We accelerate the ripening of tomatoes in open ground - methods for stimulating tomatoes. What to do to make tomatoes on the bushes ripen faster

Hello, dear friends!

How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes in open ground I'll tell you in this article.

Behind warm season not all tomato fruits have time to ripen. A number of simple measures for caring for tomato plantings can activate the ripening processes and increase productivity.

What can you do to ensure that the tomatoes in your garden beds ripen as early as possible?

At the beginning of August, night temperatures drop, causing icy dew to fall in the mornings. Such conditions favor the activation of fungi and the development dangerous disease tomatoes - late blight. (Cm. " ")

  • To prevent drops of moisture from settling on ripening fruits, stretch arcs over the beds and cover the plantation with film at night. Under cover, the liquid settles on the inside of the film, and the bushes remain dry.
  • When several clusters of fruit ripen on the bushes at the same time, fertilizing should be stopped and watering should be kept to a minimum.
  • Spraying with iodine solution activates the ripening processes. Add 25-30 drops of iodine tincture to a bucket of water. This amount of liquid is enough to process 1-2 square meters plantations. In addition to accelerating the ripening of tomatoes, iodine irrigation protects plants from the spread of late blight. (Cm. " ")
  • To increase light transmission, remove all leaves located below the first cluster that contains fruit. By placing support slingshots under the grapes and exposing the fruit to the sun's rays using spacers between the branches, you will help the tomatoes ripen much earlier.
  • Be sure to carry out the procedure of pinching the tops of the bushes. Above the topmost inflorescence with ovaries, leave no more than 2-3 sheet plates ensuring the development of fruits.
  • short and medium-growing varieties Only 5 brushes can ensure full ripening of tomatoes, so all extra peduncles and inflorescences above the fifth brush are removed. After breaking out the fattening and unnecessary shoots, the plant directs its energy not to the formation of ovaries, but to filling the already hanging unripe tomatoes.
  • It is advisable to remove brown and largest unripe tomatoes from the lower clusters from the plants and send them for ripening. This will allow the bushes to provide adequate nutrition to the remaining fruits, which will increase the likelihood of their full ripening.
  • Collect brown and green tomatoes at dawn, while they are still warm under the sun's rays, and lay them out in one layer on burlap in a well-ventilated and always dry room. It should be noted that ripening in light conditions in a warm place leads to rapid ripening, but in a dark room, although the fruits ripen longer, the process occurs more evenly.
  • At the end of summer, when the fruits are full and ripening en masse, limit the flow of moisture and nutrients from the root system to the top of the bushes. To do this, at a height of 10 cm from the level of the hilled soil, make longitudinal cuts on the main stem using a sharp knife and insert wood chips into them so that the insides of the cracks do not touch each other. The length of each through cut should be from 8 to 10 cm.

Now you know how to speed up the ripening of tomatoes in open ground. Take care of your tomato plantation at the end of the season, and you will be surprised by a pleasant increase in the harvest of juicy fruits. See you later, friends!

To speed up the ripening of tomatoes, it is not necessary to stuff them with harmful chemicals. We'll talk about 8 simple ways speed up the reddening of tomatoes, available to absolutely everyone. The first 4 methods are mandatory, the rest are optional.

How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes

No. 1. Pick the first reddened fruit. After this, everyone else suddenly starts to turn red!

No. 2. Trim leaves to the first brush. On tomatoes, be sure to expose the stem to the first fruits so that the bush is well ventilated. It will be enough to leave a couple of leaves on top.

This is also the easiest way to protect tomatoes from late blight. It is with lower leaves that touch the ground, this disease most often begins.

No. 3. Pin the crown after tying the tassels with fruits. This is done so that everyone nutrients They only went to fill and ripen the tomatoes.

#4: Minimize watering a month before harvest. And if the climate allows, then stop watering altogether. With minimal watering, the fruits grow tasty and sugary, the sourness and wateriness completely disappear.

Important: on soils with deep groundwater and in hot, dry summers it is impossible to do without watering.

Also significantly improves the taste of tomatoes by spraying with soda: 1 teaspoon of baking soda per 1 liter warm water. Spray once a week. Previously we wrote about.

№ 5 . Spray with iodine. After this simple procedure, the tomatoes quickly turn red and get additional feeding and protection against late blight.

