a bathtub with additional handles, an anti-slip surface and other safety features.

Acrylic bathtubs

Now I’ll tell you everything I know about acrylic bathtubs. First of all, I want to say that technical acrylic is used to make these products - special type plastic, to which special components are added that neutralize the surface of the polymer and give it antiseptic properties.

All plastic baths that are sold in specialized stores are produced in two main ways:

  • casting;
  • layer-by-layer connection (ABS baths).

In the first case, a sheet of technical acrylic is taken and heated until softened. Then the finished product of the desired shape and size is stamped from it. The whole process takes place in a special form where an artificial vacuum is created.

To give strength, the plastic is reinforced with fiberglass. The number of reinforcing layers determines the strength of the finished product and, naturally, the cost. However, expensive multi-layer bathtubs have a longer lifespan, which in my opinion is worth the high initial cost.

The second method involves the use of additional chemical compounds with complex and unpronounceable names. I will not talk about them in detail, since this method has not proven itself to be the best.

I have come across such products several times. They are too thin, so the slightest mechanical impact can lead to cracks. Be that as it may, such a bath will have to be replaced after 3-4 years, so saving money will still lead to expenses in the future.


I have summarized all the advantages of acrylic bathtubs in an overview table, which I suggest you familiarize yourself with.

Advantages Description
Strength If you buy quality bath made of plastic, it will be as durable as cast iron. This is not just my opinion, I once read a detailed scientific study, so I state this with full responsibility.
Plastic Thanks to this property of plastic, manufacturers produce bathtubs of any size, shape and configuration. If you try hard, you can find a completely unique bathtub, and then proudly show it off to guests.
Ease I have moved more than a dozen bathtubs with my own hands, including those in my apartment. A standard product rarely weighs more than 35 kg. The only exception is a jacuzzi, but the equipment itself is heavy (compressors, engines), and not the acrylic itself.
Low porosity The top layer of an acrylic bathtub has no pores, so dirt does not penetrate under the surface of the bathtub. The product is easy to care for using regular detergents. New purchase will serve for a long time, maintaining the original color and texture.
Hygiene Special substances are added to the raw materials for the production of plastic products that prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms on the surface. Therefore, you can be completely confident in your safety when taking spa treatments at home.
Low thermal conductivity Acrylic has high heat-retaining properties and quickly heats up when exposed to heat. Therefore, hot water poured into such a bath retains its temperature for a long time and quickly makes the surface warm, adding comfort when bathing.
High sound insulation The water jet flowing onto the side or bottom of the bath does not create unpleasant noise. In addition, any impact on acrylic is almost inaudible, so the details of your acceptance water procedures will remain a secret to neighbors behind thin walls.
Resistance to damage The bathtub perfectly retains its appearance during use. The main thing is not to use abrasive detergents that scratch the surface when washing acrylic.

If scratches appear on the surface of a plastic bathtub, you can restore its attractive appearance using special polishing pastes (the kind used to add shine to cars).

The performance properties of this polymer turned out to be so high that they began to use it for repairs. enamel coating. For example, covering cast iron bathtubs with acrylic not only eliminates all chips and cracks, but also increases the comfort of its use.


Despite all the advantages, there are also several negative aspects here, which I want to describe in more detail.

The first and main thing is the possibility of damaging the surface of the plastic with a sharp object or abrasives. Any scratch from the decoration or too intensive cleaning with powder - and the bathtub is no longer so shiny.

Sometimes I have also seen cases where a cigarette butt fell into the bathtub and left a melted stain.

By the way, don’t even think about bathing your beloved cat or dog in an acrylic bathtub. Their sharp claws also damage acrylic. And it’s better not to put a basin there, especially a metal one, if you don’t want to change the installed bathtub in a couple of years.

The second disadvantage is the possibility of deformation during use. However, this is a “disease” of cheap models, which I do not recommend purchasing at all.

As for the fragility that opponents of acrylic talk about, this is a purely subjective concept. Believe me, I have an acrylic bathtub at home and many relatives who stayed overnight bathed in it. Of course, there were no sumo wrestlers among them, but they were quite well-fed people. And nothing bad happened.

