Technology of laying walls from aerated concrete. Zero level tapping. Reinforcement of window openings of aerated concrete houses

Aerated concrete today is one of the most inexpensive building materials. It is used to make blocks that are of impressive size and light weight. These qualities ensure ease of installation, which is what made aerated concrete so popular among individual developers and professionals. If you also decide to use aerated concrete, then you should first familiarize yourself with the technology of its laying. Only in this case will you be able to achieve High Quality works

Laying of aerated block walls by specialists is carried out only after the products have been further processed. A special plane is used for this. This recommendation is due to the fact that the specifics of the production of the described material require the presence of tolerances in dimensions along the edges. In general, specialists use different tools for laying aerated concrete blocks, you will learn about this by reading the article.

It is important to remember that aerated concrete is a porous material. Despite the fact that it is homogeneous and dense, the surface absorbs moisture well. This indicates the need to install cut-off waterproofing. Some inexperienced builders do not attach much importance to this issue. If this stage is bypassed, then moisture will penetrate from below, moving along the wall and rising to the level of the third floor. For this, a cheap and widespread material today is usually used - roofing felt.

However, it is necessary to take into account its service life. Even with the most favorable conditions it is 5 years. That's why the best option will become a moisture-repellent film. It is better to lay a gas block with your own hands using products whose sides have recesses in the form of tenons and grooves. Such blocks can be fitted to each other quite tightly, which will ensure the strength of the structure.

Preparation before starting masonry

After the foundation has hardened and the concrete has gained strength, a leveling screed must be applied to its surface. The solution for it is prepared from cement and sand. With the help of this composition it will be possible to eliminate the discrepancy in heights, which could cause uneven walls.

The horizontality of all parts of the tape should be controlled by the building level. Waterproofing material is laid on top. It should first be cut into strips, the width of which will be slightly larger compared to the foundation. The material should hang 10 cm on each side.

The laying of aerated concrete blocks is carried out using special adhesives, which are presented for sale in the form of dry mixtures. But some craftsmen prefer to use a traditional shutter in a ratio of 1 to 3.

In favor of purchased products, it should be said that with its use the thickness of the seam can be only 2 mm. This indicates that there will be no in the wall. In addition, this method of fastening blocks reduces installation time. No additional space is required to dilute the glue. But for the solution you will need to bring in cement and sand, not to mention the formation of dirt and dust on the site.

You need to start from the corners. As soon as the outer blocks are installed and aligned, it is necessary to stretch a rope between them, which the master will use to guide him when laying the remaining products. To prevent it from sagging, you should use a nylon cord or fishing line. For more reliable adhesion between bricks, the side edges, tenons and grooves are treated with glue.

When laying the first row, it is important to control the location of the upper cut in the horizontal plane. If necessary, this can be done by processing the blocks using a plane. The second level is built according to the same principle. However, it is important to note that the joints in adjacent vertical rows should not coincide. The first corner block should therefore be cut in half. Half of the block will be located across the level, while in the next row there will be a whole product.

The laying of aerated concrete blocks must be carried out at intervals of 2 hours between rows. This way the adhesive will adhere well. Therefore, it is necessary to dilute it to one level. Empty spaces should be left for windows and doors. Before installing blocks of the next row in level, these places are additionally strengthened. For this purpose, jumpers made of reinforcement bars are installed above the openings. They must be in sawn grooves. They should be placed on the wall 20 cm on each side of the opening.

Features of the first row of masonry

The accuracy of the geometry of the entire building depends on whether the first row is laid correctly. If you did everything correctly, then subsequent rows will be built much faster. The laying of aerated concrete blocks in the first row should be carried out using a cement-sand mortar. This will smooth out level differences. A water-retaining substance should be added to the solution, while the composition is applied with a trowel. The additive will prevent rapid absorption of moisture by the material, because it is known that in order to gain strength, the solution should not quickly lose moisture.

It is necessary to begin work on laying the first row from the highest point of the foundation. If you purchased blocks with grooves and ridges, then the products should be positioned so that the ridges are directed outward. This will make finishing work easier. As practice shows, it is much easier to sand tongues than to fill them plaster mixture. Once installed, you should check its level and adjust if necessary using a rubber hammer. The usual one cannot be used, as it will damage the surface.