Tomatoes crack due to sudden changes in soil moisture

№6 . Spray with ash. To make tomatoes sweeter and ripen faster, they are fed with an ash solution: 1 cup of ash + 10 liters of water. There is no need to insist. Pour the ash into a bucket of water, stir well, and immediately pour it under the root. One plant will require approximately a liter of solution.

Important: you can feed tomatoes with ash only after preliminary watering. Otherwise, the roots will get burned, especially if the plants have not been watered for a long time.

If you practice complete refusal to water while tomatoes are ripening, then you can sprinkle with ash leaves and fruits.

In this case, the dosage is reduced by 2 times ( half a glass of water per 10 liters of water). Mix thoroughly, strain and spray the tomatoes in the evening or on a cloudy day. This is also protection from viral diseases and late blight.

№7 . Pour potassium humate. Potassium humate is used for additional nutrition and to help tomatoes ripen faster.

Standard dosage: 10 grams of potassium humate per 200 liters of water. First, dilute the powder in 2 liters of hot water, stir very well and leave for a couple of hours.

Then pour this working solution into a barrel and pour it strictly under the root. Make sure that moisture does not get on the leaves, so as not to provoke the appearance of late blight.

You can water tomatoes with humate every 10 days.. This fertilizer will speed up the ripening of tomatoes, the fruits will significantly increase in size, and their taste will improve.

Potassium humate is a cheap and completely natural drug. It contains a lot of potassium and a whole list of microelements that tomatoes need during the ripening period.

№8 . Add apples or bananas under a bush or in a box with picked green tomatoes. These fruits secrete special substances that promote rapid ripening of tomatoes. By the way, .

Another option is to put green tomatoes in a box mixed with leaves walnut . Walnut leaves secrete special substances, thanks to which tomatoes in the apartment ripen quickly.

Water generously. Tomatoes do not like sudden changes in humidity. Do not let the soil dry out and then water it generously. This causes the fruit to crack. It is better to mulch the soil under the tomatoes with hay. Under mulch, moisture is retained much longer, the earth does not crack from the heat and does not become crusty.

There are also special bacteria in hay that... During fruiting, it is better not to water tomatoes.

Feed with nitrogen. From the second half of summer, tomatoes cannot be fertilized with nitrogen in any form. Mullein, chicken droppings, green mass infusion, minerals nitrogen fertilizers do not apply.

Tomatoes will intensively grow green mass, not fruits. And such fertilizing also worsens the taste of the fruit. Even if your climate allows you to grow tomatoes until late autumn, still apply only potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

Previously we wrote that

In many regions of our country, climatic conditions do not allow some varieties of tomatoes to ripen naturally. With the onset of cold weather, green fruits remain on the bushes. Therefore, many summer residents are interested in how to speed up the process of crop ripening.

In some cases, tomatoes are grown in greenhouses or even on a windowsill. In this case, it is important to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of growing vegetables. How to speed up ripening of tomatoes at home , will be discussed in the article. So let's get started.

What affects the ripening of tomatoes?

Ripening tomatoes at home on the windowsill in some cases it is the only way out in case of worsening weather conditions. There are several ways to speed up this process.

Temperature influences the ripening process of tomatoes environment. In a warm room they will turn red much faster. If it gets cold outside and the tomatoes have not yet ripened, it is better to collect them and place them in warm room. In this case, they will ripen without communication with the bush.

Please note that the ripening process is not affected by sunlight. Many summer residents could observe a picture when the tomatoes on the windowsill began to turn red on the side opposite the window. In a place where the sun's rays actively affect the fruit, the skin will thicken.

Artificial ways

Considering methods for ripening tomatoes at home, a few words should be said about the gas of this substance is used commercially for ripening not only tomatoes. It is used to give bananas and apples a marketable appearance.

Ethylene gas causes fruits to ripen faster. However taste qualities Such products leave much to be desired. Fruits and vegetables processed this way have a grassy taste. They were picked ahead of time, so they did not have time to fully absorb all the nutrients provided by nature. The nutritional value fruit production in this case decreases.

There are several ways to speed up the ripening of tomatoes without losing their taste. Experienced summer residents They are actively used if the weather is not conducive to the natural reddening of tomatoes in the garden. Their recommendations will help make this process faster.

Bush processing

Ripening green tomatoes at home can occur directly on the bush or in plucked form. The first option is preferable. If you managed to save the entire bush and move it indoors, you can perform a number of manipulations that speed up the process of reddening of the fruit.

First, all new shoots, stepsons and other shoots that are not needed at the moment are removed. They will not have time to ripen, but will take away the precious forces of culture. You should also remove all new inflorescences.

