How to lubricate insect bites. How to relieve itching from insect bites in children and adults

Insect bites can not only be very painful, but also dangerous to human life, so it is important to immediately provide the victim with first aid using medications and ointments for insect bites, or, in extreme cases, improvised means. Which ointment for insect bites should you choose and what should you pay attention to?

What to do?

In some cases, especially in summer period, it is simply impossible to avoid insect bites. If the consequences of a bite can be dire, it is best to avoid any travel. If this is not possible, use special protective equipment that will repel insects.

If trouble occurs, treat the bite site without delay. by special means and apply ointment. The choice of drug will depend on various variables - primarily the age of the victim and the type of insect. The following factors will tell you which ointment to use:

  • composition of the product;
  • bite symptoms (swelling, redness, pain);
  • release form of the drug.

Be sure to take into account the age of the victim - most medications are contraindicated in childhood.

The most effective ointments

When deciding what to apply to insect bites, you need to understand the wide pharmacy range of available drugs. A bite can provoke allergies, even Quincke's edema - in this case you cannot do without emergency medical care, because even death is possible. The bite site can itch unbearably, and scratching the wound increases the likelihood of infection entering the body. To prevent consequences and complications after insect bites, it is necessary to apply ointment to the affected area.

  1. "Fenistil" is the most famous and effective remedy from insect bites. Quickly relieves itching and pain.
  2. “Nezulin” is a cream-gel that has a calming effect and relieves swelling.
  3. "Bepanten" is a soothing and wound-healing drug. Can be used by pregnant women and young children. The active components of the medication stop inflammation and reduce swelling. Available in the form of an ointment or gel.
  4. "Akriderm" - good and inexpensive remedy. Suitable for both children and adults.
  5. "Hydrocortisone" - effective drug, but it is better to use it on the recommendation of a doctor due to the content of hormonal components in the composition.
  6. "Elidel" - prescribed for a severe allergic reaction, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Contraindicated in the presence of a bacterial or fungal infection.

If you need a cheap and effective antiseptic, remember the old “Golden Star” or, as this remedy is also called, “asterisk”. It is inexpensive, has no contraindications, and quickly relieves itching and pain. Active ingredients include mint, lemon balm, and eucalyptus. If you are allergic to these components, do not use the product so as not to aggravate the situation.

Remember that not a single remedy, even the most modern and expensive, can immediately relieve all the symptoms of a bite. If dangerous signs are observed, for example, rapid heartbeat, nausea, vomiting, it is necessary to urgently call " Ambulance» or contact the nearest clinic.

It is important to know

If you are bitten by an insect, do not panic - timely first aid can prevent unpleasant consequences.

If the insect itself cannot be identified, the wound after the bite is swollen and very painful, the first signs of general intoxication have appeared, do not waste time and consult a doctor. The consequences of bites are not always harmless; sometimes the toxin poses a threat to human health and even life.

If you are bitten by a bee, it is important to remove the sting and suck out the venom. Then the wound is treated regular soap, alcohol or vinegar, only after that the ointment is applied. If you are bitten by a spider, it is important to first treat the affected area with an antiseptic, and only then apply ointment or cream.

Review of effective repellents

It is easier to prevent any problem than to deal with the consequences. To avoid insect bites, you can use special products - repellents, which are designed to repel insects and are available for sale in the form of a gel, ointment, cream or spray. Insect bite repellents will reliably protect against midges and mosquitoes, and help prevent bites from ticks, wasps and bees. Repellents will cost much less than possible treatment.
A few of the most well-known and effective repellents:

  1. Mosquitall spray. One of the most popular products that protects not only from mosquitoes, but also from other blood-sucking insects. The spray is convenient to use, the composition is washed off with plain water, and the skin is not sticky after using it. Allowed for use by children from one year old.
  2. OZZ spray is a very effective product. Can be applied to skin and clothing. Before buying a can, pay attention to the composition - the more diethyltoluamide, the more concentrated and effective the composition. A preparation containing 25% diethyltoluamide is applied only to clothing and is not used for children. A child can be treated with a product containing 10% of the active substance.
  3. Off family is a proven product. It is applied to clothing, which is then placed in tight bags for several hours to soak. Clothes treated in this way will protect against insects for 30 hours. If you go on vacation in nature or to an open body of water, this is one of the most successful solutions: people do not smell the composition, but insects do the opposite.
  4. Spray lotion "Komaroff". The best option for protection from insects while relaxing near a pond. The cream works even in water and retains its properties after swimming.
  5. Gardex-Family is an effective means of protection against blood-sucking insects. Contains chemical components and is therefore contraindicated for use by pregnant and lactating women and children under 6 years of age. The product should not be applied to synthetic fabrics and plastic to avoid possible damage to things.
  6. Lafe's Organic Bug Spray - the best choice, if you are planning a trip to nature with small and infant children.
  7. Johnson's Baby Spray - good remedy for the prevention of bites in children. The product has no contraindications or side effects, does not irritate the delicate skin of the child, and does not contain harmful chemical components. The composition can be sprayed both on clothing and directly on the skin.

