Sports turf rating. Choosing the best type of lawn grass for a velvety and beautiful lawn. A good lawn: what is it like?

There is a lot of hassle with your lawn: does the grass look less decorative than on the package of seeds, does it freeze in places, turns yellow, thins out and is overgrown with weeds? Perhaps you chose the wrong varieties for our climatic conditions. What grass for the lawn would be better suited We’ll tell you exactly what varieties to choose today.

Rules for choosing seeds for a lawn

The grass on the lawn should be perennial, frost-resistant and fast-growing. This important conditions perfect lawn, but not the most important ones. We list the main factors for purchasing seeds for sowing on the lawn, which are best chosen in the store:

  • Adaptation to certain climate conditions;
  • Good development of the root system;
  • Saturation of greenery and uniformity of seedlings;
  • Ability for vegetative propagation;
  • Good haircut tolerance.

Do not neglect the general selection rules lawn grass: shelf life of the material, pre-treatment of seeds, manufacturer’s guarantees, etc.

A short video about lawn grass

Types of grasses and lawn mixtures

It is best to use grasses for the lawn. They have good system roots, produce uniform green shoots, help remove weeds and have excellent decorative look after haircut. The most commonly sown varieties of grass are meadow bluegrass, bentgrass, ryegrass, fescue and others. Various grass mixtures are also popular.

Ryegrass is one of the elite varieties of grass. It looks very beautiful in any place free from planting. This variety is sensitive to watering and loves mineral fertilizing.

Herbal mixtures

  • Universal mixture. The herbs in this mixture have rapid germination, tolerance to external conditions, remove weeds and are inexpensive. The only negative is that such a lawn requires frequent mowing.
  • Sports varieties. This is a type of cereal mixture for playgrounds, stadiums and places for active recreation.
  • Mixtures for specific climates. It is important to choose grass varieties for the lawn not only by appearance, but also by climatic characteristics. There are special mixtures for areas that are under the scorching sun. If you want to sow shady areas, you should pay attention to shade-tolerant varieties of grass.
  • Mixtures of flowers and herbs. Such compositions are sown to create a meadow-type lawn. You can choose ready-made mixtures forbs or create a mix of flowers and grasses that can bloom all summer in turn. For a neat, bright meadow lawn, low-growing greenery is suitable, and you can decorate the area in a rustic style with the help of tall herbs and flowers.
  • Elite composition for lawn. Although the mixture of elite herbs is capricious and sensitive to external conditions, its appearance justifies all means. Such herbs look very decorative and can decorate any unplanted areas.

The best varieties of lawn grasses for the Russian climate

1. Meadow bluegrass. This perennial variety- one of the earliest cereals. In its pure form, it is practically not sown, since the roots of this grass take root slowly. Bluegrass is an excellent base for a grass mixture. It produces soft and juicy greens, crowds out weeds and grows well with other grains.

It happens that when proper care The lawn is still not pleasing with its density, in some places it freezes over the winter and requires frequent reseeding. All these are the consequences of an incorrectly chosen herbal mixture. When purchasing, we usually pay attention only to the information for what type of lawn the mixture is intended for (sports, parterre, etc.). The herbs included in the composition are of less interest to us, especially since their names will mean little to the average buyer. But this information is more important than the rest, because many mixtures are imported into our country from Europe. The climate there is milder, and the criteria for selecting lawn grasses are not so strict. But in our harsh climate, the European lawn often freezes out because it does not contain frost-resistant grasses. To avoid such problems, lawn grass should be selected for its suitability to the climate and soils of your area. Let's look at this in more detail.

  • The most adapted herbs to the Russian climate
  • Additional components in mixtures
  • Herbs with specific properties
  • Hints in Latin

What requirements should high-quality grass meet?

Any ornamental grass for a lawn it should be a perennial, because a lawn is created for more than one year, and it makes no sense to sow the area in a new way every spring. Of all existing species The plants most adapted to lawn conditions are cereals. But not all, but only those that meet the following requirements:

  1. Resistant to freezing.
  2. Decorative in appearance (lush green flowers, with uniform germination of shoots, with the same thickness of cover, etc.).
  3. They develop a strong root system that is not destroyed by movement, is able to grow on compacted soils, etc.
  4. After mowing, the cover quickly increases and responds well to mineral fertilizers.
  5. The ability to reproduce vegetatively, because seeds cannot be used to reproduce on a lawn.

The most adapted herbs to the Russian climate

If we analyze all the plants offered in mixtures according to the five listed criteria, then out of the entire variety there will only be three names of grass for the lawn that ideally meet the conditions of Russian weather. These are thin bentgrass, red fescue and meadow grass. All of them belong to the group of short-rhizome cereals and have similar properties.

These plants are not afraid of temperature contrasts, especially during frosts. in early spring or late autumn. Their root system withstands severe frosts and forms so dense turf that it is simply impossible for weeds to break through it. For 1 sq.m. about 30 thousand shoots develop. Grasses can withstand frequent mowing and have high speed vegetative propagation, therefore, with proper care, the lawn will last for decades without reseeding.

Red fescue grows quite slowly, so in the first year of planting the lawn will look sparse, but the next season the plant creates a thick, even cover

Meadow bluegrass should not be purchased in its pure form, because it slowly grows its root system. It is better to take a mixture where it is the main component

Thin bentgrass is famous not only for its winter hardiness and unpretentiousness, but also for its rich, dense green color, which gives the lawn a rich look

When studying the compositions of mixtures in stores, choose those that contain the highest percentage of these particular cereals. Sometimes the names of the components are written on the packaging in Latin. Remember what these three herbs sound like in Latin:

  • The thin bentgrass is designated Agrostis tenuis;
  • Meadow bluegrass is Poa pratensis;
  • Red fescue is translated as Festuca rubra.

