Everything about the types of mansard roofs and the differences between rafter systems. Calculation of the dimensions of the attic roof. Roofs of houses with an attic - advantages and disadvantages

Equipping an attic room significantly increases the living space of the house. Even an unheated room will serve as additional thermal insulation for the home.

A mansard roof is made in the form of a broken gable structure, but there are many other options:

  • the classic gable roof is characterized by simple calculations, the work of constructing the rafters is doable even for a novice craftsman, its disadvantage is the low ceiling;
  • shed - a simple type of roof that provides one full wall in the attic;
  • tent, having four slopes of the same size;
  • multi-pincer - attractive and balanced, but complex design.

The gable sloping attic roof of the house allows you to obtain a sufficient height of the ceilings in the room and expand comfortable area. To build it, you will need a well-designed project. Creating it yourself is not an easy task, you can order it from construction company or use a special computer program. The design diagram will allow you to calculate the required amount of material for rafters, insulation, waterproofing, roofing covering. The angle of inclination for roof slopes is calculated taking into account the recommendations of the manufacturer of roofing materials; in addition, climatic conditions are taken into account - snow and wind load.

Features of a gable sloping roof

The lower part of the rafter system is installed at an angle of 60 °, its support pillars become the frame for interior walls premises. The angle at the top of the rafters does not exceed 45 °, which allows you to reduce the amount of material used, but without compromising the quality of the coating. Additional rigidity to the frame of the room is given by struts, which are attached to the floor beam and the bottom of the rafters.

Construction stages

  1. A support beam - a mauerlat - is laid along the perimeter of the building. It is attached to the load-bearing walls and transfers the load from the rafters to the base of the building. The mauerlat is attached to brick or block walls using embedded anchors or studs. You can mark the places for drilling holes for fastening with a tape measure or by placing a beam on the wall and pressing it down until dents appear. Roofing material must be laid under the timber for waterproofing. The Mauerlat is put on the anchors and secured with nuts.
  2. The floor beams are made of durable softwood timber. They are laid on the Mauerlat and extend beyond the perimeter of the walls by 0.5 meters to increase the area of ​​the attic. Another way is to attach it to special pockets left in the masonry. The ends of such beams must be covered with mastic and roofing felt to protect them from moisture. The beams are fastened with self-tapping screws and angles. The outer beams are laid level, and the cord is pulled to ensure proper installation of the rest. The optimal pitch of the beams is 0.6 m; it allows you to lay insulation without trimming. All beams are leveled in height; if the level is insufficient, boards are placed; if the beam protrudes, it is cut off.
  3. Attached to the outermost load-bearing beams vertical racks. Their height and installation location are determined by the drawing. After being aligned vertically using a level and plumb line, the racks are temporarily fixed with jibs from the board. After securing the outer posts, a cord is stretched between them, along which the remaining beams are installed. Each rack is placed on a beam and temporarily fixed, creating two parallel rows.
  4. The racks are fastened with purlins - boards; this element is necessary to impart rigidity to the structure. A crossbar is placed on top of the purlin, which connects the racks on opposite sides. The tie is attached to the posts metal corners. The complex of these elements limits the attic space. To make the structure stronger, struts are subsequently installed.
  5. Before installing the lower rafters, a template is made to facilitate the work. In order not to check every time how to properly saw off the upper part of the rafters, take a board and, attaching it to the purlin, cut it at the desired angle. This will be the template. A groove is cut out at the bottom of the rafters, which are attached to the Mauerlat. If lower rafters rests on an external beam, they are cut in place and fastened with corners, screws and nails.
  6. Before you build the upper rafters, you need to mark the center of the roof. For convenience, you can nail the board to the Mauerlat and the end tie; it will serve as a guide for aligning the rafters. To be able to trim the upper rafters on the ground, a template is made. To do this, take a board and apply it to the purlin and saw it off at an angle. All rafters are made according to the template, with correct installation racks, they all have same size. The upper part of the hanging rafters is secured with metal plates or scrap boards. The joints with the purlins are fastened with corners. The outer rafter legs are installed first, then the rest. Suspended racks made of timber measuring 25x150 mm connect the places where the rafters are attached to each other and the tightening.
  7. The lower rafters require reinforcement with struts; for this, a board is used, bolted to the rafters and the supporting beam. After installing all the struts, the temporary supports are removed. Having assembled the entire rafter structure, the gables are sewn up.