Before purchasing this or that product, pay attention to the composition: there are ointments that are aimed at preventing symptoms (itching, rash, swelling), and there are drugs that have anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effects.

To prevent insect bites, do not forget to use repellents, which are available in a wide range in pharmacies.

We remember the summer season not only for the warm weather, fresh fruits, pleasant trips to nature, but also for the abundance of mosquitoes, midges, and other insects.

Their bites can cause unpleasant painful sensations. Red spots, inflammation, and swelling appear on the body.

This external manifestations allergic reaction to a bite. Children under three years of age are especially susceptible to allergies.

You will find a description of the most effective ointments and gels against mosquito bites, fleas and other insects for children, and the rules for their use in our article.

When to start using

The bite site itches, itches even in an adult. A child's skin is more delicate than that of adults. The painful reaction occurs faster.

Children cannot help themselves and scratch the bite area until blisters appear.. In this case, bacteria enter the wound, which leads to the onset of the inflammatory process.

To start using medications for mosquito bites for children, such as ointments, gels, creams, the following signals serve:

  • redness of the skin around the bite;
  • swelling of 1 cm in diameter or more, sometimes swelling reaches 10-15 cm;
  • itching, leading to scratching the bite site until a watery or bleeding wound appears.

The younger the child, the stronger the allergic reaction may be. Don't delay. Start taking action right away.

It is better not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor for help. It is dangerous to give any medication to a child under two years of age without a doctor’s recommendation.

Operating principle

If it is not possible to get advice immediately, then you can use some products recommended for use.

First, treat the affected area of ​​skin with hydrogen peroxide. Only then apply ointment or gel against mosquito bites.

After use, these products provide relief from an allergic reaction - an antihistamine effect, cool the bite site, relieve itching, discomfort, remove swelling, inflammation, have an antiseptic effect, disinfect, and promote skin regeneration.

Each drug combines several additional actions to make the baby feel better.

Ointment or balm is applied equally actively. There is no fundamental difference other than the form of release. Don't let parents be confused by the fact of the name. Sometimes the same drug can be in the form of a gel and an ointment.

Ointments take longer to absorb, but last longer healing effect. Gels will be absorbed faster and will not leave stains on clothes and skin.

Description of drugs

The choice of drugs for mosquito bites is huge. But be responsible when choosing a product for your child. It is better and safer to consult your doctor first. And you need to buy medicinal products for children exclusively at the pharmacy.

Fenistil-gel (cooling)

An effective antihistamine (anti-allergenic) agent is. Blocks histamines causing allergies, has a local anesthetic effect. Quickly absorbed, cools the bite site, relieves allergic reactions, reduces swelling. It starts working within 5-10 minutes.

After 1.5-2 hours there is a noticeable improvement. The drug is safe for babies from two months of age. average price drug - 350 rub..

Balm Rescuer for Children

The drug contains only herbal ingredients: sea ​​buckthorn oil, olive oil, calendula extract, beeswax, vitamins A, E. Apply to the wound, rub in lightly, can be covered with a bandage. The balm begins to act immediately, quickly relieves the primary symptoms: swelling, itching, and reduces the degree of redness.

Can be used without age restrictions, contains only substances plant origin. Price - about 100 rubles.


Psilo-balm has an antiallergic, soothing, cooling effect. Absorbs quickly and does not leave oily residue on clothes. The product contains diphenhydramine hydrochloride, which relieves histamines.

Used as a local anesthetic. Relieves itching, swelling and a feeling of heat in the affected area.

Price - 250 rub..


Contains bacitracin and neomycin, which are antibiotics, to disinfect the wound. Apply a thin layer to the affected area of ​​skin. If necessary, apply a bandage on top. Recommended for babies from the first day of life.

Usually there are no side effects. sold in a pharmacy. 2-3 hours after applying the drug, the unpleasant symptoms disappear. Price - about 300 rubles.