Additional components in mixtures

In addition to the three cereals, mixtures may also contain other plants suitable for the climate of our latitudes. All of them will have good frost resistance and low maintenance requirements. But there are certain disadvantages that do not allow us to consider these grasses the best for the lawn. And if you find their names in the mixture, then remember that they should not be the main component, but can be used as an addition.

We list the types of grasses often used in lawn mixtures:

  • Bentgrass shoots. Best quality - very fast growth. Minus - it produces horizontal shoots that stand out in light color against the background of a dark green lawn. This causes the lawn to become uneven in color. This quality is inappropriate on parterre lawns, although it is not so important for a recreation area.
  • Other types of bluegrass. In addition to meadow, which we described earlier, mixtures include narrow-leaved, ordinary and oblate types of bluegrass. They are characterized by poor durability, i.e. after 5-7 years they require reseeding, and the decorative properties are lower (the blades of grass are too hard and have a bluish tint).

The light green color of the horizontal shoots of bentgrass contrasts with the color of the main lawn grass, so the grass is not suitable for parterre lawns

Herbs with specific properties

There are certain types of low-growing lawn grasses that are adapted to specific growing conditions. They cannot be called universal, but for certain areas of the site it is recommended to plant them.

Thus, oak grove bluegrass has a high ability to grow in partial shade. Those. under garden trees and in places near buildings where light rarely reaches, this plant will rid the lawn of bald spots and pale cover. However, you must take into account that the bluegrass cannot form a dense root system, and therefore does not tolerate movement and frequent mowing.

Swamp bluegrass will save the situation on lawns with high humidity where drainage was not carried out. It forms a beautiful green cover and develops strong roots, but does not live long and requires frequent reseeding. It can be combined with white bentgrass, which also grows well in moist soil. But its decorative properties are lower than those of bluegrass, and its lifespan is about 8 years.

For parterre lawns on which you don’t plan to walk at all, you can use dog bentgrass. This is one of the most elegant grasses in appearance, because it has an emerald color and delicate, thin blades of grass. This type of lawn is also called “velvet”, because from a distance it looks like expensive fabric. But with all its external advantages, the plant is very capricious. It lives for about 5 years, has weak roots, grows slowly and is absolutely not resistant to trampling.

If it is important for you that your lawn looks aesthetically pleasing within a month or two, then select a mixture that contains meadow fescue. This is the fastest growing cereal, which will close its stems within 2 months. It can be used in its pure form for a temporary lawn, which is destined to grow in one place for 4 years, because the grass does not live longer. In addition, meadow fescue has weak roots that are afraid of trampling. But as part of a mixture, this cereal can be very useful as an addition to the main herb. For example, meadow bluegrass grows slowly, and until it reaches full strength, the empty spaces will be successfully covered by the stems of meadow fescue.

Meadow fescue will save owners when they urgently need to make the lawn decorative, because after 2 months the blades of grass form a continuous thick carpet

Your lawn will be thick in the first summer, although a little patchy. Meadow fescue has wide stems and a light color, which will look contrasting against the background of narrow dark green blades of bluegrass. Next year, when the main grass begins to grow vigorously, it will simply squeeze out this grass and take its place.

Herbs unsuitable for the Russian climate

There are grasses in European mixtures that should be avoided when planting in lawns because they are designed for mild climates. For example, perennial ryegrass has excellent growth, decorativeness and dense cover, but after the first winter your lawn will noticeably go bald, although in Europe such lawns successfully turn green for about 8 years.

Perennial ryegrass (pasture) can surprise only in the first year after planting. The harsh winter is beyond his strength

Poa annua is often found as an additional component of the mixture. Its peculiarity is its ease of care and rapid growth. But this grass reproduces by seeds, so with constant mowing next year it will not be able to produce offspring and will free up the ground for the germination of weeds.

“Two more friends” - soddy pike and sheep fescue - are good in all respects except one: they form hummocks over time, and gradually your lawn will turn into a field of green mounds.

Hints in Latin

To make it easier for you to navigate when reading the compositions of lawn mixtures, and to better understand what grass the manufacturer offers for the lawn, we have collected the names of the grasses described in the article in Latin. Remember them and look for them on the packages:

There are a few questions to ask yourself before creating your lawn. Firstly, what exactly do you need a lawn for? For beauty? For outdoor sports games? Or for everything at once? Secondly, what are the conditions in the area intended for the lawn - sun, shade, wet, dry, high or low soil acidity? And based on this, make a choice from the list the best manufacturers lawn grass.

As a rule, only certain varieties of grass are suitable for the Russian climate zone. Therefore, before purchasing, you should carefully read the composition of the mixture and determine whether it contains the following species: meadow bluegrass, red fescue and perennial ryegrass. Sometimes bentgrass (its different types) is added to them. Despite the certain scarcity of the main set, each species has many varieties that differ in appearance, growth rate, resistance to damage, and so on.

There are several requirements for high-quality lawn mixtures:

  1. they must take root quickly (and even on poor nutrients ground);
  2. after mowing, it grows more slowly, but the brightness of color and density should remain the same;
  3. can withstand temperature changes typical for Russia;
  4. be resistant to diseases and pests.

If the lawn at your dacha has already grown, you should think about buying a lawn mower; we have selected the best models for you:

  • Rating of the 10 best electric lawn mowers of 2017
  • 10 best gasoline lawn mowers, 2017 rating

In Russia, five manufacturers of herbal mixtures are most popular.

5. Green Meadow

The American company Green Meadow opens the rating of manufacturers of high-quality grass mixtures for lawns. This is one of the most famous suppliers variety of plants both in the USA and in Europe. It has a rich assortment, however, Russian lawn lovers should remember that a rare mixture will take root on Russian soil. The basis of the mixture is perennial ryegrass; it is very beautiful to look at, but has a short lifespan. Ryegrass is included in many mixtures, as its rapid germination will provide the lawn with a beautiful, even color at the very beginning, and then give way to longer-lived grasses. However, it still does not tolerate frost well and dies at temperatures of -15 and below. Residents of the southern regions of Russia can enjoy its bright malachite color, but “Europeans” and Siberians should think twice about it.