Next, all the leaves that are located at the bottom of the branches with fruits are removed from the plant. Next, you should properly tie up the plant. The remaining leaves will need to be turned towards the sunlight. They should not be in the shade. The straightened leaves will receive enough light. The plant will develop fully.

Bait and prevention

To speed up the maturation of plants in the soil, many summer residents use bait made from a solution of iodine and water. Treatment is carried out outside the roots. You can carry out the procedure 1-2 times. Fertilizing is carried out on the leaves. To do this, you need to dissolve 30 drops of iodine in 10 liters of water.

Groundbait can speed up the ripening process of healthy fruits. However, this will not help if the tomato affected by late blight. Ripening tomatoes at home only possible for healthy plants. All affected fruits must be removed. There should be good air circulation in the room. The plant should not remain wet for a long time.

To prevent the development of mold on the bushes, an infusion of garlic is used. Leaves and fruits are sprayed with it. The procedure is carried out on a sunny, warm day. Treatment will prevent the development of late blight on plants.

Nutrient restriction

Studying ways to ripen tomatoes at home, one more thing should be noted effective method. It comes down to limiting the flow and flow of nutrients to the fruit. This will significantly speed up the ripening process.

At a distance of 10 cm from the ground, a through cut must be made in the stem of the plant. A small wooden plate is inserted into it. It has a flat shape. The plate size should be 5x20 mm. In this case, the supply of nutrients to the fruits does not completely stop, and their outflow noticeably slows down.

At the same height, you can tighten the stem using copper wire. It is not wound very tightly. This method will also limit the outflow of nutrients from the plant.

You can also simply pull a little on a bush that grows in the ground. When the sound of thin roots breaking off is felt, it is released. This creates an effect similar to previous methods.

Ripening of picked tomatoes

Considering ways how to speed up the ripening of tomatoes at home, attention should be paid to the ripening of fruits when picked. If it is not possible to preserve the bush, you can collect brown, green tomatoes. Next, the crop should be carefully sorted. Sick, damaged fruits are immediately put aside.

Next, all healthy fruits are laid out in a warm, well-ventilated room. It is unacceptable to store tomatoes wet. They must be completely dry. It is very important to ensure the correct room temperature.

Experienced summer residents claim that tomatoes can be distributed into batches. Each of them is stored at different temperatures. In this case, the ripening time will be different for all batches of the crop. If you leave tomatoes to ripen at a temperature of 11-16ºС, the fruits will be ready to eat after a month. If the room temperature is increased to 17-20ºС, the tomatoes will turn red within 2 weeks. You cannot leave the crop at a temperature of 10ºC or lower. Their taste will be worse. Some fruits will never ripen.

A few simple techniques

Can be produced in a cardboard box. To do this, you need to cover the bottom with paper bags, newspapers or other similar material. Cellophane should not be used for such purposes. Next, a layer of fruit is laid out on newspapers. There should be a small space between the tomatoes. The top of the fruit is covered with another layer of newspaper. Ventilate tomatoes regularly.

Instead of cardboard boxes you can use boxes. If wooden packaging is available, it will be good option to organize the conditions for ripening tomatoes.

You can leave the tomatoes to ripen in glass jar or plastic bag. This method is used less frequently than the methods presented above. The presented materials do not allow air to pass through. They will have to be ventilated frequently. Otherwise, the tomatoes will begin to become moldy and rot.

Non-standard methods

Might be more effective. To do this, you need to add just one fully ripened fruit to a bag of green tomatoes. In this case, his brothers will turn red much faster. The reason for this is ethylene released ripe tomato. It acts as a catalyst.

You can store tomatoes in a paper bag. In addition to tomatoes, you should keep ripe apples and bananas in it. No more than 10 tomatoes should be placed in one paper package. Several ripe fruits are added inside and left in a warm room. The package is periodically opened to avoid the appearance of fungus and rotting. In this case, the principle of ripening will be completely identical to the previous method. Bananas and apples also emit ethylene.

You can inject vodka directly into the fetus. 0.5 ml of alcoholic drink is drawn into the syringe. Next, it is introduced through the place where the fruit was attached to the stem. The fruit will be red after 2 weeks. Its taste does not change when using an alcohol injection.


Another way to ripen tomatoes is by hanging the bushes. If the weather forecast promises cold weather, you can use this technique.