Bepanten plus

Contains the active substance dexpanthenol. This is a derivative of pantothenic acid, belongs to the B vitamins. Restores the skin, quickly heals the wound, removes discomfort, and relieves swelling.

Suitable for babies, pregnant women and even for treating nipples during lactation.


Nezulin is a preparation based on herbs and vegetable oils:

  • contains extracts of chamomile, celandine, plantain, licorice;
  • essential oils mint, basil, lavender;
  • D-panthenol.

Gently relieves discomfort, relieves itching and redness of the skin. Has a strong healing effect.

In the instructions for use there is not a word about the age at which the drug can be used. Just a warning about individual intolerance. There are no negative reviews. Cost - about 800-900 rubles.

Cheap analogues

The famous Star Balm cools, relieves itching, discomfort. Contains substances of plant origin such as mint, menthol, clove oil, camphor.

Attention! Do not apply to the area around the eyes and lips.

Cost about 50 rubles.

If you have such inexpensive ointments on hand as Panthenol, then they will provide first aid to children: they will relieve inflammation, reduce pain after insect bites (mosquitoes, fleas, etc.).

Do not rub ointments and gels into your child's skin, especially into affected areas.. Apply a thin layer on top using a sterile napkin or a piece of sterile bandage.

Make sure that the child does not scratch the bite site or touch the applied ointment. There is no need to treat swelling every 10 minutes. Carry out the next treatment no earlier than after 2-3 hours, but no more than 3-4 times a day.

Monitor your child carefully. If there is no improvement or if it gets worse, seek medical help.

If a child tries to scratch a treated and lubricated bite area, bandage the wound.

Follow preventive measures against repeated insect bites:

  • treat the premises daily with insect repellents or install a fumigator or device with an ultrasonic effect;
  • use mosquito nets on vents, windows, doorways, above a crib or stroller;
  • treat your child’s clothes against insects with special sprays and aerosols before going outside;
  • in nature, especially in the evening, wear long-sleeved clothing that covers the entire body;
  • For a walk, on a trip to the country, to nature, to the forest, take with you a remedy against mosquito bites and other insects.

Do not buy ointments for children from your hands, in passages or from grandmothers in the market.

Before purchasing, carefully study the composition of the drug and read the instructions for use. Give preference to well-known, proven products and manufacturers with a good reputation.

Check the expiration date of the drug before purchasing. Don’t forget to check before use by taking it out of your first aid kit.

Indoors and outdoors, try to protect your child from contact with insects. It's not just mosquitoes that can cause painful bites. Horseflies, flies, midges and other insects cause concern for adults and children. Be alert. Always keep insect bite ointment in your first aid kit.

In contact with

Summer holidays are often overshadowed by the fight against insects. Even if they turn out to be ordinary mosquitoes, vacation no longer brings the pleasure that it was in your dreams. What can we say about the bites of bedbugs, wasps, bees, spiders and other representatives of the arthropod kingdom. Insect bites can appear on the human body not only in the wild (in the forest, on the river), but also just in the apartment. This is the biggest problem because it is necessary to differentiate the condition in order to know who to fight.

Determine which insect bit you from the photo

Bites from representatives of entomofauna differ from each other in their level of danger, symptoms and signs, and principles of first aid. How to determine who bit someone in an apartment or on the street from a photo?


Those spiders that can be found at home, as a rule, do not pose a danger to children and adults. Their bite looks like a small area of ​​swelling with a dot in the center and redness around it (similar to a red bump or wound). The body of some people may respond with individual hypersensitivity, which manifests itself as an allergic reaction. This is a more serious condition, accompanied by edema and significant hyperemia.

The button spider (also known as the black widow) is considered poisonous to humans. Within a quarter of an hour the following may appear:

  • strong pain;
  • swelling;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • abdominal pain;
  • excessive sweating;
  • convulsions;
  • fever.

Important! The condition is considered dangerous and requires immediate medical attention. In its absence, death is possible due to respiratory failure or damage to the heart muscle.


Bed bugs are the most common type of “home” residents who leave their “signs” on the human body at night. There is no trace left immediately after a bedbug bite. The next morning, red dots appear on the skin, accompanied by itching. The bite of these insects can be seen in the photo. Pain at the site of the bug bite and swelling are absent or mild.

It became known that bed bugs capable of becoming carriers of Chagas disease pathogens. This disease is accompanied by:

  • fever;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • pain and swelling at the site of the bug bite.