4. Lilliput

The lawn mixture from Liliput is specially developed for the harsh Russian climate and is made as undemanding as possible. This is a lawn for the lazy (or for those who can't garden more than one day every couple of weeks). The grass mixture from "Liliput" is based on meadow bluegrass and four parts different varieties fescue All varieties are very hardy and resistant to negative factors environment– from temperature changes to illnesses.

3. Green square

Opens the top 3 most the best mixtures lawn grass is another domestic manufacturer. It differs from “Liliput” both in a larger number of options and at a more favorable price. Although the difference in price begins to be felt on a large scale, for example, if the lawn area starts from 50 m2 or more. There are mixtures specifically designed for various climatic regions of Russia - from the subtropical zone of the Caucasus to the arid Lower Volga region and harsh Siberia.


Powerseed lawn mixtures are adapted to the western/central climates of the United States and are therefore suitable for central and southern regions of Russia. One of the most popular mixtures is for quickly restoring lawns. It is convenient that the old lawn does not need to be dug up, fertilized, or watered regularly. It just grows on its own - what else do you need?

1. Terragrün

One of the hallmarks of Terragrün is its own mixtures, in which wild species and cultivated varieties are mixed in varying proportions. At the same time, the germination rate of seeds from German craftsmen reaches 95% (one of the highest rates on the market). A wide range of products will help create a lawn not only in the favorable climatic conditions of the south of Russia, but also in other, colder regions.

The varieties “Universal”, “Canada Green”, and “Golf Master” are very popular on the market. By the way, the latter, despite the specialized name, is actually very stable and looks great in the lawn. The only drawback is that it requires a good drainage system, as it does not tolerate soil freezing and may die.

In an effort to save time and money, many homeowners try to create a lawn from existing vegetation. But no matter how much effort is put in, in such a situation it is not possible to achieve either evenness of the coating, or its softness and durability.

What is the secret of special grass mixtures for lawns, the sowing of which ensures friendly shoots and the formation of a dense green carpet, without special troubles preserving beauty for several years? Obviously, the answer lies in the selection of plants and the quality of grass seeds for the lawn, as well as proper care of the surface. How to choose plant species, and what properties such herbs should have, read in this article.

Required qualities of grass for a lawn

Cereal plants can withstand the loads experienced by the lawn better than other crops. They are unpretentious, reproduce not only by sowing, but also vegetatively, easily tolerate shearing, and with proper care they quickly grow and create an even grass cover.

But of the entire mass of cereals, not all are suitable for sowing on a green lawn. To be included in a grass mixture for a lawn, a plant must meet a number of requirements:

  1. First of all, attention is paid to the decorative qualities of the grass, its softness and ability to maintain the brightness of its color for a long time.
  2. In conditions middle zone The frost resistance of the crop is extremely important.
  3. The best grasses for lawns form an extensive root system that provides nutrition and development of plants in any type of soil.
  4. Plants to create a lawn should easily tolerate mowing by hand or recover quickly after it.

The composition of specialized mixtures is dominated by perennial grasses for the lawn, which means that a year after sowing, the owner of the site will not have to renew the covering.

The best species form a dense turf in one season, and the renewal of the cover occurs due to the formation of new shoots from existing plants.

This type of lawn takes care of itself. The roots of the grasses are so intertwined that they do not allow weed species to break through, and new ones quickly appear in the place of dead rosettes. In addition, a well-chosen lawn is pleasant and safe to walk on; it can easily withstand adverse weather conditions and intensive use.

When choosing grass seeds for your lawn, be sure to consider:

  • purpose of the created coverage;
  • climatic features of lawn use;
  • local natural factors, such as lighting conditions, soil type, location of groundwater and even planting area.

Today, grass mixtures for lawns include about two dozen species of plants. But not all of them can withstand Russian operating conditions.

Types of perennial grasses for the lawn

The most commonly chosen seed crops are varieties of bluegrass, bentgrass and fescue. In the mixtures of major manufacturers you can see ryegrass, hybrid grasses specially created for use on lawns, as well as other grasses that provide special qualities to the green surface.

How to choose from the existing variety of lawn grass for your dacha that would decorate the site for many years?

Among lawn grasses, meadow bluegrass is the most popular. This is perennial herbaceous plant, the height of which does not exceed 20 cm, and during the flowering period 80 cm. In Russia, the crop is easy to find not only on the lawn, but also in wild form, and grass:

  • prefers soil rich in humus;
  • forms a powerful root system;
  • not afraid of intensive walking on green cover;
  • starts growing season early;
  • easily withstands heat;
  • recovers quickly after mowing.

This perennial lawn grass also has its drawback. The bluegrass-based coating shows its full strength only a year after sowing.

If bluegrass is listed among the grass seeds for the lawn, this means that the green cover will not suffer from the summer heat, will withstand shading and will not lose its decorative appearance after a long period of rain.

Like bluegrass, various types of fescue are unpretentious cereal plants found everywhere in natural conditions. Frost-resistant and drought-resistant red fescue is often used as lawn grass. The plant does not differ in growth rate, but feels great even on soils poor in nutrition.

At the dacha, the grass for the lawn may well be such an affordable and extremely easy-to-maintain meadow timothy. The grass, characteristic of many regions of the northern hemisphere, reaches a height of 30–80 cm, quickly forms elastic rosettes that are pleasant to the touch, inexpensive and very attractive.

Bentgrass is famous for the density of the cover formed and its ability to tolerate low mowing. The grass has a beautiful color, easily coexists with other types of grasses and is stable in a wide range of weather conditions.