How to choose a product

If everything that has been said has convinced you of purchasing an acrylic bathtub, I will allow myself to express my opinion here, giving some, in my opinion, practical advice:

  1. When purchasing a bathtub, look through it at the light.. You need to make sure that all the plastic is the same thickness. If this is not the case, you will see lighter areas. Then it is better to refuse the purchase.
  2. Look at the side cut of the product. There must be visible layers of reinforcing fiberglass. If this is not the case, the bathtub belongs to the second category and I do not recommend buying it.
  3. Ask the seller what the bathtub was reinforced with in production. It would be better if it was fiberglass. I don’t consider other options for myself, but, of course, I can’t forbid you.
  4. I do not recommend buying an acrylic bathtub of complex shape with many bends. All this compromises the strength of the plastic, and the bathtub may crack over time.
  5. If you decide to buy, give money only for products with a thickness of at least 4 mm, and better - 6. There are, of course, bathtubs with 2-4 walls, but personally I wouldn’t risk installing one in my home, much less filling it with water (of course, unless you want to take revenge on your neighbors downstairs for something by making it rain from the ceiling).
  6. Before purchasing a bathtub, I recommend measuring the length and width of your bathroom.. Otherwise, in the store your imagination may run wild, as a result of which the purchased font will not fit. We'll have to remodel the apartment.

And once again I will warn you against buying ABS bathtubs. The acrylic layer in them is very small, and the polymer itself has a rough surface with a large number of pores. This means that the bathtub will turn gray over time, and you will not be able to wash it.

Besides, I have never seen such bathtubs that last more than 3 years. While a good product reinforced with fiberglass will delight you even after 10 years.

Choose suitable bath not easy.

Parameter Cast iron Acrylic
Weight 120-150 kg 15-25 kg
Appearance Glossy enamel finish. Doesn't turn gray from dirt. Does not withstand impact well, but chips can be restored Smooth coating in various colors. May be stained by contaminants and cannot be washed off. Scratched when exposed to abrasives, but can be sanded well with special pastes
Strength Maximum high Depends on the type of product and the number of reinforcing layers. If the bathtub is of high quality, its strength is not inferior to cast iron.
Price From 10 thousand rubles. The price of a quality bath starts from 13 thousand rubles, and is limited only by your imagination
Thermal conductivity Hot water cools down by 1 degree every 10 minutes. The water temperature changes by one degree in 30 minutes.
Care It can be cleaned with household detergents, but too caustic substances can cause yellowing and tarnishing of the enamel. Do not wash the bathtub with aggressive solvents or substances with abrasive particles. There are no other restrictions.
Form Basically this is a classic oval or rectangular model. Thanks to the ease of processing acrylic, bathtubs of the most bizarre shapes and all sizes are stamped from it.
Durability With proper care, the service life is unlimited. More than 10 years

Subjective point of view on choosing a bath

I will tell you my opinion about choosing a bath. You don't have to stick to it and make a choice based on the information I outlined above.

Cast iron bathtubs, in my opinion, are more suitable for a country house, cottage or country house. There you can immediately provide a large bathroom and not have to worry about lifting the purchase to a high floor.

If the product is purchased for a city apartment, it is better to choose acrylic. This bathtub is easy to carry and install. Even if the elevator is temporarily turned off, and there is not much space in the bathroom.


Naturally, I understand that everyone has their own head on their shoulders and decides for themselves which bathtub to choose: acrylic - cast iron - or steel. I revealed all the nuances and features of the first two options, since I like them better.

If you have a different opinion on this matter, please express it in the comments below. Perhaps your instructions will help many novice craftsmen make a choice. And for those who want to learn more about apartment renovation, I advise you to watch the video in this article.

August 14, 2016

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Nowadays, on the one hand, it is easy to change a bathtub that has already served its purpose, since their large assortment allows you to choose any bathtub you need in terms of design, color and set of functions. On the other hand, it’s easy to get lost among all this diversity and make up your mind. How to make the right choice?

Bathtubs come in a wide variety of colors, and sometimes you can even custom paint your bathtub your own. It should be borne in mind that if you purchase a bathtub of a certain color, then it is desirable that all the plumbing fixtures in the bathroom be made in the same color.

Bathtub shapes are also available in a wide variety: oval, round, rectangular, triangular. Sometimes in stores you can find very unusual bathtubs: for two, with different handles, ladders and armrests for greater comfort.

You can choose a bathtub model that has an anti-slip coating on the bottom. The size of the bathtub is also very important: the main thing is that it fits perfectly into the bathroom.

The material from which the bathtub is made can also be varied: copper, steel, cast iron, acrylic and so on. And it’s difficult to say unequivocally that cast iron or acrylic bathtubs are better without having basic knowledge about them.

Before making a purchase that is expected to last for many years, it is necessary to arm yourself with knowledge about various materials bathroom and their properties.

How to choose an acrylic bathtub

Acrylic bathtubs recently replaced steel and cast iron. Before purchasing an acrylic bathtub, you need to clearly understand what acrylic is in order to know.

In simple terms, acrylic is a kind of plastic. The acrylic sheet is heated and it becomes plastic. It is at this moment that the bath is “blown” out of it. After the product has cooled, it is reinforced.