A vapor barrier membrane is attached to the rafter structure using a stapler. The spreading of the canvases begins from the cornice; they must be laid with an overlap of 15 cm and secured with tape. Insulation is laid on top, the material is laid tightly, leaving gaps is not allowed. To fix the insulation, a lath is stuffed. It is made from planks, the width of which is from 10 to 15 cm, and the thickness is 5 cm. This part of the work ends with the interior decoration of the room.

On the outside, waterproofing is attached to the rafters, protecting the roof from water ingress. The material is fixed with a lathing on which the roofing covering will be attached. The pitch between the slats depends on the type of material. Soft roof needs continuous sheathing, so the entire area of ​​the attic roof is covered with sheets of plywood, providing a flat and strong base.

When sheathing the gables, space is left for windows, if they are provided for in the design.

Work on self-construction roofs - complex and painstaking process. Using the experience of craftsmen who share construction secrets in the provided video will help you understand the sequence and nuances of roof installation.


This video shows how to make a mansard roof at home:


In an effort to make the most of any available space in your country house owners sooner or later come to the idea of ​​arranging an attic. Moreover, many dream of coping with this on their own.

But do they know that a do-it-yourself attic roof will actually be reliable and durable only if you follow certain rules and requirements when installing it? It would not be entirely correct to say that the construction of a mansard roof using technology is very different from the construction of other roofs, however, there is still a certain difference. So what is different about the design of a mansard roof?

Types of mansard roofs

Mansard roof with your own hands is a great opportunity expand the usable space in a private home. What will be the dimensions of the space enclosed between the gables of the building and the roof slopes depends on the shape and design of the roof.

Mansard roof: photo of a roof with broken slopes

Roof mansard type there are several types:

Single-pitch. This is the simplest option, however, in practice it is used quite rarely, mostly to make attics on small country houses.

Projects of mansard roofs with two slopes

The following types of gable roofs are distinguished: gable and broken. The gable gable, perhaps, has no rivals in popularity yet. Neither its design nor its construction by hand, as a rule, does not cause any particular difficulties.

Gable roof attic

The design of a mansard roof with a symmetrical gable system is quite simple. The gables of such houses, often wooden, have a triangular shape. The supporting structure of a gable mansard roof includes inclined or hanging rafters.

On a note: For buildings up to 6 m wide, the optimal option is a classic roof with a slope of 45 degrees. For wider ones, pointed ones are suitable - with an angle of 60 degrees.

Design of a gable mansard roof

A broken mansard roof differs from a gable roof by the presence on each of the slopes of two pitched planes, flat and steep. The slope of the upper one is approximately 20–30 degrees, the lower one is 60–80 degrees. This is an economical option for a private house, the width of which is no more than 6 m. Making a broken attic roof with your own hands is a little more difficult, but it is fully compensated by the full area of ​​the attic floor, which allows you to equip a bedroom, nursery, kitchen, etc. inside. The frame of the attic roof of this type consists of trusses in which the rafters are reinforced with posts, and the lower chord becomes the basis of the attic floor. The fractured areas are strengthened with stretch marks.

Construction of the attic floor of a sloping and gable roof

Another type of gable is the half-hip. In general, it can be designed as a conventional symmetrical truss structure supported on a mauerlat, with the only difference being that there are small slopes above its gables.

Hip sloping mansard roof

The design of the hipped roof allows you to arrange an additional floor underneath it - spacious and comfortable. Installation of a mansard roof with four slopes is certainly more difficult than manufacturing gable system. Its rafter system is considered the most complex. The placement of roof windows requires a special approach. IN hip roof they are usually installed in the plane of the roof pie. Beautiful ones provide effective lighting.