After a flea bite, no fleas appear large plots redness and swelling, which turn into extensive hemorrhages on the skin if scratched. A flea can be recognized by its jumping ability. “Catching up” with this type of insect is not so easy. The photo shows massive flea bites.


You can find the insect on the skin in areas where there are soft tissues. We are talking about the groin area, armpit area, neck, abdomen, and the area behind the ears. Swelling and red spots may appear around the body of the tick, which sticks out from the tissues of the human body.

Important! You should get rid of the insect and receive emergency care at the nearest medical facility.

Bees and wasps

Insect bites of these species are considered dangerous for children and adults, especially if they have a serious allergic reaction. Wasp and bee stings can be accompanied by severe pain, swelling, itching, and burning. A red spot appears on the skin, a blister or rash may appear.

A dangerous condition for the patient is an allergic reaction of a local or general type. In the photo you can see the symptoms of an allergy to a bee sting. The signs of a wasp sting are similar.


The child begins to itch and complain of pain and discomfort in the scalp area. Upon examination, you can see scratching, inflammation, and small red spots located in groups. Nits are visible on the hair. These are lice eggs that have a round shape and a white-yellow hue.


Mosquitoes can also cause the development of the disease due to their ability to serve as carriers of the pathogen. If there is no allergy to insect bites, a person may notice only minor redness in one or several areas of the skin of the body. Later, these mosquito bites cause severe itching.

Important! When scratching, swelling occurs, bruises and hemorrhages may appear.

In some cases, a child or adult has an allergic reaction to mosquito bites. In this case, the itching becomes painful, swelling spreads to large areas of the body. Local symptoms may be accompanied by general signs of allergies (difficulty breathing, swelling of the lips, tongue, eyelids), convulsions. Immediate assistance is required.

Symptoms of an insect bite

An insect bite is usually accompanied by characteristic signs:

  • pain in the bite area;
  • swelling;
  • hyperemia;
  • itching;
  • tumor.

Pain is characteristic of the bites of those insects that are considered dangerous to the human body. Their list includes wasps and bees (due to the high likelihood of developing an allergic reaction), and some spiders. Itching can be caused by mosquitoes, lice, fleas and bedbugs. The skin begins to itch so much that this condition interferes with even night rest.

Swelling appears after bites of all insects to one degree or another. Against the background of allergies, it manifests itself more pronouncedly; in the absence of hypersensitivity of the body, it manifests itself weaker. Redness in the bite area is a common human reaction to a pathological process. It can appear in all cases, the only difference is in the severity of the symptom.

What to do after an insect bite

An insect bite requires first aid. As a rule, this concerns dangerous representatives of arthropods or the presence of allergies in the victim.

First aid for insect bites

Important! If bites regularly occur at home, then it is necessary to find and destroy the insect nest. This is done independently or with the help of an exterminator service.

  • Wounds from bee stings should be anointed with peroxide, alcohol or potassium permanganate solution.
  • When a flea bites, it is important to get rid of severe itching, otherwise you can scratch the body until it bleeds - to relieve the symptom, you need to smear the wounds of the child and adult with a soap solution or disinfectant, then apply hormonal ointment with hydrocortisone or a drug with an antihistamine effect (Psilo-balm).
  • Sulfur ointment will help eliminate inflammation and dry the pathological area; Advantan ointment is also good against the inflammatory process.
  • The appearance of symptoms of intoxication due to insect bites requires the use of enterosorbents (Smecta, Enterosgel).
  • After bedbug bites, the body must be treated with a solution based on soap or soda, or propolis tincture (it will help remove itching).
  • Mosquito bites require treatment of the skin with a diluted solution of ammonia.

On a note! Additional ways to eliminate severe itching after an arthropod bite (fleas, bedbugs, lice) are potato pulp, onion juice, lotions based on soda solution, and rubbing the bite area with a toothpaste.

Treatment after an insect bite

After the victim has received the necessary assistance at home, it is advisable to bring the patient for a consultation with a doctor. Insect bites can be fraught with dangerous consequences and diseases, so if you have the slightest suspicion of a worsening condition, you should contact a health care facility.

To treat the pathology, doctors will prescribe hormonal medications (creams and ointments). These drugs will remove not only the inflammatory process, but also pain, itching, burning, swelling and other signs of an allergic reaction.

Important! If the patient suffers from severe itching, it is necessary to treat the bite area with Levomekol. The drug contains an antibiotic that will prevent infection from entering the body through scratching.

It is also necessary to use antihistamines:

  • local action - Fenistil, Elokom, Advantan;
  • tablets - Tavegil, Loratadine, Suprastin.