Before sowing grass for your lawn, you should carefully consider its properties. In mixtures of foreign producers there are often crops that are not able to provide the effect that they show in their homeland.

An example is perennial ryegrass, which sometimes cannot withstand Russian winters and dies at temperatures below –15 °C and insufficient snow cover. As a result, already in the second season, the lush cover after sowing noticeably thins.

Do not confuse meadow bluegrass with its annual relative. Fast-growing lawn grass reproduces only by seeds. In the first year, such a lawn will actively turn green, but with regular mowing it will not produce offspring and will lose its beauty after wintering. And such common grasses as sheep fescue, turfgrass and grass grass change some time after sowing, forming noticeable hummocks on a flat lawn.

Sowing a single crop or a grass mixture for the lawn?

Since all plants, in addition to positive qualities, also have weaknesses, to create a high-quality green covering of an area, grass mixtures for lawns are often used, which, depending on the purpose and sowing conditions, can be divided into:

  • to quickly ascending ones, that is, allowing you to obtain a new cover or restore a lost one in a minimum time;
  • shade-tolerant, able to tolerate cultivation in the shade without loss of decorativeness and density of cover;
  • to drought-resistant, remaining attractive and fresh in conditions of bright sunlight and lack of adequate moisture.

In universal lawn seed mixtures, the creators try to combine all of the listed qualities and give the gardener the opportunity to get a decent result in any conditions.

Therefore, to maintain the external attractiveness and evenness of the cover, it is necessary, although not often, to be mowed. Only such types of lawn as meadow and Moorish lawns, where cereals, perennial and annual flowering crops are found in free growth, are not mowed.

In order for plants to show their best side, lawn seeds must have high germination rate, and sowing is carried out evenly and in compliance with accepted agricultural practices. Proper selection of the mixture allows you to emphasize the advantages of individual plants and neutralize their shortcomings, so that the resulting lawn will be more even and beautiful in any weather, on any soil and with minimal care.

It doesn’t matter what size the area is or what style it is in - a well-groomed lawn will give it a complete, noble look if you choose the right grass for it and provide them with proper care.

First of all, you need to decide on the location of the lawn - this could be the backyard or, conversely, the area in front of the entrance to the house. In addition, you need to clearly understand what you will use it for, because the application various types grasses results in completely different lawns.

Ideal lawn

The varieties of lawn grass and the detailed characteristics of these plants, the method of planting, and care must be learned before going to the seed store.

An ideal lawn with good dense turf can be obtained by sowing it with one type of grass. To choose the right type of lawn grass for your summer cottage, you need to take into account the characteristics of the soil, the function of the lawn and its location.

Regardless of what kind of lawn you choose for your site, when choosing seeds you should pay attention to several points:

♦ They should not be expired, nor should they have obvious signs of fungus or mold damage.

♦ It is better if their quality is confirmed by an international certificate.

Table of characteristics of lawn grass species

Monoculture- these are grass seeds of one type, it is used infrequently due to its high cost, fastidiousness in care and growing conditions. However, these shortcomings are fully compensated by the quality of the coverage they provide. Monocultures are most often used to make sports fields or English lawns.

Herbal mixture is a combination of seeds most suitable for a particular region. Thanks to the combination best qualities certain species, a lawn made from grass mixtures is decorative and not so demanding to care for. When purchasing, it is also important to study the seeding rate for a monoculture or mixture. Most often this depends on the individual characteristics of the cereal or mixture. If there are no clear instructions on the seed packet, then the norm is considered to be 50 grams per 1 m² when sowing using a Hamilton automatic seeder, drum type. If you do this manually, then you need to add 10% to the figure.

The ratio of lawn grasses in the grass mixture when sowing them on different soils

The proportions in which lawn grasses and their varieties are mixed are determined by the specific functions and specifics of the future lawn in front of the house on a summer cottage.

A universal lawn is easy to care for, and to create grass uniformity and turf strength, grass varieties such as bluegrass and red fescue are used.

The playing lawn must be stable and durable. Children playing on the lawn should not trample it. A play lawn requires grass varieties that are capable of rapid regeneration. One of the best varieties for this is perennial ryegrass.

Sports lawn

The sports ground must have excellent properties to restore its vegetation. They will use it to kick the ball and kick the turf, so the regeneration process of the surface should be quite high. It is sown with a mixture of seeds: 2/3 of perennial ryegrass and 1/3 of meadow bluegrass. This type of lawn will require constant watering and fertilizing. complex fertilizers. Then the sports ground will always be green and without bald spots.

Ideal lawn

Front view of the site

The ground lawn is the main front lawn, which is the decoration of the site. It should look like a carpet, with a very dense, uniform turf and free of weeds. Such a lawn is the pride of the owners, and therefore the choice of grass variety for it must be taken responsibly. To create a flawless appearance, you need regular haircuts, fertilizing and timely watering. Main lawn country house is sown with a mixture of seeds in a certain proportion: red fescue - 75%, perennial ryegrass - 20%, meadow grass - 5%. This mixture of the most popular seeds allows the grass in the ground to be constantly green.

Characteristics of the main types of lawn grasses in points from 1 to 10

Proportions must be observed, because with the reduction of perennial ryegrass, the main area, covered with greenery, gains grace, but loses the strength of the turf. Then you will have to constantly fight against bald spots.

Types of lawn grass

Lawn grass, of which there are numerous types, is classified according to several criteria: development of the root system; shoot height; lifetime.

By type of root system There are four types of lawn grasses:

Rhizomatous- the root is not very deep, but grows quickly, forming many nodes that give aboveground shoots. Thanks to this, the grass stand is preserved for many years. These herbs include: bluegrass; white bentgrass; meadow foxtail.

Loose bushes- unlike the first type, the root forms only one underground node. The lushness of the plant is created by shoots from the above-ground bush. These include: timothy; perennial ryegrass.

