Bamboo soil at home. Medium-sized varieties of bamboo. Growing bamboo in water

In a short time, home bamboo has won a place of honor in apartments, offices, restaurants and cafes, not just as an indoor flower and a source of oxygen, but also as a fashionable and important detail modern interior. The unpretentiousness of the exotic plant and... the growing popularity of Feng Shui contributed a lot to this. NameWoman will talk about this and how to properly care for your home bamboo.

Homemade bamboo in feng shui

According to Feng Shui philosophy, homemade bamboo will help you attract good luck and wealth. Therefore, NameWoman advises you to place a young sprout not only in your apartment, but also in your office.

The ideal location of this plant from a Feng Shui point of view is in the southeast of the room. In order for home bamboo to “work” well, it is important to take good care of it. Its positive influence can be strengthened with the help of a specially selected protective talisman, a symbol of wealth - the three-legged toad Chan Chu made of semi-precious stone or metal. The exotic little animal also needs special care; stroke the figurine on the back at least once a day and, together with the bamboo, place it not too high, since according to legend the toad is afraid of heights.

How to care for indoor bamboo

Become the owner of an exotic graceful plant very easy. Homemade bamboo can now be found in almost any flower shop; moreover, its sprouts are used to create decorative compositions, and companies offering custom flowers make its spiral-twisted stems part of original bouquets. Keep in mind that domestic bamboo (indoor bamboo or Dracaena sandera) has little in common with real wild bamboo, and in particular you should not expect it to grow at a fantastic rate.

Proper watering

House bamboo loves water very much. When planted in the ground, it is watered moderately in the cold season, and in hot weather it requires abundant, timely watering. If the plant is constantly in a container of water, the liquid needs to be changed on average once every two weeks. Yellowing leaves are a sign that the watering conditions for homemade bamboo have been violated.

Special mineral fertilizing is not necessary, but will accelerate the growth and development of the plant (choose fertilizers for dracaenas). Spraying is not required, and dry air itself is not at all dangerous. Just don’t forget to wipe the leaves from dust with a damp cloth from time to time.

What water should I use for indoor bamboo? For proper care, NameWoman recommends that you stick to melt water. Tap water is poured into plastic bottle(do not screw the lid on!), after two days the bottle is closed and sent to freezer. When the water is completely frozen, it is taken out of the refrigerator and allowed to thaw at room temperature, the resulting sediment is drained, and the remaining liquid is used for irrigation or replacing water.

Yellow, drying leaves of homemade bamboo can signal not only improper watering, but also that you have placed the plant in direct sunlight. The ideal lighting option is partial shade.

Bamboo - exotic plant, which is very popular. In addition to its main functions of decorating a room and a source of oxygen, bamboo also performs an important function today as a fashionable part of a modern interior. They actively decorate offices and apartments.

And homemade bamboo, according to the ancient art of Feng Shui, attracts wealth and good luck to your home and office. A tempting offer, don't you agree? Moreover, caring for this plant is simple, and with the help of its beautiful appearance you can create unusual compositions in the interior.

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Types of indoor bamboos

Low plants are most suitable for growing at home. These include the following types:

Indoor bamboo - how to care for it properly

When purchasing this plant, you need to know about the features:

  • Appropriate place. The room in which the flower will be located should be light and warm. It is not advisable to place the plant close heating devices, since the air there will be too dry;
  • Priming . For growing, it is better to use organically enriched soil, which must be constantly fertilized. To do this, you can use special mixtures containing phosphorus and nitrogen. IN summer period fertilizing is carried out once every three weeks, in winter period its quantity is reduced;
  • Watering . Household bamboo should be watered moderately, while ensuring that it does not flood. If there is an excess of water in the root system, the process of rotting may begin, which will lead to the death of the flower. To avoid this, drainage is made at the bottom of the pot. Lack of water can also adversely affect the plant. Curled leaves are a sign that watering is needed. The air near the plant must be periodically humidified.

Bamboo in water (bamboo spiral): care at home

In addition to soil, water is quite suitable for the plant as a growing place. When choosing this method, you need to take everything into account nuances:

How to trim bamboo at home

Exists Several methods of propagation of bamboo:

  • By shoots;
  • Tops;
  • Cuttings;
  • Seeds.

The method of propagation by seeds at home is almost impossible. This is due to the difficult process of growing seeds and caring for seedlings.