For reference! Homeopathic remedies are not effective for insect bites.

What to do if an insect bite is swollen and red

Most victims are interested in what to do if redness and swelling occur after an insect bite. This is usually how an inflammatory reaction and an allergic reaction manifest themselves. If the brightness of the signs progresses, it is necessary to obtain qualified help.

Severe swelling and hyperemia after a bite require the following:

  • drugs to combat allergic reactions - antihistamine tablets, ointments and creams;
  • hormonal agents;
  • ointments based on antibacterial components.

Remedies for insect bites

At the moment, people prefer to use not only traditional therapy, but also traditional medicine recipes.

Folk remedies

One of the popular remedies is a solution based on baking soda. For preparation use the following proportions: for 1 tsp. substances, a glass of liquid is required. A bandage is moistened in the resulting solution and applied to the affected area (allowed even if the insect remains unknown).

Plantain leaves

This recipe is used during outdoor recreation. If a person sees that he has been bitten by some insect, he can pick a leaf of the plant and apply it to the wound. Before use, the sheet should be washed and slightly crumpled.

Infusion of succession

Folk analogue of remedies against allergic reactions. Infusion medicinal plant should be taken orally to relieve itching and swelling.

Pharmacy products

After bites, several groups of drugs are used. The choice depends:

  • on the age of the patient;
  • causes of the condition;
  • composition of the drug;
  • purposes of use;
  • release forms.

Insect bite ointment for itching

Nezulin is a cream-ointment that is effectively used for serious allergic reactions after bites. Contains plant components, essential oils and d-panthenol. The effect of the medicine is manifested not only in the form of eliminating the symptoms of pathology, but also soothing the skin (cooling effect), accelerating regeneration.

Elidel - eliminates manifestations of hypersensitivity reactions, does not contain hormonal components. Apply in a course to the swollen bite site.

Fenistil is an antihistamine that effectively eliminates dangerous signs of allergies. The doctor prescribes it both for the purpose of first aid and for the treatment of a pathological condition.

Hormonal ointments

Representatives of the group are more serious “artillery” when compared with previous medications.

  1. Hydrocortisone - produces a double effect: it removes swelling, burning and other symptoms of pathology, which pass quickly enough, and also prevents the occurrence of anaphylactic shock (a dangerous condition that causes cardiac and respiratory failure and causes death).
  2. Advantan is available in the form of ointment, emulsion and gel. Do not treat large areas of the body.

Important! Hormonal drugs have a lot of contraindications, so it is better to consult a doctor about the possibility of their use.

Insect bites in children

Children react to bites in different ways, which also depends on the individual reaction of the body. The wound may swell, swelling and hyperemia appear. If nothing else worries you, the baby can be helped at home.

Important! Dangerous condition it is considered if a spider bites, and in nature. In such cases, it is better to keep an ampoule with a hormonal injection ready.

The child may not notice how he was bitten by an insect, but within a quarter of an hour rashes appear, the tongue, eyelids and tongue may become swollen, and it becomes difficult to breathe. All symptoms indicate the appearance of an allergy. The reason is the penetration of toxic substances into the baby’s blood and the presence of individual hypersensitivity.

Doctors emphasize that it is considered dangerous to take a child who has relatives with allergies to nature without supplies of antihistamines and hormonal drugs for emergency care.

Allergy to insect bites

Manifests itself with hypertrophied symptoms of a local or general nature. Severe swelling may occur locally; the area of ​​the body where there is a wound appears swollen, red, and enlarged. The general clinical picture is accompanied by:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • swelling of the throat and tongue;
  • severe itching of the skin;
  • convulsions;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • myocardial failure.

Treatment regimen:

  • local hormonal creams, ointments;
  • injection of glucocorticosteroids;
  • antihistamines in tablets;
  • infusion therapy (intravenous drip of saline, Ringer, etc.)

Important! Anaphylactic shock is the most terrible condition for a person prone to allergies. Help is provided immediately, treatment continues in the hospital.

Prevention: insect bite repellents

Taking precautions can reduce the risk of a problem occurring several times.

Insect bite repellents

Repellents are used for prevention. This chemical substances, designed to repel arthropods. Long-term protection can be provided by:

  • OFF Extreme;
  • Mosquitoll Super active protection;
  • DEET Vocco;
  • UltraThon and others

Available in the form of oils, sprays, creams, aerosols. Regular use will discourage the desire to bite in most representatives of the entomofauna.