Dense bush- you need to be very careful with this type of grass, as they can form dense tussocks, which does not look very aesthetically pleasing on the lawn. This feature is explained by the fact that new shoots released by the above-ground bush quickly grow together with the old ones. This species includes: red oatmeal; white-haired

Tap root plants- Very unpretentious appearance with a lush, beautiful bush. The main tap root goes deep into the ground, and young shoots form on it. Taproots include: sainfoin; horned frog.

Field germination of seeds, preservation and overwintering of the main types of lawn grasses in the first year of life

By shoot height

This criterion determines in which tier of the vegetation cover the lawn grass will be located.

It is customary to distinguish the following tiers:

Upper- it is formed by more light-loving plants, the stems of which can reach more than 1 meter in height. Representatives: vicoleaf sainfoin; boneless fire.

Average- is formed from semi-upland grasses with a stem length from 50 cm to a meter. They bush well after shearing, forming a beautiful cover. Among them: hybrid clover; yellow alfalfa; timothy grass

Lower- usually these are herbs that tolerate slight darkening well, with thin stems up to 70 cm in height. These include: bentgrass; white clover; red fescue

According to the lifespan of plants

Annuals; two-year-olds; perennial.

Timing of seed planting and characteristics of lawn grasses

Quality of turf cover of grass mixtures for creating parterre lawns

A lawn is an ecosystem that lives according to the general laws of nature. After sowing lawn grass seeds, cultivated plants begin to fight weeds for the right to exist on their territory. Plants that develop slowly are suppressed by more active and tall competitors. Cultivated plants always lose to weeds. Therefore, it is very important not to miss planting dates and sow lawn grass seeds immediately after the end of frost - from the end of March to April 15. Then they will grow on time, and they will have a better chance of surviving. Lawn grass can be sown from August 15 to September 1, when the summer heat subsides and the air temperature is suitable for seed germination.

When creating lawns in mid-latitudes, a mixture of 3 grasses is used: meadow bluegrass, red fescue and perennial ryegrass. On playgrounds Running and thin bentgrass is often used, which has high regeneration and quickly twitches.

Meadow bluegrass

Meadow bluegrass - a tradition of choice

Meadow bluegrass is the most frost-resistant and heat-resistant species. Meadow bluegrass surpasses fescue in its unusual beauty. But this grass is capricious, and if care is not taken care of, the lawn loses its shine and luster. With proper care, it quickly begins to turn green and completely restores its green cover, which will not turn yellow even in late autumn. In the first year, the bluegrass is weak and helpless and requires weeding, otherwise the weeds will crush it. In the second year of life, it forms a dense carpet that does not allow a single blade of grass to pass through.

Table of basic activities for sowing and lawn care

In the spring, after the snow melts, the bluegrass begins to turn green very first, because it retains its appearance even in winter. In an open place, with proper care, bluegrass lives for a very long time. Main enemy this plant - powdery mildew. It is she who does not allow bluegrass to grow in the shade. If the lawn is located in the shade, then another variety of bluegrass, squat or forest bluegrass, will suit this darkened place.

Other bluegrass varieties:

  1. Common bluegrass loves shade and moisture, so it is used on marshy soils.
  2. Annual bluegrass produces seeds even when cut very short and easily tolerates any winter. It is often classified as a weed.
  3. Poa squat is used in damp shady places, creates a carpet of greenery, destroying all its neighbors, but dies without watering.
  4. Bluegrass survives in complete darkness and, like all shade-tolerant grasses, does not form dense turf, is easily trampled and does not grow back after mowing. It is better to sow it separately.


Red fescue - an unpretentious beauty

Fescue is an unpretentious grass. Even in the absence of any care, its roots constantly grow and form durable turf. With constant care for fescue, its grass will be soft and silky. It shimmers beautifully in the sun different shades green, pleasing to the eye and calming the nervous system. Red fescue has such qualities as shade tolerance and drought resistance.

Poa and fescue live well together in the same lawn. These varieties complement each other well: in drought, fescue reigns on the lawn, and in the cold season, bluegrass is pleasing to the eye. The same lawn can be different depending on the time of year: it changes its appearance (shades of green), but never turns yellow.

  1. Sheep fescue and dryish fescue are 2 similar species. These are steppe grasses that form a tussock. They are drought-resistant and unpretentious, but they cannot be used to create a lawn carpet. Another drawback is that they grow slowly. When red fescue seeds become clogged, they spoil the lawn with their appearance.
  2. Tall fescue is resistant to salt and drought and can exist on temporary lawns only in warm climates.

Perennial ryegrass

Perennial ryegrass - early maturing lawn

In order to get a lawn in the same season, you should pay attention to perennial or perennial ryegrass. It should be borne in mind that this beautiful lawn grass does not have rhizomes, which should ensure the evenness and density of the carpet. Perennial ryegrass bushes, forms tussocks, and thins out with minimal density. Ryegrass seeds can be found in any lawn mixture: when it is added, the lawn quickly begins to turn green. But its seeds of this variety must be sown annually.

Table with the conditional seeding rate of grasses per different types lawns

Bentgrass - the queen of golf

You can often find bentgrass seeds in lawn mixtures. It is planted as seedlings, it is easily accepted with frequent watering, and in two months the sports ground will be ready for play. This grass is popular for golf courses. It needs frequent haircuts, requires regular watering and regular feeding. In the first 2 years it has increased growth, and then it jerks violently and eradicates itself. Due to the crowded conditions, bentgrass is attacked by diseases that cause the grass to die. The bentgrass destroys all the grass near it. A lawn made from such grass requires updating after 3-4 years.

How to calculate the number of seeds? It is recommended to sow 20 g of seeds per 1 m² - this is a matchbox with a top. Using simple math, you can calculate how much seed you need to buy for your lawn.

What lawn grass seeds are used in admixtures and mixtures? There are other types of grasses found in lawn grass mixtures that are not suitable for creating a good lawn.