Important: There is, however, a certain drawback in this solution. If the windows are not tightly closed during bad weather, the room will flood rainwater.

Vertical skylights on a Danish hip roof

More practical in this sense is the Danish version. Unlike the classic hip ones, in their upper part there are pediments that allow you to organize the lighting of the attic using ordinary vertical windows.

Hip roof skeleton with attic

In a conventional hip roof, the rafters are straight, without fractures. The upper end of the corner ribs rests on the ridge, the length of which depends, in particular, on the planned rafter system. Hip roofs can also have sloping roofs. The implementation of such a design is quite complex, but it allows, in accordance with the plan, a significant increase in the usable space of the attic floor.

The hipped attic is almost hip. Almost, because all its slopes, which have the shape of an isosceles triangle, meet at one point, that is, the hipped roof does not have a ridge.

Domed roof

The variety of mansard roofs does not end there.

  • Multi-pinch, which is a combination of several gables, have complex geometry with many breaks.
  • Conical, vaulted, dome with exquisite design, etc.

All of these options are considered very difficult to implement and initially require a professional approach. This is a whole range of tasks, starting from drawing and calculations and ending with coating material, for which you need to find correct solution. The unusualness and special aesthetics of these roofs, as a rule, increases the number of pitched fractures, which form many internal corners (valley). Each of them carries a potential danger to the integrity of the roof. In these areas, as a rule, rainwater is retained and snow bags form, which cause leaks.

Roofs of houses with an attic: photos of the main flooring options

Calculating an attic roof in this case is practically impossible without special skills, so if your dream is to build an attic roof with your own hands, then choose a project with fewer complex elements so as not to face the need for constant repairs.

How to calculate a mansard roof

The design of a mansard roof compared to a conventional one is distinguished by the presence of many additional elements, for example, exits to the roof or roof windows. Quite often, attic projects also include balconies or terraces. All this, naturally, somewhat complicates the rafter system of the structure, and at the same time its calculation.

An attic roof is erected not only during the construction of a house, it can also be the reconstruction of a non-residential attic into a residential heated room, and then its size and area can be greatly limited. All this is taken into account when choosing and calculating the rafter system. In addition to rafters, the supporting system usually includes racks, crossbars, struts, and hangers, and for each of them it is necessary to correctly calculate the cross-section.

Attic roof: attic frame drawings

Calculation of roof area

The next step is to calculate the area of ​​the roof itself. The simplest options are single- and gable roofs. To calculate the area, use elementary formulas from the school geometry course: multiply the length and width of the slope. For a single-slope building this will be the desired value, and for a double-sloping one the resulting values ​​are added up.

Let's take as an example a more complex, broken surface. To calculate the area, it is conditionally divided into separate elementary geometric figures, calculate the area of ​​each of them and add up the results.

The plan of the attic roof will help to isolate the figures required for the calculation

How to calculate the roof slope without errors

How to build an attic roof so that it is comfortable and warm, but at the same time safe, resistant to various influences, and within a budget that suits your capabilities? When constructing an attic, it is necessary to take into account all the requirements as a whole, since they are, to one degree or another, interrelated. Eg,

  • with a large angle of inclination, the load on the rafter system is greatly reduced. This is on the one hand, but on the other hand, the usable area of ​​the attic is reduced, and material costs increase significantly;
  • An excessively small slope increases the climatic loads experienced by the roof, so the calculation is carried out taking into account increased strength. At the same time, the weight of the structure increases, due to which the load on the foundation increases significantly.

The relationship between the angle of inclination and the rafter system

When calculating the angle of inclination, the following factors are taken into account:

  • climatic conditions, in particular the level of precipitation in a given area, maximum loads wind and snow;
  • architectural solution;
  • design features of the house and attic;
  • roofing material.
On a note: for a gable roof, a slope of 45 degrees is considered optimal, and for a sloping roof - 60 for the lower and 30 for the upper slopes, respectively. With these parameters and a well-thought-out interior, you can get a room convenient for living.