The most in a suitable way propagation at home is considered to be cuttings:

  • Spring is the most the right time years for this process. During this period, shoots appear on the flower, which are used for planting;
  • For planting it is necessary to use special soil;
  • A large pot is the most suitable container for planting bamboo. Despite small size, shoots and them root system They grow very quickly.

You should also replant the main plant once every 2-3 years. In addition to watering, you need to constantly loosen the soil in the pot to better enrich the roots of the flower with oxygen.

Bamboo diseases and possible problems

Bamboo, like many plants, is susceptible to various diseases and... Some main problems can be identified:

  • Fungal diseases. The main sign of fungal infection is black spots on the leaves. In this case, for treatment it is necessary to treat the flower with fungicides. To prevent fungal infections, you need to constantly ventilate the room in which the bamboo is located;
  • Slow growth plants may indicate a lack of nutrients. To solve this problem, you need to periodically fertilize the soil;
  • Changes in leaf color and density. The reason for this may be low room temperature. To return a flower to a healthy appearance, you need to move it to another room or increase the temperature in the room where it is located.

Why does indoor bamboo sometimes turn yellow?

Despite the fact that the plant is considered unpretentious, sometimes its leaves may turn yellow. There may be several reasons for this:

  • The plant is in direct sunlight;
  • Fungal disease. In this case, the affected leaves must be removed;
  • Dry air. It is necessary to periodically spray the leaves of the flower;
  • Excessive or insufficient fertilizer addition. For bamboo, feeding once a month is sufficient.

Bamboo is beautiful home plant. Organize for him proper care Even a novice florist can do it. A well-groomed healthy plant can become a decoration for any room. In addition, every flower lover will be happy to receive a gift in the form of homemade bamboo.

Watch a video about caring for Bamboo of Happiness (bamboo Lucky):

Bamboo is a very ancient plant of the tropical and subtropical zones of Southeast Asia and Brazil, a plant symbol of the countries of this geographical region, where it is considered a “harbinger of joy”, capable of attracting good luck, prosperity and happiness to its owners. Currently widely used as a crop for decoration " Japanese garden" and in indoor culture to create exotic compositions from its rooted branches in various vases in hydroponics, hydrogel or soil-based pots. Green foliage, intricate tortuosity of branches and ease of care attract many lovers of home greens.

In places of natural growth, bamboo (Bambusa lat.) belongs to the genus of evergreen perennials, the family Cereals, represented by 130 of its varieties. In nature, these are lignified stems (straws), reaching a height of 35 meters, densely branched in the upper part. They are distinguished by their rapid growth of up to 0.75 centimeters per day (the growth champion among terrestrial plants). Leaves with very short petioles, lanceolate. They bloom only in endemic conditions.

In home culture, bamboo is a bare stem of different colors from bright green to yellow color, decorated with upper leaves. Its hue is determined by the lighting in the places where it is kept. Thanks to the plasticity of its stems, which easily bend and twist into a spiral, this plant makes it possible to form a bonsai.

Bamboo differs for indoor growing just the diameter of the stem and its height, even its color is related only to the intensity of lighting.

Medium height bamboo

The maximum height of such plants in Japan, where they originated, is no higher than 4 meters. They are photophilous and resistant to direct sunlight. Among them there are specimens with white-green leaves.

Low growing bamboo

This is the most compact plant variety, most suitable for green decoration both at home and office interior. Its height reaches no more than 1.5 meters. In addition, low-growing bamboo, originally from Brazil, prefers relative coolness and moisture-rich air.

Features of growing indoor bamboo

  1. Considering increased requirements This plant is sensitive to air humidity; pots or vases with it should not be placed close to sources of any type of heating, especially electric.
  2. 25 warm degrees, with a small temperature amplitude, are considered comfortable for growing bamboo at home.
  3. Like many others houseplants, bamboo needs mineral fertilizing. To keep the plant healthy and the foliage juicy and lush, it is necessary to add fertilizers containing phosphorus and nitrogen to the soil of the container where it grows in proportionate proportions.
  4. When rooting bamboo or replanting it in fresh soil, the plant can be fertilized only after its complete adaptation and obvious growth dynamics.

Bamboo is grown at home in different ways:

  • in water;
  • in a container with soil for dracaenas;
  • in hydrogel.

The choice of growing method remains up to the grower, but you should immediately warn that varnishes and hydrogels are quite expensive for the reason that they need frequent replacement due to the loss of their original properties. If you keep bamboo stems in them longer than their intended shelf life, the plant will begin to wither.