Clover white

Perfectly complements grass mixtures for lawns. This is a special, hybrid species that is ideal for low mowing. Valued for bright color sprouts

Herbs that litter the area

One of the main requirements for lawn grasses is that their seeds should form very weakly, but vegetative propagation was great. This property of plants allows the lawn surface to quickly become overgrown with turf. In lawn mixtures you can find such meadow grass, such as: foxtail, meadow fescue, white bentgrass, timothy grass, hedgehog grass. They do not meet this requirement. These grasses are not suitable for planting on country lawns because they clog the lawn so much that you have to dig it up and create it again.


Timothy grass small-leaved

An ornamental grass that is famous for its hardiness and ability to grow in almost any conditions and on any soil. Cold, dark conditions, and high humidity are not scary for this variety.


It is usually used in mixtures, since by itself it forms a not very even cover with bald spots and bumps. It has the ability to crowd out weeds and grows in almost any conditions. It grows well on slopes, strengthening them due to its developed root system.

Common comb

Common comb

It has very dense, short shoots, which is important for the lawn. Even during frosts it is able to preserve the greenness of the leaves and tolerates both drought and excess moisture. Excellent for low mowing.

Choosing the right type of grass is half the success in arranging a lawn. Taking into account the advice and recommendations of experts when choosing seeds, you can enjoy the beautiful look of a green lawn on your site. And the types of lawn grass described above will help you with your choice.

Every owner of a country house dreams of having a green lawn in front of their house. It can decorate any yard. In addition, green cover is quite practical, because a piece of land covered with thick green grass can be used for relaxation and games.

However, creating a beautiful lawn is not like that. simple task, as it might seem at first glance. Even if the owner takes care of the green carpet, it does not always please with its beauty. Bald spots may appear in places after harsh winters.

The main mistake when creating a lawn

It must be said that problems with lawns, as a rule, arise mainly from those people who have chosen the wrong grass mixture. When choosing lawn grass, a person usually pays attention only to what type of lawn it is intended for - sports or parterre.

The last thing owners of country houses are interested in are the types of lawn grasses that are part of the mixture. And many people don’t even look at it. For most people, this information means little. But it is very important, since a large number of different mixtures are imported into our country from the European continent and not everyone is suitable for Russian climate conditions.

In European countries, the climate is milder and the criteria for selecting grass for the lawn are completely different. With us harsh climatic conditions, therefore, higher demands must be placed on grass mixtures used to create a lawn.

If the grass purchased to create a lawn does not have frost resistance, then it won't survive the winter well, and in the spring you will have to deal with the restoration of damaged areas of the lawn.

To avoid all this, you need to take the selection of grass for your lawn very seriously and carefully select grass seeds. It is worth considering only those that are adapted to the climatic conditions of our country. How to choose the right lawn grass so that the lawn does not suffer from the Russian climate - this will be discussed in this article.

Requirements for lawn grass

Regardless of what kind of lawn the grass is used for, it will always must be perennial, since a lawn is created for several years, and creating it from plants that have a short life span makes no sense.

It is best to use grass seeds to form a lawn, which belong to the group of cereals. And all because they are more adapted to the harsh climatic conditions of our country. But not all crops included in this group should be used, but only those that meet certain requirements:

  • Resistant to freezing.
  • They have good external decorative qualities - height of cover, juicy green color with uniform germination.
  • The ability to develop a powerful root system that is not destroyed by soil movement and is able to grow in highly compacted soils.
  • Rapid growth of cover after mowing.
  • Ability to reproduce vegetatively. This is due to the fact that constant mowing of the lawn does not provide the opportunity for seed propagation.

Herbs best adapted to Russian climatic conditions

If you look at all the grass seeds that are offered for lawns in stores, then with all their diversity you can find only three plants, meeting all the above criteria. This three includes: thin bentgrass, red fescue, meadow grass.

These plants belong to the group short rhizomatous cereals. They are united by the similarity of the properties that are inherent in them.

  1. They are not afraid of sudden changes in temperature; even frosts in late autumn or early spring months will not lead to their death. The root system of these plants is able to withstand extremely low temperatures.
  2. As they grow, these plants form high-density turf, which is simply impossible for weeds to penetrate. When growing such grass on one square meter about 30 thousand shoots are concentrated.
  3. Another advantage of this “trinity” is its ability to withstand frequent mowing.
  4. They reproduce well vegetatively, so they are excellent for forming a lawn.

All of the above advantages allow us to say that with proper care, the lawn can be used for decades without the need for reseeding.

If you decide to arrange a lawn on your property, then, naturally, you will need purchase the right herbal mixture to create a lawn. When you go to the store to buy lawn grass seeds, you should pay attention to those mixtures that contain the highest percentage of these particular cereals.

Sometimes the names of these cereals included in the mixtures are written in Latin. Therefore, before going to the store, you should find out how these seeds sound in Latin, so that you can quickly select the right herbal mixture.

In Latin, these herbs are as follows:

  • agrostis tenuis - refers to thin bentgrass;
  • the name of the meadow bluegrass is poa pratensis;
  • The name festuca rubra in Latin is given to red fescue.

Types of lawn grasses and nuances of choice

Often found in mixtures low growing grasses, which are adapted to certain growing conditions. They cannot be called universal crops, however, in some places they are recommended for planting.

One such crop is bluegrass. The plant has as its main advantage its high ability to grow in the shade. This allows you to grow it under garden plants, as well as in buildings.

The light gets there in a minimal amount, but, nevertheless, this does not prevent the lawn grass from growing and creating a green carpet. By planting this crop, you can rid your lawn of bald spots, as well as pale cover. However, you should know that when growing, this grass is not able to form a dense root system.