Other measures

Preventive measures also include:

  • choice of clothing with long sleeves and trousers;
  • avoiding outdoor recreation in the evening, when arthropods are most active;
  • use of mosquito nets on windows and doors;
  • avoiding choosing bright and colorful clothes for leisure;
  • inspection of domestic animals for the presence of “living creatures”;
  • vaccination when traveling abroad.

Such preventive measures are suitable for children and adults, and also minimize the risk of problems.


A bite is damage to the mechanical skin of an insect by the stinging or jaw apparatus. In addition to mechanical damage, a chemical burn also occurs, which often causes unpleasant allergic reactions.

It is worth remembering that this is not only an unpleasant problem, but also quite serious, which is caused by the following phenomena:

  1. Mechanical damage to the skin.
  2. The presence of bacteria and other dangerous microbes in the saliva of an insect.
  3. There is an increased risk of infection from scratching.

The danger is posed not only by mosquitoes, but also by other insects that can live both outdoors and at home. It is for this reason that you need to carefully monitor the condition, and if the slightest unusual signs and symptoms appear, take appropriate measures.

It is necessary to treat everything with special preparations and not forget about preventive measures, namely:

  1. Treat areas with bites with insect repellent sprays.
  2. Apply aromatic mixtures.
  3. Use folk remedies;
  4. Wear thick clothing to protect against bites.

If you still cannot avoid unpleasant consequences, then in these cases ointments that have good properties will help. But it is worth remembering that their range is quite large and not all of them have the same properties - some drugs can only eliminate allergic reactions, while others can also relieve swelling, inflammation and pain.

Types of ointments for insect bites

Currently, many pharmacies provide a wide range of ointments that have the effect of instantly eliminating allergic manifestations, relieve itching, redness, and irritation from the bites of many arthropods - mosquitoes, bees, wasps, midges, bedbugs, beetles and others.

The following types of these funds are distinguished:

  1. Regular ointments. They contain a fatty base, in which often small particles of the main component are not completely dissolved. They have a slow absorption, so they have a long period of action;
  2. Creams. The main difference between these products and ointments is their low fat content, but their manufacturing principle is the same. They also have a long-lasting effect;
  3. Gels. These drugs have a fast effect. This is due to the fact that they contain the active substance already dissolved. They are fast acting because they are water based.

Tools Overview


This is a cream-gel with a high content of biologically active components for the treatment of allergic and other unpleasant consequences. It contains the following substances:

  1. Extracts of many medicinal plants- chamomile, licorice, celandine, plantain.
  2. There is a small amount of lavender, peppermint oil, as well as basil oil.
  3. D-panthenol.

When combined, these substances provide the following results:

  1. The feeling of itching, irritation and redness immediately disappears.
  2. The skin has a cooling and soothing effect.
  3. The protective functions of the skin surface are increased.
  4. Skin cells are renewed.

This remedy can relieve the consequences of a bite, relieves hives, irritation and allergies.

The cost of one 30 ml tube reaches 130 rubles.


Gel with antiallergic properties. The ointment suppresses the activity of histamine H-1 receptors and reduces capillary permeability. These properties are provided thanks to the active component - diphenhydramine, which is popularly called diphenhydramine.

The gel relieves swelling that occurs due to bites, and it also has a cooling effect that relieves itching and irritation.

The cost of the gel in pharmacies averages 180 rubles.

Fenistil gel

Has an antipruritic effect. The main substance is dimethindene maleate, which suppresses histamine H1 receptors, which cause allergies. It relieves swelling, inflammation, itching, redness, irritation and many allergic reactions.

The cost of the product in pharmacies ranges from 330 to 390 rubles.


This is an ointment containing components of plant origin. It consists of the following substances:

  1. Availability of olive and ghee oil.
  2. A little turpentine.
  3. Vitamins A and E.
  4. Calendula plant extract.
  5. Sea buckthorn oil.
  6. Bees wax.

Naftalan oil in refined form. Thanks to the rich herbal composition, it quickly relieves itching, redness, irritation, and also eliminates blisters and swelling.

The price of the product in pharmacies starts from 110 rubles.


This is a cream with a white-yellow color that has a pleasant effect on bite sites. This product contains an active component that is part of the B group of vitamins - dexpanthenol, thanks to which the cream has a healing, soothing and restorative effect.

The price of the product can reach up to 400 rubles.


This is a cream that has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. It is best used during severe allergic reactions in the form of itching, severe redness, irritation. Doctors also recommend applying the cream for manifestations of eczema and atopic dermatitis.