If you choose which bathtub is better, iron or acrylic, then when choosing an acrylic bathtub you need to pay attention to:

  • to the thickness of the manufactured bathtub: the thicker the acrylic sheet from which it is made, the stronger it is (the strongest bathtubs are 5-6 millimeters);
  • by the number of layers of reinforcement: the more of them, the stronger the bathtub will be (layers of reinforcement can be easily seen by looking at the side of the bathtub. They look like rings on a tree trunk);
  • on the price of the product: a low price may indicate that this is a bathtub made of ordinary ABS plastic, covered on top with only a thin layer of acrylic (1-2 mm);
  • to a glossy shine, since bathtubs made from real acrylic have it;
  • for the flexibility of the bathtub(you can put a little pressure on the bottom of the bathtub: if the bathtub is made of plastic and not acrylic, then it will sag under the weight);
  • on product transparency: acrylic itself is an opaque material, therefore, if you look at the light, the side of the bathtub should not be visible;
  • on the shape of the bathtub: the simpler it is, the better (it is easier for manufacturers to blow bathtubs of non-standard design from thin sheets of acrylic);
  • on the smooth surface of the bath: if there are roughness and dents, then the bathtub is not of high quality;
  • on the color of the product: it must be uniform, since acrylic is actually plastic, and plastic with various stains is bad plastic.

Acrylic bathtubs, thanks to the modern technologies with which they are produced, have good quality: Abrasion resistant. Thus, a good acrylic bathtub will last for many years, and the possibility of using it at home will only bring greater pleasure when using it.

If you need a really high-quality acrylic bathtub, then you should not skimp on it: the stronger the bathtub, the more expensive it is.

Therefore, you need to decide for yourself: either quality or low price, but - preparedness for the fact that, perhaps, at one moment such a bathtub may not withstand the water pressure or temperature and burst.

In addition to acrylic bathtubs, there is also a wide variety of other materials from which bathtubs are also quite successfully made, for example, steel. To decide for yourself which bathtub is better, steel or acrylic, you need to obtain information about the properties of steel bathtubs.

How to choose a steel bath

In terms of price, steel bathtubs are cheaper than all their other counterparts, so they are in great demand. But this does not mean that a steel bathtub is worse than all others and does not have any advantages.

Steel is a non-porous lightweight material. Thanks to these properties of steel, a thinner layer of enamel can be applied to the bathtub. During drying at high temperatures, the enamel penetrates 1/3 into the micropores of a product made of steel, which makes such enameled steel subsequently resistant to various acids and abrasive substances. Also, such a bath will have increased wear resistance and impact resistance.

Based on the following reasoning: which bathtub is better, acrylic or iron, then in order to choose a good steel bathtub you need to check it on several points:

  • bath wall thickness on average 3-4 mm (if the steel from which the bath is made is thinner, then there is a possibility of its deformation under the weight of a person);
  • steel bath weight approximately 30 - 40 kg (if the bathtub weighs less, it will most likely sag from the weight, and the enamel will begin to crack);
  • coating quality;
  • bathtub warranty (average 10 years);
  • bathtub depth: the optimal depth is 50-60 cm, since it is low enough to climb into and deep enough to wash half-sitting;
  • bathtub length: 160 – 170 cm is considered optimal, but everything, of course, depends on the height of the person himself.

The steel bath also has attractive appearance Due to the enamel coating and externally, such a bathtub looks like a cast iron one, sometimes it’s even difficult to distinguish them. If we compare which bathtub is better, steel or acrylic, then steel bathtubs are much stronger than their counterparts made of acrylic.

How to choose a cast iron bath

Cast iron bathtubs are still considered the best option for the average buyer who prefers a regular bathtub with a regular shape.

But still, when buying even the simplest bathtub, you need to be careful and pay attention to everything:

  • the dimensions of the bathtub purchased must necessarily correspond to the dimensions of the bathroom, so before purchasing it is necessary to take the necessary measurements;
  • The width of the bathtub should be such that it can easily fit through the opening of the bathroom door, otherwise partial dismantling of the door is inevitable;
  • the depth of the bath is also important: especially in old small apartments;
  • the enamel coating should be shiny without scratches, which may subsequently cause deformation of the protective layer;
  • if you are purchasing a bathtub for a disabled person or an elderly person, then it is better to look in advance for a bathtub with an anti-slip coating and with all kinds of handrails;
  • adjustable legs near the bath are important for those bathrooms where there is an uneven floor;
  • it is also necessary to pay attention to bathroom manufacturer, which has proven itself well for a long time.

Cast iron bath

Cast iron bathtubs look great thanks to the good enamel. Also, cast iron bathtubs are practically scratch-resistant, and you can care for them using any detergent.