Description of technology

Align the outer corners of the first row using a building level. The position can be checked using a level. Stretch the cord between the installed outer corners and fill the row with blocks. The mooring will make it easier to control the masonry.

After filling the row and setting of the cement mortar, the first row should be reinforced. There is an opinion that this stage can be bypassed, because the blocks are laid on the foundation. Some do just this, it allows them to save money, but as a result, cracks appear on the load-bearing walls.

Features of the work

By studying the features of laying the first row of aerated concrete blocks, you will be able to understand that it is impossible to achieve perfect alignment of products in the corners of the building. However, it is important to ensure that the difference in height of individual corners does not exceed 3 cm.

The blocks are laid in such a way that they protrude slightly above the base. This setting should force 50mm. The zone that acts as a reference should not appear lower than the calculated one. This zone is the perimeter of the block that is in contact with the foundation. For laying subsequent first rows, experts recommend using Ceresit ST-21 glue. This recommendation is due to the fact that the composition contains moisture-retaining additives. It doesn't harden for a whole hour. This mixture is quite expensive, but justifies the high price. During the time mentioned above, the master will have the opportunity to correct any shortcomings made during installation.

By purchasing cheap glue, you cannot guarantee a successful outcome. When pulling the cord, you should strengthen it between the lighthouse blocks. If the distance between them is quite large, then another intermediate product should be installed in the center, which will prevent the cord from sagging. Not only the stability and reliability of the building, but also the consumption depends on the evenness of the first row of aerated block masonry. adhesive composition. It is important to be guided by the standard that states that cubic meter The block should take approximately 1.2 bags of dry mixture. If a gas block with a groove and a tongue is used in the process, then one bag of glue will be needed for the mentioned volume of material. To level the resulting layer, use a grater.


Home craftsmen who do not have experience in carrying out the work described in the article quite often wonder how much it costs to lay an aerated block. You will have to pay 1,100 rubles for a cubic meter of aerated block masonry with a tongue-and-groove system. minimum. The maximum price reaches 2700 rubles. If you plan to use a flat gas block in your work, then the minimum price per cubic meter of masonry will be 1200 rubles, while the maximum price will be 2800 rubles.

Aerated concrete is a building material that is created synthetically. It is made by mixing certain components, which are then processed high temperatures. The advantages of this material are its low weight, strength, high thermal insulation rates and ease of production. Therefore, laying aerated concrete blocks is often done with your own hands. The step-by-step instructions assume strict adherence to all standards so that the walls are erected correctly.

Tools used

First of all, you need to prepare special tools for laying aerated concrete. So, you will need:

  • A carriage equipped with a dispenser, necessary for uniform application of the solution between the blocks;
  • Mallets in the form of a rubber hammer, which allows you to knock out installed products;
  • A saw, which will be needed to cut the blocks to fit them to the required size;
  • Sanding board to eliminate existing defects on the surface;
  • A corner with which the laid elements will be attached;
  • Planer, also used to level the surface of products;
  • Wall chaser for creating grooves in blocks;
  • A cord that is used as a guide and also a level.

Additionally, you need to prepare a container where the masonry mortar will be mixed.

Necessary materials

There are two types mortars, used for fastening aerated concrete blocks. These include cement and adhesive mixtures. In this case, the first row should always be laid only on cement mortar. It is worth considering each type separately.

To work with such material, standard tools for working with aerated concrete are used. In order to prepare a mixture with a uniform texture, mixing is recommended to be carried out with special low-speed equipment. In proportions it turns out that for 5 kg of dry glue you need to take 1 liter of water. To do this, water is first poured into the container, and then glue is gradually poured in, which immediately begins to be beaten. After this, the solution is left to brew for 10 minutes and mixed again. Only now the adhesive mixture is considered ready for use, and its consistency should be similar to thick sour cream.

After drying and, accordingly, hardening, the solution can no longer be used after re-diluting with water.