Growing bamboo in a container with soil:

Most of all, despite all the unpretentiousness to soil quality, a soil mixture for dracaenas is suitable for bamboo. The planting container should be spacious, taking into account the rapid growth of its root system. Young specimens of indoor bamboo need to be transplanted into a larger pot annually, and mature specimens - once every 3 years. Especially new plantings should be kept moist for 2 weeks. In further caring for them, do not allow the soil to dry out.

Growing bamboo in water:

There is an opinion that growing this in water tropical plant, in its natural habitat, gives best result: lush greenery, a strong stem, but this method also requires knowledge and discipline in care:

  • They start with the root system: remove weak and overgrown ones - bamboo will calmly survive the removal of even one third of its roots.
  • Choose a suitable container and acquire decorative look stones - both are thoroughly washed, and the stones are boiled in water.
  • Water for such planting should be distilled or filtered, but possibly settled.
  • Place the bamboo stems into the prepared container and, straightening the roots evenly, carefully lay them with stones, creating support for them. Lastly, pour a sufficient amount of prepared water into the container with the planted plant.
  • Once every two weeks or more often (if there is a smell of mustiness, cloudiness, foam or bubbles), the water is completely changed, and in advanced cases, the stones are also washed.
  • When growing in this way, the water in a container with bamboo is fertilized once a month with a specialized fertilizer containing nitrogen and phosphorus.

Growing bamboo on hydrogel

The process of planting into hydrogel granules is the same as when using decorative stones. The prepared stems are covered with granules, held in an upright position, and filled with prepared water. All further care consists of periodically adding water and applying appropriate fertilizer once every six months. Transparent glass containers with growing bamboo in hydrogel are very decorative.

Over time, the granules in a transparent container gradually change color, and the bamboo roots may become exposed, crawling up and drying out, which should not be allowed.

Except low-growing species, bamboo is a heat-loving plant, sensitive to cool drafts, and in winter time You should ventilate the room with bamboo very carefully. Lighting through eastern windows is more comfortable for him. The intensity of illumination is related to the size of its instance: than bigger plant, the closer to the light source. Diffused light and even partial shade are allowed. In summer it needs frequent watering, and in winter it requires dosed and moderate watering.

Secrets of caring for indoor bamboo:

  • It is important to maintain a balance of light and shadow: with a lack of lighting, the stems stretch out and lose their decorative effect, but with an excess of it, the foliage grows excessively and there is a need for frequent pruning.
  • IN natural conditions bamboo blooms only at the age of 30 and dies immediately. It is for this reason that you cannot overdo it with fertilizers, as this can lead to flowering of the stems and their natural death. The flowers are white and very fragrant - one stem, planted separately, can be sacrificed to admire the flowering of bamboo.
  • Growing indoor bamboo involves periodic pruning according to the following rules: shoots can only be cut 5 centimeters above a node; By cutting off the top, the plant will stop growing in height and it will begin to grow leaves, constantly changing its shape.
  • Make sure to replant the plant in a timely manner, otherwise it will lose its leaves.
  • During the warm season, a container with bamboo can be taken out onto the balcony or into the garden - it benefits from fresh air in the wind.
  • Regular spraying of the plant will help maintain sufficient air humidity in the room.

  • Strong stems and mature shoots are suitable for propagation by cuttings. It is necessary to cut the cuttings with several nodes and immediately root them in water or suitable soil with constant moisture and optimal lighting.
  • When replanting, dividing a bush is effective, in which a developed shoot with a sufficient root system is separated and the young plant is rooted using the method chosen from the above.

Diseases and pests of indoor bamboo

  1. appear on the leaves dark spots- sign fungal disease. Treatment with a fungicide and ventilation of the room is necessary.
  2. Bamboo develops poorly - deficiency nutrients in soil or water. Fertilizing should be strictly dosed, starting with minimal doses.
  3. Violation temperature regime leads to darkening, softness and shedding of leaves. There is a need to create temperature norm within 25 warm degrees with sufficient humidity.
  4. Periodically, bamboo leaves should be carefully inspected to identify pests: spider mite or aphids. If any are found, remove damaged leaves, wash the plant with soapy water and treat with the appropriate insecticide according to the instructions supplied with it.

As in most cases with domestic flora, diseases and pests of unpretentious and tenacious bamboo are associated with violation of the rules of care and conditions for its correct maintenance.