Bathtubs made of cast iron are produced by casting, as a result of which the product is heavy but durable, which guarantees the preservation of the shape of the bathtub under high loads. Due to its high corrosion resistance, a cast iron bathtub can easily live for 50 years.

If you ask the question: which bath is better, cast iron or steel, then a steel bath is lighter, but a cast iron bath has the ability to retain heat longer. And the question “which bathtub is better, cast iron or acrylic” can be answered as follows: acrylic bathtubs are stronger because they have elasticity, while cast iron is a fragile material and the product can be damaged if hit.

In order to decide which bath is better, you need to know about the advantages and disadvantages of different baths.

What are the benefits of baths:

  • acrylic (the plasticity of the material makes it possible to produce products of a wide variety of shapes. Also, such bathtubs are very light, retain heat well, are durable and can easily remove scratches);
  • cast iron (often has screw legs, which allows you to adjust its height and retains heat well);
  • steel (lightweight, low cost).

Based on the advantages of bathtubs, based on weight, we can say that an acrylic bathtub or a cast iron bathtub is better if it can withstand high temperatures.

Disadvantages of baths:

  • acrylic (if the bathtub is made of thin acrylic, it will spring under your feet. It is strictly forbidden to clean a bathtub made of acrylic with abrasives. Only liquid cleaning products and soft sponges should be used);
  • cast iron (heavy, also modern baths made of thin cast iron, the surface is porous and, as a result, collects dirt and rust well, it is difficult to remove the resulting chip);
  • steel (do not retain heat well, are not stable, water gets into them noisily.)

Based on the shortcomings of various bathtubs, we can conclude the following question: which bathtub is better, acrylic or cast iron. In terms of surface hygiene, an acrylic bathtub is the best, but in terms of durability, cast iron ones are the best.

And the question which bathtub is better, acrylic or steel, can be answered as follows: a steel bathtub costs less, but it is easier to remove scratches with an acrylic bathtub.

Despite the presence of shortcomings in each type of bathtub, some of them can still be eliminated.

In order to correct the poor sound insulation of steel bathtubs, as well as reduce the cooling time of the water in it, several tricks are used:

  • At one time, a special polymer coating for bathtubs appeared on the market, which reduced the noise level of water in the bathtub. However, unfortunately, its price was so high that steel bathtubs with such a coating immediately began to move from the economy class group to a more expensive one.
  • When purchasing a steel bathtub, some sellers recommend placing it in a container with sand when installing it, immersing it about 1/3 of the way.
  • There is also another way to install additional supports under the bottom of the bathtub, for example, made of bricks, and fill the free space between and the bathtub with polyurethane foam. True, this will require at least 4 cylinders of polyurethane foam.
    After this, you will have to work hard on decorating the coasters and foam using plastic panels or ceramic tiles.
  • In European steel bathtubs, special rubber gaskets are attached to the bottom.

Thus, we can say that everything depends not only on the bathtub itself that you chose: expensive acrylic or cheap steel. Much also depends on correct installation selected bathroom. And you can judge which bathtub is better, acrylic or cast iron, only based on your own needs.

The main advantage of cast iron is its durability. When producing a bathtub, it is enameled and gives it an aesthetic appearance. The enamel is applied directly to the surface of the finished bath or immediately to the product that is hot after low tide. Thanks to this, a degree of additional strength of the coating and its resistance to corrosion is achieved. High-quality cast iron bathtubs have a twenty-year guarantee.

Most often, cast iron bathtubs are produced in a classic form, since this material does not lend itself well to complex molding.

Modern cast iron bathtubs are sold with built-in handles for ease of use, and also have much less weight compared to Soviet bathtubs. However, when the tide ebbs, even with thin walls, its weight will still remain quite impressive - at least 90-100 kilograms. Cast iron bathtubs are easy to clean and do not require special detergents. When washing such bathtubs, it is advisable to avoid sponges or brushes with an abrasive surface, which can scratch the enamel; it is still the weakest link in cast iron products.

Acrylic bathtubs are today considered the queens of design, gradually displacing steel and cast iron products from widespread demand. The range of acrylic bathtubs includes a huge variety of models of all sizes and shapes. With the help of compact acrylic bathtubs, a bathroom can be designed in any design, which is very important for apartments with small living space dimensions.

Acrylic bathtubs are in no way inferior to steel and cast iron in their characteristics, and in some respects they even surpass them.

Despite the deceptively fragile appearance of acrylic, this material is very durable and even elastic. Its thickness ranges from 4-6 millimeters, but the bottom of acrylic bathtubs is made thicker, since it bears the main load. The warranty on such products is about ten years, they are easy to care for and quite durable. Harmful bacteria do not multiply on acrylic, and it is also resistant to various household chemicals.