Cement-sand mixture

These types of mortars are also used for laying blocks. Their main feature is considered to be ease of manufacture, as well as the reliability of the fastening they create. In this case, similar tools are used for laying aerated concrete blocks as when working with adhesive mortar. The cooking recipe may vary based on the need for characteristics. So, for some purposes, plastic mixtures are made by additionally adding clay, as a result of which the solution does not crumble and is laid more accurately. Despite the composition, such options are quite economical, which allows them to compete with adhesive mixtures.

Preparatory work

The preparation process before erecting aerated concrete walls consists of several stages.

Mixing the mixture

First, prepare a container of the required size, as well as an industrial mixer. To prepare the adhesive solution, use dry composition and plain water. The beating process continues until the mixture being prepared has a uniform consistency. After this, no more than 20 minutes are allotted for its use, otherwise it hardens and accordingly loses its properties. Therefore, it is recommended to make small portions in order to be able to produce them in a short period of time.

When carrying out construction work in low temperature conditions, a special frost-resistant type of mixture must be used. So, components are added to its composition that reduce the freezing degree. As a result, the solution retains its properties even at low temperatures.


Before starting laying, markings are required. It is made along the axes of the surfaces of the structure being built. To do this, products are laid out on the line and their size is adjusted to fit one clear horizontal line. Fitting is carried out by using the above tools for aerated concrete in the form of a saw or a regular hacksaw for processing. It is important that all products are cut evenly. When bandaging is carried out, grooves are first made in the materials in which the reinforcement will be laid.

Step-by-step masonry instructions

It is worth taking a closer look at how to build buildings from aerated concrete blocks. It is important to note that each stage of constructing a structure made from such material has its own characteristics.

Regardless of what type of mortar will be used for the main part of the walls, for the purpose of arranging the first row, it is necessary to use only cement-sand. The reason for this is the need:

  • Align the horizontal level;
  • Make reinforcement between the base on which the waterproofing layer is laid, as well as the first row;
  • Reduce the impact of foundation unevenness.

It is important to start the process of laying walls by arranging the corners of the structure. After this, a cord is stretched between them, based on which the blocks are then laid along all the walls.

The levelness of the construction of the entire wall is determined by how correctly the first row is laid. In subsequent rows it becomes more difficult to correct the horizontal level.

The procedure for laying the second and all subsequent rows is simpler. To do this, glue is applied to the surface of the previous rows, as well as to the end part of the adjacent product. Using a notched trowel, the glue is evenly distributed over the surface and the block itself is laid. After this, it is leveled and pressed against the end surface with a rubber mallet. Each subsequent row is laid with a step of at least 20 cm to the previous one, and an indent of half a block is considered ideal. Installation of 2 and subsequent rows also involves laying products in the corners and pulling the rope to create a level. In the process of building walls, it is important not to forget about the need to leave openings for future doors and windows.

Every fourth row must be reinforced to give the structure stability.

Door and window openings

An important step in the construction of aerated concrete walls is the installation of lintels in door and window openings. They are not difficult to make. For this purpose, the foundation is first made, and the beams will be laid on it. It must be very strong so that the blocks that will lie on top do not lead to its deformation. Such a base is mounted on the opening blocks, after which tray blocks are laid on top and glued together. A reinforcing frame is made inside them, which is then filled with concrete mortar. It should be more durable than what is used for masonry.


The first stage of reinforcement is performed between the waterproofing layer, as well as the first row. The need for it is due to the distribution of the load exerted on the foundation or ground floor. In addition, this significantly improves the load-bearing capacity of the lower rows. For reinforcement, a masonry mesh is used, in which the thickness of the rods varies between 3-4 mm, and the size of each cell is 5x5 cm.

In addition, every fourth row needs to be reinforced. In these cases, metal or fiberglass reinforcement is used. To lay them, make 2 grooves in the previous row, fill them 50% with glue and lay the reinforcement. Next, all these connectors are completely filled with masonry mortar so that it is flush with the blocks.

Where there is a break in the reinforcement, it is important to overlap it. In addition, it is necessary to avoid breaks in the reinforcement at the corners. To do this, in such places it needs to be bent so that it overlaps the other wall by at least 30 cm. This will strengthen the corner joints and make them more reliable. The strongest reinforcement is obtained by using steel reinforcement options, which well hold the entire structure in the desired position.