Formulas for calculating the angle of a hip roof

To individually calculate the slope, knowledge of the basics of geometry is sufficient. When viewed from the side of the gables, the roof most often has a triangular shape. Having the height and base values, you can easily calculate the length of the side and the size of the adjacent angle. In the calculations, Bradis tables are used, which allow the angle itself to be found by the tangent value.

How to build a mansard roof correctly

So, how to make an attic roof so that the space under it becomes as comfortable and useful as possible? We will not focus your attention on the description and calculation of the rafter system and will begin a step-by-step description of the assembly of the attic roof with the installation of the Mauerlat.

Mauerlat is a beam with a square cross-section (100x100 or 150x150 mm) on which the entire roofing structure is supported. Moreover, it evenly distributes the load on the foundation and building construction. It must be carefully secured. For example, in brick houses pour a beam from monolithic concrete, into which the mounting pins are mounted, onto which the Mauerlat is mounted.

Mauerlat fixed to the wall

To build a sloping roof for an attic, you first need to get a frame for the walls. This is a structure of vertically installed support posts with horizontal ties. Their height, taking into account the requirements for the attic space, must be at least 2 m. The rafter system will subsequently be assembled onto a frame, so the support posts are installed in accordance with the previously calculated rafter spacing.

Construction of the frame of a sloping mansard roof

The installation procedure is as follows:

  • U-shaped racks are installed along the fronts of the building;
  • a cord is pulled strictly horizontally between them; if necessary, the racks are adjusted in height;
  • with a guide to the cord, install the remaining arches;
  • connect them with horizontal jumpers.

Installation of rafters

Installation of rafters begins with those having a maximum angle of inclination.

Installation of side rafters

A groove is cut at the base of the beam, and the upper part is cut at a certain angle. Then each rafter is fastened with a groove to the mauerlat, and with the upper end of the main structure.

Attaching the rafters to the mauerlat

The next stage is the installation of the upper rafters. It is very important here not to disturb the alignment of the structure. To do this, you can make a template from long boards, respectively optimal angle the inclination of these rafters.

Template for upper rafters

Then, according to the template, for convenience, L-shaped structures are first made on the ground, lifted to the roof and firmly fixed to the frame.

Important: for severe truss structure in long attics (more than 7 m), it is better to install a ridge beam through which the loads are evenly distributed.

Depending on the chosen coating, continuous or sparse lathing is placed on the rafters.

Attic roofing pie

The technology for constructing a mansard-type roof, as you can see, is not very complicated, however, it will be useful to see how to practically build a mansard roof with your own hands. Video materials also show how to correctly make fastening units.

Building your own home is an event that has been discussed and planned for a long time. One of the main problems is living space. You can get the maximum possible at minimal cost if you equip the attic floor. And choose a good option Photos of house roofs with an attic, as well as descriptions, will help.

The type of object depends on the capabilities and needs of the developer. Today, designers distinguish two types of premises: single-level and two-level.

The first attics are of three types:

  1. Mansard roof under a gable roof. The convenient location of the slopes does not delay precipitation, the installation of a warm attic does not require lengthy calculations, because such options are considered the simplest, most practical and reliable.
  2. An attic room under a sloping roof. A little more complicated in design, the room has an increased volume of living space and looks very original.
  3. House with attic remote consoles. This option is the most difficult to implement, but at the same time a large living space appears in the attic. The offset of the roof, forming a canopy, is used to arrange a veranda and garage.

A two-level attic design is essentially two rooms that are located on different levels. The convenience of the form is beyond doubt, but supports of a mixed type are needed.

In addition to being divided according to general characteristics, types of mansard roofs are divided by shape, type, and even country. The fact is that the residential under-roof space has existed for more than one century, but here we are this type housing came much later than it appeared in Europe and other countries. Wooden huts, the tower either had a full second or third floor, or a cold attic. View photos of mansard roofs different variations, perhaps this will help you in deciding the shape of your house.

Norman or French style

France can be considered the “ancestor” of the attic; the room was named after the architect François Monsarou, who was the first to apply the principle of arranging an under-roof room in the 17th century. The mansard roofs of private houses, photos of which are presented, have undoubted advantages and vary in style. The use of well-selected materials and a harmonious combination of design colors gives such buildings a unique charm.