Acrylic bathtubs are available in rectangular, asymmetrical and oval versions; in addition, they are often equipped with hydromassage systems and lighting. Considering the possibility of easy reconstruction of acrylic bathtubs, they can be safely recommended as the best product for the bathroom.

The bathtub competes very successfully with an economical shower stall and a luxurious jacuzzi. Some try to replace old cast iron models with new acrylic models, sometimes without thinking about the equivalence of such an exchange.

The choice of bath at this time is limited only by your own imagination and financial capabilities. This type of plumbing surprises with its colors, shapes, and materials. In addition to the usual cast iron bathtubs, acrylic bathtubs have gained popularity. They have many advantages over steel or copper models. However, there are points on which such modern innovations fail.

Competition: cast iron vs acrylic

State-of-the-art materials modern technologies, occupy an increasing place in Everyday life. Fake diamond or plastic, reminiscent of natural glass, have become common materials. Acrylic bathtub made from composite material, represents the latest fashion trends.

Acrylic exhibits the best plastic properties when heated. It is in this heated state that a product is produced from it using the hot stamping method, which will decorate the bathroom in the future. After this operation, the bath is reinforced. Acrylic product has the following advantages:
- lightness;
- holds heat perfectly;
- perfectly smooth surface;
- possibility of quick restoration.

However, you need to remember that acrylic bathtubs also have significant shortcomings. These include:

Intolerance to chemical cleaning products;
- fragility of the material. Any heavy object can destroy the bath forever;
- subtlety of design. When filling it with water, the product may be slightly deformed;
- inability to determine the quality of the bath by eye.

Despite the shortcomings, acrylic comes in a variety of shapes, colors and configurations.

Favorite and reliable cast iron

Although cast iron bathtubs cannot compete with acrylic bathtubs in the variety of shapes and colors, they are an alternative for small bathrooms. They have a number of advantages, thanks to which they still remain in demand:

They are shock resistant;
- have excellent thermal conductivity;
- bathtubs made of cast iron are durable;
- are not afraid of temperature changes and exposure to chemicals.

Cast iron bathtubs are coated with a special anti-corrosion coating, which protects them from rust. At the same time, the product acquires a noble color and allows you to clean the surface with any chemicals. The disadvantages of cast iron bathtubs include their significant weight and a small selection of shapes.

Acrylic cast iron bathtub – ? The answer to this question depends on the personal preferences of its future owner.

Recently, acrylic bathtubs have become increasingly popular. These baths are practical and not only replace steel and cast iron, but also surpass them in many respects.


Acrylic is a polymer in the form of powder or dust, which, when mixed with a special liquid, can produce a thick, quickly hardening mass. This composition is called plumbing acrylic; it is durable and retains its given shape for many years, and is also not very susceptible to corrosion and chemical influences.

An acrylic bathtub is a body that consists of layers: acrylic, reinforced material and a layer designed to strengthen the bathtub body. The thickness of the bath reaches 7-9 mm.

Another important advantage is the plasticity of the material. Thanks to this property, bathtubs are made in different shapes: oval, rectangular, triangular, heart-shaped. If none of the proposed bathtubs suits the customer, then for a fee they will make it according to a special project. Moreover, the customer is free to choose and color palette, the bath bowl can be of any perfect tone.

Choosing a bathtub for a bathroom is the most important task when arranging a plumbing unit. Many factors need to be taken into account: ergonomics, durability, care features. Based only comparative analysis these and some other parameters, you can determine which bath is better: cast iron, acrylic or steel.

The most durable material presented in the review is cast iron. This is a metal that is characterized by high resistance to long-term exposure to aggressive environments. At the same time, it is susceptible to destruction under shock loads. A well-enameled cast iron bathtub will last for many years with careful use, but one blow will be enough for a crack to appear in the bottom.

Steel is more flexible than cast iron, but at the same time it is susceptible to corrosion. Considering that enamel tends to wear thin over time, a steel bathtub may begin to rust after only 7 years of use. Of course, at first this does not cause any inconvenience, except for aesthetic ones. But in the future, the bottom may become leaky and the bath will begin to leak.

Acrylic is a plastic that is processed under the influence of temperature (up to 1250 degrees Celsius). There are two types of acrylic used to make bathtubs:

  • Combined. Certain synthetic components are added to this plastic. This approach can significantly reduce the cost of manufacturing baths, but affects their strength;
  • Pure cast acrylic. If you take an acrylic bathtub, do it only from pure acrylic. It does not rust, withstands temperature changes well and is known for its lightness. But even this does not save the plastic from wear and tear. The average service life of such a bath varies from 5 to 10 years (for example, HusKarl, Triton or Aquanet Libra). Afterwards you will need to change the top layer of enamel or apply an acrylic liner.