The last row

Special attention should be paid to laying the last top row, which precedes the installation of the roof. The fact is that the mass of the future roofing structure for which they are used natural materials in the form of slate or tiles, puts a serious load on the wall. Because of this, when installing it directly on aerated concrete blocks, further deformation and damage are possible. To eliminate this, it is recommended to create a reinforced belt around the entire perimeter of the building. This design will allow:

  • Eliminate point loads on walls;
  • Distribute the force evenly over the wall area;

  • Make the masonry surface level and horizontal.

The size of the reinforcement in such situations is determined by the mass of the future roof.

All the steps listed above can be completed independently without any problems. However, in the absence of skills to work with building materials, as well as tools for laying aerated concrete with your own hands, it is recommended to entrust the laying of at least the first row to professionals. This will avoid the most serious problems, which are the hardest to fix. Also, to simplify the process of constructing a building from a similar material, it is worth:

  • Use blocks that have clear and uniform dimensions;
  • Mix the glue using electronic tools. This will reduce the likelihood of lumps and uneven consistency;
  • Place blocks on each subsequent row according to a clearly chosen pattern. Start doing this from the corners, and then lay out each wall level;
  • It is worth reinforcing not only external walls, but also joints with internal ones;
  • Using a plane, grind the blocks in order to achieve their maximum compaction.

Common Mistakes

There are common mistakes that are made when building walls from aerated concrete:

  • Neglecting to create a waterproofing layer between the foundation, as well as the first row;
  • Carrying out masonry without displacing subsequent rows;
  • Lack of reinforcement in the arrangement of partitions;
  • Use for styling winter period non-frost-resistant types of mortar;
  • Ignoring the strengthening of window or doorways. To do this, you need to use steel corners or reinforced concrete lintels;
  • The seams between the blocks are poorly or unevenly filled.

Laying aerated concrete walls does not require serious experience; it is important to adhere to the laying technology, as well as strictly observe the horizontal level. This will allow you to achieve high levels of strength and thermal insulation.

Aerated concrete is artificial material, obtained in the process of thermal exposure under high pressure to a mixture of water, sand, lime and cement. It is distinguished by ease of processing, lightness, strength and ability to retain heat. Despite good characteristics, builders try to avoid it because they don’t know how to lay aerated concrete blocks, but in the hands of professionals it shows its best qualities.

Cement or glue?

Laying aerated concrete is carried out in two ways: on and on cement-sand mortar. Regardless of which method is used, the first row should be laid on a cement-sand mixture. The amount of water is selected so that the solution does not flow, otherwise it will not be possible to fix the blocks. For large volumes of work, it is advisable to mix in a concrete mixer.

Procedure for preparing the mixture:

  • Pour the calculated amount of water into the concrete mixer.
  • Add cement and sand in the required proportions.
  • Continuing mixing, gradually add water, bringing the mixture to the required thickness.

Subsequent laying of aerated concrete blocks above the rows can be carried out using glue intended for such work.

Step-by-step instructions for carrying out the work

Calculation of material consumption, tools

The number of consumables for laying aerated concrete is determined by the size and shape of the blocks. Their quality directly affects the choice of glue or cement. The thickness of the seam speaks in favor of the first material: it will be about 3 mm. Laying on cement mortar results in a layer approximately 1 cm thick, and this can cause heat loss from the room. At the same time, the consumption of such a mixture is 4-5 times greater.

Information about the required amount of glue can be found on the packaging or check with the seller. To calculate the glue consumption for masonry, you need to focus on the thickness of the seam, which on average is 15-20 kg per 1 m 3. The bags are packaged in 25 kg, so you can calculate that to lay 50 m 3 of aerated concrete blocks, you will need 20 x 50 = 1,000 kg of glue. This will be 1,000/25=40 bags. At the same time, the cost of one ranges from 210 to 260 rubles.

To process the blocks you will need: a grater, a marking square, a soft brush, an electric saw, and a plane. When laying and leveling, the following will be useful: level, plumb line, trowel, tape measure, rubber mallet. Laying of aerated concrete walls is carried out at a temperature of 5-25 °C. If it is higher, then the surface of the blocks will need to be moistened. At lower temperatures, special solutions or additives are used. To stir small volumes of the adhesive mixture, use a drill with an attachment.