Fact! French roofs of houses with an attic, photos of which are presented, are, as a rule, one-story buildings, slightly increased in area, but not in height. In this case, the practice is to place a living room under a roof above the garage, which allows you to use more space with a small footprint.

Severe climatic features northern regions countries are reflected in half-timbered houses. The attics here are equipped dormer windows, pediments and with all the severity they look perfect.

And here is the “garage” version of the attic

– a little more calm and gentle. Add glazing and the result will be functional, aesthetically pleasing, moderately subtle and unusual. The roof of a complex shape complements the French chic, but will fit quite organically into our open spaces.

Alpine chalets are a separate matter. There are gables here wooden roofs are complemented not only large windows, but also a balcony. Interior decoration it looks especially elegant if the wooden elements are not covered with cladding. Feature chalets have elongated slopes, which is explained by the snow cover. At the same time, the heat of the increased window openings and spacious balconies allow you to enjoy the warmth of the Alpine mountain summer.

Mediterranean motifs dictate the design of the roof of the house. In this case, there is a limited form, a certain compactness. It looks best in combination with a multi-gable form and not one, but two or three attics. Of course, such a do-it-yourself attic is not accessible to every craftsman, but the work will pay off with interest: in a small area you get two or more full-fledged additional warm rooms.

Old English classics

This country may challenge the primacy of housing under the very roof. The stiffness of the classics does not in the least prevent the cottages from looking more than charming, and the honor of imparting comfortable living and aesthetics belongs to the mansard roofs. They smooth out the severity of the lines and provide enough light thanks to the large windows.

Characteristic features of this form of roofs can be considered slightly curved lines of roofs on the gables and asymmetry of the elements.

And, of course, you should carefully choose the shades of the cladding: the windows must contrast with the general background, otherwise you will not achieve “Old English chic”.

Fact! If you want to maintain English aesthetics, when designing, you should include an increased slope of the slopes and asymmetry of the pediments. New chic - an interpretation of the Victorian hip roof.

Attic with many small balconies. The design will require additional expenses, but the house will definitely look original, and you will be able to enjoy the views of rural spaces.

New trends in attic space

Leaving aside all historical motives, architects offer a completely new design for houses with a residential roof. The construction principles of the northern peoples were taken as a basis, where harsh conditions forced the under-roof space to be built as warmly as possible. For example, ultra modern version: hipped roof with cladding made of the same material as the facade.

The roof of the house with an attic, the photo of which is presented, is made in dark colors- this is a tribute to frost: the sun warms up such a roof faster, which means the house will be warm.

For those who are building two houses, a suitable option is in the form of several residential volumes connected by one roof. It turns out 2-3 houses with attics - quite comfortable small-format housing.

Panoramic windows, correct selection materials and the result is stylish and comfortable housing of sufficient space. Small-format houses with a roof without finishing with roofing materials are another modern option. The projects provide for limited space, so the issue of housing under a roof is especially relevant.

Windows in attic floor provide enough warmth and lighting.

Concerning pitched roofs, then contrary to the opinion of domestic builders, they can also be very convenient for placing living rooms. Despite its minimalism, the option is distinguished not only by its economic benefits, but also by its variety of options. For example, a curved roof for an attic with windows looks very attractive.

The types of roofs in a private house are endless. For example, in order not to add serious loads to an old house, a glazed “living roof” built using the lightest materials is suitable.

Such solutions and designs are good for small houses and for houses built from foam concrete and other lightweight materials. And if you want not only practicality, but also an incredibly futuristic structure, you should choose a glazed and maximally open design.

A solid glazed pediment, a luxurious balcony - such a country mansion not only fits perfectly into the landscape, but also allows you to literally “not feel the walls.” An option with an asymmetrical arrangement of gable roof slopes and an attic with a balcony is another eco-design.

And for those who love unusual shapes, a remote attic, slightly overhanging the main building, is suitable. In addition to being spectacular, this design allows you to make maximum use of the attic space, obtaining a spacious “second floor”, and also creates a good canopy for the veranda.