What you didn't know about indoor bamboo

There have been changes in the names of bamboo varieties recently, which leads to some confusion among those gardeners who know their previous names. A comparative list of these changes would be useful.

New name: Old name:
Bashania fargesii Arundinaria fargesii
Pseudosasa japonica A. japonica
Fargesia murienaliae A. murienaliae
F. nitida A.nitida
F. palmata A. palmata
Pleoblastus pygmaeus A. pygmaea
P. variegatus A. variegata
P. auricomus A. viridistriata
Indocalamus tessellatus Sasa tessellata

Bamboo growing in containers can be replanted in any season. open ground, not coinciding with frosts and droughts, in places protected from direct cold winds, it is imperative to mulch the root zone to preserve moisture.

A curtain of bamboo planted in a spacious and large pot looks picturesque on the balcony or in patio with normalized regular watering, for which the short and cold-resistant species Shibatea kumasasa is most suitable.

If you want to grow taller bamboo (Fargesia murienaliae or F. nitida) in a pot, you will need not only a large pot, but also one that is heavy enough so that it will not be knocked over by the wind, but this is due to the need to replant the bamboos into a larger pot each year, since they are quite grow quickly.

Bamboo growing in a pot on the balcony can be left there in winter, covering its soil layer with a thick layer of straw and wrapping the entire curtain with the pot in several layers of polyethylene, loosely tying it with a rope to the very top.

Almost every home has potted plants. They not only purify the indoor air, but are also a great addition to any interior. Recently it has become fashionable grow bamboo at home. He is not whimsical and does not demand special care. Flower sellers claim that it grows well in an ordinary vase with water and does not require planting in the ground. But, if you pay attention to natural environment If bamboo grows, it will become clear that the plant grows in the ground and not in water. Therefore, in order for the plant to feel most comfortable and please you longer with its wonderful appearance, it should be planted in the ground.

How to plant bamboo in the ground correctly?

  • To begin, select a suitable pot and make earth mixture. It is made from turf and leaf soil, humus and sand are added. The ratio should be 2:1:1:1.
  • Drainage is poured onto the bottom of the pot, then soil. Bamboo is planted in a deep hole. In this case, the ground should be well watered.
  • The planted plant is placed on the sunny side. But try to avoid direct sunlight on the stems, otherwise the bamboo may burn.
  • After a week, the plant can be fed with complex fertilizer.

Transplantation must be carried out annually, best time for this March-April. At this time the plant enters the period active growth and he just needs more space. In summer and winter, bamboo needs to be watered frequently, and in winter it is necessary to reduce the amount of watering. To protect the plant from pests, spray it with plain water twice a day and treat it once a month by special means. In addition to the fact that bamboo is grown at home, it can be planted in the garden in the summer. There it will feel great and produce abundant growth.

The plant that grows in apartments and is called indoor bamboo does not belong to the type of bamboos that grow in the wild. Wild bamboo belongs to herbaceous plants, however, sometimes stretching up to forty meters. IN room conditions A variety of dracaena, or more precisely Dracaena Sander or Sanderiana, is grown under the name indoor bamboo. And she's closer to woody plants than to herbs. Reproduction of bamboo at home and its cultivation in the future have their own nuances. For this reason, you need to know as much as possible about this plant and its care.

Description of the plant

This plant has a naked smooth trunk. There are shoots and leaves at the top of the trunk. The trunk is fleshy and usually grows straight upward, or can bend in a spiral. This bush has a bright green or gray-green color, but there are also straw-golden shades. If the plant is exposed to bright sunlight all day, its color turns dark green. The height of the perennial does not exceed one meter, and there can be several trunks.

The leaves of the perennial grow directly from the trunk. When the top of the plant is cut off, it produces side shoots and a new top. Most gardeners believe that this perennial does not bloom indoors, but if Dracaena Sander is properly cared for, it can produce a beautiful arrow of white flowers that have a strong and very sweet aroma. But not all varieties of this type of dracaena bloom.

The roots of the plant are not very powerful and grow in bunches at the end of the stems, without going deep into the soil. They are located close to the surface of the earth.

This type of dracaena is considered a good luck plant. For this reason, many who are fans of the theory of Feng Shui strive to grow this flower at home.

Nuances of care

Sanderiana is unpretentious plant and survives even in adverse conditions. But to get beautiful and elegant bamboo, it is important to know some of the features of caring for the plant. Since the root system does not go deep into the ground, the pot chosen for it is wide and shallow.