The cost starts from 1000 rubles.


This is a natural homeopathic ointment. It contains only natural substances - the arnica plant and the auxiliary component Vaseline. It has antimicrobial properties, quickly relieves swelling, irritation, pain, redness, and also improves the protective cover of the skin.

The price can reach up to 190 rubles.


This is a clear solution that quickly relieves itching and burning.It has a complex effect, which is ensured by the following constituent substances:

  1. Menthol– cools and relaxes the skin. It also accelerates blood circulation and triggers the regeneration of skin cells.
  2. Procaine– relieves allergic reactions and discomfort.
  3. Benzocaine– quickly relieves pain.

The price of the solution in pharmacies is about 30-50 rubles.


This is a suspension, or more simply put, a chatterbox. Due to the high content of zinc oxide, it has anti-inflammatory, aseptic and adsorbent effects. It can not only relieve irritation and itching, but also pulls out all kinds of germs and bacteria from wounds.

The cost of the product starts from 100 rubles.


This is a cream that has anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties. During bites, it should be used to relieve irritation, redness, itching and swelling.

The cost of a 30 ml tube is 100 rubles.

If the damage is caused by a stinging insect, for example, bees, spiders and other arthropods, first aid must be provided.

First aid procedure:

  1. If the sting was caused by a bee, then you need to carefully remove the sting at the site of the bite with tweezers. With , the hornet does not sting.
  2. Then you need to quickly suck the poison out of the wound. This can be done by mouth; if it enters the oral cavity, the poison does not cause any serious consequences.
  3. A cold compress should be applied to the area, but never use stones or damp earth. They can become a source of infection.
  4. After all these steps, the area should be washed with baby soap and thoroughly wiped dry. If the bite was caused by a bee or hornet, then the area should be washed with organic acid, for example, apple or lemon;
  5. Then the area can be treated with any ointment for bites.

Criteria for choosing a product

In order for the product to really help eliminate unpleasant consequences, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

  1. Age, that is, at what age is it allowed to use this ointment. You especially need to pay attention to this when the product is purchased for children.
  2. Components. It is advisable to purchase products made from natural herbal ingredients that do not cause allergic reactions.
  3. Intended use– as a preventive measure or to eliminate consequences.
  4. Insects, bite symptoms, which this remedy eliminates. For example, if the bite was received from, then you should purchase a product with an antibacterial effect, if from a mosquito, then with a cooling effect.
  5. Release form: cream, gel or ointment.

Folk remedies

In addition to pharmaceutical drugs, you can use traditional methods treatments made from plants. For example, plantain leaves, elderberry leaves, dandelion flowers and Veronica officinalis and others can remove itching, swelling, and irritation.

When using traditional methods you need to be careful, because many plants can cause allergies and harm:

It’s not enough to purchase an ointment; you need to know certain features of its use that will help get rid of unpleasant consequences:

  1. Before lubrication, the bitten area must be treated with alcohol. This should be done in cases where the bite was received from a mosquito or other blood-sucking arthropods;
  2. When a bee stings, you must remove the sting, suck out the poison and apply cold;
  3. The ointment should be applied to the cleaned surface. leather in the form of an applique;
  4. It is also advisable before use carefully read the instructions for use;
  5. You should definitely consult your doctor. Sometimes some components of the substance can cause allergies, so it is not advisable to immediately use this remedy on your own;
  6. It is advisable to show bites to a doctor, especially if it looks like a rash, ulcer, crust, and also causes severe itching and burning.

Many insects have long woken up from hibernation, whose bites cause a lot of trouble for humans. Mosquitoes, wasps, bees, ants, spiders, bedbugs... - these are not all insects that are ready to bite or sting on occasion. Their bites cause pain, discomfort, irritation, redness of the skin and other unpleasant consequences. Treatment of bites should be carried out based on the type of insect and the severity of the damage caused to it. You can relieve symptoms and provide first aid with simple home remedies.

Depending on the type of insect and the individual characteristics of the human body, a bite can have different consequences: from slight redness on the skin to death. If after a bite you experience dizziness, nausea, fever, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat and other serious symptoms, you should urgently seek medical help. The same should be done if treatment of bites does not bring results within 1-2 days.

People prone to allergies should be especially careful and careful. For example, even one bee sting can cause a severe allergic reaction. If timely assistance is not provided, the person may die.

When walking in nature, especially during the period of spring insect activity, we must not forget about precautions and protection. You need to wear closed clothing and shoes, use repellents and try to avoid potential habitats dangerous insects. It is advisable not to scratch the bite area, so as not to spread a possible infection to other areas of the body. Also, do not touch swelling or squeeze blisters.