Bathtub coating

This point directly affects the previous one. Depending on the coating of the bathtub, its service life may vary. Steel and cast iron are coated with enamel. This is a liquid mass consisting of glass, dyes and synthetic additives. It has a characteristic glossy sheen and has the ability to glaze the surfaces of metal products.

Advantages of enameled bathtubs:

Bathtubs made of plastic are covered with acrylic. Liquid acrylic is a highly viscous material based on plastic. It liquefies under the influence of high temperatures and is applied to the bath by rubbing or spraying.

Previously, craftsmen actively used the technique of spraying acrylic onto enamel (when restoring metal bathtubs) or a plastic liner. This is an affordable and simple application method that can be easily implemented at home. But it has its drawbacks - the spraying technology does not allow the introduction of plastic into the deep layers, as a result of which diffusion is incomplete. Over time, such acrylic peels off and crumbles, causing unsightly “cobwebs” to form on the walls.

Rubbing is a more practical, although expensive, measure. During this application of acrylic, specialists achieve a protective layer thickness of 1 to 2 mm. Three such layers are quite enough to long-term protect the bathtub from rust and cracks.

Advantages of acrylic bathtub coating:

  • Caring for acrylic is easier than caring for enamel. Most modern cleaning products are designed specifically for cleaning plastic. For example, formic acid, used in the vast majority of bathtub cleaners, is harmful to enamel. Not to mention alkalis;
  • Almost any cracks in acrylic can be cleaned with your own hands. You won’t be able to deal with enamel on your own;
  • The plastic coating also shines and shines. In addition, these bathtubs look richer in appearance than cast iron ones.

Thermal conductivity

Another important indicator when choosing the material from which the bath will be made is its thermal conductivity.

Thermal conductivity is the ability to transfer heat. There are no competitors for cast iron bathtubs in this parameter. Thick metal holds temperature well, but precisely because of this, it takes a long time to heat up. This parameter does not change even if they are placed in a cold room (without heated towel rails and radiators).

Steel baths heat up a little faster than cast iron ones, but they also transfer heat much better. To increase their thermal conductivity, experts recommend additionally insulating them using casings or boxes. Nowadays, the method of protecting walls using insulating foam is also actively practiced.

Acrylic bathtubs are insulated directly in production. The plastic liner is formed, cooled and removed from the mold (template). Afterwards, a thick layer of heat-insulating foam is applied to its inner side, similar to assembly foam, but lighter and more resistant to moisture. So that this layer does not confuse future owners, it is covered with a second liner.

Features of care

The most important parameter on which the durability of the bath depends is proper care. This includes not only cleaning, but also periodic inspection and repair (sanding of cracks, restoration).

Let's look at the features of cleaning cast iron, steel and acrylic bathtubs.

To choose the right cleaning product, you need to carefully study its composition. If the composition contains chlorine or any acids, it cannot be used to clean cast iron enameled bathtubs. Such products contribute to the thinning of the enamel. As a result, it loses its shine and becomes fragile. Likewise with alkaline compounds and acrylic.

Expert advice on how to properly care for cast iron and steel bathtubs:

  • The formation of microcracks and chips should not be allowed. This is especially true for Soviet baths. In the USSR, it was customary to combine enamel with zirconium salts. This made it possible to apply the coating faster, but reduced the corrosion resistance of the glassy coating. Therefore, it is not recommended to use hard brushes or abrasive products when cleaning cast iron;
  • The best option for cleaning a cast iron enameled bathtub is dust or laundry soap. It will help eliminate grayness and traces of rust on the coating and give it shine.

With bathtubs covered with acrylic, things are little better. Firstly, they can be cleaned with acidic agents. Plastic is not afraid of formic, low sulfur and other “soft” acids. But at the same time, you need to avoid alkalis and salts.

  • Ideal for cleaning lemon acid. It can quickly and without harming the plastic remove limescale.
  • It is advisable to use either natural brushes or medium-hard sponges. Naturally, you need to avoid metal brushes and other sharp cleaning devices that can damage the protective layer;
  • This is the only type of coating that can be cleaned with abrasives. These can be specialized pastes or powders.

Video: Which bathtubs are better: cast iron, steel or acrylic

Comparative analysis

Expert advice – which bathtub is better: cast iron, acrylic or steel – cannot be decisive without analysis. Therefore, we have collected the main parameters in one table and visually compared them.

A comfortable bath that satisfies all the requirements and desires of the owner - important element modern life. It must be durable, have an aesthetic appearance and a significant service life. Choosing a bath is not an easy decision; it must be made carefully, taking into account all the nuances. First of all, you should think about the material from which this product is made.