Therefore, you should not often walk on a lawn formed by this grass. You should also avoid frequent mowing, otherwise it will have a negative impact on appearance lawn

Swamp Bluegrass

If the site is dominated by soil with high humidity, then in this case you can plant swamp bluegrass. This culture is capable of forming a beautiful green cover. As it grows, it forms powerful root system.

The lifespan of this plant is short, so it is necessary to sift frequently. This plant can be combined with another one - a lawn crop white bentgrass, which grows quite well in moist soil.

However, in comparison with bluegrass, its decorative properties are lower. If we talk about the lifespan, it is usually eight years.

Dog bentgrass

As for the parterre lawn, which is generally not recommended to walk on, you can use dog bentgrass to grow it. This herb belongs to the group of herbs with high decorative properties , which is due to its emerald color, as well as the blades of grass being thin and soft to the touch.

Often a lawn formed by such grass called velvet, because from a distance it looks like expensive fabric. However, despite these advantages, dog bentgrass has certain disadvantages.

One of them is the capriciousness of this plant. The lifespan of the dog bentgrass is only five years. She has weak roots and This grass grows extremely slowly, and it is not resistant to trampling.

Meadow fescue

If you want to have a beautiful lawn on your property that will be distinguished by its aesthetic appearance, and you don’t want to wait a long time for the grass to sprout and form it, then you need to choose a mixture that contains meadow fescue.

By planting this grass, in just two months you can have it in front of your house. beautiful green cover. Among all grass crops for lawns, this grass is one of the fastest growing.

It is suitable for use in its pure form to create a temporary lawn, which is planned to be used in one place for no more than four years. The lawn will not last longer because this grass has a short lifespan.

Lawn grasses unsuitable for the Russian climate

Lawn grass plants from Europe contain herbs that are not recommended for planting in our country due to the severity of the climate. They are designed for mild conditions, so they will die quite quickly.

These herbs include perennial ryegrass, which grows quite well, has high decorative properties and, in the process of its development, forms a thick cover.

However, after the first winter, most of the grass dies, resulting in large bald spots appearing on the lawn. In European countries this herb is actively used. A lawn created from this grass can last for eight years.

Poa annua is often found as an additional component in mixtures offered in stores. The main feature of this grass is its unpretentiousness, as well as its high growth rate.

However, there is one drawback in this plant. It lies in the fact that this grass reproduces by seeds, and when cold temperature it's simply impossible. The next year the grass does not produce offspring, which leads to active growth weeds.

Two more herbs that should not be planted in the Russian climate - soddy pike and sheep fescue. They have many advantages, but still have disadvantages. By growing a lawn of these grasses, over time it turns from a smooth green carpet into a covering with a predominance of green mounds.

Many owners of country houses want to have a green lawn in front of their house. You can create it yourself. However, to get a good lawn, you need put in a lot of effort. And it's not just a matter of necessity ongoing care behind the green carpet.

No less important correct selection of grass. If you do not pay attention to this point, the result will disappoint you. Not everything for lawn grass is suitable for the harsh climate of our country.

You should be aware of this, therefore, when choosing grass lawn mixtures, preference should be given to those that contain crops low temperature resistant, and can form a thick green cover.

Taking this point into account when choosing lawn grass, after planting, you can quickly get a beautiful carpet in front of your house, which will become the main decoration of your site.

Mixing lawn grasses is akin to alchemy...

For different purposes - for a decorative lawn, parterre, park or sports lawn - it is necessary to choose different ratios of the main types of grass.

  • What are these types?
  • What are their properties?
  • When is it better to choose a lawn mixture with a predominance of bluegrass, and when to choose ryegrass or fescue?

You can find answers to these and other questions in this article...

Lawn mixtures can usually be purchased ready-made. In this case, you need to know well the properties of each herbal species and the composition of the mixture. Then you can decide how to choose the right lawn grass seeds for planting in your dacha.

Alternatively, you can mix the grass seeds yourself.

The main popular types of grasses for sowing a lawn

The basis for all lawn mixtures is formed by:

  • red fescue;
  • meadow bluegrass;
  • thin bentgrass;
  • perennial or perennial ryegrass.

The properties of a lawn are essentially determined precisely by the presence and proportions of these species in the seed mixture.

We will look at them in more detail, provide you with expanded information about each type, with Latin names individual types of lawn grasses and photographs.

Red fescue (Festuca rubra sensu lato)

Red fescue can be mowed frequently and short (from 20 to 40 mm on ornamental and sports lawns). Adapted to moderate load.

It is the basis of all decorative lawns. This is an unpretentious type of lawn grass, which is divided into three subspecies: red fescue (festuca rubra rubra) with long rhizomes, hairy fescue (festuca rubra trichophylla) with short ones, and tough fescue (festuca rubra commutata) without rhizomes.

It is a short, deep green to grey-green grass. The basal leaves are narrow and long, deeply grooved, up to 1 mm wide. The stem leaves are usually wider - about 2 mm, flat and grooved.


  • Fescue is relatively low maintenance. It is quite resistant to trampling, although it is inferior to bluegrass and ryegrass.
  • After sowing, fescue shoots emerge within two to three weeks.
  • In spring, sprouts emerge early, and it is good that the grass is very resistant to unfavorable climatic conditions and weather changes.
  • The lawn layer grows evenly and takes root at a moderate speed.
  • TOP varieties produce thick and very soft lawn turf.
  • Red fescue is less susceptible to common fungal infections.
  • It successfully resists drought, when the leaves temporarily wither, but the plants themselves regenerate very well.

In Russia, 41 varieties are used to compose lawn mixtures. You can find out more about the varieties in the article dedicated to this type of lawn grass.


Loose-bush and rhizomatous-loose-bush Red fescue varieties are the basis of the best decorative lawns (in such mixtures up to 60-70%) due to their dense, very delicate turf. Elite varieties of fescue are also used for golf turfs.