Work begins with preparing the solution. Only fresh dry mixtures should be used. Water is added according to the manufacturer's recommendations. The resulting masonry mixture should not have lumps and be of varying thickness. During a long break in work, it is recommended to cover the laid layer with insulating material to protect it from external influences.

The most important stage is the installation of the first row of blocks:

  • Check their quality, clean them from dust and snow.
  • Lay a layer of waterproofing material (for example, roofing felt).
  • Check the evenness of the base using a level or level.
  • Remove uneven surfaces with a plane or grinder.
  • Laying the aerated block begins in rows from the corners of the building along the entire perimeter. The condition of the surface in relation to the horizon is constantly checked.

The dressing of subsequent rows is done in half a block. Reinforcement is made every five rows aerated concrete masonry welded mesh. In addition, the first row of the foundation, the supporting sections of the lintels and the seams of door and window openings.

Laying of aerated concrete partitions is carried out in buildings erected using different building materials. This is due to the simplicity and reliability of their connection to the main wall. Using the adhesive mixture, we obtain thinner seams. This will ensure a high-quality, smooth surface of the partition. The installation of foam or fiberboard lining will allow you to increase sound insulation. If the height of the partition exceeds 3 m, then it is reinforced with reinforcement. The aerated concrete wall and the ceiling should not touch. It is necessary to leave a gap of about 20 mm, which is filled with shock-absorbing compounds (mineral wool, cork insert).

After laying is completed, the distances between the blocks in the partitions are compacted polyurethane foam, which after hardening is leveled with a solution. If the work is done efficiently, then the wall is not plastered, but only puttied.

Prices for work

The cost of masonry is determined by the correct shape of the block and the amount of money that needs to be paid for the work of the mason. A private owner will ask from 750 to 1150 rubles per 1 m 3. The cost of laying aerated concrete per cube by representatives of a specialized company will be from 1,100 to 1,600 rubles. The advantage of working with a company is the presence of a contract for the scope of work and, accordingly, financial and legal responsibility for their high-quality execution.

Aerated concrete is used in construction as high-rise buildings, and low-rise buildings. It is used as the main material in the construction of load-bearing structures and partitions between rooms. It is used to insulate walls and install interfloor ceilings. Unlike brick walls, aerated concrete can be laid out without pauses. Gas silicate blocks smaller formats with low thickness are used for internal finishing works indoors.

Scheme of aerated concrete production technology.

Due to its low density, aerated concrete has low weight. When laying it, there is no squeezing out of the adhesive solution. The porosity of the material reduces its thermal conductivity. It contains no chemical compounds that pose a danger to humans. But the material is hygroscopic and fragile when bent.

Table of characteristics of wall materials.

Aerated concrete is made from Portland cement, ground quartz sand and lime using the gas porous method of molding mass. The gas is released by the interaction of a gas-forming agent (aluminum powder) with calcium hydroxide.

Building codes stipulate the size of aerated concrete blocks used for masonry walls. Their thickness for external structures should be 375-400 mm, for interior walls– no thinner than 250 mm. Partitions decorative look must be 100 mm thick.

In order to save money, some builders lay aerated concrete blocks in the old fashioned way on a cement-sand mortar. But such savings on the cost of glue are not justified. The consumption of traditional mortar per unit area of ​​masonry surface is 6 times higher than the amount of special glue consumed for the same area. In terms of price, the cement-sand mixture is only 2-2.5 times cheaper than the adhesive composition.

Aerated concrete creates effective thermal insulation not only due to the reduced thermal conductivity of the blocks, but also due to the minimal thickness of the interblock seams.

Scheme of building a house from aerated concrete blocks.

When using cement-sand mortar, the thickness of the joints increases and “cold bridges” are formed - gaps in the thermal insulation structure of the wall. The appearance of cold areas leads to increased heat loss, moisture condensation and the formation of damp areas and mold. The unevenness of masonry on cement-sand mortar reduces its flexural and compressive strength. Manufacturers of aerated concrete believe that when using traditional mortar, the technology for constructing buildings from aerated concrete blocks is violated.