Plants are torn out of the ground along with their roots. Next, all the bushes are taken to the barn or garage. Here you need to tighten the rope. The bushes are tied to it by the roots. In this case, the ripening of the tomatoes will be fast, and the taste of the fruit will remain at its best. This method is preferable among the methods listed above. If you have to pick green tomatoes, it is better to remove them from the garden along with the bush.

Having considered the ways ripening tomatoes at home, you can choose the best option.

Not the entire tomato crop has time to ripen within summer season. When the first cold dew appears, many green fruits can be observed in the plots and in the greenhouse. There are a number of techniques that allow you to speed up the ripening of tomatoes and have time to harvest before the arrival of autumn.

Basic ways to speed up the ripening of tomatoes

To stimulate growth, it is not at all necessary to stuff crops with drugs with an extensive chemical composition.

Horticultural and agricultural practice has helped to develop a number of methods that accelerate the reddening of fruits, both in greenhouses and in open ground conditions.

  1. Removing the first reddened tomato . Practice has shown that this action stimulates the ripening of other fruits, especially if the “reddened fellow” is left next to the tomato bush. This focus on “personal example” is explained quite simply. A picked red tomato releases ethylene, which is a catalyst for the ripening of other fruits.

    We remove the first ripened tomato.

  2. Trimming stepsons and lower leaves . The stem of the bush is exposed to the first fruit. This is necessary to ensure ventilation of the plant, as well as to protect it from diseases such as late blight. As a rule, infection begins precisely from the lower leaf plates that touch the ground.

    These tomatoes won't ripen anytime soon. Excess leaves need to be removed!

  3. Removing young flower stalks or pinching the crown . After the start of fruiting, it is recommended to pinch the crown so that all the nutrients and energy are used to ripen the already set fruits. Even if new tomatoes can grow during this period, they will not have time to ripen.

    Pinching the crown has two goals - improving the quality of the crop and reducing the ripening time of the fruit.

  4. . It is difficult to downplay the importance of the irrigation regime for the growth and ripening of tomato crops, however, during the fruiting period, moisture consumption should be minimized. If possible, it is worth stopping it, but here you need to focus on weather conditions. The minimum amount of water received by the tomato crop during fruit ripening increases the sugar content in tomatoes, reduces acidity and excessive wateriness. The structure of the pulp improves and appearance. Excess water can cause the fruit to crack. Spraying soda once a week will also help improve the taste of tomatoes. To prepare the solution, mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 1 liter of warm water.

    In addition to improving taste, soda solution has an antibacterial effect.

  5. Turn to the sun . When breeding low-growing varieties You can turn the bushes towards the sunlight. To do this, all the necessary leaves are removed, and the bush is fixed on the trellis at the desired angle. If necessary, additional branches are also tied to separate stakes.

    Fruits exposed to sunlight will ripen faster.

  6. Cleaning browned tomatoes . Tomatoes that are beginning to turn brown can be safely removed and sent indoors for ripening, especially at the end of summer, in August. The tomatoes will turn red even outside the greenhouse, and the bush will direct all its freed forces to the still green fruits.

    We remove ripe tomatoes in time.


As additional methods to accelerate the ripening of tomatoes, experts recommend spraying with ash or iodine.

Iodine stimulates reddening of fruits and reduces the risk of late blight.

The benefits of iodine for tomato crops have been known for a long time. It improves nitrogen metabolism, is a safe alternative to nitrate, which worsens the soil composition. Iodine increases productivity and fights. An open bottle of iodine in a greenhouse disinfects the room well.

Iodine treatment stimulates well redness of tomatoes is s. To obtain a solution for spraying, 30 drops of the substance are diluted in 10 liters of water, after which the bush is treated, making sure that not only the leaves, but also the stem at the bottom of the plant are thoroughly moistened. Another advantage of iodine is that it is safe for humans and does not require the use of personal protective equipment during processing.


Spraying with ash is one of the most safe methods stimulating the ripening of tomatoes.

The beneficial properties of ash are based on the high content of calcium and potassium salts in it.

Ash solution is prepared at the rate of 1 glass wood ash for 10 liters of water. No insistence required. The resulting mixture is poured under the root. To feed 1 bush, no more than 1 liter of solution is required. It is worth remembering that, otherwise root system the plants will get an ash burn.

If additional watering If you don’t want to do this or the weather conditions mean precipitation, you can spray the tomatoes. In this case, not only the fruits, but also the leaves must be processed. However, the dosage of the spraying solution should be changed to 0.5 cups of ash to 10 liters of water. Spraying should be carried out in the evening or on a cloudy, partly sunny day.