This indoor perennial does not need constant replanting. If the roots of the plant begin to crawl out of the pot, you can simply cut them off.

In addition, indoor bamboo does not like drafts even in summer; there is no need to talk about winter time. For this reason, the window where the bamboo is placed should not be opened. If Sanderiana gets caught in a draft, she will die.

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Dracaena Sandera is very photophilous and grows well in high-quality lighting, but it must be protected from direct rays of the sun, which can cause the leaves to burn and lead to their yellowing. If there is too much light, the plant begins to lose leaves. In this case, you need to move the pot to a window where there is no direct sunlight.

It is better to place the plant on a window that “looks” to the east.


You need to water regularly so that the soil in the pot does not dry out completely; there should be a lot of water. The fact is that this perennial can grow simply in water, without soil, and in such conditions it grows better than in soil. If there is a lack of moisture, the fern leaves curl and wither, and if there is excess moisture, the roots can rot and the leaves begin to turn yellow - so the plant needs drainage.

Top dressing

For this purpose, it is better to take fertilizers intended for feeding all varieties of dracaena. Growing perennials need to be fed every month, and in the summer, feeding is carried out at least once every two weeks, and in winter, bamboo does not need such frequent feeding, they are fertilized once a month.


The permissible temperature range is 18 ° C - 30 ° C, that is, Sanderiana does not require a strict, special temperature regime and easily adapts to the normal temperature in the room. If the temperature is above 30 ° From or below 18 ° C, the plant may get sick.


A special humidity regime is not required for perennials. It does not need spraying, but dust must be removed from its leaves. This is done with a special sponge.

So far, this product is used very rarely by flower growers. This method is not very common when growing Sanderiana in apartments. And many lovers of such flowers know little about what it is. Hydrogel is sold in specialized flower shops. The perennial is placed in a vessel with water and hydrogel capsules. Capsules change their shape and color over time.

Such maintenance of dracaena does not require special conditions. With this type of cultivation, bamboo is fertilized only twice a year. Water is added when it starts to dry out.

Features of growing in water

To be able to grow a flower in water, its roots are washed well in running water. After this, check for damage. If there are scratches or breaks in the root system or stems, they need to be removed. Moreover, about a third of the roots can be removed. Water for planting bamboo must be distilled or settled. The plant is placed in a glass vessel (you can use a vase for this purpose). The roots need to be secured with beautiful decorative stones, which should first be boiled, as for an aquarium. Then the prepared water is poured into the vessel. After two weeks, the water is changed, but if the water becomes cloudy, the water is changed earlier. The liquid is also changed when the bamboo leaves begin to turn yellow. You need to add it to the water nitrogen fertilizer. Then this feeding is given to the plant every 28-30 days. Fertilizers that are used for palm trees and dracaena perennials are suitable for this.

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Many lovers of this indoor bamboo are often interested in the question of how to propagate bamboo at home. The most common types of propagation of indoor bamboo include cuttings. But still, with dry air in the room, this dracaena does not feel very comfortable.

Apical cuttings

This plant is easy to propagate by cutting off the tops. The top of the stem is cut about 15 cm down. Then the cutting is placed in a vessel with water in which “Heteroauxin” is diluted, and after the roots appear, the cutting is planted in the ground.

Stem cuttings

This method is most often used if the top of the plant has died. Using a sharp blade, the stem is divided into several parts, which can be rooted simply in water with a stimulant dissolved in it.

You can plant cuttings in the ground for rooting, but this method is less effective.

Reproduction by knees

The perennial is also propagated using knees. Where there are thickenings on the knees, the plant may develop roots. Therefore, the stalk, on which there is a thickening, is immersed in water and it is constantly changed so that it is fresh. As soon as the roots appear, the young bamboo is planted in the ground.

Propagation by root division

Mature indoor bamboo plants can be propagated by dividing the roots. To do this, when transplanting, plants are separated as much as possible. large stems along with the roots and immediately planted in separate pot or in a vessel with water. If the shoot is planted in a pot, water it abundantly for several days. Young plant does not like abundant lighting, so it needs to be placed on a window where there will be diffused light.

Propagation by seeds

If the store offers indoor bamboo seeds, you should not give in to temptation. Dracaena practically does not reproduce by seeds, so buying seeds will be a waste of money, nerves and time. Bamboo will not grow from these seeds, and if anything does grow, it won’t be bamboo. So you should remember that for a bamboo plant, propagation by seeds is unrealistic.