If aerated concrete blocks of standard thickness (375-400 mm) are laid with glue used for thin joints, additional insulation for such walls is not required. IN winter conditions construction use glue with anti-frost additives to prevent the formation of efflorescence on wall structures subsequently.

Tools and devices used during work:

  • band saw for cutting blocks for large volumes of construction;
  • hand saw with pobedit tips and high wear resistance(it is possible to use a regular hacksaw for small amounts of work);
  • corner for even sawing of blocks;
  • spatula, ladle, carriage or trowel for applying the adhesive solution;
  • level, construction cord to control the evenness of the masonry surface;
  • rubber mallet for adjusting blocks;
  • electric drill for stirring the adhesive mixture with a paddle attachment;
  • plane for processing blocks.

Laying blocks with glue

Scheme of a corner made of aerated concrete.

Before starting masonry, the base is prepared. Horizontal in progress cut-off waterproofing. Any bitumen roll or polymer material. A cement-sand mortar prepared with a ratio of 1:3 is applied to the waterproofing layer with a comb or trowel. The level is used to evaluate the evenness of the installation.

Particular attention is paid to laying the initial row of blocks. The ease of work during the further construction of the wall and the quality of the walls of the building will depend on its evenness. Control of the masonry is carried out using a level and a cord. Laying begins from the corner of the foundation, which is located higher than the rest in level. The blocks of the first row are leveled using a rubber mallet.

If at the end of the masonry there remains a gap less than the length of the solid block, an additional block is made. Cutting is done hand hacksaw for aerated concrete blocks with carbide tips or an electric saw. The cut surface of the additional block is processed with a special plane for aerated concrete and leveled with a trowel. When inserted, the ends of the block are completely coated with glue. To connect the outer walls with the inner ones, one of the mating blocks is cut into a quarter.

Aerated concrete blocks are laid on glue that has the consistency of thick sour cream. The adhesive solution is applied using a special ladle with a curved edge, a carriage or a trowel. Then the layer is leveled with a notched trowel. During the laying process, the adhesive solution is periodically stirred to give it a uniform consistency. The block must be installed in the masonry no later than 15 minutes after applying the glue.

Scheme of construction technology from aerated concrete blocks.

After laying the first row is completed, its surface is processed with an aerated concrete plane. Small fragments of material and dust are swept away with a brush. Leveling the surface should be done after laying each row. Differences in the surface level of the rows lead to the formation of areas with local high voltages and the possible appearance of cracks subsequently.

Laying each subsequent row begins from one of the corners. To ensure even laying of aerated silicate blocks, ordering slats made of wood or beacon blocks made of aerated concrete are installed. They are mounted on corners or in the middle of a long wall.

The laying technology involves tying blocks of different rows with an offset that should be at least 8 cm (usually half a block). The glue protruding from the seams is not rubbed off, but removed using a trowel. When work is stopped, the erected sections of the walls are covered with the film remaining after unpacking the material. Once the adhesive mixture has hardened, it will be impossible to disassemble the wall into blocks.

Masonry reinforcement

DIY aerated concrete house diagram.

Areas of masonry to be reinforced are indicated in the construction project. If such data is not available, reinforcement is carried out on blind sections of walls and in cases where the clear distance between floors is more than 3 m. An armored belt is installed at the floor level. Structural reinforcement is carried out in the window sill area.

Reinforcement with a cross-sectional area of ​​at least 0.75 cm2 is placed in grooves that are cut into the masonry. The reinforcement rods must be completely embedded in the adhesive solution. The rods are welded at the corners. The grooves are cut at a distance of at least 60 mm from the edges of the blocks. Instead of rod reinforcement, special frames are used, consisting of paired strips of galvanized steel connected by wire. The frame is laid on a layer of glue and covered with an additional adhesive strip.

If the width of the window openings of the building is more than 1.8 m, horizontal reinforcement is installed underneath them in the blocks of the penultimate row. Its length should be 0.5 m greater than the width of the window opening on each side. When reinforced, aerated concrete does not increase its strength. When laying metal rods in the grooves of the masonry, the risk of cracks is reduced. The feasibility of reinforcement is determined in relation to a specific object in which aerated concrete is used.