Potassium humate

Another type of additional nutrition for tomatoes is potassium humate.

Potassium humate is made from peat, manure, sludge and other plant materials, and is therefore considered a completely natural fertilizer.

It contains a number useful microelements and potassium, necessary for ripening. This drug is completely natural and is used for root watering. Potassium humate is produced in powder, diluted in the ratio 10 g/200 l water.

  1. First, the powder packet is thoroughly dissolved in 2 l hot water and leave to infuse for 2 hours.
  2. After this, it is poured into a barrel with the remaining 180 l and is used for irrigation.
  3. You can fertilize 3 times a month, the main thing is to ensure that the solution does not get on the leaves and provoke late blight.

In addition to stimulating ripening, potassium humate improves the tasting qualities of fruits, increases their size. Another undeniable advantage of the product is its low cost.

Boric acid

Many experienced gardeners are familiar with first-hand.

Boron is a necessary element involved in the formation of connective tissue in plants.

Crystals boric acid are poorly soluble in water, so to prepare a working solution you must first dissolve the powder in a small amount hot water and then add cold water up to normal.

It not only promotes growth, but also improves the taste of the future harvest. Boron protects the plant from premature fall of the ovaries, stimulates the production of nitrogenous substances and chlorophyll.

Treatment with boric acid can improve yields by an average of 25–30%. But the plant’s immunity and resistance to temperature changes are also strengthened. The sugar content in fruits increases, the aroma increases, and the shelf life is extended.

Boric acid can be replaced with Borofosk fertilizer.

During the fruiting period it is carried out foliar feeding boric acid. For this 10 g substances are diluted in 10 l water and treat the bushes on a cloudy day with temperature conditions from +18 °С to +20 °С . Spraying should be fine in the form of mist or drizzle. Drops rolling off the leaves are unacceptable, so when processing you need to use a high-quality sprayer.

Total held per season 3 treatments boron solution. The last third is carried out at the beginning of fruiting in order to accelerate the ripening of tomatoes.

Bananas and apples

Another proven way to make tomatoes turn red is bananas and apples.

Everything is simple here: the fruits are laid out under bushes or in a box with ripening fruits and left for several days. Bananas and ripe apples emit ethylene gas, which is a natural catalyst for ripening tomatoes. The same principle of action applies to the leaves of the walnut tree.

Banana as a stimulator of tomato ripening.

It is the one most often used in southern regions our country.

Non-standard methods

If we talk about non-standard methods, the most original of them is alcohol stimulation.

Inject into the nest of a tomato bush with a thin syringe 0.5 ml strong alcohol (vodka), as a result of which the ripening time is significantly reduced. Wherein chemical composition and the appearance of reddened tomatoes does not change.

If the end of August or the beginning of September is marked by low temperatures, tomatoes from open ground can be “transferred” indoors: garage, shed or veranda . There they are carefully hung and ripen “on the vine”.

What you can and cannot do during the ripening period of tomatoes

All feeding of tomatoes is done before the fruits begin to ripen.

At the moment of ripening of the future tomato harvest, it is strictly forbidden to:

  • water the crop generously;
  • carry out nitrogen fertilizing.

In the first case, the tomatoes will crack. If the tomatoes absolutely do not have enough moisture, then it is better to mulch the soil with wet hay or sawdust.

In the second - all feeding mullein, green fertilizers or chicken droppings should be stopped after mid-summer. Fertilizers of this type cause a sharp increase in the green mass of the plant, but not the fruit. Moreover, the taste of tomatoes may deteriorate.

But it is quite possible to prevent late blight during the fruiting period. To do this, you can use an infusion of garlic or organize shelter for the bushes at night.


Even if the weather changes unexpectedly, you shouldn’t give up. There are many ways to speed up the ripening of tomatoes and get excellent harvest, which was honestly earned through well-deserved labor in the spring-summer period.

Video about cutting leaves to speed up fruit ripening

Many who grow tomatoes in a greenhouse for sale are faced with the problem of slow ripening of the vegetable. In this regard, people often wonder how to speed up the ripening of tomatoes? Today there are many ways to activate the ripening of crop fruits.

Before carrying out activities that accelerate the ripening of tomatoes, you need to finally make sure that enough fruits have already formed on the bushes. In different territories, methods to accelerate the ripening of crops take place from the end of July to the end of summer.