The various types of roofs of private houses make you think about your choice. The convenience of a warm attic is also that, if there is sufficient space, the room can be equipped even if the buildings are already dilapidated. You just need to correctly calculate the possible load, choose lighter flooring options, renew the roof and insulate the attic - finished room It will become cozy and homely; all you need to do is put in a little effort and imagination.

A modern attic is a room with sloping or partially sloping walls, and sometimes even a ceiling. Thanks to the presence of an attic, heat loss in the house is significantly reduced, and any living space cannot be superfluous. Thus, the attic usually serves as a wonderful guest room, library, workshop, study and spacious dressing room.

Moreover, the design of a gable mansard roof can be either classic, with straight slopes, or its separate type - broken, more convenient and modern. And each option has its own advantages!

You will be surprised, but the concept of a gable roof can hide amazing discoveries in the form of an offset center, different angles and other architectural tricks. The potential is enormous, while, for example, pitched and hipped roofs are least suitable for furnishing an attic.

Generally speaking, there are only two main types of gable mansard roofs:

Option #1 – attic under a classic gable roof

Here is the simplest example of a mansard roof design. Yes, along load-bearing walls the lower part of the slope is fixed, presented in the form right triangles. They are assembled like layered rafters and additionally tied with contractions. Moreover, one of the sides is the future frame for the walls of the attic room and, at the same time, a support post. And the upper part of the roof is connected by hanging rafters using a tie.

In general, a conventional gable attic roof with gables is also suitable for constructing an attic space. Then what is the structural difference between a regular gable roof and a sloping gable roof, which is also called a mansard roof? The fact is that when calculating and designing a rafter system, it is customary to first take into account the following parameters:

  1. Weight of roofing material.
  2. Weight of the rafter system.
  3. Climatic features of the area.

But when designing an attic roof there are five of these points:

  1. Weight of roofing material.
  2. Weight of the rafter system.
  3. Weight of materials included in the roofing pie: heat, hydro and vapor barrier.
  4. Weight of all elements interior decoration attics.

“Correct” roof windows

Dormer windows, in turn, add a little complexity - you can’t do without them. In the case of a broken attic roof, everything is simpler; the windows are made straight and do not particularly interfere with construction. But for a classic gable roof they will have to be built inclined, which causes a lot of trouble.

Dormer windows are good because the light from them spreads evenly throughout the room and there are no blind side compartments. Depending on the shape of the roof itself, these can be straight, inclined, or in combination.

How to convert a regular roof into a mansard one?

Often an existing gable roof is converted into a mansard roof. This is because even at the construction stage they decided to save money and complete the treasured under-roof dwelling over time. Moreover, many people actually do this and everything works out.

Let’s put it this way: it’s still better to design an attic roof at the foundation design stage; it’s both technologically sound and more reliable, even if you won’t be insulating and finishing it this season. But since we decided to remake an already finished gable, this is possible. For example, there is no other option if you purchased a ready-made house.

So, when remodeling, first of all, calculate the weight of the future attic roof and the load-bearing capacity of the existing foundation. In simple terms, you need to make sure that the foundation was built with reserve and is ready to support a little more weight than it currently has.

The second step is to invite a specialist to look at the attic floor. Is it designed for furniture to stand on and people to walk on? And the fact that you step into the attic without fear does not mean anything. Most types of roofing are also designed for the human foot to step on from time to time - repairs need to be done, but not constantly. Everything is calculated and you can start construction work? Then let's move on.

The most important task before you now is to decide whether you will change the shape of the roof. Yes, sometimes you have to raise the slopes and make them out of a classic gable roof- broken line. This process is labor-intensive, but everything is feasible. Strengthen the standard pitched roof using triangular trusses, which are convenient to attach both to the roof and as separate elements.

And, the most crucial moment of reconstruction is the redistribution of the load. So, beams and rafters are reinforced with overlays, which are connected by racks. Then tie rods are attached to the struts and reinforced rafters. And if the load from the roof is dispersed on the floor beams (this often happens when roof trusses located in small increments), then all these changes will help change the direction of the load of the entire roof.