The period of unopposed rule of cast-iron bathtubs in our homes is over. Plumbing manufacturers offer the most different variants from popular models made of acrylic, steel and cast iron to unusual solutions made of wood, glass, marble, copper and brass.

Nevertheless, the lion's share of buyers' interest comes down to the question of what is preferable - an acrylic or steel bathtub.

Let's compare the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of both options to understand the essence of this issue.

All about acrylic bathtubs

The raw material for the production of these products is synthetic polymer plastic - acrylic. It was first produced back in the 30s of the 20th century and was initially used for the needs of the rapidly developing aircraft industry in those years. The totality of its physical and chemical characteristics made acrylic a very suitable material for plumbing production.

Acrylic for making bathtubs is obtained using two methods:

  1. Extrusion.
  2. Casting.

Extruded acrylic - more cheap option, a kind of compressed plastic “sandwich”, with a valuable layer thickness of only 0.1–0.2 cm. This material has less impact resistance and chemical resistance compared to the injection molded variety. In simple consumer language, this means that it is easier to negative impacts and quickly loses what is attractive appearance and beneficial properties.

Cast acrylic is monolithic, it is made without impurities. It is considered a completely safe environmentally friendly material. Its price is significantly higher than that of extruded acrylic.

In practice, both methods are widely used. The technology in both cases is the same - finished products are obtained by heating acrylate sheets and further pressing in various forms.

The plasticity of the material makes it possible to implement any design ideas. This is one of the main advantages of acrylic as a raw material for the production of bathtubs.

After cooling, finished products are treated with several layers of epoxy resins for greater strength. The quality of the product directly depends on their total number.

It is necessary to understand that externally bathtubs made of cast acrylic are no different from their extrusion “brothers”. This is one of the main questions that definitely needs to be clarified when purchasing. It will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the certificates for the goods.

Features of fastening the structure

Due to the high plasticity of acrylic sanitary equipment, it household use It’s impossible without an installation frame.

This fastening system is needed to “blur” the total load across the entire bathtub bowl. As a rule, each model has its own unique frame. When buying an acrylic bathtub, you should pay attention to this subtlety.

The frame is most often made of steel tubes with anti-corrosion treatment. It consists of corner supports, intermediate stiffening ribs and height-adjustable legs.

The buyer should also pay attention to the number of support points on the frame. The more there are, the lower the strength of the product.

If the frame included in the general kit is not prefabricated, but tightly welded, this is not an indicator High Quality the bath itself.

Design Features

The variety is amazing. The most daring options are possible: round, oval, rectangular, corner. In fact, only the reliability of the reinforcing frame can somehow limit the configuration of the bathtub.

Adding dyes to the raw material before obtaining acrylic makes it possible to paint it in absolutely any color.


Bathtubs made from acrylic are designed to last a long time. Proper care and use only enhance it. Major plumbing manufacturers provide warranty periods for bathtubs made of cast acrylic for up to 20 years.

Minor repairs of chips or cracks that have appeared are possible using special restoration kits. They usually include containers with liquid acrylic, polishing pastes and sandpaper for sanding.

Pros and cons of an acrylic bathtub

In order to understand which bathtubs are better, acrylic or steel, and make a good choice, it is worth clearly understanding all the benefits and benefits of one or another option. And then compare them with your capabilities, first of all, of course, financial.

The main advantages of acrylic bathtubs:

  • Ease. Its low weight, on average from 15 to 30 kg, allows one person to independently transport and install such a bowl.
  • Low thermal conductivity. Acrylic is a “warm” material that retains temperature relatively well. Bath temperature hot water in 30 minutes it will drop by about a degree.
  • Good sound insulation.
  • Hygiene. Environmentally friendly. The presence of an antibacterial coating prevents the appearance and proliferation of harmful microorganisms.
  • Appearance and variety of designs. Due to the high plasticity of acrylic, bathtub models are made in wide range forms. This is the favorite material of designers, allowing them to implement the most daring projects.
  • Easy care and operation. Such baths are not subject to corrosion. In case of damage, the product can be restored. For cleaning, a light wipe with a sponge and a special detergent is sufficient.

Main disadvantages:

  • Sensitivity to the use of aggressive cleaning agents and abrasives. Possible scratches and discoloration.
  • Mechanical fragility. Acrylic bowls can sag under significant weight. Falling heavy objects will cause cracks or even holes.
  • Instability to too high temperatures, fire, and other aggressive environments. Adhesives, varnishes and solvents, open flames, too heat water (150-160 degrees) are unacceptable.
  • Incompatible with pets. It is not recommended to bathe four-legged pets in such baths to avoid mechanical damage.