Floor installation

Installation of monolithic or prefabricated reinforced concrete pavements usually takes a long time. For quality installation slabs require a fairly flat surface on the top of the load-bearing walls. If you use aerated concrete, such problems do not arise. Supports with uneven surfaces can be sanded using a grater.

Delivery of aerated concrete floors is ordered before the walls are erected. In order to save time, it is advisable to lay them from the wheels. For installation you need a crane and 3 people are enough. One is on the truck bed and two are installing the floors on the erected walls. The slabs must rest on supporting structures with a gap of at least 10 cm on each side.

Aerated concrete slabs have a tongue-and-groove design and are tightened after installation using a clamp. After the tongues enter the grooves, the edges of the ceiling are laid with partition-sedimentary blocks. After 24 hours of laying the aerated concrete slabs, the installed floor is ready for full load, and the building is ready for roofing.

If a building is being constructed for seasonal living, it is permissible to use aerated concrete with a density of up to 100 kg/m3. In the cold season, heating walls of higher density will require more energy and time, so a sufficient block thickness will be 200-250 mm.

To build a house with permanent residence owners, the walls should be thicker, which will reduce the heat transfer of the premises. Thermal protection design standards require for such buildings the construction of single-layer walls made of aerated concrete blocks with a thickness of 300 mm and a plaster finish with a layer of 15 mm. In practice, the technology of constructing walls from gas silicate blocks of greater thickness (up to 375 mm) is used. It increases the heat-shielding properties of structures prescribed by standards by a quarter. For long-term operation of the building, such wall thickness is justified.

IN suburban construction houses and cottages use a variety of materials. Due to its low cost and excellent characteristics, aerated concrete is in wide demand and occupies a leading position.

Aerated concrete blocks are made using cement, quartz sand, and various additives. In suburban construction, masonry of blocks made of aerated concrete grades D500 and D600, characterized by high density and strength, has become widespread.

Pros and cons of aerated concrete as masonry blocks

The positive characteristics of aerated concrete make it possible to effectively use this material for construction country houses and dachas. The technology for laying aerated concrete blocks is quite simple, thanks to such characteristics material:

    small weight aerated concrete blocks provide not only ease of transportation and loading and unloading operations, but also ease of laying;

    aerated concrete lends itself easily processing;

    precise geometric dimensions increase ease of execution, quality installation work And high speed their implementation;

    ability to acquire any form makes it easy to solve any design projects.

Also, when constructing walls from aerated blocks, the following must be taken into account: flaws:

    fragility material and low resistance to mechanical stress requires compliance with protective measures during transportation, storage and installation work;

    any natural movements of the soil, shrinkage of the material, errors during the construction of the foundation cause the formation of numerous cracks on the surface of the walls;

    high performance hygroscopicity material, which is why unfinished structures do not withstand winter well and require conservation of the object;

    when building walls you have to do reinforcement;

Cladding walls made of aerated concrete bricks can be carried out parallel to construction

A house made of aerated concrete has a rather impressive number of disadvantages. However, most of them can be completely eliminated or their influence can be significantly reduced if the technology for building a house from aerated concrete blocks is strictly followed, starting with the construction of the foundation and ending interior decoration. Attraction experienced craftsmen who have many years of experience working with this material will ensure high-quality performance and reliability of construction.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most construction companies, presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

How to choose the right aerated concrete blocks

Aerated concrete blocks are excellent for forming internal partitions, lintels, floor slabs and load-bearing walls of country houses and dachas.

Depending on their purpose and design characteristics, there are several species:

    structural blocks are used to build strong load-bearing walls;

    structural and thermal insulation blocks are used for constructing floors, internal partitions and load-bearing walls of country houses, the height of which does not exceed 3 floors;

    thermal insulation the blocks are characterized by excellent thermal protection and are used to form internal partitions or an insulating inner row.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

When choosing a material, you should give preference to trusted manufacturers who have been producing aerated concrete blocks on the construction market for many years. The aerated concrete block must have a number of qualities:

    precise geometric forms with low material error;

    uniform structure;

    absence stains, stains, chips and cracks;

    hermetically sealed package;

    verified manufacturer;

    certified material.

The presence of all of the above items allows you to buy a high-quality aerated concrete block that ensures the reliability of the structure throughout the entire period of operation.