Cleaning the wound with soapy water

Like any wound, it is advisable to wash the bite with soapy water to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria. This is especially true when a person is bitten by insects such as wasps, bees, hornets, red forest ants, and spiders. The alkali contained in the soap will help wash away the poison and cleanse the skin of dirt and debris that can cause infection.

It is advisable to use a mild antiseptic soap and clean the area gently, without applying too much pressure or rubbing. The wound is then thoroughly dried with a soft towel and a little olive oil is applied to keep the skin moisturized.

This is one of the best means to stop itching and relieve pain. Applying cold to the bite area causes a slight numbness of the skin, which helps relieve swelling and pain. You can take ice from the refrigerator, place it in a plastic bag and wrap it in a thin towel. This compress is applied to the affected area for five minutes. Then it is recommended to take a two-minute break and repeat the procedure. This method is effective during the first day after the bite. If ice is not available, then the affected area of ​​the body can be kept in cool (not ice) water. Do not allow your skin to come into direct contact with ice - this can cause frostbite.

Apple cider vinegar for inflammation and swelling

A bite can be treated with apple cider vinegar. The venom of many insects contains alkaloids and allergenic proteins, which slightly acidic vinegar will help neutralize. Plus, this product has an antiseptic effect, relieves itching, preventing inflammation and swelling. For medical procedures Unfiltered apple-based vinegar is suitable.

It should be applied to the bite site using a cotton swab. After half an hour, the remaining product is washed off with cool water. Wipe the skin dry. If the bite is minor, it is advisable to lubricate the areas treated with vinegar with a light moisturizer to prevent dry skin. You can repeat the procedure after a few hours. For those with sensitive skin, vinegar should be diluted with water (1:1) before use.

Baking soda for skin redness

Regular itching and redness on the skin around the bite can help reduce baking soda. It acts as a neutralizer of acids contained in insect venom. This reduces the risk of infection and the pain gradually subsides. Treatment is carried out with soda paste, mixing a teaspoon of soda with a small amount of water. Apply the product generously to the affected area and remove warm water after 10 minutes of waiting. If necessary, the procedure is repeated after a few hours.

Witch hazel to relieve irritation

It is a well-known cosmetic ingredient. But it is also useful in medicinal purposes. The astringent properties of witch hazel can have a beneficial effect on relieving swelling and irritation that accompany an insect bite. This remedy relieves itching well. Apply a small amount of witch hazel to a cotton swab and rub it over the affected area of ​​skin. Wait until the liquid has completely evaporated. You can repeat it several times a day.

Calming properties of oatmeal

To relieve any kind of itching and inflammation, oatmeal is a very effective and very affordable home remedy. It is known for its anti-inflammatory and soothing effects, which can quickly relieve itching and reduce inflammation. Two glasses for this oatmeal, and best of all, add flour from them to a bath, where you can immerse the bitten legs or arms for half an hour. Repeat this soaking two to three times a day, depending on the severity of the symptoms.

To quickly relieve pain from a bite, you can try a simple home method - toothpaste with menthol. The cooling effect of menthol will help leave itching and reduce pain. It is not advisable to use gel toothpaste for these purposes. A small amount of paste is applied to the affected areas of the skin for ten minutes and then washed off with cool water. Can be repeated if necessary.

Treating a bite with honey

Regular honey - indispensable assistant V home medicine cabinet. If you are not allergic to it, then you can lubricate the skin affected by an insect bite with it. The moisturizing property of honey will have a soothing effect and reduce itching and swelling. For the best effect, you need to wait about half an hour before washing off the honey from the bite site.

Neutralization of poison with aspirin

Aspirin can neutralize the venom from insect bites to promote rapid skin recovery. The anti-inflammatory properties of this medication may reduce swelling and itching. To do this, crush one aspirin tablet and add 1-2 drops of water to it to obtain a medicinal paste. The affected area of ​​the skin is treated with it and washed off with warm water after a few hours. Repeat this 1-2 times a day.

Onion antiseptic

Onions, as you know, cure a hundred ailments. Treatment of insect bites with its help is also very effective. Thanks to its antiseptic properties, the body can more easily cope with the pain, inflammation and swelling that develops after a bite. A small amount of chopped onion is used to form a bandage and attach it with an adhesive plaster or bandage to the bite site. After 20 minutes, you can remove it and rinse your skin with water.