Bathtub made of steel

These baths are made of steel sheet with a thickness of 1.5 to 3.5 mm. A hot press is used to form the finished product. The extruded workpiece is trimmed of excess material and further processed and lined. Most often, special polymers or enamels are used for this. Baths from of stainless steel no further processing.

The main parameter that affects the strength, quality, and therefore the price of such a product is the thickness of the metal sheet. Obviously, steel that is too thin will not be able to withstand the serious combined weight of the water and the wearer. The required metal thickness is 3 mm and above.

The enamel coating of such bathtubs is thin, which makes it very different from cast iron bowls, which are treated with several layers at once. Pores do not form on such a lining. They are easier to clean. The likelihood of chips and cracks is less.

The enameled steel bathtub can be painted in a variety of colors, allowing it to easily fit into different furnishings.

Fastening of the reinforcing structure

In order to avoid deformations and deflections in bathtubs with a small steel thickness, it is customary to strengthen the metal bowl with the help of some kind of supports. There are many types of similar designs. Typically, brick or foam concrete blocks are used for this.

The following technique is also common - a bathtub filled with water, installed on brick supports. Next, the entire space between the supports and under the bowl is filled with foam. Water is drawn in so that the bath does not rise. By the way, this method helps to enhance sound insulation and increase thermal insulation.

Variety of designs

The plasticity of the steel sheet allows us to produce bathtubs of various shapes. In specialized stores you can find many sophisticated designs, in addition to the standard rectangular or corner ones.

The design of such models often includes headrests, handles and handrails. Options are also made for two or more people, so not every bathroom, especially standard sizes, will be able to accommodate such samples.

Pros and cons of a steel bathtub

A steel bathtub is, first of all, beneficial for the budget. Their cost is significantly lower than cast iron and acrylic samples. Of course, steel baths have other advantages, but there are also disadvantages. It is extremely rare to hear about them from the mouths of sales consultants in specialized stores.

The main advantages of steel baths:

  • Light weight. Easy to move and install.
  • Minimum time for surface heating. To do this, rinsing the bath with a shower is enough.
  • Hygienic enamel coating. A minimum of pores does not allow dirt to linger. Easy to clean and wash. Applicable to almost any detergents, except acids and abrasive options.
  • Significant service life. High-quality samples are designed for a period of up to 20 years.
  • A good choice. Variety of shapes, sizes and colors.
  • Relatively low cost.

Main disadvantages:

  • High thermal conductivity. The steel bath cools down no less quickly than it heats up. This factor significantly reduces the time you spend comfortably in it. Constantly adding hot water leads to low efficiency and increased costs for housing and communal services.
  • Poor sound insulation. Metal products are known for their low sound absorption. This minus does not suit many people. Manufacturing companies neutralize the loud sound when filling the bathtub with special plates installed on the bottom of the bowl. Home “craftsmen” use for these purposes polyurethane foam, polyethylene or inexpensive cork.
  • Deformation under the weight of water and people. When purchasing, it is better to focus on models with a steel thickness of more than 3 mm.
  • Sensitivity to abrasive cleaning products. They are not suitable for enamel baths.

Conclusions. Which option should I choose?

Which bathtub is better, acrylic or steel? It is clear that there cannot be a single correct answer to this question. Both materials have both advantages and disadvantages.

If we compare acrylic and steel bathtubs in terms of strength, the former look much more solid in this component. In terms of the quality of the facing coating and the possibility of its repair, products made from polymer plastic are also more advantageous.

Steel bathtubs are distinguished by high level noise, despite all the tricks of the manufacturers. Acrylic is silent.

Metal models have high heat transfer. They heat up faster, but also cool down quickly. In an acrylic bowl, the water temperature decreases with a slight gradient of one degree in the first half hour.

Perhaps, only in the variety of shapes and designs can steel bathtubs compete with their competitors. As in simple installation, which can be done with your own hands.

Where steel models really benefit is in more simple care. Metal coating much more resistant to chemical cleaning agents. An acrylic bathtub requires much more careful care and is intolerant of abrasives and hard sponges.

The cost of steel bathtubs is also slightly lower. All of the above is 100 percent applicable only to high quality products.

The price factor is of considerable importance. When choosing between two competing conclusions, it is worth realistically assessing financial possibilities. It will be much more effective to choose best offer in a less expensive segment than betting on the bottom position in a more expensive line.

It is also worth paying attention to the cost of care and restoration products.

When choosing a bathtub in a store, you shouldn’t give up the opportunity to evaluate its dimensions “for yourself.” If this can be done, it is quite possible to get into the presented samples and evaluate them in practice. Will it be convenient and comfortable in the future?