Laying aerated concrete walls does not pose any particular difficulties for developers. However, it is worth sticking to some recommendations.

    Thickness load-bearing walls must be selected taking into account the region of residence and climate characteristics. According to SNIPs, for arid territories located in warm areas, a wall thickness of 38 cm will be quite sufficient. For colder regions, the minimum thickness of load-bearing walls is from 60 cm. For the manufacture of internal partitions, a block with a thickness of 75 to 200 mm is used.

    If you still decide to build thin load-bearing walls, it is worth taking care of quality insulation. When building country cottages using aerated concrete blocks 28–30 cm wide, the walls will need to be insulated with a layer mineral wool. Walls 30–36 cm thick are insulated by plastering. For work it is better to use silicone plaster. Plastering with the use of fiberglass reinforcing mesh firmly protects the walls from the formation of cracks.

    The aerated concrete block is very fragile material, so laying walls from aerated concrete blocks will not be without defects. Some material is also damaged during transportation when driving on uneven roads. As practice shows, 5-10% aerated concrete block will get married. This should be taken into account when purchasing material.

    High hygroscopicity The material requires high-quality protection from waterlogging. When constructing walls, plaster acts as a waterproofing layer, protecting the surface of the blocks from destruction. The properties of the material to easily absorb moisture forces the developer to treat the surface with water-repellent impregnations. This allows you to prevent delamination, protect the surface from cracking and maintain thermal insulation properties.

    A house made of aerated concrete needs good system heating and ventilation.

    To ensure the integrity of the material, a house made of aerated concrete block requires the construction of a durable foundation not subject to natural ground movements. The monolithic base is great solution and allows you to eliminate this problem.

Video description

Read more about what aerated concrete is and the features of building durable country house from this material, you can watch in the overview video:

Laying aerated concrete blocks

The quality of the construction of the future house depends on how correctly the aerated concrete laying was done; the technology requires strict adherence to it.


Laying the first row of aerated concrete blocks requires special attention and careful execution of work. A layer is laid on the finished, dried foundation waterproofing material. For waterproofing, protecting aerated concrete walls from moisture, roll and coating materials are most often used.


Before starting work, make external markings and stretch boundary cords or thin rope around the entire perimeter to mark the boundaries. To speed up work and perform more accurate markings, it is most convenient to use a laser level.

Deviations in the height of the foundation should not be more than 40 mm. For large differences in height, it is necessary to bring the height of the foundation to acceptable levels.

First row

Laying walls from aerated concrete blocks begins with the formation of corners. Corner blocks are installed using cement-sand mortar. To prepare it, you will need to thoroughly mix cement and sand in proportions of 1:3.

Laying of aerated concrete blocks is carried out using an adhesive composition prepared according to the attached instructions. He is bred until he receives homogeneous mass, free of lumps. The glue is applied using a quilt to the vertical seams. For work, it is most convenient to use a small kilt equal to the width of the block. This will speed up the work process and help reduce glue consumption.

Aerated concrete blocks require preliminary preparation - cleaning from dust and dirt with a brush. The first row is laid out on concrete mortar, connecting the blocks together using glue. They are laid at the same level, avoiding height differences. To adjust the installation height, use a rubber mallet. The material is adjusted using a special hacksaw.

After laying the first row, it is better to wait about 5-6 hours until the concrete solution sets and firmly fixes the material in the required position. The dried row is sanded with a plane to grind down the unevenness at the joints to the same level and treated with a sanding board for smoothing.

Laying subsequent rows

Now there is no need to rush and immediately proceed to the installation of subsequent rows. Cement-sand mortar should grip firmly. This will help prevent the walls from moving from the required level during subsequent work.

All subsequent rows of aerated concrete blocks are laid out on an adhesive solution. After laying each row, the levels are checked and the surface is leveled with a sanding board.

Video description

The stages of constructing walls from aerated concrete blocks, installing internal partitions and interfloor slabs can be viewed in the following video:


Aerated concrete blocks are excellent material for the construction of a private house. However, it is better to entrust construction work to professionals, because high-quality installation requires precision, experience and strict adherence to all technological stages. Only in this case can you build a house of excellent quality and celebrate your housewarming without any problems.