That's why it makes sense to plan the attic in advance, even if there is no money for its implementation: at this stage, waterproofing will be enough.

Open elements in the attic interior

What’s interesting is that in the design of modern mansard roofs there are also open elements: beams, parts of internal rafters and similar elements. All this effectively fits into the chosen interior style, and during construction you don’t need to worry about anything being left in sight after finishing.

What kind of interior? Firstly, we are talking about a style like French Provence. It welcomes bare wooden beams with a combination of soft white ceiling and walls, natural fabrics with small flowers and the same eco-friendly wooden furniture dark tones. In fashion these days! And even a huge beam in the middle of the attic cannot damage this style. After all, as you remember, it was the French architect who came up with the idea of ​​using the under-roof space as a living space, and therefore such constructive details combine quite harmoniously with the Provençal style, and sometimes also act as the main style accents.

The second no less popular style is high-tech. This is where you can and should safely display any elements of a rafter system made of metal. The main thing is that only the metal itself should be shiny and of high quality, with the same fastening. Additionally, leave the pipes visible ventilation system and any other engineering elements, if they look aesthetically pleasing enough. After all, this interior style is technical. Who likes this? For today's teenagers, programmers and any young people who are already disgusted by cloying classics in interiors or boring, rough minimalism.

Here's a little excursion into the world modern design. Don’t be surprised, but the attic so familiar to us has exactly the same history - initially people lived in such premises creative people and bohemia. And partly this tradition has been preserved to this day. Therefore, if you are designing a house with an attic roof, and are worried about the presence of additional supports, beams or posts, of course, feel free to leave it, we are not talking about the living room.

But here is something that is often completely forgotten when designing an attic roof. It's a staircase! No matter how funny it may sound, it also happens that during the construction process you have to do double work. Don't miss this moment!

The attic floor is a more spacious and well-prepared attic for living. The characteristics of the premises dictate their conditions regarding the roof. The installation of an attic roof does not require the contractor to have any special knowledge and skills. Enough to prepare necessary tools, read the instructions in detail and follow its recommendations in all respects.

There are several types of mansard roofs. Check out the features of each of these roofs and choose the most suitable option. The main points of construction technology are common to all types of construction.

The simplest option is a pitched mansard roof. This design is made with some slope. It is used quite rarely, because due to the slope, the usable area of ​​the attic space is reduced.

The most popular option is a gable mansard roof. The interior of the roof space will be comfortable and spacious. Gable roof simple and profitable to arrange.

Is a variety gable construction. IN in this case the slopes will not be smooth, but broken. Typically, sloping roofs are used in cases with small houses.

Hip roof consists of four slopes. Rafter system hip roof gets a little more complicated.

Half hip roof is a type of hipped roof. In this case, a half-hip is usually understood as that slope that, as it were, cuts off part of the end side of a gable roof. The cut can pass from the bottom and form a trapezoid, or from the top and create a triangle.

Interesting varieties of hipped mansard roofs are pyramidal and conical roofs . Such designs look best on polygonal houses and round buildings. Perfectly combined with other types of roofs.

They are used quite rarely. This design has a smooth parabolic or circular shape. Previously, such roofs were widely used in rectangular houses.

What does the attic roof structure consist of?

A mansard roof in cross-section represents a “pie” consisting of several layers.

Guide to calculating a mansard roof

The attic roof is calculated according to an extremely simple scheme. It is important to consider not only the useful area, but also the blind area attic space. In this case, a zone in which the distance between the ceiling and floor is more than 90-100 cm will be considered useful. The remaining places are traditionally considered a blind zone. It is impossible to live in such areas, but in their place you can install a variety of shelves and other household supplies.

Calculate the total roof area. At this point, a roof plan will come in handy. Divide the space into several simple shapes, calculate the area of ​​each of them, and then sum the resulting values ​​to determine the total roof area.

Before you start construction mansard roof, pay attention to a number of important details, which include features of thermal insulation of the structure, the order of placement of window openings etc.