Rhizomatous varieties produce sparser turf, but fill gaps in growth better. They are preferred in formulations for commercial and park or landscape lawns, especially on poor and dry soils.

Due to its resistance to lack of light, fescue is used for sowing in shaded areas, in the shade of fences, trees or bushes.

Meadow bluegrass (Rhoa pratensis)

Bluegrass can be mowed even lower than perennial ryegrass (up to a height of 10-30 mm)

Broad-leaved forms of bluegrass grow in fertile meadows and pastures, with plenty of moisture, from the lowlands to the subalpine zone. The narrow-leaved form is found more often in dry steppe meadows, along roads, on overgrown slopes and screes.

This perennial with long underground rhizomes, medium height, dark green color.


  • The grown bluegrass forms a dense lawn of medium softness.
  • The turf is resistant to mechanical damage and regenerates well thanks to underground shoots that form a dense underground turf.


  • After sowing, bluegrass germinates very slowly, within three to four weeks.
  • The turf also develops and takes root slowly, and reaches full development in subsequent (after sowing) years.
  • For some varieties of bluegrass, late spring growth can be expected.
  • It is susceptible to some foliage diseases, especially in autumn.


Bluegrass is a necessary ingredient for creating highly stressed landscape and sports lawns. Increases the density of the grass surface and its resistance to mechanical stress.

Its increased ability to regenerate helps to quickly heal damaged areas.

Elite varieties with narrow leaves can also be used in mixtures for ornamental lawns.

Slender bentgrass (Agrostis tenuis Sibth.)

Poorly resists loads if not mowed regularly and very low (5-10 mm)

Low grass with short roots. The stems are thin, smooth, straight. Flat or semi-rolled leaf blades about 2 mm wide.

Positive traits:

  • The main advantage is its undemanding nature; it grows in poor and dry soils.
  • Forms a dense, high-quality lawn carpet.


  • Characterized by extremely slow germination after sowing (21-30 days) and slow initial growth.
  • Late spring growing season.
  • Requires a lot of moisture and frequent low mowing.

Lawns with a large proportion of bentgrass are prone to the formation of lawn felt; they require verticulation - cutting through the turf to a shallow depth.


Thin bentgrass is suitable in a mixture with red fescue for nurturing the best ornamental lawns. Used in golf turf mixtures.

Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne)

Pasture ryegrass requires frequent mowing. But, attention! Do not mow it too low (minimum 25-30 mm)

The grass, also called English ryegrass or perennial ryegrass, is one of the finest perennial grasses.

It is a dark green, low growing species. It has straight, reddish stems, leaves with blades up to 6 mm wide.


  • It also grows on heavier soils with a compacted surface.
  • Requires sufficient moisture and nutrients.
  • Perennial ryegrass is a fundamental component of English lawn mixtures.


  • Of all lawn grasses, it sprouts and grows the fastest. Soft, resilient turf develops and takes root in the year of sowing.
  • Very resistant to mechanical stress and excellent regeneration after damage.
  • Competes well with weeds.


  • Sensitive to temperature changes, ideal for mild climates, unsuitable for continental climates. Prone to freezing. After a snowless winter, your lawn may become bald.
  • Susceptible to fungal infection. Especially in areas where snow lies for a long time, it is affected by snow mold.
  • Does not tolerate extreme droughts well.


Perennial ryegrass is the basis of mixtures for sports and park lawns, in which it provides resistance to heavy loads and rapid regeneration of damaged areas.

It is also included in mixtures designed for the rapid renewal of green areas and restoration crops.

Due to its vitality, it is necessary to formulate mixtures so that in the early stages of lawn development it does not crowd out other herbal components with slow development.

Additional types of grasses for lawn mixtures

To the basic composition of the lawn mixture, you can add herbs that feel confident in our region.

Requirements for them:

  • Good frost resistance.
  • Easy to care for.

Bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera)

  • Growing quickly.
  • Creeping shoots may be slightly lighter than the main greenery of the lawn. This makes the clearing look colorful.

For a classic lawn this is a definite defect, but for a country lawn it’s not at all scary.

Poa angustifolia, common bluegrass (Poa trivialis), flattened bluegrass (Poa compressa)

  • Fast growth.
  • Good occupancy of the area.
  • Fragility - will have to be replanted after 5-6 years.
  • The plant has an uneven bluish color and is therefore suitable only for “country” use.
  • The shoots are too harsh. Walking on it will not be very comfortable, so it is more suitable for “visual beauty”.

Poa nemoralis

  • Feels great in shaded areas. It is logical to plant it where there is little light: under a fence, near buildings, under garden trees.
  • This plant has a weak root system, so trampling and frequent mowing are contraindicated for it.

Swamp bluegrass (Poa palustris)

  • Grows well in areas with high humidity. Therefore, if you have a lawn on your property without preliminary drainage, swamp bluegrass is what you need!
  • It grows into a dense green carpet with powerful roots. Hence the conclusion - it will withstand repeated mowing.
  • The lifespan of this grass is a maximum of 4-5 years. It has to be constantly reseeded.

Meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis)

It can be planted as a temporary lawn, although it will last at least 4 years.

  • Fast growth - 2 months and the lawn is ready!
  • An excellent addition to the main grass: while it gains strength, fescue will cover the empty spaces.
  • Already in the first season, a dense green carpet will delight the owners.
  • But next year the main grass will get stronger and gradually displace and replace this grass.
  • Weak roots that are afraid of trampling, so this grass should be planted as an additional one.

Dog bentgrass (Agrostis canina)

There are not only lawns that you can walk on, but also so-called parterre or English lawns, which are purely decorative.
For the latter, dog bentgrass is perfect.

  • The name may not be very attractive, but the grass has an absolutely amazing emerald color.
  • The external velvety of delicate blades of grass from a distance resembles high-quality fabric.
  • Lives no more than 5 years.
  • Weak roots do not tolerate trampling.
  • It grows quite slowly.