To speed up the process of fruit ripening, mechanical and chemical methods are usually used.

Video “Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse”

From the video you will learn how to properly grow tomatoes in a greenhouse.


This method involves the elimination of lateral shoots, due to which the fruits cannot ripen quickly. Since shoots can form on bushes at any time during their growing season, it is worth forming a bush almost immediately after planting it.

Usually indeterminate varieties of the vegetable are formed into one stem. To do this, you need to eliminate all the shoots, leaving only the main one.

The process of emergence of new organs on plants must be constantly monitored. Shoots must be removed before they reach 0.07 meters in length.

The bush can be formed into 2 stems. In this case, in addition to the main one, you also need to leave the shoot that is located under the first brush.

To form 3 stems, in addition to the main shoot and the one located under the first brush, you also need to leave a lower, strong shoot.

Topping or pinching This provides for the forced cessation of crop growth. If you do not take measures for tall greenhouse tomatoes, they will grow continuously. Therefore, new fruits appearing on the bushes will slow down the development of existing tomatoes. Pinching is usually carried out in August (beginning or end).

Removing leaves and flower stalks

The leaves and flowers of the crop are not accelerators of fruit ripening. They take away almost all the plant’s strength. Therefore, it is necessary to remove leaves and flowers. The first to be eliminated are the leaves located at the very bottom of the bush. Such organs are incapable of photosynthesis and only stimulate thickening. Plates that come into contact with the ground are considered especially useless. In addition, such organs can cause harm to the culture, as they are breeding grounds for diseases.

The color should be removed in mid-August. Usually, about 8 inflorescences should be left on individuals, which can ripen quickly.

Dietary restrictions

One answer to the question of how to speed up the growth of tomatoes is to intelligently “starve” the plants. If you organize it correctly, you can harvest the fruits a week earlier.

To do this, you need to make a cut on the stem of the bush at a height of about 0.08 meters from the ground. It is worth inserting a prepared match into the resulting “wound”.

The second method involves tearing the root system of the individual. To do this, you need to grab the middle of the main stem and smoothly pull it out of the ground until a specific sound appears - “crunch”.

Punctures in the fruits

In damaged individuals, as noted experienced gardeners, accelerated ripening times of tomatoes are observed. Therefore, you can take a toothpick and pierce each fruit to the middle. The vegetable will quickly heal such wounds, but at the same time it will ripen many times more actively.

Looping the stems

This procedure will not only help you get ripe vegetables faster, but will also have a positive effect on their taste. This happens due to the fact that photosynthesis will occur from the roots. At a height of 3 cm, the stem must be tied with copper wire.

Collection of brown vegetables

Such fruits draw upon themselves all the forces of the plant. Therefore, tomatoes should be spread out in a warm room.

Iodine treatment

This method is one of the most popular chemical methods, thanks to which tomatoes ripen many times faster, even with late boarding. 4 dozen drops of iodine should be diluted in a bucket of water and sprayed with the resulting solution on all the leaves of the crop. In this case, the water should under no circumstances be cold.

Feeding with boric acid

Particularly effective during flowering crops. Thanks to the substance, the inflorescences will stay firmly on the bushes, and spraying the green parts of the plant with a solution of boric acid stimulates pollination.

Use of growth stimulants

Spraying with these substances should be carried out half a month before harvest, after the ovaries have formed.


The brown fruits are usually harvested, although other vegetables are also available. The collected tomatoes should be laid out indoors on straw. It is acceptable to place it in two layers. You can also use drawers or boxes to place them. However, such a room must be actively ventilated and have low humidity levels.

Store in advance harvested It is possible both in the dark and in the light. The main thing is to avoid direct sunlight. In the dark, vegetables will ripen for a long time, but evenly.

Speaking about how to speed up the full ripening of tomatoes in a greenhouse, it is worth noting that, in addition to using the methods, it is worth following a number of tips.

When fruits of irregular shapes form on the bush, they should be removed immediately to prevent the appearance of the same irregular ones. In addition, low-growing fruits should be directed to the sunny side. Drooping leaves must also be removed.

Overgrown fruits on the bush can be removed, even if they have not yet acquired a red color. They will ripen well in a dry room, especially if placed near red fruits.

Indoor air is very important for vegetables. Therefore, regular ventilation is necessary for tomatoes. The top of the greenhouse is covered with a special chalk substance or a light cloth.

Video “How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes”

From the video you will learn how to speed up the ripening of tomatoes.