Deserves special attention permissible angle of inclination of the roof slope If the slope exceeds the permissible value, the area of ​​the attic space will be significantly reduced. This point is individual and is selected taking into account the area of ​​the attic and other important parameters.

Select the appropriate type of rafter system. Rafters, as noted, help to evenly distribute the load on the walls. Additionally, thanks to the rafter system, it is ensured reliable protection home from various types of adverse atmospheric influences.

The simplest version of an attic roof is a triangular design. The most difficult thing to do is to make a mansard roof with a break. If you do not have the appropriate skills, it is strongly recommended not to undertake the installation of complex roofs yourself.

Step-by-step instructions for building an attic roof

There are no super-complicated steps in the construction of an attic roof. You just need to carefully read the instructions and follow all the recommendations step by step.

First step. Calculate the strength of the building. The attic increases the load on the walls and foundation of the house. It is better if qualified specialists do the calculations. If you do not plan to carry out work to strengthen the house, you can skip this stage.

Second step. Calculate the attic and prepare a project for the future attic space and roof. It is also recommended to involve specialists in this work. If you wish, you can try to create a project yourself or use some ready-made solution from available sources.

Third step.

Do this as carefully as possible, try not to damage other structural elements of the house. Fourth step. Make a rafter frame.

This is the most labor-intensive stage of the instructions in question. It is better if at least 3 people are involved in arranging the frame at the same time. Fifth step. Place and secure the Mauerlat.

To assemble this element, use wooden blocks measuring 10x10 cm. Sixth step. Install the frame for the under-roof space.

The frame elements will simultaneously serve as supports for the rafters. First, secure the vertical posts along the edges of the building. The racks must be attached to long beams. Self-tapping screws and ordinary metal corners will help you with this.

Seventh step. Attach a jumper to the posts. Eighth step. Any cord will help you with this - simply stretch it between the formed arches. If the cord is in a strictly horizontal position, you have done everything right. If the cord deviates from the horizontal, trim the inappropriate arches or completely replace them with new elements.

Ninth step. Fix the arches together. Nail plates or stamping corners will help you with this.

Attach the first rafters where the roof slope will have the maximum slope. To obtain the required slope, you simply need to cut the bars to the required length.

The first step is preparing the rafters. Cut the bars in advance to the desired length and required angle. In the lower part rafter legs select grooves to connect to the Mauerlat. The grooves can be made using a chisel.

Second step. Secure each block to its designated place.

Third step. Proceed to installing the upper rafters. Be especially careful at this stage. Observe the desired angle of the slope and the overall alignment of the structure.

Fourth step. The sheathing can be made from plywood sheets or ordinary wooden boards

. The type of sheathing must match the selected roofing material. As a rule, a continuous deck is made. This is a universal and most reliable option.

Laying protective materials and completing the work

Attic roofing requires the organization of high-quality protection from various unfavorable factors. The first step is laying vapor barrier material.

The vapor barrier must be secured to the inside of the rafter system. The material is attached to the bars using special construction staples. The second step is laying insulation. Traditionally used for insulation mineral wool . If you wish, you can opt for a more modern and expensive material

. The insulation boards must fit tightly together and also fit tightly to the rafters. The third step is the installation of the sheathing.

The laid insulation needs to be covered with sheathing. Use ordinary wooden blocks. Fasten the sheathing elements in increments of about half a meter. Thanks to this system, the insulation will remain in place. The fourth step is laying moisture-proofing material. Secure the waterproofing with outside

rafter system. Polyethylene film is most often used as a moisture-proof layer. Waterproofing will protect roof elements from atmospheric moisture. Choose roofing material at your discretion. The best option in terms of cost-to-cost ratio quality characteristics is a metal tile. From budget materials We can recommend slate or its more modern analogue, ondulin.

After you have secured the selected roofing material, the construction of the attic roof can be considered complete. Thus, there is nothing complicated in arranging the considered system with your own hands. Understand the instructions and you will successfully complete all the tasks without outside help.

Video - Do-it-yourself mansard roof step by step